HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-09-05, Page 2THE 6LEN.ITON NEW ERA. SEPTE1LI3ER 5, 1878. At The Lnot. Thero must he soreething'after fl thitl Woo, • . sweet fruition from thrl',11arrowed lutst; Hest Aome day for title lliteing to Anat1:13; A tender sunbeam and dear flOWOrti At fast. There will bet something when thee° dap aro 44p, Somothlng more fair hy for than starry nights, A prospeet limitleso, no one by ono Embodied castles crown tho piny beighte. So cheer up, heart, toul for that morrow wait I Dream what yost will, blit-Preial toward the arc= ; Let Pitney guide dttll effort through the gate, • ' And fabo the current, would she cross the Strealn, Then, when that something liee atlmait tho way - Coming unsought, so goed things seem to do - 'Twill prove beneath the dash of setting dav A nobler mood Win now would heekou you, For, lifted up by constant, forward strife. Hope will attain 80 170trr0101,0 abeiIit, There can be nothing found within this hie After thio day to form a Wing night. Bo heaven alone atoll ever satiolS• " Anil God's own light be ever light Omni& To guide the purtlled, ennobled oye ' Toward the smooth whiCh Jies boYend the rough, • . There will bo something wheallaese olouds'skira by; A bounteous yielding from, the fruitful Pilst Sweet peace me ecet emu teo Pamtway E'en though but death and flowers at tha laot: monnansmansiss Two Catstaways. • A Five Days' Struggle with the liravei-Adrift on he Ocean without a Compass or 13earing. — . Two castaways arrived at this port yesterday. They relate a most touching sterY of their miraculous escape •from a watery grave on the, one hand and star- vatide-On the 'other, 'On the ninth 'ef July Jerry E. Grey and john ,11'. Mor-• gan, of the vessel Isaac Rick engaged in cod -fishing off the Banks of :Newt foundland, were ordered by the Captain, James McDonald, to maa the dory and pay oat a set of trawls. It was then growing dark, a stiff wind was blowing and the sea was running high, but, with.. out questioning, the men obeyed orders and we've soon tugging at theiroar, in obedience to the connuand of an incon- siderate officer. The trawls: .extended about half a mile from ' the . Veseel, but before they had completed ' their task the wind inareased in fury, the little dory filled with water. and .00mpelled the men to abandsm their trawls and to. work for their lives. They sueeeedell in partially bailing o,ut the frail deft, when a new horror burst upon then). They were pet of sight of the Vessel ! Night had closed in on them', and the darkness Was nrade doublyimpenrble by a dense fog that had sot. in. , Nyi.th nO CO Ill pass and 'no bearing,nob even a star to guide them, tho lost $mayiners pulled- at their oars, vainly beping.:thad they. knight Itiokily reach the'. vessel, The .dreaey hours of a stormy . night dragged their slow length along,' while the castaways occasionally laid on their oars and called at the top of ..their voices to their comrades oh the 'Vessel, to be .mocked by the Ye:twang winds and angry waters that were: fait .cerneing them away. .Mornina .. came,: but brought with it no my of hope. -• : All that day and the. eucepecling night, -with no abatement in the. tempest or lightning • up orthe fog, the brave' men' kept tit their oars in a desperate struggle for life with feeeful odds against them: The second day was 'ushered in with a clear sky, and the stout-hearted 'men , bailed, the rising of the bright sun as ' e binger of coming relief from their.peril. About noon the men spied a 'vessel in the distance, , which seemed ,to be ap- proaching them. Hope sprung forth afreshin theirehearts and .nerved their. fast -failing arms ' to :renewed ' ofreits.. They tried to signal the vessel, -but. in vain. As if taunting them with their distress, the ship dranged ite • bourse, leaving the heart -sick end helpless men to the mercy of the waves mid of their God. Then they begante feel -the pangs of hunger