HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-29, Page 6a
AUGUST '29,- 187
orxcniinz d ltub-
The•kiu. west. •
( %'o he .liiditor of Th.e Globe.)
• SI>3,-�:In laokii,g over 'the Monetary.
Times of Friday last T was struck by
the article on ' The Harvest,' I•looked
upon this editorial es 'a libel upon a
munificent Providence. The w4'itei'
says ;---' The expectationswhich . were
raisedby the very • promising appear'''.anco of the grain crop in June and July
last have not been. fulfilled.. in the ex-:
patience of farmers whose grain has
bean reaped. The abundant harvest:
whish was lrronli.setl by accounts • from
almost every part of O nade has not
been realized,' eta; •
Now, within the last'month, I have
travelled the whole north shore o£ Lake,
Erie from A.wherstburg to the Suspen-
sion Bridge, from. thence through St.
Catharines to Hamilton, from, 1Iamil-
ton I went to Giencairne by ix. and
W. Railway, and. thenoo'-2'ici Oollin;-
wood to Clarksburg, in. ;the county of
Grey. Within this time I have been.
through Huron, 11:Iiddlesex; .Bothwell,
Kent, Lambton, Perth, Oxford .Wand
Waterloo counties, .and in all tllee'd' a
more general good crop , I; have never
seen. I believe tne're has not been so:
universally a good yield in the country.
for thirty years.
No doubt the stoma: have done u
little damage, and, in. a vety few local'
lities, very late sown speing wheat may
be shrunk ; but upon. the whole, we
have had a very bountiful harvest, for
which we have ;rent reason to be
thankful.— — '
1). 1 li A
lls zT..
Fingal Foundry, Aug.' lath, 1:878.
Erfeets of Salt; on Wheat.
In an interestingser res of'experiinonts
recently made on the farm of the Royal
- -Agricultural .Society.' -of • Englara, the
manurial value of salt wasunnlisteke:
ably indicated. An acro of wheat area -
sed with three hundred pounds 'of com-
mon salt yielded thirty -Dino. bushels of
grain, with a proportionate amount, of
straw, while an adjoining .acre left un-
man'ured, produced only twenty-nine.
bushels per' acre. The entire 'cost. of
crop is not stated, but thin ei eritxient
showsthat 1 p'
1 at tie additional '.ten :bnsbe'ls
resulting from the salt wore j,rocla.ped.
at a cost of thirty -cents stroll Tn 'An-
other ,plao
:n-other,plaCo a piece of ground intended.
for wheat' was plowed the: preceding
fall, and again in Nay, 'when it was
sowed with salt,. and after warcis.plowed
before seeding. On the let and 2nd. of
September wheat was sown at t11e;rate
of two bushels 4'o the wore...The''crop,
when harvested, yielded; -according' to.
the estimate of the planer, •not•less than
forty bushels of grain to the acre,. With
a luxuriant growth . of straw,. ' From:
these and many. similar'. oases • the.
lnf /Tense. seems to be th'. t salt is a
specific for the wheat crop,, iMptirting
solidity to .the grain and 'firmness.to•Ihe
straw. Much, howeyer,: depends on,
the nature of the soil`; . on many soils
salt does no perceptible good.
A work horse watered regularly tltree
times at day cap safely bo allowed to
drink es nmeh as he wishes, if the wa-
ter bo good and of moderate' tempera-
tore. If the horse seems very °,irsty
and•disposed to drink very rasa • y and'
in large quantity, it :is well to check
him after drinking, a little; allowing
him to slack his thirst by several sepa-
rate draughts rather than by ono.' A
horse heated should nob bo .allowed to
drink at will.. When`_ it. can.. bo clone
conveniently, the comfort of tho horses
will bo increased by having water in tho
field and giving them .drink once or
twice during each 'ciay. in slot :w.eather.
Several farmers who have tried it speak
highly of the plan of stirring.a little oat
or oor1i'mea1rin the water designed.' for
work horses. , It is better to do this a
few_lionrs before. the waterf s to he neer ..
Thus, in morning, the- meal may bo stir-
red in water given the horses' at noon,.
