HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-22, Page 41,11 .
, 1:57R.
Seed Whet,—J. MONTair.
Pa.—Fisher, Oraih & Co.
For S4e.--.1. 0, ,310Intosh,
Stray Sheep,—R. Townsend.
'New Fail GI ods.—J. 0, (lihsty.
Servant Wanted.—Mrat ,\ , S. -Fisher.
Attracting Attention•--4.104InUg' Pty. -
Cheap Excursion. --C, P. Sunday Sated.'
eaves oi tostais. :jeer Bits only be naa iv ;be ao‘k
atm) o loitsts•zoe A. nail aid J, L nenea
•Albert street, Prier 5 conta per copy -
(glinteit 41,cw
THIT.R.S AN. A0:1UST 15, .18.78,;-s
smolt Alnico:N. •
_ •
The following' al -peered • as a teleserain
in Saturday's Mail • , • ,
, . . •
Since the no Wa ou.iilyapproaco
of the elections there inte been great eon -
fusion here among. the .Griis, especially
respectiegSouth Huron. • ' C. Cam-
eron wants to be the nalididtit V, and
a telegram was lerwar‘led to littawit to
have elections postpesed:;- as the Gei*
1N'' pro not ready. .tIstssitty wits also
grip1iet.1 Coy, /tad ttt oftsit'' (141.00 to (I al or-.
ich, and for 1,11e days he was here
gotiating tor •Rs retirement fi'.0ni the
contest. Tile novo, thins, it is Said, have
been siteeessfe*---terminated. Geden-
way has hese hough t otl's ' 'Ube repot
that lie receives jive hundred ,dellars
as to recoup him for is expenses since,
his nomination, and it. is .(3x1>ected
some time hereafter :to obtain en tiP-
pointment j "...Sfanitoba. The *feral
Convention has been called for tho 22nd•
hist, to be held at Hensali, to receive
31r. Greenway's resignatiou, and noini-•
natio &new man i. ins.stead, which Will,
Of eburse, be Mr. Cameron. _ '1116 gozr-
seevative candidate, 3.fi, Porter, is nut
afraid 4if Mrs Cameron, and is anover-,
match for hi ra indehating
• 'Tbeforegoing is dilly. 'partially c.orrect,
and contains a few iinaginary-statementi.
That Mr. Greenway has tendered his re-
signation to the Ileformei5Of South Hu -
ran, we believe to be the Case, but the
same cannot be accepted until the riteet-'
Mg to be held to -day; at Hensel], i?ot
that he litts received anything therefor,
further than expenses' incerred
canvas, we believe to •bc. untrue,..nor-is
he likely _ ThoappointmentMani-.
oba spokt;:n. 15 as unlikely itathat the -
fl is going Jo become Ileforni. Even
the. 6'111 r of last week; inyeferring tot*.
matter, was crinik enough. to..state that.
:Vt.% fackenzie had refnsed to give -fain
an office. hut we have: 01.11' (1011)?.k \vhe-
ther he ever applied for 0.11e. " However,;
the probability is that 1 -he resi.gnatiati
be accepted; and a fresh candidate.
nominated. Who it •Will..1!0‘ 1101, de.
finitely knyira, 'but in.ah likelihood it
will be :11r. 0..Catnerom
.this ;gentleman; accept. it, there .ia 110
-dauht-but that he will be returned by a
handsome majority. P(31,80118 Ayll t1.1'1;
liequainted with both Porter and (Jame.
• ron, will smile when- they read the last
sentence of tho foregoing' extract. The
writer tuuet certainly. be poking' fun. •al
Mr. Porter.
Till?, SALAMI* INC11141CASIL '
• • •
Among the other chargesnitide egainst
the present Alinistry, is, orm.. that 1S1r.
31ackonzie e reas.d. the' selftry of hitn-
self, front $5,000 a, Year to $8,000, and at•
tempts are made to creak) (vital against
him oil t 86018 01 ex travap,ance. ere
_the cliiirgl; true, they might, .1)6 juetified
itir rises but as-itsis-ziete the,y had het -
ter have let it alone. 'Me real ratite two
that SirMillirblieit the salaries' ta the
0.0801111110re during the last Year of his
reign, and. drew las last halryear's
ry at those figures, and .therefore, if 31e.
• Mackenzie --br-deriterwrong in drawing -
his salary for tltis amount., Sir Jo.bt.
roust he 81), ' order that eur
readers may not charge us With
presentation, we quoto from the slfoit of
the 10th inst.. whieli two inippose many
will accept as an notherity. .IIere aro
its words :-
" From the 1st ;NV, 1567, to the
31st Deeember, 1874 the salary of 'each
tho thirteen Ministers was $5,000 a
year. From the 1st .larioary, 1873, Sir
Xolin Macdonald as First Minister re.
eelved $8,000 a year, and Ms colleagues
$7„000 a year eiteli. inercasa was
made in thaiirst sessient V1873."
