HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-19, Page 1.;-7'••••••••••••••"
VOI., 13, NO. 37,'
TERMS -0143Q rtsr Annuilm, Alla titAwArtee,
eni dittrtiOtMtUtO,
TT 01/S11 TO IsItTe-To let, a hose.
taming eix, room, newly painted; •Plehty of
bard and gen water close to the door. Apply to MISS
Clinton, Sept, 19, 1878.
STBAY SHEEP. ---Strayed from the pre.
mien of the subsc'
riber about the 12th ind., nine
Sheep—eix eves, two springiatubs,cand one ram. Any
one giving finch information as will lead to their re-
• • oovery, will bo suitably rewarded.. E. PRI0SE1DE1.
Clinton, Sept. 19, ISIS,
,TO DEBTORS—The stibscribera
-LI berets, notify all who are indebted to them, that
an accounts mnet be settled at oce, or they will be.
. placed in the hands of others for eolloetion. HUBER
Londeslioro, Sept. 18, 1878.
, r
Bogs leave to inform the ladies Of Clinton and vicinity
that ehe has ;mood a Mantle and Dreeemaking eetab-
liehment. pu Vietoria. Street, opposite the RattenburY
House. A CAW, SoLIOITED. Two apprentices wanted.
Clinton, Sept. 19, 1878. . • t '
V SrAichEY-,-Eotioe i herqbygiv'en, that a Court
will be held, pursuant to the "Votere'Liste Act,». by
his Honor the Judge of the County Com•t of tho County
of Huron at the 'rowerstur num,. VARNA, on
Weatiltitlurt.11.E.U.,2111,41.14$7.#, at 10 o'clock, a.t.
m., o hear and determine the several mplaints of
errors and onlissfinis in the Voters' List of tho Motet -
polity of Stanley, for 1878; aP persons having buidnese
at the Court are required to•attetel at the Said:time
and place. WM. PLUNKETT, Merle of Municipality,
Dated at Varna the 140,60=2..13..2,...
• •
The subscribor offers a gumitity of the VICT0111
SEED evegleve for stile. It is the earliest white
Olaf .now rown, and is a splendid hybrid, . • • •
Goderlqh Township, Aug..15, 1878.
p.ARK LO PQ..1 :I:4 8..
The choice Park Luton ErIe Street, Clinton, compri-
sing ,.ver ten aerbo, now held by John Mathieson, is of-
fered far sale en moderato terms.
11. HALE.
Clinton, Sept. 2, 1878.
W 0 0 1) W A N.T.:".E .
Wonted, at °nee, about twenty cords of Sheet, drl
hardwt. od, for Clinton Publie School:
Apply to .
Clinton, Sept. 3,1878.
• .
For Bal.., a mare -and foal, r.Jur eolteitoing two years
old. The Imre' isa supelor Animal, well broke'to•single
hernese. Also, milch cow, fotir years old, good in overy
reepect. Apply. to
. 108. GRIGG, Bnyfte1dP.oa1..
oderich Pp, Sept. 5,1878.,
The nedersigned offere for eale the honse and ies; on
Rattenbirry Street, immediately west of the Wesleyan
Church, at preeent ovenpied by Weigel/. The lot con.
tains cno-eighth of an acre, and has thereon a frame
hone°, containing 7 menet% hard and' oft -water and a
few fruit treee. Title indisputable. rurther radium
lora on application. •
Clinton, Atm. 14,1878. „ 41*
The sebscriber desires to let .that convelhottly.situ-
eted residence on the Heron Road, near the G. W.
Station, at present occupied by hitneelf;-TEcTlioirso
contains four bedrooms, parlor, . dining romn, t.W6
litchenn, collar, pantries, &s.; large.garden, with stable
etc. Alvly on the prowled to . • • '
• w:n. SMART, •
Or to .C 2t. HARTT.
Clinten, Ang. 8,1876.
