HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-05, Page 3SPTErizl3Eit I> 1878.. HUMORO'CTS, .All for Lora•• ->The Oanadtene. • ' Natural selection—MMlarrylnq -for love.Nice thing •for a slot day—A, A cool T p y-- thousand. , , Struggle for exiet.etwee Marrying without Money The best household retveipts•,e-' he re. eeipts on your tradesmen's bills. Brown thinks there is -always pinch feesibility about the advice of 9 lawyer'.. You need not think that if you maul .and tease a kitten it will develop into a Maltese oat. ' What have you to reinatk, nie;clatn, about my singing 1' ' Nothing, sir •it is not remarkable.' .What is .that which never asks ally questioue, but requires many answers swers -,-The street door.... • Hop Bitters.—Taking your,ugirl to a. " hop," and having some�¢th'l% :fellow dance with her continually. A sailor visited a city where they;, the said, ' copper -bottomed the, tops .of their houses with sheet lead.'' • The label upon a bottle of ague re- medy, requesting the patient tq shake well'before using, is superfluous. ' No noose is good' news,' exclaimed the fellow who was about'to be hnnge.d,. when the sheriff informed him of his pardon. The bill of a plumber in Paris .lately contained the . following •.items-•..•' To searching for gas leek,, two francs; to having found it, three francs' ,t A Iailg"was asked'to join •one of the divisions of the Daughters of Temper- ance. ' She replied 'This is unnecessary, as -it is my intention to join one of the. Sons in the cant:se of a few weeks.' The fate of a repent religious' news paper eutetprise in Chicago induces ils proprietor to remark, with scene acerbity Now let the devil forolose his mortgage. on the town as soon. as he wants to' A lecturer, addressing a mechinies'` institute, contencled that '•Art Could not improve Nature,', when one'ef-theaeudi-:' encs set the whole assembly • in a roar • by exclaiming ' How would you look. without your wig 2' • ' Mark Twain thinks. that soda -water is not reliable for a steady drink: The. next morning, after drinking thirty-six bottles, he found himself so much large er that he hadn't an article • of clothing-. he could wear, except an umbrella. A gentleman on• getting a ghiss of soda -water was retiring,t'rom the store without the usual little ce peony that Pillows' that operation - ' Recollect, sir,'• said, the polite proprietor. "ii you -lose your pocket -book, you didn't pull Word here,' .. The Prince of Wales was lately on. a visit. to Bristol. •Afterbis• c eperture the following adverisement appeared in a local newspaper : ' The'comb Used by his Royal Highness the Prince,of't'Vales last friday is for sale. • Apply to----, hair dresssr, street, Bristol.l.',:. Amateur sportsman: returns in, tri umplt from a day's shooting with . a splendid hare, and says to his wife, ' There, you said I couldn't shoot. You didn't expect to see me bring this homer' ' Yes, I did ; the servant next doer .easy - yon buying it round the corner.' In a street -ear, in Philadelphia, an old gentleman was seated in ,one 'corner, and the car full. A bevy of fair ones, .. of all ages and weights, sevarined in and there was no seats. Whereupon they gallant old gentleman shouted aloud, ' Ladies' • I shall be most happy to give my seat to anyone of you who is over' 32 years of age.' All remained standing. 