HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-29, Page 88 P _ a raaa , T].I .+ (ulnas. N +'w. Fa ", u Al,,tx' , .T3b1 T 2 ,.,�, 1878. CLINTON NEW ERA.. . "o(% 104t>j'£>lli,. school 'Trus..tee laleetUr�: The regular monthly meeting of the School Board was°held on Monday even- ing. Present, the chairman, and Messrs.. Nelles, Holmes, Pay, Scot],, Seale, and Hine. The minutes eftha previous"Iueet- ing were read and approved, The secretary laid before the board a report from the cotinnitteerecommend= ing that the estimates for the ensuing year be placed at $3,650. Moved by Mr. Scott, seconded by'Mr. Searle, and •carried, that the report from the committee be adopted, and that the secretary make application to the coun- cil for the above amount, as follows, Salaries, ... .., ... $3450' 00 ' Fuel, 15 0 00 Interest, .1 . Apparatus 20 00 Stove and School Furniture, 50 00 Inspector, . • ... • 50 00 Repairs, .. ... ,.. 190 00 • Incidentals, ... 100 00 RETIMSED,---]]less] s... Mooney and I. 'Rattenbury have returnee] from Etirelio, where they had been on cattle business. 014.1T1 -9.7 --Mr, 0. Arnold, of Paris, eautione farmers against purchasing Arnold's Victor Wlieat from a person oiling himself Tilt, as he is taking 'or- ders for this variety, and filling theta with some other kind, - "` • TILE FIRE ALAzrat,-Ttr having. the ropeo the Are.alarm brot. 1tdownt ,be- hind the first. door, in the market, and a label placed on the.'claor infoiining all of the fact;. the Fire • Committee of the town have acted wisely. $4040. 00 Less Government Grant, $290 00 County Grant, :.. - 100:00 390 00 $3650 00 The secretary reported to, the geoid that he had engaged Miss McCulloch to the end of. the year, according to their instructions. «�- • Moved by Mr. Holmes, seconded by Mr. Pay, that the report from the sepre- tary be adopted, and Miss •Mc0ulloolr's appointment confirmed; -.Carried.' PP Moved by Mr. Nelles, seconded' by' M.r. Holmes, that the following accounts.. be paid, viz., Jacob Hedigar, $7.25 Jelin Cron, $2.50; Watts & Co., 81c., A communication from .Mr. Taylor. was laid before the board, and ordered to be filed. • The hoard then adjourned.' WEATHER. -Thursday ' enc] "Friday last were very warm days. But. Sunday was cool enough for an overcoat..' - PRECENTOR. -Mr, J. P. Balfour• has 'received the appointment of precentor in connection. with the'C. P.Church, at a salary of $125. ' • JUDGES. -Mr. Sohn Shipley; of . Hill lett, and Mr. W. Wise, G'oderich toivn-- ship, have been n'ppointed judges keen. nection with the Winghanr Fall Trow. BRIDGE BUILDING. -Mi;. Bay, Co. En- ginner, will let by tender the building of a bridge between the townships of: Hay and Stephen, .at 2 p. an,, on the 4th of Sept. • 0. R. A. -Messrs. Grassick and Rol).. son left en Monday. to take _part in matches of the Ontario Rite Assoeia-, tion at Toronto, :which are 'in progress' this week. FUNERAL SER�IoN.-On .Sunday even- ing the funeral sermon of the late Jas. Mowbray, was preached in •the 11. C. Church, by Rev. Mr. Thomas. • The at- tendance was very large. BUSINESS CHANGE. -Mr. Alex. Feb., of this place, has purchased the interest of Mr. Cook in the butchering 'business of Messrs. Cook & Shaw, Wingham,and' will removo thither in a few days. Waw is THIS THUS. -A gentleman complains to us that in this place the butchers charge 12i. cents per lb, for lamb, while at Goderieh -it is only -10. cents. This should not -be the -case. ' GANG PLOWING MATCI.--Under the auspices of the Hallett Branch Agricul- tural Society, a gang plowing match will be held-on-tho••farm of Mn S. 