HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-03, Page 3OOTQBEU 3, 1878
Josh lilllluge to the • 0ir1s. '
Dear girls, axe you in sea<rohof a iwetland ?'
Thisis a pumper ; and you .aro not request.
ed to say ' yes' out loud,: but are c'xpealttod
tew throw yure eyes (low onto the earth as
though yen wuz Welting for a, pin, and reply,
tow the interregetry with a )chid of drawlbs'
Not tew press so tender a theme until it be,
conies a thorn in the flesh, we, 'Itil:I-presume,
tew avoid argument, that you are on the look-
014 for something in the mail line, Let me
give you sum small ebunks ov advice how tew
spot yure future huabaud,
The man who is jellus ov every little atten.
ehun which yit get froth sum other -Idlers yu
will find after yu are married tew him he will
love himself more than be duz yu; and what
you mistook for solfssitude you will deso.ver
has changed to indiffereoe(4;,
Jellusy isn't a heart diseze;' it is aliver
A moustache is. not indispensible ; it is only'
• a little more hair, and much like moss' and
other exoresences—often duz the best on silo
that won't raise anything else. Don't forget
that those things which you admire' in a fel-
low before •marriage yu,will probably dislike
in a husband after, anda mouktache will get
to be -a very weak diet aftor'a.long 'time..
If husbands conid be tool[ on trial as Irish
nooks are, two thirds of them would probably
be returned ; bnt'thers don't, seem to be enny,
law for this. .Therefore, girls, yu will Age
atter yu gut a pian yu have 'got to' keep. him, '
even if yu luze on him, i onsequeutly, if` yu
bey got enny kold yittles in the house, try
him on them once and .:a • while duringscour-
ing season, and if he.swallers theta, and sen
he will take sum more, he is ennui who, when
blue Monday kume, . will wash ,well, .•
Don't marry a feller who is elms tellin
how biz mother duz things. 'It is tew bard to.
Wean a yang one.. ' ' ' • "
If a young man can boat you playing on .a
planner, and can't' hear a fish•liorn playing on
the street without turning a,at;mmeraet on ac-
count of the musiok that is in "him, I day to.
leave him ; he might do to tend baby, but if yu
set him to hoing out in the garden, yu will
fintt that yu hev,got to dot ityureself. A man
whose whole life lies in mu ick an noto
hefty at that, ain't no better than a secliiz.
powder.; but if he loves to listen while yu sing
sum gentle ballad, yu will find biro mellow
and not soft. But don't marry onnybody just
for one virtew enny quicker -than yn would
flop a man for just one fault.. •
It is one ov the most tuffest: things 'for a
femail to be en old maid Successfully,A
grate many hez tried it, and made a badfjob,
ov it, and hada hard time • 'lJverybody seems.
. to look upon. old Maids gistas-they do upon
dried herbs in the garret—handy for sickness
—and therefore, girls, it ain't a mistake that
ya 8hud be willing to swop ytirsolf . oph with
some true -hearted pliello, w for a, husband,
The swop may be it; good one :but don't "swop'
for enny mau..who iz respectable just because
his father iz. Yu had better be an, old rnaid
for four thousand years. and then jail the
Shakers than bay repentence at this. price".
No woman ever made this trade whit didn't
get a plum], n' mean knee; or;'a clown for. a•
,husband. .
In digging down into this subject,. Iliad the
digging goes harder the further I, get.•,` It is
much easier to inform yu who. not te'W take,
for the rezon there is, more ov them. • • •
I don't think yu will follow. my advice if; I.
give it ; and, therefore, I will, keep it, for I;
look upon it as castor oil—a mean dose to
give and a mean dose to take. •,If yen find a
bright-eyed,well-'all d. o whoooka•u
b alto b 1
cn poverty az sassy az" a child looks upon
wealth -who bad rather sit down en the curb
Et ice of the 6th avenue hotel and eat a sand-
wich than go inside and run into debt for ills•
dinner and a tooth -pick, and. who is •a man
with that Bort of pluck that mistakes a defeat.
for a victory, my :advice is to .take hint . body
and. soul, snare him at onet, for he is a stray
trout—a breed very skarso in these .waters.