aud thirst; but 'with no ineans to relieve themselees of either. • The third .day 01f110' and went; alcio the fourth, but no gleaut.of encouragement came to cheer with hope tize hearts, or the tempest -tossed. A pie.ce of ' egilicl,'• or gristle, used for fish bait; was found in the bottem • of elle dory, ,ared was eagerly devoured. Driven to despera- tion, they at last drank the -salt water, which only intensified their, suffering. They had ransacked their pockets and eaten the last scrub, of tobacco, and 're- solved next on eatieg theirclothing, whioli consisted onlv. of oiled cloth suits and woollen jackets. Several ' times they had given -up all hope, but, .fortu- nately, when one . lost heart the. Dther tock-COUTage-,Iristl f16. the struggle continued. The fifth day of their. bef feting with the windseand waves cattle, Thearien were fast' losing their strength no food having passed their, lips ,tot' five deys - and hights, and no tveatee; •Save from the salt sea, which only inerefteed their thirst. Ono of the men had given up and laid down in tbe 'bottom of the frail boat to die With fatigue and 'star- vation, or to be swamped in thaserging sea. The remaining one, as if in fierce struggle With death, put hie hands, .all ready raw, once mord to the oars, and for the last time , Tha. waves were still running mountain high. tilte a toy the little craft was born to the (vest of the mad billows, -and thenext instant lost to view in the watery valley. Tires were the helpless inen carried' out to sea, while the false hope of reaching New- founclle,nd Banks lied given them elmost superhuman power' to endure their five days' ordeal, which had darried them 167 mike from land. . The surging billows bear them high in the air once more. Theman at the oars looks behcl and orae toehis earn - ii rade fast sink ng in the bottom of the dory : 'For God's' sake rouse up, Xblenniet I .. A ship I a ship 1' As the vessel came newt they bent to •their oars with the desperation of dying men. • They signet, At last they are cliseoyered by the barkentine Ada CrosbYt of this poit, commanded by Gaptain Crosby, and they are reseued. With great difficulty the men and their dory were hoifitecl on board. 11Irs, 'Crosby having accompanied her lniebaed on.thie voyege, took the unfortunate men under her wee; rendering them. such assistance as only a wonnen43 gen-, tle hands can. bate*. For several days the Men wetenur- sed with stimulants, carefully iedminis- tered, and supplied with clothes from the eaptain's own wardrobe, and Irave been. brought safely to this port, One of the' men is the only support of $ widowed inothee and dependent bro- thers andezieters. ' Lightning. ., • 801110 taicree ilitheine its fatal work in. the United States, , The' 'preseht suninierlia.s been re-• :niarkable forthe number ;anti eiolenee of its tininder stories, and the' next (em- etic) will ,probably ,'Show n Unusually large proportien of 'deaths from light- 'neng stroke, Its it commonly knewn yhat is the proportion of, persons killed in this way in the :United States, but the statistics 'of the.subjeet eye eaeily at taitable 'Treat the census etiblecie and "to to aivosonae notion of them it is Only ne- cessary to .ocier that. in 1870—an avelage year -202 'cleathe occurred from this erauseLencl during the same -period only 203 person? cannetted anictide by poi- son, 201. ley firearina and 133 broutting 'their ..throets., In 1850 191. persoris 'weraltilled, by lightning, and 131 com- mitted selftmurder With:Poison, 112 with fli•earms. and 8.2 by throat -cutting. . Whet are called the'turioue. freaks' oflightping aro coetainly curious enough, bet 'perhaps they re not nestiseeptible or solution. A phenemeniin whicb seerne almost inevitable When the' eleef' tric -Strikes a man is that after passing through him fi•Oia) head to- heele eis it is popelarlysupPosed, sirtgettiegbis Lair, it 'rips cfrtho Belo or bis shoe. and departs ink) the ground: Probably this. phenomenon is duo to the same eausee iwilien makes a lifireitin both sides. of a Geed, through w1ichadischarge. from a Leyden' jar iepasseleethelaet, .na,mely that the meehanioal effects: .of trical dieCheree. are greatest at the' points at wilier), it. enters: and leavek e' conductor: 'Seyerel.casee are on record iii wbich a member of. schpol children. 