HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-17, Page 1•
. 1101.71.34410.• tlit, • • •
IP*111,3g0i-$140.0.Pfir Asksatt(m,. U sasiVolsksue0
gott ototonto.
, .
'/NARD-TO TJXE LADIES -T.1 wish to
‘...s form the ladies of Clinton and tioinity that 1 am
now prepared to DO OVER, OLEANr- ANI) »E,
STRAW AND FELT IlaTS, of every description, re-
modelling them into the latest shapes and styles, at
the storo of O. II. WittOur kk Co. MISS othrxseno.
Clinton, pet. 17,1878. '
ID Sunday, the 13411 lush, it IIND COW, With whito.
belly.. and brass tip on end of on,e horn. Any ono Lear
ing tnformation as to her Whereabouts, fit the NNW Pala
(Alice, or at Mit. Intmas's farm litit•ou Bond 'will be
suitably lewardetl.
Clinton, Och 174878.
"LiA.RM FOR. SALE ---In the TOWitirldil of
Cioderloh. Tho undersigned offers for this it farm
on the 14th conoesdion of tioderieh .Township, cenaish.
ing of part of iota 53 and 04, being 68 aereti,'ruer0, or
loss. About 60 acres are cleared, tho bahllnie tirallee
land. On the place is a log house, frame barn, .• Stable
and shed, and about seven acres of tall wheat. Will be
sold ou reasonable terms. Apply personally, or by
letter, to WILLIAM JENICINS, Iformegvn.'r,u R. 0.
Ooderich lownship, ooL 14, 1$72. '
Notice is healty given that the partnership hereto-
fore existing between GnAssrint WU)
this day been dissolred by mutual.copsent. ' Mr. Chris.
Cunningham has assumed the payment of all data
contra°, ed by/the said Ann of Sr assick Ounningbatne,.
and will also oolleet all duo ,the same, as well as eoutinut.).
tho business. •
Witness: •• THIS. GII&SSICK.
Joan CUNNIN(111.01E. 0. 'OUNNXNOflATtIII..
Dated at Clinton, otit.14, 1878.'
'VOTERS' LIST, 1878-Munieipality of the
V Township of Hullett. Notice is hereby given that
have transmitted dr delivered WEI.° poraous mention.
rd in the third and fourth scalene of " The Voters
Lists Act." the copies required by said rieetionsto be se
tranimitted or delivered, of the list made pursuant to
said Act, of all persons sliPeariag by thedast revised.
Assessment Boll of the Bald hIgnicipality, to he entitled
to vote in the said Municipality itt ElectiOna for
bore of the Legislative Assembly apd itt Municipal
Elections, and that said list wa4 twit paato,t up n t 'ray
office, at the 2 ownshi,i of Hallett, nn the ,Vntateoutlt,
flay of October, 1878,7 nt re:walla there for hispeatlen,
Eleetors ute called &ton to examine the said list, •and
if any omissions or other errors aro found therein, to
have the Hall 019011 cop•eetod aecordaig to law.
Ihttel itt Hallett, thio 14th day of Ootober 1878. "
Clerk of sald-3/quielpalitY. •
. Lognssnouo.P.p.
• •
QI1AWIJ Lost -On the Gravel Road, ne-
twou Clinton and the Oth concession of Hulled',
on the 2fith inst., A, 'WOOLLEN SHAWL, The ander
will confer a favor by leaving the scone atne Omur.ols
rum nex °mac.
74ullett, Sept. 24, 1818.
LUIBE1LFOR, SATIV..-TII:e subscriber of.
fera fog sale a quantity of 16 and %fleet logs, hem-
lock, waloh en be ettWa tO taller. The logs are it Ha-
ber's MB, Londosboro, end will be sold mi reasonable'
torms, Apply to 11013E11.13E0S. or to J, LAWItENOE,
Lontlesboro, -
Londeoboro, Oot. 9, 1878, ' 4 1
- '
FOR SALhe E.-Tsubsetiber Offers
•14 for sale an aerCef land, situate on the Ciibbings
survey, near the Clinton High Sthool. • The lot is ;well
fenced, has on it it largo quautitymf goOd fluit trees,
and is A oltzellant building alto. Toles reasonable.
Apply to E, CHESSER,
• Obuton, Oot. 1878..
•DissoLuTtoN OF PARTNE11$110.-
Notice is hereby given that the partnership exist*
ing between sugars Sonia &Worthington hat' this day
bon dissolved by mutualeonsout. Mr E. A. werthing.
ton has assumed the payment of all debts eonsraotesshs ,
the.said-fIrna Of, Settles at, Worthington.,:Also,...kq,Alp TOO trio,,SA prornipeut exhibit bet_,,,mile that
oolleot the Name.
Witness w. L. SMILES. „
As Wesastourrox. ; 13,11. Wonwitcaorou, lho building all to herself ; some of the
Clinton, ihis sIh day of goober, 1878; ;
- tielets Of fancriworis revealed the exer-
• else of greht time and,:patience. There
• omneximo S. HOW, '
On Wednesday and Thersday last the
annual show of the Stanley Branch .Agi
lieultural Society was lield itt Bayfield,
• and proved a greater success thaa
any previouS occasion, The display in.
the indoor department. was one that
would have done credit tO /I Moth h'irger
tMs Meg paTticida'ely fmticeable
•in the fruit and vegetables, of -which
there • were numerous' •fine sweeimens:
ThSVE Was not nfuelf butter shay/xi, but
whet was there was of' splendid quality,
and if 'farmers' Wives wohld „take 'rei
much trouble in making this article for
kialeT7FrtheY do for show, there would
bo lofiS said abmit " bad butter." in
Ladies Work there wss a good display,
. .