Take him I say, and bald onto him as hor-
nets bild on a tree.
hitting the Wrong . Mit i.
The foll.iwinx amusing incident oocurrgt1,
not long since in as deintinstrational.' hook
store, not a thousand•milee from Oirrnhill
..(13oston). •
Amusing it certainly was, though .the
ofthe occasion has not regained inc1
equanimity.. •. e
Tho clerks in this store had ,acquired the
habit of playing off tricks upon each other
—practical joking they called it -and one
of the tricks was this : If one of the clerks
happened to see another in a stooping pos-
ture, selecting books from the lower
shelves, be would seize a board, Perlinpa
part of a box. cover and smartly spank•'thzi•
stooping victim,
Jerry P—was one of the clerks, a
simple-minded good-natured fellow from..
Vermont, always ready and willing for the
hardest kind of wnrk, and. prized by his
employers accordingly. .
Jerry had been the chief victim of the
spanking process, and he was determined
upon revenge -snot with. malevolence, yet
with indignation, but simply in the way of
fair play. To this end 'he lay law, watch-
ing an opportunity.
One afternoon upon returning to the
store from an errand, the longed••feir'
eolionit seemed to
pr sentts 1 a 1Jerry
tized itnatanter.
At the far end of 'the long monitor he
saw an individual overhauling bunks on the
very bottom shelf, his body bent lit a Most
tempting angle.
Jerrywas — sure it was Tont S"from
whosehands he had received many an
emphatic spank, anal now wart the time to
pay off old scores. '
So he selected a splendid' board and
creeping noiselessly along to the epot,• he
gave the stooping man a blow, that sound-
ed through the store like the bursting of a
retort, and brought him to art erect peal -
tion Iiko'a•Jack in 'the bort.
Here was a fix. Tom 5—, at the
sound of the blow, appeared from another
part of the store, while the gentleman who
had been struck stood in utter .bewilder.
men t, rubbing Iiway at the afflicted part
Most aasiduously ; and pont .Torry then
discovered to his dismay and deep regret,
that he had struck his employer%.paraon,
the Rev. Dr. 13---e--who had been curiuttaly
searching among. a lot • of old 0 reek and
Hebrew books.
Jerry Wept with shame grief ennfnsinn,
and was forgiven ; and front that nine Oa
particular species of amusement w'iis. 'dig•'
continued in .the.'store.
Excavations at. om ape ii
P prove(, the city to.
have been one ofthe most fashionable And
of nl
b auti ma
beautiful 'Osman Winnerr n
egorts and d but
for the eruption it ,night have remained so to
this day. As With POW pelt so, With thoneaude
of people Soho have beauty of forth and features
They ,night always be admired but for the
eruption, that makea the lace unsightly, and
betrays the presence of scrofula, virulent blood
poisons, or general debility, ','here is but one
remedy that positively cures these a(feetions,
and that remedy is Dr. Pierc'e's (,olden Meth -
eel Discovery. It is the beet known tonin,
alterative, and resolvent, It speedily cures
pimples, bletoholl, liver spots, and all diseases
arising from impoverished or impure blood';
It also cures dyspepsia, androgulates the livor
and bowels. Sold by clruggiete,
General News items.
All the doors in Boston school houses aro
to be altered so as to swing both, ways. t
'Mrs, Inga Hanson, of Ohicago, aged 44, bas
twenty living children, and has just married
•again. ' .
• .A negro woman nearly dead with a frightful
disease has been lying for three weeks past in
an open field within the .limits of I+leniings-
burg,Ky., exposed to the heat and rain and al-
most destitute of food.
New llaippshire.doctors are sadly puzzled
by Mr. W. F. Parker,' of Nashua, with an an
ntial 'attack of measles. For twenty years
they have broken out upon him, on the same
day of tbe year and a4 precisely the same hour.'
David {G04 a wealthy farmer of Brook-
ville, Ohio. has been -arrested on a charge,; of
ruining his own daughter, aged 'Antoci], the
belle of the neighborhood. The wife and.
daughter made • the complaint. The' citizens
attempted to lynch hini.
