HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-17, Page 3OCTOBER 17, 1't 79., ,t raids Senrettei•,4 story, " The devises biwhich' women •'defraud the crOrtents In a neat brown stone mansion up. town lives JL keen eyed, sbarp-feetured.. woman, who is employed .he a 'searcher in the Custom -House. • ' 1VTadam, you know something of the tricks of spingglers, do you not,?' said the reporter, ' Yee, pito especially female mpg - glees, who, I must say, parry :on..their: nefarious business with the reest ohat•m ing effronterq. Of course, there are petty smugglers of bothsexes, but for cunning, boldness and :determination, the women cannot be approached.Do you -ka. ow tbat.-women--ar-e•born cheats 4.. Oh, well, I mean in this direction. A woman's dress affords her more facili- ties for hiding small but .costly articles, an'd: it is far less easy to detect them • than wen, and almost impossible to 'dr: oumvent' them., as tilt'` elder Weller would say, when they set their wits to work.., It takes an' experienced searcher to say whether a woman had got 'any- thing concealed about her, and we can- not search evexybodv, some of the defer` ones manage to get through 'witltoiat . detection, goods, among which wits a small library ' Sortie very funny • instances hit• a of note and uncutbooks.• conte under • my pwn observation. I. onoe searched a young 'lady, a thin - faced, delicate creative, and int reason fpr doing so was that she appeared ra- ther abnormally developed: above the waist. Well, I found in the . lining of • her corsets. a quantity of jewellery, valued at several thousand dollars, She .was evidently'a new hand at the:busi nese, and was quite amazed when we informed her that the jewellery must be confiscated to the uses of .the 'Gov- ernment. . ere''Yes, eqmupiltoeyoainytbeter _ 67f ulastdoyri sheaorcushe on- f lead. -1, l : Stc, authorities.• When u ' party' is sus-, pected she is taken .into a :private .-apartment and_ then •etirofu113 stripped, garment after garment; even her boots. and stockings are removed and her . un- derclothing examined rigorously. This is done despite the 'mot' affecting pro-' • teatations on the part of the victim. It very often happens that a ' lady' .will. pass' thestripping ordeal "succesfally.: Nothingis.. found-- on Iter.,. -and—t searcher is afraid a mistake has been made, but•a lucky rip of . the •Corsets, dress of pantalettes 'brings to light a glittering mass of carefully concealed precious stones or costly laces.... • I suppose,' said the 'reporter,' ' the lady searchers have co. drop all Senti- ment in making their h r THE CLINTON NEW ERA watches,. bemuse ' her friends woods be• 'disappointed.' conversation with a shrewd special agent the writer learned that a great deal 'of sinugglinl,Y is done in a quiet way by Caval officers. Of .course• these gentlemen bring "'press its for their mothers, wives and sweethearts,'" but tate goods are generally t•Jo costly and ;'are to admit of this explanation, And notwithstanding stringent .rules.' and strict witch, the gtimo goes on. Oh, yes,' said a passenger tn• an agent recently, �' I've got some new Y yy ? clothes. How nlan} Oh, shout five suits, three silk hats, I think, and •two opera hats,-a"watch,or two. • i1Iy wife l Well, I don't think.she'd got_anything. ` e she'bas a few dresses and some shawls ; well, just. a few yards of lace and some diamonds. • I forgot to Stay I've a box or two's cigars: •No, sir, there's nothing in my •baggage of• • u . dutiable nature,' • ' The passenger was quite surprised to find' how differently' the tam regarded. his formidable list of articles, and still more was he surprised' when the 'agent. demanded. the key:$;., of the-trunks,..aud .scattered abouts an array of dutiable TWO trieks'were played on the agents of an amusing':character. They. bad a large number of cbildron's carriages and wooden horses to. pass. but were rimeb surprised to find then} extremely. heavy. 