HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-22, Page 85 ; ,•• • 11111111110111441sseall,A 044,141444144.444` CLINTON NEW ERA. Prat cgattino. • ' • •• • " . The Vivie . : It WS itlitiOiliated- that the induce,. =mats ofered excursionists by the rail- ways, on•Ttiesday, would be snob it.Sto. almost clear the eatadie," and .that these. were about realized will be. Seen .hy the. number • of tiekets 0,014.l for the different pleasure trips. • • . • • • - For Port -Stanley, two hundred were sold at this station, and grad -tie' aeceS•. • Sion8 were tnade to the crowd -;--a• .gobd tin many °gett,T. oit at ExeteiH-until at : London fifteen -cars were.' requireq.. to convey them to the Port, whore ai pleasant time .Wae spent; the party a0-• riving houio again without For Toipate,akaiut .oneilmudred arid twenty were sold; many...T.)9*MS .going for pleasure alone,_ While others 0011114010(1 business therewith, . •••• • • . For Godeiich—to -connect • with the Port Huron trip -two hundred,and five , -were sold.. • ' , •••• • . • There wat,•theretbre, ever • flee' died' -persons away .freni towu by rail, and as quite a number of private picnics werelieTdTand.soine went. to •Winglann; comparatively fow persons.'were• left. in: . town, and it worea deserted...apeor-, once, nothing whatever of -7noto. oceer7. ring during the day. - • The excursionists to .Port Huron, not. arrive home initit.S.a. in. 'yesterday. .A. great many were very kick.. on the,. boat, but .the reception •tenderett . Week - by the citizens of Bvt• Huron ceanpen- sated fully for. all cliscomfortS , of the: voyage. At that. place a. 'uonduer ef • arches had been. ereqed, rinfl at Red- . Ribbon Han,. Wick was. gratuitouSly served fhe excurgenists, • who..uumber- ed about 1,000. An addresserwelepine. . was presented the Godorich and Clinton, Oddfollows, by the Port Heron 'Breth- ren, to which .Judge Toms,. replied. , . , . • - •• .. • BLUE Petikri now .fetcli $.1 aAlitudiel, with a 'doWnward tendeneYT• ..• Senook OPEN 1X0.--.011 Saturday, the, 31st inst., tho School here will bo open- ed for the admission . of all who arc' ,Model pupils, -and'on Monday, the 214( 1 of Sept., it will re -open for. the general scholars.' . • . • • THE CLINTON NEW ERA, agent of the Silsby steam fire en.,00.1018 AND A.MUSZIERAVTS gine, was in town last week, laying •be- fore the Fire and 'Water Con -mate of tlie town; tlie meri.ts of his engine. Ou load of hay in front of Coats' store, bini- grh7titT '"sr4'.11"-lees:?; lta'.1:1TIL:'tTitit`i'fi°11""g • aying •Nvii 3 o eloc f 5 the bat wh, + • Oticickr. ettotsti..ty Wet tbo Clinton Cricket' Clot) took their nest tom tstueo or- r • ' ON Monday, Aft., 'W, Oraie. I ilinped a 4' "%lora, rarie, axe st • iit" 1Ying self falling partly 1;eneath it, HeRetwhiertgin!,111iPoilatlot )4:fetim p ace( nooneed tin on the rack. • • • T.TXVORTLIN ATP A. f in„thur, awl. ale load wa.n. .sooli 1 i_ itt,,etro la le want to me ,froun4111`' ''''d kiving i , .., .,. 71 e e A. Li',.. sztolgici,all,licist..,171;t11,1,0:ilitra;,iitei "toll ehboify :1:e:talent 1,.11(\.tiPelY. ot, hat arum it dirl withoot. the loss ire 11,1 tri. Pougall, •s•ti:1;ttuhla,,d been employed; in the Olintaii 0 ii side Dear plartnitirn to tion; went to Wel" s lice 14.. his"- as am, slo k t ten to bat hat factory 25 rtn„ 1_ 1 A e e s bel .o., down' tOols ft'vlitt bila , a tt e assortm e ent,00(18110 all bis stair i°"" '4'4 was The tn. t - 1 ' t" was so unforc'ti.0 te as to I faotor, 000, , gottiug, 1,3 by so 1 s mu to nialto a aint contents being destroyed b fi ' 'at 8 W 31 rtitall)(11111114°7'1(71(1 