The Clinton New Era, 1878-10-10, Page 1:
VOL, 131•1jO. 40.
'1'Ellt411-$1.50 Per AustinIt, in ndwnstre.
T UMBER FOR SAIATIL--the subscriber of •
for for sato a quantity of 16 and 20 feetioge, hem-
lock, which eart be eawn to order. •The lop are at Hu-
ber's Mill, Londosboro, and will bo sold on, reasonable
terms. Appkii to El I/1MR 01108, erre J.1.A.WRIIHOE,
Londeoboro, Oct. 9, 1878.
I)issownox, 'OLP 1'ARTNB1SHI1),.—
Nothie is hereby given that the partnership exiSt-
ing between Metiers, Boutin; Worthin gtou has this, day.
been diseelved by mutual consent. Mr B. A. Worthing-
ton has assumed the payment of all debts contraoted by
the said firm of Smiles .k; Worthington, . Also, he Is to
collect the same. • •
Witness•:4., L W. D.
Weartnwarott. E. A. Wournittareg. '
Dated at Clinton, tills Rh gay or ootsreer, nes,
110111111110 011011:191011111•1911
_LI the undersigned will not bo 'respensible for any
debts contracted after this date in his • name without
his Ivritten order. CHAS. VILSO8, mon., .
Stanloy, Oct. let, 1678. °
corporation' of Clinton his.pur'obatted a steam•fire
engine, they offer a .small howl -engine for. sale, ouiblif
or small villages, has or factories. Will be 001/1
cheap. Apply, to H. ,SOOTT, Chairman yire-andWatkr.
• Coramittee. „ •
Clinton, Oct. 8, 1876. ••• • '
e QTRAY STEER,- Came. into the -premises
of the subs. oriber, lot 49, London llottd, 'Tucker -
smith, about the 1st of September, a throe year old
Steer. !the °ismer 80 hereby notified to provepropertY
pay charges, and takeitaway. VAIN S rEPHEINS011'.
Tuckeremith, oat. ist 187tk.
QTRAY HEIFER. —Comte into subserilier's
premises, lot 21, liondon Road, Statile-yr-about
lhoo weekssinac, n Whitd Heifer, 2 years (dd, with
some red en it. 'Pht owner is hereby uotilleft to prev.e
property, pay charges, and takeit away. d.
Stanley. Oct. 8, 1878. •
LAND FOR SA:LB.—The' Subscriber offers
for sale an pro of land, ((White cartIto 01hbings
eurvey, , near the Clinton High School.' The lot 'is
fenced, has on it a large gnantity of good hnit trees,
end is an excellent bnilding site. Terms reasonable.
Apply to E. CHESSER.
Clinton, Oct. 3, 1878.
Q11 AWL LOST.---Ou the Gravel Road, he-
tween Minton and the 5tk conceielan of nullett,
on the 208h inst., A WOOLL15N SHAWL The finder,
will confer a favor .by leni(ing thq same at.the Csias:ois.
1,11142 ERA 01E00. • .•
linilett, Sept. 24, 1818. .
STRAY SHEEP.—Strayed pin the pre,
rUill08 thositbecriber'abuittte.12th inst., nine
Sheep --1,12 ewes, two ringsllambs, (Ind one MR. Any'
one giving such hiformatinn as still lead fo their e•e-
calmly, will be saitcbly rewarded. E.. 1111IORERDEN:
Clinton, 3ept.19. 1878.
NOTICE TO DEBTORS—The anbacribere
hereby TO
all who areindebted to them „that
all accounts must be settled at ORM, a they will be
placed in the hands of °therein):eollactien.. .11CBER
Londesboro, sem, 10,1378. • •
FARM FOR ettALE.....
The subscriber oCers thst donveniently situated and
desirable farm lot 31, 7011 con. lipllett, or mad, 100
acree, 80 cleared, reinainder good hardwood beak). There
aro two frame barns and two flume sheds, dwelling
house, splendid well, good orotund.; tory good grazing
farm, and only Morn:files from Crintoii, where there 'are
two railroads. Possession given immediately.
VOL 311;10 -treat
Hallett, Sept. 12, 1878.
F 0 R el A L
KIX ACILES 01:F. LAND jti "11A ILEUM. it.
To be sold, Mr acres of •prIme land, in the 'Village of
Hayfield, County.of 'Huron, one of the healthiest Knots
in the Dominion. Good stew bailee, bOr8, stable, pito
water, good picket fence. over 1110,prime varieties fruit
treescommencing to bear. Near school, ohntehes,
stores, and conveniences of every kind. Half of the
pnrohase money only rermired down, for the balance 10
term of years will 1n) given on mortgage security, with
interest at 8 per cont. Au indisputable title will be
given, 035351 possession of the place. RR soon as sold.