'There was a swindle, but where.? .Happy. thought t the officer. ripped open the cgahions of: several, and. found, 'neatly wrapped' in cottonwadding,. a' consider- able quantity of gold' watches and.jew- ellery, On another :occasion a p>yorni- nent firm iwpor ting ertorrnons quanti- ties of hollow. leaden toys was -found' to be doing so to esetlpe. the ,higher.• duty. A. Fishing, tiog.. The:•Cincinnatti Inquirer prints, t}tii. :'following recently : " An •account of a remarkable incident comes from .Auora, Ind. A•few days ago, as a: trio of young men, one a'son of a.prominent citizen of bilis city.,. were ,fishing . for bass in Bogan Creek, near'.A.urore, they were disturbed by a eplaah in tlie• water as -some ,-nimul j• um l;i'ng.-into-the�streani Looking' in the direction, they sat? ;a large black' hog, ' which Aad: evidently come down; from among the roaming lots of .porkers _ which Make -life a.bur den in and around the town,swirnming rapidly toward the''centre ,of the ;pool, which was about 100 feet ,wide and,. t en scare ers eight feet deep. At about the:Centie .' Why, certainly. Wo are the most I the animal disappeared, feared retraining . un- matter-of-fact ii Ea ,: b matte - -w r of fact women inu orad w e .th -der-t o water fot a considerable ablN fi e' and on tetippeal'ing Was seen to have in his inouth a live buss about eight inches long; with which; he swam :shore and: proceeded to eat' with' the 'avidity and relish 'peculiarto his species. .After having swallowed tho last vestige, with a grunt, the anima] again . betook hint- self to the water and again •dived to the bottom. Corning up with a snort, lie •made: again; for•tlie: shore with another with another : fish, 'which he dispatched' a quickly. as before: ' This was.repeitt- ea a third time,• anti on the fourth trip the animal seeurod a small • turtle, which it also carried .ashore, and after sot:ue difficulty. managed to dispatch, ` rr. •breakln the 'shell with itsstrongteeth • �h , after .which it ambled off, satisfied with its fishing experiences for the day. The story is remarkable, but• is vouched for by a young gentleman of undoubted ve-' malty, a ion of Mr. Henry W. Smith; of,thiu city,who saw the performance.. Ile thinks the animal'niust have'caugtit tlio fishes under :the ledges of rook in the bottom of .the stream, as it seemed to be rooting among the atones while underthe water." • These female smngg'ters imagine that their sex will protect them from. a, per sons! examination: An tttunsing in- stance of this"comes to my mind.. One of the lady passengers was detained :by 'the authorities, on information t eceived. A stout, elc1erly,looking • female, who bad been her companion. during' tete voyage, accompanied her to. the search - room. The stout lady was loud in ber . • denunciations, and threiitenedh all sorts of vengeance on the bold, 'bad men who• were giving her friend so wuch^trouble. But the searchers found .on'the, suspect=. ed person adlin'ge quantity of fine laces. and several cut diamonds. .Now, here's the joke. ke. 