Pl"'"41.'Mel.l."1.8"1.. IV" sin), the home to:14113g lined "ttl °elle° st4he" °Ir with 6° tired out gal utetboY4aeontliin• to be etnin,11(e"'Y ewdav • (21a the 10, and 1132:3A1111". • :117, tho imings(clo(snilitt'... factory ther On Tbursd4 lest ho ,very411161°K‘I'l'ox wow 43' 111Vr4 t1(14411 °I 28.""" o stock to work in the up for 101 t1.40 olyt it4Qary 0 (1 111;iThlitgl$11)Cle....firlaIL'Ilia°1.1111111 ,,,Idioi 11 ost::.1-1011:otbye SEVERE S' ' 0i0L—On Friday afternoon y ye, • set131,1ren;tititits.e le rip ot. ati 1 ,1111 solondid last 'one of, these ee, over ic itg )%, St011)0S which ..on • §tanidY r.17uokersmith.,1'.'il.loGlittigi°11e0°I.t' r.rsltle witkr.1"ntiliV.73 '78,tteign38',th"erit8; "• 118' Me- in a moment . spre nilit _ 0.taiiititectloyi was .11111)' ed. w liffatirl11114 82 1"1•!°1`11'il a v4.01ani w 1"‘•Vilitiiviolitted!ttiirtoVbilealt"st in the eleivlqilla."11.4(1; .tsillNeoeesesnce_u,.L. sbteQgialeisi e.nti rs result *tolizalgings beent 111" .c,1 kluged to hail, and foi abotltt iHoitrd tpr(vil LIS Iti 00 W110 0VEV t110' 11 10. 6,113 11100110,•• ti Lkbuut 1140 1 00 lO)'fltfl inerable gram, (it ti un lay on the incei°oTBInittliill'a"nriitaitF7et\i,giiiil'ci)Its":11°1,10241111:1111eaAR:r17:11.)al:Otid.171. 111 torrents, Windows 'like A, wmtsiti Neu, 11,1001c13. The olcios'-v in.- 7, mord ana YtiliTig I _lig the ei 111 ti 1110 of trot .w.40r0 broken and a great .flfl gh ca oabont 11 'clock, •"If! and reaching °We 5110W ertt fr°111 tlie tre°s• Who elset8 beito,"1got for 20 ruits,'Und the side retired for e), Oliver 13 mid Makwell 11, be. habitants say tboy nev'er saw an 1;011; ii).,tatiilg boiliamer01.4 0 apiece, 0(1(7 (1(0 gregate night] :y.at VI „„iti stavit.o. 0 on the nyst ‘19ttOtal 41, til9 habit .ef a nu ,ho,' -.1' 7).7011t11$ tp .con the 'howlin;- „To a., r.,p. stationf 7,1,,sru.,y,N,11„ ...I:4e mark a , Johnsen led at WM' bat. niaking• FEtrrijuillS9tasPitit(11 • ti1011 A18(0(10147' prOejedlinC for 21,40?(111:,Zrgitill°40.V11.44.,(cTall7 swat' noisy ,a-nd .prefane, and it Pa LY' °bstrc'tairtie;. and. • natIcloal'41,A',', and tit Paris ieft al°1001t.1114"1 (1.0"12 ‘0: , r?..y.,11. W.0toit 100 0 have htisiiies 80 11 ity tura-swami., t..) yria;), ; :1;10- O1II1tlii1 1(2111 I(QW 81 to 2101 albi y ening kat noyanco or much t� the ' tin. • ,16)2.111try 0000 .flegssiof pat:Wickets they . weee Unris 2(t h'est'e”, kende 'et rile4 ag'486 s"61'al; 11 a4 -,on 1(;IP07411,1PiP10"1 0114'):Incl1(11). ivauenoa oil re white oilifioiiring 58 tun:: r• -5° - ng‘ o .the, future, miler i-n.o.c.0 i• pont st .1001c bat ) • A fier 1 • • 11 11')r • ancl .occasiumillv an .exat„ti was' (10t0001iii0d to le0 '1(13e,b,',"4.E.ierl, tilis'einhi,YV t;est 1'01 411'1 :1,•1. cached, ti'cloec e.tetellict; of t.hertr fitted 4'14 iii7rT.''„ir,ict-i(gmtunoocituotviy•totiltr,erd..• Out. theln Pivot, linY tYiedi and three .0 -le - I is to he 110i)01 • .io 0%1,1; unit; this. eSSeii lag to th.'.1.„'i-,1g141'3'''3 willulto40"1"e"e611 ".t Iilni ..therefoi t.) L. theni ',;• warrants NV'e' Detroit, ii!'0.)10=8,1111 W4,1041kavcir.AIIAler"(1' 1011ANO E DATE.. -0 wing • the elections falling on the .1 7th," • of Sept., the 'directors the '• Ehinch Agricultural Society decided to change the time of holding the fall 'show; to the 18th and nth Sept: All inter-. ested should note this .6bange.. A LONG "WAy.—Singular...as it may. 800111, it is nevertheleaerePorted to us as a fact, that on,certaindays the Whist: ling of steamboats at .Goderieh is dis- tiuctiv heard in this plaeo; As the. sound is distinguishable from that or a locomotive, it. IS' quite Possible that this may be the Case. .