'What is the defendant's character for truth and veracity V asked a Maine. lawyer • of a witness..., ' Wall, now, 'squire, •she allers used Me fust -rate, I'll be blowed if she didn't. As' for voracity, 'squire, why, bless you,.: that was her big holt. Why I've seen that air gal eat a whole'-- Berg_ asked the witness if he understood the question. ' • • A. Sunday .school scholar, only aY; years old, was asked by his teacher :--- Why they took Stephen otitside the city to stone him to death 1' 'The little fellow was Silent for a moment, it!i though absorbed with theproblem, when, brightening up snddei:Or he re- plied eplied : ' .So that they could get a• bet- ter crack at hitrl.' Two Highlandmen, kilted in.primitive order, dropped inadvertently lute an Episcopal chapel on a Sunday,' and seated themselves in a comfortable pew. Having never been in an I piscopal chapel before, their astonishment cannot be described on a , beanitful ,synpliony being struck up fry the organist. ' At that instant a gentleman calnt3 - o take possession, of the seat, and civilly laid his hand on the shoulder of one of them, and pointed to the door. ' Il.00t,.toot 4'• cried the Highlander, r tart out Donald there, he be far better dancer than me: Tlfll r.MITS(1 Ifr T,rs s)nt'ott's 1 slept in an editor's bed last night, when no other chanced to he nigh TL,w I thought, en I tumbled the editot'4 bed, now nosily editors Hot ••-1 3cohangc. If the lawyer slept in the edit•sr'ii bell "When no lawyer ehaneaqdtd bo 01)111, And though, as above, holiias'fitilve13 dale. How oddly editors lie; IIo mast then admit, es ha lay Olt that b48 And slept to his heart's desire. What'er he may' say of the editor'o'be8, 'Twee the lawyer iilnistlt wits the lies. .# Turr1bto bvnehing Oceuv, • :Infuriated C 'itizens'rise en masxe anti Lynch a , 'reeve-, F.t'is Punishment 2ustly Ne'itecl. • 11.,Shelbyville special to the Nashville 4vzerica4 says Dennis. Beier was lyneh- ed hear that town, banging from the same limb from which two.negr6 ravish. ers'•were' swung in September, 1871, •73olor had been.living' in the Thompson Creek neighborhood for a year,'and lat- terly lived with Patrick Williams, a fanner, William Martin, \`P•illiams' son•in:law, lived near the hatter, A couple of .nights previously, 1Villiams end 3I:I'artiu were absent ou a deer hunt, and their wives ,were left at home alone after night, Belor went to the house. of Martin with a pistol he. told Mrs.' Martin be had come toprotect her from some rowdies and 'women` of ill•: fame who were pl:owliltg i),1 •that vicinity,,' Mrs. Martin says: she was afraid Of•• Be: loi, but as he insisted on staying about. the premises as'guard, and asCs110 had no Ounce of escape to her mother's. ' Iaroceca to sell, by .Public Auction, the said lands, or so,much thereof as may be THE:CLINTON' NEW EM TREASURER'S LANDS Po COUNTY 01? HURON, To WIT By virtue of Warrant, issued under the fraud of the Warden oC the County of Huron, and' the Corporate Seal of the said County, bearing date the Fourth day of NTury, A, D.,1878, to me directed, for the coitection of arrears of.taxes due on the un- dermentioned lands, I' hereby. give notice, that-unless'tllesaid„taxes, together with all lawful Costs and charges, be sooner paid, I will, on , ' Wednesday, the .Fourth clay •of ..December, next, AT TRE HOUR OF UNg. Q'CL.00K, P. NI., AT'TH " • Court House in the Town of 6oilerich, house, she .retired 'to lied with li,or young -baby. towards morning Bjlfor forced file entranoe.to her room to outrage bei She 1 epleaded' i h iand SZt litlt.t 1? w "sisted-for a long•tiaieuntil slie was so exhausted that -she could scarcely lift her stand. - Then the inhuman monster Accom- plished his. purpose, almost;crushing the life from her infant,.