'iNhen the old lady and he friend were abort leaving 'the room, . one of the lynx -eyed searchers' noticed something peculiar about the 'hang of the unsearched woman's dress. In an instant we knew something was wrong. We lifted the skirts" of this respectable old party, while both—wo- men shrieked. Now, hanging round' this woman's dress, securely tied with ittlze,_.wexe.same highly velueble':yioiins, which are subject to a heavy duty. ' I .remember another case : that of a middle-aged woman, who roused my suspicion by her jet black hair. You see her face was wrinkled, and I thought. it 'strange she should have 'snob fine hair. I politely. intimated nay desire .oiiieer heard their voices auto peeped ted in- p 1 to the cell: Both of the. children were down on their knees, with Minds clasp. ed and tears ritnning flown theiralleNlts. "O Lord, please let its out of this place, e:nd 'we'll never thy it, ttgalll, :never," discovery wedecidedto snake fuller e:•,- 'p•isilyed one sobbing ctrl crit, ' while the amination, nd w g. rewarder t a amply; t, ai me v tier - , 'd prayer., 1 . dill• r was ',speaking: th Lit s P er. ec s for our trouble. • "Prity"llttrdei•,"' said one of thein, and An old trick of female smuggler's is speak your Weeds. 1J'luiii. or OM won't understand you." " C 'try to, ,,1•initny,. but I'm crying so I can't," swirl the other, 'and then•both redoubled their prayers. 't officer 'sl'sitpc.1 away, got the . keys and eotnpoi1nded • thheir felony: Thi' effectual fervent prn:•yer of _a• nctirhty boy' availed) much. At Holyoke, Noses., last week,. two ,Attie boy,; ware Jtlreated. for stripping theleaves•t'roth the teees'iu''the park. Soon atter they had been locked tip an - to search her, and commenced by, ex- ploring the mysteries .of that beuitifurl hair. Why,.it was a wig, so skilfully constructed that the chignon'Concealed a number of precious'. stones. On this , to have rare jewels and laces sewn in folds about various parts of their.drosses. and underskirts. I once seized seine fine Lyons velvet' done up in this Way. Sometimes I find precious• stones lightly. covered with cotton, and secreted in. the bosoms of these ladies. . I saw One searched who was completely enveloped in lace, wound about her, person, lace of such a, cobweb texture that a roll of three -yards of it could be passed through a small finger ring. Tri the days when wide hoop starts were in Vogue T. saw a slightly -built lady walkit'g as T, thought rather heavily, awl '1 felt marc elle re• gnired ins; services in relieving her of some dutiable articles. I found hen r: ingrain each vii t r io ulsii li 0 - t ie skirt a selection of valuable gold watohes, hi fact quite an invoice of time -keepers. I found sat afterward that the lady was not ft prot'esafonal smuggler, but that these watolles were for friends who had personally solicited her to get theist an English watch. She looked very ninon confused When de tected, and innocently asked whether we could not .al'low' her to have, the iiayetiis �a'ftll`•. . ilc'wever varied may he the opinions con, corning the validity qf 1{ayes's title to the Presidency, there is,hot a giiption in the minds of either I.iemoorats or ilepublicans upon one important point, viz t the emotes- tiotiable right of Dr. T'ierce's Family Medi. cines to the title of the Stant aril Remedies of the age. Liston try the voice o the serve• reign people. i)r, 31. V. Pince, lint , ' Y. Dear ser-- Your. I'leas:tut Purgative Pellets seem to be partitwleely adapted to the wants of the