HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-12, Page 2retOeeetC11014 Alt0-011eititleee. Mighty is the power 'Of a cry. If f.zqysbouted often enough nine out of ten believelt. There is a great deal in ttto sound of. word, m -id. protection • Sounds sweetly to persons who desire to be helped.. through life, When ' it was first taken up as. a cry the Ceuseyvative 'party lOoked askance at it. They hild 'lover. been protectionists, • They had been in power' twenty years and had • never boon told to considerthat part of their programme. It was essetitiwIly Yankee and un-Dritish, . Nit there -were those who know what they, were abent, The world. was passing through- hard times inherited fret) a spendthrift era, and they must bp laid to the deor.of the• Mackenzie Government, What though' everybody knew that the' hard thitea came to its by the way of.the extreMely protected United -States. ' EverybOdy, knew also that when Sir John:Mao. donald was in roxQi.! the 'county)? had good times, and is not, that , enough to convinee any ordinev niortaLl believe in protection, •eiteelteard a MAD say • toe_lees neighbor. the other , day, " You tnust be a, fool. Don't you see, leenobOdy can got 'work ' What mere '•evidence do you Want- of :the need .of protection 7" And the poor people aro deluded by a word. Who sar. what is ter all e Themannfactureie ifletlees,••ta buy cheep Irene abroad and so pretects.the 'workingman. lie has his . labor to sell, and what is there in pro- tection to keep all the world .froni, com- peting with him,' Of oeurso it takes more ULM) to import .labor',..than' mr- • chandise, but the law of trade operates in time. In the United e Staees menu- hat blowing off, the bull ettacked it in a proteeted is enabled, c le r.afitome but who Oyrus Kennedy Wee drowned at Camp- bellferd lea weelce There are now in use in Mitnitobe about twenty self -binding harvesters. They are naturally objects of consiclera,ble euriesity wherever introdueed. • Ou Wednesday three mon were killed by lightning, about three miles fu - lama, ou the roc to leimteton. Two Of the men's name ti are Spooner, and the other is named Mtclutol 1110Qairey. They were getting ice io an ice house and were instently killed, Lucen laims to Imo a citizen who is ontitled, to five voteat tho approaelting elections, to wit,: North, Middlesex, Smith Huron, East IVIiddlesex, tendon city, ancleWest Elgin. ' This represents a capi- tal of $100,000.. His name is Michael Crunuleae, Bete VP. All good solid Re- ,. form votes. Shortty after -four o'clock on Wednesday morning the. tub and pail fecitory belong- ing to Fox, McDonald & 0o, at flenfryn, was discoverect to he on,fire, bot the flames' had made toe great progrese to .save any- thing.', 13,000 worth of Macheuery, togeth- er with the engine and 'boiler were de- stroyed. The fire wAtte.rthe wofk of an in- cendiary.• • . . A London bootblack named Win, Mc. Clary, an orphan, seeing railway lorry break -down on Wednesday, spilling seve- ral barrels of sugar,. took A handful of it. from the groutia. For this he was arrest- ed by le; 0, Oalaerwood, on a eharge of larceny, ancl confined in the cells for twen- ty-two hours without a inoleel to eat, In the Morning he wasetriuniteed by tho-1u lice Magistrate. . -• The hired man of Mrs: James Morden, 7th nom, Londoe township, While crossing the field was. attacked, by a bull, Which he thought to quiet by Licking, but was forced' .to•retreae:to the..feneer several times fool- ing :a tench the animal's horns em he fiat], and was finally fastened by the ani, inal tigainst the fence by one- leg, but his factures which twenty. yeere • '18'�. intl' fitrious manlier. The aninial was sooe.. plied all the village.populatiens in New caeteeed and wilco.. • . England With work, pow *offee.aie . open- .• . tem Friday morning, w MTh 11,1 , v / j 6.0 m a ri ing for , such: The native '-operatives ilk:Ottawa was•tee ine an unfortunate girl • t t warly lave been replaced' entirely . by, cheaper eamed Emma. [loll to. the eomityleels tolis nooften e COMO eiiroes thing t. and mere ignorant labor,. imported from serve a term of three Months, she attempt.' in 'the Way,of AD advertieementerte good as, ope ratives cv4itinly-were not, but . abr oad. Whoever NithS . peotected, the' ett to :content - ., . . • b•rta Over -the Sappers •t.,iimido,ej, tryina to n the folio winlg,:,x.ti.v:TieLl::;e148...c.'1.i.l. . 1'0)7 7.:r.