Care should be taken to keep tire vessel
from becoming sour. .
.An Indianapolis stock dealer' halt''
made arrangements for the purchase,
transportation and sale of twenty thou-
sand held of Texas cattle this winter:
A farmer writes to the Minim Farm-
ora' Club that -alcohol -is-a safnand Sure.
cure for lice on animals, injuring neither
hair nor skin, and it is seldom., putto
so noble a nae,. •
A pail•of milk standing ten winutes
where it is exposed to. the emit of a
:trong'smelling stable, or any othee of;
'ensive odor, will imbibe "h taint that
aver leaves it,
Make everything about year home snug
and comfortable for the winter. Stop all
leaks, mend broken panes, raise walks
.with gravel that water May not stand in.
hem, get firewood, eta.
•'4reat Britain receives sixty per cent,
• imported cheese from this United
, ttwe)nty per cent...from .:llolllrnd,.
per cent. from Canada, and the.
e froth Prance, Germany', Sweclen
eritnbs aro the best . white
UCO butt ;
ek makes a sweet tub ; acids froni.
al color the butter and injure . its
apes ; white>asli gives the butter
if kept long, and in -
creases the liability to mold ; maple
smells and cracks badly: Soak all tubs..
four to six,days in brine before using.
Melons will,, grew much faster if
stoues''are p'1ioec around the hills. The
stones:retain, the heat by night and also
inc>•eeee it by ;lay, •'and :this helps to
Push the .inelons on, This advice is
not of much consequence where the .cli-.,
mato and soil are natural to them, but
iu our more. northern latitude .and on
hired, stiff soils it is a valuablo•hint, ea
there, will hp a scant supply of 'melons
unless a high, degree of heat is kept up,
An experienced farmer says : The
only plan I can suggest to the man who
has not been brought by 'a practical
fui"nier is to be in the var'd before his
`men go to work in the morning. •'Put
every man to his intended work quietly
and agreeably. Seethat every horse is
placed to the right implement, and
every, implement in its right place,; sc'
es to' do the best find . greatest amount
of cultivation with the fewest men and.
horses, ` a
Awful Tragedy.
•.. On the 4th inst.,.the Rev, Dr. Wade
Hill, Bapt zst minister .in' Rutherford
county; North. Carolina, shot dead his
son-in-law, 1llajor Andrew' Scroggins,
whothe sveelt Fore, • whilst, in a pas-
sion, bad stripped and 'wwhipped Dr
Hill's yolirfgest daughter. Scroggins'.
wife was• present, and begged her 'brig -
band not to hurt hersister,,but.he paid
he attention. ':rhe father demanded An
explanation. Scroggins said lie had
acted on the impulse ,of "the Moment,
but Dr. Hill replied he had. rioar'ight .to
lay his h;snd,on the child,,and the two
g lernen becoming' involved in a quar-
rel over .the 'mat'ter, got to blows and
hacl it rough' and tumble, the father -111
law coining -out best. This so .enraged•
Major Scroggins "that he went :home,
and after consulting some frien bd , sent"
a challenge to the: reverend gentleman,
which was ; promptly declined by ' the
said gentleman. The major then vowed
to hisfriends that ho would get the bet-
ter of the old man, even if hehad, to.
throw poison iii his coffee,;: .Ere' armed
hiliiself' ,with a navy revolver and adirk,
so as to be fully.prelarelay d to his an-
tagonist out on sight The •revernetl'
doctor also armed himself to• tlieteetl,
in case of an emergency, and went about
llls•'sp ritual work as - usual. On the,
• 14:th the tcvo''mon chanced :to meet on
horseback in the road -near the doctor's
house. Major Scroggins exclaimed
I've got you now !' `Tie doctor re-
plied, 'Keep cool !' The major replied,
Ten'•ruinutes to say your prayers By
this time they were a' few paces
Impromptu 'apart`
:and the duel was son tO
take place. De. Hill said, °;Well,' Sir,
I'm•ready,' at the same time drawing a
Derringer: Major Scroggins said,
And ,so um. I. May the Lord have
mercy on lis bath!' With that he fired
twice in rapid succession; neither shot
taking effect.' Tho doctor , fired once,.
frilling' his antagonist instantly, He
then rode• back home and.told.the awful
news...Friends carried the major's re -
Mains or for burial, and the doctor gave
himself up. , The deceasedwas quite a
prominent far:net-and politician.' Dr.