The ninlenigned offerslor sale a beantifukiarm con-
taining 83 acme, 45 cleared and in a good gtatd of culti-
vation. Never -failing spring creek running tierces the
centre; there is also a splendid well, orchard,buildings,
c., on the place. It is troll situated, being lot 85,15th
eon. Goderieh Towmhip, and is only half a mile from
, the corporation of the Town of Clinton, and hat; a fine
view of the entirktowrt. Far further particulars apply
to • WM. M. GORDON,
At Gordon & Pinlaygon'e Ciroeery Store.
Clinton, July 11, 1878.. •
A 0000 011ANOZ...
That well.built two.atory dwelling, containing 1welve
roma, on lot 724 Spoor etreet, with good, garden, Ma-
tto, shop -building, well, &e., now occupied by a. W.
Yeo, will bo Fold en very easieterms. Payment taken
in monthly inetalnientg, if desired. Apply to the Miler,
21r. Joseph Rowell, or to
Clinten, Sept. 4,1878.
II 0 13' SES FOR. SAL.8.
The undersigned offers ler Bala his ttio overt:or tom -
story train° dwellinglonses, on Erie Street, not fan
from G.°W. R. Station, viz:
1. Eouso containing sitting-reom. &meg-room, kit-
chen, and four beelroemg; good stable, wooashed, pump,
und garden with fruit trees.
2. rionse containing eitting.room, alning.roorn, kit.
Chen and three bedrooms, good garden, and fruit
trees in bearing.
Tams moderate; part credltr•if required. Apply to
Mr.11.1lele, Or th tho undo/Muted tui the placation
DAVID etralaithif.
Clinton, Sept. 8, 1178.
Tho underelmied offei:s ter sato 8 fine,noiv,iwoeitory
Dv/elling nous°, containing 14 rooms, with stable and
carriage hong. on tho promises, hard and goft water in
abundance,and ovary other convenience; is satiated on
the south Mae of Ontario Street; nearly opposite the
Emmet Church. A lare chance for s medical ortbligio
0088 1000.
Aleo, a choice Minding plotoronting 0.ntarlo.
rereival, and name Streettt, nearly opposite Er. R. rif.
nacoyht reeidence, containing about threcOarterg Of
an sore, Well fenced and drained. Per partienItire tip.
ply to H. HALE, Olinion,
Alm, a &steatite GRAIN STORE for gate oo to rent,
tit Grand Prank Station, Apply to A. STEAITON, G.
T. Agent et Clinton.
A. X-AlilIESOhl,
Clinton,.Aoe. 8,1$7e.
, •
" dame Jute subecriber's Pmmisee, let 03,10th 0013. of
Goderleh township,.about the middle Augut, &spot-
ted red and white Steer, about two years old. The
owner is hereby nodded to prove propertY,.pay °barges
and take it away.
Goderieh tOwnalliP, Sept...5,1878,
That eligible house mid lot 'opposite the
Wesleyan Church, Rattenbury Street, at pre-
sent odonpiecl by MR. GEORGE PAY. Terins
easy. Apply to. • __ •
, „sty GEORGE E. 'PAY,
Or. . SEASi•LE,
Clintor, May 20,187d.
The undersigned offers for so 0 his form of 100,acres,
being lot 2i', 2nd eon. Tueleersmith, (11.11.s,) There
are so acres .cleared and in good state of cultivation,
boing well under.drained k balance hardwoOd. On the
premisee are ilistvilase buildings, good orchard, Teensy
ot water, and till convoniencea. The farm Biliiilea
from Settforth and 6 from /Minton. Partienlare en tip.
lineation at thig office, or ef the proprietor. ,
ALEXANDER CAMPBELL, hitago111`11 r.o.
Tuokerendth, Aug. 1;187$. •
Boit Dads, N tits,
• .•.
. . • •
priotgo,042);5. -04tRAMn. S. To'Pxy.
