HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-26, Page 22 TEE CLINTON" AA. The Pod reclosure i4 the aroetgage,, wok right in the settite.roora, Deacon; Ws allht a Muddle, you [see, . Brit I hadn't no hoert tO rlght it, so Die lost let 01'01 thifig be. Isesidee, Put it•Seilf 1tenlOrree.4 eaneutte to Start with the • Arid the.house won't eeenr so home-llire If it's all upset end forlorn, x sent a the children thie uonin' t1ey bezq on 'em begged to etay, But I thought %would be eatder, niebbe, if I was alone to•alay, '• .For tido woe the very daY, Deacon, Putt twentylear ago, That Caleb. and me moved in; so I couldn't f °rail it,yon , lonow, •• We was so busy aud happy 1--we'1 boort married a month • And 0010h WOOL!) eleeti the table end brush up the tMon floor. then' own self-esteem, and falsely exalt. 1O 8ft14 1W08" hlutt hut, ' quit :ing the royal family.' I OW emplaa- Vag alwayo hie way- Alwaye handy and IfnI, and.kind, to the very lad 4 Sized with conbiderablevigor' that eit, strangers tn partake, which they ma eepted with thanke. Resuming the conversetion, exptessed my innate ha. tred to the roonaroltial eystern, pointing out and vehemently denouncing, among other things, the ,ebornious salaries whieh the Over -burdened people had to pay to those parasites of • aociety' called Kings, Queens, Dukes and •Princesses ; how the system, mooted "an absurd, ima- ginary. distinction between the rulers and the ruled, degrading the people ip Don't yonremember, Denison, that winter I broke my arm? • Why,Caleb skureely loft Pet not evento 'tend to the larni, • . • . . • • There night pal inornite•I saw him, a•settin' eo close to . my bed,. ' • 40a 1 knew him in spite ot the fever that mado me eo Wild in myboad. Bo never 414 nothinLto grieve me, Until he left me be.' • . hind- . • ' Yes;I know, there's no use In tenon"; hut soinehew it eases ray mind. • . • ^ Ana he set Binh store by rot, Detteon,I needn't tell yon now, But unless ballad your jedgment,honover would buy a cow. • Well, our cows 18 8000,00(1 end the horsmi too -poor Caleb was fond et Jaek, _ find X cried like a tool this Morita' when I 1044 at the 'empty rack. •' I hoperhe'll be kindly treated: 'twould wprry peer Caleb 80 • If them Joneses slianldwhip e'Pose ain't like to know. i've been thwidn' 0‘'er lately, thai when hlary sicken- ed and died, .. • • 31e: father's sg omit Was. broken, for she was aline his pride. • He wasu't never so cheery; he'd smile, but the smile. . wa'n't. bright,. And he didn't oare for the caitle, though mum they'd ben his delight. • , • , The neighbors all Said 11e was one, m3(141143/ tried to •• •laint it to me; • ' • • They talked of a, ohnrch-yard cough Lliet, obit the 1,lin4 are flack who wou'w see. I never believed ho was goin' ti?iplaW him a,•layin'here, 0 There, tbee.J don't bo antions, Deacon; I haven't no . • tears to shed, • . . I've tried to' keep things togothert-Pre ben slavin' early and late- • •' . • But 1 cenian't PaY the lui'rest, nor git the lurn-work straight, • • - , • • So of course I've gene. bobinaband, and if the farm should eel' For enough to pay the tuortgage, 1 Wren 'twill .be dein well. • • Tve prayed ag'inst all hard belied; 'and_ to..walk_ato a Christian ought, • But it's hard to see Caleb's children tinned out of tho' place he bought.; • . And readin' that text in the Bible 'bout Widliwo. and orphans, you know, • ' . travagamie end lioenticatiness $o com- mon Among seid,personageo, referring to the cases of Catharine TI,,. of Russia, ; fouls XV., of France 'mod .0harles XV,, of Sweden ,as instanees. 'The latter's tequest of Parliament to grant a dower of '200,000 crown to .1mis daughter Louisa, at her Marriage with. a Danish Prince, smile nine years age, while .the country suffered from _famine,- Ad the poor Swedes in America were sending relief across the ocean, I stamped atm an act of infernal shamelessness, z•eoiting stana of the scathing satire which Ed. ward Axon, a Swedish •writer, had on that occasion addressed to Charles XV. • After. listening to my arguments a few mon:tette More, the two strangers bade me adieu,' the tall ono remarking : I should be glad .tte see. you again and resume the converSation with you. For the present my business calls me. DO yen 'know that tall gen tl onion ?' I asked the waiter girl, after they had The -gig Indeed I do, sir,. He is Oacar King of Sweden.'