of 1.V1';4. fStOrs•cs„ wile hod ohe corner of
WAS • the "ifkOttl catoplement• of' horse
shoes litirness e7,,ain &c,
'1 he undersigned otters for attic his awls et 100 pores, T1-10 ShOW ontside 's 'os olso (rood one,
being eauthltalf of 100 311, Snd e011. of East 011. • ei • •
85 sores eleared,rdinciindor good hardwoodbush. 1Prunie best perhaps -•in .the horhe clasSes, Where
• •
and alight first-erisss °milord. Situate about, aa miles* z 11131(10le
barn tfix60, frame house,..outhnildiugs, good well, acre great iniproVements hay!) bee
from the allyth. Farm ig til tensed, Rod in late yettis ; there was it• burn sr for-
Vaed state of 0WD:ration. •
• ' - souls s. WAGNER, 1 Pinery attic; sheep and pigs shown, tied
„••• --tuYth few of isn peeved' breeds ; wtiggrnis, ca
taet Weavauosa, Sept. 7, 1s7,8.
i•inges, iniplottenta, &c., Onto pf.
FA •F 0 Fi S A L • lent , workmanSiiip contributed their
. —
The, uuderaigried offers for a e his form ,1 100 ser, .•
Wing' •
lot 22, 2nd con, Tackersmit11,14-1-1.80- There was large,. se,nd the .01.11cciss, of the asso.•
'aro SO atom ,clettrod and in good state of cultivation, .ciatiou d' i' credit for the elliciency
being woll muler-drainod ; balance -hardwood. On tile- „ ,
promises are first-class buildings, good orehrkd, plomy - of -tliew arrangenf ents Below is tin\
of 'water,' dna till' conveniOnooe. The faint ia Si miles 1 ii i..,- . ; .,.,
The attendance, en the second slay
pi ze
• • J-Ionsp,4 112Avy- wrapriepor-- ood mare
ALEXA , psn CAMPBELL, SnArorierf F.0;
1.1878. . • 14 and foal,' Ohne: r,_.. ..i:' 'Tirrtt year old gelid,
frcun Secifortir end ()from Clinton.. .Particulurs dp- 0 • .
plidation at this lice, or the proprietor,
• iug, 1st Chas, Tough ; gnd Jonah Mathison.
Thoroui,c11,r bred *, Cotswolds F A B 1:1* 0 A 1.E. '
The i•nbgeriber offors for min liam lambs, Ewe Iambs,. • , •
and t.e'ed Ewes, of the Cotswold preea..at arices to Knit 1400.14LIC
TweyOar old gelding,. lot J Nieboldeni Oil 0
• Tough:is Ong year old gelding,' James 'Arm -
Ono .year old 1111y,, .,MbLean.
Span Working_horees, W •
' . OwNERAr. PurtrOsE. IfortsEs.---Broorl mare
buntilicl., . undereigned offers fOrluildilic south part (If Int find , 0 , 1St Alex Sparks ;• 'Is'herritt.
Lot 2i"18th Con. Dullett.- 12,11nron 11031, Opderich Township eenSisting.of .,5Three yea, 041 A.. Three
• shishinkand 'balance thibered laud. On tho 'remises Y y' • edi
Londeaboro P. O., Oct. 16,11378.' . ' • • • ' :noi:es; more or los. About 80, seSeeretoareass gem ear old - Sparks Two.year old geld -
RE DU 'TIONCIN PRICE. is a f rame barn 20-.7* tlf,, e x , geo young or- , 1st- Johnscnr;--24 Xt-Mo n ter'''. v-0
, able torms. Apply personally or by totteryear old filly lst•Jot Bushy • 24.-AlosiOrtuips-
.•• shard Rua neve failing spring. Will be sold onreaS011-
• • IABIBS ZNTICENAP, bell. One yf3ar•olel gelding, 'fel., Atmstreng;
A 1.1331111111 1313,E.M.
* '26 • neraresvuns .1* o gd. Robb Relds One year old filly, lot Alex
. ,
'The undersigned; while thanking bleonttioniere for
tire liseral patronage sisterrassrmins-usturcrtatimers
that he his decided otl reducing the price of bread,
which lte Will hencefort91,411 at TEN.CENTS V leaf
, cash ; or Twasys sossers credit. . •
WM. LEE, • .
Victoria Bakery, next to Printing Otnee.
Clinton. Oct. 17,, 1878.
volnmo of over 490 pages.r" 1000 Practical rtecipes,
or Information for Everybody," given to ever" sabscri-
ber to the
ry- •
1 -
Butane(' (II 1878 "PEE tO New Halkayibers.
LIBERAL TurcuS- ••
'13EST EvEn'ors'EreEn,•
• Lissy 011.? ATTILACTIONb.:
1 -Latest News from all over the world,
2 Eight papa, 64 cols. good paper, cloattypo.
8 -Farmer's page, edited by W. F. chose, Esq.
4 -Teachers' Department, specie* edited. -
r,--Baleneo of 1878 gratis.
6 -Dr. Chase's Recipes, enlarged and hoproved,
every thbacriber.
7 -Ladies' Department-?.‘mic. Pictures, $4:C.
ft-Spc..14 W mite= Ontario news.
11 -Complete Temperance Beard.
10-Roliable and complete 51arket Reportd.
TERXS FOR 100.-8E60 per year,with Recipe. bolt
or if preferied, choice of engravings. " Weningtot and
Blucher," tr"The Sanctuary." 81.50 withoutpremitun,
balance of 1870 gratis. .
t.& -Parties wishing to canvass for tho Anvemagen,
Outdid send a postal card, asking for free Agents' Pack.,
age and sample copies. Address all comnumications
QTRAY STEER.- Came into the premises
kJ of the subacriber, lot 49, London Road, Tucker=
smith, about the 1st of September, it three year old
Steer. The owner is hereby notined to prove preperty,
pay charges, and takeitaws.y. JOHN any-HENSON.