Corn° end see. or inquire of
T. C. McIVr0S17, Commissioner,
Hayfield, Aug. 22ud, 187S, _ _
• :11.(Sis .JE111 \VALUER.
Legs li•avo to hiform the ladles of Clinton qui 018311119
that she has opened &Mantle and DreeentakIng estab,
iislueent on Victoria Street, oppokiite tits Iiattenbury
Holum. A CALI SOL7f 11`1•11. TRW appferafee0iyant•031
4.11111011, Sala. 19, 1878. °
The subscriber offers that conveniently situated and
valuable farm,
lot 15, Rase Line, Gotten= Toni:whip,
containing 80acres, on which there area tog house,
frame barn and stable, good orchard, well watered, 60
acres cleared, remainder good hardwood. Schoollukust
close to the farm. About four roiled Hein Clinton.
Apply to WM. WHITELY,
ondeaboro, Sept. 12, ins. •
I 0P'7-
33A.P.) IV.001\T.,
A g
lir AL Tit novvA
31100011 28,1879.
II 0 1T SE TO LET Canadian News items.
" . ' ------
. . Rev, Drdi
. ,La, tt 'ed at Oollingweed, on
Thoth subfaniber desires 1et that tionvoniontly-0810- Thursday., , 4 . ,
ated rosidenoo on the Moron Road, near tho G. W.
Station, at •presont occupied. by himself. 9 he house
oentaina ieur hedrometi, parlor, dining room, 'tWO".
iiitaheus, LaMar, Palitriell, de.; large garilenovith stablo
etc.; Apply on the proulkes to '
• W51. SIf 'ART,
Or to . t. A. A ,
Olinton, /on, 8,107e, ,
• •
• ;„•.l..1.7 : .
. A. • r•
The Undorsigned.offers for:sale,hie ftirin of 100 aores,
beingsouth•ludf Of it 66, thid son. of Emit Wasranesh,
Si mos clearod,romainder good hardwood:huh, Frio=
barn 86x60 frame house, outbuildings, good well, tom
and a•half first-class erchard; Situate about Si pH ea
from the village ot Myth.. Farm is well fewer], and in
good Stade of oultivation. _ •
aniiN .WAGINEIt, '
' (f.-17 "Illytb P. 0.
' East Wiwanosh, Sept; 7., 1878. *
F -A R M 0 fl S
. .
, 'mho undersigned oilers -for ea e huti fame of 100 neres,
being lot 24 2nd' con. Tuckersthith, (11.11.$,) There
aro 80 00703 010/1TC(1. and in good state. of coltivation,
Nine well Under -drained ; botanhe hardwood, On the
promote. arolireklaes bnildings, gbod oroht rd, 'plenty
of water, and ait conveniences, 'rho farm Is ai miles
from Se/north eis9 13 trent aflame Particulars on RP-.
plioation Ilt this ofdike, 01' et the'propliitbr,.. • •
• Ardt'UNTIElt CA111PMELI., SnAfellrkt
•Tuckersmith, Aug. 1„1878. , • sa
• • •
1'.11t) subsmibete 4•f1or that valimblo end cenvenicut
Intl Property fur solo*, 2:3410.te(1, in the Tulin:Min of
Stanley, near Irani:40n tho Saytiold Itivev. Thom la a
Steam eriseenn ef twoaneat etonoe, and a Saw Mill '
and Shingle Saw. 'With the Mill therb aro anon acres
01 land, with -new 11011103 andbank barn. or further.
purtfoulare apidy to
.M0117,Ell Duos.
VaVuni Sot 2 5, 1878. '
. ,
The antler. igued oders for 00.300 "mondial artu cou-
tabling SA 0.1100, erealearel and 10 tt good ststo of pulti-
iatiou. Edvorlailing ;spring Meek 'rosining across -the
centre; there in also a splendid•well, orcharil,huildinge,
on the place': it is.well situated, being lot:08481h
oon,•Oodocieh.rlowiOdp; and is ouly h31 8. mile item •
the corporation of the 'XoWn of Clinton, and has 0 lint
tia: of the entire town. Yor further particulars minty
to • WM, 11..001100N. '
••. At Gordon Einisysoles Grocery Store. -
Clinton, ;fifty 11,18?1i. . • ' :
' The rate of taxistien tins year in feud -
ford is two. eonts; It will be the same in
There in n oltlt (it freight' going istto
illaniteba, nnd,_tlott shipping n go n ta have
reftseed to eceept any more, •
MaelYougal, a toilin, of Torotito, Was
. arrested et Montreith .on Saturday edged,
charged with being an accomplice in the
$30,000 robbery beim the lleceiver•Gene.
ritl's (dike, Toronto.