-.--,Gor. Chicago Inter,-Oce,an. mg to bring any •sign of disapproval from the front, he went to the prorap- leer" box, sat clown before it, and offer- ed that functionary a pinch of snuff. This wit's too much, and the ioaperbinent actor Was greeted with a storm of hisses, which grew into something like a riot when he refused to • apologise, and Le - maitre was 'marched off the stage by the Three nights afterwards he re- appeared on. the stage, to be receiVed with . groans, Willett he acknowledged, SObil'as the uproar ceased, by thank, ing the audience for the extrenie ur- banity albeit 'reception, . . • . London's ibirontress• . • • • • Of all great :cities London, on the whole; containithe ineatto interest and I can't think the folks will prosper who aro willin'to'ice",. ins trti4 A mericans. Its mem). gro wth 00 00. .• . ,is 'marvellous.. • It hae doubled in mil- httion in the in ornery of inen still young. Most of Qui' readers remernimr when Mocaulay'S .IIistory d appeared. Tullis OA Volume the euthor ebntrasted the grandma): of 'tlie'inoiletn. city with the London Of Charles ir, .and boasted that the number of ifthabitazits had increas- ed frooa little more than half a pilliot tci at least nineteen hundred 'thousand.. In the brief time thathas _passed since. Macaulay Wrote, • the ono foillion ,nine himdrecl thousand has become four Mil: lions. A few contrasts • taken from the best estimates Will give some suggestion of the initnenSe magnitude of .the city. It. is' aptly descyibed ns "8 province co-- syered ?ivit,11 houses." New York: iS•boutil in population to the aggregate orMaine- anclINew Ilatup;laire. .London.equals Maine, New. Hampshire, 'Vermont, Rhode Island, Ptinnectiont, AlaSsachn- setts and California, all together. To eqaal the 'city a London here, we should have to bring together all the:people'of the following cities h-N'Ww:Y,ork, Phila- delphia, Brooklyn, St. Louis, Chietigo, Boston, Baltimore, Cincinnati, New Or- leans, Butfalo, San Prancisecr, Washing- ton and Louisville: The transient pee, tile in New York are abeitt thirty thou: - amid; Londen one hundred and sixty thottsand. Iti New York- a babe is born every fifteen minutes, and a death pectin once in seventeen minutes. :Ie.' latadon.a birthoccurs „every six, min-, utes, and ad death every eight. („The drinking Ogees in New York set in one street would extend. Seventeen miles, those, in London seventy-three miles. - The hugeness t:of ,London Makes it an tutinspectable labyrinth tg the majority �t visitors. • 'But there! Pm a-keopin' yob, Deacon, nud .It's nigh, Xerhy limo- for tea. • • . • ,• °WON'T cella °tan 1" No, thank you; X feel better' •alone, you see. , . ' • • • 'Besides, I couldn't. eat nonmoo.whonever live tried It to -day 'There's semothin' hero that ehokbe roo; nervouS, I s'Pose y'ou'll say. • • "I've worked too hard?".NO, haven't. W.by, ib work that keeps no 'strong; • _ • If I sot bore thinkin', I'm sonde. my heart• would break before long. Not that 7 care abent livin'. ratter be laid away In the place I've marked beside Caleb, to rest till the jedgment day. . But thero'o the children to think of -that maker, my douty clear, . "' A.nd P11 try to foliar it, Deacon, though I'm tireifof this earthly. spoor. • Good -by, tben. nsha''t forgit you, nor ail the kindnesa you've showed; . 