Y ltEOitaikitS
AND POW liAIlk111D. •
Messrs. Cartwright, Blake aid ;ones likewise.'
••^T.' 7".
Cerra lay of a Protectioniat
If the elections in other puts of the
Proviece priseed off as quietiy us did
that in the South there could
not havceebeen. much exeitesnent, In
Olinton,yelsieles were busy conereying;
voters to the polls bat beyond. this
there was no stir. IThe Contiervatives
had 'worked hard for some weeks,. can-
r4 DOlvi
vassing every man from whom it 'we
, • • • 5 . possible to obtain reVOte, and, ituppearse
gained a good many, ns, the Reformers,
counted ont tolerably good 'majority in !
this town. for Cameron, and when it was
unnouncede at •the close of ;the polls, that
•he had only a. majority of5, 'the feelings
of Refermers were somewhat blue. ' In
the evening, hcAvever; when the retiirne
.begazi to conic in, and it was fetfild.that
.Goderieletownship end aisle, the town7
ship Of Steidle)). had " gene back!' Oil
Porter somewhat, their' feelings -began
to esseme . a snore eheerfal charaeter,
.and wheu still later" rettirsis: were 1e.7
eeived, the Reform party felt 'convinced
'their exa.n had beep, successfill. • •
'• TeIegrame were being continnellY • re-
eeived per Montreal line; for: the, ,Cen•
says -dives, end pee Dominion: line, for
the Reformers . . •
large crowd of boys had congregated
for the fmrpoee of having a hon -fire, but
the night \vas too windy .for ;sea, be
sides eMr. Paiiley had got :both ..parties'
to.fig,ree that no Matter who was rettirn-
ede x,liere should . be no bon•;fire.
- We might here remark_ thatewe think
it Would be well, On all•futnre Onteskins
of either linnieipal er other election,
if this means of displaying enthusiasm
were dispensed with, as it. often .engen-e
dors ill -feeling, and is productive of
no good.
The juveniles, tvpriai.ently hound to
have some demonstration, collected ell
the old dna they could, and then irt pro-
eeSsion, they :marched • through the.
street's, 'with -their niusie se gay."
When the returns, late in •the. evening
W ere 'received, giving the' defeat Of Re-
formers and election of their opponents,
the, fermet party were, low spirited,
while the latter were aecordingly jubi-
tent: As far -as •weeean learn Mr. Ca-
meron has a majority of about 160. -
In thie Riding the Reformers are so
• ee mum% &eraser. numerous that many of • them looked
• • Ottaw, may 20, uns. public Work4 Dept,, Ottawa, t
upon the election of Mr. Horton as cer.
.Aro suPp1ying,,,o2 SnonT No3•to10, •
Son End's add Nutt foriarldfras Ele;
From .1)2 iitsh downwarde, and any length, required.
Their felt Cotter perforins work in the best
. ,
• thiather. • .•
• , eiSura .‘e nowsis. •
Clinton,May 25,1878.
1. sitseere thanka. for the liberal 8)1000 01 patronage
afforded him, and would also inliniate that he hag, dur-
ing the pest winter, laid in a. largo deck of first-class
ntatorial, and ig now prepared to make and put in, the
Of every 'description, on tile Sworergsx NO•neit, and ,
• on the moot reagontible terme.
Reiiiernher the place next door to A,
-Mitt tteseit'S Blacksmith:Shop
. .
Minion, April 19,1877. .
. • ..
. The Government of Canada will receive proposal's tor
construotieg end working .% lino of hallway extending
from the Province of Ontario to tho waters ef the Paeifie
Ocean. the distence being about 20/16 . •
Memorandum ofinformation for parties proposing to
Tender win be forwarded on application as underneath.
