HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-10, Page 44
Pall -hos. jacks -0-1i,
11. Wright dl Co.
1.4ogs for LeAreneti.'
All this Metall-41°41os A; Pay.
Great Intlueements-4, 0. Gilroy,
Diesoltition-Soulee* Worthington,
Montreal House -Fisher, Omit. Att
Copies of to-dity's 'brew tflflay be hau au•zhe nook
s . .sitoro of *Si. 3as. A, lain Suit 3. N. Nefle
Albert stroot, •erioo rieents ter eopy.
(51iutot, irs_114.)ra.
THURSDAY, OCT. 10, 1878:. •
q . •
ciontit zioittoN.
The Conservatives rippear:AvOralerfullY
troubled about tlie change that is likely'
to take place ie the representattho of
Centre thiron,".3/4itead of belog pleaeod,.
as WO think they. ought to be, if - timY
have ally faith in their own declaration
that, at the next, contest they. would
wrest that ridingfrom tho Illeformers,
that they will now have an. ea0y tipper-.
ttofity-or t1Wcatritermirm17
The exhibition of illtoinper that; they
are milking clearly shows that. they have
nu well grounded hope Of. gaining, the
riding, but that they ao .fearthe
election of Mr. Cartwright. •That he
will be elected foe this riding '.1;e 'think
there ie not a shadow of doubt, if. Mr.
- "-
Horton resigns, .which is quite probable.
To -day there will be a troOveotion :of.
Reform delegates. at, aforth, O. tako.
the w.hole matter into •.COOSitforatiorn.
Ifthe delegation winos to. the cooclusien
that it would be to the interest, ef: the
conntry that.Mr. Cartwright Should , at
once be found a seat in the Reese, Mr,
Horton will resign ate] Mr: , Cartwright
be nominated.
which lie fears will -not be done if the
matter is left to the Ceneervative party
entirely, as he doeot consider the vie,
'tory at the polls belongs to then, but
to the country us a whole, assorting
that mall Reformers supported the 1m-
liey wholly in the interest of the coot
try; not part,y.
It will be e. Very difficult metter, to
reconcile all partiee and 'oil sections on
this questiou, for 'some. interfaith are di.-'
Teotly oppesed to (Altera, and so on with
localities, If the different provinces
could be. legislated Tor separately: it
might be possible to (Imo& a tariff
that Avoilld• please a majority for seine
tiine, but' whilethe lower prOyinees aro
compelled tn-itlfpoet altimst all their
breadstuff's, end Ontario 'all its Iron and
coal, it will be impossible. to please all
•-• ' . • . .
• TEST.13191VRAT., TD MR. ampicsokizie!.-
There is said to be qin fOot nmate-
ment to present ',Efoo. Mookenzie.
with testimonial of apPreciation for
ns services as i tatesman, and it is
stated that $50,00u has already been
subscribed for that purpose. We ionic'
it 'is but, and we hopeto seeh
tl t s
i I in
largely augmented :by the subscriptielie
of Reformers all over the country. No
e earn that r. 'nett
Cartwright's opponent, should- that gen-
tleman run. It is also rumored that
Dr. TupperWill stump the riding,. •
The Mail. has become, so habituated.
to slandering -that -it cannet::pute-fertIn=.
"-a-three line political paragraph without
libelling somebody. The fling at Sheriff
Gibbons is wholly ithealled for, and :tut-.
true. Mr, Gibbons .perfOrinedthe duties
of returniug officer honestly lend . imitate
tially ta the last,election,..'itml wm %19
SO again, and no ene will bo able to
tect whieh party he over did belting'
so far as his conduct as returning offieer
is eoncerned.
8.113E0 Arai AVP.Fit.
Before the elections Conservatives of
all classes and positions" 'Were loud' in
their advocacy of protection to. ablest
every thing; but now they are -over and
the country has pronounced in favor of
protection, Conservative newspapers ancl
writers are .advising their follower. not
to be t�� urgent for any gest 'change'
in the tariff iit the way of protection,:
and some of them are even making use
bf the genie argaments that Reforniere
• did before tho'clection, such as that the
law of supply and demand alone governs
_trades ana-thittlagislittion-entinot.4n t
Am ong t he agricultural canine:may.
tile strongest spirit for a vetaliatery thr-
ift WSW, 1110St manifest, they,. of 'course,
expecting it to be otiiy against the Unit-
ed Stetes. If the Pretective priutiiple
is carried out to any, extent it intiSt
principally be upon manufactnres, and
as we impdrt three dim% the amount 'of
manufactures from Englatul that we do
front the linked States, the former will
consequently feel the effectS 01 this. retal
iatory tariff more than the fatter. What,
will England think of WS, especially its
she has been favoring •us with regard to
the importation of cattle 'hetud what va-
lue sviII she put' on our protestations of
loyalty and attachment
As party strife is now at an end, or
ought to be, a calm conaideraVen of the
situation should. be takeo, and every
eatitnate made of :what will be'the °Oat
of any and. every eltange in. the tatiff.