-. Dna e neto "tee. eimel. dtty's 6-lobe,:.we•• therefore., gtv cr it entire t- • nue i • , -+Wauted .1)S, a mid-- . to take their chalice iti the open Market: ...,h.e. ha4' •s9eueeciled li:o'nrshohger- the Inirtratreet'eurporalergeo:Woolone, and respect:nue . p w hon . goo uotna4..with memo, to oerresraae elm it taaldeit Or. Ma nufactures made money 'end grew 1 1. . t• le . DO.tletsnian seieed her by. the. arno and- yciciewooity bawcto. the ages -of 90 entl :10;with it view ntimerons, and -by-and-by their piedne6 . held • here • r, :wheat•seepeeeee in tee eeie... to mental -oust the etee inlet be of goo ll tlittfartatiorts. waS InOre .thall. the ootmery,' deeded, and ' 'she bezo'd:,0E the :aloe r to kit, bar ;trap,. tWoealtlyireapeetable, atolla.vc gooa eornolou nose, hot , g . effeb &hie; enttenain Li' tall, hita hroern"ber, faii riktii, grey eyeei;inittea elm hew,. and weighs-170:1SC en and not till t .; then came stervetiOn Weites ehert time mid ettegglod 'hard to f -co I oeself 'teem . • . -. . • doer; not snuff , chew, or Euv,ko Ohioan; Awe not meant., Cte:, and hon egports, l'is e/resee• • • : ' ' .. • . Another -who is less'easify lead away .. On gonny ni.g.lit :a reek eeeeetje. am. says it is all veey well to...tell ustlett pre- mond phi was 'etolen .froin a gueetie the tection is robbing the. many ta. put the' ma- Qtreee"s Flotpl,' ''Toren to... : A •suspicious ' ney in the pockets of the tow, Vit .then' loeicing iedivideel waSeieen luritietteronnfe we must remember . that . in' eiti'es aro' the.office, and 60 :porter wee' told to wateli 'in' while Itie••MeGove Went for a .Po . tho few info whose pockets . it iti eto s he licte• I 1 • ., ' • • . , teen, The arenger left 'the hotel, fellote,. Put, and. yen cant • oxpeetne-. :tie vote .ecl. •hy'elte peace,. and at the: OoPfler .of the against our own .*interests for . thoi Sake atreef presented .it reeelver at hin'Shadow,' of an, abstraction. 7 Very, trno‘; „this 'or; throlitening to shoot him if. he followed could not.bo re-aeopablrexpeated of ;any Mei mg .forther. ,., The Potter :Yen beck to commtinity ; •for, practically 'epealting, the hotel; ilia the alleged thief made ors - ceemeinnittee always*: dcy'weieeeord '''":1' a , w'''" mit 500.0 afterwards.: e .. -• -''• ..-' THE CLINTON NEW ERA, Mitchell raises $41700.93 for itelicrol pnr; poses. A hurricane at Parkhill, on Saturday, blow a span. of hereee,aud.e waggon off the reed: • • . ,• . Rev. Fathee Cerlin, of Wbodetook, bs,ct Iii legbroken en Saturday, his borae had Mien down, and while heltake it vet it struck him an the leg. . Five bveglers enteree the Cie W, station et Dundee, on Monday night, tied. the watchman, blew Cleo» the fide, and eteld $70.• At Ovalle, on Saturday, P. Muiveney got drunk aod sat clown on the railroad. The result was the same as in many. other Oases A. train mime along and embed the life out of him. • A few dayeeitgo while Mr. Alin Noble, of 'Paelchill, was on the field looking at a game of ericket, be received a hall iu the face, which 'knocked out five of, his feoth and fraotured his jaw.- ' .Proseco Untie under the Dunhu Aet con- tinue in the county of Yeik. A Peivete prosecutor, who bad gained 11 greet many pasties has himself been battled up for sell- ing lietnoe witlioet a Beate, ' • ' • • . e • A Warn of hOrses belonging to 'Bar- rick, started; bael:ing up pear the canal at Port Colburn, on Vritrayeand. before they could be stopped htigked in and wore droWned, A. womatt and child Were in the waggon, but get Olt • • ' As William MeLormen f gAtwilijats, was getting into his ,wagec, onFridity; the hoteee started and ran throughthe orehard throwing • elle, • ole , gontlenieri net, and crushing 'his log against a' tree, breaking it, 'Woe: the knee., and li ti rtiii hienetherwiso clattadiee'e writing 'freur Leuieleeri to tho Toronto'. 0/ebos warne Oanediene against :emigeathig teethat Stine. lie says ; 'The ono e tete is insolvent. Tis are so highthat pleilters cannot pity theiii, •and• Acores of 'Nees are sold and:being eold foe taxee. Tho laws of the' 'eouutry are se badly euforood that life and property ere noe'sefe. Meedurere are running ' at eaege on every hand: , Thieves hill end eavyy off. your steel: with itriPunity." . , . twee with What they believe tb be •theie • - The:ether day a man empIneed. id the selfish intereste. ' Petriotisin After: all waterwerke m'ir -13etr" drarik out of a streent after ditek, aid thought lie swellove seems to be nothing m.oro than the 'sum' ed a. .blado. ot- grass, • a ?piece of mese or of individual interests,, and • every „roan something • elge whilst driuking., 11,e took, looks after his twin. • • -But the conclusion no further' notice of it at the t'n is just what wo sincerely doubt. The a (lei or two, how ie.r,ee comme. I I 1°' ft" '4Anced to few are not .beneffied as,. they imagine; 'feel unwell' end silnt-hi; .stonlache and Who have.been the svifferere from - the concluded' ha leciald take. 6 OEM of heaede bard timein the Vniged Statesl *No -and see if .it yank( not settle .