•e.4 by-law to repeal.the Dentin, Act, in
Ni rth Grey eiece Maya1877, is .tts
beeroted upon the afith. It is altogether
likely thee it will be passed, as very little
opposition has been ofFered to, it,
Cerlettin Place hes it eensation. The
editer of the Genera/ Cametienwas eitned
ii -'Wednesday by the head teacher' of tho
High School for Nome uncomptimentery
tetereece If(ade to 010 Ht1011 by the
The grist int11, itew shingle factory
and deer mill, beim-it:dee to Oooper
leprlieglime, of Breentheld, were destroy-
ed by firti'm) SwilAny. Thu nrigiu of tlie
fire is unknown, bet it is supposed to have
been c3tutte4 by -boys smoking. No leiter-
ance. Loss, about $S,000.•
The Municipal Centel]: of 'Wilmot has
decided. to grant a pen sian of one thousand
dollars to Mr. Michael Myers, of Batten,
Who bat been eonneetedwith the snenici-
pal admioistrat ion of the township for, 40
years, -meet of which thee he brie filled the
office of .townsitip Clerk.
Ma W. MeNatiobton, operator of the
Montville Telegraph Company at Stratford,
the ether day got a message for e local
graineelyet, went out, fopnd hire, (rot ana
aneWer and sent it to ejontreal, where it
reached two iiiinntes -feti l. the thee the ,
messier to whieli 1.e WAR en weever had
left. ' " •
AIittIo datigitter ef Mr. lt, Young, if1
.Dorcheeter,:was .killed ou Saturdatt after, '
noon in h shrieking men nese .• While. the
fathev AVng wateribg hia horses in the yard.
FirousE AND LOT loet smile, one of them get loose and threw the child
,down. The ..face and tihet Was
crushecl withethe horse's feet to such an
,extent Unit (loath rettulted in 'Abut half an
• - . •
• • •A• 'IR 00»(111 A N •
•; That woll-bniittWo-story containing twelve
I roonin, o lot 724 Spencer street, with good garden, eta-
0•911`bundittT,I, well, ao., toe nee:mica by 9. at.
eeoftymee Sold on vary easy 101.111 R.. Payment taken
in fonnthly.instalfeents, if desired. dimly to the owner,
Mr.gose,ph Rowell, or to •
Clinton, Sept. 4, 1878.
FA R m 'F.-0 fl S A. L E
.IN (10.1).n111 T0WN.4.1111'.• '
Tile undersigned °Casio). sale the tomtit part of 101
Nu. 12, Huron Road, Gokerfalt Township consisting of
90 acres, 511000 or Moe; -Aleut 80 soros e3earod,16 acres
slushing, and balance timbered land. On tbe premises
is a•trente barn' 20 x 46, shed 40 :12, good young or-
chard and neve failing spring.. Will be soId ottreason-
ahPe terms. Apply Tersonally or by. letter to • .
' . amens THITICKKAP.
• 85 • • HoL1tESV1IJAI 1%11.
O. Chaster, of Erlieville; .W'aterlote left
his residepeo seine eiine during lad Sera
day night. 'About ono next morning s his
wife Missed hum • Soarch was id nnce
made, and shortly after he , was found iri
Mr, Jaeobaecodar awarep, haeiging* on a.
bent 'cedar about eitehteen feet from the
.gronnd. Cause of the stitehlal ;claret nne
Horso-thieves aro operating pretty ex:
tensively in the Ottawa district. 'A farmer
from the mouotain dietriot reports that
be Itas been -relieved 'of seven, which swells
tlie number stolen' front differoet parties to
twenty-two. A farmer Mimed J . •Icerr.
who roe/Jen near Ben Corrierehas-since
repose( al that six bottles Itad even stolen
from lift pasture. ,
ST, sd.:eerN.E. OTTAWA
•-rtia lotting of the works at et; 1111110 has nnavoillailly
to be postponed to the following dates:. •
'fenders will 130 received:unfit ItE81341., the 1.12iii
Plana end ,specifiCatione wilt ho seem on caul after
Tillifita"Z,tho litIGIITH DAY OP guronne. •
EZI'AR'Llitla 012 1.'12RVIO W0111101
O•rr.twot, 21et September, 1878. .
H "(T F4 E V' 0 It SALE.
Tee aeasrstense offers for sato JjiO two,superiur tam -
Story frame divolling-houses, on Erie Street, not far
trona G. W. E. Station, tdr.:
1. Domm containing sitting-romn, aining•rOloto, kit-
chen, and tour bedrooms ; good liteble, woodshed, pump,
Matzen:len with fruit trees. .