As the Macdonald Ministry did not,
%sign until October, 1813, it will be
n that Mr. Matkenzie cannot be held
esponsible for 'the inerease. Many
the charges against hitn are based on
imsy a striteture as this ono,
I° . . • - • •
'FACTS FOIL trust stsnetreoitts, not now -be -the "World'a monitor. Let ine„ be was not fitted, or placed Lite teliind. a Tile inniorted carrin to etallien "
-therefore, warn your pile ageinst the counter to Spend. his life in misery and of Engsammi theysopesty of All.e J. care
diminiShin the purchasing power of da use a arge amount of tea email s ee a •
MR, PLAIT, OF GODEMCII„. THE In the coarse of a speech before the fenny that a country Dan ecome rich by disconten as tco many do ? Wein Cana• -
ter of Tueltersteith died last W k f
would it.be Wifie to lay aside some of t le ParalP19. Ire became „afflicted several '
land whieh was allotted to wheat or alter, Weeks 'ago, just about the close of the
grain, and raise tea? Certainly not! In season, but for A time ItOpes were enter -
the same way every. country or people twined that he would recevee. He lost
will thrive best just in to fin. as they make th e wee of his idea . ie: es ,,,,,a ..o,t s,_....... ,
the .hest use of' the, meanS which nature had ' c's 1 ' '• *
has Placed in their henda. If they use ti,„ ,ast that he pallid neither get up
these means they san ohtain, a geed thins, ,Alone nor stand when be was up. lie
without the aid of proteetion,or anythin; was a veluable animal, and his death is
else, Senator Garfield seems tofor that A heavy lose on the °wale's Wile base* ,
jf the U. 5. became an agricultural coitus had hid). one season, .•
try there wild be nothing to do for men ,
of brains, Do farmers not need brains? Mr. J. Galbraith, a farmer noinamplpivinii '
Aro they of all men the only ones tyho in the township of Turnhetry, died etr,
have no brains? Honestlywe (Jo not ther suddenly on the night of the 13tIt''
think they aro. 11r,e think.that the far- inst •While in the act of 1 ' '
pima as the merebant or mechanic, His
mer hes opportunities of using brain as some. years ego, Mts Galbraith received .
succes4 depends, ' on the ' use 'of brains as. a fracture of Om Outli !IY the branch of .
much as that of any other producer. Then a tree falling upon him, '•After a time •
in the last Place Senator Garfield looks he eomidetely recovered, and was abl'ii
upon airriculthre as drudgery and takes tdearry on MS. business as uSual, • Lat. •
nartietilar pains.tosay sO, •Ns•otrwe would telly he was suldeet to occAsional fits of
have thougbtnothiug of the MO/ passing E • d ;" ne of thoie fits
amtnes.e, an Ist o , . , . ne
error all the foregoing part %-sithout corn- .s. 3
C4104.1 ' 1V11'.. Galbraith • wits zespeotably •
ment, but we did think that a paper which
•Claims to be such a friend to the farmer ,connected, his brother beluga prominent .
woithl not Iet such a slur be cast at its fa- l‘rahodist minister in Montreal. -, • .
vorite without resenting it. Need 1 any
At a meeting, held at Seafoith; yes.
terday, Platt,. of Goderiele, was
nananated t!ti the pouseevative cank
date for the • Centro When:
told a friend with whew he was con:
versing aftee hie nenninetion, that ho
woitld oeztainly be defeated, he Thiloso-
phically refilled, 44 Well Vin used to de-
feat Bo it will not hurt mo." One of
his Whines is protection to the salt in-
terest, in the mannfactare of will*. he
i intereeted As the late r I le t •
, electors of Eassex, last week, Mr, 'Kee.