• , „, PosTeoxr.n.--We rt00 requosteu oy,tno Fire and Water Committee; to stateethal, owing to the incompleteness of. seteral things connected with the ,exhibitiet; the Steam Piro engine,* it net, take place on .Monday neXt, as previously Mt, nouneed, but will likely be; held smite - time during the week. • HOTET. CHANGE.-- Mr. St.1111).V. Ress, of the Prince of Wales 1 totel, bas„ di- - posed of Ili% property' and bnainess to Mr. Swartz, of Exeter, who takea pos- • i session 001 1110 ist of October... ?Jr. 1 koss Csnr MmeriNG.--At the .district . has soma intention •ef..rouloving to the , meeting of the 'WealeYita (Therch, held other side. Since his Tesidence hero he at Lueknow last, week, it 'sties unani- mously Aleeitied to hohl 117 canal meeting' 418 the ihteresta of the church' and pub, lie generally. 'Tile place selected for it iavicinity of El y th, on the Sloan property, • and ia• said to be espeCially adapted roe a gathering, ariTti's and the 'time. of bolding it will he about the 1 I th of Sept. llev. Mr. CassWell, of Loucks- boro, has beenentrested with the man- agement of alltits in connection here- with'; 001000 suitable person could scar - cob, be found. Should the weather prove' favorable the. meeting, Will, no doubt,. be au interesting one. h. is. ( wetting , cond. multi gS 1118 rain count 81.1e- WtTwr REcovEaltle,--- 'july.last a gold wa tell Ntr11.8 t01 Ell 11'0111 the 000111 t/f Mr., E. .Doherty, .in :the cionnitercial Hotel.. Susiiicion at' tbe time rested upon some of die -members of a base ball elub from Jminlen, who we6 1110Y11 tant04. -A.'4e.(1etVe • the middle of the gam(, n'int making good 'boewl- ig ,t1) On tll• 'olst of . 14)g• ii0p0411)10. 1011 in T.110 storm enabled was ••communicated with in the licipe recoverhi.e. thel_artiele, lint 'tci lost week not7the'. slightest ,trace of it was found. . Last Week a person.itt ceiVed• the artice from 'London, tagetit- er• aletteri• recinesting that; it .be r, elralfr: ---lMlertV. on, condition limit • / he 'dropped , 1e.t-1 -,proceedings. ' The watch Was • returned-. to. kr.. Doherty; unconditionally, andln. is gladthe, -unexpected recovery of.ltis time pipec... , . , match was played oa, every decoet mhos seat over tato 111011g11041 110141) ilia the fielders bail wimp over rouces before thoy could got tho hon. The playing.of Ilorteti 10 the field. Was magnificent, net 0.43Inglo error being credit, etl against hiu), while Georg() 1)10Taggett rover! tlyst 111180 $11 splendid styie.. A return niateli wUL lie played hero In ithont two weeks, whou 1111 expect to Soo a different restn t. _Below will' 1)0 founa the Score • • 1.13111S_TI.E8i. 0 • 18 ELTEE(01(6. • O. 11 1J118 ord. b ,0 Little 1, 7 Gide'roggert 1st 111 4 ^11LiNallgittolt °) 11 nOrtell 1.). - 1 ItunStOn .......1, W. Colo of • 5 11 1,001111 • • 1 5 A. Cardin) c„..' .. 4 2 Wilson ... , . 9 4 W, Ceats If ••• 0' '2 Brock 4 0, L. nortou p 0 7 IC4) eelnel 4 2 "V. Shaw rf . 5 'Flthpittriek 2 4 2'. 1)111310y,sq 2 5 Boss • .. . .... , 3 0 Clippers .-2 0 0 2 0 17 0 0-38 2.1\ " 27 38' :Ciao of game -4 hes. 15 mitt. Tbnings.. -1 2 3 4 6 7 $ 9 Dauntless .0 19. 