The Clinton New Era, 1878-08-15, Page 8THE CLINTON NEW ERA.
HI7.,L'IAU D bei HUNTIYG'S GreatPacific
Circus and -Congress. of educated Horses
will be in Clinton., on Thursday the 22nd
of August. It as said the company is
f i. best rob and
comppsed a some of the os c a ats i
the countr :Some the
.equestrians i of
...lut f�n
eats that they porfoim • re wonderful to
• seef4 and, are astonishing evidence of the
•-strength..and agility of the human. frame.
'�+�otal.. raitgro. •
.new .T,Iii; DAX 1$L&Y114
Tuesday nett, the 20th inst, 'will be
Clinton's Civic Holiday.' " It is not often
that the people' Have the eppprtiniities
of enjoying themselves, •in the way of
excursions, as are presented to titein•on,
this occasion. Great inducements are..
made lhy both lines of railways to. parties
wishingite. ge away, as will be seen by
The Great Western Railway will issue'
tickets . to `Port Stanley end x'etnria, en'
regular trains, at the •low rate of ,75
cents -Jot ,adults; and 40 cents for ehil
then Third place loth become- a- very
p1easaritiesort for pleasure seekers, be-
ing nicely .situated 'on the shore of Lake
Erie-, nanny will no doubt hie them -
"selves thither,. . '
The.Grand'Trunk will issue tickets to!
Toronto.and,return, good for three days,
at $1.50, a very mpclerate :figure; to
Londen' and baek, cancelled.; to•Godericli
and return, 25 :Os:, and will no doubt
receive its quota .of excursionists.
At ..Goderich, .; an oxcursioay to Port
Huron and .retuaut•is given,. at 75 •ts,
•The Ocldfe]lows of this place intend go
bag in a body, On. this excursion,. accent
,panied by the Juvenile Band; and in or-
der to accommodate them and all others
who nnity •wish to go, a special train will.
be runfrom here to dGoderich, in time
to connect with the boat. The- train;
wUl 6 a. in.,. and the boat
leaves Goderich at.7:30.••.; Fare -to Gede.
rich .ancl back, .5. cents. '
'town' council.
Thead'Jouriied .meeting .of Council
was hold on Thursday evening;:'a1r the
members present except Messrs..Ghidley,
Menzies, . Forrester, 'Smart, Sheppard
and Jackson. •'•mss• Conn, Scott,. sec. by 'Conn.
Diehl, that the ,Council grant the use
of the toavm•:hall and market house., to
the Hulled .X3raneh: •Agricultural . ,50-
ciety, for the purpose of .'Bolding their.
annual show ie. .the sauce, free el' Charge;
provided the sauce' be •left in as .good or
filer as received.= G'arried.,
Moved b Goan, peal* 'see. b
.y t
Conn Allison, that Mr.. Thos. Potts re
ceive the sum of $350 on gravel coiltraot,
and the balance when, the contract is
completed.—Carried •
Moved by Com. Smith, see. by Conn.
Gibbi?rgs, that the fire •and water com-
mittee proceed 'with• the construction of
tanks; according to draft of report, forth-
with: _Carried. ' • a. y:
Council their adjourned •
Ox Thursday last, about 800 excur=.
sionistsfronr Galt visited Goderich.
TIE building of the tanks. in connec-
tion with. the fire system, was coni tnoneed
yesterday; at P: McLaren's corner'., •
TiAIIGI3 quantities of flax aro now ar-•
riving in town: We trust •friend Foie
a hese a prosperous •rester may � ] rosl cions season
this year.
, BETWEEN Monday' night and Tuesday
morning next;. Colo s circus will pass'
from St. Thomas to Witighain, by way,
of the L., H. & B.
ERRATA. --The fall show of the West
Riding Society will. be held on the 1.7th
and 18th of Sept., and not 18th and 19th
as previously announced, the latter date
being published by mistake.
CHANGED HANDS, 1.1r. J. H, (loathe1 J:
has purchased of rr. Searle, thepro-
perty known .as the old " Clinton hotel."
ether lie intends to build thereon oe'
vol, we - do not know, bit hope he may.
PosTPONnalENT.-Owing to the num-
ber- of -excursions • and the probability
,that a great many will bo away from
town on the 20th, it has been decided
not to hold the steam fire engine test here
until Monday, the 26th inst.
