HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-19, Page 5::��—�:'=�-$> l faXi ;1-1;1.9, J8'1S.. THE &PLXNTON NEW ERA. na ALL TFbIS WEEK, open the Fall Campaign,, BUSY. 1VIARKINC STOOK. BUSY . A.SSORTINCa STOOK. GETT1 TC* BUSY ASSORT1 1'cr STOCK STACKS OF GOODS T. Arlt STARTL1N.G. LOW PRICES:1 SEE THEM: CLINTON, Sept 19,. 1818: .. .:.•nnallnts .60.31,...._....:.._ A..... _ 1878. FALL. C IR) 1878. On count of one of the members of the Brio being shout to. retire from business, we have.. decided to tender all book Ac- counts on the . st of October, up to that date. Wo will only receive Butter on ttoeount, `up to the 1st of October, at its RrAr. • MA11iSAT 1VALid1`i,, AS the hater ltlllrket is in .Mich a, depressed skate, After the 'ist. of next month we will run oft our present stock, AT THE LOWEST PRICES FOR GASH its equivalent, so that we -may reduce our stock and. collect all outstanding accounts by the ist .of Jauu ;ry. i1Srkl :klA1''1.1. 9:1 1:A*;l2 A LAMO ...Awn,, (io /11011 i, $To( 01' c ocm IR. .1 BOOTS .. J SHOES, Irl " Crocker -3.7 and! 4Grias tivOirei?'; �Vliiolt. ys111 be sold : at 'PRICES THAT WILL : BE4\B 0O4PA1.'ISON With those of any other house.. -All parties i>f..ililebted- will 'very nnuelli. oblige us by call- ing—and. settling the same. . C;inton, Sept. 12, .1875. THOMPSO I Ac ;✓ 1'Q' l l . CLINTON, +U NITURE WA. :FROOM.. Vo. ,1,1.11Eii*' S'i'1LE11T, 111901( fLOCIK,. BROADFOOrT . BOX; ._oF . SEAFORTH, , Deg have to state to the initalt. itwnta of Clinton and surround- '1ti;tL•ountry that they have start- ed it bianolibusiness in the place lately 000upied*by ;i'Irnzrsfs t;; tVaerroto, sed would respectful- ly solicit tho i,ablia to call and examine their stock, which is complete in every department.' ., Ottr P,ulor S Bedroom. Beta aro sccondtonnnoin.thoconniryfor 1 doslgn and finish Ifaving every ' tniproventent in the lino at rew machinery, we manufacture our own goods and ern set! thorn at„ prican that frill avtooisl1 oteiy. I apo when comtlarerl with. those . formerly paid for molagoodrs . ` ` fir conmieetion uiit tleeir'Wit/ei 44/Ni bb,c•siness they else flee:-iN2:'I SEPTIC 1"LUII>• Beg 'to coil the a£tentioli• of tile' public to' t11eir first. arrivals pf V W AT : ��.E A4EQ:NTITIRJMAL .110,17 Selected with great carp as to :tiallte,..ts111eIr 1ne•tus GOODS AT. LOWER r e lrevious in t11e liistor' of. the Dry. Goods Trade. Wo would °all special attention t° unC— U'pdisrtah ng .:Department, l�hieh is second. to none in the town., having putehasod a largo •1 and now stock of Coillns,Caskets Dolman(' Trimmings, of every deserlpticu, and fitted op a new and elegant lir•„tn:n, we. are. prepared to do Undertaking at the lowest remunerative prides. Remember' the place 77 Albert Street, next door •1-a- r—.