HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-12, Page 5Sununu. 12,,•1S78.. THE OLI1, TON .NEW ERA GrantI: FieIdT)ay next week GOODS ACA.1241C311ID DOWN". IMMENSE • 4t prices to meet and kill the competition'cf town and city. We ask our Customers and Friends to call and see what we are doing 41' every line of Goods. NO TOWN SHALL UNDERSELL 01 fl ON, AND NO 'HOUSE rND YSFBJL 9 1•&". , PAIN, ', , In Goods of same width, quality, and vieigiitof £;aeric:' ..EI036C I S i .. .. ULrNTON, Sept 12, 1875. • 1873. zshl .01yua,++a.a s~„s.anaxtenrtar�aa.•rr :CM=Leoaa X '131 1878. • Beg to cull the attt:iltian.of the sin), to glow tits)•2>.rftals of.'tir W .l AT THE ii$ O ..-DT-17z.,. .. iwa .0 U • • f'c:lectell tvitl1 zrent'•ctu•o as'•to .value, Which metil s. 'GOODS Ari'* LO.W. 1. PRICES than It .hrty time 1)t•LFiot1l; .the history of ..the- Dry Goods 11.1i'eitlt',, Among other lines we„wof1�1 call special attention 'to the largest consignment .dig Black Cashmeres,.. Blatk Merinos, Black Pairamnttaf3, Mack Persian,. Cordy, Black Lustres, and Black Silks, ever consigned to any one_, house in Clinton, --surpassing atny house west. of Toronto for value and' equalling any house. for variety.• • • Nutt: our arrivals of TWEEDS itnrl,WE:l'1e51.1.I)5 , t}Icel.uryint, rtjgat complete,. and hest vnitie in town. Our Ordaretl, Clothing IYel,artlitent being ;ti}I under the charge of our Mit. Modes FIs, amt, the Swell ("attar )i€ (!Hilton. • GIVE VS. i..T1(')OIZ. • lrmi;n74—i'.4s1Cr•o ;.ttN 1 cecc[u"13,:t.EtiT. • k-"9EHL,R,•.i Ce'f R +. 00. Clinton, ,tub! 22, 1378. XX r\ {1,. t �► 4-.14 4 .d On ,account 011oiie of the inembot's of the. tii'In Wino aboiit ,tn retire from business, -we ]lave decided to 1'encleralt book A.c- . cults or the lst of Ootobei•, up. to that (late; We will only receive butter on ne6ount, up to the 1st. of October, at its' 11,EAI, 1,tAitl la'L' YciLi; ik, as the butter market is in • mill a, depressed stato. After the lst of iit3xt month we will run oft ow.. present stock: AT THE LOWEST, PRICES FOR CASH 'or its Oquivalent, so that we may reduce' nu stock 'anti collect all outstanding accounts by the 1st of January: A`�•p rf #v1G.'O'"i 11,1.XD• A 1.4.1108 Ayr) CyoJirGI:'L' S7'OC1C UP, C I , :BOOTS yAND . SHOE% 'Vr eek ry •LU YiI •l'R ' i 1a1':.Y'ti,V YwGAI e, .!?.:..ve, wiliieh will be Solei ” tit PRICES THAT WILL 1.1 !'All • OO1NXP'A_11I:$OX with tl'tose of an other :house. • 11 a 'ties' indebted will -very much e 'us. by call•- • inig and : settling the same.. )TiiOP' PSO.11 & . S° i'it'ZT7'R. Clinton, Snli.t: 12, 1373. • Cygg7pq„ .nwn....mr.n- >.•,a..±hxmelJfL _ '7 LtGigg" -rz ..e... "-5 4. 