2. Mouse containing ratting -teem, dining•coomy
01oe and three bedrooms,. -with good garden, and fruit
trace inheating.
Terme moderate; pact 0018(81 11 tegnited. Apply tit
140.11.11104, or to the tindcteigned on the Iwelnlims•
Clinton, Sept. 8, 18711. ,
Lhe cholee Park Lei on Erie Street, Clinton, comp',
Sing *Vet ten acres, how held by dohn Mathioson• ef'
fact for sale oh moderato terine.
Clinton, Sept. 9,1878.
es young lad aged fourteen, named, A.
Hallam, who had been sent out from In:
Ilia by his parents to Cenada, for the pule
nose of being educated, and Who was to
live with his grandfather, S. Hallam, ot
Woodetock, is miming. He Metered safely
.at Now York, and under the bare, of the
Young Metitt Oltristien Aseeciation there,
was put on the train for eWeedstook, 'un
Wednesday, the 2lit1i of September. 1.7p
to this time ha has 11081 1111011 tweed of, and
fears aro entertained that Ito has gone ae-
tray or been fealty dealt with.
The other moreing, es ono cif the ladies
DE Mr. Durritt's family, Stratford, wait en-
gaged in some household duties, she beard
a crashing of glees in the *dining emelt, and
thinking some one had thrown a stone,
went ttt to ascertain the amount of the da-
mage. The floor was covered with split-
ters of glass, and in the corner the lady taw
a moving object which turned out to be a
full-grown partridge,which with the Pro-
verbial i
blindness of ts kind, -tad failed to
SCO the whitlow. It wits none the worse
for the ahock, arid was `ltept for several
days by Mr. Ilurrite, when it, was allowed
to go free. . ,
Ou Wednesday night the.body of a man
R. Stewart, a fernier, who lived between
Vraserville and Springville, Booth Mona-
ghan, was found in the middle of the road
a little north of Bewdley. Evidences of a
fearful struggle existed in the immediate
vicinity surrounding the body, but netted
iug was fouhd to Waled° who were. the
perpetratots ef the destardly deed, The
body wart very mum brueled, and the
1, Parra Lot efeeei te the EIret Concession iguron
Road) Tuckotemith, contains 98 acres of that -class land,
about two reties front Clinton,board !onto in bent, good
hardwood timber,. May be made a superior daikY farm -
2, West EMI' of Lot Eight in the Eleventh Coutes-
Mon of TUrnberry, fiftyacros; good wheat laud, oix mites
rroni WItighem and one natio front the Glerlantlan Sta.
lion of tho Toronto, Grey lug Brace Itailvray. A imatill
Oloaranto on the front, balance hardwood timber.
Nould =eon for caelt, or exchange for town proper'tylu Clinton, Apply to the owner;Satrittel Thrower, at
1183 7'8 onision, or to the uudereigned.
4. 'rho 'wound. convenient Brick Store, itt the AV,
bell treot Meek, noW.oCcupled by Mr, XamBiddletombe.
Let 20900 Vietorla -Street, Clinton ouleitaine the
,pueen'S Vote!) With two-story frame Inniso and garden.
tot 89; dented Street (Gordon notate Harvey) IvIth
Ibroomed oottage, good atid-gtirclen. Apply to 4119`.
AteXantler oil the promises, ot to the undersigned.
7. '„the Urge feetury beading and Mt, adjoining the
Grand Trituk Station, formerly occupied by .1, II. Ilel.
wit); engine and boiler. Picini nee well 'mita tor
triatinfactnticiworpoemi. park -packing. &e.
8'. Lot 6, onVietokie Street, (Geraon turveY);* deka
building lot, between the G. T. Itailway and the.flitOr ;
well•fonised, planted With trete, good wolf, .to
Ott ton, Inge 4,1918.
skull broken in several places, allowing
that the robbers meat have been the most
deterrained characters. When Mr. Stewart
Ieft Pott Elope, having eold his grain, he
W218 known to have in hie possesmon over
SIM in cash, not one cent of which watt
found on his body.
