HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-29, Page 1• • - VOL. la, NO. 34, WE1t111W—S1.50 Per An utturn, in wive nee. Neltl akartritototent#. AND CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER CLINTON„ ONT.ASIO, TRURSDA.Y., .ATJGUST et SON, publisher* • SAINT ANNE, OTTAWA 1.1,IT:ER, Notice to, Contractors. Sealed Tenders, addreseed to Ike Secretary of Public Werke, and endoreed 'Tonder for Canal and Look at St. Anne," will be received at Ebbe ofileo until the arrival of the Eastern andWestern Mails on TUESDAY, THE Ariz DAY. OF OCTOBER next, for the eenetritetion of a Look and the formation of approttehes to it ou the lepdward side of the present lock at St. Anne. - A map of tho looaliti, together with plans and !Mod- fication of the worke to be done, can bo seen at this • °Mee, and et the Resident Engineer's Office St. Anne, DA on and after THE8Y, the 241h day es. 'Seetember next, at either of nkiee. piaatiprintoa Yonne of Tender can be obtained. Contractors aro requeeted to bear in mind that Ten. dere will not be considered unless, made eti•letly inebe. eordanee with the peinted forms, enet-in tho ettee of firms -except there are Oteolted the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation and residence•of each meraber of tho same; and further, an accepted bank cheque for the sum, of $2000, raust accompany the Ton - dor, which pum shall be forfeited if the party tendering declines entering into contract for the works; at the • rates and on the terme stated in tho 9..e1' mibmitted. The cheque fints--sentrifFielll'liTreturnelletAbo-ree, epective parties whites tenders aro not aecepted. For the. due fulfilment of the contract, satiefeetory eeourity will bo required by thb deposit of money to the amount of five per cent on the bulk smn of the ooutraot; of whittle the sum sent in with the Tender Will be eon- eideree a 'Fire . •• • , • Ninety per cent only' of the progrese ostimetes will be paid until the completion ot nio work. To each Tender roust be ettached the aetual Igua- turos of two responsible and solventpersons reeideute of the Dominion. willing to become auredoe for the carrying out of these eonditlons, as well es the due per- formance of the works embraced in the °matelot. This Department does not, howeyer,. bind Itself to accept the lowest or any Tenlier.. • BRAUN, Secrefttey. Department of Publio Werke, Ottawa, 2erd .Ang., 1878. • BLACKSMITHING Remember. that the &ice to get *orb dorm is at ROWELL'S"• OLD' .STANDy. HURON STREET, MANTON. • 11011SE SHOEING A- SPEOIA4771r, and. done an the latest veterinitinj.p.rincepies. . • Um hag engaged. T. J. brill ACHILL, T. W.; customere will have the benefit of his aevico, in all eases, free al • eharge. All kinds of GEVEliAL J01313110 C1.0110 ProloPilIe and on reaeontible terme. . • • • , Having procured a SAO': CI-rf-AillihIA. 1Pm' prepared to do anything in this line, • AUSTIN CALI)ANDER. Clinton, Aug 20,1878 .A ND LOT FOR SALE. The eubeeriber often that ednveniently eituated house illed lot en Rattenbury atrod, for este. There ere eight romns in niehoose, with stable, driving shed, hard and soft water, and some good fruit trees on the Ogee, Quarter acre lot. Cheap for caeh. RODERT EITZ;STMONS. Clinton, d'uly.18, 1878. • STRAY COW •: •• ; • Strayed from the premises of the nedersigned, at Londesbore, on or about the 22od of July, one•LIOAT BED COW, tail tipped with white, home unoommonly etraieltt. Any person giving information that will lead to her recovery will be euitably rewarded. ' • .• CEIARLES MEYER, Butcher, • Lomdesboro, Akigt 14, 1873. 