The Clinton New Era, 1878-09-19, Page 4,11,0P1,01, P• %lig CLINTON NEW ERA; SOTO 9, 1878, .• ;t.TE.W ADVERTISEMENTS... ;okeela . Coevictiona—Let Lovia.. To Point-ire—U. nbPr Bros, trey tilteep—Bellrickin len. , The Caeb teilroy. Dreseroo,king:—Mise J. Welker. • Givieg on bosineSe—ee A ;YtiiU VoteesList Coed -eV, Plunkett,. . • House To. Let—Mias. Afottuteastie, • They have arrived,—Hodgins de Pay, 00ates of to-asaa4New Mat stmy mot at the hook storo eiestiradati. A. Tian an a, a. mews anert street, erect cents per aopy, Amato (151ii;tott w. eta. OFFICIAL PAR2..R, OF T114 COtaalTY. THURSDAY,. SkPT. .19, 1878, Top. EmEtuoro.itAx. t91.,17, ovrat AND- Ma PROTEDTIoNatams • RAVE., claTaiNatia TAD vaDTORY, It is with rimehefeeling of sorrow, .we will .candidly ockhowledge, thae.we haye to chronicle the defeat of a _large num- ber of Reformets. in the ,elcctions lust • cloied. As 'We- feared;'the'cry 'of "]Jo • t * teeth'P e'," Netaonal olicy," With, all the other exchimatione; late prethteed' TaIR JILESUIAT Or TOE atiiifCa ‘14)1 1 Ca*udiau Wew 'Etems. • • Wo give below tbe opinions of the • The Britieb Columbia Government InIVO Globe azul 4I&, on the :result of the ,.om =need COlieotititt tie Chinese- had eleetionf3, oa (dipped from their Wednes- tax day editions. , A policemen gleaned Iusell, of London,* The. (nobs says dropped dead, on Monday, iattnediately. Ocietrary to the anticipations of most after taking is Man to the luck -up. . iiereeee, the verdict of the electors at News tomes from Winnipeg that 111r. F. the ballot -boxes yesterday was nativor. L. Cornish, formerly of Leettelli, "011 t., 18 able to Maekenzie's Aeloseeesteeteee. dangerously ill of cancer it!, the stomach, Vito Opposition has carried a ma' Bears are reported t( jeti y et more than us, of soots in the Houee of ceseetelee, end ually numerous in themiddleedd rearrant the aleW Parliament will take itstone .0" °f th°towiishipo10'11080PP MO ad- joining coentiee.: -• from this constitetional declaratione of -Wonderful effect n favor Of • the..eonser- vativepaety. Therbenefits to be; deriii • from protection Appears* • plauSible, mid the imam of' menkitid de not trouble themselves to. 'exethine oey question very closely, and have, therefore; given it their support, With the hope, tet' any rate that thestrial of the Veteiii • .Would matins to their inteeest. • • Altleitigh it is likele•-• the ?Ooneerva- tives Will have a geed working majority, we do no Upprebendthatahey Will Make much change in the tariff,,OS theees. are too many interests inyolved. in the mate' ter to admit of it ',Withoet .deing • injus- • . tice to some, and to protect•all optef the question. As the pretectionists have.gained the • victory they cogrse, peemise prosperity and busy titnese which .those who aided in abtaieing the vietory:will Ines cer y expect.; • ett ewe would warn them not to expect too ninch, _as there are many thingsot present' to pre-: vent such a result • ' • As now that party. liAVO ,,one: in. on . . " Protection." Would it not, -be right t� - the. popular . ' Ph aggeunt for eerviCes routlered •by We 511411 tiot affect indifference to this .t.shel"riuentre"8 'IVI°"treal (;" jalY 14th , Mra. H. hia,rahall and Mise Margaret Oempbell, of etdelaide qui 'au ordinary Mud bedstptilt in fivo'hoors and O quarter thesether day. • A. large sWatto of butterflies, Hoe more than ten' feet from •the ground, passed through Toronto; Oft $011(b9r, IA ite001'. IlDtitiirrei:tgi:)tnhe past tunnih only 'ten fires have occurred en Toyente, with a loss of VabieriLsibDVP'f9t°Ment,Thi"P"ke we'll" the It is stated that the Right Hon, the Earl of Dafferin, on leeying Canada, will immediately proceed to Asia Minor in the Oapacity of First Commissioner, • ' Mise Pareuf,, of Montreal, a girl of Kenn. Etueraon and Brown threshed for Col. Campbell, of Port Nelson, last woek and pet 8,000 bushels threugh in five days. Tine is splendid work, 700 Imehels of clear grain in Qlle day tieing considered ektraordinary. The maehine otied was an improved steam thresher, At Quebec, on Waneaday, Lord Defier. in was the recipient from TAM University of the degrees of LI), and L.L.D., which vitro conferred upon. lim with the, utioal cereemeial. by Roy. Dr, Hamel, lleotor. In accepting the honer, 'His Excellency made a splendid speech. biilliant aes serablage was present. • ' A goad Conservative, and an equally worthy Grit, both readmits of titular Creek. Made a rather amesing wager. If seventeen, was sentenced to six months' I the Grits carried the electiott in Waterloo, , i .