Mr. Phipps, who is conSidered to be the
great incubator of the National Policy,
poblislies a long letter tile Globe with
regai•d ti the carrying Out of his theory',
CA.4.1i94 ,AND 801./TIE ittigNct 1.114tON .4vtacivini- 00n EN al, 0NDEN0li
Wo wish It to be distinctly undorstrioa tbat we In not
We commend. the following orticle, '
This show took, plitee'at Exoter, cool- ph'd 7:43,4,r,707,tn6012°,:4141' °Pinto"
.V.O.D1 the alfaii, to"the especial atttention •
ItlfUeing On Monday last. The weather, reeee ,
of our reLolergi as it has tho right ring- both days, was all that cxeild be dOsited, 2Y117,5-1170•64
about it, and wholly • in keeping with and=the turn oat of spectators was be- 2'0 ale AiitoP •of New Era. .
lOglkettlid common Sena() ; bat it sounds yond all 'Precedent. The exhibition of Dzaa Snt :,--Does, our town eouncil en.
• •
t bl t
a little strange eoming from tlef source 11°Dses' (3°'tle1 °heel) 4144 Tg$ Iv" "lit)" goar'Pefo74rii:ewful ept'ultsplieera" 3,11fc'rergul:ine,
it acme, se it is quite illifei out in tette trni7itxonitisYle)srepvecii°11s show 111 thi6 ilding"
vate property, or for the .cara of the pro,
. latter, is it for the care of his own pri.
Lo the articles of that paper a few weeks In cattle and kliee41111314'11?.°TiIng.'''Sliretir &eaSiloen. perky oft1 aitimitm general. Beislakia
'imminent Poaitiiitytind after the eepo a year, a sum that should assure sortie
ago. ' .Now; '`'.‘ eompetition is the divine, took a
ly ordained law of rnan'8 exiatep80, then Show eeld some of their sheep at Igiroioztel apos0000lbe,t of eotwtr iftiofonrtothtehelixitutteerr,eshtLofistbiet
figures. Wo did not receive the ,
both labor and capital intist be protect- list until too late for. this week, he allows a gang of iratilinglYnneg roughs
Fisher Oraib t • t t
and iin„ to congregate nie t y, or lours, around
od from outside competition. Now, tho Tho eatries of the ind'oor
ance of those passing to the in u f
, , s me, o „ he annoy -
Midi can uphold the natural 1 •plement departments :were about • the
Sam utouber AS Previous, yearsperty there, aod in thes_ueighborhaed
changeable laNy. ur supply uu,.,.1 nsmand. the quality of the artieles• Vaviing 'but Some light cio the matter would, oblige
" the Inc'itils.01' reg914tiug' wage" ; 'little from last par, with..the.mtception • • . A' Surrkenit....
it wes the duty of the ooverinaent -to of fruit,which oros seignior to tiny pre- ortNiea-oet o .1878
preteetf the„ interests of . the htlearieg vions show. Apples were the most pro- - ---".--
lean, Wo hope. en. win „ow stud,. th„ minout iu this. respeot, and were 1.4;11y . . ,frARA7Lzvo• '
, .. . . • • , - speken of. In grain mid vegotobles thb ••210,t1r,s Atop), of elte, Now .Ea, ,.,
14.1PciPles of l'eliti6t1 eetni°"1.)' free.fue`w shew was gold, }Seth as to quality and. Mn. Emma :-Itight glad aril that '0C.
party prejudice. qoantity. Th. the lattee oor felon(' elpe casienallY.Y4M. sound the note of warning
betw„,)141 tabor and capital is Allison makes a plaid distilay, oxilibio, to the innocent and unwary pablic, ugainst
the sharpers diet prowl and soner the acme -
just now i•coeiving a good deal of atteotion in inw some 200 different' varieties of. giro:
.0("3,16.'.1aaa.e(.10! the cerninunistle enere,ywhieb den and field Vegetables arid Seeds, tek; itatTrirotes. Pievlan:80, tl:).18;.,trillike .1i .0nantri;eil.01401 t.1.1) L.111.61.0iier, a 0.1-
e. •
no longer counties itself to 6..vorerowcledpopn- Ina.; eight prizes.' , The ladies dOP.artment feet it my duty to ward thopeople of Litek-
lotions. oppreissil by military .despotistos.
1 1 . .