'silting on le bench have been .strunk by lightning and .eeeeped': with their lives; except the tWe Who at at the eette- reitiese and the same explanation will serve in the mite cifei lady syho had her Week baiieuddenly torn. front : her head in chereli 'and sent ellyingethrengh the air,.while her ,boots.'were ripped:open,. Houses are eMnetimes teen Mitt° pieces by liglitning, which has an enormeuely repelsive and disruptive effect on: the air) to which, by the way, thunder it - Self is probably due. The ,newePapets occesionally.speak of ceetaip,' phetogra- phip.effeets' Whereby lightning. is selpe' potradtte pbotogeaph a. tree --always' a tree. ---upon the breast, of. some eine who Irappenedeto be near when the'e diseheree: • took place. The appearance OT the mark on the body is certainty' but that it was placed there by a 'photographic process ds an unsound inference, and it is fax nlore peobable that RS' arboriform.ap, pearance is the reeult 'of aneextravasa tion of bleed in the etealler vessels of the body, which might •• easily Ostend' this appeareece under tile violent dis- tenaon due to an efectiie discharge. :It Is not eedessitry thee the person thus .inatked should actually be struck, for'. during the main :diecharge exerting its greatest effects atUparticalartspotein- stentaneems ottri•ente are- created in neighboring bodies,' as everybody must have noticed whorhave beeneileghb near a Wire fence.in reheavy thunder stOrre,. when sparks appeal., ab every break in the wire. . If lightning killed only where it bit, the proportion.ef (teethe duo to it-woit cI be nitioll'ainaller than it 's. • are so over -taxed that they reftise. new came. In lVfemphis there is herclly a house net entirely vacant which does not con. tale sick or dead. The increase of fever curiong rogroes is frightful • The mortality ie so horrible that men who came into the ciiy formerly to do business and to leave at sundown, come eo *There. The whirl of the carriage bearing the member of sorne benevolent neeiety to a sick -bed is all the sound that breaks dre, the quiet of Ole dark arra dlsiltl night. The 'relief Reseda- tious are issuing three timeathe amount of rations granted by the povernment, and the number of the needy is inoreas- ed daily. • ' The disease is spreading, among the negeoes very, badly, The .hereism, of woinan has shone out ia it thoueand eases in the Jest weekeewhere she ()Huge to those she- loves till of the infection she herself passes out into the great beyond. You have tit e list of the deed. Think of cr'city abut 3,000 white pee- ple, and imagine how it is in this doom- ed arty to -night. We want besides nurses ,reore undertakers more hearses, -marc coffins. FP ve Unprecedeni&I Eavages Of the, ScoUrtle Aremphis, Heantrending .Deseription ,of ' and Desolation. The following are'tome of the must rebont particulars in reference to the eprecel of this fearful cliseacce in the South: To •haee lived in Memphis for the past ten days is almost to have grown grey with fright.' Tin; wild panic which seiied the city, the ecratuble for foot- hold' on eteambeet deck or car plattornl, the agony of fright pictured everysvhere; 011 eveiyoue's face were trying enough to the stoutest. More tryieg, however, it has beetx to sce the death -rate gradu- ally crawl up ; lo see familiar names on'the death -roll and in the record of the smitten ; tO witnoss the monster fingors of (loath relaxing and stretching forth to grasp a wider hold'on the clown. ea city. • The Board of Ilealth of :New Orleans believe the fever must now run its course. :Unless seine rare, 1netcoro1ogi7 cal eliange tekes plaee, the city will probably be swept thetteghoue by the epidemic. A. 