$ ,f3eo.3; , being ene or more (live' pay event. We cannot eegard it otherwise for 3,000 tnen exclusive of efficerie ' , imprisonment itt the requeab of her mo- , the Conservatiie was to wheel his oppon. • ther, who complained that the girl was un- ent from Cedar Creek to Ayr in a wheels than with the deepest r egeet ea a serious Darin,' a quarrel on Thursda haw o Y t n 'manageable and leading a life a prostitu- barrow, mid if Mr: Kerner was the suecess- blow to the prosperity of the Dotdinion: • / The iseue on which the electoeal contest 'd f tl 1 two nteirninled O'Connell and Orr at the - ' •• tton. fol candidate, the reYerae WAS to be the • meinly • tuidied was the promise of Sir Sherringt .11 . rest once o le atter, live miles livid ' • ' ' oft ai oge, O'Cienuell. re,cerivel.c1 ay the Earl of 1)uffe'rin will re ia' ' Par M ' ' ." It ia thought probable that hie' Excellen • orderr; m.. kine'rtiy, one, o'i, the oldest unci nada ta meet the Marquis of Lorne and Mint respected resident; -of -the tewnshite, John ,A.. MitCdoneld and big 'stipportera, Such irtjuries'that be died et- toe 0 c oe -. if ele,cted, to enforce a system' of thor- The. 'anneal sale Of live iitock at the' Ag t 'tnitePeineees Limitm on their arrival; Greet of Hontingdotet;'wea killed by a runaway ough protection for bonne manufacteree rieultuiel.Schard'of °igen° took Owe on paeppations' for:tlio interesting tweet are ou Satuiday night. 'iliti aociclent tea k .by the. invesitien a inerefteed duties ; yweeireeeleio.t ti0ownilia),(1/3:,ribtaly)Oerra9ai)sit wit:raetlelxorpett:rde; ttl prowess at oieb.,,,. . I and to retaliate upon. the United States T • . , place on A. steep 'hill, the horses, being . , he prices- rettlised e however, - were s et Ns , At ICingani ill, on Thursday, a fartner.by ;started bythe ringhtilte giving way.. Mr, by' the iloposition. altainst them 'of the eeetoey. • ' tn then:Mae of. Rebore Strutt, was toned shot 1 Hogertee fell out of his waggon. Ile died same pro tibitoty Custerne dutie.s tbey - . . .iii the heed, suppoaed suicide as he had a a few minutes after boiler cenveyed tt , , nese 3e.ey, Thetet, policy so Overt -sight- of (J-01),;',T•ketleerifeteltailseV°ed, te)liltlYllentitieSe0leltiethPoelleaonek ."Ull in • his hand when found.' 'bre' cause I house.' effiis eon-inslaw. e'. . ' to the ed and injurious .1.1h011iti lave been en- They.are 01116911y eiteented, the engem+. lees; ItC•a%ravfbee, nal na di)eFftti,antilePoff.°11vvteoll'hioldt.ren!° l'.eaves. enormous , Demount of injury throughout The heaeY rains' of ' lest Week did an .doreed by„the Canadian people at the of the Queen io the eentre of (he • bill be • • - On Sunday a number of care of ice, froro tile Province,- At Torento several bridges p011s is. tanational '.inisfoataine. '-':— • log very inferior to the gen tiiim, and. there The' eallaaa that contdbuted' to .this 'is no eing on nee of tho hands. The seroll Portland, Me., Passed through Stratford Wore swent_awaY, and three or tot i• atartliive chancre of bl' ' w rk ' tl . 1 it"I f I " their J.110 .. ent way. tO MerInpbiti, for the relief of lost ' At,' SI, 0 tin • " • •• lour iv" ..„, pn , ic sentiment ere " • "1.1 1" 1 ' ' " 1.1". 111,1.17 1%.1,(1.,.(116f.ee', yellow fever eationfir' there, iee• being canal were deatadayedliSannd.prjar().ttloicfntIsho°fWieir- nbt diffiatift to disdiovela The • cominer- 4"- ' ' ("Ile of the chtef reinediet agents and the land raineay Washed away. .,,Ofethe Grand The engine, auilsorne.ei the ears .on: the ' .cial depression .still' existing over the'. - , elowntrain •OD 'ON. Midland Itailw.ay rn local -supply being exhamsted. • torartoltlulit.,: natintdti i'lli onrItamutyo,otthh eertrpoicalcdo\;alauft)vritesho.,1;- North Anserican Continent, end the reSu- . off the track an Friday evening, About four As matters steed -now, -, the Canadian less damage was done to the bridges and less 'desire , for Soule undefined ' change miles nerth of Urine , Owing to the rt)." awards at the Poria Exhibition timelier •,—Diplotnae .of - Honor, 0s:1:Mph/seas rq.4s' . ' • • . ' • • ' • that Ni.