Engineer's Everts, reaps ot the country to be travereed,
profiles of the surveyed line, specifications of preliminary
works, copies of the Act of tho rarnament of Canada
under which it is, propoeed the Hallway is to bo eon-
etrimted, descriptions of the natuiel Matures of ,the
eonntry and its agricultural and Mineral resources and
other information, may be seen on 'application at: .his,
Donartmont, or to the Exigincer.in-Chief at tho Cala-
dian Government Ofilees, 91 Queen ViotOria street, E.
C.i London. •
• Sealed. Tendere, marked, "Tenders for Pacific mail
way," will to received, addressed to the undersigned
dutil tho let day Of December next.
• The date for recoivitig proposals untler.theabove ad-
vertisement is hereby extended to the 1st jannaiy,1879-
• T. BRAUN, Secretary.
Publie Works Department.
Ottawa, sa soptember,1879.
BEST IN 715E..
bLorrins waINGERs,
3E3 Is_ IR) I M
Unroll afi,18713.
tan without their assistance, andcon-
sequently did not vote et take any halve
part in the election, By what major-
ity he got in we have not learned, but
suppose it was suflieiently large to en-
sure him safety in, the seat. We do
not approve of parties refraining from
voting on either side, and think that all
should 'exercise their tranchiSe, as no
doubt sealeare sometimelost through
the over -confidence of supporter.e. •
In this Riding; Mr: Parrovv bas again
been returned, but by a much less ma-
jority than previously. Dr. Sloan made
a good fight, and we are only 'wiry he
did not succeed iii ,wrestling this con-
etituency from the Protectioniste.
The following constituencies formerly
held by Conservatives were carried, by
the Liberals :—Xingston, Niagara, On-
tario South, Ontario 'North, Wellington
Centre, St. join; County, N. 13:, Nor-
thumberland, N. Bee Victoria, N. S
Yaudreeil, Charlevoix. The defeated
. candidates bding .John 'Macdonald,
\bsiali Burr Plumb, Hon. T. N. Gibbs,
1V- It. Gibbs, G. T. Orton, A. L. Pal-
mer, }fon. Peter Mitchell, C. .T. Camp-
bell, 11. W. Harwood, Hon. L. Lan.
gevin. •
The constitnencies lost by the Libe-
rals were -
ONTARIO. Brockville; Addington,
Toronto Centre, Ottawa City, Prince
tilward County, Peterborough 'West,
'Cornwall, Northumberland East, Nor-
thumberland West, Waterloo North,
Waterloo South, Peel, Elgin East, Ha-
milton (), Lineoln, Lennox, Glengarry,
Renfrew South, York West, York
North, Grey Worths Doilain Etta:
Essex, Welland, wellington;,North.
QUERECe—Montreal East, Montreal -
West, Montreal Centre, Levis, St. Hya-
cinthe, Renville, Richelieu. ' ,
N4lV BRUNSW1CK.--St.J01111 City and
Co.; Car14eni ,
NOVA SCOTIA.----aftlifaX (2), LulIen-
bui g1
;Hants, Queen's, Pietbu .(2).
p, E. IsLeetn,—King's (2), Prince
(2), Queen's (1). •
The following ie a Bei of the returns
'ter Ontario; eo far 118 we are -able, to
give them: Then marked L are
ral; those marked 0, Conservative,. Of
eotirse the mai orities are liable to channel
Ottawa, Sept.18---,the Ministers who
are left held a Cabinet 'Council to clay,
at 'Which Mr...Mackenzie intimated bis
intention of resigning forthwith.
The Aops in seine parts' of 13ritiph do-
lumbia are very fine, -
, There is said to be at Cane St. Ignace,
Que., just now a human phenomenon in
the,person of a boy, who, theugh but four
years of age on the 10th inst., already
weighs 100 pounds.
Qomplaint is made of the ravages •cif
dysentery in Frelighsburgh, Que., a village
w hieh Ain° svould think ought to be healthy
as it is delightfully eituated, • It is stated
that lo,st week five deaths ocenrred from
tide cense.,
Mr: IL Millman, of the 6th Concession
of Besanenet, last fall, sowed one bushel
of white %vheat. Mr. Millman 1139 very
careful in keeping it separate from other
wheat. It was threshed for him the other
day; and yielded a little over fortpaix•
bushels of splendid grain.