'trange 'feature is Hutt the mortality amongst the negroes is nearly 60 per obilt. Jx. conyalescent young lady was so frightened by it ILIA Of Redlining yesterday that black vomit and death followed. Many physicians , Advertising for a Wife and lis Coneettneneetl: • 0r, Tuesday evening, about eight o'elock, a soeueeettgetrat eXcitement ox- eurredat Hee-street' Station, Waltham- stow, in the trapping of an advertising wifEL(?) huptere end whiele-pill no dqubt have a most. ealutary•effeot on theindi- Vidnetin questiOu for the remainder, of his life. . ••••• • -; The faCieef the case, as nerie ite Wo eaugleae; aro as follows adver- tisement for a'wife lieving appeared.ih. a daily contemporary,' eeveral geetlepiee werniedeced.to test the genuiponess of the announcement; and for that purpose 'cominupicittiene were' opened With , the advertiser (" &IPleci7). 14'"Flo.renee," of Wattleamstow . end by "Beta" LeWishany.we need notsoy both inythi-. 'dal' ladies of peeper Ey,. and after a.leugth- ened eoirespondenee ofthe meat gush-. Jog ,kirtd. With the faie ones, a meeting was 'aertinged by ."Tierettee" te thke place:at Hocestrect 'Staeion, The gay Lethario hadebeen aeked.fo *aid.' his. cette-de-visite, ...whiely was . done 'With, ;the u tntost prom pte.eseel' and,, cirMed -with tlxis proof of identity, his reeogiii- tioe was unenistelteeble. • The individt .nal in'question had. taken the; erected!' then, a day or so..previously to.:ectil.' at -the 1oai pest .ofeceand meke inquit•ies, as to the .gencler of the recipient of his letters, the answer to which inerat have, beep estietabtory, for at the appointed hour there 'alighted feme 'the train au oegeleite n' leinon-edlored,: kid, gloees, amIappeeently: got "it . for the .ciocasion,- regardieee of expense; to reekeea sure cOnquesfi."cif 'fihe confiding beait eif, the clansel .Whom he was to meat; but he had reckoned . without:his host, for•Nee Meaistirftiieahape of ebout .one hqn- dicd gentlenten, wastarking in thkim- mediate "vicinity. prepared te...giee him such 'a warm reception, as would len& itindelibly. etcuppeci • mettle memory for Sento then to .conitt, ..On *peering intherondhewas iin mecliatelyentrOunded, anifsnuclty qes ttous' snelf as; cleat lilorence arid " When qici ionlast hear frern die ,cherming .Betce?" Were put to him, to all: of which be professed the utmost ig, uerenee, stating that he .had come 'cloWn to See Some: friends' on. the Ireynaro . . . road, l'but onhispe,rtrerit beieg exhibited he plainly tfee "'little game" was .up, and • emleavored to beat a retreat to Alieestation. Mit this was Coutrary t� the intentions of his terrnentore, (Orb() :was immediately whitened With: flour, .hentileted,`. and. gently hustled back- %verde end forwards for seine tittle, However, the Pratforin was reached .at.last, accompanied by his entertainers (eteso.n, ticket. holdersY where his letters .were publicltread bye, gentlemethi with stentorian lunge, to 'the no Knell amuse- ment ola eturnber of passeeigeme. The 'station mailer 'and officials Acted with Yarn titude and endeavored to resthie• elioan ive ria, 'but what cotild they.do tetainst en excited crowd at last . hoe, - ever,' t ley sneeeeded in .plecingthe elan a.roora,,•froni which bo wits ecteottecl to the' train amid the derisive Cheers of tlete onlookers... • • • . scello, or .the comedy." teak place at Clanton Waal, whoro hernial° an Undignified 'exit from the. window of the 'compartment iq which he Was for peottetipe locked ; -the news of his' die: astretti. wooing having apparently pre- cede,' him 'along the iin.. .We doubt not that, judding from the -lesson received', he.will in future shun the enticements of "Florence's" end " Bete's" wherever the:SrAnny vesicle, Milting a Coat in a nay. Some years ago it gentleman m bet of 0110 thousand guineas, 11 would have a emit mado itt the o .ofix single day, from tho firse prbe el -tearing the sheep, to its eompleti the to.ikte.