`001d 'bring "tiboivt " better tinie's " t ent rents a portion of the track welts i,,vasi-e '225 A ltonaeein Port Delliontie owned b bad; no • doubt, very Witch to do with i't. ed eel:, i.r6 engineer. Riehards7,.' was in - The, seductive 'delusion rut- . 1 ' zo t tl lell el and dnid• medals, 01 diplinnas and silver Y Mr. Netvinan and owe piedhy 'kr, Strath.,' , out to t se 8 au y i e , end ,rthhee Epaxspueren7ortr essace4npgeedr .3m3e;dapirso,:z.;eriirlidecTureied, aizlei ;1.shrt.ni'aioirvitebrileno:IlhedIsi.i The bwitansily'd eatIrreoyaelclisibeeYPifinrge 17Pe.t Monday. a i r, I,t i c weaker sort of acquiring wealth quickly slightly iniired' by shetting out foreion coMMOdities ei I with"ntaih3nrY' . I ' ' - ti("1, 78. e . 14" , . W. ' were awakened by. the bed,clothea being oi dhain Millard, a farmoren the town- oo tire; end liad to lump from the windOwe ineretesin& laraely the coneumption end Fr.idaY."1"11i""'" whe'n the ernPinYbs4 . mom. G. ()ma:ands 46 007a eteees)eteem, ship •of itiataitide, committed tefieide lin to -ave their lives. Mr: Struthers was se - price of helve matnsfecteres, drew many works, London,. arrived at -work, tilifdiss BlondaY inerrilna by matting. Ins threat verelY burned 'about the head,' and Mrs, . .. victims efter it. . And the, thorough , , ' With , a razor. ' Tho deceased received A StanitherS' ankle was ;broken by the fall. party organization of the Tory party for The children were Uninjhrecl: The•fire is propagatinetheir sentiments and ihringe, supposed to have Deleon front an eveisheat- ,ed chimney. •'. : The anneal show for the Cositity of 'Wets: 13ut •ci,hatever the cause ofthe tiberal -liegton opened at Gueiph; on Tuesday; un (10(051 may haye. been, Alta Chimp of der very fevorable circumstancesL. The situation is a great fact; Ve aeceptit display of ,horses, cattle, .eheop, ole., is far frankly: The electoral contesthas.been superior to what has been shown at fernier fought fairly enough—our- opponents exhibitions. . The floral doparttnent is have won the day -e -and it only. rOWains complete, and Shows is great eeal of taste: for: the Reform party to elose tnistbeir Thursday; Atch, Miller's tin shop. by the inoet celebrated hitioofaCturers Of milks, perfect that' which mav be-ainiss the Domo Dominion, In fancy work the show in their. policy end 'organieetion, and is unequalled.: Fruit and cereals form a stand by their time-honored principles' Very. prominent part in the Palade, and more firmlyand vigorously than ever., taken -altogether, noewithetanditig the wet - TI e Mai/ . says :—bid. briefly te:day. ()l : the weather of the last week, tins la expeoted NVe can write to he the finest esehibitien ever held here.' Ii ..covery was, made. that an attempt had been made.eltinei the night to burn the prolate quantity of sheeting,: satureted with oil, bed boon set on fire and placed under the flooring of the setond storey, but of toaa laoraipg some time seems to have W3150 out withoet doing inucli .daniage. No tuipicimt points to any pee the would-be '5 fire bug," and. a.p cause for the. act eati be assigned. ' • • : • A sad aceidege ciecurred at St. John, on et et young man named Those Lawrence, wild worked in the adjoining eleep, Eagan's gun shop,r went into lefillci's with a gen in his .sunstroke some • two- menthe ago from :which he neveterecevereti, and of lete has been very despondent. •, Mrs Ire'•W. Currie, 'Of' yiboliell, ved from .Colorado a few days age. . He speaks highly of the climate of Colotedo Springs 'for consumptive people, but considete tlie oo.untry only adapted for raising stooks 'ae the soil reqnires to besirrigated to Wake it produce nerop of grein: Leal the Stetes. he tralselled lie founds:to land equel to the, land of Western Ontario 161. fanning pile- ing ont their men .did the rest. I Themachinery departmeet, ist represented - On Monday, Mrs. Jae. Matin, of Mill, hand, Pitt a cap- on it, and playfully pre- bank, carob into Stratford, and drew. $200 sented it at George Wells, and pulled the frene the Montreal bank,' which had been trigger, when it was discovered the :gun sent to her by lier husband, who ),,,,a away was loaded; and the'bullet passed through in tee States. Site tied the bills up in her rioble .work done tlitoegheut the greater part of the Dominioe. Our gains are inameasely beyond the mose ;sanguine eipedtatioaa* of the most sanguine .Oon- servativ'es; . Nearly every•Province con- tributes.,te the splendid. Vietory, ; ,but Ontario, the premier.ProVince, leads the van .aVith n'' -majority 'whiclii when all, Ib 'retternteiteerhysetteill prebithly re as much as .25.. •quite likely, thet .Sir Johzi. Macdonald's ,Majority in the new Parliament 'will be asemuchns'70... 