I wept., An able financier; made the f1 -
lowing remarks in reference to Praec-
tioa 9.0 Free Trade, which we repro-
taince, as being. eapecially. worthy of pe-
' rtieal tide time :7",
. . ,gove i n n
crammed tillis constitnency with all • the
Reforniers they convenielitly eould,
added per cent to the tatill*, which
there is; Of course' uo chance for him.
t brought them an increase to the revenue
• • e .. o• f $3,000,000, which, put thetu in ta pesition
14 HU thought it was: duo them that be
. iir., soul° woad Wive thew. believe that
,. q.:shouldeutietpsttiori. ttlyieasryos:fl ifyeporortoomttitel letlioa;v1soi 0.8 .i. :,11,tiiiioeIlsei ;et; Revenue
eirl itlitl;
-the question..dividinr the parties was Pro -
divided the present adminiStration, andits
.14 -see Trade, but eueli was.really ohm -pitying and. pattent labor, and • cease
the candidates and their canvassers who climb, up hystratupling down their neigh
said Kenai:tat remember that we \vets) •119Wr •
net the 'eaSe, :and thopapera, the .electersi strivingbo,..t.o. .rise. by el.mbli.ri:g or. te elass ' to
Paying a ditty. of.17ii per ceut on our lin-
The -.present) tisintinietration •had
money or hiding men to pay more for
goods than thy are worth in corder that
some Of the commnuity may became rich.
There is no roYal road to wealth. Capital
cau only hespeoduced by ittbser ; etre
wish for preSperity ness'onSt earl • by
honest tiiil: Nothinria added to our
wealth by taking money out of the pockets
of the many and putting it into those of
•the ieiv. •On the chntrarY it ie An injusry
to both Parties, beeauee it destroys the
manliness and self reliance of the mann.
theturer, while it depletes the pockets of
the consumer. lf, therefore, we would
have the grotto 1 resulta wc must have
• • DI/TY OF itnitoitansits.
Ypurnal nral4Oa aciad. very sensible ree
i Under thiS heittlitig the' St.' Themes
i• ' • • . .
to meet the demands on the nationel. ex-
chequer. Now, if they added to Una 17ii I marks, • end as they ere zu harem a
C"t tbr freight'. I. tier own views NV'Q, 'give Wear. entir
per cent, tariff, 21i- Per
eoininikision and lose rani:Oil° per cent for'
the wholesale merehalit's pro0 Land 20 per We helm no .:11,efortuer will allow `Ideal
cent fee the retailer'., they would, see that I ‘rejudiees' to prevent: Itint
Our manufacturers are in reAlity .prOteeted $91,1 •
nowto the tune or 50 per cent, ...It was said showing SYmPatIlY -with the 'proSent
by hie 0PPonents 'thet the mantis,- was Gieeei,imenti and irasi that every pot.
overrun With foreign goods; that Canada
• Was ti slaughter market for the .-(Inited' 6.'en cut'tica. wAII,RNerotse Ins
State,. N.ow,. \s h( .th6y conSidered the franchiSe; • The artieloin rinestion is as
matter, what slid they. find to 'he the facts taii.oN•v-s..ss .
of tho-case? A cry had been:raised that •-• •
the nutrolfaeturets of forniture worebeing ." The friends Of the 1.1oforin Govern -
ruined by the .imporis of this artiele from wont -shouldliow give an earnest of their
the United States, but how much did they
really purchaSe? • Li 1871 them ivatorianu-
faetured in Canada. $3,5.80,000. Wirth of
furniture, or $2 7.-15sper head oldie popte.
-Mon, while they only imported last year
71.e, worth per head... In carriages • there'
were inanu tactiired $4849,000 worth, and
oiniported $91,7.70 •that iniports
Were less -than le. on die'dollar„:as emit -
pared :witli the nutnufactines; The value
.0 Clothing manufaCtiired in 1110 7coiNi try
for' the same..time was $9,84$,000, while
the imports were only $162,958, or $2.08
werth matteractured for every. head of .p.o7
•pulatioe, aoti 81e..worth per head import.,
ed. • For !mote And shoes—and had it beon
'rung in r ears that this brinier or trade.
had: been terribly inapoSed..at by. ?Oath
tram the other side—I:hey had $20,06'0,000,
worth nianufactured and $265,458 wertif.
imported, that is $.5..werth per head menu:
lectured, and filc.!,ivarth inverted.; anctsu
on.throngh the catalogue of atticieS.
cooSemed. - in the country. These fa*
and .figures • Were taken from the trade re-
port, and could net be called. i n question.
'.A.gaiesthe cry had been raised that the.
Americens were absorbing the markets of
Great .13:ratan-. 'Now,. -what was. the ,fact.?
Tbe experts Of Britain • turn:meted to -Os':
269,00%000 worth, 'while, those OA:merle:a
.were only $018-M0,00:. bio .been.tostd.