Tackaramith, Oot. lot MS -
Advertiser Moe, Lormos.
QTRAY HEIFER. -Came into subscriber's
si profiting, 1ot 27, London nod, Stanley, about
throe weeks since, a White Heifer, 2 yeara old, with
Sonia rod on it. The 0714.01.' is hereby notified 10 prove
proporty, pay charges, and take it away, J. AVERY.
Stanley, Oot. 3,1878.
QTRAY SHEEPs-ss8Grayed front the pre•
noses or tho imbscriber about the 12th inst., nine
Sheep-oix ewes, two apring'iconh 0, and ono ram, 'Any
one giving such information as will lend, to their ro.
eovery, will be suitably rewarded. Pl. BRICHENT/E.N,
Clinton, Sept. 10, 1878.
s •
-IVOTICE TO DEBTORS -The sableribers
-LI hereby notify all who are indebted tOrthenr, that
ell accounts most bo nettled at once, or they will 10,
placed in the hands of °them for collection. HUI3E10
Londosboro, Sopt. 19,1878. * •
the undersigned will not bo 'responsible for any
debts contracted after thig dote, in hut name without
Iiia written order. CHAS, WILSON, soar,
Stanley, Oat. let, 1878.
11...` *Corporation of Clinton has porchased steam firo
engine, they offer it small htuul engine for sale, suitable'
for small villages, mills or factories. Will be sold
cheap. Apply to It. SCOTT, Chairman Fire anal Water
Clinton, Oct. 3, 1878,
. . .
• Foster; gd Jelin Peek. workieg horsos.
F A It M FOR SAT l' Taffies c°w1°
• • • Canaries Housits....--Span dairiages- horses,
The tuthaegber_ogerg_thit_conveniontly situated 1171...liorse,slit,T X Ellietts 23 A_ AT Catopbellss.
• - '.
lst David AleBrine ; .2c1 J Buggy
desirable • farra9ot 61, stsi co. Hallett, for sale..10
cow, A Elcoat. 1141 calf, A Elcoat:
GRADE, CATTLE.---Mileb, tow having ra1sed,
calf in 1878, let James Cowie; 24 Robt Reid,
.Two year old heifer, lai Goo Sparks; grl•jas
acres, 80 cleared, remainder good hardwood. bush. There
are two frame batna_and two_frame sheds, dwelling
bottle, splendid well, good orchard; very good grazing
farm, andnnly four miles 0mM Clinton, where there are
two railroads. rOblieR131.011 given immediately.
• • WIT. BING1110,1.
moat, Sept. 12, 1678. • • Lindsay. Oue year old heifer, 1st J Snide*;
*-- gd A Elcoats, Yoke three year oia•ptors' D
F it o s A -L-E . Wilson. Yoke two year old steers, lst A El.
The eubsoriber offers that conveniently situated and
valuable farm, lot 15, Base Line, „Goad& Township,
containing 80 acres, on, which there aro a log house,
frame barn and stable, goottorcharat woll 'watered, 60
acres cleared, remainder goo& hardwood. Schoolhouse,
close to thsfarin. About four 'Mies from Clinton.
Apply to , WM. WHITELY,
' Londeshero; Sept, 12, 18721/ ' • ..*
• , •
• The Subscriber's offer that valuable and convoldent
Mill Property for yaks situated in the Township. of
Stanloyocar Varna, on the BaylieldItiver. There is a
Steam Grist Min ot two run of stones, and a Saw Milt
and Shingle Salt. With therein there nre fifteen acres
°Hand, with new hOthe find bank barn. For further
particulars apply to
. • MORLEY 11110S.
Varna, Sept. 5, 181E- •-
• --- . •
The undett-igned offers for sale a beautiful farm con-
taining BS acres, 45 cleared and in a good state Of calif -
',ration. Never -failing spring creek running across the
centre; there is also a splendid well, orchard, buildings,
&e„ on the place. It is well situated, being lot $5, 15t0
con. Goderiob Township, and is only half a mile from
the contention of tho Town of Clinton, and hag a fine
view of the entire town. For further particulars 'apply
At demon & Flnlaygon'e Grocery Store.
Pinatas, Stay 11, 1878.
J UST FrE E I VE 115 , •
corif; 241) Wilson. Yoke one year old steers
1st GI -Sparks • 2d It Turner. I at ox or steer,
1st and2d A Eleoat. Fat,c0r7 or heifer, lst
Wilsen ; 2d A Spatics, Bull call, let Geo
Weston : 24 J Armstrong Heifer calf; 1st
Geo Green ; 24 .1 11 ,Yoke Working
'oxensENVeetirsko. s
Voreavetn SHEEP, -Rain; two shea0 and
over, 1st John Walker ;' 24 Robert Snowdon.
Shearling rani; john RAM lamb,
lst LOVO, Se.; rkf Penhale. Pair ewes,'
having raised lambs in 1878, two allots and
over, 1st II Love, hi.;. fid John*W-filker. Pah*
shear,ling ewes, llit Jos Foster ; gd Jas Wella
Pair owe lambs, 1st John Armstrcing ; 2d jas
•NVelle. . • • • •
'Lmetstruu Snisnis,-'-•Aged ram,' ttiso shears
and *over, .1st jos Foster ; gel•G, Westlake.
