HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-10-03, Page 1• - taaa — VOL, 13, O. aa. 11.131143114-41.50 lPer Arsunin, Antedysilfien,,t, tW akattlVtiligntatfi QERVANT GIRL WANTED—By the 20th 1,3 of October, where anlatheiIirl iff kept, •Arply ta MRS. IL RANSPORD, Stapleton. ' Stapleton, Oct, 3, 1878. XTOTICE IS IIEREBY ,GIVEN THAT .1.11 the undersigned will MO bo responeible for any debts contracted after this date, In his name witheut. his written order. CHAS.:WILSON, ern., Stanley, Oet, 1st, 1878, • ' f' FIRE ENGINE FOR SALE,. As tile CorPoration of Clinton has purchased .stearn flre engine,„they offer a small hand engine for sale, suitable tor small ,villages, milis or faotories. Will be sold' cheap. Apply to H. SCOTT, Chairman PIM and Water Committee, Clinton, Oct. 8, 1878. QTRAY SEER,—Came into the Premises 10 of tho subscriber, lot 49, London Road, Tucker. smith, about the, lst of September, a three year old Steer. The owner is hereby notified to prov4ipropetty, pay charges, and takeitaway. 50EN SPEPHEN SON., 'Puokersinith, Oct, lat 1878. F. QTRAY HEIFE1L—Came into subseriber's • prendses, lot 2.7, London Road, Stanley, about. three weeke slime, a White Heifer, 2 years via, with BM° red on it. The owner is hereby notified to prove . property, pay charges, and take it away. • J. AYL'ItT. Stanley, Oat. 8,1878. * • • T•AND FOR SALE.—The aubsdriber offers -LA• for sale an aore of land, flaunt° on the Gibbing, survey, near the Clinton Iligh„Sobool.. The lot id well fenced, has op it a large •quantity of geod trait trees, and is an excellent building site. Terms reasonable. Apply to E. CHESSER. . , • Clinton, Oct. 3, 1878. TIRICELAYERS AND CARPIINTERS, _LP PAINTEES AND PDASTEDENS0-7TOM10, Will be re. oeived by the undomigneq, for the construetitn of an Hose Tawar, and repairing the Engine House, up to FRIDAY, 4th of October, at 7 O'clock I). xis. Plans and specifications may be seen at Mr Searle's now building. H. SCOTT, Chairman P. and W. Committee. Clinton, Oet. 3,1878. Rilsn HOUSE, WIA.11TON, aorzBY Minor°, isroprietors. ThisAlotel has lima en- larged and newly tarnished, and now offers first•elass accommodation forlho general travelling mffille. Or- ders fer rooms by letter or telegram carefully attended to. t` nod Sample Rooms. Wiarton is most beauti- fully Fitnated on 061Po8's Bay. and the.. eito of this House had been carefully selected. The,house is in- tended to supply a want long felt by the travelling public, and by tourises, sportsmen, and families wish- ing a pleasant eurnmer resort. Steamers call dailY. , inTOUSE TO LET —A • small house on Dinsley Teeraee, Clinton. Dent, 81 per menth, which can be paid by work on the place, if satisfactory. Apply.to JOHN COPELAND. • . Clinton, Sept. 26, 1878. • •'2 , • • QBAWL LOST.-LOn the Gnivel Road, be- tween Clinton and the 5th .coneesalon Of Hulled, on the 2011i inet4 A WOOLLEN SHAWL. Tho finder will confer,a favor by leaving die SAMO at the CLINTON NEW Eau aloe. , :hulled, Sept. 24, 18;8. ' ' STRAY SHEEP Stray from the pre- raisee ot the subscriber, about the'llffli inst., nine Sheep—six ewes, two fuming lambstand ono ram. Any one giving such information Ad WIII lead to their re-. covery, will be snitably rewarded. E. 1311ICKENDEN. • Clinton, Sept. 19, 1878, • Xl-OTIGE TO DEBTORS—The subscribers ' hereby notify all who are indebted to theta, that • all accounts must be settled at once, or they vvill be plaeed in the hands of others for collection. HUBER BROTHERS. Londesbaro, Sppt. 19, 1878. .v-OTERS' LIST NOTICE.—Notice is hero- , by given that a- court will be hela,.pinsuant to the Voters''Lists Act • of 1876, by his Honor, Itidge' Toms, at the„TOWN HALL, ou the romans 'dor of October, 1878, at 10 o'clock, a.m., for the purpose of hearing all complaints made against the Voters' List for the 2dunicpaiity of Clinton, Inc 1878, particulars of such complaints eau be seen In my office. All persons having businces at the Court, aro hereby required to attend at tho said -time and place. Y. A. rrzrzES, Clerk. '• Dated at Clinton, this 21s1 day of septa Ai., 1878. FARK FOR SALE. IND CENTRt HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER, OLINTO'N ONTARIO TE1T.JRSDAY; OOTOBER 84. 