'Twill help to cheer zoo to-morrer, Ae 60 On Illy ihnely, • road, For- What aro you sayin',' Deacon ? • I needn't -I needn't go? .. • _• ' -YOU'VE bought the mortgage, end. I can stay? Stop I say it over slow- ' • . Jest wait now -loot wait• a fnizeite-I11 take 11 10 birae, by That I can stay. Why, Deacon, I don't know"wleat makes me cry • haven't no words 15 thank you. Ef Caleb:was only here, He'd se& a head for speakin'i he'd make my feclin'a clear. • . There's a phiter in °Ur Ohl Bible el an angel from the • skies, • • • • - • • And though ho hasn't -no groat -coat, and spectacles On his oyes, He looks est like you •, Down, with your stunt) so good a4Andenevoi• fsco that Motor, 'twill make Ine think, of ' The children will be so happyT • 'Why, Debby will iinbst , go vita; .. • She fretted so :ouch at leavinyher saran behind, poor ' child! • And, law! I'M' ee Med as Debby, el only for feat Ono thing - Now I can t,o,nd tho posies/ planted there Net, spring' On Caleb's prate; he loved the flowers, sod it 0(0108- 08 of he'll know They're a:bloomin' ell around him While he's sleepin' there bolow.--lieroer'sliepiortor. • Arguing' With •a King, • — sojourned in the beautiful Queen • the Molar, Stockholm, a feW weeks Etat summer. • One day; I took a tri ii 'levees the little channel whieh separates the . city from that splendid place of recrea. tion, bjurgardere-in a little steainheat, took a long stroll about the magnificent place admiring its splendid villas, .its fine roads, its grancl.trees; its.. fragrant and braoing air. .A very attentive look- ing 'restaurant was too tempting a scene te pass. by on a hot day, so in we step; ped, ordering smile refreshments, and were waited upon by a .beautiful and polite young lady who could speak a little broken English..."... After a while two other gentlenlen entered', one of whom attracted my• attention 08- 80 - count of his great heightand distinguish- ed air. They also ordered refreshment, meanwhile keeping up a very animat- ed Conv•ersation, Suddenly the tall Man - turned around arid „fixed Hi dark eyes on me. • Are you an Englishman, sir 2' be asked with a stt•ong Swedish aceent, 4 No, sir;'I am a citizert of the Unit - •ed States.'' 'Al 1 Is 'that to I I heard you speaking, English,' Well, so much the better. 1 have always- admired 'the 'United States.'' • 81 am very glad to hear yen say se," I replied. In a reonarchy like Sweden one could hardly 'expect to hear much said in behalf of the Great Republic, ' oxcept it be from the • working etasses ; • but even they seetn'to be going back on her now on account of the hard times which have Prevailed in time. 'United Statefor the last few years,' 'Well sit'," Oho six -foot -mid -four -in - elms tall 'stranger kept up the, conver- sation in English, although occasionally with 'apparent difficulty,) that's just What I.have always expeeted. Human naturOs the same the world over, and it 'working :than stand as good a chance and is as much respected in a monsachy as in republic.' • 'In this I beg leave to differ with you,' said I. Here I called for another bottle of claret, inviting the two Extrnordlnary 'Wooers. When Mr. Penn matched. himself against the Hon. DanVeree Butler to walk from Hyde Park corner to. Ham- mersmith, for a wager .of, 100 guinemi, somebody remarked to the Duchess of .Gordon that it was a pity that a young fellow like Penn should always be play- ing schne absurd prank. !Yes,' the old lady retorted,- it is a. pity, but why don't you advise hilt bettee Penn Seeme to be a pen that everybody cols and,nobody mends.' ,What would the free-spoken dame have.said to a couple Of clergymen running a race on Sunday foi. a crown a side 1 Such a thing duts been done.. Soon after Swift received his deanery, he dined nn Stinday with W. Raymond,' or Piro, whose house was .aut 20 yards froth his church. the bell had nearly done ringing ter evening service when Swift exclaimed, Raymond, lay you it erown be- gin prayers before you.' 'Done,' said Oil doctor and off they ran. Raymond reached the door first, and entering the thurch, inada for the reading -desk nt se quick a walking pace as his settee of propiiety admittea. Swift not Slacken his speed in the least, hut ran up the aisle,- paSeed his eilpotent, and, without -stopping to ;nit on a.lifrplice or open the prayer -book, began -the Liturgy, and went On with the service Jong enough to Win the wager. • Fred- eric Leroaitre, the spoilt child of the Parisian play -going public; Once- put its eood nature to too severe a test, He had wagered thatahe Would take ar his wigin the middle of a pathetie seems without