ECLIPsn. - .Ala eclipse of the meon tack
place oil bldnclay evening, visible in this
town,_bat.scaroll* any one, .as.
it had Wen'eompletely overshadowed
and forgotten by tho talk about the total
eclipse of the srui on the 26th tilt.
PEuso1At,—Mrs, Prank Paltiiclge, of
Galt, is on a visit to her old friends here.
• Messrs, E.Watson and J. Freeman have
returned from England. Mr. Jas A.
Yuill has gone to Ton•onto, as represen-
tative from this town to the Qrand
Lodge of Oddfellows.
DEcErrlsic.--Lying around town are
large numbers of small pieces ofatin, re-
•sembling very much •five cent pieces.
They ate not stick, however, being only
-Te brand of it certain make of tobacco,
and the quantity to be Seen, would indi-
cate a liberal use of the weed.
S. S. Prcslc.—On'Chursday, the 20th
inst., the Presbyterian Sabbath School
of this pleat will Bold its annual pie:
Yie. 1t is intended to spend the day at
Goderioh, reduced fares for the occasion
being given by the Grand. Trunk. Fur.
thor particulars will be given nett week.
TvN ear loads of Seafort]t excursion-:
ists `passed up . to Goderieli yesterday'
morning, their eivie ]ialiduy.
Aeczn>;xr,-Yesterday, while enga-
ged in threshing, Mr. D: Shanahan, of
I•Iuilott, received a severe kick in the•
breast frmoice'tile,
ns 1
W11orxz;lts, Wi 1 Rt; fard has left
with us a few Early Rose potatoes;, of
his own growth, that carrythe palm, as
'far size is concerned, Two of then'
weighed a good pound aric]•ii,»li:tri.. Now,
let those "professionals" come along.
Faun tSreALTt;U.—Complaints.'are
',path) us with reference to the depre-
tatieinS of juvenile thieves. The only
remedy for this state of things is a few
;lays' sojourn at Goderich, • Thelnin-
ishm9nt ,nay not be ,pleasant, buts: e'
think it effective. Now, boys,
take warning. r •
Cow INJirains -.Clo Tuesday morning
a eoiv.belonb
belonging •to Me'. Il:"Antlaiews of
t .
this town, got one of its fore legsbri)keu
by falling on the sidewalk. , The 'acci-
dent was caused., by, a .dog chasing the
cow, when it slipped' end fell. The fi�ac-
•ture was such 'that the 'co. v lead oto be
.killed. • • '
.. Nor OAumrous;—Tire• piing Man. in
town, who on ii beautiful moonlight
evening last week ,pro,menaded the.
. ver
,anrah in frontof his xesndenco, clothed
only in:anundersbirt
should have been
careful to • observe' that the; eagle-eyed
reporter was not around,''and then this
'item might not have appeared.
STOLEN.—On Fridaynigbt lasta horse;.
y and liarriess were stolen froth the
stable .of Mr. Lawrason, St. George, by
a short English boy. The horse is tv
bay, and the•:bnggy black piano box.
Mi; Lawrasoa in town on Wedges
day, having traced the thief to a ...short
distance north of Seaforth;;and'Mr. I),
B. Kennedy and he are following. up the
trail.' .:' •
A%uosr A Furl .-What.. Ipight have
resulted ranch more serionsly, •occurred
at the reaidenee,of Mr: 'S, Mercer, on
Thursday'rnorning last,' . Tit is, -person
was away from home, and bis wife bad
kept a.-lanry burning in, the bedroom;.at
an early: hotu•'in the morning :the 'Tamp,..
which was standing on a' bare u, ex-
• ploded, ainl the oil taking fire, ran down
the bureau, blazing • fiercely for a 'few'
'moments. .1,111-Wits.awakened,
when she tried : to guenoh 'ttie fire by
water, but fiii'ding '°it" irief eatuaI; she
threw a goilt oyer the flames ,and smoth-
ered .thein., Of the lamp, '.,sexrcetr rr
piece its large as a half dime, , remained.