1878. Cttdi,•11 New items. SEED WHB AT FOR S ,A. LE. I wa is being newly carpeted. •The subseribei offer& a quantity of the vim' • MES» NVIIE&T I" 814e' It' is the e"Ile"t 'white The (stela of Wild riCe Omit Winnipeg, WAIMYISE, f Man" hut b001./.111004 datnaged hy hail storms. ehaff DOW grown, and is a splendid hybrid. • . I TI10 lloilso of COmtlions 'Chamber ab btte- ,Goderieh Township, Aug. 15, 1878. •I • • Mr, C. Ti: Hilton, near ldilton, made on ITuesclaylour gallons, of eider to the beetle' of STR,AY STEER, • apples.•• —• , on behalf 1 ,Speeial ntw siyers ere offered 18 eeveral of tte 'Toronto cherches Came into eubscriber's premises, lot 89, 10th eon. of of ili,on Sunday e yellow fever sofferers,. eeeeisch townetap, about the iniddle-of Auguet, a epot- • .. - tell red and white Steer, about two years old, " The . A father anal son, Bridled Froinan, were 1 owner hi hereby notified. to prove property, pay ()barges killed on Monday, not' I3erliN by the ceviug end take It away, . ROISERT MeMITRRAIC. in 'of a drain in,WhiCh they were working. Goderich toy/Celina Sept. 5,1878, . , FASHIONABLE DRESS1VIAXING • arvis JENNIE WAI,IiHlt Begs leave to Inform tha leaks of °settee mil vicinity that eht has openea a Mantle and Dressmaking eatab, lishment on Tietoria street, OppOdit0 ti11)11Attelibilr ROUtill A earm Bowerman. Two 'apprentices wanted. . One thousand live latunireil lanabs were' Shipped in a fortnight by a dealer. of Dole, Ord., to American aud Eeropead Markets. Mr. F. W. Stone of Guelph, reoived every prize offered at the!Provirioial Show for Here. ' ford cattle—amountiug to $318 and diPIOME. On WaIlled(Illy;* Rev, J. Thompson Was iri. jured fraCtinntngtoa by being run over by the. Queen's hotel bus, The most serious hurt is Canton, 8ejit 19 tem " ti a broken collar bone. • . A party of two •hundred inunigrantif left Toronth, on Friday; intending to settle in 'Manitoba, They came from different ;parts of the Province of Ontatio. ' ROUSE TO .LET... Tao outseritor desires to lot that eonVenientlY-sitn- ated residence on the Huron Head, Tient the U. W. Station, at present occupied by himself.' • The 'Muse contains four -bedrooms, parlor, dining mons, two kitchens, eellar, pantries, ea.`ilargo garden, with stable etc. Apply on the premises to .• • WM. SMART;• ' . • Or to. C. A.. HARTT. Clinton, Aug. 8, 1878.• • • A it 14I OR, S ALE, • E. FL -Goff, of Montreal, charged with ford: ery on the Canadian Agricultural Insaranee Company, skipped out since the grand jery • brought in true bills against him. A .Montreal servant girl, while welting on the•trail the other day, had stolen fromher pocket $73, the earnings of a yeat, which he was taking home to her parents. A woman named Ann Carson, well nigh a 'aentenariaii, resitting in the village of Odessa, T.he auffeeriber oders that conveniently sitnateentul Opt., hafilleen sleeping continuously for for - valuable Sarin, lot 15, Ease Line, Godefich' Township, ty-five home, and she shows ne sign of Iv:airing. oontainine senores, on which there are a log house, • , frame barn and a table, good orchard, well watered, 60 Last Weft. the Toronto cattle firm of whieli acres cleared, remainder good. hardwood. Schoolhouse close to the ferm, • About tour niiles from Clinton. •'Apply to ',WU. WHITELY,' •• Loewe:ma, Loclestoro, Sept. 12, 1878. , ' . , ex -A Id. Britton is the. head,, putehasatl for shipment to Flogland cattlevalued at $25,- 000, the ptices ltail being from 5e: to Ae pound, 7 -a • A wellaknown oiler • ef. Hamilton telTha. Holism, AND L9T-Yq}-1,..sA:14...,..startling Yarn *fiboot a monster of. the deep.-,-; an enormous ama, terrible reptile- --which be One of the earliest pioueers of Middkesex. John McDonald, of London townehip, died suddenly on Thureday morning, aged 88 years.' Be went to Loudon when,: there were only three log'shautias in it, and has lived i that neighborhood cad since. Bogus $5 bills of the Bank of Commerce are in circulation. The signatere "E. T. Smith," on the left hand corner, appears to have been pet on with a rubber stamp, the strokes be. hag thick and heavy, whereas in the genuine they are much lighter. • • In the Montreal Centre eleetiou muse the Judge was unable to 'proceed with 'a fresh (went owing to the _illegal action Of the re- turning officer in renioVing the ballets from the sealed packages. It is not iniprobable that the election will .be annulled. At TOrontO, OR Friday, 'Millar -4 Leatt re - 'Solved Thirty days in jail for stealing au over- coat. The theft was an uncommonly odd ono. In tho bie.71, light of open da. at noon, he coolly took •a step ladder. placed in front