,Shearling rant, I-1 Love, er. Ram lamb, lst
11 Losie, sr.; ;la J Wells. Pairs ewe's, having
raised lambs it 1878, two shore and over, 1st
3 Walker; 24 J Pearen. Pair shearling
ewes, lst It DalgalY ; gd A Bloat Pair
ewr3 lambs, 1513 A Elcoat ; gd \Vella. Pair
fat sheep, 1114 breed, lst A ; gd 11
Love, sr. ' . • s
Psess-Boat, large -breed; aged, rst J Fos -
fir.; 24 XII Elliott, Sow, large breed, litter-
ed 1878, Geo Sparks. Bear, large breed,
six months or 'ander, 1st 3'11 Pesten.; 24
Sparks. Sows. largesbreed, six months or
under, G Sparks. Boar, small breed, aged.
W .Johnston. Sow; small breed, aged, 1st J
11 Pearen ; gct iy Johnston. Boar, Small
breeel, Silt months 'or under, lets J H Pea7;
gd'afs CoWie, SOW, small breed, six mon a
or under J H Pearen,
• ' Dazirr'l'aorincit.-1'ennet salt butter, 40
tierksessligt ctilltregrjoilierti Mo.
MeDzine ; Mrli Stokes.- Ten lbs butter
7 in prints 1st Nits G Sparks • 24 Mrs D Ale -
Brine. Cheese tnade on factory principle,
. 1st Rua 2d Mrs John Tougli.
GRAIN AND SUM'S; - Two bushels white
'winter wheat,' lst and 2d 0 Tough. . Any
other kind winter wheat, 1.st /as Lindsay ;
2c1.3"ohttlYfeliinley. Two bushels Fife wheat;
• lett In Wykl.; 24 C Tough. Two bushel red
; chaff *heat, lot C Tough ; 24 A. Sparks.
Two bitehel any other spring wheat, W Camp.
bell. Two bushels two -rowed barley, C
Tough. Two butfhols foursrowed barley, 1st
G Spatics,* za Tough. Two bushels White
oats lst CI Tough ; gd G green. Two bush.
i__..elrdlack. oats, Ist....G.Siarks ; TOOL
TWo bushels large peas, C Tough. Two
bushels imall peas, A Haackee. Bushel thno.
thy peed, John Manson, Twelve ears corn,
lst Mosseau ; 2d John Wild,
Peurtt.-Apples, four Varieties. 1st john
Eggleson • gel J Tough ; T Elliott Col,
anplee Sparks ; 2d Jos Wells; 3d john
Tough'. Pears, four varieties, Jos Wilds,
Peaches, 1st B Robertson ; 24 A Haackce.
Grapes,,Ist Geo 'Weston ; 2c1 j Wilds.
Vaomasmus.-Early potatoes, Istrj Wilds;
gd Sos Spreadberry. Meld maugolds, long
red, 1st NV Woods ; John Walker, Meld
mangoldo, yellow globe, G Sparks. Late po-
tatoes„ Is.LT14sslecthm ••,2(1 A. Spark ,s Beete
for table use, 2rcv-ivo
Heads of cabbage, IstAlleackee;2d R, Bailey.
Heads at cauliflower, Baileys Carrots for
table use, let W Woods; gd .1 Tough, Pars.
nips, 1st Dr 'Woods; ga Wodde, Pump-
kins, 1 stIV Townsend; 24 (1Wild. Squashes,
1St Fred 'Woods ; 24 A Harrekee, Potato
nogg ;vase to inform the 118100 Of 011tttati ant VleinitY•
that the has opened a Mantle ad, Breathtaking estab-
liabnient on Victoria SOW, opposite the Ilettenbury,,
Ilf,cae. cAL1'.. firlfACIttt. apprentleCor wanto.
Clinton. Sept. lit, 1518.• ; March( 28,1878.
onions, .large English, Dr 'Woods. Potato.
onions., 'Canadia% let A Iletaetece; J "And -
say, Other onions, 1s13 A liaftekee ; gel NY
Woods, lot ton, 'Wagner; gd Cktrosis-Titoaonenagno,-.-Alileli ows' let
A Spathe.. "'Field carrots, let./ ad 11 Roes, 2(.1 A Forsyth, Two year old heifer,
W Weede, White celery,' 1st A Hooke ; 2a let 3.011inio 2c1 Thos Ross. • One Year Q10,
heifer, Robt I,Iod. Heifer calf, Ist T Ross,
gel, A. 'Forsyth. Ball ealf, A Forsyth,- ,
GaAns Carrost.ss.Yoke *irking oxen, ist..0.
-Floody, 21 3 Auld.- A.111,313 cosi/ having raised
'ettlf in 1878, 1st jos Lyon, 21 Jas Shobbrook,
Two year Ohl heifer, ist Jos Mulch, get -Tees
Stewart Veal, lst Rent Laidlaw, 23 4' Bose,
Saddle horse, ist blorrisonds Co, 24A Taylor;
Baggy horse, jot T Jizl, gd 3" Henry,
If AleCann, Led celery, 1st 11 McCann ; gcl,
A. Ilaackee. Citrons, lst Jas Armstrong ;
G Weston, Musk melons, let W Woods ;2I
A Macke°, Water Melons, NV Townsend;
2a Weeds, Deans, 1s13 W Townsend ; 2d
-111.ao800. "l'om-albee, large; 1st -Dr Woods- r
gel IT McCann. lematoes, 1st A flatte* Bose. One year old heifer, 1st T Bess, gcl hi
kee ; 20. 'Woods, • Cottle, Heifer, calf, larr ltosa, 2a It Mead.
mAxess.morolo -L-Wbite flannel, sat, Arra yoke two year old steers 1st J tyon• 21 G
Stewart. Beeve, lst J Lyon, gd.Br Sloan,
SBEEPi-OOTSWOLO, -Aged rat)); 1st Rolst.
prat, Aci Jam McConnell. Shearling ram,
lot If Snell 85 SOD, grl J' Gaining, Ram Iamb,
lot. arid gd ,Tohn Omnirig. • Pair aged ewes
having raised iamb e in 1878; lot J Dale, 2d, J
Pair shoaling ewes, lot and 2a Jas
„Potter. • Pair•ewo lambs; lot 3 -Potter, 2(1,1
Oil Ming, .