'Ain drews, adjoining this town, 'on the 4th of Sept. Por ixrcare--A meeting of those in _Savor of the election of Mr. M. O. Came- ron for the South Riding, will be held at• McLaren's Hotel, this (Thursday) evening, at 7 p. m., when Mr. Cameron will address. those present. SEATS WANTED. -We. would suggest to the Council the propriety of provid- ing a few cushioned benches les and spit boxes for ---the_ accom-moda-tion•-•'of the- gentleme>a wlio congregate et T�'isher's corner every evening, Sunday included. SHOULD BE LOOKED AFTER, -The at- tention of the Inspector or other Health officer, is directed to the drain atlliount- oastle' i •borner, Which needs' looking after. If allowed to remain "as it is much 11'ngor, disease wily be tens result, The one pear Mrs. Carson's new build- ing also requires looking after-, A NOTICE. -Tho following "notice" is framed and conspicuously Hosted in the office of the Third Division Oourt Clerk, Clinton. "Notice.• --•Our hours for listening to solicitors for' benevolent osete are from 8 a, m. to 1.•p. in. .$pety nts, from -1 to 3 p.'re. 13o - addlors, and advertising agents, to 6 p. m. We attend to our tsiness at night." Creon ShooTin°. --- On Saturday, While practising at the • range, Mr. 0. Grassick made seven hull's eyes and a, oeatre in consecutive shots, at 500 yarcls'. distance. Thie is, remarkably good 'shooting,' and.we doubt if it has •ever been beaten in Canada. THE_' • NATER. .TANKS, -Four of the water tanks .:are 'about completed and ready for filling, viz., one at McIlttxxen's Hotel, one ewer Cantelon'aWuggon Shop, one- at Stt itzer's Corner, . ;Rattenbury Street, and one near. MoCarteey's. EVANGELIST.- Mr,'Aeo>arb air •T+,van- r gelist, is here laboring in'conneotion With tete Brethren., He holds forth in the open, air, as well as in the hall, and will preach in the town hail this eveningsat 7.30, and alsoon Solidly next at n and 7 p; ra,. .'Too Beit'. ed enough for own - 'ere to suffer of fruit; &c., by the youthful°tlr.i et seem 'to: abound here, but w trees are' wilfully ;broken it. is oo'. far: Last week a resident h splendid plum tree. de- stroyed by t top being pulled off: HOSE 'P D. ;•-• The' town itu- thorities ha purchased, • through`. Mr. R. M. Race roirsand feet of hose for use in'co i with the' steam fire 'engine, the t which' he tendered. being considered ie most' reasonable.' The purchaseis nearly to $1,200, FinEntnx'' ANIENT.-The Sea - Meth Fire contemplate holding a tournarne early day, and sent a request thatClinton Fire' Brigade co- .: operate avit Had Clinton a bri- gade, c.O-op would • doubtless.. be agreed to, but not. ,'Itis likely to li�,yeeeno, h ere long.: • • ,nn Chicks. --Tho circus perform- es last week were only moderately ended. Many had been under the tessien that a nlehagerie WAS eon- oted therewith, and when they found 'Ogre was none were somewhat (lisap- ted. In the ring, However, eve_ .nn- find', they made up for this, the i.n and gymnastic performanceup to those of s p fully any previous gin. The small, show that -went o eines 'seas a perfect fraud 'rriely anything in it.; Pensens0.-- Tow' is the time to get your Printing done for the Fara`," Prices as low. as any office, large or small, , in the 1?ominion. Kam axon ENGLAND, -On the 7th pros„ Messrs,• Spooner, Mooney tit Of this place, will obits 800head of sheep end 50 bead ef cattle, to England.. • -It tete loss eves th hei'a the 'going t had a. he whole PURCHASED. have y; onebl another figures a tiered tl ainotin s Tenn: Brigade nt at an ' Clint h;them. era'tion ut it has )Wever, - `O H R• ..CIIANGE.-Last week we announced, on authority,that the fall show of the Hallett Branch ,Agricultu- ral Society xv-ould be held on the 18th and 19th of 'Sept.' At' a meeting held on Saturday last, the directors.'decided to. chango'the date ' agai.n.,. to. the 49th end 20th Sept., for which ditte'the; bills are being' printed:': • l+Ii i. -EITtsrn'R.