3.1r. 1.8.situs 13. Itigelow•has published a timely was' 'we. ii,filled with a:be:mitif'd. (1151)1 1) 'low,: 1.' iP .eY' KluclIrdille' and viginah to
chether hanchWorle, . ' : waton a el 'c footer, io the .farniture busi.
paper on theoinhiect tn the October number ---of needle an
ness, that thought ft.proper te pay his lion-.
of the Attentic Morairite in whieli, in a ye- • . •sosses.:-' ----
i 1 •II t l'' 'I i o est creditors a few weeks. ago,•in Dayfieldy
ar loan/ter, oi Set' Set IONS
. Dungannon Foil Show.,
• t wertty cents on the driller. This per.
Rroallotion is au essoutfal of human exist- . . . .• ' 'son was too sharp to lose a eent on 'mettle
°too, and tho highest Well-being ' of the mew ' .-A.S fle,Oni, Iiiis• exhibition Was ft silo' sold, this M well knoWn, and is a fact.. In.
bait .burealized only.by maximuutou'oduction ow on Tuesdly of last week.' ': The stir.: t '1) 1 '
wo 6
y_ t le -way te hia±dehte;
nna equitabit t t.tributton. , I he more t -117 -
mon inn. coon ry tome on in • o idtiy arid got the confidence of,JohnsNeKenkle,
d' t
its people will have to consume, and therefore.
as e geaorg'ioi.th it is for the advnataae ef a iAtit.t ire. and road° the financial .pa'Ft of tho
nation to develop its ',reductive pONVOr.8 io -ow a eulaiteritial•lone • and the well
ed. such a....reeironi-
the fattest extent. In a norioal conclitiou of kiniWiLenterprise of the farmers in tint. t
business affkffs-tffere canliiirclly be such i Hecerier, elisueso full-'• - • • ntetion
tion of iris worth in a lar,e;er degree. tilan
Mr, 'Mackenzie, and none havoi'needecl
it more urgentlyr Mackenzie -is
emnpatatiVely a poor maii, and his offi-
cial life has made hint still! poorer, and
it is nothing more than lair that he who
saerifices his _pel•sotial interests „for the
mike of his perty should be. ns far as
pOssible indemnified ter -the great sacri-
fices he has made. Tre-hope there will
;be no half7hearteditess in, this movement,
but that it will-Vedound tb-the niffr it -of
b.oth the donors axid the; recipient.
Iii reference to this, . the Toronto
Mai -thee the'following, which is, certain-
ly, boniing.• frein such ft source, written
with liberality, ited nuke consideration
forTon. M. Mackeniie than lit has
been ,accuStonied to • exhibit in editorial
references to the .Prefnier " Some �f
the Reform papers are talking ef getting
ep a testimonial in thnsliapeof $50,000
for Mr, Mackenzie. The party, if we
May be allowed to hay so, cool& not
honor itself tnore. Whatever fault. his
eppenents have to find. publio
cateer, they, cannot but achuireliis
end 'ability as a party, imam... Mt.
Mackenzie hag served the Reformers, in -
the ranki_anLivitIniticrinamissien, for_
some thirty years and served them well
and unselfishly. Ile is defeated just
new, bot thnforteue of war comoth to
no man always. . is eomething for
Canadians to boast of thet their' public.
men are poor, and it is their duty to
see that an henorable.competency, aAvaits
their decliuing yearS," - • •
Oot. 14th. • •
ToF. rAilltrUiS 1,0„net1f. Aforris.-Orange Ralf, Belgrave, Oa.
1.7th ' • ' .
'thhig as over -production. • "it is 1 1
cm y i•tv len , , , , to . -- • .. s • • '
n't et y In anen . 1
some unusual or artificial cause disturbs tho he Kitties were in ad -
relations -of deemed and'supply 'that labor is . vence Of anytiirovions year; vend altogoth:
-pnemployed and want exists ior the presence er the 'exhibition witchl.: credit , to the
of -surplus oroductiour." Machinery is an c4,.....• t ; . • . ,• • • ,
1 V ,.. le I•S .
tud to labor, by .whath.the laborer has pined,
as may he seen, by ..compifing his. condition
now and' a hundred years ago, or by. recalling
what:one matt 'eau acentuPlish by means of
meelanical devicti, and outwitting it With
what he ectild do without- such. aid, There
eras a time when it Was 'Considered a good
day's work for --a man to plant half an acre of.
corn •, no* with A . two -hone cheek -rower,
nlanter lie can plant twenty. acres in a day.