The citizens of Kenton, Ohio, have
been outrageously annoyed of late by
tramps, and gathered. a gang of them
into the county jail the other day. At
midnight a crowd of 300 or 400 people
assembled in front of the prison; and
taking the tramps ourinarehed them
about two miles out 'of town, . dipped'
nob and every one 6f them in barrbl
• of.tar, rolled them in thomands. of the
highway and sent them on their 'ways
.with tlie assurance -that if they ever re-
turned they Would be hung to lamp
posts., '
4. quarter of a centucry afro there WAS
a memorable conflagration at Sacramen-
to City,. California, by which the entire
business portion of the city was laid in
ashes. When the gnat fire was at its
maximuM fury a wealthy mereliant
named McNulty, who owned some of
the heaviest business 'establishments -in
the eity, gazed: for a few moments upon
We work of destruction, .and then, in.
stead of folding his hands and weeping
over the disaster, he went to the nearest
livery stable, and hired a fleet -footed
Ignite, rode like Sohn Gilpin during the
remainder of the night, and before day-
light next morning had purchased every
foot of lumber and every Saw -mill at
Grass Valley and Nevada. City. Mc -
/II -thy almost immediately milked out
of the sale of his lumber four -fold as
much money as he had lost by the great
7- -
11. eiresxeriries'" ess !NON,
• , reibleasers,.. .
, • • 0,411.4IPO4NI.A. LUTTE.R. and making a living for their Ninnies.. Thie,
Vanua eit, a Sig Saale,–Fortttnes Made and, 01ilyen,anor ye.4 wehaenrelbs:11in6nteLeexwe:rPpiii!eahibiraer,giels
Lost -09101'W Oltseivatioas." •
land in the Sacramento valleY that rents for
The reputation Of the Yankee for enterprise $2a0nahanascrintits
Mayyearis ofrnoplioufmpbottocoosountriy,oef
and epeeglation. en m
established, abroad as et!eons for $4,000. He paid: $9011 in advance
well AS At home. I have often heard Cana,
thane sighing for some Yankee to cense fixer
and build 1111118, manufacturiee, eailreade, eaA.
nale,--anything to start • Money circulating.'
Muth of thislien in the imagination. , Of course
family with milk and butter, A widow MO -
cities ave been built up With wonderful ease..
told roe she bough t her proViSions and groceries .
-in the western states, but you inust bear in
mind that the resources are fertile and the for herself, and two children with the eggs
produced by 24 liens, The ealeulation ienet
absurd. 24 henkshould lay seven dozen eggli •
per week, which, at an • average priee of ,256
per dozen; will supply most -any family in the
couhtry with the necessary eatables.' To tholes
who understandthe country; I consider this
the farmer'e peradise. Much larger crops ban
be raised, and the prices of Many articles be
has to sell, such as butter. eggs, potatoes,,ite;
are higher titan M the Eastern States, Yet •
would advise no one to migrate hither. There;
are drewhacks Which"the Stranger eeenet fare.
.liee till he is bitten. Land is'high; and titles
doubtful. . Manya poor -man has paid for his
ottfitl e 1. is' Ignir ;odd eselliPoPtinsein hedecd isphropaecia
Vies owned by,iiiother mem. -I couldnot ex.
plain how all this comes about, but it is prin.
eipally..thrmigh unfelt of the lancl being Covered
by Spanish gientk:Whieh by treaty; 'hair° to
• be respected. Oer fine weather goee right on.,
That terrible hot month, July, the thermometer .
got up,t0 78 Q in San Francisco and110higher. , •
,•loor some reason that 8ity has. tho coolest'
mean. temperature of any eity in, America. .'