exciting the disapprobation of the audience. no won his bet; bat, not content with that, the reckless dome. dian took his wig off a second time and used it as a handkerchief; and this fail - es'sQocoa. Crievrtrur.aasnOmeroarnse, -"By a thorough t.rrowledge of the natural laws which govern the cperations a digotiob .aed nutrition, and by a eareful application of the hue properties ,f well -selected cocoa, tilirt.h.4aPles1 cheat ellyrlialrivtioel°1%; ebrraegaek'wf4181htsuiblue; Save us many heavy ductore' bills. It is by the judicious Ilse of sueh articles of diet that a ountAltution may be 'gradually built up un - %tong enough to resist every tendency to disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us retOy to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by keeping' ourselves well forti-• lied with pure blood -and a properly nourish, ed franie,"-Civi/ Soh/ice Gazette. -Sold only 111 Packeta labelled saints Errs & 00., flo- inceopathie Chemists, 48, Threadneedlestreot, and 170, Piccadilly, London." ' Tile Princess Louise. An English ecirrespondent writes ;- I am told that the people. hero speak with great satisfaction of the appoint- mene of the Marquis of Lorne as GOV; ernor,General, of. Canada. Io'i. re- garded as a num of great executive abia lity, one who'has, shown himself singu- larly' well fitted to' be the head ofpnblie alluirs, and therefore ;;peculiarly quali- fied for the important poSt he is ndw -call- ed upon'te fill, The Princese• Louise. is a great favorite with the nation,: indeed from all I hear she.seems to be the most popular of all tbe Queen's datighters. Probably this.popularity arises to a great extent from tbe interest' whic h she, takes in all things which concern the veopre- in the art, MuSic, and scie.nee' of tho partieularly in so many Of the .great public chnities, . 'The Victoria, :Respite' is a iipeiti1.p0 of hers ;..here she goes at all tireeS, taking speelal care' even of the 'small cletails.connecreci With its :rnanagenient. A .yonng lady who frequently. viSits•tho hospital. also told a friend* of mine ' that she -had many times met the Princees-there and had often seen her busying herSelf with-ita counnoneet coneerrie:" instal:16: going one day into. a room where this • yonng lady- was -seated, the Princess saw a broom, standing in the corner there it.1ad beenleft by the domestic in charge. f They are very Careleas to leave things standing • about in this fasiliou,'• 'she hastily exclaimed,. and •the room has not, been tboreughly swept eit h or, I' •So saying she laid banda upon the broom :and ,liega.12- vigeratisly -to 'sweep out the corner' in which the dust bad' -callcotett ' Olt, Priepess Lodtrise' cried the. piing,. lady, lot me 'qb,,that intitead.'1. • No thankS,'• answoyed time Princess, .still steeping witty'all het Might. I 'understand hew to do'it per- •feetly d well for My mother' had us tmineht Sweepincr asWell as everything dee' 81)006 the liOnse.' • • '• , , ZVON7,YBODIC .§.kir8 So. -Metall who navet 'either usedtho article themselves or witnessed itis 04'00 when used•by others ; all etiCh, and they are only a to judge, are noaniname.in the opiaion that "Parley'a Condition Powders atta Arabian Heave Remedy" is superior • to: • anything of the kind heretofore or at present. in use for coughs, colds, thiolcwind„ and all: -diseases which affect the Wind of horses. As a condition medicine it has no ..equel'.; there is nothing in it Which ean injure here° Whether Sick or Well -nor lined the horse be kept froin werki4white using it ;it is- jnef•the artiele .whieh 111 who own horses retplire, and. which theyelionld haVe. constautly. on hand: Re. - seemlier the name, and pee that the signature of Third and Co. is on each pa3kage. North- rop k..1,1,yman.„ Toronto,. Ont,,' proprietors for Canada.6 • •,-, A. eounnon eotigli- or cold stiou d' ver be trifled witlrioften wben ne'gleeted iS.convert ed into a: serious and generally fatal pulnionary disease, • The more ,prudent, aWare,17f-thisi promptly use Bryan's. Vidinonic.Wafers" acti- ratiye 'whiclzhas sustained it reputation for over. twentyyears,. they' , are always efaczitolilies. ad exert a Most, heue4etal influenee on Bronchial nee pultnonary organs.. Sold by all druggistsand einintry-..dealers..... Trice 2 cts. per 'hex. • • , Earl Dairerinng Departure- Eirlogistic th4 Presi: LONnoN, Eng., Sept 18.