HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-08, Page 88
AT;cusT $, 1.8t8;.
TO .zul ivi,%.ThS —, For the contra-
n'ienaof those of our subscribers
who cannot conveniently get to
Town (jilt Ing tlt0 clef/, oil?' office'
will be kept -oven until 7' o'clock,
• - cverji evening, (luring: sttuanrer.
Tont Inttet0
Cram holiday --20th inst.
SEVERAs of our townspeople.atteuded
the firemen's 'demonstration at Wood-
stock, on•Thursdaiy, • •••
A soca', will be held in tlie.Tewper
once Hall this evening A cordial' in
vitation IS extended teal.
CANADI k Thistlos ,.ave'.blooring
.profusion in.v.ariotrs.pat•ts of' the' town,
and finless speedily attended to; the
seeds will be scattered in • every •tiliree
tion. ..
THE Fall exh}bition of 'the. Hallett
Branch Agricultural- Society 'will be
held in this town, 'Far Monday'and Tues=
day, the 16th and .17th Septerber,•:jnst
previous to' West -Riding Show.
STEADS EIRE ENGINE. -We• •intlt]ex
• stand that : arrangements Imre been,
eriade with :Mr. J: D. Ronald; '. for a
trial of ono of leis steam fi ee 'engines ,to
take,plaiee Here on , the 20th' inst.,' and
possibly the following day:
THE (,all -bearers -at the funeral Of
Rev. _A. Herlbuit, Mitchell,.)ver•e Ii.evs.
J. S. Fisher,. Full lrton ; 3..Broley; Bay-
field ; R, Fowler, Clinton)3, Graham;
Seaforth ; . W. R. Parker; ,11I. A:;.'Wood-
stoek, and A'Aliiligfan; Ashfield.
TEL vrioNE.--)<�lissr•s.. Glasgow, Mac;
pliers o & Co. are about placing their
office in coinmunieation ivitha.the Ex-
press Office, by means of a telephone.
The instrumont.is °being tested from the
office to a btiikling;iii tho yard, and thus
far, has worked .very. satisfactorily.
Crich_has purchased of.: Mr. A. Taylor
the vaeant. property on Victoria` Street,•
formerly oceupied,,.lay.t110 •:bending .and
earriage works, of W. T.; Holmes; coif=
'sisting.of over 62 feet frontage and r•tuz-
sting throiu b. to tbe'other street, paying
therefor $550. • -
' PERSONAL:—Rev.'Mf.. Stewart entc`r-
ed fully on his duties as pastor of ' the
C. P..Chiuecb' on Suday,lastr- ti1r. 1
Madge,. who•has ably filled the pulpit of
the Methodist Church here during ...the
absence of Rev. 'Mr. Fowler,. preached
• for the last . time . on Sunchly evening,
A. Bishop, Esq,, A1, P. P., ' gave iia .a
call on Monday, •- .
A. Ban FALL At the• buildnl• of
Mr. W. C. Sea'rle's .ln.emises,. a purse
is used to pull up locals of brick .to. the
second story. On 1+"riday one of the
traces gave way, throwing 'the.hdrse
around on the joists, . one' of . which
broke, and the horse fell into the 'cellar;
;but singular to say Was not' injured in
the slightest. • A •gzngivay had to be
built toget the hoise,ou:t.
HURON Ltvi; SToex A ssoel'ftTiox held.
a meeting here on Friday last, •and un-
animously voted to advertise• at' once
for entries for a. fall sale . to 'Ile held
about the 15th to 20th'of 0,1tober• next.
•Those having cattle or sheep (thorough
bred) should at once send inn list of ani-
mals,. in order to lce mentioned in the
sale pamphlets. Full pedigrees of eat-
tle must be b ven for...publication,
A. Br.l rtr oorre$pondent complains
bitterly about the cab driver ther•.e: be-
ing fined fora breach of the village by-
law relating
ry-lawrelating to liveries;.plotesting against
it as act of injt'tstieo. AU we can say,
is that when sumptuary laws:Are enact-
ed they should be enforced,. and when
fotind to act oppressive should be repeal-,
ed. With regard to licensing liveries
in snral'l.places wo think it a great folly,.
as ofttimes patties could let out their
horses both to the advantage of them-
selves_and those who hired them
Exrt Itsici s.—The. people of Galt
and vicinity 'excursiontze to Goderich,
to -day. Ott Tuesday, an excursion was
given toToronto o -•and lia"ck, fx pm Strat
ford, at the low rate of •75 cents, If•
the Grand Trunk will extend. situilar
liberal inducements .to.this end of the
line, we will guarantee then a large
crowd. On the .20th inst., (the Civio
Holiday,) 'an e1-tcatrsidn will .he .giveli:•
over the G. W. R, to Port Stanley, the
Henson boiitg placed at $1.25 for the,
double trip, children 50 cents. Porn
Stanley, situated on Lake line is one
of the most pleasant resorts, and those
wishing • to-" enjoy themselves on this
day, could not do better than go,
Tow Coz;Nc11.,-•-Tlre•rogular meeting
of the Council was • held on Monday
evening, all the members pi'esentexcept
Messrs. Menzies, Cooper and Smith.
