HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-19, Page 3SLPTEmuE1t j ,.• 187S.
' American ileNys' items,
A Florida farrier fainted in his barn-
yard and the 'hogs ate off the calves of
his legs..
Hog cholera is ria ,rte, hi ' baa Salle
County, I'll., and hundreds of 'hogs are
dying daily,
At Bath, Me., receuily a young cou-
ple were introduced,' engaged, married
and divorced=all within,. week,
Warren county, -usually the great
*beat county of central Iowa, this year
only produced from four to ten bushels
per acre. -
A Canadian suhooner, with ..17,000
bushels of• wheat, sailed from Chicago
for Glasgow on the 10th, This is the
first grain eves' taken nt Chicago for
that port.. ;
Justice Dugger, of " Danville,. Va.,,
fined Master C. B. Burke, aged fifteen,
$2 for being drunk.' - and :disorderly,
whereupon Master Burke pnlledout,his,.
revolver and killed the Magistrate,,
A stranger had to parry his: child's'
body in a coffin through the streets of
Portland, from the wharf to the depot,.
the other day, as the city fines any one.
not a licensed undertaker who conveys
a body in a carriage.
Mrs. Cassidy, of Bladensburg, Mary-
land, letely gave birth to five children,
three girls and two boys, very small,
and organically quite perfect. Tbe.
mother and childrelt. are "doing ' well:
How Mr. Cassidy feels is not stated.
A. delicate mechanical -feat'- was re-
oei 1.z. aconiplished .by a watchmaker
of Providence, Rhode Island, who drill-
ed a hole throughout the entire Length
of a common pie, from head to point,
just large enough to admit the -passage
of a fine hair. '
A beautiful daughter of George
Compton, hotel -keeper, while -visiting
Big Bushkill Falla,�Peensylvania, en'`
Saturday, with• a part,,y7• 5 'ered.over the
lodge of rocks to t e%eething•water 120
feet below, sudden* lost her bishmai,
and, fell headlong into the rocky abyss_
fatally injured. •
Five tramps recklessly resolved to
capture Kenton, Ohio. They marched
into the•iyillage flourishing clubs, teal•
feed a few women and began to pillage
a store. Their triumph was short. The
villagers gathered in force, stripped
them, dipped them into a barrel of tar,
rolled them in sand and drove them out
of town. ,
A Willimantic girl, employed in a.
thread factory, wrote her name acid. the
words, " Wanted a husban'd;" on a spool
recently, and when it had' been: wound''
with thread it was sent to a South Nor-
-walk-shoe-faster-yrwhere it foil—int.
Ridgefield man's hands; heal gars a
correspondence, the •gig'. replied that she
was engaged, bitt world tin.d hiui an-
other as good as she, and a- nlarriaga
has just taken place as. a rri,trt of the.
spool's message.
A New York clorgyouni-reCently
preached it sermon. which, being copied
by a Boston paper, pleased A Boston.•
mien. One day soon. after; ,8 the cl.er-'
gyman openedhismail, he found a .let
ter inclosing•a cheque- for $2,Q0. ' Pre-
suming the cheque to be • worthless and
the whole thing a joke, the ministergot
a friend to step into the bank and se
about it. The chegtte was pronounced
good, and was promptly, paid.' Nothing
more is known about it. •
During the; recent tornado ' at Wal
lingford, Conn., a barrel of flour stand-
ing in the hallway of a dwelling was
taken by the wind through the roof of
a. hill beyond, the building receiving no
other .damage. Fishes were 'scooped
from a pond and dropped in an. orchard
two miles distant ; a wooden splinter
was driven through a lead pipe, ,arid n
shingle'through a piece of wood fond'
and a half inches thick, while buildings
were riddled, -as if with cannon. balls.
A gambler from Buffalo, N. Y., had
a memorable experience a few days,at;o.
Ile wept on board a schooner, and ship-
ped for Bay City, Mich., on condition
that he would ,work his passage, . bt&
should not be called upon to go aloft.
The weathet was• pleasant •ank work
light, and the men began•playing Cayes
in the forecastle. .They were soon
” cleaned out by the gambler." Sidon It
storm arose, and the captain rigging a
pump through the center -hoard ,box,
set the gambler at work pumping .the
lake 'up. They ,kept hips at this ,till
they retiched Bay City, and then took
from him. all the money lie. hart won
end kicked hint ashore. .