per thousand ieet,,Yet Ong inexhaustible pine
The aVerage for the hottest tnonth is 57 0 „for, „
et)tifiliry 1189 SO' Melted up that 110 one would.
the colciestinonth; 490, tnaking.:a difference
take it ea, a gift. There wae no visible 'outlet,
of only eight degrees between January 'and
' and never woeld have been had it not been for
July: The hettest pointin the U. 5, is arse.
the fertile brain's of the yeakee, inapired. by,
befoundin this, State, tit Pert Yuma. -Thera --
California air. Immense capital had f ,be
the therniceneter rises to 130 0'; ancl the ever.
raised, surveying parties put in motion and
'hosts, of preliminaries, hut these are of • 00 in-.
terest to the•Canadian. What I propose to, de.
Scribe, principally, is the method adopted to •
place tbio.vest quantity of lumber itt the mar.
loot.- Well, iit the first •placo, it V flume was
to be built for nearly a hundred miletsawayup
ally cloudy, ancl the sun ie •i•ti rely ever seen
in the mountains, :oset mountains,. throngla
j frhen I MO ivritingtill fter even
mountains, and might add, under mountain -S. ont w
fennothriesnot tip neatly noon, .Setne morn -
be of one gradual '
In this water was to be made to n. Jt must
irigih there falls a Mist just after daylight, •
descent, so as carry water '
at the rate �f about -twelve miles.an hour. The foga.
have a1 t heavy ia
iederNtri tliom . cloitink iml0eWrint Bade oocrie aai
sides of the rittilde Were to he made thirty. •
six inches. - In this is kept a running stream;.
mid in ;this the limber is ran, not till after
as rent fer the land Such things leek big to ,
ns Canrdians. A man in this county told me '
be last year sold, $106 worth of butter, the
Product from two cows, he:fides eupPlying his
country'large. But what 1 wish to write abont
is California enterprise—an article far more
abundant hero than in many' of the Eastern
States, although California may bp settled
mostly with eastern people'. Even the modern
outlet to this coast, the Pacific Railway, was
an enterprise, started in Sacramento, by a
couple eihardiaire retailets, That ivas looked
upon in the east, and here too, as the scheme
of mintinen, du improbability to be solved by
'future generations. Yet the roadwais
a few years front the time winiu the idea origi-
wiled, and nineteen hundred miles of railway
track is laid over some of the roughest eoentry
in the world, The company is doing the beet
business in the United States(and its Nemo-
. ters are imm ensely'wealthy. ,.Another instance
of Minarkable entertnise is that of a letaber
,eompanyin the north pert of the Stat' Away
back Over impassable mountains, were .thou-
sands of acres of Pine lando, on mountain sideg;
that would yield from 40,900 to 60,09) feet of
lumber to the acre, and although lumber was •
very high. in San Francisco, from $60 to $80
. age for.. tbethree autinner rtiolthhbeas:
high. as 1060, Wats 113 simpii trill -Lost
bear-eble No•run since Met April,: yet; fte. •
quentlY at night, lightniug can be seeft*vay .
off in the east., while here the ehies'are.cload-
leas_ • The' merningsimar tligooitst are. genet- -7-
yery.theagreeableehut I eensider these cloudy
.nacirriings.ratiter enjoyable than otherWifie. 'It ..
le.alWays cool ,and pleasaa to Werk,• This is
sawed through, tor tho nulls in this back lum,
1, in .th ' summer, but. ea tieen as. thHall rains
,ber region are of 50,002,000 feetnepacity near-
•Iy. - 'There is a mixture of .poetry and ptose, ',„°°4 nee, and all Winter, there aro. no more .
Old "Sol" •conuis.mp near every morn.; _.
of Toinaithe and reality, about. a besineee'ef ''°g'...;•
this kind. If a nian is Minted in the logai„g i0g: 0 witit.°r s°03°''. • The changes -in both' .