% thinking s probably it was a fit of indigestion. The class so much as thoseconnected-with brandy was no Aooner down than the man the protected industries, rind..in - no re- oaxnfiteefolienetl the Mcfit fearful contortions, • gions so much as the cities. . It. is the ' lineeht he ' was .,poisoned, Thefrog cities that suffer from comniercial ats- (as 'Stich le wee) appeared, as quick as the ' aster, and et is there whoreether unerive liquor touched. him to leave .cominenced a ployed abourui. semebte neee eoettmee series of jumps rendsornersaelts• in his sta. overleaps itselfDivine goodness liati reach. • The man, after the most excruthate . • ing.retehings, vemited recleceut-eized frog, so bound men together that whateverwhich is now perfeetly healthy .and well,. . is bad for the one is bad. for all, Wo ' are serry time gp many have ,beeil: ale' . At Ottawa,. on 1%riday, 6 frightful acci- dent occurred at the netv tower of the -Par - ried away by more 'eries and words,— . • .. liareent Buildings, by which a piling inan7 !Fitness. • named Faulkner was instantly killed. elle • was etigaged in worlcing on the top of the Canadian NeWS /ten's, tower, when a fellow-worlinien asked him . • • Preparaeions ate beitg made in tainb- ton to snbenit the Scott Teceperanee Act to the ratepayers. „ • • The Mancheeter Guardian of Avg. 12, . says :-" The Marquis of Dorms and the Princess Loteise will start for Canada lit the thitd week in. October, . Capt. John P. Downs was found deecl• in his bed, et Pieter, OD Wednesday. 11e retired in his usual h'ealth. is sup,pes-. ed to have died of heart &sena. ; was onnetsof)the oldest and most respected.resi, —de . • The barn of lelm DiThcrin McCallum, 4511 ODD" North Dorchester, containing all the year's crop rind most of the implements used on the farm, was totally destroyed by ftre a few nights ago, Igr..112eCIalitim only succeeded in saving a btiggy and harness, On Monday there was a cradling Match between two ferment' sorts the Kirkwall section bf Waterlooecoenty. The scene ot operation was the farm of ,Mr. gcl. Gray, 9th con., township of I3everly. 4 The con- testants were a Tail naniect Sanidel Gilbert and e young man named John Valens, The fortner, in ono day of ten lcours, was to cut one acre more than the latter. A large number were present•to witness the contest, but after foor and o»e-third home' work Valets gavo up, having only cradled one end three quarter fteres, while Gilbert' lutd got away with two and threeequartee acres, thus cradling one acre more in half the time agreed on, Who can beat, thiel At three oedoek on Wedoesday, as the train which arrivee in Toronto from Barrie Was turning the cave. half 0,111(10 eget of Davenport the engineer notided a man lying with his head 00 000 of (he rails. It was impossible to stop the train, ancl the engine endears paned over the body, As quickly as possible the train was stopped &KIM= j, 1878, ekeeeeereireraereeseeseeceeeee ereerereetres.' efeeasereeeeereeteseleereeereevereeetesestterieeeeee AbotheiV 10:tt Dian itedlibed• * • II, leufue dealer in dry geode 1-Veod gbtetti *trhsi , hull, 11.1„ writes'Botanie Medic:nue Co.,'Bellale, 14, 'Ye Tune MI, 1878: e 0000=mi-1'1os° Owl inclesed to, for which send life, by ee- preits, Anti -Fat. 1 have talton•ono bottle and, .1 lost five and one-quarter pounds." • .8 ers's0octoA, - Ilno.tritruLattnCe ea Mitzi xCi -"By it thorough 1, gawk:ago of the natural, lawe wleteh govern, the cperatiens of digestion audnutrition, and by a eareful appitco.tion of the fine proPerties Woll.zelectea c000a, Me. Epps ha liroyided our breakfest tablee with a delieately fie,vored hove dWhIgh may ttaYe 08 many heavy dodo hills. It is by the judioious use of su -articles of diet that a eeastitution may be gradually built up une titetrong enongh to resist every tendency to dieease. Ilinadreets ot. eubele meladtee are ddatin; around