-Theraites,. in its e'ditorial:. on Lord Dufferin's speech to. the deputation from` the rnii nicipalities of Ontario, say -Wit would' he c1ifficu1lf=t0-point to a bettor -assorted, hap• pier, political marriage thati that which united Lord Dufferin with the people of, Canada. Tlie deputation gave re,. anarkable testimony of the 'affectionate; trtstftil regard in which the Governor- General is held by those whom he tailed with striking ,SUCCOSS and of the esteem of all parties, classes and creeds, Tlie impartiality and equity of Lot•d in% career is attested by. the applause he has won and the regrets at his de parture. The noble .Earl,has displayed beyond qUestion in a high degeee-tho qualities needed for a constitutional ruler. He has achieved. popularity and., affection among progressive •com- munity. The solid foundation of his power was the deep, ardent attachment of the Colonists for the Mother Conintry and the Imperial Throne. Yet other Gevernors, baying similar opportunities, hare failed to. make their mark in hie - tory. one has ever done so intich .to sbreugthen the bond of Imperial -union as. Lord Dufferin, aided in his task by a fresh • and graceful eloqueride and the ex- traordinary stride onward which Cana- da has made since the union of ,the pro- vieces, with the full promise of future edvande, has been festered by the Im- perial donneciion.which keeps R stand- ard, of public morality and practical pat triotisra before the people sadly Want- ing in Political life in the United State's, It were a pity if Earl Dufferin's poWere remains unusedbecause he . belongs te the English Opp,osition. , The Daily 1‘1. cam, in an editorial, says Lord Dufferid had amostditlidu1t work, and he has done it well. If the 'Mar- quis of Lorne hoe not the- same he has other means of securing popularity, to which b� May wisely confine himself. Theta is a good deal of fed tape left 317 Bne:tland yet appardntly. An Bog- liph officer sent On a special mission by the War Office, included in. his aecoUnts att item of one shilling for 'Porter." The War 011ie° sent him a formidable letter by return of post to inform him that' the ,governmetit did not pay him for hie beer. He explained' that the siniling'was for the Man who•carried hi inggage, and then received another note advising hitti that he should have charged for " porterage." When he he'd madeup his aecounts the official charged �Z1 e shilling and sixpence for' cabbage." cenasiclering that that was the Pieper -Way to set down a charge for cab.hire, but he promptly received another rebuke f'or making unauthorized investmentaitt vegetables. ' Wad. artIL ,rnn. APPLETON,--- ORRICE— at DA7C tiMo and -11-• ot NIGHT time -Tho Booms over the Store of Clueningiaarao Aireeheaa--thoseuare,olinton. oliuton, Dee, SO, 11377, • • IYt'REHVE, physielan, lagoon, ete„ Coroner 10 (Jaunty of Ifurom fteeideneeand Onion -Corner 0 Albert and Mill Streets, Olinton. August 9111,1869, f4,1 . irk among; kite.Cf.iatiiress , . Corni,AND's SWEET OASTCIR OIL equally Suit- able 'for children 'and adults. • Endorsed by over.600 doctors in -Clanada, The driliculty .of administering naiiseous medicines,. and the de- sirability of having them pleasant to. the taste, induced 'X; Copland to d undertake researches which resalted in the discovery of a'Sweet Cas- tor 011, perfectly palatable. of the same strength and medical qualities,ai the ordinary (Jastor, ()Lk; and while equally safe and barmleSs, Yet ' acting With more certainty, and producing aol- 11sr nausea norgriping, Seine children say it • is:honey ; others call it syrup: --they all sly they like it. Oneparent illy children. drink • it like water i" another,-- We had to Iiitre the bottle or they would have finished it right off ;" another —"My little girl.has• taken it twice without any trouble, and does, .not .know what itls; the:Ugh she bates the ordinary- Castor Oil, and we never could.get her to take it -wit bout. a, tight ;"..yet 'another -" 1 wish you success 01 your .SWEET 0ASiOlt OIL ; it 11 a splendid thing ',---sitre to take the placeof all the common, oil.