' At French .Dain , "Stockton,. California, a
sheepshearing match was lately held,the
purse being $5,(100. The contest was to sen
who could shear one hundred Spanish merit.
noes in the shortest time. It took the win-
ner from sun to sun to clo.it.. `
Mao °etchings, of 'Clay County,. Ga,, had
$4,500 stolen, froLu,him, and advertised that
he would pay "ue per bent. of the, money for'
its recovery, His son did nothing of the kind;
and when the thief called to divide, the.
young man presented a revolver and compell,
ed him 'to leaye the, second }calf too. .
It is estimated that the 'contributions from
the North in aid of the 'yellow fever sufferers
has already reached. full $1,000,000.. It is" a:
magnificent sent to 'be gathered in small dons-.
tions from a generous people, and '}t ought ,to
be a bond of unionlietween Aso sections that'
still' bear the Scats 'of an. angry conflict. .
• A Boston workman was sent., to :a fashion•.
able residence to make some repairs, : and im
mediately. after be left the building a valuable,
watch, and chain were missed ".from a room
widen only he and -the mistress of the house
had entered.. He was charged with the theft,
arrested and looked up, when thewatch was
found, having been removed by • the woman's
little daughter. -Every 'effort has, been made
to repair the wrong to the :unjustly imprison-
ed roan, bat hedeolines all apologies, of offers.
of remuneration, and proposes, as he might
bate been, convicted and ruined by this charge,
to have the case go into the court and receive
his acquittal there..•,
.: A bull is as.tro rblesom'e a ,niter in a lady's
chamber as• .in a:china shop.' A fortnight ago
such an animal took fright ,in the ,streets of
Liverpool` and, .apparently escaping from his.
pursuers, ;entered the back yard of a house in
Falkland street, owned and occupied byJoh n
Jones. He got into the -kitchen first of .all,.
and finding nobody there went up stairs to the
front bad -room, Where Mrs. Jones was dress-
ing: The anything blit sylph.liketread of the
:visitor o the. stairs naturallytuia11 attrac
ed the
atto iion of the hostess,.ant' she, to the
door, was -muck alarmed at the awkward sight:
.Toilet operations were at•onoe suspended, and;
Mrs. Jones managed to slip oat of the room,
and go for,assietanco... The, bull, thrown upon
his.ewn'resources, amused himself` by upset-
ting the furniture -_and mattering toilet ware
to the font corners of the room. Assistance
wag rendered' by a police.,constable, who' se
Mired the bull by a rope • and dragged him
.down stairs into the street.
Katie Prohm, of Traer, Ia., is aped ''eleven.
She recently wrote a letter to ;'( Dear Uncle.
Sam" at Washington to•sdy that her father'
and eldest brother: -were about to take up -a
claim in' Kansas ;. ,thee 'lie, went ;on--' I.
tlionght that maybe of 1 asked yon you wonld.
let me take a claim of 100 acres fora farm.',
I am strong ,and hearty, andiaa v011ing to work
as any man. My ma says that I have auibi=
tion enough to run a splendid farm. I could
get my father or brother .to break my laud for
rue, and I will agree to fence it all around
with {willows, and I have got halfsespeek. of
maple seeds . that 1 Gould :make„ a biota grove
with if ;yen will only please 'give me the land.
If I was there I'tvonicl give yon a good hug
and a sweet"kiss if. you will only give mo a
deed to 160 acres, of land in Kansas."' The
Commissioner of the Land Office has written.
to Miss Prehm to express his regret that the
Homestead Asst requires the applicant for land
to be at least twenty-one years of age and the
head of a family.