415 • .11OUSE TO LET. . • The etibscriber desires to let that' eouvenieutly-atu- atod residence on the Mixon Road, near the O. W. Station, at present occupied by Itinvelf. The house contains four bedroome, parlor, dining relent, two kitehens, pedlar, pantries, &o.; large gardnn, with eteble etc. Apply on the promises to ' ' . . WII. Skt'ART, ' Or to . C. A. IIAUTT. •illintqn, Aug. 8,4878. • ' • • That -eligible house and let 'opposite the Wesleyan Church; Itattenbery Street, at pre- sent ocetipled by 11.1.a. GEOitali ,Pas. Terms easy. Apply to • • , • ' • GEORGE. •PA,Y, • Or W. C. SEARLE- ClintOre`klay 113,1075. • ARM FOR SALE.: The undersigned offers for sa et hie farm of 100 Beres, being lot 22,, fied con. Tueltersmith, (11.11.S.) There aro 80 twine cleared. and. in good state of celtivation, being well under -drained; balance hardwood. On the premises aro first-class buildings, good orchard, Plenty of water, and all conveniences. The farm is miles from Seaforth end 6 from Clinton. Particulars on ap- •plication at this office; or if the proprietor. ALExANDEn CAMPBELL, SteVonnr v.o. Tueltersrattli, Aug. 1,1878. • . SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE. Let' 26,. concession 5, etoclorich Townehip, consisting of 80 acres, Is offered for -sale. -74-acres-cleared, and in excellent working order, is seeded down'evith clover and timothy; remainder hardwood bush. On the place le a good young orchard, never -failing creek, now frame bongo, new frame barn 40x60, w th cellar. A geedPlace for al:minces stand on the eorner. On the oppoeito cor- ners aro ft otore, post office, school house end black- smith shop. 6 milee trent the town of Clinton, and 7 from the town of eiodericb. Partieulare on application ' • . ARCHIE lldebOUGALI*, Porter's Hill P0. Goderich townehip, 7urie 5, 1878. • • DEBENT IrRES FOR: SALE. . • . *6;000.00 IV ORTII. PAYA131:1i DirEATY YEARS'. SEED WHEAT FOR SALE. Th. eCorporation of the Town of Clinton offer fk6,000 wortheofFire Protection Debenturefor eale. They rim Twenty, 90421, and bear Seven ifer cent Interest, payable gem -annually., Offers for the IMMO will be re- ceived, in writing, by • . W. C. SI4A.111.11, Mayor. Clinton, Jnly.24, 1878. . , SIOjale.13 The enbeeriber otters a (partake of the V/i()T011. SEED WHEAT for sale. It lo the carllest white abaft aow grown, and is a splendid hybrid. •- Wel. WISE. Ooderich Township, Aug. 15, 1874. STRAY . • Strayed from filo subeeribeti preraleefe lot 84, Ilth con., Hullett, about the lattbr part of June two Ewes and three Lambs, all marked with red pe.ine on rump, and one of the ZWee with both mini croened• AnY ono giving information that will teal to their recovery will be suitably rewerded. • • RICHARD TOWNSEND, Aug. 22, 1878. " • Londesbore 11,0. flirOUSE AND LOT FOR. SALE. The undersigned offers for vale the house andiht on itattenbury Street, immediately 'West of the Wesleyan Church, at prima °noted by hfmeelf. • The lot opr1- tains one-eighth of an ache, and has thereon a frame house, eontaining .7 toonte, hard and soft water •and a few frnit trees. Title indieputable. Fnether realm. lare on applieatIon., B. WATTERSON. Olinten, Aug. 14;1878. - 41* • VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. The undereigned offers for gale n beeutifnl farm con- taining 83 acres, 45 (geared and In it geed strati a cultl. cation. Never -failing spring creek running across the centre; there is also asi,kndh1 vo% erohard,bnilainas Act, on• the place—Itima lei hated, being lot 85,• 15t1: eon. Goderieh Toe/Whip, aruiTg•TniTrhelfirmiler-fre the corpoi Anon of the WiitroTtTdIfiliiiiiiid"hartrilhe view of the entire tole% For farther particulars apply to WM. M. 0:10111)0Z Al Gordon & Irinlaysen'e‘reCery Stank Clinton, July 11, 1878. FOR SALE. SIX ACHES OF /aril/ IN 11A3Militlie To be sold, mix ;ores of prime laud, in the Village of hayfield, Cottnty of Huron, one ofthe healthiest spas In the Domieion‘ Good noW henget barn, n table, pure water, good picket Pelee. oeer 160 prime varietlee feuit • trees eommencing to bear. Near school; churches, eteree, and -convetlieeees of every Mnd. Ilttll of the pfircheee money ohly ircpared down, ter the balance, a term of yeare will be given ot mortgage neourity, with interest at 8 per 0005, Aix indisputable title wino given, and minutiae:1 of the' piste OM • 00011 eft Ohl.