4 • CLINTON FURNITURE WAREROOM. „ O. Al Al,131:11UP rt'X*ii:Ll v, 'i;.1e> c li 1 LOL'lf BROADFOOT & .BOXof SEAFORriz, 11„ leave to state to the inhah• iniots'ef Clinton cilia surround, lug country that they have start. oda branch business in tlipplace lately occupied by litnnarl £c ii hats: ei rind wonhl t . i ,ttctf, ly solicit the public to.call anti: examine their stock, wliioh fa complete to eery drpa traont. Our Parlor 13esI cul Beta are second to non I'e countrytoj z. design and nnish• .Waving every improvement in tiro lino oi'new waohinexy, me ntannf•Ultnrnour own goods and can sell them at prices that mill aetonisdx every olio when pommel' with those fer;icrlypaidfor same goods: We would. call specialritteuttirn to cur . Unig taking ! Osumi ► int;. 1t bleb tie aee'oratrinine inthe 1 ',.;11 tet,,. Raving purchased a large Meek nudnewof Uottins,Caskets t 1 Bober.anll'rrimmings, of evpry description, utid fitted up a nem and /lcgaut •Itranan, me aro 1 roaaiwd to do Undertaking at 4 1, the lo•aestromltnaiati:o prices. t t 1llenlombeithe ,Bice—h Albert t , :Stx'cot,next dor r to'�*1.:1t.hI. ltnee;,' i trardtcoro utero, In .coti;zection'with, tit* ?I•c!ltl 'Ircl isms lia$I lesrl they 'tad the 1XTI-b'.EP2'IC'1!'LUID zuhio4'p,wi.r o` eke Berl;,, -,t1,31419,7e 'ct7G •:b/,Thn,ir'e: odors, and p errntr' cw,UCtr:jit ( tbL,l,/ fiWfl '1844' 'eccd bo<lit s•' Clinton, Juno" 13, 11178• ES FOR SALE: ill,017TNt.11A14 103 X. If 113 l.i'TC3'I� 'ARRW INGi EVERY , DAY,. CALLANDER •&..a OLSTTON. In tt few days our stock will be complete, and we will be able 'te. show to our customers goods which for finality, style and ,price cannot. fail .to please the most. fastidtour,._ 6J JbB 1 �i,,JA+LL td� OW R O i.: W9i1.l he ollene(l.in about a week, and ap3*'poison wanting; MILLINERY GOODS, 'MANTLES)SHAWLS, &o.,' atlould see our stock before purcbtising. .AT(CI Tl'Idh111 2) HAPS 70 wilts• . I'JLES 0! RIBBON, et .•colo,•s, r= 'retial at1 . cent. 1,ci• 11,t,' M4N'L'2..PS tt owl 7o cents tip. Offal li'7i.S �It 2r+r?/ toll pr., es • • ..8ds, ' R.tal30NgS cit 4,„.7 (fast -/co coils, .worth. .one eloaler.;• IN OTJR STAPLE . DE )A.RTMENP • We will show ,soale very low lines, which are splendid value:. l'I,AIN WINOIES at - 5, 7, and 10 cents, BROWN HOLT„ANDS, at 10,..121, and 15 cents. F .OTORY COTTON f0,,p cents. And hundreds of other " articles • which '•cttnnot be enutu4rated. .0 0.11.. F, AND S,E 771LL11T A1'D YOU 'WILL AGREE WITH US THAT • • OUR,. GOODS. ARE VERY 'O1:1LA,P. Eyery rots" should came. art! et sable.: of the 'Quasi flaa'gailas. ��aia11� ' they.aye goon', at • • R: CLZILANT�3R" G"'O?S•' oltnton# 1.3ept;12,1878, • $61()0.0.0?. lirO T [Agricultural:: , Agr cultu al and • • r#s tssociatioc, • fele.Ua;1,ttlln„ )'11134"4' ,7;1' TIVL'41'I'l l I'.11'IS To d it4` :li at Toronto, o:1arc • 1 trCorieiiatiuull theTawnct 61.2ntntitrcr:tkr,cJ 2314- .