%Mali she had 'been frantically holding to her breast in the hope of deterring the brutish boast from his worktf which' he finally accoiliplislied''only half an hour before' daylight, and then he threatened to kill her if she told any .one of the ontragn. 'Returning to. Williams' house Pelor mounted one, of.his best 'horses :and went' off to a neighbor's; two miles distant,. and was helping .him to saw board tim- ber when he was arrested at 9. o'clock. Mfrs. Martin, though nearly. dead front.,;; the.: Horrors of the night,.\wis.'able `to•' give,the alarm at nn early hour, and e. crowdof indignant and excited citizzeus were quickly. on Belor's track, and soon.' _arrested him. «• • IIs 'ir13s .taken before..a mngietrtjte,: and'- besides Mrs. Martin's own,: state. tnent the proof'• ng dnst'liitli }wits over- whelming, By this 'time• the e:coite ment was intonso and it was ii .ill ciilty that•cool-headed oitizens'saved Be- ier froth being lynched at once. Wan - while I'tartin, the husband, -had return- ed and was crazed over the.recltal of' the outrage upon his wile. and he was only' prevented. by • force from ldllirlg Belor:orf .the spot. . At 6 o'clock Con, stable • .Arnold •and five well arinecl Men started.•with`Balol r'the Shelbyville jail; twelve mikes dist. t. • By advice of'citizerls he avoided al the there pub ria thoroughfares; is er' travelling throngh the woods he e. deeded iii get-' .ting just inside the corpo to liruits,`near the railway •depot, when ti, :large crowd • of men, 'some of wbon were; disguised, suddenly rushed out :frons behind the engine house and freight cars and in a twinkling the surprised officers were overpowered.. ' The mob seized the Ilrisbner anis fired a pistol as a signel,'which was answer- ed by peculiar whistles from • all parts' of the town.. The clans at once gather- ed. Mounted men rode tip, joined the party' and all hurried away- with Beier. and hanged him. All the streets of the town Iad,been picketed• with strange horsemen, who allowed stone to pass un- til Delor-w.as. in their custody. top The-bodypiesented a ghastly and 1'e- volting sight'as it swung in the morning sunlight. A' black end swollen tongue protrtldecl': from. the Locking hideous month. • It' was believed that he had negro blood in his veins, though be passed as a' white man. • lite await, A policeman discovered a negro and a big watermelon in close company in an elle and, refusing the temptin slice offerer to an, sat. ' You stole that nielon on the market" ' Days '11at1' yes ori de tow path, boss —way•off one 'side,` was the calm reply: ' Did you buy it.? Come • along and pdint •out the pian you bought it from.' • 'No,•Z didn't buy de tnelan, boss traded fur it.' ' What did you trade i'. ' Now, • boss, what's de use ? Reeh. T is, heah ant do melon) an' wo stn jes' eatill` each oder tip like a tornady,.' ' What did you. trade'? persisted the ofilcer. ' ! Wall, if I mus' tell den .I mua'...1 traded a mule and a waggire for dis Melon,' • ' I clarl't bolietre.it.' t ' T spected yon wouldn't boss, kaso yoii, dean' realize like I'do how cheap mules an' waggins lit'z become, an'. how do price of melons hoz scooted up.' ' iroll'll Have to conte along,' said the officer., • Tow, boss l' 'The .ilfficer stepped fit ward. and (Tis Ms - coveted. Wb 111610118 behind n bolt. XIe turned