13efore .Whituoy's invention in a' mart
email gin eitlY five pounds GE eettou a•dey.. A
:good outton..gin now'tu nos Out four thensand
pounds a day, The •difitision of knowledge is
essential o eilioionf' -labOr•and.: the- 'rapidity
With Which papet. is made. and printed is all
but 'incredible. . . • • . ,
It is dhiloolt to estimMte the oxtent.of .tho.•
influence. of .railroads on •nroductioti, • But
Dee typi'cat fact will aid the•culeulatiOn.' The
Boston and .Albanyrailroad in 1870 parried
between Boston- and Albany 838,00,0 ton of
throught freight, And 708,000 tons of way
freight,. equal to1,508,0001 tons carried over
wholeiroinl of two hundred. arid ono miles,
To do this amount of transpertation %on' Som -
Mn roads would require '137,000 horses and
11,0.00 men -to. groom and Mire them -eon -
skier whoa dram these Avoirld.be .an subsist.
,ard renictitherthefigeres apply to but
.hne road, Parniue would stalk abroad over
marryintr. • r ways o
suspend operatieci even for a ishot time.• In
china; there • is abundant; feed for lack of
transportation sixteen te illions are in a tarnieh-
. ing condition. . •
Labor and 'capital must combine to produce;
en 'what • Principle Must the distribution be
made? There are three Systems --,.the' social.
itie or communistic system ,;thuto.operatiVe
system the Competive systems. Omit m tin isnr-
• conflicts with thulaws of our noting and if
• insetina woirld increase rather tban
ish•tho evils which itadvimates bemoan. "It
would tend to diminish production and ¥
titijUst distribution of what -was produced.
"A desire for property,'" says Herbert Spen-
cer "is, ono of the elements of oar nature,"
arid again, the right of private „property hare
Moines With the human constitution as divine-
ly ordained." . COmminiiim thereforo
take away ono of the .stiongest incentiveS t,o
human. effort, While, the idea of equality"
in apposed so •effieieney in productipt and
equity in distribution. Against Oh co-opera-
tivd systeni nothing Can be said on the score
of justice, Ina 10 practice it has been found
diflicult to secure the organization, aclutinis.
native ability, mid concentration of revert.
to essential to success. We ere,
therefore, .sliut up to the conclusfou that that
system Avhich has hitherto titled in all "el-VIT.--
tzbil communities must continuo to ride. •
If their cempetition is the divinely ordahled
litWortarnee existence, -as indeed it is the
law of all existeuce atfitilato and inanimate,
hoWnehount for periods' of distress ? Scene
persons have been foolish. enough to blame
laber-alffirig machinery. But Corentorcial
orisis and distress exisiod prior to tho era of
the steam engine and the spinning jenny.,
Their dauSeti are timed:if Lot inecharrical,
Let the capital employed be itt proportion to
Ilia husinees clone, end the amount of credit.
ittproportion to the amount a capital nod
there can be no over-prodnetion. " is .onty
When the intricate inechinery of credit is run
at undue speed that 'over -production and
ever-tradint, ensue and lay the foundation 'of
the aisle Alch Sooner or later follow,"
Cart capital tyrannize °varlet:lion legislation
being equal? Mr, 13igelow Answers no.
Whore the r3 is perfect freedom,. Athere all can
nompeto for positien, fax capital, and for tit°
prodnde of labor and capital there can be no
tryenny; Det 55 Buckle and -1111410y point
out, the grc et mese of inankhol heve ltblileiog
for excellence of any sort, their ambition hes
.lrig to go 0 rough life With moderate exertion
and a fair share of ease, "doing eonncion
thingty itt a common way." Obneurrently
with improvements in Maohinery, the condi.;
tion ot the laborer has improved and his
wages adviteced. Seven.eights of the mink
population depend on, wages for their sup.
p011. What may literally thetethre be tailed
the laboring population constitute tho bulk
of the consumers, and therefore selion-eighths
of the results of the great systems of produe-
Lion go to supply their ooects. Moe, cones-
cpiedly, these systems ore attacked, intereste
dad taborets are dttaelfed, "and so far these
interests. irivolve the metals of ietbsistence,
the coneequence of Seth attacks fall tmen
btCrs th the extent Of seven.eights, ond upon
' bleated capitalists1 to the extent of one-
eighth." The mettle use of. credit is the real
enemy Of labor, whose best intereste Are in-
volved la steady employment, which with
inaletate wages is fir better thau high wages
simeeeded by. low wages, ex aa happens in
fittaecial trim the Cessation of employment.
'for people gefieially Adapt -their expellees tia'
their current income, and the standard of
living adopted when wages are high becemett
frbtfON Tit*? -eirEkErtIN
. Ever since the inettguration of the
Western Pair, different. parties fru this
county have succeeded in carrying oil' a
number' of the leading prizes, and w.e are
pleased to. See.that, if anything,.4-larger
nhinber come to our share :this- year.