:them that America. protected tier inthis-7,
tries till they were ablo to stand alone,'
and .eould defy. the contnetition of •tlid
' Se -w, it•heit they examieed into'
the truth- of dieSe assertienS; they 'relind
that in 1860, when the free rad eprin ei pi a
••nas tried for- a time there; for prior to the„
Wits it Wits onlyin lits•and.starts they bad
protective thrill there, the •valtie or e -X.:
pints amounted to $366,243„2-13„, or $1,0
per head of the populetion,-While 1111870,
when protective. tariff had been sonic
time in force, they. haddeolimed . to $7.07
. per head.. A raw all the noise. made over
the eXtetit of American manoraseures,
witee the facts- were enquired •Into they
found that • wes really Dliiniteiletaire more
. per head by ,$):88 of tho.populatioi tliaii
they de,. for in .1876 theirs. only ainounted
us•Sie,no, while mire: w:18 7,4A. .11 pro-
. teetion Wait] le• great boon .their oilpenenta
represented it to why did Sir John.
itto them When lie held the reins
It'tpoiver? Why did. he not pat his. polity
into. operation -from' 188tlto 1873? If .11
was.. the secret .of national greatness, and
:the means to. be 1030d.. for the attainment,
or tt niver.41 prosperity, he* did it happen
-that, there were at this moment 4,000,000
trtunpa in the 'United fitittea?' ferreat 09'
platise.) this protection is all that it is
represented to be, how is it that 418 glass
aful iron litetzries are now. closed in the
United Stack, And $5,000,000 stink -in
them, yielding no returns- whatever.
Ds. Sposs'e meetings last .weelss in
the western part of the Biding, were all
wellItttended. His prospects of success
are .vevy ene,ouraging, a raot that causes
his opponeat considerable imeasineSs, •
TaE AfOiltrfldl Gazette (donaor. ative) •
strongly advises the C.ianservatives not: to
1)0 (Asa. confident as 16 the result of the
vowing elections: They have •not mut+
grounds fin, .confidenee .as .to the. suCcess
or Oohs party. .
Wimx isi.11 Teeple display comMon
. . .
senee in. the use Of coal •oil f It would
nlinost appear sits if some. needed .brains,
te. beinserted 'hythe rise of a pestle, for
tio matter how many warnings ere giveh;
in the way of at:eh-lents: throtigh lighting .
fires. Witlithis material., there still seeins
1/0 'write who eontinue its use..
1,ast week, at Winghael anti Parkhill,
two pet soUs woo killed by this 'means,
and es winter approaches, We really ex.-
pea to. hear' of more, '.Any on0. seen.
pouring; CoUl .,oil en a: fire should be.
knocked .down .with. anything' handy..
'Elm, accidents of thie kind will soon form
auother :feet -ere 0E1 '1, didn't, know it Was .
qbaded :"
1,1x. Tiris issue Of the NEW' EltAi
. .
.1.14.ye 116. time to say anything partu...:
"lady of, what we Saw in Toronto; having
Only returned hist • :night, we. will
.juiit Say, without fear of contradiction, .
that if there is' any serions depression'
in Canada, it 18 not in that city, and oe
11111,)rei it diced perspu; who .knows. any-
thhice of the 'irMwth ofilieronto. but
what niust Acknowledge that its 0.0-,
,something wonderful. • How.
any elle den Lave the e.eheels" to assert
the contrary :is something • marvellous,.
Facts without :timelier Ceidd 1:),0 given.
, , . . • .
to prove ,our assertion, but the following
suilice jnst now.: ',Two Ameriettiis;:
a few days ago, stood. upon the Wharf at
1.Tereino, and as they witnessed: thou;
sin& .goiug 011 excursions. to. .Scarber-
_ , .
..dugh Heights andOther places. 011es
claimed; $'Well, 'I never saw anything
'like this before, whore do ell the people -
come fi Qin, and 'w$1Tere
money ?"
get their.
•;kb.: MActosszte has fregsfently bop
. charged. With 'faveritisni tho,awarding
ot Contracts, :givieg onlyl. to those who
were. his pelitidal friends.. 'Let us take
the Contracts on the Welland ,CanAl. 0.1 'we-coll.).- the f?Ilowing hitter 1.001. tIi
:sec hew trne the charge cs.' The follow- Stratford ; as the writer :speaks
from .tixperienei., he having .1freti fat
soma years in the' 'United Stater., and he
gives fill (50111011, '010101'0Po, worthy o
_ Tront-theootite1:-,-4ide-o.A.
_the liftenn. visitste foreaermeighbOrs
r am sorry to find your people so unduly
miercised. :on the' "protectirni" question.
No. 13,tI 1.00....YY-S,6 313,160 - It 'should have been impossible :to lifid
twn Aides to this matter after its thorougl
eilinustion in the :I/other Country at the
time she adopted, a Free Trade ladies-.