— CIOMO 0.11a Set, or inquire of • 4'. C. matt:roan, Commieeloter, Reynold, Ang. 2214 478. pll OPBRTY V011 S'ALE; • --- . The undoesigned °dere for sole ii fine; neer, two. -story Dwelling House, containing 14500100, with stoic) illid earflap hotte ou the premieee, kart and Boit Waite in ebrindenee, end every other eetiventence; le eittieted on the sotakside of ()Mai& Street, nearly opPosite the English Church. A tevoithence for a medical or bust. 0055 )11001. • Also, a 6110150 bending phSt, Antall* oit Ottaelo - Peteiv , and !tante Streets, nearly opposite lir. II, M. . flitdey)b reeitletled, einIteinillfr about theee•quartere of • an a a, won fancied /oath...tined. rot particulars 41p. • ply o IT. TIALE, Millet. . , .... ., Aloe, a aret•elass GRAIN STOltr, for este et to .rent; nt ovine rtnostation. Apply to A, aT11/4.tTON. G, . T. Agent he- Clinton, Clinton, Ate Moe, • . A, .1AMIESON, , ilAS THE SILVER CHAFF, VICTOR, AND THE CLAWSON, Tintoyty Beal ond ..E2m., • At hif; gore, Hamilton Street, G- 0 333 IR. X 0 X--1 hug. 21,1.878, JUST RECEIVED, z wALE • • IMMIX t'Sr. CLOMES wainus; RACEY, 13.A.1Z riRJOI\T", s.14D OLONTC:i,N, Mink Canaiitan News items, There itre 1841 voters-in...Stratford. Rev. W. Philp, a superannuated IVAtho- dist. minister, died in London last week, It is:proposed to` illuminate Quebec on the Arrival of the Martinis of Lorne- and H. R. H: the,rrincess Louis'e. • lily.. 0: Hawking, „Methodist 'minister at Bedinaville, 'was 'seriously. injured on IVIonclay, by Ins horse•ronning tvvtiy. • Richardson, a cashier in the Windsor Hotel; Monirea, tnims out to be A default- er to the extent of $1,200, HO' has been beard of at Albany, /NT. Y. ' • • ' Mr, Fawcett lives one 'Mile from Pal- merston, his ige is" 107. The did gentle-) man Can *alk three or few miles at a stretch with comparative ease. • - The Rev. Mr. Spencer of Palmerston( on Thursday officiated at. a Wedding, a finieral and a 'christening •in rather gmck .enecession, all within ten hours, . (Two drunken men nanied Livingston and Derrell, got fighting at. CollingWooci,- on Monday, when Livingston fatally stab- bed the other. He was rrested. Messrs. . .iY oore So. cm on, shipped a large quantify of eggs. to Glee- gqw direct, being the firat consignment of this kind of reduce sent frOnl there, On Friday while:Mr. Ayella. G.. yardman Stratford, was coupling •dais his left arm was otiniht between the drawheads and broken, from the effects of which' he died His Eicellency the Governer•General ‚has acceded to the 'request •preferred though the Mayor of Toronto :and the on D. Christie, to open' the Ontario Provin- cial gxhibition. , •• ' few days ago a young- gentientan of Napanee was terribly frightened. Ilo felt: it snake crawling down on the inside of his pants, „ Ile seized the rreptile, which he felt biting hitn•-aeveral•times, firefly by the. 'head with one hand:, while with the other Ito ripped up the leg of his pants, and then nearly fainting with .terror, he relaxed his grasp, and down fell his heavy gold Watch - . A. yonng-inanaged twenty, naMeil John D. Stuart, was drowned off his yacht Ca. cique 85 Hamilton, on Friday; while in the net of rescuing. one .of. his companions named .Sarvis; who bad- beenknocked overboard by BOMO.iiidooked-for motion of .the boat. Mr. Striart,.st., on being.made acquainted with the sad nears of his son's fate'fell and received.a severe fracture el the ribs. • .