. . :
031095 (Ir ittinil
. the: lS, a leg ot erin mnat•be 00'08 ee agreeableto my ideas of coinfott.
amputated withiu a. short Space of time,- or be. -4Yhile •"ql° in Canada are .clamoring for. a .
' log. A physician May be telegraphed for, all .proto'Ve tariff; bete the ueople,are groaning'
under too much protection.". You ahle them- , '•
'these 'Milken d the main -office being .6. onneeted '
airliy r, o1 15 cts.a pound,. " Oh, its the dit.;•
by telegeaPli;,bot this Would itivolve;e serfotte
And Ong it le throesh the.Whole line' • •
delay, •iis the eatnfis .could not be 'reached -in ti.es 1"
ono . day . by a vhy-ejean, . In 'ten minutes a v Oflitiported-gceds;.. 18 is' borne heceuge they
flumeof twenty.feur 'inch Sides is .made, fix,' ate haling Of a heavy war debt, but. all aro •
sighing. for the time when they may, be re-'
-teen feet long,' the Wounded man is put M, it
leatted from such burdens. The high. dutieti •
guide, to wateh the little era% with hini, 'mid'
niake the cost of living. high,, especially; in
off they shoot down the. canon towards the
cities, and as it costa the laboring -man A deal.
velley, now over tree tops now in deep gulches, live, Am musthey° high w
' ages, • and the '
now along Mountain 'cliffs; looking down to h
manufacturer in trYing to meet ;the. deniands :
thonsand feet; nOvr suspended in the air over
of the lifiniret,. goes to. the Wall. ' Se every
a treasle 150 feat 'high, that quivers, and. vi -
rates as they pass, nrcini- they Mind aronelt" buthiessXfinds its 10(11. The only ohe bene- '
eloae tO thebottom of. their bark i• to .prevent fitted is the .government, and' the criziainnere
being scraped by an overhenging, ledge-. on, foot the .bill, and feel it Sorely too. ' • ' .
on they speed to the valley, a distance ,of fifty '• ' le ' .,,Yours, 'tie, - •
Miles in four hourf0-the wildest; .1veircleat . -• •• EA:tares. i.
journeying•thfit ,etin belotind on the face of the • L0i:Alh2lfoLosr 41/81182 21,1878. • . of Lake.
globe.. Again,. a •builder finds his work fit•e , - i-----. . .
standstill for want ot a particular stick ettini.: ' he i.a. 'mitii.cah..1.0. al•eatresi. • . "
bor. IIe:goes to the Office at Chico, Want ty. •
is.telegraphed to the mill, the log is cut,' haul- port, N. Ye is George .Albert Page, a
ed and sawed, and tovvards night the log-eomee boy of thirteen years - with •ft big had
booming into the yard,
.sarae narrow pais that didcotmheinw
man. on him. li W"5 so lienvy .that he could
not welk until he was aix years .old,'anil; •
nisi§ lumbering in the Sierras, and, this "is a
epoch:nen of. California enterprise, Over $2,. now, thoughlie .woiglis but twenty-eight '
00%000 oaPiholls 061003'0d bY this oomPanYt. poundselme•bead.is twice 'as large as the
There are ten saw -mills iii full blast, three averan. tin measure. s. twenty-eight, in
planing mills, 160 niiles of 'flame to catry the . -, • , ' , ..- • ,:„ , •
lumber to market. 200101188 ot telegreph, 500 owell.mroreno anct. is stl•il gloWing,
head of oxen and horses, and 500 men employ- The boy's eyes are itivertesle•so that be •
ed. The pay roll tot ,the /ear is' $300,000. can only look iip.. This has preeented
There are other enterprises:in the state' on a liim from lea ening hiS -letters, bat other -
magnificent scale: 1.n the interior is much
gOod land, hat so little water falls that veg. ,wise he is apt enough and its perfectly
few seasons will bring 'even one crop.Pour healthy..