The enormous expansion of her wealth
and power which grew out of that should
s -how us -that VeesTrade le the true bast
of netional prosperity. ..ind When We
add to this the disaster which has over-
, taken tho 'United States .111 consequence
of their itieh' toxin, Which hasinvolved the
natien in inflation; extrayaganee and -folly,
, we should. not now listen to those who
agitatefor " protection." HI could sitoW
your readers the thonsandS ofunemployed
laborers on the other side of, the line, and
'confidence in. it, And there is no- better
; ; 1: 1 1 I
wity'...n. -.1 4 Can eone Lunt by
going Estenestly to -work fe'bring oot the
full strength of the party on polling day.
To aecomplish this reqiiires thorough or-
(ranization. They should know how eVe
musi)in their' seVeral vote,,
. .
and 'see, to it that every- f ie f the
Liberal oeuee does record Hi 'vote, tz
sem° places there may bo 'objections' te
the pan), candidete ; it can • blirellY
otheineise,'geolug bow- nemy :men there
are out of whom to make elmice. But
personal .differenees tliis• sort should'
not' be alloived :any weight. The qes
tion iS not whethez• -or 13: is ft hsolutely
.witheat fault, but whether the intereste
of the -country cell be beet premeted nu•
der :Mr. :Maelsenzie ankr the Liberal pals
• ty,;er Sir. John 31:acdoneld and the ,Cori
sorVatisle party. Th e :Gems° eVatiVes hove
had a long; full •iind fair ti Canada:.
Sir jolin .1‘lacdonald has held- ofriee for
about -eighteen years,' and it is doithtfid
if tiny other,pill;lic mail tlie eontinent
of America Inis ...left. a worse record be-
hind him. ',Politically • olya • parsonaily
biS conduct cannot be defended, and
what he baSrdone hi the Past_ lie would
• de • in the future. ' •'rho leopard CaUpet
Clian‘le his spotsi... The Liberal. (-lOvera4
went, .the co.urse: of the past yearS.-
has sinitlea record Of wilichlanyl:ecinitry .
.inight lie, proud, and neithei'. in their,
public nor thcir private relations can: h
single. cliarge of,wrongsloing,be sustain-
ed.,,agitinSt 'them. It dormers, if they
.1faye any st,nke of gratitude, have now
11)1 opport Unity o•i" j >161'111i it' faith by
their works.,:". ,
•• • :0 p inz 11 P 0 le ,D E •IT 0 E -
We wish it to he dist loctl, micrst nod that we do not
hold •)•irsolies fOr 1110 opluiohs
prungna by ,int. 3 )vrospcontenta.'
qi tlo! ?;(.1itor tit! ,Vem &a. 7 1'
Sin, noticing (he following item in' the
• Atif'of the 19tkinst;. Wish to say.11
words reesirding it, mom especially as the
time tvill. soon come tui the electors to
• say, by their. vete, which they prefer.-;-
Pyotection or klree trade
l'Ilf/T.e(11,10N IN Win STATI.:K.
ing ate the'contractstbat have been let
on this worls; with the figures at whit+
they were taken : '
. „ • .„ . . , , , ,S39 0,•:165
• : No, 3• if•10/”.• . 32,8,415 '
• p A 1)12041).i
. Nu, (1 58;000
No, 7 s'o, • • ••••••11:11 283;1):3Z1
•No. —.. 292,30r;
To *lions -were these contrecis awarded ?
Meesrs, Denis & I3elden, (active ..frionds
;Met, Nre48114.
'tIatlIlitlgt(r, Ginty, (Conwrvatives), No,
Patrick Shannon, ('siberal), No. 6,
Mesers‘ itigginson & (Censers
vativcs), 3to, 7. Alessi's. Manning &
• Ginty, (Conservatives), No, 13, John*
Drown, fConservative)„. N. 1. 1. NOW
it does not look as if there was a surplus
of Reformers among those contractors,
and these facts prove that Mr. Macken-
zie hes been honest and straightforward
itvewarding contratts, .•
The Gette,ral Etections.
A special issue of the Canada Gatette,
on Saturday, eontained the proclamation
ordering the dissolution of the third liar-
,Ilament,of the DONA/110M 11011111114101/8
wihI take"plitee on the loth or soptembor,
and polling on the 17114.exeept Maws
toba, svhere the nominations take place on
the 19tin
" n recent nyench TnekaY, nn tu
tense Free Trader, maintained the)the tnited 'Staten
scOnlit be vlord prosperous if th0y dropped their iron
Indust VICS and 0x0hanged thois ogrkulturs1 produce for
English iron,. .Senator Garfield answered: 'Far a
, single season, porhapo,,his plan :night ho profitable to
the consaniere of iron; hot if his policy were adopted
!VI mpOrinniinnt ono, it would rednoo us to a inerey ag.
inultural peopie, -whose chief haslet:se votildne•to pro-
d: co the: 011004t: raw tnatetiebeby the loot skill and
eulture, and ad 06151110f brains of MIMI, coma:lei do
our thinking ref aud pr.Mdc for 114 all products re.