• The North -Perth Fall Wheat Shewheld at Stratford, -on Friday, was. -largely' it - tended. The prizes were a warded..ai• fol-. lows:;-4-st: H. ZimMerreari; Downie; 2nd, Mrs. John Ball, North Easthope; Srd, Wm. Patterson; North Easthope. . The exhibits were all good, the greater niimber, includ- ing the prize wheat, woke of the Clawson variety. After the exhibition 4301110 of the best samples were sold at from $2.40 to $2.50 per bag. ' " • • Ots July 4t1 speak thieves entered the ale° of, Alexander Fraser, Receiver:Gen- 'oral, at Toronto, and 'carried off $12,400 'in one sncl two dollars motes, of the Do - Minion of Canada. ' At New York, on Fri- day, a manwho gave hia name as Saab D. Otis'residing at Orange, N. J., was arrested, and part of the stolen notes, which he was trying to sell, were found in his possession; He was loc,keri. up until they hear trona 1VEr. Fraser. ' Idrakesmaii Stein .was .killed, on Friday morning about a mile west of Brantford., on the Brantford and Tilsonburgbranch of the G, W.• R. The' _gravel train left there at 7 01. in. witlki.n engine pushing the care ahead with Stein on first car. .3Vhciti reaching She stone road, it mile west of Brantforkthe caritimped the raile turning 'completely over with. Stein underneath' it, injuring hinl do 'severely' that ho died shortly after being taken from under the car. r. .• , At the Orange Young "triton's held at Mitchell on Friday last, Mr. Al. .freellarrison found a, seven shooter,' bid away in the hollow of a log, each chamber being charged,. The cowardly fellow who , claimed it should have 'boon personally taught'that it is contrary AO law to carry such weaPornr. The officers of the Society felt ineepeed that One of their inernbers thotildhaall—inceid—r•e. 'ot.n were notslow - in tolling linu of his wrong. Robert Rennardson, boat -builder,,,' met with a horrible death on the Grand Trunk track et George street, Toront000n To day night; It is supposed 110 was intoxi- cated and had stumbled aeress the track, and having :fallen asleep, or being unable to rite, Wag run over by the exptvint train from the cut, at 1107. The -.body was horribly mangled, being almost separated i at tho waist, and his ntestines and other portions of the ititernal organsiscAttered about the track, • The grasshoppers are making 10910 -ale destruction on tobacco at Gatineau Point, which otherwise would be a geed crop,. The Clieckleis, two brothers, now under arrest, .at Ottawa, cm it charge of counter- feiti„ng-and issuing notes, are believed to have put some $300,000.of bogusbills in circulation: . • The prosecuting. °minas)} in the Montreal Orange case intendeto petition tlieGoyer- nor-General to grant immunity to witnesses frraoirni, the consequeneed of enY atatementS: they may make -10 .giVing evidence in the t . . The English. eqUattere on tho Freneb re- serves in Manitoba have agreed.to remove' forthwith, being paid for the plowing they have done,'apont three hundred acres, and allowed to remove their implements, secure their.crePs, etc. . Oa Friday laat at Mitchell,: Mr', M. Piii Oas- sinlittle • child accidentally fell into A boiler of hot water .and was frightfully scalded about the twins and. breast. The poor little thing suffered dreadfully; butis . • ,of Brant- ford ositor now lociiThilasa Winer near Panblo, in Solorit 0; mamma to giv(3, in his next letter to the Expositor from Colo- rado, 9ne hundred and Seventy-seven rm.. sone whY be don't like.the country.' . On Thersaay Mr. Goldring, of London, Eng., a gentletnari of German descent, purchased One. third of Meiisre Blackburn tcc MaLaren's phosphate lands in Temple - •ton, paying the sum ofS45,000 cash. This is the largest transaction of the kind made •iti the:Ottawa seblion. . . On Thursday morning, near 1-1 ngal:8.YJ11n, the. Haniiltati & Northwestern . .express, board aouth, ran over and.ineitantly killed a man named Codd. Ho laid crcseivaya on the'track, ivith his 'leek on the rail, and the .head. wassevered from the body ,as if out• with a knife. • ,• -Litat,,MondaY 'an illioit, still belenging to Timothy and John, Coghling; Was .seized on lot 24, second concession, Proton, by. Col- lector McLean. ' qiiantity/;of spirits, grain, hops, ito.; were found on -1 the pre - 01)1503 and destroyed with the plant. . The: 'atillieriatid-.to have been :in operation nine 37.4:at's. g.ehtleitrian from Georgia:has beeneit, peritnenting itt the plantingof sugar -cane near Grimsby, and his ethirke have.proved successful. Sortie of thie season'es,growth has • inetieured 13 feet .3 ifichea; mid: he thinks cholla 'art be: no doubt Wtthat sugar -bane, can be sitquessfelly raised • in that district.. • •The•body 'of an link:own micidle.aged man was discevered -floating in Allan's mill race, Guelph, on Tuesday :Morning. It was very muchdecompesed and the fa - tures almost destroyed by the action of the . water, where it appears to liaire fain. for months.' .• Nt4tine is known to be missing in this locality. : : * On Saturday lastiat. Stratford, an kng- • lisbman named.,Wm..Redford, was walking on the,,road.'whek lie Was joined' by some acquaintances . who challenged: run a foot -race. - fie Coneented and a start Was tnade. ..-.11e had not proceeded many' yards .before :lie Staggered and fell :and almost immediately:expired. . • e1/4 vn .13 may it young man, a stranger, hired a hone and buggy at Measrs. Hod- ges St Will's livery, Mitchell, to go, as he said, to Seaforth, proinising to return in. the evening, lip to Sunday morning there was no appearance of either man or horse when tho owners became so uneasy that 'Mr. Hodges knitted in, puranit. Reaching Seaforth he fund his preperty at an hotel stable, and en further enetuiries ascertained that the seine man ha hired a rig from Mr. Wm. McNaughton, and had not returned it at the time promised,. The pureuit Was continued to Goclerich, when animal and vehicle were diseovered, but the man had gone to Port Albert.. On his return in the evening, he was arrested, and is now in jail awaiting his trail. At •Goderich he told parties that the horse was his own, that his ban was Et0rtON and that he hailed front Owen Senna, Mr. F. X. beaudry, one of the largest property owners in Montreal, xvis on Tues- day, fined 5200, with the option of six months' imprisonment, for- renting his houses for immoral purposes. Notice Was given of appeal on She ground that ,such matters are beyond. the • jurisdiction of the Local Legislatures. ' At Florence, on Monday afternoon two children; daughters of Mr. Selma Ruth, Were playing with matches itt hie .otable. The hay caught fire, and the whole was in blaze at once.- The oldest givl managed to _escape, but the youngest one, three years old was burnt to death A boggy and two sets of harness were burnt. A lady named Charles .a.„iindere, living with a farmer named Mr. Arthur Cope. land, .near Westminster, absconded with fifty dollars belonging to his employer. He was traced to the G: W. It. station -at London, where he had purchased it ticket for Toronto. At Hamilton Moves arrested, ent,baok, and committed for trial. SOMA Allan Craig children, on Saturday last, purchased half • a .pound of powder and wrapped' it up carefully, sat down around it and a , hod it match, It went °frill -a' manner t at gave the utmost iatia- faction to. the Medical attendant, who' chanced to be.called in. All will recover. The eyebrows will grow out ' Says the Barrio Gatette :-.7,1Vo.' matter how the 'Conservative papers try to ex- plain the bankruptcies in the United States they cannot get over the ugly fact that nir proportion