--- 20 morrow Friday afternoon; commencing et two nem., the b I', steamfire engine, belonging to Mr. J. D. Ronald, of Chatham,. will •he tested .at, several places. in tire• town. The mayor particulryrly requests all members ''of the old fire company, who will : volunteer their services, for the occasion, to be pre- sent -and assist in the trial, toassemble at the town hall. • ' A Seem .-Up to within a few days siince, a party.coinposed of the Messrs. Ransford. and Railton; of Clinton, were camped on the picturesquebanks of the 11laitland, and one day whilo the female members of • the party were • enjoying themselves away from their male associ- ates, they were suddenly startled by the appearance of a.large wild cat in their midst. tbey beet a hasty retreat to the camp, and their friends wont forth,, on r. slaughter bent," but the. animal,: had disappeared. ?i TELT rlr0Nr.-'i'he telephone connect- ing the office of Messrs. Glasgow, Mac- pherson & Co., with that of Mr. J. A. Yuill, isl now'in perfect working o1'der, The distance beeween the two places is. abort three hundred yards, and, sounds are heard most distinctly at this distance. Quite a number have already witnessed the workings ofthe curious little'instru- ment, which at ono endis nothing more than a speaking tube. On Monday evening, our reporter, with others, spent •ir pleasant-tinge-itr•corrvcrsii,g trite' the line, and also in listening to the, singing and playing of Mrs. Yuill; the piano is several feet from the instrument, but a few tunes played upon it were easily re- cognized. This lady also sang "the 'rnai•ch of the Cameron then," the tvorcls of Which could be Beard quite distinctly,, Altogether, tete invention istu astonish- ing one,:and is' likely' to p°rove of ineal- enlable benefit. 1+l tSXi GULLED. -•• The old adage that "a _fool and his money are -soon parted,"'received• ample vori tcatioii towel last Thursday. A man cjuiokly collected a crowd arounl lniin by offer- ing dollar bills for seventy-five cents; and other sums lir . proportion. When they had got wanner • up be . placed a $20• bill in a small box and it $I bill in another and offered a choice, after sliuf- fling them around for a moment, for $15. Of ootise lots of people thought they knew the box with the $20 in, and they greedily ei, ippod at the bait. Once in a' while some one would ivin, but the oeeasions were like raisins in the old wotnani's pudding, •". few, and very far between.' It would be quite safe to say •that the fellow made twenty times as much money ' while „lie sc held the fort" as he mould have made by it day's labor, and when:such is the ease it is not to he wondered at that there are plenty who will fellow the calling. • .'d • nett t- II11:ltgr. OnThursday last a largely attended convention of Reformers was held at Hensel),for the 'purpose of receiving tae resignation of Ur. Greenway, and the nomination of a new candidate, . Mr, Geo; Anderson, -President of the :Asso ciation,'.00eupied the chair,' and .Dr. Worthington acting as Secretary. Af ter tlid'. reading of Mr. Greenway's letter of re r n tron which was coughed`rr most tnquotonable terms, and was. listened to by the convention with a strong degree of satisfaction,' it was ac- cepted, end he, being present, was re- quested to address the meeting, which . he briefly did in a stirring, eloquent and. instructive manner, Mr. M, (1. Cam - Yen was then unanimously c,lios'en as the candidate for South Huron." Qu rising to respond to the choice, Mr. C.ameronwas received estith every demonstration of approval; `tend began . by referring. to the period when he was