• The wept. Wail &cid, Newhery, ou.tha 2'3th of Stine, by..;:1.4. John Coxoter, ot (Ave, Mills, near that town. At five o' that tnbrning, 1ie john. Throcknai Bete, preeented two 'Southclown cheep' to 1eXr. eozetor. A ecordini sheep were shorn, the wool apu yarn spooled, .witrpped, loomed.). wove ; the clot.,,burrea, rowed, dyed, dried, sheared, end pi and put into the band of the tailorsby four o'clock that afternoon ; and at ttWleety minutes pasb este the goat, en tirely finished, was presented by Mr. Croxeber to Sir John Throokniorten, who appeared with it before an assem- blage of upward of 0,000 spectators, who root the air with their acciamatitjus. QUA.TEFULANDOOMVORTING :-.4'13y theroggh ciewletlee et the natural laws which govern the rperations of digestion and antrition,• and by s careful alpfliCatien, ef the fine properties ed well -selected cectra, Mr. F40Pa 114 1/ialrided. our brealrfairt tables with a delicately flavored beverage whicb! may save us many heavy doctors' bills, 11 is .by the judicious use of such areioles of diet that a constitutioe may be gradually built trp an - til strong enough to redid everteneency to disease, Hundreds of subtle maladies are floating around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak point, We may escape Many a fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well forti fled With pure blend and a properly nourish ed frarde."-Civil Service Oazette.--,-Sold only in Packets labelled. —" Jtxeis Errs &Co., lie mceopathie Chemiets,•4.8; Threadneedledtreet and 170, Piccadilly, London!' "tritli.YBOHY SAYS $0.7-Thah all who have either used the article themselves or witnessed its effects when used.bY others ; ali such, and they are only fit to iudge, are unanimous in the opinion that "Darley's Condition Powdere and Arabian Heave Iteneely" is ,superior to anything of the kind heretofore. or at present in use for coughs, cOlds, thick wind, • and al diseases whioli offeet the wind of horses. Aa a condition inedieine it has no. equal ; there is .nothing brit whioh can hijuro elms° whether • sick or welL-nor need the horse be It ept froth working; while using it ; it is just the article which all who own horses require, and which they 'should have constantly on hand. Ile member the noine, and see that the Signature 6£ 'Turd and Oti, is ot-each package. North rop `,OrDith0, One, proprietors for ()anode. eomMon cough or cold shou'd never' be trifled with, often when neglected it is convert ed into a serious and generally fatol puhnonary disease, The. MON Prudent,aware of this prOmPgy Use Bryan's pulitionie'Wefers" a en naive which has sustained its reputation for over twenty yeare, they [We always efficacious and exert.a most beneficial influence on allthe Ikonoldal and pultrionary organs, Sold by al drubggoxist.s and country dealers., Price, 25 ets prb GREAT FEMkL1i1itEDY .114.1,11 7.KOIt.ES REN.IolOICAL This woll known medicine is no imposition hut a -sure and safe remedy for 'Female Diffi culties and Obstrtictions, from any.eause what over; aild,eithon Lilt a' powei,ful remedy, it eon t einn v tithing hurt./ ul to the constitution. TO MA11.81ED LADIES efts e'cetaliarly suited. It will, ilia slioe,t time briug tite inouthly period with -regularity Iti all cases Of Neri'ous and Spinal Affections Pains in the Back: and ,'Limbrs, Heavieeits Fatigue on slight exertion; Palpitation of the • heart, Hyatorics, Siok headaches, Whitps and all thepainfxil diseases occasioned hy disordered system, these,Pills will effect seer° •when all other ineans have failed: ' •L;fliese,Pills•have, never been ls'nown !whore tho direetions on the 2na page of iiam- pblet are well observed.. For hillnertieniars get a rifeiplalet free of agent, . . •.