• -It, r1I, llacey's 1lardwaro Store. .SS , whit:lt• p7r•es'e ves • the Got&y, destroys all gfjnoise (40.6 (curb presents cnlil(t 2`oat arising front 'CL7ead bodies, • Clintee, Jnno 14, 1J7r`. .1BEN1.0 1ES`FOB .SAL1a+; R.f}VTNCIAT,' +'Xll'TLTTTON. • or 'tile $6,000.00 WORTif. PA )".4.731,1.4 .I:'.4r- 'd'111?..N'7,,}'•'1.EAES. Among -other Hues we would Gall' special: atte ltioni .to the largest consignment of .131aek Casiun.eres, Black Merinos, Black Parannattas,. Black. Persian Cordis, Black Lustre, and Black Silks, ever : consigned to any one house ii Clinton., ton surpassingassnn any louse west of 7oro to for value and equalling any house for. variety. + Note our arrivals of TWEEDS and WORSTEDS ; the 141 'gest, , most complete, and best value in town. Our Ordered ()lathing Department .loin;; still under the charge of our Mia, I'dosrs T±'IsocEn, the Swell Chatter of Clinton. • GIVE QTS A. 1,000, Clinton, Aug. 22, 18'.8. Triuts--l?,tsmit 04 1'104 Fifth? VA/;tNIF, riSHER, GRAIB &. CO• .. • • • ,CHEAPER R TH or 41 AgticulFlaral . arts ' Association, 19rro'.. A GREAT CLEARING SALE. }raving detertllined to go out of the Book and Stationery Btisille8s, X will offer, r7»..1 .- ._. OR .ONE 1V9 lel. TFIl+a' WHOLE KOOK «�.. WA -MA -4 1 A.7P +..,'1 , 334,x'. Si A W , 4.4,,Y71ER Ar,OEY.EtaN 'Boo , 1` ISCJ _43 .l A.N1€QCT B!aui /331..A..1 7B0YY�'S',. FAN :•GOODS, �T COST D UNDER. einem der to . Sale will only • be continued for ore month,' DON'T •MISS THIS CgANOa. The goods must be sold. • l as I am.'p�szt>I,vely:going out of -that branch of business,. Note- the Stand --Next' door to R. Callander & Co's. 7 A. • "5E-0-4 7-114 Ulinton,; flept.19,• 1875,. ` 1 30,- h10id '11.1- (4)i'onntf'f,• CY 14i11 - . . . e room 0100 n ciraflfen rei• 10011tH re1 tt-Septegr4 r-48-7- ' worth of Pia Protection Debentures for sale. not. ► .run Twenty years, •anrl.toar Seven per cent Internet, ; ' ; , . 18,000 OFFI:RI:D I r PItF3IIlI.IIS, payable semi-annually. Offers ion' rho $ame hill be. rc- ' celved, in writing, by SS” 4:. ST,AflLE, 3feyer bntrlen moot LQmtido with the Secretary at Toret.to, Clinton. July 's1,1878. en or before the Undermentioned dates, viz.—• 4 �� ". Moises, Canto, Sheep, (wino, I'ortltry, Agricultural .rnplunonts uuorbefore Saturday, ,lvpust,,4tlr. Grain, 1' 1-1 ,ivr. T 1i11TE 111.4Cal0rlr r >' uia � .rl?)]li'CttsC9` ' sin, rel Roots, and ether i'arrn Products, bra ch nri;•; and:,lIminfactures ;cuerally, on or before Se:. for ]i r,79t,' 11ozc+I{ cflfrl,Laitcl r1z/r,/ii, tnrdny,Aniustdt. r horticultlrt•nl.Protitlets, Ladies' Work, rine Arts, to., • Centanisai'one7 {r01rVillahrr;',• if2' TTriv, on er before 8tturtigy, September`ith. •laanri ' • • Prize lists and Iilaub t'ornti for making the entries open, can be obtained of the'Seeretarice of all Agrieul- nrre„e�n tural'aud• horticulturalSocletces and lIerLanteti In. • - stitutea throughout the Province. To be Sold by loo ion ` lolortti. zed • Aloe 1rere�axy Ayr, ultat 1-t ap,t Arta,lssociaticn. • ik HINTAir' IJ (1rl' rA�j'1S i44YI+Jli. That very valuable and desirable property lust 1-)n taitta . r , the southern, ) ot••udary of Phe Town 01- alntun, 01 nsItit- • - • • . lug °f the m.)141141100 part of •Tot 110, ist.0on„ Stanley, - and part of Lots ds and 40, snood Con., Township of (l1 ,are' G { oderia1i, being a'0 nw•es. The land by sex- , •i-� Otice to Oon L7 o1,'s. . veyed into park lots of abort flv° .teres each, most of • them With a focal water trentdue ur0 the Bayfield Direr.. So tied Towles,addreaeed to the Secretary of Rublie• • In A 1111(0of oun tatthalmnlr thoiwilt m°and 40,and lace fxµnycios.