Some three weeks ago a dory W110 10 -
ported about a Workman, ors the London •
reservoir votniting a live frog which he had,
eardettely imbided from totapring creek
near the worka. Mrjonaakortner, hotel
man at 13yron, reports that the frog is
alive and doing well, having groin very
rapidly since it regained its liberty. It is
kept at the hotel as a curiosity, and ie vi-
sited by Boom of people, who feed it on
flies and other refreshments to test the
fact of its being alive, Its connexion with
this matter Mr. Ooonnba. tells a story and
vouches for its truth, of a man who twat-
dosved frogs alive regularly, to core indi-
gestion.; and Mr. Forteer adds to this a
story of a hired man (Able, named Andrew
Haag, who for a wager swallowed awes
mice t
let is reported that a valuable coal
mine has been discovered thirty Milo from
.the village of Joliette., Que. . •
At 01arkville, on Tuesday, o man named
Arthers a, plasterer. frern flamilten, fell
edead while walking Monello street. •
IVIcIntosh, Clistnme Officer at
'Kincardine, for over tweety-one *yeast
died last Wednesday night, of typhoid
.fever He was widely known, '
The im phis of Canada during tlze inenth
of September anmented $7,497,407e 11P-
018 which paddy of 4,179,073 was collect.
Cels The etaaufactured imports only to
$270,390. • e '
The.Atnericans have finished . the grid.
ieg, of the railetey to the Manitoba bound,
ary line, and trains are -running front St.
Paul to e pint with la tweney-five, miles
of EtlfOson. • , •
: Several London livery atable keepers ate
charged 'at' the load police-CO*11d with do-
ing business without lieense. Tee defend-
ants intend to contest the point of their
liability, as they think the by law ie
te .man eft in charge of the wardrobe
at the cricket ;Isaiah in Tottnito on Tuesday
leteeen the • Austreliane eleven and tho
'Ontario TWenty.tivie.decainpe4 •with half
d dozets watches helenging to the visitote.
They were valued et S1300. ,
Collector Ceven,' of Stratford; assisted
. hy. Wei °Moors on Tuesday seized, an illicit
still ine fall operetion in the village of
Pinkerton. Thea spirits and apparatus
were 'seized and destroyed. The proprio -
tor woe arrested ancl ocenteitted 10steed
trial at the assizee now , being held at
Walkeiton. 1
A child of J.; 'Richards, . laborer, 'of
Jarvis', was run over and killed on Mon-
day morning on the. Hamilton et• Nerth-
westerh Rtieway track flt the west side of
the village, being out completely. in two.
A deep cutting end nem emus curves where
'.the aeoident ocentrectrender 181 iinpossible.
for a driver to ,stio. but'a abort distance. • •
ilenlati cleteated Ceurtney, theAna:ti-
c/1n cham Pi on, 'at Lachine.; on Tlisitstley,
by a beet,. length. :The rade ems 'closely
.contestecl, and the greeted enth ashore Wad
manifested ley the immense crowd of spec-
tutors over, the victory' of the Canadian
oarsman.. It is estimated that there were
250 prekpciekets at the face, and Many petd
dons being:thieved of their valuables,, some
bane completely cleaned out, . •
.• • .
ACMeettreal, on Monday the Grand
juee brought its a true hilleagaiest David
Geant, Fred. Ittgratn, leilburn
andother70raegemen: charged with pnlaw-t
fully aesembling on the 12th of • July lade
They are indided together as a principals,
and eeperat.ely as aecestiories. Not being
in Court when called, Benchwarrants
were %stied for their erred,. but it is eX.
• pected that ,they will Vele ntarily int rrender:
' Vast herds of talo ,aro arriving 'tette
33attl4o9d, Manitoba, and the proved ia
eftetedettairthe 'Indians will see Itu”leuty-of
food for the cuing winter.
OA Thursday night the dry ,goods, store
of A. Ross, at Kingston, state entered be
burglare; and alike to, the value' of five
thousand dollare 'carried off.
Atthe lutrse epee en Iilridey on the'Ex-
hibition groonds Lens:lone a ember of
good Animals wino sold for shipmeet to
the States .at an averageprice of ebout $80.
The .Weatern Fair closed et -London., on
tlie 411 inst.eafter a very eaccessfuie week,
theeelinissions-thiring volitek were 'about
00,000, :oyer 10,000 of Quote being by sail -
W31 y coppen tickets. • ,
During it dance in the town ball Mitchell
on Wednesday evernne, seine Mischevidus
persens threw thn. stairs,then
closed the outward door. and barricaded it
awl b.otog ahd hatreli,
.. • . .
Walter Weir, of 311)00110,
went •tte t sleeting with seine com pen ions ,
op:Thursday and while loaclin,g hi* gun, it
exploded, killing hire inst-antly. Ile- was
.eest of Mt...James Weir, brickmaket.