Hill is a Baptist minister of greatpo-
piilar'ity'and usefulness in 'his section of
the State, and has written several ortho=dox works, which have received . the
commendation of his brethren.
Stage 'Coaches.
1n' 1678 the coach. between Edinburgh
and Glasgow, a distance of forty-four
miles, drawn by, ,six Horses, took six
days to complete its journey to and fro.
So recently. •as 1750, thirty-six• Hours
were required for the journey between
these two places! How little passenger
traffic there vas • between London and
Edinburgh may be gathered from the
fee; that, in 1708, there seas' only one
stage' coach, which started enoo.a month
from each of these cities, taking a fort
night to perform the joiicney. At the
same time . the je tenet' from ' Lon
-clrm•'teeYolck-took four dayes.-•Ili.-.7:83.
seven coaches' started- deify between.
London, surd Edinburgh, doing the dis-
tance in forty-eight hours. In 1708 it.
rs estiinated that the number of',passen-
gels between these two cities, by all
kitnls of convc,+auce, 'die not exceed
fifty, of which twenty-five travelled by.
stage coach. In 18311 the coaches alone
conveyed about 140 persona daily..
-WW1/ell " ltf f3liarrf. "
'(�vo11 the. railway train is infected by.
the sleepy atmosphere of Spain. With
ordinary trains there is a half-hour rest
at every station—big or little, passen-
gers or none ---td 'recover breath after
travelling so.'fast the previous half-hour.
The, driver must get down to stretch
his limbs and have a chat with hie
friends. The guard. has 'to gather the
news of the place,. and perhaps takes a
stroll outside the station to see if there
is any distant traveller in view who may
peprcllance be going on, and who, in that
case, must bo waited for.•' The passen-
gers descend to have a ;lass' of -water,
or replenish their stock of cigarettes
and matches, There is no fear of their
being left behind. When it is consider-
ed time to think' of reeving on again,
first ono bell is rung (to which - nobody
any ; then another bell;
pays , a ,.
glen the horn 'blows ; and it is only.
when you hear the steam°whistle that
you. have got' positively the last call,'
A splendrel,assortment of first class sE W1NG MA(JUINk.S. always on band. Na,Ep1AEi.S.
and every furnishing kept 111 stock,
volving' Araohines of every make repaired, and new parts kept on band. FTaving engaged
practical machinist, all work done here is warranted to give good satisfaction.
chaises Moderate.• E. NORSWORTHY
• norms one door west of tl.e ColLrtlerolal. Hotel, Clinton. Ont.
THE ROYAL BALM is a more certain reins -
ay for pain in a wider range of loses, and a more
agreeable' Medicine than anyether now offered'
to the public ; even though we do say for it what.
no other ni nnfacturer will darn to say of
preparation, Nig, ;—It absolutely will not cure
everything from a corn on the toe to a dislocated
neck. It needs no highly exaggerated puffing,
being ornt of the few things which sell on their
town merits.
is a purely vegolalile prodnotion, and is porfootly
.It sato
for an; infant of any a,td, It ie g parted.I ocilio for '
Dyaentory, It cures Quinsy, Ulcoratod Sore Throat and: � "T `� .,-^
Diphtheria, Nervous Hoadaohc, Neuralgia,Tiodoioreux, 1$0111 Lllds ] alts
and Solatica, Cholera, Cramps and pains in the stomach „ . 9
and bowels, Tntlamruation, Wounds, Braisce, Sprains, Eto. '.Ste
Burn, Snide, Proof=G4cs, ice. Price; 28 cents. 1
• Good' Securities Purchased'
, `iY. w. 7r'A1tRAN;
Clinton, No,.9,187f,' ,o • 47
. � .