'Five years' ago the Grits would, have it that Sir John 'Macdonald had smile so low' se would never' rive again,- Five shot • years have ttindieated Iiis statcmariship give them that name,. as they. are . and glventrrefragable roof "of. km .great • tainly no • longer -Conservatives .• The pepttlarity.- The eittramlinary reversal • of public opinion which has taken' place true positions of the parties • now , With . regard to the tariff is, the present Gov- ernment are " Conservatives" and the - Opposition changers.".. •The Reform • party have greet reasoti to gratulate themselves upon the working of the electionlave they were inane - in that short ttme m smply amazing. , . a set se ' Diphtheria is very prevalent south of Neiery, Ont. . A boy Was lined .$1 the other any in' Balifait, It/ .S., for atanoyiere hie 'neighbois by firing off a 'firecracker pistol. ... . • New Hamburg, Oat., Ilea more dogs' per head of, the populaticie then any other mental in passing. Aare was no strife,. town in Canada. . , . drinking or trorible of any kind.; all • passing off as quietly as any municipal - election. _ . It -is supposed there will bea "change .. of fifty seltfs in favor of the (kingerva- tives, there heing,alreadyr known a 10SS by the Reformers. of fifty-eight seats, and eight by the. ' Coneetvetives„ This will give the Censer:valves ii, majority in the House, and as some one will most . 1 k.laily Tuesday meriting the dwellers in likely make way for Sir John 6.,, u a boarding house on tedelade streeteroron- Will become the leadoe of the Gb;ena. ...._ I too, itwwerelitretsleseadtisjianudt ie;hi it (apt:lair tooter" sten, and. bearing, attached to its clothee a piece of paper, on which Was written the. words, "Treat rue well ; for in this helm° my pa doth dwell.". ' The landlady. stood aghast and the boarders were terrified until some one picked up the bundle) and found that the little strangen iiidabbing but a pillow dressed up in infantile style. The pillow was taken in, and is looked:up- on as a valuable addition to the bed find- ture. • . . ' An accident of eather a se .-olis notate 14:?1,1.11 happeued at Listowell,_ on o day. A yoong moo named John X tn, was assist- ing another person. to carry up bricks by mons of a block and tackle, to the top of a three story building, and while atunding, on the .ground bolotv, ono of the bricks came down and struck him on the head. He waa knocked nonselees to the ground, and continoed in that state for upwards of fifteen mitutes. It liAS fourid that in ad- dition .to a large- gash on the top of. his head about three hiclies long, his skull. was alightly fractured. The inmortatioti of fruit in Winnipeg, Man., haft been math largerithan itt any ether season.. • ' Mr. T. P. 11,IcKinley, of 'Howard, Out., has one �f the largest Wheat steclis tit the County of Kent. It has over 1.0 acres of heavy grain el it. le is !queered in Port Heron that the eteamer Ontario, one of the Beetty Line of steamers, relining betweeu Sarnia and Duluth, was.lastseduring the late ritonn. Ifething definite has, roftolied hero yet it ia to bo hoped these rumors are without folundation. Wells'. head, killing him histantly. The gun was an old musket, taket to Eagan's, to be repaired, and hew it. hectune loadet1 is e intrstery. The twet men Were the beet of friends. Wells was 24 years olde . On Teesclate of last week as -two gentle - Men were passing along. the third line -of Wellesley, they obaerved a peculiar specie men of a human beheonnerging from the -Wood ped • theie buggy and spoke te him,. but 'Meld make nothing whateyer'of the Dial- s:idiot?, who was a man stark ne4e4, having. left every stitch of hie clothing at the read - side. He seemed neither "able t�. speak nor enderstend when spoken to, and. after 'standing a few moments, smelled again into the Woods and dueippeared. o immed to be a raving maniac, ancl the sociner hole captured before doing any' damage the better. ' meet. . It does look surprising that the lower . provinces, that elm have no. sympathy . With protection, should havo gone tee , they have done. 