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The Clinton New Era, 1878-10-03, Page 8
A, • owkoloiossissewirmistosomweimiwinslitwaSsiskilaStilisli r , i. CoRREOTiO S or IL 13. A. S. Pump CLINTON- NEW ?" EId•AR I _, 1 e ar a „T — . _ .__..� .__.__.. •__. _.._. •_. ..._ Lisa.,. to t» year Oki n . l purpose TO OUR FR _...., AND PATRONS. - .1'iliy, Wm, Craig, instead of 11. Itt�- b botta9il, . ()pen buggy, Joltii �V llintus, mates too past real• wo Lave worked very bard In the I Kinbunl second instead of R emboli . endeavor to• nuke. the Naw Ela* a paper worthy tho } emboli upport of au, anal boliove that wo boyo suogoodod in Leslie. 'Embroidery ill silk, lat 11Irs, rnakrng it eecopd to%ono• • fent to do this a•e havo been Hontsleyf y instead of Mrs: ITunle DZrs pot to oopsiderablo e,cpense, and thug far the returns have not ppm, f4proportion to the outlay, Wo do not J3emsley also took first and second prizes Pike to be continually eekipg opr.subncribora to pay.pp, and would inn* rather not do it, but. ,no we very much for. embroidery on velvet, Mr, F. Mc- ionet boobs, auto an hogly egktolmr t whielni pti ne Ewen a.S n of Ql� &first prize fol` a colt, rvhieli meet. �oneytouno able u9 to sermon oof our hnsoiess,,00 on o p recorded,' . • parry our own, ire trngt our gubeoribors -will at once ego ()oRPOIIATION I:i'EAi .+-=In another 00 - the urgency of out ohne, and:pay up, The harvest being , over, and Winos being pow in a position to sell. their pilon will.be found an advertisetuent fol' gain, we horn MOO w'bo aro' Indebted to ne w•ill lease the Sale of a Small fire engine by the town corporation, .Tenders are also wanted for the erection of a loose tower, The ' reguliar monthly' meeting of , the WE have necessarily to curtail" many council will take plane: next Monday -matters this •weal;, owing to the unusual evening, and as there aro sevetal.rnatters press of advertisements •:. ' ' of ,special public 'interest likely to conal WEsi`RItNalit, =The Cl •.1Y. •1', .is Ju'1) fol discussion, latepiyers allould eii- this week' 'cait•ying':pretty large- num.: deavar to be present .to shote tl>>tit they' bers team 'Western Fair at London,are not indifferent= to the "managetripit• Of -the affairs of the town,'• ' Holies KILi> D; --On• Tr•iday night DiIATu or Mit.. W. T. Oox.—Mainy last a horse belonging to Mr. John Ship- of the readouts of Clinton -and ..tho ltd ley, of the Huron :load, strayed, en , to jaeent country will be sorry to hea.i• of the G. T. R„ and. was killed by the late the death of 1V1'r. W. T. Cox, formerly train. •, proprietor of Goderich. nal, .shicli DEER KivL:tn.—One daydaylast Week„ Sig ek, occurred on the 21st ultinlore, at• Syca- 'l1iTr. C. Grassick killed . -n. deer on the more,:; Illinois. JIe'was born in Godo- Firlton farm, adjoining .• this town. It rioh Township; in:1841; and was eon- weighed . something• over one' Hundred: aecinently 41 years of a age at the time of pounds. It is •very - seldom` that these. his death.. . During his . residencegth:erb- . animals aro found so close to town. • he had Many Warm friends, antl, when notice .than 17t: H: be relinquished the proprietor ship of the WE. are glad to Stevens is again to become;' resident of- 4191141 there were many w,lro .were sorry the tow n, having purchased the• lot on to• part, with •lriur,. ate nbiir and Orange N altLY FLEE( n, -A slioi•t time the corner of R e ya a. streets,.froin Mr Searle, rilloti �rhieli`1re since 'a' wel -known resident of liutlett; intends to buildin the spring, liltving•al While • on his way .to, N:anitoba, Was ready conrdrrenced to pat atiaii oil the ,w aitiilg.'for ai. train in:G'hicaoo;'. reboil ire round. .was. accosted by'a rustic looking indi- e g ' • victual who represented that he 'was' also HAIIILToNCouBET -On Friday even- from Canada on'hia :Way' to tho •north ..