°0:'11°rka, earl eud°rac11 +'1e;idcrfor C.nunl15111i.vrck at In i leiv .dusts !Mr stbLl: will be complete, ivaI'we.will be able to sIIQW to 1 . at 11 -_. ' e ifiven itt�a (attire advertise. , tic Anne," ertu betesrlv0dn�tbis Oslien notal them•rival customers. goods 'which for i,nttility, ,style !Ind price cannot 'fail to ;please. the mos . id the 1 a:tcra'nnd'tVestl n . t',,ilrr v t TUhe ESDAY, till: fa8t1 1011ff. , film rt,r.ro ., a Kilt DISI ; a t the next; pre approaches, ton he ;nava (demure:( i4le1j. ; it n 10 Odd a o! th present n -of. neat 111, 4 •tent nit the i i. l,rn hard Addeo! the presput leak at St.'Anne,' A trap of the locality, together with plans and spot- - ticatinn o1; t1to w°rlrs toy° done, can b° 0100 ut this .. r ry ��� 1 otltccand at tbp IleRident $oginecc s ilttire'September' :it. Anne, 11 E S T !+I 10 N Ir t Ti -1 8 •! if ' c on and otter 1 t,f,t,D 1-Y, the 4th day of September Y a neat, et eirhtr•uf which pl•t°re printed fornin of Tender ', Cart heobtafnecl. Contractors are requested to Bear in mind that '1•em. .,. 11111 he o en'erl in about a. week, and any porsoii 'wanting �t /^1-/'t ,�1 � - • drrawillnot brr,oan[Jrrcltttihs:r;nar}a utric,tirinac. .' p. i•$12,OOO Offered in Prizes. , cotdnnce with the printed forum, sect—(firths ease of. , demo ezeiv, More oic attached the actual signatures, 1•diprX+mpirrJ o -s opriop. i 1:0 Ali..'. k..1110 nature of the occupation Ruarroltlenee of earth' ,.g n -win it Prrntlrer^nf the aa( -i; ami nether, as accepted lank p 1f• m '� °` °held 1(1 the City of 1 "n,lo(, on cheque for tit* sure of 82000, toastitecompany ilio To& Ym 01.4 3'" ` ' der which sum shall be forfeited if fled party tendering (`QQ tt h{r�ytf �j/7 an�jtt y((!rt +//fir•( (+��(� y(`, ; drelirir:i• r•ntarinq [nip cunt•rrt°t tut tbti :wprirm, r.1- the 1�,11lL. 30th ane Oct 1111 20 3 81 4th, Tatra nn,ttht 1h1 tCrrrrs str,t0diu-,hc oiFcr enhmitiprl.. j I etre clothe thus sent in will be returned' to the rd, 1878 GOOD ARRIVING air ERY DAY, . 1878 July SI, 1S714: R. MILLINERY SO'W'oR•OOM 1'11I,% s'.LbcK 1-1:(' n DRY GOODS, JtEAD -MADE CLOTHING TWEEDS, HATS AND CAPS, GROCERIES', MOTS - vith chew geotia ANI) SHOES ;RiES, ETC. It will be to the advantage of porous who wialf to supply themselves, to call anal sere my stool's before purchasing. XLLT 'ERY GOODS MANTLES SHAWLS, Shottld snil our stock before purchasing, ArIlV '1'lllJC.1t1.;1y•]l4l1ifor_GO cults. PJb2W OPkW'f30�Y, all r'alor,v, .5 and At rxilld pry ;r/1l. �,11riNTLES/i'oi4- 3' cols„tx�. r�"IIAWGS at seri 1041) pf•,Yes: ,S.L ,II 11IS'i3/30.c1'at 2, .and 40 een14, anol'tlt one dollar,, fvo part1es tvhos° tinders aro reit atcrzrtedr r r ._..._ ,•: Prize lists and tntry Tapers tiny be heti. et Seem. : ler the clic fulfilment of the contract, sstbifeetory t , .. •' , f u deposit o money i0 or before Stst SL1T.T,tI131?tt.' tram ii ofAve•r k,mot o n1- 11v per cent nn tho bulk pfthe contract , rsltt t oLonionanlretu n ” { it 1 fault office, Ali entries n1 u tequtatc i to be made On security Will 11e required frit'. by the fen it t to tl hallway arringententy have been made f,r 4I til' of which the sunt sent hr W1511•0117 Tender will be eoei• (1renc, 154,(771. 