Ainono, those however, Whe were the
Successful competitors, there are very few
new names Seen, but erie noticeable and
pleasing feeture is• the promineoce of
Messrs. Snell & Son. As the Pro.'
metal is next year to be held at Ottawa,
we Would suggest that onr.lturen friends:
"lend their assistance entirely to the Wes-
terrr, it being conVenient of access, and
the prizes being little inferior te those of
its older In the numbei• of entries
a great improvernent onight, be made.
There are several first -04s • horses and
othee ..anitnals;:in this County, ,liesides
those usually exhibited, which, if shown,
we believe wonla also be successful; Ave
oe a !r5,.. 1,, piti.1 ocing
made' bt yle-1113,u0rL next year;
The folloAvite4 wore the prizes. taken
this,yearat thoWestern, by parties from
this county
• Roadster stallion, in harness, four yeors
and upwards, 1st Alex. IIMES, Stanley. Year-
ling_ colt, 2M1' Alex, Innes,___Stanley, 3rd L.
Hunter, Exeter. Stallion of any Age; Alex.
Trines, Stanley, diploma:. Stallien for agrical-
tural purposes, four year eld•and upwards, .3rd
L. Hunter, Uxeter. • Three year old. stallion;
lit Jas. Wilson, Exeter. tircael maro, with
foal by side, ist Jos, McDonough; °orlon-,
Foal, 3ril S. McDonough, Carlow. Hoary
draught stallion fur years., old. and upwat•ds,
3rd I'. McGregor, 'Brad eld. Three year old
stallion, 1st 1). Maher, Goderich. Two year
old stallion,Ist 1.)". McTavish, Brucefield, Veal,
2tul H. Love & Son, Ilills Oreon, Durham
bull, three year old and -upwards 2nd H. Snell
& Son, sClinton. Bull ealf, unt'ler one year,
1st 11. Snell & Son, Ctinton, Cow, 3rd 11.
Snelt & Son, Clinton. Two ewes Srd H. Snell
&I Son, Clinton, LeicOferorain,12nd IL Snell
(V &hi Craton. °bawling ram,, Cotswold,
2acl 11! Snell Son, Clinton. Paw iron har-
rows, 110 Thos. Tieling, Clinton, 2nd Itobt.
Thompson 0,.derich. patent woodee
beam chill'ed.iron morildAtoard. plough; •eleg.,,
miller, Carterot Co., Seaforth. Horse sbooe,
1st T.
.. A reception is to be given Sir John
Macdonald when he next visits Ottawa.
The Memphis Avaianehe speaking_ of
the effect of the fright caused by the
yellow fever's appearance and action,
says " Parents bavo desorted children
and children parente, husbands their
wives but not ono wife a husband."
-of Goderich, T. `13ell'& Co.; of Wingharin
Ur, Robinson, of Seaforth, and the writer.
of this warning, with seine others he
most have • made in the neiti,hborboo'd of
$1,000, one way,or another. Well, he will
meet you with a intik tongue, and say.he
wants to tiny A horse, buggy, harness, tto.,
and Wo is not particular abouVthe price,
and he will not fail to tell you that ha has
:paid so ninth money lately (twenty cents an
the dollar)" and wants some titrinto'.pay.
But, a .Oommi, he Will make. it 'all ieght.,
He will not, alsooforget to tell you if he
.faila,in the -first attempt, that Ns mother is
rich, and luiS A broth er getting soVen or eight
o u seed dollars a year. Two or three claYs
before be linrsted, he boom wed' twenty dol-
lars front ono person know, and was to
pay it the mitt. day. No person will loose
a cent on births° boadys ; and worse than
all, a, Poor innocent honest toiler,. wp h a
large fatnily. to Support, wrisol aped to give
a thirty dollar snit of *thee. This inno-
cent rime is strugeling for an honest ex-
istence himself. I think; Mr. Editor, the
law is very defective, when sach characters
are allowed to run at large. They should
not only -be incarcerated, bet be taken to
the priblio square, and scourged by the cat
o' nine fails on 'the bare'. pelt', as a warning
to others. This person did, not wait for
Jelin A's protection. but prOtected himself
to the amount of eighty cents on the debar:
I,Jot Mari bp aware of such persons.
• 13.+ v;itre,, 0459, As78. *j*. MY114;1'05.15;
voters tiLit_gfor -V- OW- •
RevisiOnCourts will be held, by Judge,
Tome its follows i.e.-
.Ashfield-Drill Shed tangannen, Oet.
12th. ' •
Brussels-- ToAvn Hallf Oct. 2110.
Colborne -Oct. 30th.