ue ready to attack 'wherever there 19 a week point., . We inay;eileaVe many refatel shaft by keeping ourselves well forti- fied with pure blood and a .properly neurish- orl -eeeit ilervice •Gazettp,--Sola only in Packets, labellede4"eltse EITS & Ce., eueopathie Chemists, 48, Threadneectlestreet, and 170, Piccadilly, London." • • - . . • 'Biranynoor SATS So. -That all who have either used the Article themselves or witnessed .ets effects when used by others ; alt such, rule they are only lit to judge, are unanimous in thappinion that 'tDarley'e Condition:Powders and Arabian Heave Iternedy" is superior to anything of the kind hereteforc-or at present inuse' for coughs, colds, ileac wind, and all diseases which affect the -wind Of horses. As .a condition Medidino has no equal; there is nothing in „it Which Cali Nitres a hone Whether sink or well -nor need the horse be kept from working While using'ibl it is. just the article, whiet• illwhe own horses require and which they ,ehOuld have constantly en' hand: Re- member.the naMe, and see that the signature of Hurd and Co: is Cm.' each ptokage. North- rop A Lyruan,, t..1.7orOnto, Ont„ proprietors for Canada. • • A common. &mall oraolct shou'd never be trifled with, often.when neglected it is convert-, ed into -a serious and generally fatal pulmonary disease. .The "More pruderi1/4 aware of -this, promptly use Bryan's' Pulmonic Wafers" a cu- rative whielt has sustained its reputation .for og.er twenty years; theyare always 'efficacious and exert -a men most beficia,Linfluence en allthe Bronchial and pulmonary organs, Sold by .all dragOste autl..Conntry •balers. rk 2 ots, per box. • . • ' x.'4) tit s . • • titosimi! WCWEIE. TEN '1,'E0Li Tt Wkictut. ia OW) 1. Do 1300 Ifitow Atty./11mi • • ' .•. nr. re 2 XY zs •Ttste. Y•tu DAP, . ' . ' Pain: cannot stay Where 14 used. . It is the eheapeseetteliolue ever made, One doic .cures coinnuin SORE TfillOAT.; one bate:, bits 'enrol 13403iellfTD1; elk...worth` has onied..an.old standing eleven ;. one or two bottles cored lutd. ,,eases Pius and KO/A 13Y 1:1201.1131.138 ; 9111 -to :eight eppliciitione. ten ee Otteu of EXOOMATED XIPPlAti-or ;: doe hiittie has 'Play cards, dice, or any •etett.salees •9'ee 1•Onred bitoiC-of eight,years" Standing, ' bob bet onlorse races, or any other systout of gainbinig,•;, Of Brookfietd,' Pa. sayg went 10 helther 1•oor nor rhsh, learned nor unlearned, saint nor (hall, hYpocuto uor syouiph.o.t, spentithrift norint- sor; no bigot in relit:loop no *ant in lialitic8; a loan ,of low WordB; affeationato, ovse. disposition ; Ioves Irmo and quietness; I()VOB aod ita miles for a bottle of your Oil, .svInell.elfeetecl•a• Wonderful curc of a• Croolccd"Lienbt, by slic-appli- aations," Another who has had .‘.stlerem for 48* • have half of a 1A:1.cent bottle OM WOMB E0EXI thInge out of tlin tract of alkali), ana in r' eft., and $i00 weuld ttiathust it if could get nO PiallY walls odd and oriSioall shy, baribtol, ana -modest eau woman; 'reliable and attfisfactory'references :kcal More.•!' .Thuelti, N. tee tint rogniredoPhoton exeliangol, .Adareso one week to says :•.' Otte south battle of • your Beloctrio Oil eeklote that a' More Peinful attempt 'seira11514oirlya,IY:fleraylolilliq9nirNi! v.3,4tTil: to cement . surcide7 *lietird .Of than that which y aaveloped Ke usin , 11011 Leindon; to • Thursday. • Some time in' the, forenoon., the tinnily of, E, -averr,w-ere...attracted_ocul, grove ep, the ro pertyof •lintollisoii, near. et hand, y, the peoulier coodUct oft number of doge: - They ever° barking Aud running' around.. Aot 288,47°W:0:lice, Terouto. '• ' restored the voice where • tbe person had not Electric Oir euret1 me ot One It is composed of Six (WIRE .131:94T Qibri =AT • APB ictiowX. s It as gootl for iatereae esfor. exte reel use, and is believed te in -measure- • Jty 41111M:4r-to noytting..A-ser lhade '• • 'Allis eave you inueli sintering and many- dollars of --teeense LIEWA1I8 TVIt1T20229....-.Nkk tpr Dr. :Thomas' F.C- lo•Wo Oil -See 1, at the sulnatt r ei Thu-SIAS sk*.nne 01?ject, hidden frem v ie.w by 4 lar"o th,:r;r:;ptier13, ana narjoebirl'il;TECITPOP er! 00 40 .log laying near qui edge of ilia weer". um; blown in Cool:041c, and TARE UThElt. • Sold lipen ptoeeedieg. to 'the inlet a wreeched ,o,dlente clenIcrit. ,1nee outs. k.ortincp EAU. 6,yrricTati.