of thenrhava been failures of manufacturers. Why should so largo a percentage of manufae- turere fall when 'so heavily 1i/ejected ? And why in Canada do no few mainline- turers fail I An accident of the roost distressing character happened on Sunday night on the Esplanade, Toronto, where Mr. John H. Venables lost three children, aged eight, four, and two and a half years re- spectively. Mr. and Mrs. Itenables went out .tq, make a call. tiller* before SAVOR o'clock. In the evening Mrs. Venables asked the children, whose name ore EtnilY, Elizabeth, and Willjaan, to go up stela% to the room where the aervant girl warp They went up but come down shortly af- terwards with the intention'of plucking a flower, This wart the last sten of them alive. It is supposed that one of the little ones in going Along the wharf had fallen into the bay. and that the others went in in endeavoring to save them. Tito bodies were found clout to each other. The grief of the parents, at their sad calamity, can. not be deouribett serione accident happened to a man 1 IiU110,1sT. ITFP48. named George Crane, at London, Monday, while working near Westminster Bridge, Corn 14 feet' high at Exeter. Crane and another man were engaged driv- ing piles, when Crane placed due of his hands neTehiteii Bbeevaipet;oi:tleggeiantaBryatiti, a npaY(1,c4 •- eiootni ,anp)itleutootisetzltyhihsi,mbsreoltfi,g holI itsh ee 0 stni epdagn; Mr. J.., Down Exeter, has a grovving, v hammer dawn And smashed tho hand til --0 post to a jelly. It is feared the whole hand will have to be taken off. . squash 52 inchesin carceniference • John Alliaoh,Ilabcrne, has it three-year old apple tree with 100 apples thereon, .• A grand united excursion under the7its- W. H. Verity, of Exeter, line returned pices of the leading farmers Of the counties, from Maine, where he went for the benefit toof tWakeellipnigeotoenonansdepWt.atetigotoo Tisoraodnyteortaisnedod of Ahsisivihre.al;Nh.iright- (If atop; t 1" arrn.,a0,10. Scarboro)ii Heights, The excuraion trains rich, was handling,s bettle ofginger ale, it are to run from, Berlin, Galt, and Guelph, Suddenly exploded, seriously injuring one . and the fete is expected to be,the grandest of his eyes, ' ' affair of the kind held thie'season. Brussels has now a most efficient staff of Sohn Lennoir,. Wttrkiiir in. Port *Huron, teachers, cempriaind Mr. Sohn Shaw; prin- redeived a telegram that his *ifs was dying eipal., Mrs. Coulter, and Misees,primpbell; ivhere his money gave ont f -lie then got .Mr. Francis 'Cornish, of ushorne, has a., a, ride tp.Hatiiiiton, i,vhere his position lirPs cliecoveted. .`fhe slightest change of his three Years old, and are as sound as over. positron while riding Would have sent 'him hichr;istOtnozi,ish_ intands .lieepin!oo there ,till intri another striking illustration of the truth eon. Willete; Cowrie; who.sdihe time 'tallied in the.t expressive, but new some- Silicwatt°aTted- to ocanwit enieide by cut' ' ting his, throat. with a razor, • succeeded a week or. an ago in ending Ins life by again . applying the razdr. • • . . During the 'prevalence of the Violent storm on the night Of the 14th• inst.; a ,valuable young horse belonging to Mr..D. 1VICIOnnon..ef the.10th was struck bnightning and killed:. The - animal WAS •yaiued at :$139. While out shooting en:SaturdaY, Mr. F. W. Simpson; of Exeter, 'shot a crane at the• distance. of about 120 yards whileit was °nth() .ss me day Mr. 8.. also dig - played some good shooting by killitik...a.h01 diver across the river, diatatice Of about" one litindred-ya-rdsT- Mr. W. Carrick; gxeter, is thtt. pos- sess(); of a 'grape vine„which is only in third year* front a cutting, , Whieh'haa put forth titeee shoots, each about fourteen-. ., feet, iti 'length, beaides several .strtaller branched, all, of