2 4 4 A 10 1 0-31 Unrifire -W. Paulin, Brussola; $corers, J, War- dell, 'BraSsels ; A. Lawson,. Clinton, , . _ 2'4.) OM 'Editor or 1710 Nina 1: • • DEAL). ,i(tt',-T11,0 Dauntless Bard 13401 Club en' 01114ton played the Athletics 02 -(11511.t0W11 In (410 T011 liatt week, the score being 15 to 17 111 fit: •vor of Goilerieb, with bee man to spare M. the 7211 innings, when thoDituutleini Withdrew filno 800100110 ogl0d0, Iiiitowgi glair:011r 00.01018;413h,,sciodnetoe,80te0411..baidii .doing better than could bo expeeted with t Predict) they bad. Wo ollseeVe by 010 rePortt of the game In tho NEW MIA, that the Dauntless Oahu it by a seore of 8 20 12 in five Innings. We are unable to Understand how they • arrive at that conclusion, except it is, as is the Ittet, that their report is the worst 'fabrication of false- Itimile•that we ever canto 1tora40; but as that is. the way -they usually win games we are not sttr- 1)11800, (11103 reason 1110 'game was 1101 finished wits on acconnt o a, dispute raised 1))r the Daunt- less agitiost a de ision of the innp1ro, they say- ing 110 should hav , IntLit; ball that lie gave as it fide one,' foul. The ball -Was, as faros any ono could:judge, without the foul Hogg being up fair 'and the umpire's decision core -act. .The game ' was' well, umpired, as was admitted bY several of their can) Mut bystanders, oven bettor than any game the Dauntless ovor saw. The only fault they could find was the ono whieli 'they disputed, and we leave it to any one who, under- stands' the 'game 1;0 doeide, who was to blame. the (31intou club for not puttiog up nags ets was their duty. they being -the home club; and requested 20 do so by the umpire before the giallo start' .„ 1111nre for giving what 110 eon- .ret1 W0,8 tad 406181011. :tail the 011t?l...ono' a (11 Interested' pees to -could give ; Wo hee ulte.sathilled that they would not have rallied ite had thej .1)00n, ahead ; but. to on w•tiothing bit certain defeat. 1010 sooner • gran bp fairly beaten hes, chose the more ,01S- lames:able way of.baeking out of mum, and now by thole miseepreseritation try to fatten the blame 111 most.ingenerous *way on the most disinterested party.thrit was on the field, name- iy, the umpire. .111103, also te.y'to excuse them- selves by saying that they bad only four. Of their teamplaying. • That Can 1/0 (Rae easily account- ed for in this way•;.t110341a41 all thebest Mayers 01 0111400, •Intt through somo,mismanagemont they had. not, as Is their custom. procured the services of It seldet 101v of the Searoeth afia otlEa• 7 • ° A ',OAL4PIAI.P.1,...guqqagsvgA0mAczaasesrasAigazwems!mc.egmiaperkroit "-R. \ • • AvuusT 22, 0 18, 1878. 1.4;. 1878. 000 VICTORIA BIAOCKI (iI4IN TON . • " • ElEIT:A.)31.,ISRM-D 1854,1 • • • , sunscatipEn.4s Jusy OPENED TnE FoLtowING NEW Goops poi*: FALLTRADE: 40 'PIEcgs.OF. SCOTCH TWEED SUIT'INGS,—' being, without. exception, tho finestt !stock ever Shown in, tbis part of the country....\•:Vi?, IMPORT' THESE GOODS DiRECT FROM SCOTLAND. - ' 15 PIECES YRENCH .WORSTED TROUSERINGS -7-comprising the Newest Stripes and elieck,s. 50 PECES: CA.NADIAN. TWEEDS--7from 75 ec,>nts.-t6, 42.00.per yard; wiliciliiolude Ne7est Pa,tkerns to be obtained, and *licit will be cut, free. of charge;' tcrtiea. purchasing_the OUR 'WOOLLEN STOCK fOr quality and style, is.. equal , to anything,in Ontario, and the :iftrgest WeStHor.Outario. . QM ton to go to the hat;but arter.two mon:were , oat Mao playero, wititoEt \Odell they k1)110111kt • • t foe '10 runs rain came down lo•torrents, and nothlio As re.ards their 01118(1)l(((0 and idle 1(1,, in a (11 155 Bel Ow 17511 be found the scotes quite willing to 01,11 at 174,111-nis any NvIllt0" of the • all further 111183' Avils;stispoinleil. the match, cud.; 'boast &it they"7(111 beat its we say that we aro IN AT • S AND CAPS weshoy itli1110110.1raliety 111 • • • . • • . tenni on t Clin -01)) that -they like tQ bring for.' • ' • • • ' • • . • : • • • • • jill'ANTVORTY: • . ' . . ward ; Atter() as. we• only play for- sport " shapes and :styles .inelndmo' 'Amerman: Soft and' - Stiff • /1.