- OPPIOE at DA.Y thee and A., at NIGUT time -Tito Rooms:Aver the Store of Ooquingbaie"e & Aihoolicad-lho fiquero,Clin ten, fillotoo, Deo. 20.1t237. nu. Suroeou, 0bo,, Ootolur A." OeuutY Rositleocoaufi Oilleo-Comer Albert ant111111Strevie.19/oton. August 014,1809, • 1-11 J.MditS1, 1),, 0. 5I.,. GRADUATE. Ur PAloGiii University, afoot:la:I; 9lotioill0.411rileolutlel Aueoucheur, Itesidente-lioneasun a. • January 4,1871. • . 0 XOlnia. (GitADUA.Thl or Tonoxre ••• ebilierietse Pep:total), surgeon,' Sob, real:knee at lifinuiing's, three ileors east QC the Temperance Lorfilosboro, Ont, Loudesboro, Aloe 14,18'o . PLR. STAND -CRY, GRADUATE OP THE MEMOAL • Department of Vioteria T.eronto,_ for. userly of the nosnimas sea DE31/01;011EIUS., 0014 ):001i1 001.01.101:41. the County of floret:, liarelimo, Out. 'ttly 4,144. • • 81 • TI•rSLEY on3500, PJtr$IohtA'frm, 57J3$ oubss Aeconehours, as. 0910, ARtort Strat oPpoloienittocura':8•': 1}110111:8, : D. 11. Dowsra4r,II,-D. • A. (haws, +TAIL PHYSIC/Ali, 1411.1RthOlit • Accoucheur, Licentiate of the Cotiego of Physitaans SUMO/WOE Lower Canada. ana'Provluelal Lieenti, ate and coroner ter the Comity of Moon. Wilco and tesittenee,.•,-.-.The formerly ()coupled by 3.1r..• Tinsaitca,-Duren :greet. • Chilton, aan. 10,1871. Wizstelinnettrus inbo. cd -g) 11.1411NO:11f44101q WAIPSON, ' - DAItItIST1,2111310e., 01.11IT011 AND GUDERIC11, • 01:0110n A. Wa.rson,, 3f4LoolatiON 03311toU. W. II, rdel'Amiss lqr.INIaloom son -winks: in Clinton ever; Fr(i+SaCi;,rielL. ,4! • r CE:NT4tX.1-# — 1878, . Win be lula in the ' • TOWN OF OTTELPH 'X110 1104 Wthl awl 20th Sept'ber. OP,RX TO ALIA. . . ' Pi ihe Dists hod Entry Papers eau be had at the See. rotary's Office, Guelph, and else from Ow Sot:rotaries of • other 80oleties throughout the Provinee. , Parties ilot reeolviog their cotry tickets prior to tho . shaViei svolvnefirsTilltothIlwinaltYta twill°11 oSaTylracYrg'sti tr' ittle.passcti gins to ann. front the exhibitioo at single fare. . ' 0, MURTON, Secretary. W. WIEITELAW, Pres, Guelph, Ana, 10, 1078. ' „ , , C L. i $7 O.:,:i'. PLAN, IN& MILL. • i'ileCtIrtn ly, Titonason ,E Scott (i. • 00 TRACTORS, .--7* Lind eircomfaceieces efe-eectskr-Jeteees,-Jetteites, fifouldirigs, Lath and Shinules. ',. .(!piTON riELICeM:E4 S. AN -14140 et Tema TO LEND,1:4311.411kr 011 SUMS, Wo stoqk bity rn..1„cotesoti,i5;elo:„.104mmegtat.ge security, at moderate valet; of eee caelee, „0,e, bet nrat.elaas workrneo. All •parfitat . : ' .wfin•ti" i'n'T•thstuntitleugo°T.Clignievo' us a eall. • • • .h,u/ it• to their ad,- • (31Inton,./iuouit ,_,..._. littran near •Western ItOiat, . . . . . 5nIy.i2V, 1878, • • 'Ci/JvAxl-ty0LIIE fiv-aP1.111+tlIL:its,-aliovxn'IAL LAND 8,v ... ilano atreet, Wi:grericki:14 1',".")31- :-/owe. ..wingham, Aug.. 90877. ' 1.1 AND 'AUDIS at the Town.11e13, or at the resideoce of tin: sueseriber, neer the Lenlou, IfUron & Braeo Rahway - Station. • J.vnts" soorr, • • • • loaner 01 Marriage' Lieennoe. blinton,4r1lptir, 11370. . . •Teeteweenottseemzetecalame. A110:Vg -1.1•• Ittihad ie to the statieo; and is thor- oughly reneenten..1:1nooglwial en.1..new Affords geed. ac- t:oral:iodation ferthe travelling public, 'Largo rtaienee an a gooll'hatAtlers,ia 9t1tuattlien. (9..eleeof,..11iporoin tis ear, erioiee,eee, 'Prole tette,. ' • 19 • • T 0. lucleeesn, reetreeene,ee eeetTent or utiarr the 110W Quitioxias101-e: or for taking Atnilarvita queen's Dough, for coofi: ties of 11IIL'00 it101131.000. th.os:oyaueolg.dooe, end, is Leasea, eifils, Contracts, 100, 1),4d4, and :qui.: I•te s. l'ees siachal,opposito Pollockts ; • • noxr At:VA...Aeon 0.0.i.L'INETATEin' - Baylielit, Sept. 14, ' . • • . . . . LT.VJNIGSTOX, TATO CIIICACO, ..11,-L 6 .pjaa.0$011. Thtir.DE'Ot0I114.‘ b0I400fIl4 401 Ain .3ir...11ebeere; tloelreg 1,0 intimate to the lute. 13o thathastill contionethe sepia at the ola sionaond hopes to rectiv'e a centinuatiou of the troupe° ace:na- b:140f predecessor. Ladles Mir Work a special:V. • nficn, u„. , i$78, • • ' . • •-• -111-ASON. St• fit/nett% ' eecouuteuts, Anetioneure, riro IMO 110/1-1110100 Cr01101.01C01001W4190 Ag: tad. Insurance two -third cheaper thau orainary o t ft t 1 ' a EillE OtiOttitiNliffiEr -.ititCEOHEAO have On hand PS:luitio. pod; well-seleetod It stock 'of G.ENERAL . . A.E; ever offevul IA • L. .1l•T • T *9 INT: IC.4 A S-Ef. , QTJSTOMEAS pertiettle11,y invitee: tn INSIltat 07111 STOOIC, mat conipare li.;fero purchasing elace hero.