•4o1 2•0 h t ?,,l', ten , r 18' 3 wn.tli cf 1,ixe itc:1 rttiun Ilobentnroyfor sale., ThtY 1J sq ri ++ ,, ■ rue: 'rwcuty years, and bear Srun.per 'r;ent Interest, : r. tt.,.,,1tie •,«'PERT:.1i Ili 1'l,T.8IzOlt?.: payablesen,i.nnnnsil•, Offeie;1,g• the sans tvifl.bore. ; • • solved, in matfett,I1y Iii tri:.1. t4 f.' 11 3 t'1,04.., (1 a h11 0.0 Se i (.1 (t TerOi•t,,, v1i lay botera t'a, uuderinerili r..•1 elate P, ti:/. :-- ii ),•e , C.' t '811'c l', '1"1" , P. nary, Atuil'ult dal . 1t 4, ,sl'1Tarx, 3cayas:. Clinton. ,Tu1y2,1,1875. • • C Il ' -.8 #3 Za li !0n14r1,1rvt0,r.11 [ l.;inxoSot ur<cy Ang11.i.Sft71. ' • (risen, I'ic;,1 c 6ri audtu.L r i,uiu 1'n.ttttct.t.:fn- - SIN .1 f!JCIsi OP LAND IN f'.;l' {*ii31,r, r1t i tt u.l31 +ufarturrk•i,,01.1.Uy, on oe tetnrc iia '' telt I.1t ioeu,t, l Tti.lusr T, teen c t prCU1e 101.:1, in II: f Uho;,a ?•.S. • 1 IL 11••11, C r ut is l.f 1, , n, on: of 1110 Lc altlu, rt air to Ch the rnnnlei m. theidgli to h ,lt c, hatrz1.1', pito w titer,.nood l irk. fee co, yver 1.:U1 trot; ttecd: conal ncrl„ to t rr. ' /rt •G el, c',.urehrw,: stares, atm o nveXlie neo . 1•1 c e 1.,nt' i 'i of the II r icaltur,41. Vreducta,Lein a'tfo1k,1i1l.,Srt:4ete, k Mt ..r irefoteSdins:lay,Fopttobsrith 1 1e 1 r Vste mol 11Ian1: Poring nt+ jor_makdn . 1101 entries 1 ,nn cin IL) olt.ul.r II of the �oelettit $ rt fill A 1$rlll•� upon, ,jural le it Ifo th:111t17)•elt S. (itil! + and Mechanic In••i . a.titlit4•.•ti tom:hottt the Vr ni it •, 3.1,11:s. 11. (;121t(4, C• 1 1' : u 'l eerrlal• • A•ee•r1n. lir: mot' rtw. ,seri tti u: , . 3 t t pnrcha:)a to rues °n r r,•1!:ire )1 ,.own, 1,r tht rt'ar•ro a ' • tetra et y eat. wilt be given on r li t atii, ramity, with • lnterat a it per Bout . n, int1131 n •ibl tithe midte- given, and po,re•ssfon i i tha place a.t : (1 .s n,. Fuld ' I<+,,,„. come and see, of lenitive of S' • .7. 0. aict:,l'IiSlt, Cornulssietcr. s4'tc+ faytfsld, Au;'. i dmi,Tb,tt. . • • • } „ r f , 4 •1•;.rt T .ANNE, f)TT.111'.1 tiT�rlifi, t 1 ItopElrry "T'O1t .SALIN, i"i1� . 61ii -:4 • 1: eiv Goodsare fully 25 per cent on •. t o average, lower -than last year, • Notice. to Cozxtra.ctors, t� astir itn i convenient - • • in the Pl•v,tsL•i, of , a.: Nttnra (best tuna t,.o tan of stos.ts, and a :tau ,Lilt �t • r1 s, and t n 1 ea e l ^l•1 •r for ! •)nal end Lo •k at \"r' Vic st 1 •.11a rs r fie) that tit] • • Mill Property for sato, 1,ititaft•rt 1 t :.lel J.rndet••,wldr,• at ti 11: e11rettaryor lrublfe) = . SI inieye neftr Vilma, i, r n lies 1 n+ticld litter.Torre i'i-a , slat sb(ngte sur. a, iol tkeo tom there nreiirlem aeras ••fit.,Attie, will be re uved 11111:0 c1' n t it 11 1,1 neural ref 111tH th noav h ,• old bsnt• tarn. 1`er further of 111e:Lasteru rind itestera Mills c w 1 1•?,!.I>.