„‘„0„, , 16 we towed (any 21) 1)1117' witli top, eonsulovIng :' • ,• . • . . . , • • . that the ( baton. colored pitcher ,w,as re- . • Goods ClInmstys celebrated EiloiiSli,'Goads; and 'ilt.tho htest - . )1u4 batten lv ITo wenn , . ......... ....- 7 Xlei•rirt Jolin84)21 I ------------0 Dear) 411. . . ..... .......... .. . ..... Sproulet) 11.1018.1e. r41" ... • . • •1 A shleton .1) Rausford.. ..... • • • • 'Moore ran out-. . . .. , .... „1 Long b liansford. • Walker 1). Ransford ' ' ..1 Lek .1) ilowson , . ........ 3 Creek o'Itansford 1).111;W:ion 0 RyeS • Leg 115'08 .• . „•• ... .14 ' , 1 LoN(i. HUNT.—The, . . • . • .• . • .perienced at tunesan finding persons: to • felegraMS'.' are ' addressed, '••,' are greater than • moat, people' imagine, as the, following Undone°. will: show :—On Thntsday an imPortant despatch was ceiv.ed: 1 e re 'add ressed to " W.. _Townsend, about !Ivo. Milos from 'Clinton.". Pro- Ouring a. conveyance, the mesisige was• taken 'to- a person of • that name In. the to w nshi p of Tuckersinith, but it not ing .for bun, it was next carried to- an-, ether ono near 1.11ancliester.; here again the journey proved to be nseleSS; •and. it 11041. le 1/e taken to n, farmer near Bay - Reid, who Wag f011414 :to be the person for whom it was intended. Tints, the *opera tor had to tint -el -ream -early in the day -till Midnight :to, Sceure 410 ivcry. ' has made hots of friends. . S. 8. On '•Tli,u0sdaY imXt, 29th inst., the 'annual' picnic of the Willis Church Sabbath School will. bo. „ held at ( Irani will leave here at 1 0. a m, with excarsionists, •tlie fare for which will be, -adults, '20 cents; children, 10 cent6.. •The Suveltile Band will accompany 'them, and a pleasant le is anticipated.. SERIOUS PRANKS.--() 0 0110 00 two ocent Sabbo.ths, some one-L.supposed to ho boys—has removed the"e013,1)1h1g pins • • e B., and-halit not been iliat the act had been discovered in tune, S0010US resnita might lia.Ve followed; -It tided -alto , perpetratois of tiles° pranks will regret they ever had anything to de with them, oven "just for fun!' • . „ a, Joitt.twe ve years bunco tho . last camp meeting WAS bola in this donnty. We ondemtanti-litta-tente- -Will be-: ant/plied partieq from a distance, at $2 for single ones and $4 for (1001)10 01105. A Ana - vision tent hits, heen arranged for (in the ground. • NEw MAN"AcT°P%--7W0 ate fllWltyS •Pg soxA ts. The holiday season T go- . pleased to chronicle , the • establishment nem* bringa around a number of form-. of now -manufactories in ett,Litotru,. and ,. er-resideots, 'ClintoTtitins particulityly so whom. the 1(181110 give good the following Were in towitlast Week. : indica t lent] of being saceessful. A short Mr. .Tas. 'Wiseman, n'ow. Cart. A. ; time since Messrs. Settles & Worthington H. tom.. of HI. mass, W. Itempl1 oommences1 the manufacture .of Cotton •of itooilostoh • T. Conneetictit, and 'Woollen Hosiery, having obtained I It A .01 trill ....,,•.,,ri.osgrove,iToronto. :11r, and. considerable machinetifor tins intrpose;-Ms.Arominid jo.re returned frotn and have tints •far succeedel admirably. Coloro• r. • 1111111 ta . d C 'n 1 tn bus FOROBRY.