•.'rile advertiser, a•retired" physician, having
providentially discovered, while Medical Mis-
sionary in Seutllern,Asia, a very simple vego.;
table remedy for the speedy and permanent
cute of C.'ousa ption, Asthnia, Bronobi},is, Ca-
tarrh, and all throat and lung affections, also
a positive and radical specific for Nervou s bo.
bility, Premature Decay, and ell Nervous Com.
plaints, feels it bis duty to make it known to
his' suffering fellows, Actuated' by this mo-
tive, he will cheerfully send (freo+of charge) to.
all who desire it, the reei io for preparing, and
full directions for successfully clout~, this pi•o•
videntially diseovered remedy, ','hose who
wish to.ayail themselves of the benefits of this
discovery without cost, can do so by.roturn
maid, by addressing, with stamp,
.Flit. OffARLES, P. 1>-I,An-MALL,, ,
° No. 331"iiagara Street,
• lluffalc,l�r, Y,
Mistaken identity lies ate,Inioneil.
good deal of trouble in its time, but it
has very rarely been quite 8o' u{,tlnt'd ns
if: was recently in Glasgow where ai wo-
man mistook a total strOnglkr for her
husband aud.httd him arrested for des.
ertingl'ler and manytng another woman.
The woman watt molly ;ortvinced of her
mistake, but it was very close shave
for the unfortunate man.
The Bev. Mr. Murray his laid 'Sown
a Golden Buie, which it would bo well
for the 'community to consider. He.
says : "Any Man w -ho uses, fol' his own
purpose tir profit, money which is not
Iabsoltttoly his, is' o, thief r •no hatter.
whether lis s.at President, Treasurer,:
or Directot' of a corporation; our a poor
ciexk: who taps his employer's till of
twenty live cents
that he may have his
igltly titanic!' A thieis'a thief, ,"and
t9i liar is k liar, it nutter* tint what is
pilfered, or why the untruth in told.
We applaud -the reverend gentleman „for
lading things hy their right names. •
A splendid assortment of first-class SEWING MACHINES always do band.. NEFDL7tS
and every furnishing kept in stook,.
Sewing Machines of every make, repaired, and new parts kept on hand. Having engaged
praotioal machinist, all work done here is warranted to give good eatisfactiont
Oliarges Moderate. r+. H. NOR$WORTHY
Karon Street, one door went or ttae Commerelal note, Clinton. Ont.Lemnensunstensoloneernolonnonesesaw
• 4_7C` I J lid
tIl(ffl 11i same 8: Ca
LONDESSORR.O, March 7, 1878..
People are daily_ finding o
out the advantages t �
e . _reaped. -_from. .buying ..at :,a . Cash House... " _,, .•-:
We are selling' goods LOWER than any other
house in the' town,- because we 'do not book ,any
goods, but sell strictly for Cash..
Come along,, :.All classes of goods'E'.RU11U i iE
TO' . FIFTEEN ' PER CENT LESS than other.
houses; wild sell On. twelve months, as no man can.
sell the people cheap goode' and book . them, for a
Clinton, . Oct; 3, 1878..
ar�ao� and Valua�l� lmpro�empois for 1818;
For• the coming season je areintroduoing.niany.nevi and valuable improvetnonts, which will
plane our,machines,FAR Is ADVANCE anyof'.others manufaetured,in the Dominion, We' es..
pecially call the "attention of threshers to our CLIMAX SEPARATOR, with the 2Vew End •
Shake Shoe, which, for smoothness of running, capacity'and perfection of cleaning, ,far sur- !' passes .anything, yet -produced. , Itshas been thoroughly tested,,`, heel proved a complete
' suocess; and is fully warranted,.
R 1'A•D TE F'C??rZ,OWilssr0 T 7S:L'xi‘ixo 1T=s'aZ.s-
^ . ' BRVOEFIELD, May 11, 1878.
It ,is . with " pleasure• I testify to the :superiority of your NEw. END,S�Ax. E CLIMA
SEPAit on. ' .1 thoroughly tested it last season, and can say that it.:rune ` the smoothed and
lighted; las. the. largest capacity for separatipg
andd cleaning, 04 woes• tho best
work of any.