+1, '1'if.h: p1111180) 0 apply to lama, Sept.. 0, 1878. tl )nal) t,t Orel Icali1y, together ghat plstt0K and quiet. f '.ition of the'work.: to be rtaur, ;Tat l,n :eta at 1111 ; �L rl, u ti �i : H. rl 1r: t'i' li , Oilers, nod at the lteolde ot'144.41110(1'g ° ire,. ate Ant e, We Slll tt(rnnee the arrival of a Fine i �� . ' on 'amd after TEItisDA 1, floodlih day of, t„ ptembet l 3ortment of Carly lira D t1 01 OCTO11l. l next, for the eonstrnctiOn of :SpTttb:1� mass ri Lurk unit lite for/dation,of aptr'ezrhr.l to it cit t}1 r '� lr•rtdaa,•dIlt.i.t:thnp,resentleek it St. A1111.; O a 11N.:.�.» O i. Cara: into cubseri,cr's nrrfiliso•r, Int lin, loth of fioacrloh to ,t..-hic;, .nt the middle of ,X1),41“.1, ntlpr,t• t•es1 red ma white Steer, absoit two years old. The owner le hereby nett o'1 to prove ropel ty,1 ay clritOgcn nn1 taku it away.. ,:t. -..-. 1.401841IT }lplii'Ti11A1 CHEAPER hi THE "CHEAPEST. Yre,Tei(ch iuwurblp s tit.;y I+iH. • 1 .._ . ..:.....• ......__................ • , �0 f, .w.1. �.11.� ..._._T A ‘v, 18,7 S • DRY GOODS, 1 EA.D MADL CLOTHING, • TWEEDS,' HATS ftl�i : CAPS, C•c1r,OCERIES4, .I,OOiS .%: r) SHOES Wits,.ETC. it will be to the advantage of persons wIit, wish. tis supply tirtln etv. Witt cheap go:) to call and see lily stock before pitf'ellasills. The reason s'Jzr 1 :sell goods say .nznchi lower than other stored• is 1 do a ready -pay .b sines:, and ant enabled' 'to' pay Gash for mi Goods Polish Z btt�1 utztclz cheaper than .I rzit.Ial .do if I ha•d to buy thein on time. .I• recti, rsijll goods with hatlf tlzc profit that creddit • stores .ret, 10107 'der rt paying in{ h.tlsiness. A eali from intending p uretlasero re•;1oetfuliv eoridteri, • 1 i)ntJlle to thine 'mild, • . PLUMSTEEL, mum mimic Clinton, Sept. 5;1878 • )-wiui iY Rth.111'ir�ll 1'011 :AL1, 1VV� see the �'ru�xella Shoes thatTwitchell• is selling A second•hend Combined afoteer and Ttenper, nearly b new, for eels for halt its value. Apply tC' At 45 cents per pair, Clinton, sane 27, 1978. IV, C:4Til:A4. cents W vfoj,pirr,t air /tom/ f�i 110 l'uf,'IJ,7t j, fit Jtttrt�•1/. 15'Itt:rttsAl,tile phase e11•tndla:utiu,)1di•tthe t:tuncoil plait, and 11(1(10t sag ..plate of t:11,1 i1 hereinafter Qe' scribed by nitt'w and To,utrl::, eta; horato(ore, hien flied Kt ;t lloatt ; Andrrileroo.1()111 tom hit.) �Ca.eci to 110 of pati„* use, it is desirthte to dog: the same fur; And where:or:lI the preliminary step, ral)dred 1/y law ti, enable thti. Corporation tet pa $•"1 this I1y daft for tha: jntrpesc of otg'1tI„ 0111.,:aid road, love het a duty taken as required 11y (aw' t Bo it thereinto. enacted d by the t':,:(o1 atoll nt' the •'1'nttnnhipof I(o11*tt ttar$413k, “tad iiia 1, ) (t 0) 001011 by theuutliority"ot the ••anit,'lnat tite u 1 f ,ad ee. • tending from point Otter r.4' to point letter r," t,'r marked on .ti11,1x11 mot Isdl1;vitt ,of l„t •$tcentrtn and 1"i:paves, sn til Ninth t dn. t,) of the ,:tbl •louii'.Inj of llnlittt u..l wl ish t ,,.1 a i+s6o.tkaft�s more particularlyde a ribed as folic e,•• 'Piet is ter say. 1.mtnlen010g 1.1 the Ionia limit of 1 ))i 1 <ln)t ]Iu:.d, t t )lee diotanee of twt to ehaina 00,t,0•f: fir 1 11;4 int 14 *4)110.0 'lentil, flit} '•0'.011.41)111 .. 1. nt „1001 11x.1 »;1111. next, at either cf mhteli i tn' a poiote t tours of lender . . can 1)t obtained. ttor.traetarei 1t 01i,i)ICIie i t. bear in 1)114.47 that Tin. clogs will notb considered ttole:is 1)1a,1” 'itruetty in 00. 1 aerdnuce )•,•itis tem tainted furn)0i )all -•-in li:e•case et „ tissue, essept seise:• etre attached eelnal $i}inatnrc'+, `• tiro =tone ,of the urenpotlnu no.1 Kone, a of each menthol. I the sant^; 001 •farthr-r, ,t) eeeepted.11ar*k clsnque tor tins tient 01 111400, louse ac um .n3, tit* Ten. 1 dor, v ideas stun shall bo Jbth:lust 11 the 1.4.1•17 ti pdrrill;; ; 11'0(14)11 enterin,•+, tote rontrt01 rf r the worlai at tiro • rates and On 1(14 tering stated in the offer xdi,trilttc•1 The elientie •rand, Hint in will a return' d to the re'• 171041104lnrtit 1)these te.t,l.tt,•,rr= are not aeroptold..• • Pat the :l o fulllhirant of tiw contrast, 4(11411011117 nitwit: till lip required by the lien• wit e f l:unley for the a.rnonnt of ti c rot, 0011 en the tea,an,) oft!,si corl(raet; r,Iwhirl( the suet sent in With till '1sn:l„rwill Ire e,vr; silk red a part. per 0'11a only el ill:, pt,i,.r,.i ,:t.is,i1104 w(0 •be pail notft tl•n 000)('ieail.n • f tiro wuel. . lir tech• '1`enl+t t.sust h 1 `etelt d tet 1. . rQ aawin. • ttlre4of tvt.i teat"1n)(hl.' 1st1 x ii0t it 1 ...,,r)), 1t,tie,ta I of the (13miniun. tvH Irl r ) /:,.1111 . o et°C.; for the ; cm'ryh1g tali r•f these con,litt+1., us welt . ,11' .1 )e i,er• : rui•alt )rt»r' one. 0anew erabrn.Y,•.i in the1' ltd rect. 7'f to Uepartin Int ,lot... nob. h, the a 141)1 (1.111 1s1 1 tice.:1t1)111))1 v rra1sy: t'.n1 . 15.rvtc„� Ixrttlt[:c••r+i 1 f'. t111titg. , ... t• c t,tt 41va, .::1• t 141',,1)4 .4. • !`i,T3r9t'(f:( 11,$„113 pl'1;� - „I w +.,,: .z9. ,..1...1 L C O 0.7D S Colas Stela;: part of the celebrated CROWN` BRAND BLACK ala14 COLORED L•USTRES NEW CASHM ES --'7n k Seal Broistr, Navy Blue,: Daily GLeen, and,and,'CASHMERES —Colorings NEW 1114,LITA CORDS in all the fashionable sliades. NEW BLACK aricl COLORED SILKS , NEW WHITE and FAO- TOIt Y COTTONS ; NEW TWEEDS NEW CLOTHING; NEW SHXRT1NC-s, NEW WINC}YS; NEW FLANNEL SIIIIITINCa'S'; .Ni+1 V HC1SxL1 tlrrcl C1LOVES NEW GROCERIES 1 , BOOTS. aur! SHOES; NEW GROCERIES or ” 1 s �� e x� of Men e1�,d:�3o�;� ��.1 e1��d. Wool Felt HATS at:. about +. �. one �la.r�. c�. the `usual ,p�ioe' . NEW PRINTS, NEW HOLLANDS• NEW )JEANS • NEW' Ducks , NEW- DRESS. LINING'S NEW BUTTONS and DRESS '.LRI1tNM-GS ; NEW RUCHING Ana LACES a . and a, fine�assortnien of Notions. - , 1 '0••m1,.,,, l.1 (., ,, - . 