A bachelor farmer in Mixsoatri, 65
years old, was disheartened by poor
crepe and loss of stock, and con templet -
ed suicide. Going out one morning and
finding his finest hog dead, ile• seized a
hatchet and gave hhnself several sev&trn
cuts in the bend. This proved lathes'
painful, and hp vatted it•hy juanp n in-
to a lake. 1Tei-e the water WAS 'WO
shSHOW to drown him, and in iiia dos-'
perato hunt for death lie climbed it tree,
an1 tried to dash his brains out by throw-.
inifhimself from the torr. But interven-
ing limbs caught him and he went,lrotno
to recover. Anothor western main tied a
stone to his neck, .after unsuccessfully
takingpoison anti saran into thecatml,
l t sprangr
but the stone broke the ripe, and the
plan was fished out and locked up..
13oth of these man are evidently unac-
quainted with the uses and Alma of
the well loaded that gun,
More snieidos a Pe commit ted ' in pro-
portion to the penulittlon in .Stitt Fran-
cisco than in any other .cti1ized city.
• At Chicago .tile other day two boye.
of eleven sari ninesyears of Age quarrel-
led, about a,girl of eight, The nine -years -
old lad shot itis rival dead. .
• A Visalia 0414 dispatch says ;--Last
Thursday night \Vin,• J. Whits killed.
Dr. Mehrin,; his family physieiaii,whoiu
he, found in Mrs. White's bedroom.
" Harvest only comes once A year,
arid a wife can be got: any time," said
an Eagle City (Ia.) farmer es ho declined.
to stop work, for au Lour and attend
the funeral of his wife, whon,tho neigh-
bors had laid cut the corpse.
A.yoting man nlittned Davis, a resident
of Montgomery county, Ind., having
boen•attapked by scrofula, and fearing
to .marry, killed'himselfr . HAS. betroth..
ed attended the ;funeral, ancd strove
viorentiy to fing.herself into the grave
upon the Boffin.
A few weeks ago.. a gang• ,of treinps
hoardeda freight train k :the Chicago,
and Northwestern kill way at .Fulton,
and, driving off the trainmen, took coni
plete possession, forcing the engineerto
obey' their` orders, .Some of the gang
were captured, and' have "had their trial;
Two wore stintenced to the penitentiary
for seven years, four for four.years each,
and one for one year.
A singular character has just die'd-at•
Hartford, Conn, He was a man of
itbou•t fifty years:of -age, and Of Some.
moans,' hut,of.elondecl intellect; Who was
every.' day seen upon the 'streets, walk-
ing with' downcast eyes, carefully .re:
'Moving from..the sidewalks• ail stray
'pieces of o►ang-peel and bananaskin.
It is said that; in early life, his ladylove
'broke hor leg by slipping•on.an orange
peel, and' eveutnally.,died frarm the ac
c'ident. This affected ,his mind, and led
to his unselfish occupation for the rest
of his life, •
...A young tnan named Janies•Sweeney
met'::with a terrible death at. Buffalo, on
Tuesclay, while -making repairs on' an
-oilltank at Lootz; Holmes & Adanie':re
f neny, with a blow pipe and'machrii'e for -
generating hydrogen gas. • An explosion
occurred;; followed by. fire and the des-
truction • of thiee 'tanks. Young Swee-•
ney was.. burned, �o. crisp. ' A cousin'
of 8weeney'p,.acting as helper to Milia,.
had• ltist:reached the top of the tank to
get some-too'ls as the explosion occurred,
ancl. was blown sonic 'distance; but rvitli-
out serious• azjtury;
Jennie Jitekson, an actress, left' ill
New, Orleans without -friends or money,:
was. smitten by tho',yellow fever. •.-Iter.
brother; Jolin. Jackson. an opulent re-
sident .of 11'lelvin; 111., Was telegraphed
a fat; obi No •t'eply came till .after_
•itiTother. desitTateh had been sent an-
nouncing bee death,. whenhe enquired
what 'would bethe cost. of the funeral.
.A reply. was seiit to, say $15O, wherettp-
en lie wrote to•tlie Mayor asking wheth
cr lie ought to send. on. the money.
His sister, wlioin lie had refused $30
slre wished to boi'rotv'S' ars to leiavc the
city .at outbreak of :tho;'pestilsnlce, was
buried in 'pauper's .grave.. .