- ; IVO :tee sell -WW2 lhs. _good Ten, tei:oo, nee Crockery and Glessevero a .5pecialty. , • enter 0:00as erov,ortioe. . custeetereern Anar,Mr. 0.11,-:•A'fitto r‘.1: o:f Diette counter for:sale. Clinton, .Inly1.8, 1878 • • • . . , . c s , an rs -,: aes Stick an IlutualCompanies repro,- . • , . settled. '.1louoy to Mom eira all kinast of property • CI AL - IT l'A RUS bougtit rtha s41.1. I/eat:rate eltoirgei. UM co-ltru.-, Sr HENSALT, , • ' -• • ' J91,4 11•WONr • ' ' ' Jusarn Ifrosox Ootatniasioner 111p1114SUpt 01' - , COEIWE.S1111001". Illarrin co Licensee •• ' • 0-0A11,11 WRIGHT.. • • • . , . , - -movrmatailc; .-ST-It79TE022-;--WO2f.e+13 * at the Ccrozecrcial Irotel,Clinten; the: dna Thins+ iteir and rriday of •oves•y month. Teeth Inserted its the latest style Teeth, with exposed nervts treat rcl, filled, and outdo gooa as.souna once. . teiele e01. I DM ED BANX or CA NA DS.' 1,4t11n, ioronto, proprietors f or the Don:haws. . • • . • spectaele met the :mem "Upon hie side ley . Selected and Vr,btri'ilit . . an old man cletliricI ie wet and tattered • • _ ._........., • garments, alMost defid. Ile appear•ed not 'I' El..b.0-1.1, l'i'.',V.1` ir IjIMAL.I. REMEDY: ' • . *OA lil'.A.1.,,. ' 84, 000,0.6ii, . to notice therm aroune hitts• , nor the noise • . ---; made by the dogs, but his liagge.rd' and 161% -..51tIt'*. PnitIOrlort10,141.. i'NE'll.iS • • . ,. ... , ,... . sali0a fuee gave evidence of sotrie lingerie e • Thi e well known. meeticine is' no, i tandeitiou :.' • • ' ' • ' ardmation. : After Stimulants had been ad- but a euro and m safe reedy for, Female 3)141.sULIN,r2.0N AGENCY ministered be revive(' siittleieittly to tell buiticsand Obnetions,froin anyeausewhat: , ,. . '. . ' ' '. his storyoVIiieli proved a melt pit iable olio. over; and although a pswerfulreuredy it con- ----- . , Ho said his namo Was Timinue Loiebine, teens irothiughurtfulto the constitution. •' and. that his age wile fifty -.four yearn. He • TO MA10.11411}tfIrtSE triin ,FOUYth 1,11,O per eent allOWed 1/ •TABIBS • . boa been out of work for a longtime and it is peenliarly united,' It will, in a steettime onDeposit$:. bad seayched IA vein for some kind of em- I ining en the monthly ported with rogalarity, ill suceeee, he resolved to did IT Starvatipu, Pains in the Beek !ilia 13111/1/1+, Hearn:et:4es, t °17(4% ,:\•gaut. ployinent. Goaded to deaperakion by bia Tn, alleleicre of Nervone Mid tipincel Affostious, eeitigue on slight eicertion, l'alplirttioi Of the Peoceetledlo'tite BP"t where he wee'f"""' heart. Hysterics, Siete Iteedealiee, • Whites-, and lay go ter) with that TeSO/Otion, Ho lied been there .for eight, an:Ya, in all the painf tliseaseis oeotteioncile by a ieoraereit eyetein, these Pills will effect &cure pelting storing that .have taken place %Oren all other niearis have failed, .thiit time, yet his parprem watt not shaken) , Theirs lelle /rev° never boon known to fail Where theillrections on the 201 'epee of para.- Phiet, are wail observed.- For full par tiontare, get a pamphlet ,freo, oX agent. 1 • ,JOB 510SES 111W YOltg, Sou Pr.oxetteron. $1.00 ,wiel 1.2leente-for postage, enclosed to Northrop& 141,am,, Toronto; gnt„, general agents for the Doinimou. will insure a bottle emitaining ovor SOpflls by retilrli inail. . Sehlin Clinton by S. H. Coinbe end. George Chiatey; lilielcsou and E. tioanadon, Sea - pith; Jeleidartearronbrook; Parker a& Cattle and 31'. Jerdan, Godericht .0inneton, Bay • field; etts.13outbran,Itodgervilleiand 'nejlottlerse _ lititoban's tioaationna lemiaparottvlor.d India flubbor Porous mire, If you doubt tine go to your druggist Tbero never has been a tiind when the healing to get out of the way of somelurriber that nor his determination altered'. 'His ape was being heisted up. steppid beek pearance •thoroughly eitufiyined his- state - for that plireiose,:.and through 'a meet -bii eyes wero emit: deep into their trap door was precipitated to the tcpileer seeketeseind hie bailee were almost proerud-, of the tower, O. alarmed of 100 feet, .In. ing through 'hie ,skin, . . • 'the,. descent, and when 'about tiienty feet • . froin tbe trapdoor, he etruck a joist, wnete 4•"'• 113 3'00.'r W•orth 10 Cents e a portion . of his hieing vras scattered • , — around, Ile subsequentlyfell an the edge* Sicknese prevaile _everywhere, and every: of a puncheon, and was horribly disfigured, body emnplaite of souro cliseaee during "their Some time ago a man named Lafranee met life. When sick, the objiet is to get well' his death. by falling from the roof of the now to Say plainly no perorate this world same building, and strange to Si', the re- that ia suffering'seith