previously a candidate. :Then he en- tered the contest almost as a forlorn. hope. At Clinton the other day; he was Pre- vented from accepting the nomination by:. reasons of a: personal nature; but these had been• overcome. •. He believed` Mr, Greenway's chances were good, but that gentleman did not desire to be re candidate. The speaker did notintend, he said, to ontee into any . discussion of the political questions of the day at the present tune, but he -world hold' a mime ber of meetings' throughout the • riding, to which he Would invite leis opponent, and lire had .no,4eubt that he could pro,ve 'to the Satisfaction• of'eveer liberal-nrixid- ed man that the proposal to tax every- thing, from .the cradle in which .we rock the baby,,.to the machine with which we cut oar grain, is a• most fallacious the- ory, He Was rather late in entering tete contest, but' • he would be : found " there>' -a .point which ' Mr. Cameron illustrated by a pertinent anecdote , Such . a' Way an to cause the heartiest laughter.' He felt plied Seeingso Much wealth, influence and power represented in the convention, and had no doubt the: party would carry the Riding- Let all work with zeal till the 17th of S'ept., and the victory is ours. ' 'Ile w.otihi:leave nothingundone on his part, • and with the Activity; power and zeal of theisirty they would 'pass through 'toe 'contest triumphantly, and for the next term: the coristiti!iency of South Huron would be represented by I11.; 0. Cameron. We nnist net take it. for granted that the. 'Gbnservetive candidate is a weak man. We must assume thathe is the strong, •est man the Conservatives. could 'bring out, although he never was heard of. in tlio_South Riding- till he received the. nomination.' . ' Relating. ail anecdote showing the i•irttte.of-pereeverttnce, 'Mr.' tihmeron ffilMned the . conveir ion or the nomtntttion. •FIe`could, go to 'Otte- wa es a conscientious supporter. of•the Government. They may lint© inade en s takes,but take them ;all in all they have done the best they cou]d for 1e country at large. Ilia closed by again expressing iris confidence that be would be return-, ed, and *took his seat amidst the wildest cheering . -' ._• After a' few -remarks by Mr. Charles Seeger, the Conventionadjclamed. Ex TEIt'rarnareNT.-Last night Mrs, J. A, 'will, Miss Josiin and the Clinton. bet at car t in'a con r 13 a t tookpart Juvenile..aid o 1 Varna, their perfoirmences being highly appreciated. W e understand that the Band is now open for engagements, on reasonable terms; ' HARVEST "11030 .1 EXonasmar. •-- This rye dollar excursion froth Clinton to To- ronto, via G. T. R.; 'which is to come off next Tuesc1 y, with tickets good to retnite by any regular train •within.' seven days, adapts :itself to ,everybody' •who wishes to travel in that direction,' B:esn BALL -Referring to the Daunt- lies-Cli; per snatch, played. at Brussels, aeoieespandent, says :-Two gentlemen of colon, 13, and`L, Horton, . of Clinton, played with the Dauntless club; and if the playing of the balance of the nine had been'as- good as. that : of these two, '. especially the: latter, the result of the game must have been. different. . ,- 2r'UELi'R- 'CENTRAL 3xrnarrioN,--*.In consequence of the elections : being held on • Tuesday, the .17th of. September, persons desiring to • exhibit - at •- the Gnelplr Central Exhibition can foiwanrd their,artieles direct to the General Su- perirrte,ndent, •who will receive' the -sante and 'see. that they ere••phteed in :their )roper departments,: 1• ,. • G. MuwroN,: Sec, C. E.• ,A,:MvsTLir .