COMI3141, .D1'wro ist,
MOREY .T0 10. AN•t,.
O_ltl •. tEAsy TERlfli'lSt
fl y owiti'i"cti II be. priae'cip`ttt.t ERR
be repaI'gi.• its part or all &iit `.:
any :`time' 'doting !lie !'Orli)'
APPLE fl'4
s,•. •..w.:F. :i• RAN.
Clinton, Marelt.1878,
D 1 E�`
•T>r 1^+T R'Ec•impx`"v imx.),
—A iiAIl0$ ii!ecrt llY
:aid, ,,
• Il.• � l l 11)1111
� 0{� ll S 0110
�askcfs � � R s
1CO a: 0.1 1..
;n rd,; ETC'.
`'artios:eappiiod,with the agave Pt eborto,tnotice, and:
lit the' ERYLO 1CSl 1t&1ES.•
e EARS ,•
Remember the Place -VICTORIA Street
Oltoton, Sept 6, 1877,,
1RS.:BEEST�EY'S.:: •
ILLINERY Establishment
A large nesoxtiu,nt 'ofFLAT rrlitlS, I'Ia)WEIIS.;
SIL1f8 and EDITIONS, in the nowcst shades, •
Also, a largo 'static et FELT and STir:.W-1I.1,'t1, 01
the latest styles, COSSETS, d:e.
Agent for•fualira en's P.irrenvo of garinents cif all
doeo'iptione ; a large stock kept ou hand.
Pelt and Straw Hate cleai}ed and altered
Clinton, Oct.: 18, 1877.. ;
The Creditors ot:J4sr1s LI,xs,. late, of: the 'Yawn of
Clinton, is the County of Huron, Gontleman, d:ceased,
who died on or about the tblrtyfirst day cf kt•tr, A.D.,
1878, aro lioreby notified to send by ictter, postpaid, on
r rat c Se 1 t A.1 . 18"8
dr before the Il lay of .plum an r , to
3XArcoaSf MCTAGGART, ,r to Aneltill At,, M':is•nIn:soy,
both of Cllptonaforesaid, Lsccutbrs of limbotwilland
testament of the said late Jamas Teens, their chrlstian
names and nurnamcs, addressee And descriptions, the
full' particulars of their elgims, slatemont of their ne.
counts, and the nature of the securfrtics, (if nny,) held.
by them; and that ititinediatoly after the snit first clay
day of September next, the it ssetc of the estate of the said
late James Leys will be `distributed among the parties
entitled thereto, having regard only to the' i•1ainls of
which notice shall have been received, and the Execu-
tors will not bo liable for the assets so theta Panted, or:
any part thereof, to any persan of whore claim notice
shall not have been received at the time of finch distri-
bution. This notice is given in pursuance t f the Statute
chap. 107, Bev: stats. Ont„ Sco 94. •
. 8IALSOLlrr 3IcTAGGtRlr, • tExeciiEora.
noted at 0liaion;.his 8rd day of July, A.•15;, 1875.. •
7helittleG1anE Ktiter:1
KILLS all the
FLIES in a
room in TWO
5 $i0Uit5:
I rtli
will kill
than fro
worth o!'•
FiyPaper. `g:
:No dirt,
tie trouble,
Sold by •
DRraGxs a
Botanic Medicine Co., Buffalo,N, Y
'likiier & Downs, Lia ail to>iir
Are.5npplying, cit srronx ri0Tte7•:,
pelt Ends and linats fort ridges, &o.
rroto' 1 inch downwards, .and. any:loggth raquirod.
Their Bolt Gnttal_perforine rho work iu rho Uost
. manner.
Clinton,lfay 23, 1878. ,
TO T9E ThflMEfl,i
If you hare Wool ydu wish to have inadd up, or. to
trade tor.•
Givens n trial. We will not bo outdone either in (pal.
ityofwork caprice, You aro invited to .mai and.epe.
our machinery the work' we are doing; and our priors'
for 1878.