I haw eseen
y Itis quite unnecessary to brace the machine., All that is required
late set it in place, when it is ready for work, and.at will' run withoutjar• or noir I wonld:. t
net have .any other tban when
NNW EN»'SHANE CL1riu.,'-, a '
MAI Y OTgF,,LL'IM.PBOV I MENTS, suck as lowering the front (dr. Cylind-r . end of
ding 'a tightener pulley-tr' ' mTfilig"1V1i1reo , yeln. ass or, raising ,e rawCarriers, improved "Concave Adjuster," etc,; have•been inade,:which'will add largelyto they-
worth of machine . •
OUR PXTT'S POWERS have been improved'in various ways, still further:'adding to'
their durability, uonvenience, and ease of running:.: •
Si 'solicit i118p!'ctiOlt of oio ntac1Lin'.81)efore purcliaaing, elsewhere.
GL•AS OW, ayaACrHERSOP 4.:.00,
nAL onxs, May,: 1878. ..
0: 4"BY—'L Af • 1878;,.
N d•
A L'y.Lato ,for stopping up •Jiootl' In. the
Townsh p of Mallett.
1uetrtst e piece of laud ntim
edn thc.rhiuoed
plait, and which :raid piece of tantl ls'Iteteinafter de
scribed by metes'and bounds, has horetotoro been used
ns n h ;
Atid woedhereas said roadlia,s ceased to be of irublic use,
it is desirable toOtose the same up ;
And whiet'oas, all the preliminary steps required by
law to enable this Corporation to pass this lay -law fol'
the purpose• of closing up said road, have been duly
taken as -required by law ;
Ile It therefore enacted by the Corponatimt.of"the,,
Township of Iiullott aforesaid, and it is Hereby enacted
by the authority of the same, That the said Enact ex-
tendingfrom point letter" A' to point letter" C;" a4
narked on said plan and being parts of Lots Seventeen
and Eighteen,n the Ninth. Concession Of the said
Tottndhlp of Mullett; and which 'road is hereinafter
mom partisularlydescribed asfollows : Thetis to say,
conunenclug at the north ihnit of .Coueosston Road, at
the distance of twelve chains sixty-four links on a'
course south, fifty-seven degrees east /rem the south-
westerly angle of Lot !initiator Eighteen, in tho said
Ninth Concession of liullett Township ; thence Nortli
soveiitl'-seven degrees, liast,eleven chains forty -links
thence North thirty-threo degrees thirty minutes, East
'twenty-one chains five links` thence south slaty -two
• degrees twenty-five minutes, 'East seven chains fifty-five
links ;. thence. North thirty-three degrees thirty min-
ntes, East twelve chains fifty links, to a Pohl t 011 the
centre of 134idge Street, oppos tetlte south limit of Mill
Street, in the Viliage of Hartford, comprising a width
of thirty linksoo each side of the lino hero described,
and containing, by admeasurement, three Iteres'aid
twenty feurperchen aflame be and tits same is Hereby
stopped npand closed, •
.1 1st 07tot; is •
. • Notice is hereby given thattho ahoy," Is a tido copy.
of it proposed bylaw, *Mall will' betat:en into coesider-
atioit by the lttu tidpal Connell os -tile Totvnslti r of Ing -
lett, In the County of Dimonn, at the viilater nt!'f mtdes-
borough, in the said Totvn:duli of'Mullett, en 00 18114
(eighteenth) day of October, 1S78.• •
,l. Il.8 lll.,ltgg'lltti.irlls, {
Iluilett, Sept.'s, 1878. Township Clerk.
V JL C a •� lir t. .
,dlso,. 2tiotoei?jbreed rind Inge;
' 'At his store, iIarp{+ion Streets ,
• C t..Q. D 7c1;,
Aug. 1878.'
11ARI1ISTE1IS, &c„ .
Oirolloo A. WA4$OR{ • M. MAr.com$etf,
Cilutou. W.11. Mannino;
ftir.ltiaicotuoon 8111 be in Clinton every Friday'. '.