-Last week, in digging a drain in. the Methodist :Church yard, the laborers came aoross. a iiixniher of bones,: and curiosity induced theta, . to pick. theer.mite. •Upon, examination they were found -to bo the bones of an infant, 'apparently, several; weeks old. ` There. was no flesh upon thein. They:lied all become displaced;: but are complete with the exception, of the skull, which is missing. How .they name there, and to whom they belonged is . not known. The only supposition' is that they are. the rernains of 'an illegitimate -'child, whose ]parents have taken this:nteans.of hidirig'•their shame. OnerneeowS' S•vrrnn.. --0n Tuesday 'evening, the members of Clinton Ledge, No. 84,' I. 0. 0...F, ' entertained their brethren fermi Bruoefield; to the number pf about twenty,' at it complimentary supper, hi the. Queen's.. Hotel. The spread was.'exeellent; 'and full justice was done thereto, about shay „taking part theeeili. Toiiste Were the ;drank and responded to as follows ;`" Broth- ,ren £loci• Erncef'ield" by tree. R. Yell', Frazer cute Young. '' Friends from a distance," by ;Bros.' Grigg and, Nelson, of London;; and. - Gilles, of .Teesatet� ":The Ladies,"'by Bros. Ew E. Doherty and J. Ryder, of Clinton,: and Walker and Frazer, -ofd I3rticefield. , ;c Our Order," by Bros. H. S.ott;'J. A. Yuji], S. Cal. lender and . J. Smith. " Host and hostess,"' Bro. P. McLaren. The even- ing was very pleasantly spent, and the party broke up at a reasonable hour. I11Git Scaohe.-Toe High School of thia town= will rccom mence its duties,• after the summer holidays, on Monday next; the 2nd prox. The standing of this school,• in comparison with most all the others in Ontario, has beer> ,called at- tention to before,. and we are glad to say -that it still maintains an exalted 1 - sition, "Tho report, just issued, of the Minister of Education, for the apportion- ment of money each is .entitled to, upon results based .upon -certain questions, ranks the Clinton school twelfth. This is certainly- verygratifying considering, that a large number of the others aro collegiate institutes, and. ,in towns and. cities .of much ,:greater Magnitude than this. 'Clinton obtains the maximum atnotrnt in four departments; in one other the maximum amountfor the work undertaken, "and 'only in one department does she rank lower than ethers:. The. amount Clinton gets is $104.13 ; Goder- o, nd istente cl G:1,. o 0 $9.8. �, . x.5.�..•J, ny. 537-.5. $24; Kingston, $79.75; :Mitchell,.$12; Stratford, $54.93; and Guelph, $69.83.. It will. be seen; by. the 'places we wive,: •how' well Clinton stands. Beevna.--•Wo protiouely said 'that the butter - trade was. utterly demortr- lized, and that it 'could scarcely beeetne more deranged er sink loivur;.but .it ap- pears we were in error,. for we fled that this week it .hits to he quoted frorn '10 Cents per Ib. down to 0, so we aro. in - famed by those who deal in it. During this.week a wholesale buyer wag in town and.. t>urehaeed all that was rnitrketable tit about nine cents per pound, l'eaving'a. number of tennets behind that wo have.. 'no doubt could be' ptirobased for five or six cents per lb. Store-keeliers blame the. makers ,ef butter for this state of the market;. makers,• en the other hand blame the storekeepers,"and se the matter stands. The question, what shall be done in the premises, is a Serious one, as, certainly a•very large amount of money is lost to the country from bad buttery which, 'with a wise and judicious change .Could. be saved, There are seve- ral butter makers in this rnei:ghborhood who have invariably get from 121 to 15 coo* per lb,'during this su'Inmer,' for what tifey made If their hotter fetched that price, all good;butter would, and if parties cannot melee good butter they should net attempt to make any. , 1878. - STANLEY. •. • A velisus.