• Phe.extraortlinary demand .for this improve inent ot taple household meditine haslirought frainittlent imitations into the Market, but t.o public) can guard themselves against substitutes (which- unprincipled . parties are•attempting to -sell on the repatation Of 'this' article). by seeing ,that the name OoPLANO'S SWEET 0AsrOlt 031, is on both wrapper and direction label. The ' tuidersignek .11 riving., purchased.' tams. T, Copland & (Jos interest. inthe -aboire prepa- ration; aro now:manufacturing ,it from the ori- ginalrecipe. • . -,• • d •• RT HROP & LY7tiA.N,. Toronto. d'Th VOTING, (GRADUATE OP TOHONTO kl Bulvereity,) Physician, Surgeon, dm., reisitionce at Mr, Menning's, three dfrore °Mit of Om Temperance Hall, Loudeaboro, Ont. 1,ondeshoro, June 14,18'r . iNE.STANBURY, GRADUATE OP THE MEDICAL Department of Victoria Hnivereley, Toronto, for. Merly of the Hospitals and Diepensaries, New York, Coroner for the Couoty of Innen, Barrtann, Ont. • Jnly 22,1874. • 131 OWSLEY • GIBSON, PHTSICIANS, STIR onctris, Accenohoors, ao. Office, Albert street opposite Fair's Mille, D. H. Dowster, 1o1. 1). A, M. Grime; N D • Clinton, May 10, 1877,• 1 ••• P11,•v;ronTHH7cToN,rn-YkOIAN, SvROEON, Aoceucheur, Lieentiate of the College ofl?hysioittne and Surgeons of LAMA' Onaada, enaProvineial Licentl. ate and. Coroner for the County of Heron. Onlee and residence, -1i0 buildiug formerly ooeupled by Mr. Thwoltes, Huron street. , Clinton, Jan. 10,7871, ialtelIttiteizats arbp. N.rolimi: To MEND, IN I,ARGE, Olt SMALL smug, .L On good mortgage „security, at moderato rates of Interest. H. HAIM, • • Clinton, August tall, 1869. 7-11 • SET 11 26, 1878. MRS, i3Esi.14Y:S. xitilaanwir Establiehment • A largo a otmu orr.wr ma.% ',OVUM; SILKS and I1I13/IONS,in tho newest sluelos. Alliere largo stoolc of R4Tif and STRAW XI AT Bf the leteet styles, CORSET8,,' . A.geot for neorrounee PATraaNe of grognente of all deseriptioes ; a largo stook kopt on hand. , • Pelt, and Straw Hats ciearied and altered TAMA. Assortnrent of Ladies' Mantles, ' Clinton, Oot, 18, 1877, ARIIIAGE LICENSES arm CERTIFICATES1.- .1.11. Apply at the Town Hall, or at the residence of the subscriber, near tile London Huron & Bruce RailWay Station.' SCOT'.V, • • ' ' lesoor of Marriage Liceoses. Clinten, April 2.7111, 1876. anevax nonsx, maxims', ONT. THE ABOVE -Lir hone° ie situated clege to the station, and is thor- oughly renovated throughout, and now afforde good ea- opminbdation for the travelling publio. Lerge stabling and good hostlers in attendanee. Choicest 110uo>siil the' bar, THOS. Latin, Proprietor. 19 Tth kolliT0811, HAYFIELD, - ISSUER OP ••31arriage Licenses under the new Act, Coutniissiou- er for taking Affidovits in the' Quoon'sBench, for Coen - ties. Of Huron and Brace. Conveyanoing done, such Ate Leases, Bonds, Contraots, Iteeds, and Mortgages, P685 Residence•-oppositerPolloclils • , MONEY AAVAIN141) 115 1111,11. ESe'A'ra. Reyfiela, 8ept44, 7875.. ' . ; , ir LIVINGSTON, LATE Op. CHICAGO, HAVIN'G' Purehased the Hair Droeding hnsinose lately oar - 'Hod ott by Mr. Delmore, dogma to intimate to the pub - 110 that he will matinee flie Herne at the old sianel, arta .1mm:a urreceivo a continhation of the patronage accord- ed his predecessor. le,dies Hair Work`le specialty. Clinton, Aug. 8;1878. ltif ASOK & -1111HSCH, Accountants-, Auctioneois„ JAI. Fire and Life 1n1:trance and General Commission Agents, Xneurance two -third cheopor than ordinary cost, and hest -ohm Stock and MutualCompanies repre- sented, itieney to loon, anti. on 'kinds of' property bougnt ilia sole. nodertite charges. Oilice.:-li'INCr ST JOIIN MACON, TOr SEn Ironst7tV, Conuniesioren and Armor of.' ' . Conveyancer': l' ,Alarril go' Licenses. , 3.8 • . „- :-.:-... ' - ,,- ch BIN EFwAll[ tEJEthITLJFIE ACk.f9r,001'hA60'S SWEET 0.ASTOR.0IL, , 013- I. d serve.the florae.Do 'tot be deceived. - Sold