'They have had rioth- ing to complain of 'but the depression, which was Wholly outeitle of politics, its far as they were concerned at any 'rate, It looks as if they theuglit a change might possibly be for the better; • but could not bo for the worse. The defeat of Mr. Blake, ono Of tire - best men ever 121, Parliameet, is cause for regret, irrespective of porty'keeling's. We, hope, as we expect and believe, the.Government will yield theii; °gifts - horiorably, making no appointment ex - °opt melt as may be imperatively ne es - where the doty must be perforteeZ ; Al- / _sexy, such as- vacancies la ,sittia ions, oligh,Lve believe and feel assured the electors 'have made it mistake, yet a grateful submission to the popular- will. - —rand be gianted, • Aeteltlete, Dutree.--The antittal Alvin of the Iste. C'ompany; 33td Battallion wilt take place at Goderieli this year. The 'membership of this company is all summoned to appowat the di.111 shed, mi the morning.of the 23rd, ana ceed to Goderich, MAJOR. AlleenAie commanding °Meer. • Mr. H. H. Ireland, Of the Revere House, Strathroy, had a narrow escape from death last Thuraday night front eating poisoemis fungi in mistake for mushrooms. It -seem be bought a quantity' os what he supposed were mushrooms,' and 'not Wait- ing to ltave thew booked, roasted one on the stove ancl-ate it. In a'short tnne after Ito wee teken violently sickebet did rfele, airspect the cause for emne time. .Fortu. nately,.Dr. Billington was geon in atten, dance, and under hie treistmenteMr, Ire- land is getting over the effecte of the poi - Son. The whole family and ,boarders had it 'harrow escape, es the remainder of the fongi had been prepared for the table. Last Friday, a stack of straw belonging to 311-. J. Payne, lot 22, con. 12, of Moore, Larebtoe Om, was aeon fire and burned, while the. men ,were resting at noon. It took fire in a• very mysterious Manner. Tlie Wen were sitting at the west" end of the ;Amok, beside ;stable, some of thew enjoying their trivial amOkti, when the stack was discovered to be on fire close. by them. The fire spread so rapidly that it was found impossible to stop it, so that rill that cord& be done was to save the atable, Which %vas about sixty feet front th5 stack, and as the wind wile not Very high', the nieu succeeded in confining the fire to, it. All inquiryMiled ,to discover the origin of the, fire, as no one had seen it startedeevery smoker pretesting that his pipe wile lighted before he saline to the stack.- IsTotwithstanding theste protests, the newsmakers were auspicious and very little smoking was indulged in that day. On the fend of Mr. John Robertson, of Normandy, is rather etartliug occurrence happened the other day. "A young timai was engaged loading sheaves of oats ott waggon in tine of the fields, with a view of carrying the grain to the barn. A sheaf '.vas thrown up to him containing it quanti- ty of thistles, which he concluded to (113 - pose of by setting fire (0, 11 with a match., The weather Was warm and the draw tires as tinder, end. almost before the youngster could say "Jack Robertson," the sheaf and the tishole load of Oats wore in a masa of flames. The young matt got front the wag. gon, sicarcely knew how, aad the horses, terrified by the flames, dashed in the di- rection eg the barn. Luckily, in Limo to handkerchief, and; put it in the pocket of her dress, pinning 11 125 She then went to a hotel for her dinner, and .a. few minutes afterwards discovered that -Ater money: was gene; whether stolen or jest out of her poCket she did,net knew. At last acconnte tho reeuey had notbeen recovered. A young lady, aged 20, daughter of Mr. Samuel Barber of Guelph; met with a ter e a a nem en on nes ey. She accidentally up -et a ten gallon can of opal oil, some of which spread over an old mat, wbtch she undertook to throw into the stove, end got e quitntity of the liquid on her clothes. The whole caught fire suddeely from the blaze of tlae stove, which enveloped her in flatnea and &toned her lower limbs in a frightful teatime., She tatifered till deathaelleved her aemideighte The young lady was. very highly respected. 