;Mrs,' Mary IATartii), 6f Salk)), Indiana,:
was taken to the .insane asylum at In
dianapolis on Monday under peculiarly
sad 'cirdumstanees. ,Biome four yearn
ago she became, insalie'and wits sent to.
Indianapolis, end shortly -afterwards re-
turned cured: She married about, ten
dayit ago,' and nt night :the young men
and boys got a eliarivari. 'hay need
guns,' pistols,, horns, '.hells, and pan's,
'making -a Parini din, The noise and
•yells §tl .affected 'Mrs. Martin• that her
nerves were literally unstrung; and in
twenty-four 'hoots skit. was a wild, rav-
ing maniac.. It took three persons to
manage her.
• Eight children of 'Geo. Lynch, the
oldest 17 years, living in Hcickley,Texaa,.
Were. murdered, on i'i•iday at midnight,
by an unknown ;party. Lynch. the
father; was awakened by 'a pistol ball
strikiqg him in the breast.- .He .sprung
up, anti aw a..roalltea nun standing
in the middle of the loom pointing -a,
pistol at hien. Another shot was fired,
and Lynch fell unconscious. When he'
recovered OR found himself .in, the little
outside the premises, The : assassin,
thinking Lyfoli cloud, seized it •liatchet
and put the witnesses out of the wayp.
that fired the libusc. The distracted'
fatllee saw the: Boase burn uric fitil . in
on the bodies_ of tier children. Lynch it
is thought will recover,. Suspicion rests
upon -'a 'young mini named i1oatvare,
with wl10111 f yncli' had a difficulty.
A r:et'til:in pedlar in Shenandoah val..
ley .pt:ooIessei]_to-.dream tt dream 'three
successive nitilts that lie had ..seen a
treasnrt' in an oak tree aliparis11ti sound.
fft• the butt, but minus it liana, twenty
fuser. up. . Iris boat, :f simple-minded
farmer, -offered his visitor half t11:' spoils'
if` lie would help him t. ant doivii the
tree. When it fell there', Was it rattle
of caul neer *'herr: the Hilal, bud 'been
broken, ofd, and a1 ;,t'ii,:ll .l il'lW was
found there. By •t little cli.rtlltiri, 1.
larger cavity wail•..frrtltid, and within
was tt mass of silver. Both scent w lei
w't t delight, mitt on couiititln lipfc0nhl
ill the pilo aifOuirtetl to i,O3U. Til e_
pedier expressed his'untvillingness to
curry such la, larg110011111 as sl`2,600 in
;silver, and 'lrropneet'hto exchange it 'for'
;;reonhaelcs.: The farther agreed 1111t'.0
sew days afterwards found to his •,loss
that the coins woro bogus,and that he
:had been made• the victim of it master.
Tag OLIgtokt ittvv.
A splendid Assortment of *et -class SEWING MAUILLNIIS alwaysryon ]land. 1`1'EEDLES
and every furnishing kept in stock,
Sewing Machinesof every make repaired, and new parts kept on hand, Having. engaged
practical machinist, all work done here is warranted ta give good atitisfaotion,
charges Moderate, .
Huron Street, one door %vest of the Commercial Betel; Clinton, Ont.
6 MN
LONDESBORO, March 7 18713.
Dr. Win. Gray's. Specific`•Iileclicine
English Remedy
especially re-
commended as an
unfailing curd for
Seminal *oak
nese, Spermatorr-
rfl}b�� hes,', -impotency, a
n`rc pF7..• .
� •i and all diseases
&fove-.akl.nett wow as a After '1:akili
beegttogce•of•Self- �"'
Abnso, as Less of Memory, t rriversalLassitude, Pain in
the Sak,J)in:now, of Vision, Premature Old Age, and
many other diseases that lead to Insanity or Consump-
tion, and a Premature Grave, all of which as a Sulo are
first canoed by deviating from the path of nature and
over -indulgence, The Specificmodieino is the result of
a lite study and many years of experience in treating
these' special diseases. Pamphlet free by mail. Tho
Specific bIedleine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per pack•
age, or six paokagce for $5, or will be sent by iCail on
receipt of the money, by addressing WM. GRAY Ji CO.,
lvindsorr,Ont. Sold in Clinton by 1.It.Combe,andal
all druggistseverytrnere.