'C.arding, and 'all kinds of Cus-
tom,. Work done 'as usual.::
c QOns: 1ADE mO ,OItDElt,',
And a fano Stock kept constantly; On Stand to exchange'
for woo1,.,111 oenneotton with'tho.abovo 1 am prepared
to do
is� in' S iztiaiur iVeavin Golotztir
Ct d _ y, �. J, Fla J>.
'ullzng, 'C7it1o. Dressing, rfc:,,
On the shortest notice,' at the '.
Blyth Woo len '1111111s..
Pwoeds,.IigltCloths, Flamers, Illankets, Yarn's,.Sce.,
to osehango for wool, 'or cheap for cash. Ilomomber
the piece, right, oppoeito Kelly's Grist 31111:.'
•A1..(.'VAWL ,'AI:U°yD.
Seaford' Juno 27, 1878. •
sincere thanks for •the literal 'there'd patronage
afforded him, and; would also intimate that he has, dor.
rug the past winter, laid in a largo stock of first-olaes
material, andisnowprepared to mnako and put In; the
Of every decription,,on'the 8xonxrax Nomicx; and
on tho most, reasonable terms.
Remeni'bar they ..pities - next door to A.
Matheson's Blacksmith Shop.
da d P
Clinton, April 10,1877 ' .
Cabin, Intermediate nod Steerage *ire'1c=
ets at Lowest antes..
Every Saturday' from Quebec.•.
SA1,DSNTAN ... 81s1
' POLYNESIAN 711r Sept.' '
SAl rATTAN .. ; .... idtlt•'
Liverpool, Joiicldnderr;l, Glasgow, Queens-
town, Belfast, London, 13,4004, Cardiff;
r: through tickets and every information apply ie
A, sTn . , -, IL.;--Asout,-o111itR11•...
Olipton, lrfny SO, 1878,
1 N ilk L. 5(T H : `
• GG1tAND '1'1 UNK ItAI/LWAY .
ON A1Tn !ii'TL'B 1JON1)Av, ALAN' �7rit,
Passenger Trains will leave. Clinton if ration as:'faliows
GOING T Aer,•p.nxpraea," 12,80' la. m: Unit. '4. 27'a.
n .,10 EL./V.1445 p. 1n.
ttolivo Wusr,.--Exproee, 8.47-8.m.; Mixed, 10 a,ra.,
G.88 p.m., 0.20 p, -fu.
Saturday EXdt'rRSZQN tickets
To Donlon, Godarioh and` Stratford, good to
return dfMonday,at reduced rates.
7,1ft0x8ON, oonoral'tilanager.
A. STRAPPO/1', Agdnl: at Clinton.
Clinton, 1111y 28,1878,
P Z .NE:Auctioneer an Appraiser
for Ifuron ; 1"1'ouse and .rani Agent,
Commissioner, Coaveyaneer, &Cc. Wing -
Liao pioneer° in auhouncingto the inhabitants of Myth
and vielnity, that he has opened ant in the Carriage
maicintbrlsinoaa, and is now prepared to 1111 all orders
npou tho shortest notice,and at the most reasonable
rates, Norio but first-cass workmen employed, and
the vary best material need.. IMPAIRING attended to
promptly and eatisfaetorlly.-1I0RSE 81TOEING a
apeolalty, • .
t l
Agon1 Ol r1OIIC )s ii ricolturai ii0 IOOIOnISI
One of the beet manufactories in Canada, Call and See
enmplos of Beepers, 3Cowera, Seed Drills, Itorso Rakoa,
Ploughs, &o., M., before purohaeleg elsewhere.
tom' 19nOP' ON QUEEN STREET, .Les
Blyth,Map o1 0 8 Dominion Telegraph .Oilloe.•
• E P..E
On and after : the i:st day of September, T intend to
As ' I find, on. ' examination that . I Bayo already too. much •
in my books, .:Fid that 'I cannot sell the people- goods as.
c"li_eap as I wish to and give . credit, Bence ny giving it up,
t r
but if you wish to' buy •
Goods tbr fall
I mean to -make such. difference inPrices...that
people will
see at once that it is to their. benefit to .btiy at a .Cash House.