Howielco-Orange Hall, C-orrie
-Meli.illopeeTerriperauce Hall,'Whithrop,
Instead of. sail ingfor, this 'Country on
the 11.th inst., as was first announced,
'the Marquis inel .suite will ii,ot leave
until the t7.01. of Wei,- in connection
A'vith this the Nev York Star, publishes
a telegram .froin Montreal, stating that
there is it rumored Fenian plot to kid-
nap the Marquis of :Lorne .Princess
Louise. • The skirmishing fond of ,k15., -
opo is to be Utilized. It is stated that
two cruisers aro being fitted out at a
port- between New york and Martha's
Vineyard to capture the Marquis and
Wife from the steamer • oh)'Obich they
sail for.Uanada... This is evidently' it
canard, as no one would bo•willing to
ongag,e. in euch an insane mist!, and
eyeing' they captured them. Whit Would
be done with them 1 'hey eonld not
laud them anywhere, •
• A 1110*OR31. tiOnVentiOn, for the,Centre
Riding, will be held at Seeforth, te-day,
business of importance to,be teaosacted.
4-* •
A II am wrox paper stateS that there
is' a rtjatoo well-informed America -1r
circles that the moment Canada adopts
a retaliatory policy against the Milted
Statile, the bonding system-L-whiehiSse
valnable .to Canada -mill be abolished,
and steps be token to render this
species of irritatiOn. very unpleesant.
Tum meanest thing that ever appear-
ed in the colunnia of it newspapee, was
an itetn Published in the Exeter Times,
of last Week, in referenee to Me. M. C.
Cameron. No one, 110' matter What his
politics, with the slightest spark of man-
liness, would have been guilty of such
a contonifitible thrust.-
.0imn, Conservative, has been erected
in Ohiooutimi Que.,by between200aud300.
BerePlumb has Luca a petition
against the rehire of Mr. Ilughee,iteforin,
for Niagara.
• 4 re-tottrtt of tho ballote In North Yor1,.
reduces the niajority of Dr. Strange, AM -
Servals% tel.();
The addition ,p Knox chureh, lode -
rich, willlikely completed • in time
to open • o'n fho .lest, Ribbath of this.
11 is eXpecteit that the Rev.
Principal Grant, of Kingston, and Rey.
Me. McDonnell, 'of Toronto, will be
present 'at the reopening The congre-
gation will vote 'ow the orgaut qtiestion
nein CM the itith inst.,,to 'deeide
Avbether or not the organ will be intro-
young wounto, Whe represented
herself as tho daughter of A London
'merchant, viaited Exeter a feAtede,ys ago
and put up fit the Central rtotel there.
'She had with her a pared, which she
laid on the sot, and started foe a walk.
The neoplo about the hotel opened the
parcel, when it was found to contain a
fine, healthy, well - dressed haby. A
constable of tho village, bearing of the
facts, started oat in perault of ;the girl,
and found her in the station at Centralia,
waiting the arrival of the train to take
her tO London- She+ reftised to tell her
Dante but saki SIM was the daughter of
a wert'ithy merchant, of London, and of -
fermi $100 tir ttnytnio Mho Wotild adopt
the child. Rather then alletie herself to
be reeognized she declared she would,
drown both hexsolf and the .ehild. • fin the intereets of thi) public:-Signais
Tiimberry--Orninte Hall, HltieVafe;" tfet:
16E/thi;st WaWanoith --:1;e1grhv.0 Oct ')2nd
.-. •
West Wawanosle-Orarge , Dan -
gallium, Opt, Ilth.
Wiugham-Council gem, Oct. 21st,
Wroxeter --Town Hall, Oct. 1.5th.,
Thti English Frtieecattlioonsto.the,,C.nundlitu
• The great and surprising success of
the Opposition party lathe recent elect-
ions in Canada is so fax lamentable as it
is a triumph of protectionists over free
traders. Tf the return of Sir Sohn
hittalonald's party to power should lead,
as ie to be feared, to the inaaettration
of h -stringent- protective syStem, in 'the
Dominion, the prosperity of the country
is certain to be.. direntiehed. The farm.
ors and farm laborers of Canada have
especial reasoite to regret the change of
patty; preponderance, as under a protect-
-4 tariff they will have to pay move for
many requiaitee, while the prices of their
thief productions will remaltt about the
satriens*at pr(!sent.-Mork. _Lane ,geprese
410143t.1t.ti .dOrts11;411101tgll t['
We are authorized to say that .the
present • government have not contem-
plated at any time, nor do they now
contemplate the making of any change
in the official peaonnel ot tho colleetor-
ship at Coderioli. More than it year age
'Mr. Illackenzie WAS lipprOrtalled -upon
favor the superannuation of the preso'nt ouster -srAtteNe.-re &loon', on Um 145Inst..,
tiliii sulajectond his answer Was til)111.1.thlel
eoe, 1
uld not, in the interests of tbe ibMEroily ot Illekle..of NVoodatoek.
eiltnT:,5(hin1%?'clarlt2mpiineumbent. The dutisof the officearo teri1#Zisre,70eetetabarsf tial3retit1.1
not very onerous and the present collect- 1 cstigephor Spalding, of Seaforth.