Attiring the cunning' hand ei filo artisan, while we
wonld be cot:Idled tit ib. tho iirdlgery for ouri.dres
mains tit040' , . .
the .:11aft is an advocate, of protee-
tine, and inserted the above paragraph
'without any continent, infer theta roily
endorses the Wtifilt4 Of ;$eilittor Oarflehr;
Will, thefeANT, eOlisider th011i aq' 'em-
bodying Or views of the • .4/id& • Itt the
first place, then, Senator Clartield admits
siluttAlui4)11su of,Mrs,Tttekeis.ftbitt ratrop
ping the irtin indtistriCs exeltaneing
their agricitItural proditee fug Enpisli
iron) mir,bt. be profitable to the' so/ so nt.
er.v• of the riffled States. Now,.
are the. COnStIll101.8 of iron? • 'Pie
whole population of the 11-,S,, whatever be
their occupation, whether fartnere, me-
-ehanies, merchante, professional inen, or
men. of eeience-:•all are; more or less, con -
stutters. al iron in, some ,slutpe 011. others_
Who are the producers 01' iron? Only a
very.small fraction of the population, and
in only- one stattrof the'vast Union, . As
the iron industries of the tr. 5, could not.
compete with those of England. 'without
the aid or protection the (potion stands
thus t ft.better to make laws that *ill
enable the few .producers to live on the
unjust spoil extorted from the consumers,
the other thousands now dteconten tally' or to make ,laava wilt& give eqttal
oecupieinn 'What tboy eonsider tneorige-1 to all Witheut respect 'to persons? .f.et
every thinking men answer, and wo have
no doubt as to the verdict., "nut" saYs
Senator Garfield, "if his policy were
adopted as A periatuteet one it wetild ro:
duet us - to a, merely . agricultural people,
whose chief business would he to produee
the simplest raw materials by the least
skill and ealture,!' or in plain words Mr,
Tacker would have them de what Nature
fitted the eountry to do best—produce
food ttnd material for clothing. 11,0,0y
parent had it ehild whose constitution and
onclinetion fitted him to become a first
•elasssintelligent' farmer, woold he not be
vet - Unwise—nay guitty—if he forced the
ed by the high tariff, that country, would • child to efinty tor profeeston for winch
nisi pursuits, all brooding over the vexed
question of political teenomy, wondering
why protection alai inflation h.tive ruined
them, and ready to catch at any solution,
1 would not need to write a word, att de-
sire for tbo monster. Would cease. That
"protection" is the bane of that country
is shown by the fact that the States mbst
largely engaged in industries affected by
tho tariff, are the very parts moat depress-
ed, wherein now prevail poverty, want
and disorder, If the populatiort had zzot
been unduly drawn away from rural lite
into sneehanioai occupations by tho
to beconte suddenly' rielt, whielt was treat
that farming has no more dmidgery con- 11111 (.10111IIAT.
'meted with it; if intelligently carried on;
than anything else? True, there may be (e0NrainureM:
some disagreeable things connected's/1th Tho tock or North !ritruti.a,w,oke wan ttarilawL,
the fatiner!s work,' but 80 is there With A, ad loudly he -sounded Ifts30-1„1tgle horn: '
tho:ohemitit lt1 theldbOrntory, the physieliin To chalking() King Leo, a knight int renOwn;
in his praetiee and °seri thej udge upon the- To Meet bun in any Plane; Village, or town ; .
if. n'
.bench...• Agriculture is .10 be -honorAnd he provedot ed and (lie a Whine would pall,
respected, whether as regards:its antiquity That Lee utelilea, fa anuAtenesny yak. '
In dellecitd "Pau gunge the challenge went l'ortb.;
—being the first-oecupetion Assigned by
God" to mans -or- its impoitance. As I. corn° list to my '` innelc," ye knight Of tiro north; "• '
have eireedy,taken up snore space than I.
anticipated, I will draw to a Close by.ask-
ing the farmers, and • everyone •else; to
study the ritiestiort of Free Trade and Pre1
tection in ell iti; bearings before corning
to -a decision, and to examine theiritould
ho friend's before giving them their confi-
dence. • Thanking. you; Mr. 'Editor. for
•your space, I remain yours &e.
clhfton, Aug, 22, 1878.
has.' started nii ,()rango
.(Yornig Blatant Lodge. s, .
oosn has been gsswn ill tesnoseh that
t. • -
-.Ives:hod 13 ft: 0 inohes.