people in this warm climate, rheic bifllous affections are particularly prevalent. I regard them as the best catasatie i have ever tried, Yours truly, .1'. C. 1teuderson. Roston, Mass„ lltiv l lige, If178.. Dr:.11. V. Pierce, Mifflin, N. Y. Dear Sit ----Your Golden Medical Discovery has 81118(1 my lion of 'a 'fever Sore 'of' • two years' standing. Plisse accept our gratitude, Yours truly, Henry Whiting., General SEWING MACHINE DEPOTI . A splendid assortment of first-class. SE WING MACl1INES always on band, NEEDLES and every furnishing kept in stock. ALSO REPAIRING' SHOP, Sewing Machines of every make repaired, and new parts kept on hand, Having; engaged. practical machinist, all work done here fa warranted to give oocl satisfaction. Charges Moderates H. NORSWORTHY •Iluruu Street, one door west of tt.e Comnserollal: hotel, Ulinton. Ont. .....r °TICE, NOTIIEi NOTICE. • atter a.11d POSITIVELY= ' flA rrF' PR 11 11 .S l Sl HUGH ALLA 00. HtLs�f �� ,LONDESBOEtO, NParcb.,7, 1878. 7n ,4• fl -L•A W; Iy87S iDi JJ • WHEAT 4.. Ly -Laity for ' 'slopi,4ci(/ •21X+, 1100(1, in. the It �Y r/ . Toionsh, p -of Hulled. it AIR , ILAS .11 >. Witt at ts,. flan Accu of land mentioned inth� nutoxed . , plan :ma which, saidpiece of•land th hereinafter:de.•��• e ; t�j • �-1'Tt scribed by metes and hounds, has heretofore been used THE. E s]:T - r ti CH A EI lj es a hoed : . . , •• a . r And whereas said road has ecased to he of public use, it is desirable t0 Mese tiro same up ; And whereas, all the,prelitninary steps required by .. V IGTOR, law • to enable this Corporzation to pass Milli IIs -law for the purpose of closing. up paid road,hnve been duly - takenasrequiredbylaw; • AND. THE CI.iA.WSON • Ile it. therefore enacted by the Corporation of the Township of Hallett aforesaid, and it is hhereby enttetcd by the authority sit the sane, That the said ]toad m ex r. " r ex- tending fropoint letter to•point letter " C," its 1' • AMO,. inw11t,vJ geed CInc1 .%i'jP, ' .. marked ori said plat) and being parts of Lots Seventeen and Eighteen, in the (glide Concession of the said Township of Millett, Iola tihicii road La hereinafter. At his stere; Ifamiltori Street, More paill ntlarly described' tiltfbllows: Titatl(ttr�1V, C� — % 0 cemtnencin . at the north limit of Concession Itond,. itt' the distance of. twelve chains .sixty-four links on a • course south, Tiny -seven degrees east from the south- . Aug. 23,1878•'. wmterty angle Of Lot numberkioteen in ilio said Ninth Concessionof ii ullott Townt`i» p; &corn North ,Seventy-seven degrees; East eleven chains fort}-liti:s; thence worth thirty -throe 5851005 thirty uihtutes,East twenty-one 50810s live lints • thence South sixty-two degree, twentytive minntos; lsast SOVOil chains Ilfty-five links; thence North thirty -thee degrees thirty tnin- uteS, 'East twelve chants fifty links, to a -paint on the centre of Bridge Street, opp0.ritc the south limit of :tail Street, in the - Village of Hartford, comprising a width.. of thirty links on each side of the lino here described, girl( colltahily, •by atlmemineelnent, three acre, anti. twenty-fourporchos.nf land, 00 and the S•arc i. hereby Notice is hereby given that the shove is a tui c•;py or a proposed by 14tt, which will be t then Into consider, talon by:tho rihutlellr tl t,ouuctl of'thcTownship of Hui- lett,Its the County of Unroll, at the t ifiage nt Lomb..+- boriuglt, in the said 'Township of Mullett, nit t,n-tytli, (eighteenth) clay et October, i 78. • Ny t cit , illi tl Tlilv AI CI• • MAliADO.1MSO 1 .t WATSON, 11AIt13ISTEILS, &c., • CLINTON AND OODERICII. S. Mercoai+tpx, IV. 7I. McrsnnaN GYoncn A. WArso5, Cltuf an'. 