REtrr1rn5a Tru N> w Eitie The.
tithe of the year is coniine:` when *oi
toil, have ten,:fifteen oi• a Hundred dol-
lars in your pealed; and wireai you have
do not forget . TIIE Nriv ,lata,' If you
are in arrea[:s; pay up and. add 'a, dollar
and a half for a year ahead
subseiiption has ,fust run oat, please re-.
new for another year by remitting. one
dollar and fifty' cents ; if you are not a
subscriber,, remit $1.50 without.Aurtliei
procrastination, .and your name- Will be
'placed • on our list with, the 'greatest
pleasure, and TUB Nmv ERA will .be
sent to your :address free of postage -
Remeiriber TirE lv Ery L+'its
' Sv l?I'•EIi AND P11FSIMATIC1.-On TtleS-
day evening the boarders 'of the Com-
mercial Hotel, together with a few in-
vited friends, gave a ronnplinientary sag-•
per to Mr. John Wiseman, on the aced -
giant of hie being about to leave the state
of celibacy, The sapperwoe got up in•
the �exce 1 u • manner has Tet o that h. s auaclet il
Coiiituercial. famous; and reflected credit
on the cuisine abilities of the host 111
the courbe of tha evening it Albuni'ac
companied by:an address, was presented
Mr. Wisernao, for which he expressed
his sincere thanks. The customary toasts'
were drank and responded to -cis follows ,t
" The Ladies," •Messrs'. Robinson Pii•ie.
and W. Laing; "The Bachelors," Messrs.
E. B,owlands and J; Campbell; "Me-
chanical Interests," Messrs. E. Doherty.
and Davidson, " Guest's of theevening,"
Messrs. Wiseman and' Pirie ;'f°host
and Hostess," Mr. Jas. Moore. During
the evening. Mr.,, favidsorr fiivored--tri-
company with a number of well -rendered
songs.' The party bloke up at a reason-
able: hour,_only:regretting .that-oecasieiis-
of a similar nature were' not more fre-
Tun circus of Hilliard & Itnnting will
visitd-Clinton on the 22nd inst. A speci-
alty is made of acrobatic, and gymnastic
performances, the performance of the
echrcated.. horses is Said._ to bg_unrivalled..
Read. their programme anti then see if
they do not exceed anticipatioi s.
Tiro Ottawa £7itizn says;—"It has
been freclu ,fitly said. that the inttsh-•
abused potato' bug would show to the
world so{lie day .that it was not placed
upon this sublunary sphere for nothing.
The announcement is now made that
the oil of a potato bugis sure death, to
rheumatism, and several ;people in the
vicinity of the city, are said to havebeen
greatly benefitted by its use."
Qi:AINrtY remarks the London Act.
vert ser:--•" ow is the time of Conser-
Ivativo organs to announce daily, with
solemn iteration, that She electron of
every Tory candidate from Sandwich to
the sea is a sure•thing, that the Reform-
ers are desertingtheir party , and going
to vote the Opposition ticket, and that
the Governinont will not have a baker's'
dozen of supporters in the next House
...raj of \villch will read.: very funny
after' the elections."
SPORTS .41:471) 4 IUS.1Wkt.NTS.
A match. at (xoderieh, on Thursday last,
between the Waterloo and Godcrieh teams,•
'resulted in favor of the latter,. they taking
two games to the former's one; good
inxwas exhibited en both sides.
The Goderich andBrantford clubs
play• ""
an exhibition game
Port Huron, on the
20th inst.
• PiamsET,
`s Piekwicks," of, London; vs :c° Bruce -
i eld,"-•--Tho match betweei • these clubs
tock place at London, on Friday last, in
presence of 'a large number •of spectators,
and resulted .it favor. of Brueefield by 5
wiekets,• /for the Brueefleld team Rent-.
'ledge's 13, Luby's 14, and Briggs' 21, were'
the. siyhampal scores, While for London.
H%gan of VOLand 39in splendid style,
e.ow will be foiilnd.tho score .
rlatWte3tS-1Sr. INNJ$GS,: '
w,. 11 i Ia.ni3 cianicren,,,,. ,• , ,
Flynn Baird , , 0
u oat• ♦ n
Macau o Boutlodge
Steeds b Baird
Phillips 94' Cameron 0
Meek o Baird b Cameron 0
McAdamslb Baird 8-
Betel) Basra
Iialke run 4iut 0
Brough not out 8
BYO, 4; let.", byes, 1 5
uaormy.t•;LU-1Sr INNINGS..