of Welker & Sens' store, took the coat down and off... aa The jury at the inquest in the Wait River; N.13,, teenier ease, retuned a .verctiet. of guilty against Thos. Dowd; as principal, find Mrs. Ward, wife of the Murdered man, as ac- .eoraptiee. . Itis oat that some Very 'strong :circumstantial evidence ,has been soared . ageniet tIxo owners. , • A. child of Mrs. Myers'a resident ritToron- to, had 'a miraculous eseepe from death on Fri.' day. It fell ;into a well•forty-two feet 'deep, and, on Comingto thesurfaee, clung to the rerigh walls, from which perilous position it was sesced by a neighbor who, goingto the well for water, heard itecries. A •coFple of weeks ago Alfred Fields was ara rested in GRelph on a charge of eteliting an illicit still Mid assisting to distil. spirits '10 towaiiihip, • He was taken to Berlin to stand his trial. Oii being' bought befere County judge Miller the, prisoner' pleaded guilty, and. was Sentenced to pay o fled of ,L500u0t,hasn,(1.„ be, irnprisonen at hard labor for,, JOhn. Banks; a yardman in the employ of thea Grand Trunk Railway, was killed on, -etraitenili5g aay;0Era area abontturning , the iswitch we t catight an e frog, Aix engine ' •••• • ••• saw, on Burlington' b'ey, early on. Thursday backing up towards him threw hiro down and That eligible house and lot.opposite the - morning. • . _ ran over -hon. His head \vas smashed to a . . , •• Wesleien Church, Ilattenbury Street, at pr- At a meeting at Montreal to raise • funds jens, and several of his *Alm- item broken. • sent occupied by Ma. Gamiest -PAL Terms for .the reliel.of the yellow fever sufferers it He leaves a wife and one child, and was inneh easy. Apply to .earhe out that the city had never paid the respected., . GEORGE E. PAY, $10,000 voted for the relief of the sufferers by A° Canadian • Hiehlander wee reading the • Or W. C. SEARLE. the fire at St. John, N. B. • • "other.day Charles Dudley 'Warner'8 remarks clime') May 28 1878. ' • ARAI FOR SALE.. . • um undersigned offers Inc sale hie farin of 100 acres, being soutlilalf of lot 86, 2ndaon. of East Wawanosh, 85 acres cleared, remainder goodbardwoodbuith. Trams 'barn 86:00, triune house, outbuildings, good Well, nem and filial aria -class orchard. Situate about 3i mile,' from the village of Blyth. Farm is well fenced, and in good state of cultivation. • , . JOHN S. WAGNER, • • , • Myth P. O. East Wawanosh, Sept. 7,1878. 8. .FARK. FOR "SAL,E.. Tholiwlersigootl °Hera folvta,ii }defame of 100 urea, being lot .21, 2fitl„ con; Tickersmith, (MILS.) There are 80. mires cleared and in geed. state of cultivation., being well under -limited ; balance hardWood. On. the premises are firet-class buildings, good °rob/ ra, plenty of water, and all 'conveniences, The farm is ea Miles from Beatorth.and 6 from Clinton. Particulars on ap- plication at thin office, or of the proprietor. ALEXANDER CAMPBELL., -sraronmu 1.0, tuekersintth, Aug. . • 14 -- MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE!' -The subscribers offer that valuable alai convenient Mill Property, .for sale, situated in the Township of . Stanley, near,Varnaron the Ilayfield Elver. There is a Staab). ftrist Mill of two inn of •storiee, and a Saw Iffill 117111 Shingle:Saw. , With the mill there are fifteen scree of. land. with new house and blink barn, 1'oz inither .1:random apply to • • nrortrzx altos. Varna, seta, a, 3.878, -- The subsoriber offers that Conveniently situated and doeirable terra lot 31, 7th con. Whitt; for sale, 100 acres, 80 cleared, remaineer.goo hardwood bush. There are two frame barns and two frame 'shag, dwelling haulm, splendid well, good ()tabard; verygood grazing farm, and qnly four miles from Clinton, where there are two railroads:- Possession given immediately. WM. BINHILUI. Hallett, Sept. 12, 1878. S AL E. SIX'AcitLariaili' LAND IN NA1101113.1), To be sold, six Iler01 of prime land, in tlie Village Of hayfield, County of Huron, 080 01 the' healthiest spots in the Dominion. ocoa aew house, barn, stable., pure water,•good picket fence, over 150 mime varieties fruit trees commencing to bear. Near saline], churches, stores, and convenieneee ot CNTA'y Half of the purchnee money oialy required down, for the balance a • term of yenta will lfe women inortago security,. with interest at 8 per cont. Ali, indisputable title Will be given, and posseseien of the plaeo as soon as sold. - Come and see, or 'inquire of • • I. C. Commissloter. Bayfield, Aug. Silud, 1878, . JUT REOgIVE. D, Tilt VIALEIIEST IN P.IASEDI • QLOTB.E.:!S - WitINGFAW., R RACElf • -.