'INtrAlsieernson Will be in Clinton every Friday, TI -I% AL1 AN 'ZINE 1011400 — LONDONBDR tYGLANO 't SHORTEST SES. PASSAGE. cabin, 5..Lernr.tt>lufett...l ( tet'a.t... 6'ick• Ilnllctt,8ept 18re 7nnnshipt'terk, , • els at 11,Owtt'11 flat 0.1. ■ i .TLTf';'r 3'cu, C1l11'6'"Iii),. ----A `Glottis swirl; or•--•�•- til loll1l1I1;►-", It tl me., ETC. rmod Mil milt It the aboveatiihtrte tnotice.'nn at ttirVt ri T 5,OWis4'l." =TRH. • Ali.i Q i , � RSA 5li ttomemberthe i'1 -•VICTQXIIAStreet Gitnton,8ept 6,1877. lavary Saturday .from Qubect poLYNT9It,i4 •19th "• • i.iittlllltN,, hie h s i ..ERAt,J, .t CCI. , i s. I;i+r+yiuUJ, I,cnrlo+v(lrrr'lvr' t.lry(tirnrrns- t ri'tt7t, B'e l fo. i, London, .13r'iivl'at,.. (`arrtilJ: I'orthrou,h 'tickets and orery raforivation ripply to 1 ST (Art 0E, ft, T. 11„ .5ptent, Clinton. Clinton, May ire, I$7n. w J THE KEENEST COMPETITION Among Cus.tph*ers for who will be first to secure some .of the. Cheap Goods, now going at S. C. GILROY'S CASH HOUSE; 'Riley all say they are without doubt lower than offered by any house to Clinton,: simply because I sell thele' for gash, ',arid save ; to the customer •the long creditprice charged by,., houses who sell on time, See our SHIRTS AND DRAWERS atit0 cents, tip towh.prtj.e, D0 colts, See our HEAVY CRAY -TWILLED FLANNEL30 cents, up street price, 35 cents, See our HEAVY rl'WILLT!lD CANTON FLANNEL at 10 cents, gold .outside for 121 Dente,. ' w See our H17A'PY ALL W001., 131: ANS.E'1,S'at, people say; .fromnten ,to. fifteen Pee cent lower than other houses. See our DRESS GOODS in all,the leading shades, with Battens, .G'riiiges, Twist and sewing . Silks to match in color; at very low prices.' . • See our HEAVY AL1'. WOOL TIV !EDS for 60 Cents, 'worth 75 other places: Iii fact, see all our goods' It will amply repay any person who wishes to 1iuy'dnd save.long prices, to look at our Cash Prices .and see the difference. • OPENING TODAY one case of Ladies HEAVY LONG MANTLES, from. $1 SOE up 08 high as you like, to go. .?.iso, 2 dozen Ladies STYLISH FUR. GAPS; newest'goods ui..' the market ; ladies.ahogl'd see them,.: Also, HEAVY ULSTER GOODS, for Men, and .Boy's. .` Coats, at only $1 per 'yard., double width. 1 would say do not buy an?tteliere till you see, the prices cd the .dare House. if you have but Fifty.+• Dollars to lay out,. spend it at. GILROY'S (JASHHOO'So. ; Clintt, Oot. 17,1878: Jr. ' 4-I1 , Q ., mpMart all aluabic liiiproomellts AS GOW :1114 CP .RSON & CO ••� it1ANU-5ACT:USEFS OP — iLIMA ,1111.RESIONG MACH,INES9: 'VLi3RAT01� i"IHRSHXNG IVIAGHINES, PITT'C I1tiP.ROV D HORSE POWEIt ;' AGRI(.1JTyTURtL'STEAii ItNGf#14.tJSS,: For the court Season n aare int u ' e we cod am man "new and valuable o m''will g, ., . g y d, imps ve ante, which place our machines i•An ix ADVANCE of any others mantlfaotured in• the DominionWe es peciallycall' the attention of threshers to our CLIMAX SEPA1 AI O, with ,the New' End Shake. Shoe, which, for smoothness• of tinning, napocity'and .perfection of cleaning, far sur- paases anything yet produced..' It has been thoroughly tested, has proved a coniplete success; 'and is fully 'warranted. • ' • RE2a�•. erX"IMP 01-.i c ING .'T yS 'SMQ1�t2.C�x, BattcEF;Eicv.