1! F.' tti� .xltyl 1lfii,'i,,, t1,<; 6irkl,t11e,1 '1J.' 0,W” C,lat,'11 dock V. -General Go & ff a great - (1.10t it.•.11a tzre, i„•;t,1•,ttl, it 1tt k1 has mg , t 1 0r x Utz C t t e.teriy al)11.s of Lot netlsintr P.i:•'.it,:r r,`•hs.f l)• "all l,w• :t ,l••F)i' itlrt (t1 + the •o'.'e v. „'Ninth ('r n0ca. Inn of Iftitictt Town h'1 ; tir,(31(.1, North ;y t, frit, r(;tl, (01):r.re, ,+ t ;;:1 it (I iia or.,-. t1' 0'00(1 dct;ru+ 1•0.t *I'•'1,'1,11)44f, to• Pairs0 thence North.thlrty-thee dc,^,'rte. thirty iii 101)101 ,l%t-t 1 • k. ut, ;sl., '01414 44 tr 110 a IT U i tttent7•onm *hair. five .1i'dss t tin nee I§alta it,.);•14ier d )sex tivento 414,; rnrtnite$, I t Altelieliaies flfty.flte links ; thistle: : North tilt tc•tln dean:: thirty turn. Igo:, Mot' twelve i'lmiris ttft. dots, 0.41111o11:t nit the 010l11100 nI Ili kesttet,t,u}q,o4t,,thesouth lira of Mill Street Itt the %flick •e of•lTtrttor,I enu1 ,ri'.ttr 1 , tt (th , a , i ,t x 1 1 of thirty links 00 omit; ride, of the nue hs d rli'..I, an.T' c'mta(nin,(, Sy alm01)tireinent, nree i, 14) and twenty -tour perAec•nf?nn I, be am' the r.n as 1, Itara1; atopred'upand.cl4,i 1. .• Noth'e la hecc .1 given thatthotil'Irtro (.10 trua t•,ep7 ofa•prop)) edbylaw,'Whin ttillbetstkon intoinll.,Ider. t I , ,- 1 , , alio , the Itndet sf r:ounetT ,Ctfr c 5 t rn oT'n i P Hal- lett', E ( s tr , I Ctt Hi the County uxtt• nt TTt r P I ) e r tar at tha Village Of Litotes. borough in the.' add 'Township of Ilul(etE 0147!14 tit, (eighteenth)doy;ctfOctnhe:r DOA, { 4'Ali 18111t.il'1'tTI6'Si'll:, 1 .Ilullett,Sept. fl. MI!, Toon•(1itt1'(erk. r- . 0 60'.:1 118.1' 0 &:i• ..it- 1} o; • tl til) • 0' 50 0 iiS ^' 1 30 Potatoes,. , .' ' * • 0 •i(1 Port;, . • 50 . 5 50 - 11 00 . 11-110 r3eof,, Butte, t Eggs, Ray, ✓ Hides, Sheepskins Glove„ "imothy r Fbi 4 50 . 0 30 .3 750 1 CO rr iul•rfr�:, 14)30)0 •fo)'nt;t' pr ees, to- briny them ,z ce„ilrffri+OJ, t,titll t))')' ,,t'fc' goods at we Nem ',rict:. ' TI1S1 rtzi ATE N't),, lI U 1Ly _ P iv; . The should not throw your- 1710110y away by by ing your goods at the oltf..13,rices, because you can positively get your a 0.•1;� �s I nt ; supplied at ' fully 25 centsaiz the Dollar lower than (r' n0 elsewhere, by buying your goods a 0 11 OCeJ r�. .1 ,. ,At }tq Groat �jp . +�..�y .�n _ ( ... t O(1 • tkt 1181( [ roat Bar aan hors of G, 11, RiOIIP & CO; a (;00 i) t4•ro(1 , y d f1 i - OPPOteli:'I' '. 'Vag r iltitI$1'ir$ir .1.1,73141t2' t•.iTnila r,t a '2 2.i , crate 'O:1', 1ub,.3, T87tr.