—I3trayrtit AND 01.11 N TO N• ., iti9,418,108. , It is peptised tracommeniorate Dula. on the cairiel, whim eta he Makes the ancient .-ferin's ad miniettetion to Canada by the estab.: beast exclaim : "There are three of us—the lishmeot ef a free public library tn, Torontodate-palm, the•pyranaid, arid •tayeelf. Every-. The peopoeal is that the rioessary binds shall thing else is modern. Go tol" "Hoot...Mont be raisesi. by a, Sinall'additieta to the School said tbe.Celt, " joost ao.if nobody didn't -know Tax,. . . • . ' that afore. The Cawinele were 4 can long • ' The °Wen Soiled _defiler/ism. says efot the Waniids aed other thing were heard has fallen in price irom 80 cent; to 70 to 7 nr." • ; • .tents within the last few days, And the ten- Od :Monday; a young nian named Mont; deney of the market is 'still downward. On Ornery, 1» theaeanploy of J. A. Beattie, 'of the other hand sugar his gone up' two cents Stayner, While feeding' a sttaW butter run by per pound and coal oil five cents per gallon... steam power, had his right arm; dream into the machine, the hand comPletely chopped A number Of the leading merchants and • . • off, and the arm so badly tangled that it had inanufanturnr8 in Inna°n; Patrkinill x°'' to he amputeted., a little below the elbow. ter, Lucan, Ailsa Craig, and elsewhere, are The wonderful presence 'of mind displayed, by taking steps to organize& Mutual Fire In- a lad •named Campbell in throwing off the aurance Compitty, the head office of which belt, in all probability staved hint from losing Is. to be at London. . the whole Man,' ' . AsNo. 5 G. W. R. express Was nearing St. 'A young men Whe.is in the agzieultural Catherinee, on •Sattirday, a Ionian, .natued• implement business in Manitoba lately Paid Cogan, and her daughter attempted. to dose .a short Visit, to twine friends in Lanark villitge. 'the trestle work over Twelve Mile creek on He gives the following Ali approximation the Great Western Railway ahead of the train, of the isnount of trade deo in hie lino io that The woman was struck by the cow -catcher Proviuce since last- spring rffouglii;' and hurled to the bottom of the ravine, 40 400 combined templets, 306- eivls!0 mowers, feet, and sintained friltaties that will likely 400 waggons, 300 • horse- rakes, r or 100 prove fatal. The .girl, .in, some wonderful breadost seeders', la or 14 of Gilpin's sulky manner escaped. • ploagba, and 36 threshing mac es, of which • On the farm of Mr. -.Tattles Matheson, six are driven by steam.- , West Zora., near Harrington, is an apple While a man' was ploughing An old Sod . . tree loaded down with the most beautiftl field last week on the farm of Thomas Word - apples and in full bloom," the blossoms wood,' oeat. St, George, Ont., the plough looking as healthy as if it were spring, turned up hitnian skull. •Further' pearelt This enesidered a redarkable phenomea ,wes then made, and tvventy-five skeletons in • iron and is Toting, no dotal:It, to the . wet Mr, Robert IL' Davis, of York vfllage, has been appointed Sheriff of Haldimand in the recoil and Woad of the late Mr. Rich, Martin. Rev; D. Stewart, formerly of St,. Andrew's, Church, Ottawa„ died reliently in Scotland and left considerable soma of money to college and (dumb funds in Canada. The *ark of the Toronto meson has just been completed, and shows the afflclant Of real and personal property aseeseable in, the Pity to be $50,637,103, This is ag iodease of one add a -half million dollars for the:year 1878 and 1379. .• ' Mr. Philip •Iloreni Was killed on Eritlay'in endeavoring to remove a:log which had float- ed on a bridge dosing the Twenty Mile Creek on his. farm neer Beanisville, Be was pro'. strated by the led end lived three miuutes after being extracted; . , ' • IITYRON ITEMS. • Jas. Orr haa sold his livery at Wroiceter, te David Hood, . "Joshua lio,ndford, of Exeter, died last week, from typhoid fever, •' . • Mr. R. Bissett, neat Exeter, has purchased the Lakeview hotel. • Mr. II. Cameron,. of Constance, has gone toi Colorado for his health, •• . • • . • Mr. Jae. Smillie, Grey, grew eitroes this year that weighed 2$ lbs. ' •Rev. A:McFarlane, Goderiell, -has reeetved unanithous, call to Bobcaygeon and Dunaf ord. • ' lv-r4'. Thos. ,Bobinson, of the Goshen line, StanleY, one Of the earliest settlers died a ,few days since, . • • H. Sehatfer, Kippee, heti got a lease of. ground from:the G.W.R. Coinpany to erect a huge grata storehouse, • • . • Gray, Young Sperling. of Seafotth, were. awarded a. bronze medal for, their display ef Salt at the Pails exhibition. - • .' • Mr. Simian flaymolier, Of Tueltertenith, Was kieked by it colt on the Seefoath Fair Grounds, and seriously injarett: ' On Monday night the blackamith shop -of Mr,l'fas. Wilson, Brussels, on the 'corner of John and Xing streets, was binned. . We learirttrat a son of Mr. Daniel McGregor,• of Hullett; has died:of diphtheria...