-00 Saturday last it was boen quite ill with quinsy, but sre- discovered that a man' named McClure, covering. Miss L. Rim. has gone 'to. alio-had been in the employ of Mr. J. spend a few WeekS With friend:1 111 New. Sheppard, of Goderich townithip, for a York state, Rev. Mr, Robinson, 0, short time., had forgerd two notes of $23 Minister of Winnipeg; and formerly a • each, on this genthimatv and 11:1r1 di- student here during Rev. Mr. knedon- posed of ono 'to Mr. S. Fishe1'4pf ald's time, passed through on Tnesday, this place, and the other, to Mr, Bich. from. Manitoba, on, Ins way • to 'visit Baker, of Goderich township. Steps friends in the east. Miss E, Hagerty, were at once kkonto seottre hi% arrest, of Toronto, • who had been on a visit but hearing that he was wanted he. here, returned Immo on Monday,. The cleared out. It seems that he was also wire Of Mr, aoho. Callender, who has wanted at Bay City, fer.a Sinfilar offence, been ill for some time, has gone to To - and Mr. Dickinson had been shadowing mita for a, few weeks, with: the hopo of him here for several hours previous to being'bbnefitted by the change. Miss his departure, but was unable to arrest °rail), of Woodstock, (sis)er of our hitn. • townsman) is yisitingfriendsitere, • • of ..sidloAible for the dispate; and as we wish to al- ways end on amicable teethe. with 11133,A:100 with which we play, and consider it imposstbleto do so ivhen, gentlemen,with ungovernable teloper8 ike thole. pi teller is opposed to up. • 11(13 folio w fag $0 tne, eerreetsoore :- • • . • 1 2 • 3 c 7 . 1)040 MOM ....2 5 2 0 2 ' 4-45 . Athletics • 3 • '0 0 1 4 . 5 1-17. • •-•-• •••• • 0,SE OP THE PLAVEM3. g.00ds in. town. • . . •.• • Oodeefell, Aug-, 21 1878. ' • I. • A.meriCan Caps. • IN - GENT'S FURNISHINGS Oe show tlie-.1Inest:and,beSt' 08 CLINTON. 0. A..k.11ok b T, Johnson 11 Brent . .. ), , .. . ' . .3 (1, 15011)111 e'.ciarite ....... - ' 0 lIowson 0 Walker li Merritt. • . . 1 -J. TAA11:111). (3 Dear 0 neerItt 104 • , • ,t 7 r. Vowler 1) Dear • • • J". 1Iarland b Sproule.. ' 1. hiCeowi( 1) Sproule.. • 1. J. Wade b l)ear. W. Ila 118; ford not Out .. . Wm. Jaeltson 1) Sproul lyes. .eg byes Wide!. ..... . . , •••• .-•••;11 • • 'I . .5 ' Scorer -Wm. et) !third 1 11)1(1)111' (2i0 ttW. Met,e0)4, • . • •: vAtits, •• • " • • • • 4:-1,4.513ds• • ' .' ' .3'1) Evu;ois.• • • 11'1012 11 Ilowson . 0- ion out . ' c1 115E60. 11 Laird - a b Itonsior,i• .... ''. . .. - .0 /famine tt 1) 1 ta1V(111 ' 11 1111.1e1I., •'‘i 13111011(t.;!1), -000u rji,10t4,0111102111..1., 0 c...J.olott))on 1(2 luni.reolf Ili) 55185(15, 5 c Dowd 8 1) lta 1 040114..0 l'otteii 1) 1111 tni.... 4 e /la 1 0.1 Math (10110.1.00 1 ,1 L14 ii t1 ‘vil.0 01,,00t _ .. l 0 11itrlautf 11 „.. . . 0 1 Aro9.12(11 0 Johnson 1) 11111111 „ 4.1 1) 11111811a11 Oliver 1) tinted, .... .1:3 0 Baled 11 Cameron /ones 1) 4 11 itaitsford , 2 Andersen )not it.- 2 1). 11011sturd..... .. . . 2 11yes m Leg Iwo, .... •1 2 , • 7 . . ...... ' . . 5 • . . , •• • 'CLISTirN. • ' ..- 18T 1,008634. SM) 1,1N.Iiiu. (1; 1(110x. 1) 1 [1(1illet:4)0 0 411)1 001. bat ' 0 11. (Ianiertm 1) Antler. 'soil 0 !tot ont. ' • 15 W. liansfordt) Ander-• • 2 did not intt.,., 1. 4) T.• Johnson' II offver. 84. e ()liver Iv Inaltivell- 1) , J. Trews:in M c aw xell .' . , 1 ' • • *.,...-.0 1(1(1 0111 •G,, Mardi; Anderson .. a li lIannomt .T. II -Iceland (5 Totten • I) ()liver ' •• 1 tild not bat J. Lasham c and b Oli- vet= 7 did not hat A. McKeown I) Au- , . • 'And derson • .. .1) 2 erson. '.. . / W II. .1. ade tot oue t.. 2 Adams 11 Atultirmin( 0 II, Dennis c Itodgers.' .. , \ 1) Anderson o' tilli not bat...,,;.,,.. 0 yes.- • . . 8 •••,...... - 11 12. 0 2 wqes .. ..... • .• . 45 88 2110i211018120 -0,82r1.101, Brantford seerer4:11,111:1 • '1.itt,eolx111,teitil'ss(1...