-Against the Voters' Lisp of 1878,,1er.this township, the Conser- vatives have made about 'sixteen ap-. peals; and the Reformers nearly thirty. number f. t those a iealod against A o 7 se were names put on the list at a Council meeting, after the Assessment Roll had been accepted as revised; who were .en- titled tribe put on, but .bad been - pre- viously omitted, the Council believing they had power to' do so. • GODE RICH TOW NSIm'. Gooiy Yntere---Feer. John Middleton, of the Bayfield con, having threshed his fall .wheat, anticipates a yield of about' forty bnshele to the acre. RoAn1 AC' .-�•011 Cow zt rs Tuegda Sept, y p 3rd, at:4 p. nn, Mr, G, Elliott willlet by Auction, at W. I1asoiis base ine, the turnpikieg and grovelling to the ex- tent of boundary line appropriation. AcciDnlzT.-OnTuesday'last Mr. W. Craig, of the Bayfield eon., met with a painful tteciclent. ' Wlrile coming out -of at Yard his teani ran away, by the drop- ping down of: the waggon tongue, and lie waa thrown out, the waggon passing over hie bead. No boners were broken. but lie sustained .some Menses.. BOLLTICAL.:-•-A meeting was announ- cer i for Mr. Porter, le be heldin the Orange hall, 7th' con., eti Thursday evening last. The meeting was ]reed but for some reason Mr. Porter was not present, Me, Jackson, the Local candi- dato; and Joe Williamson, of Godcritch, being the speakers. leery little. entim- siastn Was tnanifestsd. • . 'Tete Flute'. Tis>ies still publishes the advertisement, of De. Chas. Marshall 'of` Buffalo. - We hope yott have got your pay, brother. ' We Will salt you an ac count against that Doctor for 50 cents on the dollar 1 --;Sinal. • (There aro numbers of ether advertisements ru'n- tting iiithp local papers that are equally as unprefrtable as Dr. Marshall's.• flow about Culverwell Medical Co:, for in- stance. Take' a look over the forms, friends; weed then, ottt and All up with good natter.. • XJ. 1878. THOS. JACKSON-, OTHING MERCIIKN `VICT'ORIA, BLOG:IC, C • FISTA.BLISH' 1854. ' - 'ON, ONT. VPOOLLEN DEPARTMENT: IN T HE ABOVE LINE OF GOADS OUR STOOK Iq NOW FULL AN)?' CO,tt PLETE, AND ONE OF:THE'LARGEST EVER SHOWN IN. TRIS . , PART OF THE .COUNTRY, COMPRISING IN PART • English and French- Worsted: Coatiii Eng4sh and trench Worsted Trouserin s English and .. Canadian Tweed S it g n lags;: Black and Blue Broadcloths. IN SCO -TWEE]) S ijh7. 1.111 VS NO HOUSE. WEST; OF• TORONTO`CAN HOIV BETTER ASSORTMENT. •SA �WE IMPORT THEM DIREOT FRO • SCOTLAND, AN T D..?ATIE3N S ARE.1 1'v ENTIRELY I?II'FEREN'['. F'ROnT THE GENERAL .11U1� OF HOUSES- . EVERYBODY SHOULD CALL ARR, TAK•E `A . LOOK' TIROUGN. ;C1rINTON, Aus..29xi878. sib* - Asnontotp, - Oc+ISTOTS, .r .TT.TST 71; lnO1i 1'17:1013...A.T GRASSICK& CUNNINGHAME'S They are selling out the balance of this soaso>i's• FLOWEIIS at a great deal less than cost. Those in want'of Cheap plants will de well to call and see their stook. ITAt'1 G1 Ptt11011ASEI) ONE Qin"• . Tuft's. • Artie Soja Water ' Fountains • They can supply those favoring them with thole custom, with all kinds of temperance drinks. • They have justgot through lit use Cleaning, and it-ive titter]. up Yeo Cream rrtrlors; where all eau be aoxrrntnodated. . . • ICE t1:L. 1I DELIVERED ERED To ANY. ; TOWN. � UREA 1 ,I•,GLV 11, �� 1 PART P OP THI: TOWN. • A FRESH LOT OF CANED GO JUST RECEICVE®, rair A • BRION 46 C011i{iMON/AT FAUN 05 51 IMO t161A O1 I oo- b ME' eFr1 +BRArF } .v NIpy • I All rr0QACG(?, BY PAGKAG iI ()It i3ULl . 1'Ibl'3 ill(#.l t WIIO%ESAt1l A'Tt 1111TAIL.`. Ary- OVER ONE .11ttgDltED. DlPb`ERl N'.0 S.PyLNS OF . PIPES, 1'7tJICIl. flIEY 4'L1 R' 8Et LING AT' COST.: Remember that anything got from theirster° can be returned, if nob '144 represented O1intoii T►7 ray, "lg7$. GRASSt0K Si; Cifl!1`NI1 GHAII!'E,