The only hslsiness of. importance trans-
acted' was the passing of the Finance
Cornniittee's report, which recommended
the payment of the following accounts •1'
,I%ialeotnson .& Watson, 824.50 ; Secord
& Cozzens, $85.73;Thos..Beacom, $4,75;
IL M. Racey, $0; W. Cook, $5.68 ;
Sones & Couch, 75 c;;. E. Holmes & Son,
$15.05 ; S. Davis„. $14.02 ; D. Webb,
• $1.87 ;'G. Reagens $03,41; J. A;, Nel
des, $1,15, Conn, Smart was granted
three (monthshave of absence. The
Council then adjourned to meet again
on the `80 inst, ,
Suzan, , heavy .shavers. have. liven
experienced during the -week.
A Lupo Iii :letter which we have ren
ceived from Mr., P. Grant, who is now
doing the Paris Exhibxt1on, is laid" over
till next week,
• Tui funeral of Miss Snell, ot`I-lnllt,tt,
(buried in this cemeteiy,.on Thursday)
was attended by the •Lbndesboro Lodge
of. Good Templars, in regalia.. •
A PttESErcT,--Tine Clinton Presby-
terian congregation presented Rev. Dr.
ITre with t$20 as an' acknowledgment
;of his services as Moderator duringthe_
vacancy in their ohurch.---•SSgnal.
SPORTS AND .;A.11f'US.?n,(,F,NTS,
A Laerosse Club has; been Started .in`
Blyth; with a good membership. '.. They.
lire styled the." 8hamrooks," find A. W:'
.Nation is the secretary,
A match took place at Seaforth last
week, :between the hardware .tied dry
good's men, resulting in fever of the for-
mer by a sore of I'S to 0. • •
We notice that the Clipper base ball"
club of. Brussels are styling themselves
,junior champions -of Ontario ; but before'
doing so they should try a game with the
Dauntless of this place,•after which 've
think they avotild not want to call theun-
selves, champions.
Tho Dauntless club are. openoto re-
ceive Challenges frorn any'jtmtor nine in
Ontario, '
A boo laall'tournatinent tekes.'place'iu
:Wroxeter on the 10th inst.; onder,tlie
auspices - of the Silver 'Maple 'baso 'ball
drib, wheal $65 in prizes rice offered
A match ,will be played oh Monday
afternoon between the Athletes, of-Gode-
rchi{ and'•the Dauntless, on the ,agricul-
tural ;'show grounds ; game to be stilled
at :3 o'clock" •
• • c:i easier.
The Clinton crickot•dub propose ink-
ing. a tour' next week, playing;; at St.
Marys,.London and Sarnia.. During the
• seoson' they have been very successful;
'winning every match 'they have played
by big .scores.. 'The following players
lead in batting .T. Lashani, 102; Thos.
Johnson, 04 ; • .„'I+bat let; `A 7 ; .• The besy-
ling record stands at present :- •
eters inn:dens. Bowling, wickets.
•Fgoavaou,.,,;..,,Go .. ....53.,.:... ae.... .,....15
Baueforil 53 17 83 17
Hur•1aU(1 +' 40 13 C. ' • 11
A. very laughable game of cricket took
place bin Mondaylast, between .Alnssl•
T: Cooper and John SteRp of; this place;
rho• score at the close :of:the game stand
Mg• 5 .to Q' in favor .of Mr Cooper. • The
curve' bowling, .of Mr. Cooped was too.
uruch for11Sr. Stoop), who failed .to score'
a .run', while Itis” Dpponeilt by good ruin•
managed to get 5; Mr. C. Spooner
-umpired the g;iuno; to the satisfaction of
both parties,' not a dispute being heard,
-while S.,,} Davis handled the pencil, and
kept 'es correct sore. At the: close of
the •.nateh, the awe players, with their
friends; adjourned for. refreshments
A match takes place. to -day at Athol-
cot Range, between the Huron and Galt
Hite associations, • Tile, following: will
probably;nobiprise the home' team:-
Messrs. 0. Grassick, N. Robson, •W..
Shepherd; G. W. Railton, -and J, O'oslin..
The Galt team will arriVe at tllis:place
about 10 o'clock. • •
• .
UAW 'public reetib;
will be held on Friday, "Dth. Inst.,. at.1 i
&clock noon,, iii the school House, near
D, .L'air's, in the 'Township. of .Colborne,
to meet a deputation .•froni Clinton,. to,
oonsider the best•.modeto open the Road
from Colborne to 13olmesville, in , ac-,
corclauce with a resolution made, tit the
last ri:i<tiug ofatho Gotlericlr Township
Connell.. • .