- I:he:Child wee about five years of age. T,he epeeist services being held,at theOrange hallaGoderiola township are. meeting With good aldose. They expect to contiune.for another VALUABLE F.811111: FOR SALE; weather which has brought forth seat • ' Inicurianee of growth of late. . . Tho mider-igned afferif or sales beautiful farm cort, Whilea farmer on the 14th eon, Of Bleu - toning 83 aerco, 45 cleared and in a good state of culti- vation. • Hever-failing sprite creek running across the emir.); there is also a splendid well, oteherd, buildings, Sm., on the place. lt is wall situated, being lot 95, Iltix .con. Ooderich Township, and is only halite tulle front the corporation of the Town of Clinton, and has a fine VIM Of tao entire town, For fernier particisere apply to••wat. tr. GOltDON, At 00Y6,031 Pinlaationa srotiery atere. Onnten, asty la, 1878. ROUSE AND LOT FOR SALE, '• beim was showing his grape vines and or- chard to eaneighbor a. few, daya-sinee, and ' Andrew -Elliott, a Notth Drunfries farmer,' dilating on the beautiful g,round's around, calls public, attention through the Pcforstei• he forget that he was standing"' on the in- • to a weed which is spreading throughent the firm covering of 1\n old cistern ; it gave why township with alarming tepidity,. and whieh under him mid down he went, getting an is more to be dreaded than Canada thistles, old-faellioned bath ; it was with diflicelty red.root; mustard,. or any other of the weeds lio was extricated, Ilia neighbors remark- egamat which we have now to ontend: He allndee to whet ts known as tag weed, a plant ad that lie, put thenvin rnitd Of •Nelindad. - .h enema to grow and thrive undet the • 'pezzar, "As hie kingdom vanisha most Ovate° ciatturnstanees, maturing its all 'wore Aiwa packed in -a heap about two feet ender the surface. No implenients were found with the bones, hut the infereoces are that the bones are Iudian i.emains. A nons. her of years,ago, plotighing the same field,, some sixteen skeletons tvere unorthed. sight, Seed on land either. era or stubble, asi well act .14 15 4-1 31.1 • Whilo tive brothers named Vrawley were _on oeltivtited fields. It is a new weed this That caatamittwoatory evrellear, containing twain) working id a field fli the townehip of Moderate, part, and on nutty farms its Presuco is !lob lee, sholatuileieg, well, ex.,. now _wooded. by 4. ' . Ctinatlitie 'gentleman Whilst Piratic? will bo sold on very easy terms. Payment taken rati for.shelter tea Mr. SullIVeal's house where ift monthly installments, if (leered, APplyte the (*net', they seated themielves on a liench is the rooms, en lot 724 Smatter street, a th good garden, sta. they noticed a thunder.stortn approaching, end khown or even suspected. A. 118 saw written np; " Wina bathe given "here, Mr. ifosepii er to kitchen. A Mao dog la on: the beuch Be entered and inquired tbe price of a bath, Clifito, Sept. 4;a870, , 1t. Lt' tween, the two inen. ,flash of • lightning struck the ' wooden partition against. which tho leaned, and rent in pieces the beneh on • which they seta Both Sten were stunted -a -one A Et .M *P 0.11 8 A L E. , was thought for 80111e time was dead, but ,• after a time he recovered. The deg which laY , crontitittri* . "betiveefelhartWo 'Neittaartie instently The nudersigned. offers for sale the south part at lot Isto, 10, Huron. HMO, Goderieh Township condating of 00 items more or less. About 80 acres cleared, 15 mires slashing', and balance thebeted'imad. On the ptemises reframe barn 20 r 45, taloa 40 X lg, geed yofteg °t- ithe:NI and neve failing spring. 'Will be sold on reasont able tonna. Apply personally or by lettct to ;ramEs EltiTICTEITAP, 26 Iloralitavrana P.O. — 13r. Wra, d.t.tanyns k4preCific 1Vitedteine„ TiEt3 Gurxr English Remedy Is especially , to. ' commended tts an unfailing cure for Seminal Weak. floss, Spermatorr. him, impotency., 1.