the latterali having liheis :allowed try'grow. • :•",•• ' On Friday, h young son of NV. Jas. Wit.... son, grain buyer, Brussels, Met with 01 80- , Vera accident. Na Was in the store henries, and had been leekineat a .grain bin,..and• in stepping hhohward:stepped ta'an.opoia hatchway, the': do.ot of which itotneditttely closed catching the arnilied break- • - ing above the. elbow: . ' • • • ' 'W•9 *eve shown the oth'er clay specimens of a neW eneinYto the potate iirtlikahape 'of.a,' large. white wor'in, .or. griibi With clark hinder.partsiend 'lege in the part ofthe. - body. They are attacking -the. potataitself • • and derouring theni. It :resembles the • Coalmen -woodworm and proinises to be a formidable foe Unless.. some enemy comes - to light.to ant it .ott —Sienar, • , : , at 1.3uffiilo, He paid his fare to London, Annie Smith and E. Forsyth. on the trucks of a passengercar and stole number of large rtoPlee which are nearly' whattackneyed phrase, ".In the midst of life We are in death," was given lo 4!. family •liting in Montreal; ,on Friday: A healthy woman of 60 years, wife of Pierig Leblanc, a respectable inephanic of Cliambly, came. ,into the city to attend her dmighter-in-law during •'11--er . confinement. During . the evening she suddenly, raised: her hands and " I'm 'dying I Please timid for • sistange,' and fell' .back insensible, dying before assistance could reach her, ln the.Doininfon .Press, a. paper ,publish- -ed in Californiaby Canadians for Canadians,. and whicli. furnishes pncli that:1.e interest- ing -concerning' Canadians now residing in that state, as well as visitors we notice .the following : ,The San Franileco Cana. ditto Asseciationl which has for sornis.time been organized,' is 1%V 141 it most flonrish- hig condition. ' At every Monthly meeting,. a larger number is addedto its ,niernber- Steps are now being .talcen ,to .166. corporate the ;moiety. Rot. 0, Chiniquy: arrived in San' franciseo Saturday, Jely 28th. He preached tiviee 'next -day and' lectured 1 wice nextweek in San Francisco. He is ori his Way "to Australia to lesitnie tinder tho auspices of the Orangemen.: • : At St.. Catharine'S Parish, in the Coun- ty of Port Neuf; two Irishmen, named Francis 06nway. and•Michaei Farrell,' have - lived since theirchildhood as' neighbors.. On'IVIonday afternocin Conway, with two of bis children and his brother; started: off to visit their father in' Volicertier, on his wey, he saw ,Farrelk itt .a. conversation With lain at, the readeide 'Conway asked remoire biefence,. in ..answer to Which it is said that Farrell told him that before hewould do it either ono ,br the other 'of them present Would be killed: In parting,: Farrell got ' into a dreadfal state, of excitement, and in a loud Voice advised Conway not ,to pule the roacl in returning or there would be bad 'work. Conway did not replybet proceeded on his way to his father's' n Coinpany With his children and Itis brehiier. ,After.spenilingthe afternoon there they returned' about 5. o'clock. .On approaching the residence of Farrell -the occupant could be easily discerned with a gnuin his hind, On seeing the party re- turned he walked .quietly 'down the path . Of his firm to the road, and met there Conway atid party without a word Farrell took.a deadly aim with his gun at COnwity„ andpulling with a deliberate idol the trig- sg te at u' , Oar." TarieCoohniwldarYena nti4iril.."%ivlietidhetini vines' upon the body of their father, and Pile- couelYed4. oP nP ,e oalocl t to thh iemb rtoo,ixEt,'„ib..-n:611:1'rrtehloi -- On Tuesday night 20th hist flames were oteerved. Liming from the roof of a stable,' the property of Mr. W. McConnell;. ,bailiff, %Ingham. Those who first per- ceived the fire, immediately went to the stable and' took, out the, horse, sulky and • buggy, which were all that was saved. The . flames rapidly spread, atid were soon coin- 'municated to another stable, the property of Mr, F. 