Dyspepsia, Liver ,Coni. mains of both men were conveyed to the plaint and its effects, etch. as Indigestion, same -house, erartiveasszt;-"Stelt: licadtrelieg-Sear StiMit Heart Barns palpitation of the Heart, Deprese- gaYe a Stratf*1 PR" 1-14"0 latighe at ett Spirits. Biliousness, etc*, can take oftntle,i tht?yeay, and there are a good Aileen nowsrt without getting relief arid many other things, distance included, that the little blitig god takes no note of. We were reminded of •thia by a little romance which wane under our notice tho other day. Barly in the summer a citizen of Stratford %yea to England for a. pleasure trip, and was entrusted by a gentleman also of our classic town, and an old mid faithful .ern- ployee of tho Grand Trinik railwey-a conductor of 10 years' etatuling-with a very tender inessage-to less than 4 pro- posal of marriage to a young lady Whom he had loved in boyhood and of whom he Still cherished fond recolleotions. Ile tould not go tinEegicted for his brides -brit if she would "cross the briny" lie would gladly marry her, and give her a home in this now country. With what honied Words the woer by 'ataxy ,told his story doefi not appear, but certam it is that he was more success,ful than Wee John Alden in behalf of Miles Standish, for wider the ocean darn() file message by lightning- " will come." This much areangea, pre. paragons were made int the ammo tri tri atter' of the happy.. event., Letters passed to nod fro, and early in Atiguse; the young lady, true to the love of her childhood, eailed ••• and Uport sotto of the. passengers running . for Quebec, Arriving on Canriairin soil, back to the spot- tImY found tho body et it matt, the head of Whom heti been. complete - 1y severed, being picked up several feet away from the body, The was Samuel leteCarral, He was unmet. ried By his side was found coal oil can half full t,f whiskey. ailo 300tr by her anxious Awe, /Odd without More delay the twain wore made one, They returned to Strattord row days later, and that they mey ersjoy long life and happiness is the wish of an their Mende,. who by the way are not at all few in number, and got a trample bottle tor 10'c:orate mad try of so irianv different 'diseases luta been caused it. Regular size 7i) cents. Two dosee relieve you. • The editor of " Calitnt ES/blit9," in the Canadian Monthly is a Coneervative, end tho Coneereativeslijave been (inciting front hie pen for flometiree. Here is en °Meek, from him, however, that Ave vent - tura ta predict., they vi11 net refer to, and coming fromthe source it does, is very suggestive, Speaking, of the ",N'a- tlontil Policy„" (so-called), he. says: " What is it itt fact, if there Ite new by otitwanl application as the preseut, la tin undisputed fact that overlialf of the entire lee; pulation of the globe resort toile) use.of ordi- nary plasters, The . principal ingredients used in making these Plasters. tire' Owe Olibretion- or better known as the lerankinceiese of the Bible -Rube ber, 'and Burgundy Pitch hicli when scienti- fically eoinpounded, is full of electricity, and when combined with the pare medicinal gums, is feend to be one of tile greatest healing Meth. nmsever•bronglit beforo the -lumen ram • They are ecknowleged by all who has e used them to act quicker than :my other Plasters they ever before .tried, and -tbat ono of then Plusters will do more void service then a hun- elred of the ordinary kind. All other Plasters - aye slow of action, and require to be wen, con, Imeis of facts treeeible and .persistent ' tinita.111 to effect tor re; but with instant one is laeismefitecil8tTe- fthottt it 1 There is an air of jaunty tirelY ifretent.i the prtprnt will feet its offect, ehailatanism about the Opposition cam- paign Whieh is net assttring. The " leTa. pordier3; ii).'risitcsstfixtrilgg:ili°tIrt'liTtltr tIv4111niteng'ese.upe: Piasters. Arany wile itgave 'eleelnes'°•ifealeenito°f tional Policy," WW1. i.S sinieeptible of as many interpretations as timre aro Pro. iL•Mrtlii-oti'fatsilii TiCIRI)I'rjily=81'1,X' tlEild Ira' Vinei!il interests, seems to be unhappily eereaStriDeaf4lialtbied8iewveheitothi et hsNee ireosti:le eillkty:trehrlet: named. Everybody v114) 10 stlir01111" cootttaii„,ii, fa;ativ,witich is imparted to the system, from Intri times is promised a °Meteor'''. the is to grow , Tilndtarei ,7ortyh=oa:idt;t1ic.slriliE,,,,,rif.ifl „cial millenium ; everybody. octavo t mai A oure cure for Witt.X 2111.rlai.: rich and nobody be ally the wotsl. rrbe /i‘*xm TSIDIeN'D ABitleAST; ami Pitease, Moreover, of which Sig &Ain is arleine8atTableUB to three who 'few, a (JOLT) SO particularly proud and fond, ct 1. rod. iOneg cstanding,ttoreiyrtiot; nobtytteettleputtrsesyetentitilfeteh101e,Stvay, itIPengy:- .