,/ NOW Try reading' anti practicing
n the inestidtablc trutlte con•
tained in the best medleal
book ever issued, entitled
aTO�w`(��i Priceonlyy$1. Sentbytnall
Vgr��on receipt' of prier. It'
treats ofExhnnsted Vitality Premature Decline,
Nervous and Physical Debility, Mid the endless
Concomitant ills and untold miseries that result.
therefrom, and contains more than 'e0original pre-
seriptions, an one of which is Worth the price of
the abtook. TWO book was writtest bythe most OX.
tensive nndprobably the most skilful practitioner
in America, to whorl was awarded a gold and jen•.
Alert medal by the National 'Medical Association.
A Pamphlet, illustrated with the vo1.7 finest
Steel ofart
andleas—a star- ��L
Vel of art beauty—
bent y-n5I1' to all, Send.
for it nt ones. 'Address •
1'EAlsonT L', No. LIDGAD.p`GoVSE+LF
;1r `
flank S',. Beaton, ,Mass. ' '
IeriaT.�ill HAAS IT,.
349 THE . OLA'
Also, Timotlig Seed
At lila. store, Munition Street,
• G:.,0 i;)
Ang, x8,187e.
. TAURISTEfS, ,Ce., •
1 -^ • CT I:l'TO:T AND ttODEItICII, •
Oconee A. AS'Arsrx,. • S. DIArcostsOV,',
Clinton. W. Il. $Ic1r uii,E t
;11r4f alcomsou wilt lie in Clinton weft 1'rhMan.
EA.1'ClIl r1.I{.
i un tray • rVout of 'lois i to have. do u , ox o
ty t. y i is 1,
trade for
Zhu undersigned has eutere,a into the manufacture
all kinds• of Rustic Wok,, such. as
Gitrdeti ('hairs, Funnuter'RWou cM, il'lr►1t:••
• or Stands, 'Irtabloac eke.,
of every description, ' Articleeoa this elssskrpt on band,
or made to order ata the shortest' notice, and at mos
reasonabaorates. Ire1199 also on band, which he will'
sell cheap, a. few pica l+0:1:8 and' W.I.MOT.M.tftnoare.,
natrttsulacitil. Call aril srn spec into&of weals' at
re,idenee,.'Princeas Street, a short distauee 'Crum hair's
• w<ti.hr'f lift COOK.
' c)bitou, Juno B, Ks.
r ,toes t'epidil- 6U, part or ship .:tt
On the shortest entice, tit the
The Greatest inducemefits
Ever offered" " to a buying public are now given'to those vvho
pay cash^frit their and save the large profit of the credit
houses: All we have to do is to show people the goods and'
prices, and they almost invariably tell us what they have been
in the -habit of paying other places, and how much they are
saving by paying the cash to; us. We clo not say our goods
are "better than those of: any other ,House, ,biS,t We DO SAY',
and SO .DO THE. PEOPLE, that they are from:tori to fifteen
per cent lower than any other house, for the. simple r .son t1 at
we sell for cash, andthe Cash buyer does not pay for 'ad debts,
It is not one'line of goods we .sell, cheap for a bait, but our
whole stock, so come along everyone of you and make an, in-
spection, for' if .you. put it of from tir:ine to time you only, allow
others„ a little sharper than yourself, to :secure the benefitof •
the :los prices. We extend a hearty invitation to all..•
Clinton, Sept.' 19,.1878,,
C. GI]LR:O ,
IRthtli. YaloOlo.--- 1fflproveoeeuis fo 1g8:
11iatatFA0TF$gilS .O —
PVrT'SI•OIL'•ItOVL„U HORSE i OsVnits, A•G1f:I(IULTUItAa� bTL4h11 EN ,Y1�Lu. '
For the coining season' we aro introducing many new and valuable improvements, iv aloh'will •
place our machines PAR nQ ADVANCE of any others manufactured in the Dominion._- We es-` -
pecially call the•attention of threshers to'our CLIMAX SEPAIRATOB, with the New End
Shake Shoe, which, for smoothness of running,,capaaity and perfection of cleaning, far sur
passes anything yet produced, It has been .thororighly' tested, has proved a complete
success, and is fully 'warranted. •
B.,_47.:).. 'z'11337., •11'QLNt3M.rN
?-„..._ • BnucEvi , May �', 1878.
It is with pleasure I testify to the superiorityaneflyour Naw Java SIIAKE„ •CLOItAX.