Baird b Elyinan
Cameron ly.ilyman 6
B. Luby b Steeds .....,. ° .. 6
Laabam o andt4.Steoils 3
Routledge b McLean,...... -. ... .13
•TtansXord b Steeds and o .3.oss , 2-•
r3riggs b $Yaiail 3.
Stewart b DSOLes,u...
.T, Ltrby b..Hyviau
Grey o Bold b 1\15yLeau
Gordon not out • •
Byes, G; vides, 3 ., • ..6
' .'rieldwldti:fi,^«ll) 7200.N0S..
'IIynlan b Ransford, , ,.- •.80
Flynn b Baird 0 Sto\gtrrt , 10
-Hallo b Itanstord 0
McLean lrun Ont+. •, • ` • • e,'''-0
Brough run. out • 0
Steeds . b • Catnorou • 1e
Bosso (iamer0T.......... . ,6
Meek, not out., 2
Pitiilips hit wickets..:. ... . 3
DreA.danis b Ransford c Ganierou , • • 0
Reid run out
713•esi6: deg. byes, 3: 3:...' •,•,12
noucerIeras-2 r -INNINGS,
03100)20ha McLean.
Vi•Ltiby run out
Briggs run.ont
Rout -edge b McLean
'Basilan" not out
115nsto dnot,out.,:,.,. ••• .. 2
Baird b McLean •
Byes, 8; leg byes, 2; willrs,.'13 18
.The Clinton!Crieket Chili left yesterday
fora:two day's trip, plttyiiig.yesterday in.
13rantfard,.and to -day In -Paris. rrlie fol-
lowing com�pr�ise the . team : 'Messrs, T.
IIowson, 3. Harland, T. Fowler, R Came-
ron, G. Baird, J.•'Lashain, T. Johnson, H.'
Dennis, W. Ransford, B. J. Wade, A. Mc-
Keown and Win. Jackson. • A tel'egram-
received' last night -gives the following as
the result of•yesterday's mateh, Brantford,
98; Clinton; 74.
ygE,'13II l i:.'. ••
rriatcli. 'i as 'fired on Thursday, over
AAtholeott range, between the Albert Rifle
Club, of Galt, and 'the Huron •Rifle Club,
of this town. The latter siert# the winners
by 22 points, the following being the score::•
G,dlr. Chilli.
.208 ids. 300 yds. 000 yds. 'ruts,,
P. P. rrleo 17. 10 G 38
Ii. 'Stoddard' 14 0 .10 3'3
f C;lllaiu.,,,.. 15 14 . 7....,. 38
I . G. Allenby•.11..........8.........18 13
J. Rosenberger IB"...„;. 10 ... 3 'Si
7.ieut. Cowan. :12 10,
Ixt;xox 01/4t'I1,
200 yds 300 'yds. ' 6001 ds 'total,
rr. iE:tidtao,l...:. io 1i 'r ....40
Cart. Shepperd :14 10 ,. 141 . . 40
James Yotulg...17 1d ,.. 2 ...,,01
G. W. Railton,.....,,,35
Joltu Joslln., . 18 0 4 ..81
C; Grassieic' 20 20 10 00
100 70 50 233
During the, progress of the match the
Wind was very'unfavorablo, it blowing, too
strong for good shooting. The_Galt team
were entertained at the Queen's, by their
opponents, and left for home quite deligitt-
ed with their teeeptioti. ' •
The Phoenix Fire Company, of Seafortb,
play the Hook and Ladder Company, of
London, on the 16th. ,
'he Athletics, of Goderich, paid this
avis a visit on Monday, but on account of
a dispute, the game was broken tips at the
end of the 5th innings. The Goderich
club have always been badly defeated by
our team, but this time they were bound
to win the game, and brought an umpire
with them who gavesome of the worst de
eisions ever made l on a ball field.' The
boys.stoodit all xig it ttill file fitlb;:jlLt:iin:'
when a foul ball was knocked over third
base, and the umpire, instead of calling it
as such, gave it as a fair ball, when the
game was stepped, the home. team refusing.
to play against such decisions. Only four
ofthe regular nine were present, but our
club are ready to play them any time after
two weeks, and believe they, can defeat
theta. The following is the score at close
of game:—
Innings .,..1' 2 2 4 5
•Ilauiitless ..,1 1 5. 2 2-12
Athletics .1.3_ 0 _ �.:.:.. ,1 4-- 8
The Dauntless have challenged the
Beavers, of London, who are now junior
champions of Ontario, for a game on the
20th Inst.:
Pollee _Valor oft e Wire ,girl.