Or iR perfectly ithie to pet•forni • thom,
said Mr. Maekeezie,
"Why theti,'!
additiofial ex
'. should we it4 lpd(eilletsfleol to 10i eA fOn 807 aloitt It(77.1.0W4iistolhot04:14.t, I rtitintrttiOirlialrotte:ierifhiesiritell_ftttbr.r.s43,1:tboyattaeori
, Itmend, of Lgsrointvflle rite.
syeeravrieroviiien t in
thesformedthat the Premier still holds to T'le'lftfiejr!AI:111-185::::::::::: We inentrilt °la 1,;e1r:
adoiited daughter of rIrlitileta; Ile' elii°8°Ir TV.
c oes not demand it. Wo are in
tionviews. win his successu 1 •454 ..t.P.,', 3.fetettrT;60ettirgethiltA11(10"5,. rA1\0111101iLt t
.11111:1"1.17 01 mon
tqoa. y tonscientious in looking after
!ffraid. net..4 the residenee of th . bri Ittl'a. fPritirtall' 06'
If suelt a diatom' is made it will not be """"'""i'"''' "
Mai Wen, to Miret Mary ki Yeat ' - --or, Ur. M.
Tila Scitidge‘ theWe.are ilna'
0 ors tp pass d hem „fulmar. "nrwk 51°411°1 11
is eausoa b ,. ,:, of g stmirtrox , . eu, both of Goderl'ob.
h interests . of the
have 11 tv,. d - 1 part to '?Irit ed., ler; .teobjed et l'• ev* J.. 814'1"14ht 05
(11.0gOrt ageil 81yesrs,
. y an anXiety on Is . -Watt -ar ti TS
o emelt Collo t h'
into the hands of some efts admirers. nonmoram.ere eFt)e. rliTellsatia.14 lila., %twine
lutontonti. la Tookorsmitti, on seat. iil,a`olin llte.
'Thete were 371 votes impelled in the
Latobton election,
.Manitoba returned three Voneerratieen
fled one Reformer. . • •
• There is no doubt, says the Toronto,.
,.4eader, that the. presence ttf Mr, Mowat,
-who Ma gentleMan of eterling wortRi.oddA
grie,aatr.sutarieoloigotthistotmtiLLooneoaal At(t: romienesttroaotittne.
..gtst,wevembert..but the proclaniatioir '4nee• -- -
Out seyforthe despatch of business. It
le thought,however, -that the session will .,
bncelled before th's Christmas holidays, •
: The (3 -alt Ito)oPtor gives earreney to a.
rumor that should Mr, Wire 111cDOugall ,
_be taken in as a member cif the Govero.'
wont which, meat soda- be formed., and
Some are, clispti.sed to blame the ballot
for several of the losses in the eleotion, brit
the,ballot, Moder the neiv rystisin fulfilled
its purp)fe ia awes,' exoept those in
Which the electore spoiled their ballots by
blunderiug, enabled,tii,ery one to voto
as his o;,vri iindginent and his conscience
rected. vreema:11„ . 4
• At rt Reform Conventton held et Coolce-
tOwn, or Tlitrodey, J„ W„ Hudson, of
Heiteford, woe unanimously chosen as 'Re,
• fere) standard-bearer in the cob ingitontest.
.agoinat'llfr.1),krkbill, of Meitner, -Censer- ,
waive candidete for the'.I.10cal House, to
fill the viteency caused by the resiguatieti.
cif the Ilone-WAlaedougall.