0.A. daring robbery Was coininitted in the village. of York, on Sunday meriting., aboet o'olock,,upen the residence Of Ge W.' nurton, by which he lost his paith-box, 'containing a large sum. of money, a M11.11- ber of promissory notes and other valuable paperie arid a1i3o a watch. Throe men, awake, gained entrance by a side window, and first passing into the apartment occue pied by his mother and sister, left one of their number towitch, then proceeded to Mr. Murtotets and presenting a revolver at him they drew a. pillow over .his head wide oee 'searched the mut- They im- mediately left, and Internee of them bee yot been discovered. A respectable looking Englishman emu - plaited at the Montreal police dace on Saturday meriting that he had loat hiB pocketbook, containing many valuable pal pore beaides R500 in bills. He states that he mine to Canticle to farm, arrived in Alontreel a day or two ago and with his wite had been stayino at the Windsor hotel, -That Morning° he proposed going to Quebec to purchase is farm, but when he went to boy a ticket at the steatnboat office Ise found that his purse was gone. His wife, an elegantly dressed gentlewoman, accompanied lain. Ilo loaows he had his pocketbook whee he left the hotel, Ile °fibre a reward of $500 for the recovery of the money and says he haiend more left. Mr. John Legge, er., nf St. Mary's,. a .gentleman well known, Celebrated the 50th eeniversary of his matriagehy a " Whiz 'Wedding,' on the 28th nit, 1V1e. Legge is one of the oldest surviving settlers in this part of Canada; hiving left Scotland for this weary in 1832, staking tip his red - dome in London in 1830.- Ho intake very active part in the political struggle agaiost the " Fatnily Compatt" which tottninited in the rebellion under the leadership of Ithe Lyon Mackenzie. Being a fluent speaker mid a matt of rettioli natural ability, "Mr. Legge became partictilarly Obnoxious to the Tones of London, and at thole in-• stigation was arrestedand lodged in Lon- don jail for 13 -ix or seven Weeks, thusathiev- ing the glory of tnartyrdom, in a 01411 way, for the principles which ultimately triumphed. 13eing acquitted by••the rand 'Tory, Ito was no sooner released than Orown-Attorney (afterwardts Itidge) Drop - 1221 ease> the.beilclingeefrow the iniponding or showed hie malignant Toryism by Ifn- i danger, the tongue ;If the waggcm dropped inediately,causing him to be re -arrested oat of the neekyoke, struck the ground, and bound over to appear for trial at To - the wagon upset, and the horses broke rent°. Out of thee° troubl(1tia times, how - away from the burning mass. The oats ) ever, Mr. Legge came forth with honor, were of emirate destroyed, together with the waggon rack; and one of the wheels was about burned through. Oho Of the horses was somewhat injured while plung- ing about, but neither of the animals were hurt seriously. ' ' • . • . tie is stall halo and hearty, and able to make a good speech when occasion requires, his ready wit and knowledge of old-time politica making hitt argutnents peculiarly offebtive. His living grandchildren aunt. ha thirty souls. The, Black • Calsedinn .thittles Trade. An English eorrespoinelent eays le-qhe ntimber of eattle eent inso this coentry therieg the lest seven menthe is 'meth larger than it hail been for teeny months. hi the month of July the increase in the numbers over lad year wits particuierly remarkable, nearly dooble the isopphes -received in the ccrresPondittg inotith of last year, viz., 2'44 910, as ageinst 10,571 la the correepouding month of Mat Year. The larger im porta are eatirely owing to alio 'enterpriee of Cana- dians; and Americans. Iu the seven menthe ; terne to which the latest Board of Trade returne ere made up; we.received in all • 104,602 cattle, which, in round nowhere, was au increase of 30,000 head over the corresponding period of last yeer, awl about 17,090 Isvei. 1876. The Moreau in the , numberaf livestock erriving does not duce the price per head;.aa naturally have been expected. On the contrary, the additional 30,000 this year, as cempared with last, hie enhatie.ed the video nor head Zi. 2a. The innoont' paid for foreign live stock by Euedish coruenuers lip to the end of jay this yeet is R3,921;539, as akalnst Z3,135,579 in the likeeerm (if 1877, ' our Dairy • Feeditee, The Montreal /teemed of Commerce, in an article on .the "iihotie subject, publishSe ttio following anecdote, Cauedien gen- thitean, during a Oahe Mother Coons try, was dieing Osthe house of a friend in- • As they wore partaking of .cheeee, the best atiid, ." You ion 'a get • Stilton like thar Canada, 1 suppose e Solna ec re good Stiltonsore made there, replied the Cintadian,. who Meanwhile Was ettainining the Cheese .iipon, the eahie, and diseaveeed uponit the welleknotvu initials of a Guelph manufacturer: ‘.