-ing the above'narned Scotch vbcalistiavo west. Together. they sauntered ground a concert in the town•hall;..:rut owing to to while 'away 'tlie time, and :eventually the brevity of the notice, and the Iaak brought up iit_ii. restaurant .who=se bet-,, of knowledge among our_ town people of ting was in Progress• One of the Play - this gentleman's vocal gift, the audience ers,who,had a large.o mount of Fauna; was not what" it otherwise wouldhave boen. We' tl ink .'he is -the •best. Scokoh' knowrwbat he*as.d©ing,, anded . so inihat� e as be ap- singor that has visited this toren for the feared to be losing fest; fhrinei• ;Nro. 2; past dozen, years: As he .will again suggested to the Hulleti ftsrmor,.that, as visit this place in about trio ...months,, • 'the • ..fellow ryas • eer`tain of; : losing .Jris our readers will .}lave . an 'opportunity .ri they might as welt ht ve.sodre 9- i. n of hearing hien, • Kr... orbott oc- aro' cr y g i the, 1 C. � it: ':C1re zuFtlioci of rvii111i9Xa•a•IIl)earell so cupied tho precentors desk at the 1,?res!. morning sirnplo that the Htrll.'ett.'than.. was.' just byterian church, .both, . oining and. ol•the point his:)ile ' When evening; on Sunday last. The attend- i ' ' a l planking 1 1 ance was war large... he realized- rvhitt ,he was tloinb; sad •�, y g snatching up what money imbed placed,: Scnom, Tnu$TEE iMEETING,:- The• re- down, he attempted to. rnn,out but' the. gular monthly meeting of 'the School :m$lrers prevented kiln; and . wo il'd have :Board was held on, Monday evening., used force iii depri•i seg biro, of his money; Present the • Chairman and •:Messrs: hadhe..not sborw cidetermined' resist Nelles, Holmes; Pay, J1,iclout• Searle Find anee, and when° he got -into the open air ' Hale. The minutes. of the previous he lnedo t; bee line for•the depot, wlkere meeting were read abd • adopted... Ari lip started- en his jouineY unaccompanied application from Mr. Taylor, was made by his nate-found•frierid, and congratu- for leave • of absence to attend the lating himself on hie llarroiv escape. Teachers' Association...' Moved'by, Mr.' Pi ovil\OIAL L''XIiIiiITIOS. lthvtiglr' Holmes, sec. by Mr.:\'elles, that Itfir.• Huron. did nob 'semi :any great' number - Taylor's application be ,gianted.—Car of articles to the Provincial Exhibition, ried. Moved by Mi 'Riciout, sec. by. a far ,inure. than average number . of 111r. Scott, that the followin accounts rues were awarded her :exhibitors • for be paid, . viz :-5. ' Davis,. • .$81,50;; E. prizes the count has great reason'to beH. $4ol0eS i Sen rried.$8Ti Board the el= d'. .proud vf. ' .The Messrs. Snell a;: -Son jQnrned. took only two animals, one of which had •took only with a $13,000..bu11 belong- " LIFE ON THE " OCEAN ��V�:r 'r -'"A ' inj to the Bow Perk 'Association, and few Sundays since when the water on theins stood next •to:thisone, Mr. Bell Bayfield River was pretty high; a .Panty did as well. as ho possibly . could, earl:y of Clinton youths,'determinecl to amuse iligoff $114 in prize money.: ' At Guelph themselves by- ai • sail. on its troubled he also succeeded iii' carrying off the bosom. A raft' was hastily constructed, first Drize for: each of his horses in their launehed, and live stook cargo "all class, and''cliplonur for Young, Contest. aboard, when its moorings were loosed, The follgwiirg are the prizes taken:-- and away she floated, occupants:" being Socond best three year •old-Duriiarn in high•gleo at the apparent success of bttlit,}I..Sneli LC* San, Hallett.. Second• their venture. For awhile the craft best trio Jeer;old filly, G.