The C 'idea bit iane of ,Ienekh 031(0 seri0 us •
ly 'thinking of getting, upa jai:It adclress
,to elte.Marquis of.lierne., on behalf of the
• viseious Caledonian•and St.; 'Andre tv'e Se,•
' &dies throughout •
The 'bents of J. 'W. Friteh, elf Drumbia,
Twberise.steoatsiscl)lny,sdoers(tzygevid nheyd lireonotnhTitteesnclealrt;
%tete else copsinned.. The erode sUpposed
to lueve Oteginated by children pleyitnt
-with matches.. • 's • •
• . 'A litele.girl etbeut •eixt years, old, the
u liter ,tif Wm. Rogers, of. the second
line, sof Wartvick, was 'bitten a 'short time
ago by a ecie which had been bitten be a ,
mad dog. The.little girl died on Friday
•with 141 the symptorne of hYdropliottia. s •
Dagfpot Co. plitnine Still Bain'e livery
stable and •,dtvelling house; mid Clruicke
'13hanlee cermet/tee hnp,lienniton, - were
binned' ott Thersday. ,,Soppoited incendia•
ary. During the pregiossof thedrethieeee
entered Reoltractit's jewelley 'stote and etele
$800•to.$1;000 worth of. jewet.lry; . •
. A Toronto laborer was :entombed Oti
Thersday by the ceving• 'wed the metes of
a sewer. le took fully three-quarters of
an beer to remove the earth that covered
hien,' whento eee'eurprise of all be stepped
out alive and urtiejined.. The planks used
to keep Up the tildes of the sewer had 'pro,•
Meted hint froth the falling earth ae4 savocl '
hi3. life. t s 1:
••. Ie answer to ustipeions 'enquiries s re-
specting the fasteet vectnet,7We informeour
readers that Joshua Waici'rowed at Staten '
Island, N. Y., on the llth of October,
4855, five miles in 35 • mitnites and 10
seconds.' lit England the fattest champ-
ionship time ' distance, four, • miles •••auci•
th re e• et e the— walie ad e.bY Jam es Renhirth•
in 23.15 with the title, Although the same
course bas been rowed in 22
,During tho fait week in TOrOn to it gene.
tlernan had token a. eerie in .e stied oar,
,wheraimeine a young lady eorne iti be gide.
Inntly arose intending that she. -should sit
down. • His surprise, may sbe iniegined
sty' hen -a '. YOung ' matt imniediately slipped
into it. On bein,g.remoneerated with, he
shit], " Oh itht all .the same; she can sit ore
my knee," Anddown eh° pieced herself'to:
the manifest confusion of the party of the
Oise pare and the emusernent. of all the
'other vatic's,.
• At Essex aesiees lest week George Grady
was,eharged with assaulting George•Hoe
wards and attempting to drown him a few•
day e :since. ' He was sentenced to seven
V01103. in the • 'Provincial Penitentiary.
Grady had been captured, pessed. a Peell-
e -finery treil before justice Baetlet, bound.
over Le the • Assizes, trieds Convictedaztd
sentenced to the l'enitentiaryall witlitt a
week from the gine- he 'committed the
crinte and thio irt gpite of every effort that
could'be Insleehelf, . Thisprompt
justice wilt have ft telling effect on the
roughs of Windsor. .
It was proposed in the Quebec Oity
00tilleili on Fricley tight, to ciit oft the
Whole- ef the gas in the city Streets, Mat-
ters are so rapidly growing from bed to
woette itt eontiection with municipal atfairs
thet one alderman stated on Friday: that
be thought the Council ought to -pees is
TeS01110.00 fiek110%910aghlk their inability
to donated the affairs of the city, and beg-
ging the citizens to place Untie &Wee in
tho betide et (Abdo. No state of effairs,
say tbe local papers„, weld possibly be worse
Alum that winch now exists.,
• Some tih30 since 0, petition WAS circulated
in Guelph, and largely signed; for the
'commutation of the sentence of Louisa
Stordy, who was mentenced to two years
in 'dig penitentiary for aiding in the ab-
dection of a young hay,. The petition
was forwarded by Dtitabar & jelinstom
barristers, and haft had . the desired effect.
Daitbse Johnston& litititiefedleitted Men
the Secretary of State a e011111111Dieatien
which announced that Louiea, Sturdy
would be released at the expiration of one
Year from tho date of her ,eentence. The
giri will therefore be released on the 298110
S. L. J. Rankin, who hoe been serving
a term of five years in the .Petnteututry
for embezzlement' from the. Post Office,
wee pardoned; and freed from that institu-
tion on Itiondayetternoon, by orders from
Ottawa, he having sereed two years of. his
pp:Li:nice. ',NM action of the Gover-
nor General was hissed upon a Petition
signed ,hy a biretta nntebee of 'prominent
" Om...Saturday moreieg the perilona•feat
of running the Lachine Rapids in e small
boat was accomplished'by left.. G. L. Hahne
artist for Frank Leslie's Weekly, and (tot.