'Roderus, and it was also razed to the 'grotind. 1VIr. McConnell's lois is alma $200,. and that of Mr. R,oderus in . the neighborhood of $100. The origin of the fite•is Unknown. .On Tuesday morning. of last. week, Mr. • Thos. Cox, who came to Exeter some five' weeks *since, died at Mr. It. Atkinson'a hotel. It appears that he has been for some time working in the flax mill. Leav- time alarniedlhat he Would be fired at too ' bia work °w Sa6erdaY' at nem' he Conway bore,a remarkably good chart:tater: 'eine to the hotel and coked Mr. Atkinson Farrell, who is charged with the murder, was a prisoner on a similar charge before the court twelve 'years ago, and was ac- quitted on the ground that he acted in self-defence, In that instance he killed the man with an axe. Farrell walked into town a distance of 21 miles, and' on enter. ine the Police Station, said he was there to give himself- up for shooting and killing Conway, but for ivhat reason no ono appears i$ croquet a. Montt tenni* to tell. .1.11 in Dr,. Moore, as he felt:at eaviness 'hest. Tho doctor did all he'colld 111 "18 •-i,•bekhis lengs were tilled with to 801ve "''' swill an extent it wae bli- the flax dust „ vthing, and he gradually possible to do .„110,010 expired. Di. sank until Tuesday, manners but Waa ceased was of engaging curious somewhat addicted to dn.. "nn his stay feature in the case is that dui. there hq choose t0. pass as Thema 11.6, One day Lille summer we rode fifty loirin -railway-earr sentud-holriint tour men who were playing with those awful playthings of -the devil—cards, They played euchre until they Welt tired Of it They played a little seven -u repo- dro and occasionally a trials of poker: We hover heard a dispute. Their bursts elliTmerritagnt_ocottsianally.At come unex- pected play repeatedly drew, our eyes from our book. They never quarreled, Etnd never called names once. After we got 011 h At our station we sat at the win- dow and watched a 'party of young men 'and maidens playing croquet, In fif- teen minutes we saw two persons cheat successfully. We heard the ono Player who did not cheat accused of cheating' five times. ,We heard four distinct bit- ter quarrels.. We heard a beautiful young •glrl tell two lies and a meek -look - lug young than three, and finally we SAW the yoniag girl throw her mallet against the fence so hard that it frighten- ed a horse ; the,other young girl pound- ed her mallet so hard on the ground that it knocked the buds off an apple tree, they both banged into the house at dtf- ferent doors, and the two young men looked sheepish and went oft after a drink. Now, why is this 1--43ttrlingloo rtathkeye, • • . ....*••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Japangeo-cmtdron.t., There are no cradles in Japan; Al most as--soon-,as-theAmbies are bor they aro taken out on the backs of th older children, the .flrst child narryin the second, the third, and ee on, and you will See a company of girls playi battledore; each with . a-baby-strappe on her back. If the baby cries t jump ‘up and down klittle and so r it off to sleep. The baby thus gof ereise, fresh air, and sees all them ing ori. Its education thns begins for theliouees being open the oriel of,all the trades may be Seem goi in them as you pass along The building are all one stor row frontsrunning back ab feet, and by the removal of which serve for partition walls, thrown opsn no that the air sWe through them. So the childr see the processes of all the tr much of tile quickness of cotnes from this; A Japan can tura hid hand to anythi 40` The wheat and barley crops 'Britain promise to be above t and that of oats somewhat