8*;iresanteleisz.,i'sritons,-L, nAgsleurir 8, oJna. s • SR?mbhiraoiroils),,
let W Grieves -23 II Snell & Son. Pair
Stokes ; 261D Melbsite, Colored flannel, 1st
J A ruisttengt. gel Mrs Stokes; 1Pagtoryoloth,''
lst Mrs Stokes; gels./ Armstrong, &Willett°,
JohnMcKinley. , Woollon•-blankets, ist D
AloBrine ; gd J Pratt. Woollen' yarn., 1st.
Alto T Cameron ; gd Mrs Stokes. ..Stacking
yarn, Mrs Stokes, Fine boots, Lit and 21 n
Clough Coarse boots, lst and pa Cloggh.s
Set double harness, 0 Straubel. . Set. buggy,'
Ifit.0 Straubel ; 21.1. -Thos Cameron,
Specimen obeyers' Work, Ist and 2a J Assn -
strong. .linecinten cabinet work, lst, W Mor.
non; gd Geminhardt. ' ' aged ewes liming raised lambs in 1878, II.
Lannia'sWoins.-Itorne made ..bi•earl, '10 Snell 4.4: Son; Pair Obeatline ewes, Dale.'
Mrs IiRobertion ; 2a Mrs j AleKinley. Tst,
ting, Mrs It Weals% ; gd Miss Jessie leash.
Crochet work, lst Mrs Turner; 2a Miss Peek,
Einbroider•y insmnalin, lst.Mrs T Preset sstlel
.1Irs AloOlinchey. EmbrSdery in worsted,
Mro T Eraser. Itlinbffidery id silk, -Mrs.'P
Frazar. Fancy braidme„ lst Mrs Stokes ;,21
Mrs ItsWats'on. Bead..work, Alio G Wcod,
Quilt its patch work, 1st : Mrs E. ; 24
ATis _Stokes; Fancy quilt 1st Miss Ai G
Wood ; 2d. Mrs Watson. Log cabin quilt. lst known; Boar latered in 187$, let and gd J
lios StreyenS ;..2d Mrs W Baker, ..-'0ent's Goiiei. Sow littered in 1878, 1st J (levier,
en shirt; Mrs Stokaa • Gent'e fancy 'flannel; .
shirt, Mrs Stokes. Plain hand.seiving. Airs • I
comfit, Stratford... Set horse shoes hammer:1 rots, red, lst ,I Barr; gd (leviers Swede
eels not Polished, David Cullen, . . turnips, .10' Win' Robertson, gd.• 'Af..utch.
Beets, 'lst Jos Barr, 2d• R Shertreash Man,
gold. wurtzels',. 1st E .g2d, Dr Sloan.
Patne kin s, Lyon. Squashei, John'Sherritt:
Mater melons, Bur, Musk Melons, 'A
Barr.. ' Citrons, II Fro.
s---CalstergessMiss-O'RrerrIces7•Catcl ifl ,
E:Govheis' ootu:-Wm Dymond.
Duey l'rionnea:-Tub histter net less than
48 lbs., 1St W Aula, ;24 John Young. But -
1301)11 rolls or prints,' lst AVVilson„ JasBarr.
Dairy chceseYJas.MeAlioliael. Honey, 1s13
and gd A lyreman. , Maple sugar, Belfry &
bath, Dr. Wends. Honey in jar, ist J Arm- I Co'. Maple syrup, W Dymond. Horee•macle
string; gd Mrs Talbott. Carrifig,e Yokes atid bread, °1st Sas Ross, gd .Tos Lyon.Baker's.
molt yokes, Armstrong; Span horses, W bread, 13elfrY & Co.
Peck: Rabbits, ast,3 Gardner; 2a CI Gardner, Faurts...Winter apples, ist Win Rosa' gel
Goats, Master J Stanbury, •
gdMORS-11pasEs.-Jas Forest, SanleY 3i. .siojsry,
Er Sloan. Fall apples, ist It 13roadfoot, gil,
Meintosh, Bruo,efield ; John Tarrefice, Varna,
eig:ThE Slump ANI:j' Picts. -.Jas • Biggins, jaw, 24 Thee Hoare. Snoni apples,
B Laidlaw.. Northern Spy; lst 11 13 Laid -
Roxbury eussets, 1st G.- Snell, 2d
lot Jas
BrilarayttliieoladoiNC,.41101;loilff;rks.,. igset1,111181110;'Orrt,rreoaiva., 2t1
Godetien township.. . •,Spitienburgs, lst II. Edwards, gd Jas Barr:.
.-s-NAr Logan, jas• Struthers, Bayfield; Baldisins, 1st .W Auld, ?s.I AfeChciwan,
Stlaanss ixb SBEDS.•-J B'Secord, 'W /Acre, Vail Pippins, lst Hoare, gd Suannsers.
:Varna, !Limo Thompson, Bayfield.
LADIES 'WORK.-s-lilm Geo McDonald, • ' 'MonimOth`Pippins, 1st 1'W Auld, 24 NY Dy•
ley, Mrs Dr Stalibury, Miss King, Baytielch
Stan'. mond. Any other named variety, J Sherritt.
Winter pears; Ist 8 INIullem. Jas Barr.