• • . JOB NleVe V Clot 8Orm ?ROPItirrOft. $1.00 and 12oontifor postage,,enolosed to Northrop & Lyintin, Toronto, Ont„ general agehte for tbe Dominion, will inshre a bottle contoliting over rio Obi by return mail. ' Sold in Clinton by U.0ombeaixd George Hickeon. and F. Lamsden, 'Sea, forth:I:Kidd, Carronbrooki: Parker ee Cattle e,roLto,.. Jordon, Godericlti E.Cameron, Bay field; Jag Boxithroxi, odgervill e ;and all medi- cine isolertr. , •, • e (Arent Shisniao ees Itettletly.,161141. • . • • The otweess that. these inedieines have .niet with singe their introchlation to the ,public some years ago, proVes p1iiy to .the meat skeptical that theyare medicines that perform' what they are advertised to. The virtues of these mecdt. eines have.been well tested, and have withstood thbir. trial in a most. satisfactory Manner. ' For iliiieTniesi of the .Blood, Liver Lungs, &c., they are unsurpassed,: We have 'testimonials_ er itn- roaulans' cures of these diSeases, and of many others. If any one hi afflicted, let him try a bottle of the Remedy and a box (if Pills,. No injurious effects will follow theie,u,Se to•the must delicate perbon, as they are purely vegetable; .there being no • mineral. matter in them. The .cost i Small:, while the advantages derived from , their use will. _doubly repay you for your ex: - pease and trouble. The medicines arewidely known throughout Doininunk,and are for 'sale by the principal medicine dealers. Try them, and be convinced that the4d medicines are no' humbug. No one who has triad the Shoshonees Pills has ever pronouncetl an un- favorable opinion: of them, no, family where they have been used will be 'without them, Fall information may be had on all particulars touch- ing the use,. and the experience 'of those who ...Erce_Priee of the Remedy in pint betties, $1;. from•any druggist in the Dominn, io hare used them, by securing the Treatise orlh.e Circular Pills 25 cents a box. , . /.110E-SALyra. An 10 allible.rrnittly for all disimus .0 Mc pye (aceute ar -chronic), granulation 0 the ulceration: 0' thp Ine:hrynira lila, 'and tOCakness gr Me vision from on) . cause, • THE AMERICAN .ETE'SAINI:./2Posenteil to the 'Acetic with the assurance or Ile eilleieney Its it enratiVO ni moattlistla.S'eS of the' eye acute or chronic inflammation, whethee intitteell by abro- folons origin or otherwise, Weakness or aided of Nision, diminished tone ofthe optic nerve, or &mewed state' of the tisFlues constituting that organ. Also: fur all vomits' whose voca- tion. requireS all incessant action of the eyes, the salve will act as a charm m restoring .11, form healthy healthy action, ,where pool, and misery may hove ion'', threatened a fatal ter - ale; and ef- materials it costly, actines.4, danger ction of sio worm 1 to the (11.10- 'ting ef• quires tore of "while t mak- have o as to , (iir. °mien' led as 0 'Sic Wichita! arbs. 0,40 fluAPP . LETON.- OFFICE at DAY time Innl at NIGHT limo- The Rooms over the Store of Cunningham° 4 Alkonitead-th Souare,Clinton, Clinton, Deo. so, 1.07. Aihert and Min street ssO'lletea, . ria. I'MVITS, ehetiete cu.Burat goon, etc, Curor to .Al County of Huron, lleen5one0and 00.00-•COrtier 0 Auguot 9t11,1061/. i -ti JAMES STEWAll'1,‘I. D., 0, IL, GRADUATE OF McGill University, Montreal 4 'oilman, Surgeon and doemacheur, Rooidence-Bituonrsnr,n. January 4,1871„ ' •' 2 • ' 0:TODITO, 3.1.D4 (GRADUATE, OF TORONTO 'University,) Physician, Surgetnie 4C,, resider* 14t Mr. Manning's, three doom es,st of the Temperance Hall, Londesboro. Qat.•." • ' lanoleshore, sena 14,10.0 . J)11, i3TANI3CRY, GRADUATE OF THE MEDICAL Department of Vietoria OnivendlY, 'l'orent0, for, molly of the Rospitals and Dispensaries, Now york, Coroner forth° County of Huron, 1.1,trriaLp, ant, • JA/Y 22,187A. , ' Shopeeold clinton Hotel Building; Victoria fit, Clinton, May 2,8,1878, • SIALCOTIMON 4c 'WATSON, 13ARRISTERS, dm., CLINTON AND ctoeenecu, (femme 'A. 'Maroon, S. Acjaximacrii Clinton. W.11. McioAnoss Goderieh. Mr.Maloomoon will he In Clinton every Friday. 