-lllay 11, 187$., It is with pleasure P testify to the' superiority of your NFew.ENp, SHAKE CLlMAX, SEPAEAroit,' T thoroughly '•tested, it last season, .and can say thatit runs the smoothest and lightest,has the largest capacity for se aranan eleaning,, and does the Lest work o any machine I have yet,seeu, • .It is (pito ;unnecessary 'to, brace the machine. All that is required, is to sot it iu plade,. when it,ierready for work,. and it' williren without jar'or noise. I would not have arty other than. the New END SITAsd CilAIAS. ^ ' JOHN 'Al1iEIsill AD... MANY OTHER TM11'II0VEMENTS, such as lowering the front (or .Cylinder) end e£. machine, adding a tightenerpulley to Panning` Mill Belt, windlass for raising the Straw Carriers, improved " Concave Adjuster," etc., have been made, which will add largely to the worth of machine. OUR PITT'S POWERS have been improved' in various ways, still further adding to their durability, convenience,. and ease of running, ' ALL MACHINERY I3 REN AND OARE3¢t7LLY TESTED BErORE-LEAVIN4 TEE' FAOTOR'itw''—' lire solicit: inspection' OO(1)• niac1iiiiPJ'LefOr'c purchasing Alscwllot•e ' • GLASGOW MACOHERSONI '114 CO. Ofrerox Acnrcctrintit, Zonis, May, 1878. TilE TUo1IaaN & ILLIA a M&NUMCTURI �: O. F: S T R, .A' T F O R• D,' INCORPORATED 1874s Successsors'to Thomson & Williams, ofMitcliell,' Agrieultural Engine Works DIRECTOR. S T ,n. IZOIICI3 ' LIbISS)N, FnFsmENTrA.-TI.-WILuIA141�ggf,_ vIf EsP1tE$..r AL4YXr 6'rliANir _ _ SED.-TaitAs: ; 7. RED'I ORD, W. MOWAT, J. CORCORAN, W, MARSHALL. a . MANUFACTURERS OF Johnston aryds#o rsf Single Rea ors1 Mowers and Combined Machines, s► Drills,Horse Seeders, Seed , Powers, Sawlog Machines, Grain Ct'ushers, Straw Cutters, Plows, Gang Plows, &c.. ...,_ and iBo Builders. of StearnEngines111i16 x's, ;0.11 sizes `iVA'I'Etl WHEELS AND ALL KINDS .0F 'MILL MACHINERY. , Contractors,for Wrist and Sam MMMills'conapioi . Also for .dialer Works for cities, towns and sitiages, on the Holly System,.I� Cheese Factory 41fachinery a Specialty. ' 311,dress.:l'HOMSO.N do \SvII.I,IAIIS, ;1Barsnfactisrin„ Co., Stratford, Ont.,. Feb, 0. 1870. . G DERICH �01:1i4I�1�Y u f aJ o f Ali. d .h ri o .b.Li. p a .1.1 y? ac-g Li ,IC>c, N T' (i-i•:ty14mlir.t•f(U' Mndiel'e i ,of Latest. Boiler.; 1f�:>ltX>s��s. and ���:�Z Machinery ���l�s Ariddlixnt ;l t Irprovod ICznds. j ''ern* THIS GREAT $, English Remedy (�•• iq especially re. '' 1 • to 'amended as an • /, unfailing emo for tie n it t l Wont:- '+� fir•, orrnh r. •c, rtK,�"�'-G' i , s, t t unto r rte i?a hen, '11.,i,,r.t nty, x: r 1 Anel all diseasts ``� ''i t that fu:iou as a J J. L lin rsc n nee•• of ;,elf• Abuts, as toss of:Vern r,y,-Po Worse" t:nasttnde, Pain 'in the tack. Dimness, (V),l n. Prnaatnro Old Ago, and inane other rllSOASef that load to Insanity or t'otrsntnp- tion, and a i'rontarnrt Grave, all of which as a rale are first caused by deviating from rho path cf nature and over•fudnlgenee, Tho Shnelrietootllcine In the tomtit of a life study and many yPersef exlmrleveo,itt treating these special diseases. Pamphlet free by mail, The Speeific:1todinineJs scold by all .Drngel fits at Si per rack. age, or six pm:logos for $E, ro, will be sent by muff Olt receipteftho money, ltya. drensintew d. GthA1 .Pt e10,. Windsor,Ont. Sold itt Clinton by J. J1, Otitbb,rot ,Tsll ail arlt.ppl ste avoi ywnere. rR+RIC d.J LTURAL IMPLEMENTS, t�:d JtllJ ENTS>*'• f various `kinds. grass and Iron: Castings. STOVES' of v m 1 . 71 ;f'. inti- I'Zt'•( IlI'.l`'rzie .l"2'1'114PED To, [+*O1.t. iIALL LlMAP Second hand' BtJgInt,s and toilers of. IG, 20 and 30 Ilorao Power alsoi, Stave Machine, Shingle and heading ltla'ehine, and Heading �. o`lnter find Plainer. ' ` Gonnntg11, Feb. 1, 1 S77,. •