• proeity of tariffs,' sounds like the` jingle Ti'°N. .i)1114 even Of a baby's rattle, rather than the sober. SWeelteedRU WM 341,1.„,, 410, won oonsmorod aiotom of expori. rollevvreerttetdob8y1 tem.:B(41e 14, urportr,r,t, need statesmatiship. " , , Sold by all letittegrsta, °looks; Wathhes,Jewelleryo • . S. *FOWLER • Desires to retort Ilinsineerc thaok to his nonserei friertils and elate. ere,iorthellb ex al share of patron. age tbathohasre ceivcavehilt carry • lug oo loudness in Clintonottal hopes by a etri•t atten• tion 10 businega, and using every effort to ineetthe wan ts othis many friends, to contin. !tie to rotate their patronage, • • IT wonIa also fake Ode opportunity -of stating 'that 84 has taken big Non into partnership, wed that the boat. irencatittetsaitrtitlale Undo -toe rifyitiff .ItyWroblIt & SOX. The firm will keep A.m hand IllratOke1 S Speetaclee, . . :1011311 other articles to their lin t.e All eines of PipeRepeiroe and Metalled, • Repairing, elealsils ge. :lane on :dont notice, hi a workmanlike 21001001',, anoton.reasonablo tains. • LBEAT STRP.331`.t#011'ql 010 Tire Ifenitte.. to Clinn. Dee. 0.1877, ISEAAN .BROS., BRoxERso INSURANCE. and Gellgtal Amts. MoNeY teNe1.011 trOltTGAGE AT 8 Pitit IttOlITGAGItte 1101eGlIT, , • treeNOTIee OP IIAND DTSOOTINTED.efea tarrunrior AlfitAFWED o 111-lettfillilta. filr=41.e4ags Piee, Lite gad. Aediernt inmertore CompanieR rfpremiltd, AtIntera ron rio tLtr,tn tan Attatlitt1tOn CO2,11•;031•. Vat altrd ritr A stiOttst t o Asittorttitt:p 16..112,90V. WOOkir IUCOUIIO ,,,.,,,,I,.,,,,*.••• 13,000 gates lgwer than nay otber flonipany in Ghia eountre . mese-Nom A.O•tlieY Von the Coine,rd an:1 Inman tine of Stets:tort!. 071i0 Oldest anti moor reliable Clues radsolnit the Atlantic. Tiosirets. wool at lov oat. rates, hero and tO Clinton, to arta fano Greet BrIfeln. OFJI'JQE o,i 111::119174S'Ir. CILITPOW. cA tST 1*X1C)04. ,Cfits tot, Apt1r2•1,181$, . . • ••. • • • . Ttele Ite)YAL PeAbef ie it•more 'etitain (.13j- for pain, in's, Wider range of cases, agreeable Medicine thee any other to the ; •evea tliough we dosay 11 ,otlutnuunu1actnnrw1iI-dnro' to s everything froina, core: on the too to a dish) neck. It needsno highly exaggerated 'nufh beieg ene of the few things which sell on the • • own merits,. .. it is mi purely vegetable produetion,und is perfectly safe for tui :afloat of any ag4. 5 1 a perfect. specific:, for Dysam.tory 11 cares Quingy;Ilicerated Sore Throat and niithosris, Normosneadatilo, Neuralgla,Tiodoloroux; and S�iatte. Cholera, Cratops and pains in the storeech and bdweig, Inllatorealleti/SVetuads, Druises, Sprat:co, Burns, Seoslitsirrost.biteg, &c, • Pritio, 23 cents, • . „ J. IL •• p ' • . - --SOLE A GENT* ' oilLy.NTek.ri... • 99.8 • ' + . ' . . MRS: BESLEY'S . , . :*ILLXI4E17 . 'Zstabiitolment .. 4:::a::°161E±eE1Sa't'iLo.wi. lts; . SIMS:nd RSBOXS, :tho noweet ahlos. Also, iarsdatoa:of PEL:T :nd STRAV 111TS, et th0:st.01181,3.. . . , Ataint for Burrow:es PATTEEINS of gartocuts of all aosoriptiqns ; a 1 ergo :Stock kept ea hroad . ' Felt and 4traw slats eteaned and:altered 01ittion.3)4t.18, 1877: ' • • Itomi.teOtio's I.L 1.181 rrinn SOhllhiUTtitllt ltbisPi101'IrCILLY BEGS TO ilifetna the iratehitamtsof Clinton attilsOrronnalog ecoutirp that luthaa sterteddkin . • . • • NEW SAW,...MIL (1X 111000 Opposite, the Greet Western Statirin And ig PseParad to ' 7ti LOIld 011 4h111:68$ or cheap /or Colt, • I tt has oleo 0( al Mattson hand, 101 sale.• '181. 0/C)tilq,cra4tP41.1.-1 OW. er,mior, 1300T t‘i ROE STORE. • W. TAYLOR • .1Votild tale this :dans ct tbanking ids cistern:nu toe the Metal vs:renege xtroaca lain while fo businesa core, nod ifeilla ONO .E.Ift‘tfil E31E111, tbot, haring pnr. ,clitneA llie Prelaf,( la* cieetipP4 1111- Gca Cladley, , On the opposite sile. of Albert Street to his old sting, . he has opeand eut thetela a largo and Vatted stork cf BOOTS AND SHOES, Witten he oilers at veasonatifterarea. Ile feels Assaitrea Cott, from bis Moro:sea faellities, he la in rt better position Wen 0801 1,) meet the %IAN. Of all 1114 castomera. niveiat atinntion paid.to .01,3tont Work A call retopee`Iftdia $011eital. tAvt.0/1, c:i..tat,:rsoe:47 • .