SEPARATOn. I thoroughly tested it last season,: and•can say that it runs the Smoothest ancl'
llphtest, • has the largest- capacity for Separating -and cleaning, 'and does .the best work of any
maebine',have yet seen. It is •quite'nnnecessary to brace the Machine. All that is•required
is to set it in place, when it is ,ready for work, and it will run without jar or noise. • I would
not have any 0011T -than the NEW Iwo linen LXI1.AX. r
MANY OTHER IMPROVEMENTS, such as lowering the' front (or Cylinder) end o
'machine, adding a'tightener pulloy. to. Fanning Mill Belt, windlass for raising the Straw
Carriors,.improved "Concave Adjuster',"- etc., lave been made, which wi'll'add largely to the'
worth of machine,
OUfl PI`T'S DOWERS have been improved in'various ways; still' further adding to
their'd'urability, convenience, and ease of. running.
1$'e solicit' ifsliection of.ou : machines brfore purchasing elsewli•ere..
CLlxrom • AonICc L'ruri u -"MBEs,. May, 11378. •
� �
—A. N]D----.
le6inufacturing Company,
1 vy,
Boilers,, Engines. and Lill Machinei.�y, of Latest Styles..
Middlings Purifiers, of Impro*red Ifni a
STOVES of various kindU. ' 'Brass and Iron Castings.
lus.pAJE,s' Pisan P23LY 41'TEN:,)01JJ.! TOL,
FOR SALE CHEAP --Second-hand Engines and iioileir of 16, 20 -and 30
Idorse Power ; also, Stave 'Machine, Shingle and Headilig Machine, and heading.
Jointer and Plainer.
Gonfalon, • Feb.. 1, 187 7.
-0.F .STRA•T. b: t
�.iNOOft.POft•l3•TL:fS 1814. Successors to Thornton Se Wi111ains, Of 1t2itcheil;'
Give ns a trial. We will: n,it bo, i:nr, either in (Mal" ale .lt ., it g ii,e r4 'll' . orks
w n '., a to n nnd nee
its of v rk.m 1 tl..r, � n are to card as �7
cairtaar)tirtrry,theworkrv' arIaioing,and our prices,
Carding, and all kinds of Otis
torn 'Work done as usual..
lt)J3R t ' '1'1tO1ISt5N; .l'itp slf1. it!; A. It. WILLIAMS, IrrcE.7'ltl:s. ; 1i,T,X:.GItAl�t`f,
Seo, -Turas. ; d, ItBJ)i"U1111, 'lr. 11MOWAT, J. CORCORAN', W. MA(1tSIfALL,
(-.(tODM MfmoTi.'ttf (mono., • _•
Yr:,t steno stork kept constantly on hand totaexchan(e
'fol. *old, In a nttectinn,wlth the above I ars' preparedt',0do.•
Q p+N EASY" TElitiViri - ral't1in�, S11iatti> qj Weaving, Coloring,
"Y:141116"1"' pr•frieltw t> (stied' f!`itliinJ„ Clout •Dressing,
• any Ohne (flllrirag tile 1ter'pn1
-.,,let $anrtir.
t$ w. r,Q i.iv.At,
Clinton,Illarob,18111, • .
88i•.. tk 'Woollen Mills.
'tweeds, Pull Cloths, runnels, Blankets, 'Yarns, dio.,
•tonxtlian,tefor',vool, or cheap tet• cash, Remember,
the piece, night opposite holly's Grist 11110. .
A n Cx, V'ANEGtittON9
Soatortii 3 nos7;1878.'.
.r -
• •NTAIVUVACTU1t7:11S C1''
Johnston bareestersi Rea ers1 Rowers and Conbinod Machines.
Broadcast Seecters, Seed Drills, Horse powers, Sawing
Machines, Grain Crushers, Straw °titterer 131oviis, Gang Plows, &c.,
Buliders of Stearn: Engines nes• and . oilers, all sizes,
WATIlII WIILPLS ANI) ALL It1N7)s Old 14th. MACf•IINEitr. •
tY,)ritractors for Grist and Sato llfills completn,, rhino fdr' 1Veater 1VorkS for cities,towns and,
•. villages, on the !folly Systenn, lam' Meese Eactory'Mac)einery a Specialty,
Adalreitft, ,tutonsoor ,'fc wil:i a:s, Dinitutectitritng, Co., Stratfortl't Ont..
rob, fl', 1870. a • .,