Frank Bond, of Montreal, under the guid-
ance of " Big Joint," the fanaous Indian
guide and lacrosse field -captain, assisted
by etvo Indians named "John Baptise"
site John Slicer. , This 18 only the. second
time they Ilene -ever been run by white
men in'a small boat. The iisk run eat
bo imagined, when teis blown that on
thieeteasion the force of the water splits
the bow of the boat, "
One Samuel Devie, cattle 0, Ingersoll
about four months- ago aud opened in the
dry good line and, as was his regular
custom, failed.' Ho was arrested in St.
Thome on Monday by Constable Capron
at, tho inetigation of his ereditarte assignee,
as thereawae g00ti reailtiII to believe there
was more than the usual amount of crook-
ednes in his affairs. He was brought he -
fore D, M. Robertson, magistrate Ingersoll
on Tuesday and remanded until Thursday,
bail to- the amount' of $2,000 being de-
manded. DAYiii'gvidetitly had soma tittle
trouble in securing tho needful,and 'last
tight, while under the surveillance of
Constable Carroll at the Daily House, he
cove that (Meer the slip and escaped.
Nissouri aeons fated to achieve ane.uns
enviable notoriety in the inmate of crime.
A young man Matted Langford, who re.
sides near' Kintore, was married a few
010.313 9111011, and few of his "friends'
deemed the occasion of sufficient itnport-
tince'to justify a heal of the time-honored
ceremonial of a cbarivari." The recipi-
ent of the honor, however, demurred to
theitifliction and treated the party rather
roughly. Fincliug that legal measures
would be resorted to, and evidently think-
ing that whet was done Should be well
done, the serenaders organized a second
"ohativari"-on Monday ttmeeitig week.
Before they arrived at the mooting place,
however, thy found that they had attest. -
rel to settle atnong themseees, which was
speedily and effectually done by 6110 of
the party named Day drifting another
named tefoIntotth on the head with a COW.
bell with such violence AS to fracture the
skull. This of course broke pp the fun.
The injured led was taken home inunediat
tely tit an uticonaeioue 'date. There is
small hope ef hie recovery, Both Were
more boys, being about 14 years of age.'
As Langford intends prosecuting their
cornpanions there Roemer some hope that it
check will be put on such rowelyistst
Oft Saturday mording,abeet tett o'clo• ck
as the Cfrand Trunk train rending from
Portland to Montreal was conning into
ltichtnond Station, it ran over a man, who
was lying prostrate on the track, With his,
left- arm and left leg extended 0100' the '
rails, When picked up his arm Was fouled
to be 'severed at the elbow andhis leg at
the knee, and Ills right 'arm anaright leg
W000 SO entailed that they had be be tent
putated. The left, leg was cleanly creaked
off, and when the Man was removed was
left atandingin a tem boot. The unfortu*
Bata man was under the itifluente of liquor
when the ttecidelst occurred. .
• -
ewommetimeossiereeeniapinowoes sstoseritesitesorewsinesemeg.
noronnEs a sox, -
• . ettetnittoterte,
A. hard thinking man, seren• erelly 10101711
40 Humpy Campbell, died at Rogers"
eWetford, last Friday. night. o.
was found on Thursday in a field, wheee
he is supposed to hey° sinceeenesclay...
Exposure' 03101 whiskey was the. elms° of
his death. •
J.H,Smith iind his wife lutve retailed.
the Corporation of.the Town of ihttalao,
theoeigh their liswyers, that they. -will see
the Corporatione for the enema • ef '$1,000.•
for damages emstaieecl'bte them ,.by: their •
horse breaking through the ..Dritiog, Park'
bridge laseelst of July. Thirty dollars
Coete aro also asked for. " -
The'Ctionty ledge of -Middlesex;
°feed that an inaolvent lute no right to 're-
tain ft valuable end expensive *atoll from
his essignee 111 insolveney on the grourti •
that itos imee.esery and • ordipary wearing .
apparel, but mon hand erel1 the seism to
his assignee for the benefit of Isis -credit Ors,
. The Branfoid.Cite Connell has. voted an
address te.e.enal Beacensfield. The Courier
eays that npon the illinninatecl copy there -et: -
has boon esigrossed• His Lordshipet coat of..
Orme wittehisenotus ° .t •
The Earl will probably seed the address to
the seate ef.leareitee for en inteepretetien -
of this sample of Brautiord Latin; •
Miss Helen .teltisan, 'it esetutz W01113,11
who is in the onittloy of Mr. L. S. Youngs, .
Breolosdale, met with eathet it singular ace
oident orl Sunday. morning. Getting up
before it was light, she proceeded' to-
wards- theetindove to raise the blind; 40. • .
in so doing etruok tee on alchaire cane.-
ing•her jew..borieeto beComit en -jointed.