IstgLuonsurs. --Tilos Lavin, W-1/1 Pall pears, -Jas AleGoivam Tomatoes, ist A
•Agnew, Blake, Robt•Folton, Hashum, 24 .1 AloGowan. 'Grapes, 1st Thos.
• hilf(istitls l'tANTIS":.-7—"-AG.01013,srtritA'S,.• ItiltfRar°8' h2olirt.TreSadherrii,teta. 610C:rabs,,Ist De Sloan,
. T Hoare: Oardedflowers, 'Dir8St itiatiF.aremawni.i2e1
' FALL suoWs: •
. fruit, A Tyreman.
This. show came off on Thursday and Poutrev -Pair turkeys, .Floody. Pair
Friday last, at illyth, the first (ley being •
line 'and pleaSant, but on thasecona it
rained all day ;.. notwithstanding which
the attendance of visitors was large, and,
the .enteies of live stock numerous and
of good quality. :It is truly...gratifying
to 'witness the great impreVement that.
has been made within the past few years
of the class of Animals 'that is usually
shown. at this fair. In horses, cattle,
sheep and pigs, the show cotnpared well
with any that has taken 'place in the
county. There was a good show; of car-
riages and infplements, •The iNdoor de-
partment was about an average of past
years, with the exception of fruit, which-
wattsuperioe, A large quantity efgrain
WAS shown. The ladies department also
showed to considerable itoprevement-1
a better class work and articles being
shOwn. The officers of the: seeiety are
deserving of credit, as they did every-
thing to advance the interest of exhibi.
Ti f 11
Pair ewe lambs, 1st W J Grieve, 2d. 11 Snell
it Sou. Fat Sheep, ist J Coming,- W 3
.Grieve. • • •
-Sourirnowsr.--.Aged rare,. W Alptlowan,
SHROPPOTTET5DOWN.-Aged ram, Marsh.
Ram lamb, 1.1
Pros -Ines: Damp, Bear, lifidsred it)
1878, John Govier. •.• •
Pres-Sonsmat -Boar over 1 year. Wel.
lace. Brood sow having littered in 1878,:riot
Stokes. • Wax fruit, Miss Simpson.. Berlin
wool work. flat, 1st Miss -Al Gardner ; MiSS
Woods. Berlin Niiool Work, raised, lst -Miss
Lia Stritabel ;'gcl, Miss MaryMorgen. Poheil
droning,. Miss Irwin: Pair woollen.socks„lst
1111(12).Mee, S'Oltes: Pair 'Woollen bockings,'
1st. Mrs Stokes:-; 24 'Mrs j McMillan. Pai1.
cotton stockings, 1st ,Mrs' E Talbott ; 2a 'Mrs •
J McMillen. • Pair woollen mita 1st and 24
Mrs Stokes. • Bouquet of flowers, large, let
hltIISII/11E ov.et yea', Geo Snell,.
Brood seiv-having littered in 1878, N Coming,
Boar littered in 1878, lit aucl 24 G Seelle
Sow•littered in 1878, 1st and gd N McDonald.
Gnats. --T wo bolus Is • Seneca fall ,wheat;
.1st Jas Potter, 24 J Sean -doh, '1'wo bushals
fall wheat, Treadwell, let•Ja's 'Betimish, 24 J
-Loam,. Two bushels fall wheat, anysother
kind, A Sloan. TWOhusliels wheat, Vitalist
3' Barr, jts, gd 3 Betunisli. Two .bushels
spring wheat. any other kind. lot 3 Mitch,
Misfi 'Wet:0142.2d Miss Holnna.n. 13ougnet 240 :Stewart. •Barleyslst E
of fie:vete, small, lot Miss 4 Woods ; 2,1 Miss :(Si Rails; Large wish°, oats, W Itoss. Small
4..s.Rsoks'o, • . , white pats, 1st .1 Barr, jr; N
-Lumber waggols, iron axls, Sundt peastist As Barr, jr, gd J. -Henry. Largo
Cantles' Bros,. .8ingle buggy, Cant- peas, .1st Q•Floody, 21 D Marsh: Timothy
Joe Bros. • "Covered .buggy, Can Oen • Bros. .sees„,The Barr. . . • .,
IN -m -019W; Iff• JsFisher & CO: • ;.Wooclota'qlOw,.. Vicossratirses.--Potatoes, 131717 Roe, 1st R.
Nopner Seciferth Gangplow, T / Fisher 13 Laid.lawss2d Lis Bean -fish, Field. carrots;
One..),Mrse drill,- caltivator orTethiller,'IrW lst John Garrott, 2t1 Jae Barr, Garden car-
Sruciat s. -Mottoes in Silk, lat Mrs Stokes;
gd Alio M Gardner.. Phantom baskets Miss
AI E. Wood. Tea coos', Mrs &Sen. .
thine Work, MISS' M .Gard tier, Men's pants,
Airs .:Stolces. Lathe's: under clothing, Mrs
Boy'b dress, Mrer-Stokee.: -Worsted
.tidjr, Miss lorgan. Rag mat, Mrs R.Wate,
8(111. Netting, Mrs. W Peck. Berlin wool
flowers'. itliorr Peck. .Lacn, hand 'made, Miss
-j•Woods: . Specimen darning, Mrs Stokes.
Chemie, Mao Stokes: Crab apples, George'
Sparks. Redpeppers, A Haackee. '• Rhos- •
tors. le o owing3 tho prize list r-1
Hoests-HeAvv Ibufoont -Team mares
or geldings, 1st j_tyon, 24 Niel McDonald.
Brood mares having raised foal in 1878, lot
Ntrallifclgiehael,-,2fUrisTabb—Two, ypar-
old gelding, 1st ANicho1, 24 jos Beamtsh.