W: Jordan, •NVinglinin, has ,dis7'•
posed. of his drag busineSsile...)Its
Steong„ ef
. .•
.nrytai ..to have a.. 110''am&
'store.. A gentleman in that-lineis ges.
ing to remove ,froti l3aytkhi.- •
Mr. W. 'Wilkie') died "seven'acres of. .
peas in four days ,reeentlYi.ett the' farm
formerly f?cciipied. by; (lottleib ,StunnS,
. Vine :of let.' un1oy bound 24-
• aereS df Itettro _wheat- on his farms on
.,94t1(1.1.43011.•:ril1...1.111 If li.'(.111-Y: WO good
Exeter 173604 :Board: li,kyc- engaged
pi.o' new lady teachers—:Miss Sehram
at 8$9;., and 'MSS liendersen atii400, till
.end of. the 'year.
•. •INUessrs, 'L. 1iaiio tk; Co. haVe entered
a a :het ion against the Vorporation....:sif
Blyth for, damages sustained through
haviiiir their ocinar flooded, causing dit-
. z!,
niage to goods. ":
' Work, is now progressilet •on -the neW,
; bridge egress the Daytied rester, at Bay--
whiehis to replece the Ohl one, a
littla.further °est, •wlriel .Nyini condemned,.
some time• since, • •
. •
. Last week Messrs. Madee Kerniek
threshed for Mr, Geo. .Blatchford,.
eter,' ene hundred and five: Isusliels of
Scott wheat: fMtu two Aviv.; • Thig
• hard to be .strepassed:
fro Tnesdity morningthe steam: saw
inill on the ,10th.. con, ,of. East Wawa
nosh, owned by Mr. Thos. Agnew„ Was
struck bY lightning an 3 +
• ad with till its :.conteuto...
On Thursday evening, ,Ist inst., 111100
lamb' belonging to 31r.401tri. Iolinston
;Morris, was instantly killed by lightning,
winch seMned to drop 'Nem this flock,
who were all in It bunch.. Fortautztely
nen° 01 di,. tithe's wins-) injuveirin tho
le• :NI •
J. Taylor. a brother -hi -Inv. of r.
Sparks, of Stanley lied, been visiting his-
011.,Wedneeday went
st2._?eLeich foestliejturisso of fin t elute:nisi
sOme shoop from Me. 11, Happol„ and
Wes, to ail appetteatice, 01 perfectliettith
bnt on. rettnattig home rit night1 slid -
deftly dropped detut The .cause of his'
sodden'. death is euppesed to live beett
•lianin it place toe 'the Meeting; without more •
delay, , •.
Or " cowar(d!'..ho.tailleil; whiollsodi;er yon'SaY..
At Plueertle, the colt 01stsorta Man* n:Nyoire,
4.14 tile 't1.1140S.S$ of inorlifitglisi;evosentiy broke.'
With, morale, that resounded the countrynrouni4
The People all guthOred to hark to th� soniel; •
.asio, sou ea so,rotteil ems or.strugglo and stOln.
'A:wakened the slumbering dloWittrnlyth',',.:'
Ile roustrt, ;With a gatilernig-tire in Ills eye;
And thus to the Cock of the North wade •rciety
• -`• TU0SdaY, 110011,•" lit the /tall, •we will
meet; • •
And list td yoitr nitufid," surpassingly swee t.
At Vic hour appollited.tho challenger came;
Ills manlier was gentle. his a speoldWas tame;
ile cuiared the hall without bluiter of blow;
• lIut hrooe:in. o1,1 chickens brought with 111111.
to crow; : • •
Ile mounted the platform, tlic chtelis•gtivo threo
cheers, •
Nyity tiott tioto doogiittoi to Joto3lood-oom.
And linvbigrAlii hinierod position attiiinedi
And -hong long eliderethy the fillteks ..111 Ids •
• tinfe, '
/in beginlo. strut roiuld, 'nun Ids fliatherS to
plant(); , • ••. •
Attracting 'attention:from all in the rooni.
Ills courage rose high, and he a demand, '
And, meddled winitsines he 010 not andel:stand;
A.gainst ail -the roles of hIgiusiti1,ality know;."'s '
Tete cholch 'of the :Weapons, he claimed En) his. ,
Tinftirttplate.rooster your•knoWledge 11001.. •
01! Wiint, Oki Xou study ehl yalry's lord ' ,
To, you, Information, gratis kiire, •
The clial hinged , the' choice of the weaptins skottled
issits Leo (imitated tito poi otonit gavo in. •
AS a matter 'so. trthing be (mina not,to wiii ; '
Add Chantielehi) taking' fresh emirttrA hard.