for an explanation, and the lie- gra. said ; 'Deman fro ,in dose odder tuyo mel- ons lease I frew in a halter 'long wid de mule 1 De prieeof halters ani away down, boss—way down what' even de poorest kin have haler soup free times a day 1' • su'il1eient'to discharge.sueh arrears of taxes and the chargee thereolt. • La part o ` • Patented or rte r i t 4 P C uc �aI ai r Stxe , 1'Ca. NInn4 Lot • o e • u. 0 ap ,�"�c... Uupatentad, litlpu - ' Costs U1 Taxes F CQni- Taal., nti a 3 Q l i ._ " TOWNSHIP OF; ASHFIELD, ''''''` 11 pt or: E f- 5 .. 1st 11 Division 53 Patented $2 3 1 1 80 est !i2' •N pr 1 , ,. 3rd W Division 40 . Patented 52,03 1 63 23 71 N *4 .. 8th WDivision • 100 Uupatcntetl, ' 49 08 • 2 33 61 44: TOWNSHIP OF GODERIOH. W pt 18 .' B l0} Patented 4 08 I' 20 6 18 5, W. Collins..,,., Part 3 'Maitland • 4- Patented • ., '.• 1 50• 1••1,3 2 60 IseaoIr. King...�.I3art 5 . nlattltuul • 2• Patented1 60 . 110 2 00 \'en. Millet ... Part 4 , .'," Maitland 8•` Patented 3 10 . 1.18 4 37 2,W Conms .:.. Part 106 ., Alaltlan( Patented ,. 3 63 118 4.80 James Craig Part 100. Maitland Patented. .. 0 30 1 35 7 61 2% 5V, Collins . Part -107 07 :nI,lath ntt PatQnted •6 '36 1 25 7'00 John ••Part:207 ., Maitland - .Patented . S73 118 401 :L part 5 .., layiield 43 • Patented 31 30, 1 70 20 00 ° VV part 5 . • ..Nyack' 42 Peteetet! 1 04 ' a 1 06 22 a4 .s88 wr, TOWNSHIP OF ,GREY •• 4100: 1 npatontetl 29 01 - 1 80 100 lnpatsnted.: .20 01 , 1 SO • 100 • Vnpaten ted.. 31 67 1 88 • ,... 100 °Patented 33 0.0 1'03 ,13ti1• 13th ,14th , lath • • c-jWN0,1-i1P• oF•. HAY. t4 2. a . 40th . , ' 50 'Patented .. D 32 1 ',33 • s *o1 .N 9 ,,. Lake 11•oad 1 ,t' 32,4 Patdntctt .. •13 .05 1 40: VILLAGE' OF . URIOH, I'N. HAY,.. 5 tinelI's Sttri ey 1-5 Potential •, '• 1-:i Patented 73 •• " 1 n Patented 3 3.4' "11 Patented 44 ::(r 1-5' 'Patented ..1 I, " 1-5 Patented:3 01 i, " " 1-$ ' Patented: 3 0.4 TOWNSHIP OF : HOWi0K.; . • 8881 80 81 .33 45 34 83 • 10•05 14::45 110 13a• 1,70 1.56; 118 .432: ,1 19 : 4'6t 1 1� 4.52 1 11- ,4 10,. 1:15 • :4 10 Part v1 :;ici ` 1- l�atoniett ; I 14 4 04 1.1•i1• 1.03 Patented .. ,• 37 89 • VILLAGE O;;; GORRIE, iN TOWNSHIP OF HOWiCK. • '• Patented i, 8d 1:.13 2 06 VILLAGE' Or'M•ANOI4ES ..Als,I..TOW.NSH1P' OF. HULLFTT• 3 1-6. Patented 0, 1 10 3 08 Tov NSHJP OF 1Mcic1LLOP. 14th 80 t'eto,tal Q T I G On and after this date, Z will sell no goodson.. credit,. the trouble in collecting trifling amounts being such that x have, decided to SELL EQIi. OAS}I ONLY, or keep the. goods, All outstanding accounts must be settled at once, and without further notice, as z am inli sing arraklgementa to go out of the Book and Stationery business, and the books must positively ° "bo oloned at once.. ., +'LY.tTT�TQar 45T3-rie, nay entire stoolof NVa1R Papers ; being all new and exeelient patterns, dao baetter op.•• poi biaa,ity can. be• 'Lad. for Il ol�tise- keepers ._ ; ettxn these Good.s at %Vho1esal> trleot . 11L,.t•L,.1T - ;-.. U TT, entire stock. of 'W'indow '.Papers: and Caret ']Felt. :1131 E-3 our-r,_'taw :t entire toe of l bles, .Prayer 313ooks, and Ilymn ]3oo s.; .• 'TJI..TT'Ta'r :0i 7OLI; uny cats wt of '.11vNiseell,aneconS ).wetter Paper's, .Note :e per ;, ]u-' Nrelopes . a,n41 . full • lines in jalanIc • oo1its. and 011lee •*"tatio1aer .at_. Jobbing- ^.. ^�n{�. �&. �.� 3''� . e.ri o 0.D il.�ing- .SL •�.i�e 3s . • ilbte the Stand --Next door to R..Callander 8 Co/se, 2'i;; 19 42. r .. SIGIti 61� TREBlfs I GOK, '1 r",Pl'.tSS AND, ThLE.CxfIAPH. OI IXC , N. part 1 0.'G1 • 1• la•04 OIinttil7 July xi, .1873. .. estioEssemactrzsraostarsesusinom • TOWNSHIP :OF STANLEY: • South Pert :.