kiy all medicine dealers. Price25 cents. ' . • • PErirrN. EIC1C-AAJL1TE. ,for all (14seases ol eke Vo(accateor chronic), granulation'tf.thd " 11'14, ',ulceration 'of Nen eachrifinal ,glands, n.ini, and weakness of d 11'' vonon ji.vin any eause. • . • . A5f ERMAN Eye -Satyr, is presented to the public with the assurance of its efficiency as •ft ' curative, of Most diseases of the eye, acute or ehronie inflammation, isliether induced by Sore- fulouti origin or otherwise, weakness Cr defect of vision, diminished tone of the optic nerve, Cr a diseased state of the tissues constittiting. that 'Organ. Ale°, for all pe:rsonsAi'liose voca- tion requires an incessant action of the eyes,. the salve will act as a charm in restoringit dni- form healthy. action, "where weakness, pain, and. Misery may have long threatened a fatal .ter-. initiation. It is the most simple, safe, and ef- fectual remedy ever djacovered: The, materials of which it is made are pure, perfect, *and costly, compounded with elaborate care ain't:exactness, safe in its 'application, beingused externally, 4114, of eourse,avoiding, the pain and danger which necessarily attends the introduction of .canstic mineralsand eye -washes. RINGWORM autl Oan Cattoms SORES, of scrofulous origin, or resulting. from -whatever cause. yeild to the Annine.tx Ert-SALvs; IT IS USED SVC- CESSFULLY FOR PILES: Its soothingof feet is immediate, and apermanen t cure requires buta few applications. • The proprietors of "DR, .7, Tim Ws Minh -tom/ Evn-SALvE,'/while making new and improved machine*: for malt- ing amens perfect 'hex for the Era.S.ttys, have changed the Trues Manic du the cover so as to correspond With the Cut on the Wrapper, Cir- culars, Advertisements, etc. We call attention to this,.as it might otherwise be regarded as counterfeiting. . PETIT .f.•DA1iICE14 ' • Proprietors, Freedonitd NORTHROP & LYMAN, " . 'Toronto, Agent e for Canada, 1 • • • TEE . GREAT PEMA.411`.1114,TAIEDY. Ion 1110K1s7S PLEAS This well known medicine is no impolition but it sure ansi safe remedy for Female Diili- eulties and Obstructions, from ally cause what- ever; and although a powerfUl remedy, it e on - tains nothing hurtful to the constitution. • TO NTAUSIED LADIES It is peculiarly a tate& It will,in 80 shorttime bring on the ttionthly period With regularity. In encases of Nervouland Spinal Affections, the Back nAta tanba, tionvint8g, vaogue on slight eibrtion, Palpitation of the heart, Hysteric, Sick' Headaches, 'Whites, and allthepainful diseages occasioned by a disordered system, these Pills will offec t O�lIre when all other means haVO f ailed. • These Pins have never been known to fail where the dtreatieus en the Rud page of pam- phlet, aro well oliserVesl. rot full particulars, get a Pumnklet,freos of Agent. 3011 M0SE3,1t3nV YORK SOLE PnorninTon. $1.00 and lij cents for postage, omit:mod to liorthrop 81; Lyman, Toronto, Ont., general agents for the Dominion, will insure a bottle containing over 60 pills by return mail. Sold in Clinton by 1.. 1I.Combe and George Ohiolley;. l. Hicks= and F. Lumsdon, Sea - forth; X.X1.1(1., Carronbrook; Parker & Cattle emir. Avian, Oodericht F.. Cameron Day Ilelcliaas.Bouthron,ItodgervilIe:and all medi-. pine dot:dere. A a LANA ;Lachance and Appraicer far Huron ; Itouce and Land Agent, Contnhesioncel Conviwancee, ike, hant, • er% ••• 1;(4,00 t•f; DIEHL 9 -t,17'0111,D RESPECTEOLLY INTIBIATE TO TUB V V residoots of Clinton and vieinity, that, haling rebuilt hie premieos on thb old stand, , Victoria, Street, Clinton if° hasps:ow on hand a large 004 .801001 is toch of A L L EINES 02' P TY 'KT 1 T TT E, Sucliair Chairs. Tables,Ble.ad;orae.om Sets; IMMIges,What' I Note, ete., of good material, excellent workmanship and finishoind which he will sell at tholowest remunerative . . 1 R:4EP/?