. Several parties :dosser AIM Lake Shore
. .
Laanbtotie heee lately b-ee victimized, :
by a .conpla of sharpers nit o have' been •
selling tho. lumber washed epee the beaoh
to .those foolish enough, to TWO. of
Feresee constables 'dole tietele it seizure .
Ofthe blether thos etild; ler cnstemeduties
and found that tine .sharpete 0101100(1
some $200 by:their operations. . •
'Weeti • tittle' R.Waiil,'cite, •
penter, Woodstock, while eneaged 131,
:htte eels ohil dutiehtwo '11 peitti - aim accident,' •
I idly' ran , needle. tilt 1161.1 liand,..The
handet,eoce.sWelleti eft. Is:ta
:preclude atty attempteto extract tho
I NO fatal results wore 'feared at thetime
bet on Wednesday Ht: \1 rd died in great
On Friday morning of Ilse'. week, during
. .
his absence on a visit, the bare of Mr. .4..
Eiehtuders ;Tr.; .contitieing the -Whole •
Bile year's-cros Wits destroyed by • fire.
Thefite .tvacaused by a .sPark. froth the
pipe -of inf t, shortly be-
fore for the Mitceellefair.. The •Ieeie -also, •
embracee.ti youtig oat alta some farre
thinery. , Partielly bleu reds • '
The ruinons pticee 01 Which Listoivell
merchants haye heen compelled ett dispose
of their butteit after having paid fer good
and bail alike, ha e led them to adopt meets
for havingetlie bpi ter efreted en the market.
graded and- jetiltiseaccording to quality. •.
Accordingly at a meeting on Tuesday even-
ing it was resolvedto appoint a better in-
spector, whose duty it should be to inspect .
and decide epee the Merit:3 ofall butter .
offered for sale. ::e .
' A. romanticepisode look place ;it 'Lon
don on Tuesday in.the discovery by it well -
know metered citieen nenied Wagner. Ofa
grand -daughter, whom litehail not seen for
twenty-fiao years, end only then asan in-
fant in arms; in the person of Mrs. Kea'.
seeds,: of the Fiyerit Sisters troope of col:
onred opera singere: Whe saw the child
lad he" was a slave to Kentucky; • whence -
atIttortneceomde. Whes:e he has earned
' 31anitobst.
The new city:ef Emerson is peopled with -
immigranto from the older Cenadien pee-
vineeti arid chiefly frotn Ontario. Ietalked
with several and found' that they were de-
lighted with their prospects, The And is
superlatively fertile, the soil being tt black
mould whieh s never less then two feet
depth and in inane,. places is its• much aa
twelve feet deep. Grain :grows 1u:tenants
4, :IS pinch *fifty bushels; of wheat tO the
acre.being El) tineommon yield. Vegeta-
bles flourish eind adults ingantio propor-
tions. I saw a cnedienber grown not far
from here will& was six feet and e, half
long. Indeed, the mod striking proof
and illustration of the fertility of the doll
is supplied by the -land which the Ina -
brae& hoe cultivated. I saw a „ seep of
wheat Yielding twenty-five bushels to the
acre growing on ground whereupon wheat
had been grown for rixty. yeere ,in flumes-, '
don. Sach lauch. Properly cultivated,
Would Prove a veritable gold mine. The
air is light eted exhilarating, du the hottest
part of summer the etonings are cool, and
a blanket an always be bottle in bed if
can speak of the Winter tilling° from here -
say only, yet all those persons who have
wintered here speek _of the climate in
terms of high praise: Mr. Taylor, the
United States Consul, who has lived in
Winnipesr for eix years, confirmed to me •
all that I haye heard, from the natives in
favor of the wintet climate. Perhaps the
best proof of good health was the closing'.
of a largedramatis store on account of in- •
auffitient• atistont. —Lefler in, Boston Ad:
lit your Life vVerth 10 acids 1
Sialinetie pretaild tioreryvthere, and evetree
body complains of some disease during their
life. When sick, the object is to get %Irene
new to say plainly nosperton in thie world
that ie oeffering with Dyspepsia, Liver Com.
plaint and its effects, such 8 'Indigestion,
Codiveneee, Sick Headache, &Mir Storaaoh,
Heart Burn, palpitation of the Ileart,Depress-
(01 Spiritte Biliousness, Ott., can Enke CiltaaN'a
AUGUST FLOWER leithett2 getting relief itra. •
cute. If you dente title, go to yam druggist
and get a eaniplebottle for 10 etude, kid try
It. Regular- size 73 cents. Two f10909 *in