-- 1,ayftcld'/load North- ,, 75 Patented .• 4744 ' 31 is 49.72 V.iLLAGi^ '.OF''EGNIONDViLLE, IN` TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH, '. •10' r!r..t',t , :} Patented. ,. 2.51 1 1.5 3 06 VILLAGE,. OF HARPURHEY,. IN TUOK'ERSMITH, 2) Loxia and t#alt'µ 1-5 Patented, 1 13 1 13 °' 71 2•b , Survey 1-t; Patented •14 1 10 1 61 25) 1-5 Patented 54 1 10 . 1.01 VILLAGE OF 13LUEVALE, IN TOWNSHIP OF TURNSERRY. 11 `, 3. Otolon'n Suri. ei :4 . Patelted 9 17' 1 13 4 35. `.411 ... IMnoan's Shrroy- . . # . Patented .. 0) • 1 10 3 00 VILLAGE OF WiNGHAM,-i'l TOWNSHIP OF 'rURNBERRY.,. ,Pail( Yillae139 . " village 169 Village 171 • Villa+esl•172. . ". Village 231 V'IIlage 233 Village 315 1 Patented Village 11 ..:.Fisher's Survey • 1-5 Patonto01•y., 61 - Patented . 13 i7. 1 5a. Patented ,. • 4 47. ' 1 20 • Patented . '10 74 1 35 Patented 7 08 1 28 . Patented . 4 01 1 19 . Patented 0 s, 1 25 Patented ,. 0 74 1 25 93 1 10 4 70 1'20 20 38 5 67 12 00 8.17a r. 10 762 7'90 , 203 6 90 • „TOWNSHIP OF ,EAST WAWANOSH., - • N i 33 7th ' • 100 Pateutad 53 SD 2 42 56 34 : ' • TOWNSHIP • OF WEST WAWAN;OSH' . • 'lei . 10 ,.. 1st 100 Patentee. 10 60 . 1.358 ' a!1 17 15th 400 .P,tented .. 18 35 I G:, 10 00 .'VILLAGE QF DUNGANNON, Ylr1 WEST WAWANOSH: .38 • ... 3/Meth's Surrey. k Patented ., 1 17 1 13 , 2 I0 • VILLAGE. OR SAYFIELD..' %7th 171 ... 'Patented .. . 101 • 248 231 562 :164- ,., s n 463 , 673 '. 711 73`'2 776 777 ' 77.4 " 779 78•r 751 752. 753 • 7'80• _01 7.534part 5- .::. I xirgo 1' • 4- PatentedPatented' Patented Patented - enelPatt.. i Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented Patented, Patented I Patented Patented Patented. Patented Patented .e Patented 4 Patented VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS. .,7 - Patented 210 ,... Patented.325 Vv raft 3t ::7 4 Patented * VILLAGE OF • E)ETER.. if, Tayfor'9 Sart ey' • • :. ,'a 1'atetitetl 1'ranee1t0W3 S310Vey.,.. n Pat�iittil VILLAGE OF WROXETER. • Hon Mk Street, 3t1,t,,.. § Patented 11 57 3S 72 • VILLAGE OF WINGHAM. 1 13 301 lis. 13 110 35 7 10 201 118 23 1 10 '23 8 11. 10 1.10 219 111 23 1 10 1.02. ..1 10 1 02 • I 13 3 05 3 0`2.. 1.13 3 61 33 1 10 1 33 33 1 is 1.33 133 110 133 133 110 133 2:3 17') 133 W3 1 10' 1 33 23 1 10 1 33 23 1 1s, 1 33 23 110 .133 50 '1 10 1 0) 2 74 4 16 1 49 1 42 3 14 1 33 1 33 1 3s 33 11 0.5 • 0 5,1 s 36 13 (03 3.13 3 299 130 1040 1 30 • • a 06 1413 1500 1 18 •t 73 118 .4•"•• Park 6 . Josephine Street ..,.'2 1'ateutell ., Park 35 Lessilail'eva3portion.... ..5 ,,l'atentcri $1111 Reserve,. .... • 7 Patented Village 1,0t369 ... Government. Survey ,... .1 Patente d . h21 &f3 .,.. Francis Street . Iat,}atQlt — Stutter Street ... Patented 11 ... Sadlor'a,Survey 1.6• Patented l: ..., uledlafll'sSurtey ... Patented 0' - ..,. ,1 " .... i'atentetl 7 , • , " " Patented .,,* k rAt0lktwl Iatcnt0d ,. 'Patented ., , Patented .. 10 I1 County Treasurer's Oftice, , EGodcrich, .July 4tlt,1878, j it 10 n w ,,.. 1 617 3 00 4 611 7 a,r r• 93 1 416 3 06 5 66 a 06 2 00 `' U6 3 09 (11 2 Cif 113, . 7 42 1 18 5 17 1 •30 6 83 1'Y•i• 027 1 1:r 1 00 L 18 2 r!) • 1 95 ,1 91 1 15 13 81 111 3,31 115 3341 11i 131 115 3 S 1 37, 3181 • A. M. ROSS, n•.. Treasurer, County o 1'1!uron. NOTiCE,::N:OTIC.E.;,. .NOTICE. .I. OSI •1'.I W' EL'..e DIT Goons 64 SOLD :AT. OW $ :L s PRICE 6iilfcr and fggs Cali. HUGH .WALLA E & co. LoNLSBOr0, 1Vtarch 7 1878,