• Stephenson, went smoothly On,. but as it followed. the • (Constance. Beat Leicester ram; two twistings and turnings of the, river, and years _'old or over, It Snell iC Son, i y a a i • ttiirbul art waters rx � tli� n� entered nodi © a c t 't a Lest lice hive, 6lras. '.T)odd, • C,olborno. first, the pleasure was tnrnocl t.r vexa- Third best set of horse shoes, and best tion when they' found they :could` not pair 'iron harrows, T. Tipliug. Beat control it, and when it mets a • sudden and stallfon;-for ag ieultural purposes;: obstruction, causing every' .one of its Ti.nabiliidesborough. young con. passengers to ' tumble , into the water, test, which also took a sweepstake' of words Sail to 'describe their reclines, • As $ io and diploma; silow.ing`ugainst horses some of thesay, "We'd not �lravo of all ages. .Lest 'three year old heavy cared, only we'd on our Sunday clothes.. dr:tugh:t stallion, 'anti diploma, Whets ' SUNDAY kito{ r • Coxvl.yrloa.---Wo. Wanted. T'rvelve. Ponds Seeding learn tbat a Sunday school ,convention pyrans, 1st Jas, Russell, Godlerich. • Two in connection with the .Mural Deanery; of pairs white blankets, 21d. James., Rose, Tttn'on, will be heli. in;St, Paiu1s Chitral, SV'awarioslr. ;Set sitiglo carriage harness, in this town, on Tnestlay and Wednesday lst 0.• V. •Stranbel, Godcrichr Set . of next, the lith • and Oth inst. Revs:Tap, team harness, Ist. U. P. Strattbckl, Code. Carmichael, 1t. A., of Hamilton, and. Sep-', rich. Wooden Plough, :rtul Socgmiller, times Jones. M.A., of Toronto, and J. Garter Si Co.; Goderich. Stave jointer, Gillespie, FA., sulreriirt- iadalnt- cf St. 1st Philip VeinierSeafortlt: ' Cotton James' Cathedral Sabbath school, To- window shades,• lst J. L. Tram:, Sea- ronto,• (the laf;gest Sabbath school in .trio forth. Artificial stone) finny 'work---- Dorninion) will bo present and, take • pair of vases ---1st G.. W. .'Thomson; part. Delegates arc expected from all (o:1M A, • Jar of clear honey, 1st '0.. the Church of England Sabbath schools I?odd, Colborne. • in. the county. Sessions will be held ' Tho 1lc,ssrs. W. Doherty& Co. showed on Tuesday, at :.' p.in.,: Wednesday, •at, four organs r•.epresontiug their difrirent 9 a.m., and at,:i and i :30 p.m., and. a styles and makes;, which :could only be public meeting in the church, on Tues• noticed by the press and visitors, as no 7,g dayevening, rris instruments e i at r .oC1. 'i'Ire sessions ateprize was ofteiec.foc Musical b,I open to all interested in Sabbath school by. the association. Their suedes Was. work, but only delegates .will take part beyond their ekpcetatiens,, as they sold• in the discussions. ' Among the subjects out the whole of. their stock, leaving ventilated will be S. S. • Hymnology, some of jt. in the, city of Toronto, for opened by 3. Gillespie; Teacher's Meet.; cash, the sales on. . that ocetision wore Ings, by Rev. S. Jones; flow should npwarda of fifteen . organs. ' The ]drift teachers prepare tiro lesson, by RoV. W, says, W. I)olrerty & Co., exhibit some F. Campbell ;,,Best ni'odes•of teaching,beautiful specimens of their .various by Rural Dean Davis;. What 'shall we styles of organs. The resources, and• do for the conversion of our children, by• 'power of their instruments' are very Rev. C. R.:Matthew, etc., etc. A. ehil. great, a is the voieing of the solo stops dr'en's meeting, t¢which ttill the children is quite a feature. Style 21 is capable of.the place are invited, will bo held in. of extensive effects; it has the Bourbon St. Paul's church,, On Wednesday, .from —a rich :solo stop of 10 feet tone, the 3:30 to 5 p,in., to be addressed by Ilev. quality of %vhioh is,vory beautiful.. The J`. Carmichael anti others." The prayers firm inake.a specialty of a new and sitar- . iof all who 'lave °the spiritual welfare of pie tnetllod of coristrueting and operat- e children at heart, true earnestly in- ingt'he'stop mechanism. It is scarcely viited an .belialt of the eonventiba and possible: to disarrange it, and it is very j , itsi work.. : durabio. A portion of their proceeds with pa, • • • THE OLINT'ON> NEW ERA. OCTOBER '3, 1678, ERYTHING READY STOCK . COMPLETE IN ,. EVERY DEPARTMENT, CHEAP- DRY GOODS STORE:. .W r ,.QUC►7[7],E 