-1,:ilit°11joi. s,” a ptetolpeot.toeteller or 01.1r8,8 011114, ,41tron tC1A11111 of two dothers for itiformatnin una wilt load to the iletethal or the flirty who stolen lonvont of 1810 iteeket ss811e w01511I at Stratford stattm The today party 14 Taippoged to he 1115 TO:15111er or the Clolh mho ((01 seen 1111115(11 lOi 1111 drlok at the time tho time (1(08 virehaeed, but there'll? lio direet etidepre against 11101, tool rot the mat- ter ival not v5530)12)1 to the Captain at the thee. an latesti. (111(3011 was Sot, 111141111 (1 1175 Nolan,. We nAn x01.11. ihr Teef011iTieett bite 1142101 1(0 to TiorrilIV J1111 titavel,Oorallse, a04 see that thopstliaelc p0828117 fasten. • us "Atlanta:too Wavle.' 1900 the, 1(0(0 1(55 1,01 (10 botront- ed, being a wild lot 41.11811 away from home. Ilarliaston 1011e1i, dud* Ws stay in l'Orbh save he never ettloyed Wm. ve12 tetter 311 an 104 life, the lalli)•» appearing to het(t). `frien4le 1)11501180. nod (015i10(0,1 tannic a 518ot fasey to Idol, Int be MIA 110t ft/tinge on the road holm He e41- p015e,1 a ifiiii); huly ronvereation nod MIA 10E015 11 1424 aboanot thee, when' the 'rreaavarr None along and tot 111111 ' not. ”soligere rola 1(10045(01(812 8113)11111g tatter dope, awl he reit an gond about it that he anted the hoy); to have sometIstog 0021, wbiet iv:tar/m(11)- a/vented, 85111118 waning for tiro Oath ot %dec.)) foot (Two took 811081atw1ro "Softy" and the sorrotirr of the mob,. wldeIT 1205 (1011 hy Ele latter, Softy Manning that the girla 311 the hotel were laugblog at 111111, 1(111r1i 10140 1,1111 I'081 so Ise.lfat that tte e(311111 not. And, IAA the 014 say that Ito ((111(00 11(7 In good rfinntror.,20011 wilco . the 2111)1e, he1o4 (11,10 0) mummy with *evil:fling they not on. Rona, Tiorlirtdon Death, 0114 Sangenn 1111 agree that • Lett 40A2 Ore trip mast bo extend/al to a wo•15, ia order To. Lavelthother higthve. . • T111,...:11TyL • On Ttlesday ilia Clinton 111115 Club Told a 00(1- 4082 0(1453. Seaffitilt (11110, over tho latter's tang.% Seaforth was tho 'winner by 31 points. tint total points made 143• eat+ team being: Sertforth, 252; 011uton,201. 'Munro of Senforth,, 10018(5 t1 t111g1t- iekRetx1L.qg n e spore 1 itehsen, 0111120a, 001011V • DARE TULL. On Tnesday last the Dauntless Ea 811 11011 011113 paid Brussels rt, visit -playing it game With the clippers 01 (118.1 piece, and got defeated hy 18 800ea o(88 to 38. '1110 (102(5(11 10 dim to the plt. cher, B. Ifertoo, who gave- nut at tlui,ouft Of tile third iln1111148. 011 11000111A a p of ain in 1(36514161 anti Ids phicti had tribe taken by 7, linttoll'y who did trio best could. The largo score en both SideS Is accoitined for by the poor ground the , tto „ • :rug jAaOR tk 'the" followine• from. this Week's Stratford IleAdel.. Dece:ased well knoWn at this end of -„ -List Week we •tiotieeti. the serious illness of Major SteidleilS011:43f tbe',G. T., .11. and we„itow regret: heing etdIed 811)011 1:0 1151- 1801111130 its fatal termination which cm- • curved Monday 4:Veiling. Dowsed was 18 native of •411tig1'atid,' whefice iso canto. to -this. country about thirty-three .yea 8 ago, and fiectuno a contractor in the cot- . struction of the 13, & L. If.. Railway, upon the completion of which he became track •i ispebter, Ile • "an neatly Stt•- • pin'ilitended the e'tinstrtioiton af -1:110 -11-, •ry,_vrorkii at. thalerieli, tinder .21r. Yates the contractor, and afteetvards. became Chief Assisbuit betts •Montreal httroit to •Nfr Yates win,/ then ' : • . • , the; position or Chid' Engineer... , When • Mr. llitintiford, succeeded MT, Yates it I was found. itecessary tu' r;erease the I staff of Assistant Engineers, .'When de- 1 ceased took the position of Road Master between. Toronto mul Strateord, a. ter- ritory which Wit% extended about a year ago to Lon(1on, I)uring •the h:ctitan ex- citement iii 1866 he 11025181110 18 In outlnent spirit•in the forunation of 'the (1-. P. Bat- talion) of whielt he was Major up to the thin; of its- clisbandnic,nt. Major Ste- phenson tvas widely and favorably k 110W11.. Wilfi 0110 Of t11030 'men who- dppeared to possess the facility of making many friends and 110 enemies, and his death will send a thrill of regret: all along the lino or the Grand Trunk Railway, lie leaves a witici'w who has the sympathy of this entire oommunit in ter nnetio, -ttIricrfaIT w to mew t le deceased have setne sitar°. • att-rnty,--:.