Man $lit,—Iii the last issue of your
paper wo noticed an item to the effect that
the Clipper Base Ball club, of Brussels,
style themselves junior champions of On-
tario, but before doing so slroutd play with
the Dauntless, of Clinton.,” Now, that the
Clippers and the champions of Ontario, no•
person will attempt (who knows their re-
cord) to foretell. They have been organ.
ized fot4lve years, and were never beaten
ut;that~time' except by London, and that
was by foul means. If we cannot " get
away" with the Dauntless, we will throw
up the bat, and if they want to distinguish
themselves, let tlietn come here on three
days' notice, and we twig show them a
wrinkle they have never seen in base ball.
We have given up running to every se.
coed -rate club that sends us a challenge,
and are not afraid to meet' the Dauntless,
or any other club in Ontario. If the
Dauntless players have any ttpunk, let
theist Canis to I3russels, if not, the world
will have to heave a sigh of regret that it
missed a great baseball match.
Yours, on behof Clippers, '
C,alf �NEc11TEt, Capt t;in,
nreteois,•aag.12, 1878. •
The above letter would indicate that the
Cliplier Base Ball Club, of Brussels iiia.
agne t a ms
r champions ns
of On-
n -
t rl . For theirinfermarlpis e wnld say
that the Beavers, of London, have held the
silver cup and championship for the last
four years, and, we suppose, would be very
glad to have n game with the Clippers, to
keep then, in practice.. The Dauntless
play the Beavers in London, next ,week,
and after that will doubtless be very glad
to learn all the Wrinkles in base, ball the
so-called champions can show them.. 'We
understand the record of the Clippers can-
slots of three or four victories over some
country clubs out north.
. .. ..- I A . • - ... p..._
Aco nnwr•—•A.t Crediton',- on Friday
afternoon two boys maned Holtzman'
and Matz,, employed in Schnarrr &
Wilkens flax mill here;•were caught 1n,
a shaft and before the machinery could'
be stopped each had. an arm broken, the
latter an two places; He: was' also ter-
ribly' bruised abotif. the feet and injure. d
internally.. They are, "however, : p`ro-
gressing favorably.. .
CAup: Mx>;TiNG -There is some talk
of a camp uieeting , being held in this
vicinity seine tate cluring the
Civic HOLIDAY.—Tuesday.• being cur
civic holiday, about 175 of the .villagers
went on the excursion to Pori. Stanley,
A SIIA.IE.—On Sanctity morning last,
the north' end of the. village was disturb-
eel• by' the appearatce' of what Was sup-
posed so :be a erazy .: woman, . but what
-turned out to be a youug man dressed.
in female apparel. • He called e,t"several
houses in ,his ` guise, and doubtless
thought hithself smart, bat 'lie should
a;eniember that there is a • severe puri
ishment'by Tam for suchfoolishness as
he indtlged i•n.
A" iivaton is ctiri'ent that Mr. S. Pike
purposes strutting a Hotel in.the village.
—Ono •late .pastor Rev. S: Young, tied
daughter, Were in the village last week,:
visiting their friends.
ulvs a number went to hear the con-
troversy between Farrow and Sloan at
Blyth, on 6th inst:; and carne away dis
gusted :'with Farrow's • quibbling and
palt'ry.objectioni3. •
Tii'i fit;t'niers in this ' isinity are well
on with their .,liarvesting; but. colnplain
ofthe '.scarcity'of hands. The wheat.
crop is reported to be very good.. • 'Out7
stanrclibg ,rutin was injured by the: ]ate
raids.• _.__ .., .
Z'unu i i zirru i.-.-.On'.Friday last' a
public meeting was held in "School Sec
tiorl No. 7; Colborne; for ...the purpose
of taking steps to open the, road north'
from Ilolinesville.• Among those pre-
sentwere Messrs. Beard, Alari,
Schniairv, J .SVillsoxi, •Swtintz, and'
Fisher from.: :