1ytil, 11* 111 4 11:, Secretory:, ' 1(1113 per ce11t only of trip Pr.ntee40 eatiat;tten: will, JLeedbti sept O 711,, '4. 1 ! be paid until the rnmpletiou ((film tv(74(4 • • London; sept,,18711,, IJ;4:,, S•To each Tender moat be attached the adult olgun, !'ores Of two re-p°a141de and solvent p1101714, 1'nfdent4 tit thm'Doruintoa. willin;: fn brrnm,x 101rati0, fpr flip 30�+wt? eairs1u7ur44OftitOOCCnnditfunv,ariwp1tust110,i,inper. forrnnnna 01 the wprlu emhraat!1 let 611(1 Cnntrnet 1'(ii1 Impartment riper not. however, btu i itself td amrept the lowest or any Tender. 0000.. The 'reason why X sell goods so ,jtuola Cower t1can citltrrsteraf. is I do a ready -pa j business, (wul '(V/ eliableel 'to pay 0,skioNDERTA KE i for mei Goods, which I buy 31t11ch cheaper than I carobd do i f-• • .11014'x.T .c J C:;IEt V1ri1i?: I lord • to buy the7/a .tun ante. I •case Belt ;leads with, half the. profit ,that rrcrll'f iiiVe's get, and 40. a 2irlyinq 1 rIsli'ess. A call from intending purchasers respectfully. colic tali. • • No trouble to show goons, . Clinton, Sept. u, 1878. McWri il, 84 I1, 3,1PKII 14)11 841JI'' 1 See the rrunellar Shoes •y,,, 'seil+� ,neaflq that T W;1 -r tehell is ling J 1tJ G. ?MSTL' 1-L ISIuoi 13IJ6OIc. A setond•hatulCntnbined''Mower waft tteaper new, for dale for half itaval'ue. Amurto �+ /t VG per pair,. Fir. FV, XAttlsAN. lr xk VG G Clinton, Ju1re 27,1878. w ^'•-�•A• f,h1(m1 0004 4477.-........ 1, Gaskin,. ns, bin 'I"rrm hags, robes,. 'with the ahn•teai: shortest notice, and ((01-417 VI;ItT LOWEST ItATEr1. AIsIa, a goof IIEAIISE.sa gl a, 11,erhainslsertbe,PIfteoLVIC 'oRIA Street 41lttten,,Sept 8,4877. • (T1,Olt(,•1'J ,Ji114.1 •1 Its ordr 1. 74I1.1C 1, Secretory, Departoerr of Puld ti 't lk:4 Ottawa,'U'iral Mtg.,12.37N. 41'• , • IN OUR STAPLE. DEPARTMENT We will shote some very low linos, which are splendid value. THE ALLAN ,LINT I�'p t{ p�q�{t^y qggq� IRO t-- ti0111U1'tli tbi4 �G-- ILA 6111 Sino .T sl, SVA PASSAGI1.1 cabin, intoeillaoltateam, ittietargr'0'1CiC+' 0is 11d, Eo Weot i:(MCON. Every Saturday Irani ` uebecr' Chaassian .. ,,.. % Vel Weft AIN.. itotawiaax . , .. tl7th drttvian• . 2lfh ,e 8Tr.Ellt01:'l1C1Ct•:7F3 TO ILiverpool, I otirtomlitrllr (1'l4m0otto, fjurni4, Mien, 13e1rart, Lorlriarr,' 1'3ri,dol rrtnylle per through tickets and ec1ty X4iferrnattCCr apply 00 p1 STilAt't011, (I. T. toAgpa4, 01int1n, t Clinton;.Itticy i10;1S18. • 4 PLAIN WIt'CgIES at 5; 7, and.10 "1q Celts. BROWN HOLL A N )8, *at 10, 1,11, and 15 • cents. :?'AOTORY COTTON' for ':.5 cents. And hti (.reds: o -f' other 'kicks 'oracle cannot be enumerated. coital • R1,NI) SU THEM AND YOU WILL. AGREE%�II'1'IT VS THAT• . opts GOODS AXE 'VERY (1lI +t AP. - Everybody shouitl come and get some of the Great Bargains while • they are going, at 0'A Y,#.. T'I 3tX'. 4 '00'S Clinton, ;Sept. IL', i8i8 40 _1