`.• 1"naaa, Eta all mileages an nafote Tatting that follow sir a Attet Taking. Abaft°, Ali LOdS of iffemorY,ThlivOnalitassitudOr Pain in the,Back,Dinniese of 1711410t4 Peemature 01,1 Age, and many other diseases that. lead to, Insanity itt Consump- tion, find a Premature Grave, allot which as rule are first caused by dettating front the path of roasts Arc over•Inategoeco, Tap speciaciatakine is the recent of at life stay and many yearft of experienea In treating thedo drieetal dilemma. Pamphlet free by Mail. The filieeifie Kahane deld bY ennragelete at al per peek - age, or dr pookagosfor $6, or will be sent by /Dail 011 sor,Ont. Reid In 01IntOn by a; H.oGorolle,o4nClaZii in ff*ing his sentence, which was one year r000lxt of the Wendy, by addressingWat. ties, the tinnembranee Whlell will entitle all and was told it varied .frern 10 to 2 francs, " But what is the cliffereabe 7" 110 asked. 01) Monsieur," Was the ansiver, " the 10 franc:bath is fresh wine; the 5 francs is wine eno ustaleand so on to the 2 irane;" " Ana what becomes of the wise after the Vista bath given ?"•-•° Thefia" YAW tho•av Ilearly every person m the house was more or tendant with a silted of• the shouldere, " We less affected by the lightning, • •, bottle it and send it to Canada, where we sell An affecting scene was recently withe'ss. it for 12a franca 1" The gentleman ieturned ed in a court at Woodstock, It was in the home tr sadder and wiser 'non, resolved that ease of Iviellon, oorividted of horse stealing, henceforth he would eschew claret at $2,50 'When. asked 13y Ws Lordship what he had a eas0., ,, 11 SlIOT4i1XES et SOX, Waatle 00- ittaiteit' ilekh Herter, This enquiry is made, with Meth concern by farmers and dealers thronghout Ontario. "Why does. not England take our butter? What has become of the buyers? and what' a 18 tia be done with the butter ?'' 'Theses are among the questions asked, and vie have taken some pains to get a ,eolutien. of thoin,.. which is at1101lowal • ` . • 1 a complete change bee' taken place in' Rogland.d mug .the past' tliree Yore, in 'refereciee to (*ornate -Mdse.' At arst, no r.13- • epeetable :grocer yreuld. beep .it: • Public , analysits pronounced it an, " edulteration" and under the ".41.tialteratiob • of Food," .2ket, Vendors were tined, • •put finding that the article PAW A linnaseme profits, the grocers paid up And went 'on selling again till now, without traciegalie history of this .attiole front its introdnotion to the present, ,suftieeit to say, the quaa,ttity inverted into • Britain -and saki withrait _Anybody being. tided or iinpriscinetl.is 30,000 packages per . Week. : The..prico itt this bletimatga•-• rihe is laid down in. Britain has .averaged 08s Per 112 -lbs tine season.- .,We 'have. seen correspendenee and hays) conversed With leading. crinin the trade, who assure • US that the grain, and flavor of 'Etteoinitrge7- tine when out up for retail is. very much preferable to ansvera,ee sainple ot ..Cana; ;Alien butter. when shipped fresh, to Britein, and that dealers Call sell the matararine- at- •• 101, pbr 112 lbs. more than they can get for 'On.rtheruisObfuotrteeizn and .1 .,ew • competitor•: itg, enteyed the best and alinost only Market „ for Our britter ; competitor, which aeoerad; • denitind. for three times as inue,h per Week ,•: as Are can produce, and Which selle well •• • mialsw well at 10s to 15s per cwt. lees money than tonsinneta will give •fer aver- age. Canadian better,' it esuellya a1pears-1 in the English' market, Th is ere. conceive to be an 'answer to One principal aspect of the question; Why does not England take 6,er butter as of yore ? a • • ' ';•Seemally,, What has. become' of „the . a.• 'buyers.'" „ Boyets hetthr; wei are told,...• are a peculiar people, ,zetilone' (if' not of good n Whirs) of good introties TheY. are, .• ea Selass, pee'seseed of ameent, of , • • hurnen !Mote, ate afraid•. • of • railway travelling, and are given to. telegraphing ..considetably. '..As a result, . they• -have 'cilia • • Covered; this year; diet the American bet- ter makers were sellere, week by. week,: at .; the best price. which the 'competition of the continepc treelda pay. But before . going to the America') markets, per buyers learn- ed that the Canadian butter; makers were • • large makers, but were not pteparedtd 7.1.. 