171.7"..Z1C114LONS, . . . VT V ICE • Desires to thank his runny customero for the liberal patronage bestowed on hini,,and afflict same tinie to intimoto to them, and all who like to favor him with their euutorn, that he Will ab all tinaeo do his utmost to meet their requirements. Farmers wlehingmeat should eall on him. All.kindo kept intim different seasons and •• sold at lowest paying rates. Dowsrav • a OisSON, lIffXSIOIANS,• SUR ' i, ovens Acemicheurei,..&e, . oineeAlhert Street opposite yaritrunis. D. n. Thivarm'r,11. 0. A, `.11, Gtosos,' M. n Clinton', May 10, 18,77. ' • , Tee. wouxunee'roite Pu'esitheze, sunonee. -11-1 Accorloheur, Lieentinth of the'College of Physioions sixil SUro6011 0- o0mr -01411q anaerev 00 t leenti ate and Coroner for the County of Huron. Wilco and ratildence,-The .baildbag 'formerly :monied by Mr, Thwaiteo,, Irma street. Minton, Jan. 10,1871, aliancons • 11,IONEY.TO LEND, IN LARGE 011 SMALL $1.1316,, ili.Tittreoetn, wdnnaLrtgage security, at ,nioderate rates of . Oliatom:Augast Oth, 1860. • , 7"-1f flEARLES F. MILTA ES, GVINOTAL LAND 81/15. it Valuator, and Land Agent. OM pltineobrect, Wingham. Wingliam; Aug. 2,1877. AnitIAOR LICENSES AND VERTIFICATES.,- -0-1- 41,411$ itt the Town Hithl, or at rho residence tif the oubseriber, near ,the Lendoli, 'Citron 4DrucellaUway Station, ' JAME$: SCOTT, Isamk,tof•Narriage Licenses, ofintort, April 27t1i, 1870. ' • ItDOVE e cooe ot s atom, ant iA 0r- AlirL011701 Tril t tit meetly renovated throughout, and not,/ anode geott.am, eortnnodation for the travelling reline. Large. etshliiiii and gocl ostiinattendwe.ChoioOnt,lkuere in thoba;:tuonAzil,.liototor,llo X-rEllymis AND PITYSICAL-DEBILITY,A gen', 1,1 thunan, haying tried in vein every advertised ram edy, lift0 diseovered A simpie•reeans of selfeure.-/le • • will Fe 'happy to forward the nartionlars to any sufferer, on receipt of a stamped and (treated envelope. Address 5, T. 8uwenx., Esa.,Disburn House, London, England. • Jmeinosn, nA:rrrst,n,• iSsula OF es .0ft:irking el -dowses Under the now Act,:Connnissiom or for taking Alndaiits in tlio' Queen's Bench, for Chun - nett of Huron and 11rA00, ilonveyanoing clone, such us Leases, Bonds, (ioutraino, , .l)ceda, ,n,ua mortgages. reopinial11.0mnryA esitinel envctox-o:Pripossit4Ee EA..40110jsak,;,AB;FIEb.tel. • .. • • .0 StiyAchl,. Sept.14,'I878. , • • , L INGSTON, DATE • OF. CHIOAC hittkOd f/10 Hair Dressing basin os latoly Heti on by Alr.-Ifehitore, desire'Ne intimate tei the pttb- lic that he will continuo the shana at tho old stand, and bopeo to receive waontinuatton of thepatronago 'accord- etichillsaporne:Ixone;s ocir,..tola.a.d Hair Werk a:specialty, • fAsoN IIUD• SON, 'Accountants Auciion'eers, .1.X.L Fire and LifoInsumnce and General Commission Agents- insurance two -third cheaper than ordinary coot, and first-clasoateek and Mutual Companies repro - Rented. Maley to loon, and all kindS of property hougat ahd sold. Hoderate charges. Unice -Km; Si ntei gime ' eoice exegete. • .-eroeeric enrasole conacessioner and issuer Of COttr631111100r. "Afarrit, go eirreses. • C. CART WRIGI-IT, Istetee (1. CARTWRIGHT? 01' STRATFORD; WILL BE ‘../ • at the ,CoMmercial Hotel, Clinten, the fit st•Thurs. day and Friday of every', month. Teeth inserted in the` latest style Teeth with exposed nervca treated, tilled, and mado as good as sound ones'. • CONS OLT DATED.. AN1( OF .A NADA . • i4;oomoo. CI, I N T ON. GE NOY. Interest from 'Poor to Five per, cent niloWeit on Deposits. , • • II. 'LOP:al, Agent. Clinton, April, 1876, ;.. ley 04.146 Of R ,37.131.