Two year old filly, not known. One year old
gelding, ist Jas Ellis 24 X Canting. One Year
old filly, Geo Watt. Pool, 11t Mrs T MoMic-
heel, gcl W Henry, Bank of England foal, A
Watt. ,
OnNitaar, Puurost.-Terms =tee or geld.
ings, lst Dierson, 24 It Mesta, jr., 34 If
Snell & Scni, Brood plaTOS haling raised foal
in 1878; bot j Cutting, 24 A Watt, it Two
year old gelding, ist W McGowan, gcl 3, Wil-
liams. Two year old filly, list Jas Shobbrook,
2,1 H Cottle. One year old gelding; list' X
Coming, gd John Garrott, One year old filly,
Ist A Cockerline _2(.1 faeo_Watts.Nal, 1st
RoAns,rpris.-;-Span carriage horses, lst j'alf
Barr, jr.s gel j Monett . 13rood mare having
raised foal in 1878, 1st Jas johnston, 2a Iits
Wee. . TWO year old gelding, let Gibson,
24 J Rote. Two year old filly, A Dingwall.
no year oh) filly, Itit 1%.1 Braithwaite, 2,1 by a young lady not older Mum 14, 'Miss
geese, Moody. Pair ducks, W j Grieve.
Pah• Leghorns, tet and gel Rev G Clark: Pair.
Branum, lst J Rose, gd A NVilson. Pair
Hatnburgs, lst Itev Clark, gd Jas Culloton.
Collection of fowls, any breed, 1St Jas' Barr,
Jas Muteh. Black' Spanish,...Tleis. 'George
Clark. •
• Isterssusxm-Linnber waggon, 1st Jelin'
Ilkinsdon, 2dr W Snowball. Iron beam plow,
1st W R 24 Jelin Elliott, Wooden
plow„ Thompson & Williams. Pair iron har-
rows, Relit Douglas. Single buggy, open; lst
John Brunsdon, gd Wm Cole, Single buggy,
covered, T &G Watson. Doable buggysopen,
T G Watson, Cutters ist liaggit, 21.1
Briinsdrin. Cebinet work, Lawrence & Gra.,
toy. Cultivater,• Bell & Son. Pump, J Per-
glisen, Gang plow, W 11 NVilson. Grain
(vodka :ist Thos Nieholson, gd Jae Ceilloten.
1.Curnip'drill, Bell & Son. Specimen eooper's
work, Alfred Hanian. •
Lamm' SVonso.-LTen yards fn. 11 el -0th, 1St
Miss O'Rourke, 24 Jolla Young. Ten ' yards
home made all weal flannel4st and gcl Miss,
Pollock. Ten yards flannellinion, Miss Me -
Donald. Pair home made all wool blioiketa,
isIt .Jas Ilose,..2d Miss Hamilton. Pair horse
blankets, 13' Marsh, Pateh quilt 1st Miss
McDonald,.2d J W Atild. Counterpane, lst
Miss Cowan, gd Miss Truax. log cabin quilt,
lit .1• Barr, gd J Young. White quilt quilted,.
Miss Cowan, Coierlet, J' Brown. Woollen
Stockings lst J AlcGoWart, 24 Mies Pollock.
•Pair.sookL.I.st_Aliss-Branifiton, Ijirsnills-
Gauntlet mite, Miss Pollock. Pair mitS, Ist
Miss Hamilton, 2c1 j Truax. Crochet work,
1st A Virilson, J Brown, Fancy knitting,
lot Mrs T McMichael, VIA. Wilson. Pancy
basket, Mrs Aldrich. Card hoard work, Miss
Hawkshaws Gent's shirt, :1st Hamils
tont 2d.T.I'atterson. Gent's suit. Nation &
Whits:Aloe& Hair flowerii, G Snell. Pencil
drawing, Dr Carder, Oolleetion of pictures,
framed, W Colwell: Berlin wool work, raised,
John Denham. Berlin Wool work, flat, Dr ,
Carder. Berlin, wreath, Miss' Truax, Feath-
er floweret, Miss Hawkshaw. Wax 'work,
Dolby 61Co. Embroidery., Mrs TIVIeMichaeL
)1110.11:9fl1;4 SON,
1 Pit blisherS.
-e-res*s.ssssisstesesSes, .""s"seeT"'""s."."-ses.sse
Curniugs. Darn on sok or stoking rby a
yosutrnDoghtEds_y itiloctnotsii4,87-3hart, 146 stleirSf:1100:1400rtgen;
A IntliS, Stanley ; 1) McLottit, BelgraYe,
OATTLE, -John Mason, Hallett ; it Bletid,
W Wawatiosh ;John (levier, Hallett;
SHEEP AND Anderson, Witwauosh;
6110"RALIN°W-71; IRIU0101116,-; IfiiiQatitilil°t0111(11: 1‘,1311ayThrs
It Roberton, ; S ROC, W Watvanosh.
• Penns:Ia.-Geo Watt, Hullett ; A Cookers
Un, Londesboro ; John Willicona Kinburn. •
Lotus Woms.--Mrs J Campbell, Blyth
M ri It N Adams, Londeslioro ; Alias AleDon.
ald, •Exeter. . •, •
. •
North Thuroir 4.0achers, Association. '
The' setni.annnal Meeting • o f. the itheve-
asSociaticin was held in the public school,
BrUasels,. Thursday and Friday, Oct,
DeWar., P: L,.
opened -the ineeth „g*'• with a brief and appro..
priate s Mr. James- Xurnbulls B.
of Olintee, then 'followed, and gatre a '
very teresting 010000 11 of the preceedjegw,
of. the :Ontario Teitebers' .ASsobiation, for ,
which In:received the shenks of the meeting.