�+ � 0it
Cobitn.1(ntermedi4tfeanti afecii+ago`Irieli=
ets lst. Lowest Rates. •
Every • Sahamrddy lroitii sty ec.
w 11 L MI:ItlrviAN" rill (lei.
tarn 0
hAitniNuN ....... I all '
• POLYNI.riiA'\ .....', 1811
•8 111111'rIAN:,.., l"tn
• S17I:I3:YG13'LICIrt4fn 1'(t
Liverpool,' h,o?rlon(lrrl:,41, Glasgow, Qua' not;,.
town; /,,'✓,last, London, l3,hital,
for.throtrgh ticle,tn and every information apply to
• ltntou,
AA. lly 80STtt tUTO1878.V, li, T. 11., Agent,Ctintriu. •
.Tut.yI' 2lEa 4"Tl 7'V x113.
•-A r Trot .4'r0Ct nr.--�•
Cask ts, Coffins; Caf(in 'i`rinimiilbs, Robes
ETC., ETC. '
Parties Supplied with the above At shortest notice, and
ut tho VEItY .LoWES',C' DATES.
Also, aO4 HEARSE supplied,
Rerember the Place•-VIOTORIA Street
0ltnton,Sept 6,1877.
131- reaOln and praottcing
ilio inestunnble truths con.
tailed In the best medical
bC, n
book ever issued, entitled
i'rioeonlqy$1 Sentbymail
���.� L nn .•eecclpt...of.. prict......:1.t,....
`'treats (4Exltwisted Vitality Pr:ntaturc Decline,
Ironton, anti?hiysical Debility, and the endless '
ccnoomitent fill and untold miserlas that result
iberefrorn,and contains room Mitt 60original pre.
acrlphong, any ono of whim laworilt the price of
the book. This book was written bythe t nostex.
tensive and probably the most skilful pmetitienct
meow and Jew,
tin niWile tap Ona wile awarded
A a b .trn i
elicit media by the Net ianal Medical Aesaciation,
A Pamphlet, illustrated witlt:,the-.r8ry_ 'eat
En ravltge--a mar. Steel g r
e of are and ban — s
vel e t
:mat I'r4i;L to n11. :end
for it a ones, Athletes'
I'1:e1lit) 1 �11�lyICALr YSEL■
a:(:s'T.0 Ct1Tl:r iso. +S 33ut.,
Cn^h H". llostonr iltass•
.o: .
It wiII be to the of e a adv ri persons wlto WWI
ate p rs s t to supply themselves with cheapnods
to call And see my stock before purchaeing. g
gill; Fisc of why . I sell - fJ'dmu
Ch so l l
� clt lotvea than other stoa•es,.
is Lilo a ready -pay business, and am enabled to �a/.
Cash' .
for ally Goods., which 1 bzlyy much, cheaper than I could' do if
1 had to buy ,them •oaf time. T' can sell goods with, half tliE .
profit ,that credit stores. get, and do. c- acv in business.
A call Irma'inteudhrg purebnsers respectfully solicited: ' No trouble toho
s h wg coils.
Clinton, Sept, 6, 1878.
Bltlai( BLOCK
}I°''S°l+aS roil" s' .i
-Then dersign`idtiteri ,Yf"5tIvitritw isrivat(1P"tteti; `'T. ANNE, OTTAWA RIVERR.
eters frame duelling -bongos, an Belo Street, not far
from 0, W. 'Its Station, viz:
l Ifouse �ontaining sitting•room.'dining-room,
o ,anel.fotlrbedrooms; good stable,,woodehod,pure'p,
t(nd garden 'with fruit trees,
2. lichee containing eittingroem, dining -room, kit.
When arid three r
iorlon and fruit
tinea in tearing. " <
Tenni . t§derate..tibxt•in'sdit if required. Apply to
lIte.11 I
. Male, to "t W un(
or ,Ciel nod on the rem+aes.
The hitting of the Works' at St. Anne has unavoidably
to be postponed' to the following dates.-':
TeadorA will roboived until TUESDAY, A
Y the Mint
,..avail uvr,avELL, ptnno and a eeiflestions will be seen on and afte
(Strawy, Sept. $r ta% TUESDAY, ilio MOUTH bAY tilt t)Ox CDEIt:
.. . O order, k'.
13ttliLlN .SCC Gid
, r
. iSsrXST .':... - ir9 w
ttr.Ar v Pb t ton
for• the
o urs V
r r.
H w bra .
OrrA A, r
w aleth September is a.
0 7