inclies„of rain° is theaterage of thi
e nterior
' .'. • i, '
valleys. Yet this lend is wonderfully produc. "EituiT 001-,TUS,E121 TUE (jtITED
tire now, a isysteth of ir4gation having lately STATES :—Fruit cutoilttreUnited
s iitse'• insatkatien
been Completed, Whereby 160,.000 acres of land rapid progress in ii
are Watered fauffieleilt to • -"IR) two Or thrde According to reeent official • statements;
crops a year. • This was allfiOne by private7 the land a
• kb 'rieted to this b fi• all of
capital, and principally .by fataiient. En ,ho!. PP P . F n .
nue or loans from government. While writ. industry is 4,500,000 acres. Upon '
ing Of this irrigation scheme', I will add that thisthere flourish 11
2,000,000 4pple.. .
the oanal ecimpany furnishes water for abont trees, '28,0005000 pear trees,112,27147..
$1. per acre per year,• so that an idea of the
expenlie 6f irrigation se be had. Then there 000 'peach trees tind.141,_269,000.grape-
Are farms of mow acres. All the modern Vines!. The' total value of -the fruit grope
and improved machinery lein uselreM. There throughout the UnitedStatee is set down
is goinething liberfil abOut a California capi- at. .$108,216,700, ' an amount equal to
talist, boldness man, or farmer.' A !,' pica -
half the value of the average wheat crop'
ytinne"-or "five cent ittin'' is devised; Ten
cote is the smallest Money teed here, and Of the' pountrY. Toward that large inlm
people are not very .particular Whether they apples are held i0 contribute $50,400, -
get their °hang° or noti Thie all comes from 000, ' pears $14;130,000; peaches $46„-,
habit„ not frotn weelth, There are many
bankrupt people here. Moro fortunes are lost 135,000, grapes $2,118,000, strawberries
$5,000,000, and other fruit $10,432,000.
in this state than he any 'other. Ralf the.
people valici come here lose all they bring, and
.tvotild be glad to get away. This it not the Recently in Chicago a gang : Of men ,
fault of the Cenntry, but caused by the rids -headed by a WOMan marchedinto court
takes of the new comer. The conditions are .amicle e great deal of discussion and •
so different here that it requires a very keen , h
angry verbal disagreement. They ar-
ranged themselves along the rail, and
, then it WAS Made known that the wo-
and their lives are one succession of blunder:a Man' had hired one of the Inert for $10
cash to hold her. husband while the
committed suicide by jumping into the.
lake. She went at it, but before . she
got through made. up her .mina. that
suicide' waa wrong. She and her .'hus- .
band made tip, and now they want the'
$10 returned. The man who rite hired
says that ho had to work like a hero to,.
hold tho husband of the fell destroyer(' • -
and •aoen't. intend to return the money.
Regan that, his labors extended oyer a
tinia.long enough to:admit of the suicide
or Mix mai and wife, and „Ife. - can't
work for nothing. The' case 'was • ad..
jettreed. e**
observation, or years of experienee, to become
acquainted With the right modes of living lila
earning A living. Many people never learn
and efforts. at onetime°. Again, them are
people who understand the country, and live
so simply, so cheaply; and find it no task
whatever, to 'mated. These 'people 'are very
proud of the country, wouldn't live elsewhere
if a fOttane were given them. Thom are A
few Men here Who set out orange orchards it
half-dozen years ago. which returned them
$2,000 to the (tete last year, and yet &Cores of
their neighbor's say they deal want any orange
trees on their farms. They say people cannot
live on oranges, and all such nonsensical
Very near here, a man bought it farm at $50
an here lag year, pee the Most of it in Corm
which yielded him $55 to the Asir° the first
crop, more than paying for the land, yet people
complain' that this is no coolie* for it poor
OM or farmer to 11.00, There Are Mell
ing ten aeries, five acres, and even two acres,