/...NV Pk/7/11,1.1y it TTRY.D.ND TO ., exalt cn.tnis ntsnainn, AS 0001; AS NEW . , .: .0.:410 pizicilil 0.1..1 r., le , RemoMber he PIO,C0'- VICTORIA -fn. Clinton, March 8,1877 sizdwzr 110 '6.44.1e0. MORTGAG NoTEs, 'AM30 °TIM Good Secutitios Purchae6d. COEYEYANCIAT6*.. tunt4N, cilutqt, ±,Tot..9187.4 47 110EININI mrni SUBSCRIBER BEGS LEAVE TO STATE J.to the public that he keeps constantly on lista a largo and superior ciass of COFPI*96 CASKETS,. Coffin Trimmings' and Robes, With it splendid Pram Corrins alwaYe on hand. Parties can bo Supplied in ono hon, at .. • any tirte, at riLlnx. pi:T.11i CENT I ,111S S • Than can be procnretl 011 01>3' other place. A fun stoOkoillJANITI.TRP Always en band, THOS-. STVV81SON. canton, MO 10,1877.. CeNtriervareorantreatoraoicaiiiieensommen et INT ON PLANDier MILLS RSoott QONTRACTORS, Ana manufacturers Qf &colt, Doors, Blinds, • 1.1.1iniklings, .trath• awl Shingles. • • C1)ST031 PLANING and SCROLL sAwiNG • .promptly 'Mewled to. • . - . . • . We have on hand e very large stook of DRY entntu,. sea employ none but first-claas workmen. All portion wanting anaithing,i77 par line, will find i,t to their 'ad - rootage •to give us 053811. • , ' Buion.'Stroot, mar Groat Wootorn Station) - ‘• ar.azzToi. july 25,1878 • GROCERIES. • CUNINGPIAME• &APtEIUIEUL Have on 1iad as large end" wepseleated a steak or OVNERAL • G R 0 CE R tE.S AR ever offered iu LinTON, , CIJSTOMERS • Are Partienlarly invited to INSPECT OUR STOCK, end compare icesbofore purchasing elsewhere. We are selling 3 Ihs. g.00d Teti,. tat$1.00, .antt ter goods -in proportion. • • • Crockery arid -Glassware a specialty. cuxixonamp k'aIXEXEMAD. 71.11-4 008 let of Brass Cennter•Sealee for sale. . Clinton, July 18, 1878 • . • SAL—U—TA----RUS • • THE ;1,0\-4.1, DALdsr is'a mere Certain reine- • dy for pain, in awidernalgQ of case's, and 8113510>0 nreetthic IllOicine than any other now offered to the piddle ; even though we do say for it what- , no other mantifactnrer willdare. to say �'f 1118 - palmation, Nix, :--It absolttely will -not cure - everything from a corn on thti toe to a dislocated neelc It needs III) highlreeaggers.ted miffing; • beiog one of the feW things which, sell on their own •YrieritS.... • - 716680ettrely vegetable produ ohm. 11.11d.CR.perkietly sato for an infant, of any ago. It is o' perfect specifies for D000tory.„ ft cures Quinsy, "Ulcerated Sore'lluord and. • . Diphtheria, Nervous Headache, Nouraight,Ticaoloreux, Mid Sciatica:Cholora, CramoS and pains in the stomach end bowele, Inflammation, Wournis, Bruises, Sprains, Burns, Scalds, Frost -bites, d•o•.' • Pelee, 25 Cents, • dr; 11. 'COB Druggist, . NOLE 'AGENT, . ("LINTON.. 29-6 • -MI-LLS. t glut suescineen iissrroirtmni ntaa TO .a. inform theinhabitants of Clinton and surrounding country thathe has startedltio • ON 111171071 STREET, • NEW SAW MILL Opposite thp Bre:at Western Stition And fp prepared to ' Cut 'Loys skti):es, ot eltqapd ltir :Cask Helms niao.L11"111nr,R 0-1 to lands on Litral,..for sale! 0. INJOI.7q,ZTC.A.Stsr,14:1. ;411.178 1878. Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Ito S .F 0 IA/ L R. Degree to 'rotors his sincere thatti» to his ntimerov friends arid chsto- roomier theliber al share of patron- agethathelmsre nivedwhilecarry ing opboaiucssin csatocaea hopes by it strict often. tion to business, nod using every effort to meet the wants (ail many friends, to dentin. no to retain their patronage. Ifeivonld also take this opportunity of stating that he has taken his son into portnership, end that the bud - nese will 110 0004001101 in future under the style of 8. FOWLER & SON. Tito it, will cep on hand . liratoberi, Mocks, Jewellery, Spectacles, And all other articles in their IWO Alt kirnie.61 Pipes Repaired and Mounted, z Hops Irin tr, cleaning, 4:e., dm:igen short notice, in 'A Wrrrkmatilile raftorier,and reaeonalde terms. a ramie STHEET, NORTH Er THE ArAnitEt Clinton, Emil', 1877. BLA CRSMITITING -Itemeffibor that ex. or ea INA.; *lioflels .4.1 rotoweLt.la oLb 1-11.730h1 STRPIDT, otaxpoiz. HozyR 8//0.70..Y(4 A SPECIALTY, dna clone og tie 104 vtter!nary piinqpies. Itai ing engaged 'I', .T. minimum, V,S., customers wails -we the benctit �t his advice, in 11 Wee, free at Charge, All kiwis of tiesnmir, Ionise done promptly , 0107 030 reasonable terms.. • !laving prootrot a SAW GUNNER, Zon, • preparol to rto,anythiny In this tine, AUSTIN CALLA Nbfaie in GM, Aug 20, 1878