9E-- ' 1P3P_IIEC3MS. Good A.1017 del :TWEEDS Tor 50 cents, Good HEMP CARPETS for 194 cents: ' A full stook of Boy's and Men's I-IATS . A13'D GAPS eery cheap.. PLAIN WINCIES for 5 cents,. -the best value in tore country. BROWN"TOLLANDS. from 10' cents .lip, FACTORY 'CO'.PTONS' at '5 cents. • See them.. 1878. •];very .hidy'slionld see Our- •D$i',ESS' 00Oi13S,before buying.. Wessell them cheaper than .anybody el'se.. They range in price from 1.0 to.15 cents. . A' lot of two-bettoried. Kip ' GT. OYES, °slightly dainagecl, usual 'price $1,50, .sell•' ing now for 50 cents:: Secure. a pair of them before they all.go. 1:IBfONS • in almost..evor ..: hada frorv. Cr to,' 10 cents "'trot' .lriilf: tYci usual price.. Ladies TRIMMED •13'ATS at 50 and 75 c,, that cannot .be gat in any .other. house (f[]3L'S CAPS;.•ver'y 'neat,, for: 50 cents.. LADIES (DIPS/with ' Ostrich.' plume; only $1... I1OSIERY fin grestt variety, and at prices to suit the times. 1�'e have purchased from Mr. A. CA.LLAILL'•9t his stock of. `Teas, and , tree now prepared to,supply. the. people withTeas of every grade, We o; .' baro. theta from •�,� cents tit>rvards; 4 •� • ads` s ' t i ty';. { � �� r''t�e ®rlrO Can T(� is®. l9y h r�, let ire trade 1?�money: F. A L • ooa— u. 1878 CLOTE[ING MERCI-IAN.', VICTORIA ItLOCIC, CLINTON, ONT.. ESTABLISHED 1854. WE PRESENT, FOR. `1'HE FALL TRADE,, A. STOOK OF GOODS IN TUE, A13OV E LINE: DOUBLE IN 'SIZE OF ANY FORMER.' SEASON,: •COMPRISING ALL ATEST STYLES AIVIERICA:N FUR ,HATS, AMER]CAN ' WOOL. HATS,_ :AMERICAN FELT, HATS, CI3 ISfi - S ENGLISH H AS: : CANADIAN FELT .EATS, AMERICAN CAPS. '. .. e Trim''Do and.Youth'sHatsc• make eci�,I�^:-. . y a `Vv � slit Y� .. keeping a'ery.. large :: assortment: F;aax a limes in • FUR an:d, HEAVY . CLOTHCAPS TWO COALa STOVES FORS ;LE. CHEP. l .. .for winter •zvear. NO BU7Tati TA -0, N .AGrCOUrT AFTER TIE OF OCTOBER,. . - . For var ietyand 'Style Goods : no .house can beat us. y o � . CA1.Z,:h1N� R co Clinton, Sept. 26, 1875. '777 777 • 1.1=1\1-'Z'C31\- UNUSUAi AT'PRAC:TION AN' INSP +`CTi(iN IeESTEC7?•r•L',L`GY SOLICITED. G'1,I]Y'CQi�T, Scr,t.''261S7i+, T WS._ .TAC$SQN_' 701s14$34 $3' ° 'X3*fit: liEMSINMX:04 14341071$0 oocoAltirtrzeso 'sk i 'o.,p`'t• .T max' R RILCJECI.VID13 AT G-RASSICK&' CIJNNINOHAME'S: They areselling out the balance of this season's FLOWERS at a great• deal less than cost. These in .want of cheap plants will do well to call and see their stook. If we were to do business the way some people i:ci, we' :slioulcl.announce tbat as. an extra inducement to :eustenteis, • We offer a grand prernitr given away with every. 25 cent order, ' A WHITE, ,ASIATIC EL:EPTTAN Bat we intend o do nothing of,-tho kind. We will, • however, guarantee 'to give . you .full value for your money in the best r DR GOO'DS' MIL.LINJ {'RY,-' CLOTHING, HATS", °A NJ CAPS,. . BOOTS AND SHOES, GROQERIE$, °'&e. Onr Sleek is now con dicta in an the Departnti nts. W Ilt''ISix Yf'ItCrIr13EI) (111; Cil' TIM Artie Soda:II/alter Fountains, • They can, supply torose favoring them with their Tactual-, with all kiiials of toanpornncc•diini.s • .10111 �.: 8 ICE CP1IDA. . They have atrat goii tiir•utagla'nonce CIeaniing, and li:ave h'ttral' tali Too llreastir pa'rloiu, where • • all can he accontrrrnc4aited. d`1:C1.i:1IDELIVERED TO ANY PART OI 'L'i1.11'1'OSS':r". • Ffige44. LOT OF A rl E : COOKS JU&T F 1 .>l E,IVjl i31 ' —o O O !x almat 1 S 4SG i, TSB CELEBRATED- VANITY FAIR TOBACCO. .. 1 AGIf�ACxL , i i3�ILTC, r"i A11S WHOL'FSALIli AND RETAIL" LY` Oi{. .I 11L OIfJ • r: r► (V1i;R ONE an-putt)ntioF'EiTENP°STYLES OF. -6.,A PIPES, WHICH THEY ARE SELLING AT COST;' -t5 Look out dor A.dv'ertiseinents.WOIGHT, bap, . Rune :bar than anything gat from their stare can be returned, it not as represented. tl,Ixxox, Sart. g; r A%IB 111,T 'STREEZ OI'1?OS1TE.TIIE MARKET: di r tote; 111ay, i8 3,• G1ASSTOl'C Cll'1r1'NIN •BAME.