` Woad you be eurprisecl it I told yon that this icieeti- cal cheese was made in,Canticlii ?" the,Cana- dian aaked of his .host, t` shoeld be • very Much serprised, indeed, if newtrades- tuna has eent Canadian cheesr e fois .Stilton," was the reply. Sehsequently, at reference wag Made te the trad,esraan who supPlied the chiseeeiand he confeseed to havirees sent. au st. ektnericane Stilton, but added. that the qeality was emieidered . by,. the trade to be quite •eqeal . to genuine Stilton cheese, The Fitt:ivy, which ie wtrue. one, illestrates two things, that we can make geed eheese Qapada,, and., that dealers In. the Methene Coiantay• have net yet le:trued to, distinguish between' what is Canadian and white 'American. When: we ti ret began to. expert cattle to the Theit• .ed Kingdoni, ' our best beevea were chissi- Bed as " Amorican," and, iraconsequonce, 'fetehed lower. Driees than they Might to have deue., ,,13nt „ theite. thiogs reaiedy. theinseiVes, and Canada is rapidly corning to .the' front in the 13ritiali• fear'Ret asa et/table. end proinineot Caferer of the food supply. 'Mr.; john A. Scott, jr., of Stratford has just teturned front-thesliteek Hills, where be ems been. residing einao May, 1877. He gives podia inteeesting information, with. re.fereeeif to this new miniug region. As the reader may See by glancing at a map, the 1310.6k Hulis are aituatod on 'the boundary between Daeotah " taronte—is-hy-Way • , 0 of Duluth (Lake SuPerior) and the Northern Paaitic Railway to Bismarck, thence south by stage. The distance 1' rum Bismarck to Dead wood is. about 260 Miles, the route being, through an alkali country, entirely unfit for settlement. A quicker passage can be made by way of• Chicago, St. Paul and 13isinarek. The fares area. -Stratford to Chicago, $11.25 ; 'Chicago to Dear.IWOoa, 49.25;0total, $60.50. From Cheyenne ,(,en the Union Pacific. Bail. way) the dietance is four clays`traxiel by atage., from Bismarck 11 18 only two., Both routes is well supplied with whiskey ranches, rola meals On be had from 50e. to $1, ,The alkali lanes preveil evevywhete. It is mostly prairie, with anemia:Mal knot's and Ulna, Mr. Scott found the climate rather inildor than time of Canada. There were not such extremes of heat and mail. The winter lasted about four menthe. There was teousidemble encase which was driven by the wind into heavy drifts: Deadwood city is th0 only town of any con- sequence in the Hills; although there.arelwa, otherlowns adjoining, known as Central an& Lead, both of them cities 128 12 matter of course, althoegh they have but is spare and °rex shifting" population. Deadwood lies 'some' four Orebro miles up from the foot of time Hills told has a population Of shout 10,000 'most of it constantly changing. 11 18 situated in a gulch between two hills. Tha buildings are nearly Of wood and devoid of any architectural pretensions. When the first atish to the dig-, mega took 'dime, a very large trade was eone, but all'has now quietly .settied dewp to rega- ' hie business, the prineipal part of which con- sists in famishing supplies to the miners. The heard at the hotels' is very good, ' The charge is from ill to $10 per week. . The number of persona. eteedily at work mining is variously estimated at from 5,000 to 1.0,000e In addition to these• there aro then - geniis of peonle. scattered through the, Rills 0 p respecting'. " Gold wiping is the principal inthistry. The precious metal is found in the quartz rock, which yields $1.1 .gold to the ton, leaving a .profit of about $8. There are about 30 quarte crushing Mille in 'operation, each of which can ' crush, about 30 tons poi day. trot of the beat mince ere owned. by California capitallets aud Worked on e levee seale. As for wages, they are quoted—for ordinary workmeti ee.50, MIMI e3,50, meehenica $3 to $4 per date When the mist of litileg is taken into consideration, ieroaSi be safely said that it laborer in Canada is mob better oft and ettn. putohnso MAYO comfort for a dollar per day: Pot- men are not needed, there is a chance for capitalists to make or leer a for- tune. Them ate many mon there who have failed in the east' and aro " waiting tor 'some- thing to trim up" in the Hills, although the, something never comes. As meet 134 expected in Sttelt a place, the Merit, fall, red, Vimsh, $0 Si social life is rough and rude. Some few I Melillo have ventured tO flOttle, ime the ma. Wheat, fall, white, , • --"•44.1..