Mr. lames .Diektion, of Grey; tor* up the,
subject of -arithmetie, and gave some very.,
neat solo aerie to fpfestmes appearing ou
third-class papers. Mr. Dickson WAS pub.
Rely thanked by the association..
DUring the .etfers8. of the afternoon Mr: -
J, A. 14,1cLellan, -L. L. p.,. of 'To.
rento, took the platform; and his usual
Masterly and happy style bandied the. Sub- .
jeots .ofsarithirnetie and, algebra: His re- 'S
:narks-on:the forinet'of these were '
edifying and 'exhaustive.; • em hoeing corn -
merits and hints oir the eubject from the
first notionsi of embers to 113 most cern- ,
Pleto prt)bleins, -Though limiteit:in point
of -time, his 'lessen .on algebra was most. ex.,
cellent; and was reeeived isith a 'keen relish .
by all present, who not only testified their •
gratitude by u o a ilneutr.vbte, but alserby .
the most respecriel ;repletion.
IVII'...UoFfit11, Seefortir, gore a number"
of_admitable sel u t ion, to questions Set fort)
iii third-class a lgebra tor Jo1Y,
-At 8 e'clook in: tile ev en log'D , •
ftppearad the tOt.11.1 11611, IQ give his. lec-
'turo .reed big; it lul although tiotiee had
only .rfeen , m te ' to' the eiti.zens, • ,
during .the eircallari, yet the
spacious 400 ts- ca ••
pactty.. Thte li1.1164Via,C110iT opened . with
• " March Of theillen of Htirlook;'.''in hand -
sone stYle. The'D amidst applause, be- •
..gan:hy referring to the perampunt imports.
since Of this subject, and reviewing ut 'smite
lengthilie Inealis by a Welt it, might •be-suc.. •
cessfull,sstanglit in our priblie schools. .Mis
fissellari-stirredsreadin 2 one, of 'the
most poorly taeglit solders,. en (Air enrri. • .
cilium, and 'attribtired this Partly -to the .
fact that it ie only osielit ineitlentally, as
a :IneanS of Obtaining :other information, .
and partly to the lack of elbctitiOnary power .
among our teaCleers • arid- maintained that .
the living .volee is the hest guide and in-
'Steuctor in teaching to, read properly. • He • -
also ',alluded' brie* to some, of the most
common errors' in pronunciation, articu-
lation, and emphasis, by well seleoted :
tram,p2lhetseii;71iich colivulse4; tbu ,a,ndierice with •
• ,A1Short intermission. followed, during 7
Willa the (their diSiCourscid. Brights1Vlay -
Day". io a very .pleasing spirit.
.111r. AleLellati •resutnerr •positiOn on 7
the, platform, taking as hist 'subject edu-
cation. -Re referred in high' terms to .enr
national system' of eductition, its. eSteellence,
its libe'rality, *mai its stiperiority over that_,_ _ _
of Contemporary sYsterns -he maintained • -
that the profetisinit of teac'hingla aim Of the .
noblest. on earth, in the dignity. of. its ob-
ject, in the responsibility of its action, in
rho sublimity of its character. the Dr.
gave sytiopois 'of his life in reference to '
the difficulties he Pad encountered, and
the obstacles he hadloyercome, every young
teacher swelled with noble. tesoltitions; and.
acknowledged the enaouragin,g and electri.
fying•posvet of the wholessstiled individual
'who -a.ddeessed thous. • '" • .
Mt. McLellan's lectures ;wore elegant
in diction, impreesive elOquenee, and
pointed in application.. ' At the conclusion.
the thanks of the meeting were tendered .
to Mr. Mel...ellen, and also to the choir. . •
Friday the program nie was resumed, 331It4,
Sas. Turnbull, of Clinton; taking frecond-
;class. literature, 'CO the entire satisfacElon Of
all. present. Bit. Turnbull, besides fin -
parting a great deal of informatibri on the.
subje.of ...under Immediate .ditsenseien,..aue-
.coecledt in making his remarks so general I:.
m their charadter, ad AO apply to the study
of literature in common. ,
Mr, Acheson dealt with third -claire gram-
mar in a very sensible manner,. and not-
withstanding the extensive disoussion..that
followed held ground •stoutly.' ' •
Mr. Jim, Ferguson, of Wingham, criti-
cised the readers very nicely, and .after.•
wards read. a Well-prepared °stay on "The
Defects of Our Educational Systern,". which
provoked sonuf diseussion on single versus •
married. life," in the profession. •
Mr. McFauLcontinued his solutions of .
'amount of vivacity. and accuracy, •
Roy. P. Musgrove delivered an excellent
address " Morals in Public Scheele,"
He adverted in pleasing terms to the in-
ereasing affinity' between the pupil and the •
school. He recernmended acting example • •
us being fee preferable to precept in lead -
eating' morals. Mr. Musgrove's address
was replete with. interest, fraught with
common ammo; and WAS highly appreciated
'by the teaders present.
About seventy teachers were presentotiad
the success of the affair surpassed the meet .
-hopeful-anticipations, Thoter-whtled-
to Attend missed the realization of a fleet-
clastilreat ; and all who were in attendance
returned to, their labor., actuated by a
wholesome impulse, which Shall not cease,
t� be felt for many a day.
A. TAYLO1If s. eoretay.
Ittataigg, totted. C. _sofa cushion Miss
Follo714e • 'lag Mit, Missflag C41'.
pet, John Denham. Pair gentlernalers fine
boots, john Shorritt. Pair dears() boots, John
Sherritt. Set double harnese, Iolin Campbell.
Sdt single.batness, Campbell. Stocking
yarn, Miss Hamilton. Paton on gent's pante