Mr. W, Glen, itsform, SOuth Onta,-
tio''-obitalen.ves Mr. T. N.. ibbs to at as'
• on with his .protesti Glen, sliy,a
"1 mina an veitigation into my condlia •
and assure stbetit they need have" ho fear .
that have. clone anything.to be afraid of, 1 :
oballage itly opponent to enter. the protest
lo his own name, and to: ask that the. _seat
he given to hiieseff.. I treat he .will give ,.
me an oppertrinity to uncover/mite of the
t ran sections ince rt, for Tam anxious to neve •
or manner of eandueting election contests?
in the Riding pet Upon record side by side
Torok° Tektinoq.: They say the
Way brine running into Ottawa hove been
orowded, since the defeat 'of the GOVSit..-
"meet thAvils, by offiee.fteekers aotieus
to enatehTiourothing before Mr. 'Macken-'
zip hands over the reins of 'poWer. That
a great hiany persons will dome away dis- •
appointed is 'foregone eenchisiOIT, for
Mr; Maolconiie is fiarilly the man. to pitch
patronage anti left: because be haa.
lot his:office--411though. he might paint to.
a notable precedent sjustilication of his .•
doing SG if he felt inclined, ter .when: Sir
John -Macdonald resigned offiee he Merle
over :Six huudred appointments,: altliontat
he had his hand on -the door -handle, abeut
to step out. ,
„Rev. Dr. SteWart,., *of Hamilton, in -the
course of an -address, at 'the Ottawa Bap-
tist 'Chproh, last. week, .congratidated the, •
Premier, Mr; Ilfackeezie, far his tempor.
ary trent the cares of office bnt re-
gretted that he'could not congrat'ulate the
Doininitin as the Prenrier had congratulat.
ed. -himself, It was -dangerous grotind-
tcr toiroll' upon., brit, bp believed that he
spoke the sentnuent0 nine.tenths' of' the
mistianis-44.:-the-De i inn
when he said. that When the Hon. Alegan-
tlor Mackenzie retired from office, he would
retire With the highest. esteein a his fellow.
citizens in Canada for his moral integrity,
pure pa t r io Nam , it n co rr upted ad in in is.
,,tration of public affitirs.
Sale fteeleter.
Itatel ftn.niture, horses, buggies, &o. of John
W. Eatili, Prinan of Wales hotel; Clinton)
on the 12th hist:: being is postponement to
• this date. P. Mokinson. Aut. •
Form stock, &c.. of Mr. Stevens, 14. 10;
Hitt.on Road, Godericii Tp, Olt the 15th inst.
Di Dickinson, Atictioneer, ' • • "
Farm stook, arc., of Mr. Jahn Brownlee, lot 24,
501 con., Ifullott, on tile 16th inst alt fr.m.
f. Howsim,
Vann stock, &c., of l‘fr. A, Grant, lot Ss, eon.
If, Goderich Township, on the 22nd inst., al
Jas. Howson, mid,
Farm stock, &a., of Mr. Itobt. Alexander, lot
Xi; eon. (5, GoderIch "Township, on the. 141h
'-inst. J. Howson, stud.
CVNNINOILtart.-ra Vinton, on tlio :hit inst., tiro
wito of 3Ir J Cunningham°, of a daughter. .
Oederleb townablr, on tito sra, tnt, th/
wife of Mr../oe. Griggtof a daughter, *
Clinton. nu the With Seitt.,.the wife of str
Leonora nnn, ola son.
ALtN31DE1l..-10. doclorieh township, 9111 eon., en tnn '
' zteser, of a sott, _
OLIVE11.-Ta Blyth, on soat,eit, thee:ire of Mr Thorium
Oliver, of a 1011.
tigLiaT5.**111 Moven; on 'Sept. 97, the Wile of Alb.
• Thomas Mellis, of a son.
Ilcoosels; en Sold. :to, the wife of Mr .
a daughter,
Melnin-110Sffp-At ISo rosideneo of tirc
hither, en tho 9111 inst., by' Ilia liar. Mr. Itost,
Mn V.:geBsten to catharltie, daughter of
nous, all of Stanley.
ti e Methodist (lintel.,
Lonaosboro, *tithe 1st lilac, by Me new .1.. co.oku,
Iiir S.(1. trashes, of London torinship, to Visa Mary .
*3 Stewart, of Rollett.
IttURET,011--tillOST.--Lt the reelileace • of the
father, on the iMiri Sent., by the U*';Wrn. Ityers,
7111:9rrlotior t 51144 Sarh
tfirNT--liSII..-At the latethodist -.parsonage, tiring-
hlor, 011 the tind inst., by the Rev, W. Dryer°, alr
;fames Illicit, to Anse Mary Delliboth of It/Ingham.
ScrritinT,--Dor,u,kon. at rosbloaceof the brides
. trona., ea the ilnd inst., by lier. Mr (tremor, Mr
• ..Tolta 51. Schmidt, of sorrtb, to Aoplifa .1., daughter
of Mr Polmage, of Maillop.
41.1(11190-BIClital.-In Peri°, oir Seht. laby it0V.
Atinorth, SIr tY. It. Jackson, of serfordt, to
CrfitnrnsWoarit.-VAN MtOsn.-At Strettorl,
on the Urd hist,. by the flew 3. A. William& D.
Itre maunder cbarlesworth, to IllicsMargatet Van