-•-'rlie-fierrative 81anTerv5 el( pedition to lktratOrial Africa, and his magni- dcent exploration of the. Congo --one of the grandest acbievemenits of modern tiratis-4s, publishell, by 30 D. Xhigurn in' true 111%11(1E0mo veltinac, prefosely illustrated with en`gravings, froin owl/sketches, anitteunpleudidrnans. 111 111(11). con ta1410 two pertraits of Mr. Stanley. The "stery 2 thia brave roan'/I ro1vei11t3fl2)01. the travois accomplished, the perils throtteh which lio natsed, the %offerings ho outhiral,- tito wonderful discoveries ho made, told ill his own fluent • and 'graphic style, mails liko a romance of thp old.advoirturotts lime*, and 110 one who takes up the boOk will he fo lay it down until tho last vag?15 Pop deep dratifittint interest thew 18 netliicg in 1110 01015) ran„,„.11 of 11101101 11 travel equalling the scones lima described. Wo rettrat, tberehne, to /earn that an attompt is behig trirldri 10 irn. puo ;Ton. the pahlic a spurious work, purport0. nig. to be a 001)153101:0 history of 8truiley's rob ;cram (5and exploration& rt is a garbled 11111 ineonTiote %tor-, made up (11201 letters noomaarity iniperfoctjand fragmentary, Come pared wall the book the letterS in the Iirlythi are a more prOspectus. Many most •intorest, in(( details were omitted which appear 141 Mr. ctitanley'S 1100k4--11101which are neCeSsary to 15110 complete Understanding of the great work 110 11118 accomplished. To protect tliO interests .o.f Canadian readers, we deem it proper to warn tho radio against attempts to paha eft apart them this garbled and spurious narrailVe 02 his e5p10ra30t1(1, Tbe ,oniy gonnine and complete aientint of Stanley's achievements,. written by hinfse.lf, entitled '"Through The Dark COlitinont" is copyrighted and published by 'Marini, Toronto, by spcelal arrange - meet with the Author. All the latest.NoVelties received when out; We keep BA1tL0c4,1C'S CELEBRATED SHIRTS: • . • • . • 01.,INTON, Aug .• ,, • - ‘'. . - . . „ , • • 141:1yrtiza:04 . . ol)o,,ioatrilfr$ IP..*V4 .41.170 X3,4rer=. a LT 111(..1111.11VVI; 12' .41.•-'.E. • RASSICit E They are sellitig oat the balancs Of this ecagon's 11,OWEIlt4 at11 great; deal 1003 t",t ; 1 e those in Want of C110611 planis Wilt 410 well to call and sco their stoe';. r " DA 1,1.T1WIT•A2iSD ONT: OD` WIhefts Artie, Sada Watei Voluitain$ r 4 They cat) supply Utose rityorilig theta with their citation; with all kinds nc temperance drinitS • TOMI They have just get through lleusdbletining, 111141 have fitted tip Ito Clem pal 624, *hero. all can be zuleffininodAtedr4 CithIA It 'DE, t,TveillP,I) ANY t'AltT OP TITO TOWN. • ; to oot.ottittoot A 9OES19 _LOT OF CANNED GOODS ausir FO1VDW Algo, 1111n RAIDS Of GONITTIONAM ram 0? ALL 114 . (10-;•••••••—•-•-•—•• TRH. gELEBIIATED VANITY FAIR' TOBACCO. BY PAGICAOhl OR, MILK. FiNlil•OlGARS WHOLESALE, AND RETAIL, OVER ONE 1it7NTDRED •DIFFERENT!STYLES OF •11..1,,, Mt% WIltOli 'TREY Ain MUNI"; AT COSI', Rottemlier that anything got front they Store can 14 returned, it not -as representea , GttASStaK tr,„'CUXIIINGHA.14Z • (Linton, May, a A • •