Come and See the Difference. in Prices.
GOODIt1`L',Ah. E.PIRODUC10 41; .4 , 1'.4ZfEN ..AT PAIL . VALUE.
J'...C. rI>lr_..' .cEY".
Clinton, Aug: 29, .1878.
�mportaat. ai��l V&uable,':,la10o-41010fat187I
-- 114:1UFAtCTURitaS 01, -• •
. :. .
1'ITT'$,EIIIPItOVEP IIORILI POWERS,' 4t ItItammliItA,L,&TE.tlli P',•oINI S,.'
For the coming season we. aro introducing many new. and valuable improvements; which will
place' our machines.r to ix. ADvANon of any..otliers manufactured in the Dominion. We es•'
pedally call -the attention of threshers to Our CLIMAX PPA.RATOR, with the .New llnn'Z
Shhake'Shoc, which,fnr'smoothness of running, capacity and perfection of cleaning, far 'snr-
passes ''anything yet produced •':'It has: been thoroughly tested, . has proved a complete '
success, and is fully warrented.
ii.M.A•a T2 �+1 �'CO2.LO�7i7ING Z' STIMON AIS
Bite EFIELD Iiia 11 1878
It is with leasure.I'testif the, superiority y O'
I pleasure y to pe ori y oaf your Nf+:w END SlzAxi; GLI3fA7C ••
SEPARATOR. :1 thoroughly tested it last season, and can say that it rens the'.snooticcst and.
lightest, ' loos the largest •capacity for separating and cleaning, and does the best work. of any _
machine I hate yet seen. It is quite unneceesa'a'y•to brace the machine:' All that is required
q ,
is to astir in place, when it is ready for Work; and it wii'.lxirn without jar or noise. I would
not•havo any other than the'Nsw LND SirAAE C iprtx.
. MANY QTHEIIt rMPROVEMENTS, such as lowering.tlie front '(or Cylinder) end o •
machine, adding a tightenerulley to Fanning Mill Belt, windlass for raisin the Straw.
Carriers, improved`" Concave. Adjuster," etc., have been made, which will add.largoly to the
worth of machine
OUR PITY'S POWERS have been improved iti'various ways, still farther adding to
their durability, convenience, and eas'o of running.' •
go'licit inspection of our machines Wore' purchasing elsewli"ere.'•.
Li.i1rToon AonieuLTvnan; Wonics, May, 18.78.
txf'a etta:r1�. m a
i ine<s: and Mill Machinery of Styles.
Boilers, Ei g y Latesty
MIddli.x�gs Purifiers, of Improved Kind:,.
STOVES of, various kinds. Brass and Iron Castings,:,
FOR SALE.'CIIEA:P=Secondhand Engines and i3oilere of 10, 20 and 30
horse Power'; also ,. Stave Machine, Shingle and Heading7fiteltinerandHdang' '
• Jointer'and Piainor.
(I-oDE txoir, Feb. 1, 1877. .
Or IS .Liu A .G' O .Lu D f
INCO1teo12ATrD 1874, Sucoedsore to Thomson & 'Miinamt3, of Mitcheil,
Agricultural eEngine Works
. '' Di.t.tric,Toris
ItOBE1ti.0 TIIPIISON, Plinio/ as, • A. R. WILLIAMS,V'ton-ri ss, . ALEX. GRANT,
MAN`Cr iYAC'p'CT1t1'It$ 011' '
Johnston harvesters, Single Reapers, Mowers
and CombI
ned Machines,
Broadcast' Seeders, Seed Drills, noise Powers, Sawing °
ildaohines, Orgill Crushers, Straw dutters, Prows, Gang Plowd, &e .- .
Builders of Steam Engines and Boilers, an sizessz
Contractors for arise and Saw Mille aomplele. .Also for Water. Works for cities; towp13 and
villages, on the Holly System. Jor Cheese Factory Mackinei'y .a Specialty.
Address, 'irtiO3INON'ata WJtt11tL1t1s, 1lxafturaetnring Co., 'Stratford.,Ont..
Feb. 9,•1876.