• , • Household Finniture, op: the Market:S(1'MM; • • Clinton, on the 20thiestee at 2 p, Jae , HOweon;. ftuO. Agricultural „Shritv. Groniolie . Clinton; on. •the • 284 insee at.2 p.m. D. Dickinson, . oteL funituan, horses, ,buggies, ..of. Joho • . Via liass, Prince of Walea'hOte4. Clinton, • on the 30thinet: D. Diekitmon, auet. JuSi reeeivetUt it9ek of .PapSr• lions tend, li';',rapping Paper. Call and. • see thent, at Zen,. Era (Ode, E7,C)RIkl. linn tlInton on the 181.4 bast., the oh; ei ;Or, w. • 1.4ee. of a danghier. Dollartoraoa—at myna oa the Ilth hut., the -wife of Nr„ V. Meliaughton, of a eon. IIIMCICINS(41.--I5 Exeter, on the 4th Inst. , the Wife cf Dr, lIntehineon, of a ton. , •' Winebeisea, on the,711t ittSto, 4,59 122(0 of 31r, Brown, Of a son, , mconinctur.—in Bata, ou the lOth inst., the wife of lir. AleX. troGretaht, of a son. Sr'alorris, on the 1111 loot, the wife of . ,Tohn Seafie, ole daughter" • Raoaaroola—In Seaforth, on the 8th'Int't., the wife of Mr. John Ertaafeet,'of datighttr. 'MARRIED., pusx0w—IVIenlnis.--Orr tae 4th inst., by tee Rev. G. A. Miteht11,11.A., rtt the reaidenee of the hrhle's bro- ther-in-law rfartlieb'e hotel, Grand Bend, far. Win. Dastow, oeTnelteranitta, to Mi211.11. Wiehoes, of drawl Bend,. • • roz,aocx--Siraw.—ait the rosideneo of the bride a fa. • ther, on the 4th inst., bylaw. T,Ir. Denby, Mr. David. Pollack, eaeond son of Dr. John Pottook, to Fiera, eldest daughter of air, Morals mama allof Stanley, MoICAY- :51,1cno2.1,1tA.--On the 11413, inst., by 'tor,. ;1*, Sieveright, Ur. aoha noderioa, to Miss ia- bona Ai4aonald, of ai .on township, , DIED. neare,—ei. tinned, eit thelath inst., 6111001 Waite, . aged 23 years. - Trnztnn.—In Varna, on the 13th ink., William Da Turner, aged. Tows ands months. Rozat,a8.--atCen dit tho4ut in,t. itifent aatIgh- tor of tao Rea, Dohnoit, n.o., :mossier, Uxbridge, • %god 2 'heaths. Seaforthou the lOth I(ary Apia wife . of air, atanosalatt, notli. 23 years. • ' CAMMELL,, In Galeria, on the Oth Att. Tragit kiainphell,iato of Morris, ana B052. of the laEe 111rtleotor Campbell, of Blythi aged Sa year) and 21 dole. 00Vrnit.—In Londeamoto, on the *Mb; inst., at bar me - there reoiamiee, Bliss 'gam danghter of tho late • Richard Dealer, aged. years, II months aria 22 dye. • Colbert*, on aftoalayi seat. lath, Thee. ew et', aged 25 years, • . arzwanr.—In vollmime on Tuesday, Sep'. 001- (11113one stowart, agott years. • fallaNTON MARILFTta September 19. 1878. Patmera arc too busy threshing and putting fo thioir fa11 wheat to attend market, and therefore t ale per/decals comibg in;'4 rriees are grin but searedly any eyespot of a rise, as there appears to be large quantities of pro- tium) iir.tbe world seeking a reatket, Butter amid still eontintio very low, and it ie pro erestinue me Apples are touting in freely and selling at irons 30 to 40 Cents per bag for falliags, atid40 to 50 conts per bushel for picked. Potatoes are rather memo and enquired for. • jotity ate esetee Item Thpre are a tow 14"ring, SO amebas and sehoois, but there aro A great 0110, many more gambling "hells." The °hatches are but dimly attended, the theatre offering . 1,earlaY/ superior attractiona ea Sunday and drawing eaa) crowded houses, , Flour,. properly new than there was aeon/31e of Inure Pork, There isa far better, proteetion to elife atul Potatoes/ ago, when scenes of violence and bloodshed Beef, •• wore of frequent occurrence. Moat of the dis- Patter, s putoa mite about titlea land and as Limpets-, *Easy pie had no conficieece in their elected judges, ' the revolver was brought into requisition. Hide, - The total population ofthe tarok Hills Sheepskins triet is estimated at 40,060, but it is subject to Clever many changes, and dectuatione. Timothy • 085 • 0 30 • -oro 0-132 4130 • -040 - 5 50 5 50 00).) , 009 7 00 4-50 4160• ' 3130 I 00 is if0) 00(1350 attr‘ft 09 00 5• 53 35: 0 • 405() aa 00 0606 0 11 afia 686 • 0803 ft . 1 00 0. 24 .,2050