'tutees they.Could get what therthrniglit it might to etiUree the country dealers in Ontitriaatook the iiiitter. in front the ' farmers at what they thought it • ought te : bring, .also'without:anyreglird to what die • • butter actually monld bring, the, property .begat to .be bought, and •bas continued un - 111 lately. ten be•booght, at prices eotsider- abli higher. than exporters could afford to • pay for it. • When, therefore, the butter ' buyer; of whom .we are 'now writing parti- cularly,..ascertained .that ...Ontario .clealers "askedli to 16c. per pound for an article which Could be bought.. anywhere from' „ ,• •Liwa. Massach itsetts• et ;from 8 . to 110., ; • the natural result that the -butter buy.; rs.went . rican 'market,' and have .remained there. This brings .us to the third .geistien, ,c What is to be done ' with the buttoi.." This is not in ener questitio to. answer, nor is it .4, pleasant undertekieg to give what appears to be the only eugges Lion , in .• the .circumetatiees„ ,.. • • . • • , Many. of our readers will feel •Oore be - big • ,.renunded'.that '‘..1 told yen tea". Rut, • we published, in it' earefrilly wietten article - of the 19th April leg,' a forecast of What might he expected Unless a different course . was adopted by ,buttee•Makers and dealers, To -day,, tlfe bulk Of the butter made in Ontario sinCe.thn.lat of.'„May, 1878, is un- sold, and the summer niatle atoek it stale, •litielost its freshness, :and for table .pu.p poses is Absolutely useleha. • We. would say - to our teadois, if you have made tnistalre, 'don't add folly. to.folly and refmie to ,eelt .you? fall butter to a buyer unless he will take your tem toer •stock, oleo, in ono lot e r at one price. Who over heard of _a • tailor refusing to. sell a man a•pair of pants . Oen' he did not want coat and Yea. ' SeHat once the , enamor aectininlatiot of butter at the best „price obtainable, and. tip fhe sameawith the fall stock.. 11_ Cato - do had Old her summer. butter when it was. twc; weeks old, she would have dot 4c.. • per pound mote than She will time,* And the mune is true of the fall, makea in cott-: parisea With selling three Month hence. a We regret exeeedingly to learn that our creamery establiebnients• have nearly aIl fallen info the eatile error of holding their . stock becmise they °mild not get the pride . Bayfield Preshyterien S.S. held thaehienie; last: Friday; to which • the Methodists and Episopeliatisivere invited, A pleasamt tone was spent. • . . • farmers surrOunding Seaforth talk in a Treerdiscouraging Meaner of the potato crop thie-semon. ' The'y give the wet weather as .the cause pf the Rehire: . . , While leading a bull to Water it fa w days since, Mr. Jobe McMillan ,of Belida had a narror escape from being killed, The ani- mal used him rough as it was, to say why sentence should tot be pro- Mr. against him, prisoner said that if Mr. W. A. Thorupeon, late M.1), for Wel. land, died. at his residence, Gleneairn, near he were it single man he could easily bear Queeneteat on Tuesday. meaning, Deceased had been tilling for a number of months. He WAS prominently interested in the codstrue. tion of the Erie and Niagara Railway, of which he was Ptesident for Ovetal years. tle :Aso dal a great deal to promote the suc. etwa of the Canada Sonthern, of which he was rittri Church, Seaforth, to the Rev. gunge a local director for a Oneiderable period. He Prager, of St. Thomas, was to have come be. was the author of an essay on, the Philosophy fore the London Presbytery 81 116 roceting.h; of Political Economy, published in Buffalo in Sarnia, oil Tuesday. Commithioners from 1863, which fereshadowed a national mitotic)* the Seaforth congregation were present but that would make credit the exception, instead owing to the session of St. Thomas failing to Of the rale, in all Governinent individtha comply with the instructions of the receive transactiona. politica Mt. Thompson was tory Clerk to have theproper notice of the e Liberal, and was always a strong supporter Call proeleirneci in the St, Thernae ehitteh, of Mr. Mackenzie, Bit private character the Presbytery could not take adieu in the wag dietingtifahed by• many estimable quail- matter,. and further action can not be taken • tthtil the heat Meeting of the London Presby; tery. whatever punishment the Court aught con. eider Ma offence deserved, bet as it was, it would be vqy 'hard,mi .him. 110 said' he Was n married man, and. that he had a family