-DDLE0OMBA sr. Watch, and ....Clock Motor, egeVlefelZIZ, tee., • Would respectfully announce to his customers and the public generaiir, that since the 14•0 disastrcnis Aro, ho - han secured the ozeletelyeaeattgiodlylosnetiaalliteith flo.e Whore he will keep on Lauda sefect 0014OrtZ0P01 fir diode, Watches, Jewelry, and Silverwaro.of all kinds., Which he +#111, sell at reasoned& mice, itei,iiting of every description promptly ade ttend to. : Dtiti .TiOt)MJhl8, Ammar grant% Clititond'ati. 24, 1878, eon make .money faster, at work for ItS, than at • anything else. Capital not required, wo will start you. g1.2 por day at home made by tho industrious,- Men, women, boys and girls wanted everywhere to work for, us. Now io the time. Costly outfit and terms free. Addreso Tuna & Co., Augusta, Maine. • CLtTTON PLANING • MILL. • -- Ti10111S,511 Scott gONTRAdTORS, Ant? manqacturers of S'ash, _Doors, BlinclS, Moulding4 s, ath •and Shingles. ' ViST01,1„PLANIsiti and SCROLL SAWING ^ " Promptly attended to. • . , . We have °Oland it very large stack of DRV Luellen, 111141employ none bt first-elass.workenen. Alt 'parties wauting anything in .our line, will foal it,:to their ad. • • ' vantage to, give as a, call,' .• • . , . . • , 1134 SIP Ot Vali ire it Weston Station, QXTO]T . .-;Tul; 23, E !ES• ME COAE AIKENHEAD Nairn On hand. as Wee'. mid Well-sitreactl: a: stook of .GENERAL RQQEE,' g As ever,offerd in o p N, 0 • N, S H ovs.TpgtAs Are particularly invited to 'INSPECT OUR 81001)2,. and compare pricoa,before purchasing elsewhere. We Aro seniurr 3 0.01.*ood'iTett; $1 and , goods in proportion. PrpOliel7:f1:11C1 Glassvore a specialty, gozzwa11A30 AIKENEMAD.: , finn'set of HMOs Ociunter Scales for 'sale. • ' Clinton,luly:18; 1.137.S. • .1‘lountetkle!s'ITIL • • . THE auesorguen 'IlleaPearellLee 'BEGS TO* inform the inhabitant:lot Clinton and sinrounding • °pantry that he has started his • • • „.. N 11ST. 11/fI1L,, ON DURON STREET, Opposite tjte Ofeat Western Station ' And is prepared to Cyt L01/0 On yharc$, or diem for Cas14. Ile bail ohm r itrakni or al kinds On 11011d, fOr 10110. mot.Tz.NrEcM4T.iD. . Cu:mg, /an. 17, 1878. Wetclies,jeweliexy, &cS. FOWLER' 'noires to returz • his sincere thank • to his nor:acres felon ito and mato, mers,lortheliber al shore of patron. agothethe has rc coived,whilocarry in or. bush) °so in tlantomethd hopes by a stria atten- tion to business, „end toting every effort to tr.cettho wants ofhis many . friends, to canna- ne to retain their patronage. Iie would also take this oppOrtmaity of stating that 118 ' has taktm his ten into partnership, and that the busi- ness will be c(,mIti ,teal In Tutor° under the tityle of S. FONVLL'It 4, St IN. 1.1to firm will keep on howl' Vetches, Cloaks, Jewellery, Spectaoles, 4, Ala ell ether articles in ti air line 4r MI kinds of Pipes Repaired and Mounted. ' tis humig,mIgitmring, done on shoat it( flee, in rt waives ulilte mobilo., and "xi teesotteb1eterns4. _11;t1:1:11.1.12LSe:rolt,t.11.81 "11.7; .(.).1r111 01, 1111: 1‘1,1111tE P.CIi. B00.1, _ IiI•1011 tiT011B. WISE31.4N. T3/11,0S, 65 8110K.ER.S,* INSURA.NCE ii Gel1014 MoNeur LflNr 0if tioirrsAsE /..m 8 PEP, ()ENT . :kft111,TO,A,(11,18. iltit,r(411T. (yrys Obt HAND DISCOUNTHIi.-a. NT V; ICES T LLOW First -Plass Fire, L'it'r and ilecident Insitrao:t ( pa ki vo rep"( POttr 1. Volt THE CAN,41).t. ttYr, AssimySett flonmisr, t ol tin tt ritnn. ...... .....,. :$34110.000 Anstrtitit Assn .„ , „ igeso,„1,00/ Witekly incomes .. , .... . 13,0(10 notes lt•Wer than any other Coupsny 'in this ettnitry i• • • 'PASSDN'el.Elt A111.,'NeY ralt the ounord Inman Line of Steamers. the oldeht rica aa<f,t zeilcbie fines crossing the Athol tie, Tiplitts.' issued st lowest rates, from arol 0, Clint cm, to andftom Gieitt tlriltxlm,,. 02,770.1i,` on IIITRONv.Y7';,'CLISTO...17, r'sr 13 ILtIft•I Win tpn, April 24, W. TAYLOR • , "tS10111d tl1. f1114 010.11,01 of thanking 1110 eustoinera for the liberal pattomml: ,jetetided ldin while itt litre,taid 101111 114' it.foent them, that, having pur• the prett0sol • • Lately ompkil Gco. nu the, opposite silo of Albert Steed to bus 011 Le 10'1- el pi10,1 m111 tl,creiti a large and varied stuck of BOOTS AND SHOS • ,tilltch be offers at reasonable ritret. • es-twel 1110ft (1,00 111, 10111.0.4 5 facilities, he fele it betti r pcsitioe than eAer 1,101 tho want a all hie ctiommero, otteiribm paid to evatom, 'Work • tee& reeptctiallee salcitut. . 3. et 'Vele. •