. • d
vatar to.tiro'ie.. • •
Ile slitimintert 11111 lane.e. Ana !ifs sveors, Hite.
• •O'f, tbeut 7'e:tie• red tript, or•
linsaiiiii•nions '.-Iraggleit", and dripping,with•
And sail was hiS Plight, eretwo !Emirs were o'e.r,.•:
n..iiiit,isietiz.ite tuoligli.bis c • oluage.bait..
And oft 'Aire the !mum of the'llon it ouanea. .
. .. • .
Ire knew in Ms boort that that latiec sae aortal'. .,
It was Strengthened. and sharpened, an(IstipPett
.with the trath.'. ' • • '
'Be weak' WOW partipi, 1.10it
...spek1r intfineut diank ;
The in attend:tit .m kid .ieng ceased :to
Aitii11.9:::ttiiiied in niern; aittac. k oi tiie. foe;
,And seeing their champion golowto
cefea loudly and fonglfor tram", oh a truce.
The combatants Wear.r, vonsented vialt
Next hvouliig itt Belgrtive again try their latt*:
011 ClinditiOcer listeit, while yet iliere
• Olt listen tonic. aim give licedito my rhyme,
turn het your ei•e to the Sun, uer askance,
rot, .cannot nov08/frilly eiVe leilh Ili at lanm •
Tis vans -ail in ram 1. how:Weyer yea, try,
The KIngfof tim Forest Was no'or known to 111
. • N.:11(1 Itegli5ter. • '
Horse, bitigy,..eutteis Cart, harness; stable,
&C„ property .of T. Fair, at the 1.Market
Square, Clinton, on the:31st inst._ Jas.
•'Howson, end. •
Iuttrl disease.
(Aintrin on On 11(11
inst, the Wire of 3lis 3ieLtteghlin, or
a daughter, - • • •.•
on the lOth
the wire or Mr. J10111; Iftinter of
dettelner. •
Me', D. Reid: of Stiiitlee•, hall 01) :it 7 Gitmt4.M.v-:-Ilonur.:tvg".—On the 13th. inst.,
item field 613. elnie cs of silica' of 12 ,1.1?;0111,01?iildteelvie*e.J6.-(.1%trillielipuTA'00,:f2;01ttltblitotrP,ailar..b
'1,hig, Wits thelleaviest- neorge JI.odgenS, King street' east-Mr:7-
Nouse thatlittinc, to, Miss .Iarte lIodgens,
both Toron
E •
mow*Bitiy,—In Clinton on the 13th inst.,
.3lowbrity, Aged 33 yCitN.
licKluox. —In Myth, on the 14th inst.)
Charles Seymour, infant son of Mr. '..Nt•
F. 31eKinnon, Aged 4 tnonths too 7 days
crop ()Wheat ' he ever harstested
speaks widi for the prodizetiveness of th
soli of.this sectien., He expects to have
at Toast 50 -bushels to' th e Imre. The
above gentleinnn has Also a „grape vine
which has .a.bratich 03 feet long. The
vine lies borne heavy erope caoh :vette
foe the last nine years:.
On Thitl*Stlay evening, smite Imola,
cipIed ecounitt els entered, the Queen's
mid stole oto or tbe
btte-tooto, $8 and a eeven•shot, revolver.
Ott the following evening somo mere of
--it is to be presumed - the samb party
of light-fingered gentry, nixed. the sash
of a bed-roem window itt Me, II. P. Toms
residence, which was °coupled by a
young man named X., Adams, and stole
w 1111N rr,sint Travrov wrintea a meeting 1.6.11eit ••
preve twenty falsehoods in Ise belt Cisettlar. what
eia he prove? That thelvortlt•evrry should he 1115511.
Odin the Gil; ilesnhitioii, foul 616 sor1g.r51? MinisTriatn
latish hist o ohnnu. Did he denY that the resolution()
,wore ettepted li, the !louse, that he was sitting there,
arid therefore voted toe thsto, that thtty tiddad $800004
from. eat the pocket. of his coat, which o out animal ex411101t0re, making One And n4bair
hanivillg 011 tillico abset6tw
pest,24211v4,745hieTi osioionatooliz:ihemlrie,eitafriltizeasutral,,:paniat=thttost fri'ntbout otirouse4csOii
bilis aurfa
silver, I
at $26. No clue has been 'obtained of 4"t"'
1,,, Lot 81,00
the perpetratera of either outs 1