depending on him for support; that during his eenanement awaiting his trial hision had died, and that he had been nn. able to gee tire COrple OP gee the funeral. Ills wife. be said:. so far felt the position • theifamity were placed in on acconnt of his act that she /was becoming insane, and that probably RS he voice she might be SO. The judge said that he felt Very mu& for him, and for the Nadir, but that air- inlifletnneee COW& not be taken into account ',sequence of Self. Smith ds West. of Seaforth, offered a prize of 810, at the late show, for the best looking baby. A child of Mr. Samuel Lounsberry, of &steal; bore Off the prize against &Lorna pettittiesrbs.w.eek • ;fr. G. M. Trueine,n sold •the right of collecting the Goderieh market fees, to Mt. Wm, Phillips, Vie present Market Clerk, for the sum of $233, which is some $50 more thee he paid hist year. s Rev. E. J. Robinson, ineurribent of St; John's church, Brussels, has been Appointed to the-raission of -Exeter, and Rev..-M-r.-Itytui,- of Exeter, to 33russels, the change will take place about the 15th of October. Says. the a fab -mer mime to town last week with fifty er sixty bushels of Wheat and which he took heath again because he. could not get ten cents a bushel more for it then it was worth before the elections. A vagrant named Tommy Wynn, confined in the county jail, died on Mender, almet one o'eleck, while at dinner. The immediate cause of his death was seffecation, resulting from difficulty in'swallowing a piece of meat. .300 potatoes to ts hill seems *that a largo yield, but that is what a bill "panned out" in Brussels faun tly, Mr. John Kippen count. ed them. It is only eight to say that the ereaterenumber of the potatoes Were no larg- er than peas. . • The Tuelteismith shOW took pla-ce in sea. forth on the 20111 arid 271h Sept., betwitit. standing its beim; township.show, the prizes were good and the crowd large. Mr: JOhn Brown, of McKillop, got the lipoid prizis for the hest 50 lbs. of butter. The prize being a seventeen dollar dress given by Mr./T. Kidd, of Seaforth. On Thursday e'tgoing se the train for the Mirth was nearing Contralti% it met with a slight accident. '.elte Wavy' wind sent a car which \vas in the aiding at Centralia, spinning down towards the Main track. It lay there until the arrival of Cooduetor Clark's train, which ran into it, ernashing it badly and do. frig considerable &image to the engine ask pilot-hoinia. • • Our Mr. Allen having hem elected to, re- present Aaron, Brute mut Grey on the Nevi. of theflorticultural Association, will be*glad to bear from frret growers, latge and small, they_thought 16 ought to be worth, and ;1/1 thapattiet;,,rin-Jimileultural.matterer °ape- Kenos -mar gcia Tias 0114 ilEaTe. aria a ta (daily mformation on the eterniee and disetisee• sn nnich has been written an affecting fruit ma fruit trees', in order that wantad. those *points may be brought before the Aego. how to handle ourhutter crop, and so ht- , elation for disottssion.—Goderich nitlettalleen &ha bus wbee:011 pad m et: fool tildsisugogseepatiotna The following fiat comprises the officers drop the Matter. niBut the rlairyPioteiesfs elected for Divisien 1308`,. Sons of Temperance, of Benreiller, for this emitting (patter a--W,A, of Canada are assuming such. proportions Miss Maggie Lambert ; 1LS,, 1'. Cantelon ; and are capable .of such enormous Increase, Miss 13elle Lambert ; P.S.; Josh. thaLwe not intend to let the question ' Moore ;Treas., A,..11eddIe; Chap., W:Meore; drop, and will make one More suggestion Con., Gee. Stevvert ; A. Con., Mites M. B. which we believe would be effective in ae. Glephill ; ;Visa Hattie Gledhill; 0•S•• cining the marketing of our butter to the /oho Stewart 1".W.P., Wm. Itobertsort, The matter of the Call from the l'resbyte. stituttons step in and say, butter ie a per- ishable article and we will not lend money to carry hutter for Mere then 16 Or 20 clays. Danko will not cash drafts on fresh Orth or fruit, at short date, because these are perPthable goods. Butter is also, perish- able, ena.ahould be sold air soon after it is made as possible. -The .next important change to be affected is to makabutter in factortes ea we do cheeut.--Motrefary Tittles. ett,tie.t et - The death Of the celebrated Irish Judge Iteogh, AMU:it:116'AV 0410, best advialtaget tet our banking 61t4tsilitlftefiverywrieve, jail:. 6• Who knewifim.ts eincerely aiotirn Ida amigo;