T1rE Methodist parsonage is well ii1'i-
der' way and will be all ornaliieht to the
when cotir�yletecl..
Otit hate pastor, Rev, 1':�.-.71iv
wife .were in. the village last week, visit-
ing some, Meads,' they are reeking hale
a cl�'hearty.
E', and
Axar, 'l'iutoucu .—Mr, Hugh Glamour,
of this township, finished harvesting On
the 2nd inst. He thrashed hie fall
wheat as soon as harvested, in order to.
snake room for his spring crop, and now-
finds.tlhat he has not sufficient rbom for
o Holmesvitie appears- to be. going
ahead, the new store lately .built by
Mr, 3. S. Walker, on. King street east;
Writs of attachment have bean issn.
ed itgainrit P, O'Dea, grocer, Godericla ;
Robert Scott, general merchant, Wrox-
Mr. Alex, Bruce has sold his farm
4100 acres) on the lst eon., Morris, to
Mr, Knight; of Wellesly,for the sun
of $5,500. •
' The Ezcolixnge Bank of Canada( ha,it'e j
(leaded to open a branch in Brussels.
d'oh.n Leokie' has been appointed manag-
er .fel the agency{
'% A. new post efice, called Goshen Post
aa doing as,good a business as caliche, . Office, has been established on the Bay-
expected, `" There is some talk about' field road at the Goshen linea Mr.
tidying a telegraph ;office here, but :I have not heard anything said at present England, merchant,. lata been appointed
postmaster. ' .
about a printing e w o , tt 1 is arc a •Mr George Forest of Stanley, com-
say what there will be here after a little g
while but as soon: as •T do hear it talked' pleted the. cntting.of his entire crop on
about ,I will be sure and let yoo know: Wedrifaday; the last day of July. His
We are hoping to get the road, open barley, oats, and Peas will give a splen-
front here .to Colborne, The Canada did' yield, but the springy wheat .will nut
Methodist church hold their ,quarterly be more than half a crop;
ruee.ting last Sabbath, if: the weather • Un Friday Mr. T. -G. Parrott, of East
holds fine,. the 'harvest will he heady c Wawanosh,, met with an accident which
through, by a good ;many at Utast, this I terminated fatally on Wednesday even-
week.—Com. ..: • ing." He retnrned'home from Belgravia
on'T'i•iday evening, and upon attempting
1'[rIiOXETER. to. get out of glia -waggon the horses'bolt-
••-- ed into a' shed which wv,as too low to al -
Swum nix Lio1nsnaca—A' destruc- low hint to pass underneath while in the
tive thunder storni.swept over this place waggon, and as a consequence was feat,'
on Tuesday, accompanied by a perfect 'fully crushed. :
dotnge of. ram.. The lightning struekc a On alio 1st' of July, two horses lne�
barn and stable about three (porters of lonrrfn to. Mr. John Crerar were killed
a mile trona the 'village, belongin to ' g1, -
M s. S. Walker. The building watt con .ea the railway near Brussels Mi. Cr
tents were burned. They consisted ..et.,lite-. was fnfortned : that the'railway silway au-
abotit `350 bushels 'of last'. ear's wheat;'.thorities wonlcl not pay anything. for the
y •dzorses, all:tiding thnt it was through no
together with 11 acres of fall wheat, 27 ' '� °
leads of hay, a laxge gaantity of • barley
fatal( of .thelia, Mr. C1ret:tir contends
and Beals: it also killed a terse.. Loss, .
that alae (> ,W:R. Co, had inseeub gates .
about $2,060 insured for $1g0Q0 "in tho.. on hzs lot,. and lzas instftutetl'legal • p1'o
Agricultural �Xihs iranee• Company, of.eeeclins against the company:
On Monday a painful aeoident occur -
1878. .
ab tflies but it i hard to
red at'Crecliton; to itir. T. Atkinson, of.
Exeter. ' He asstiattttitizb-�t'iro-sireeti b
lE1 U Li n ETT,' boards _en the .roof of a bt,1� ding for Mr.
>Y l � •''•]p r i • Monday, . lie edge
D n til. . m t s T.aifE.—On • 5.;��ciocis; whezi, lie•stepp�ecl ont
the' 31st alt:, shortly rafter 3 a.m., Eli- • of a board which had not been nailed to:
zabeth, eldest and beloved (laughter •of the rafters, -and. fell to the- ;round, a
.George Snell, Esq,, • after a protr'actecl distance "of 'about 14 : feet. He fell
illness of .eleven weeks, . passed • assay anloegst, a quantity'. of'laimbee, breaking
from earthly scenes. to a more glorious his left, arra near the elbow. , ,
and better. supero• At tire' tune of lief ..Y,ast Friday, as A,i•. \Vm. ',rqc; zcr, of
'deinise'she.wt, 1 u ents'-.five'.'years, three the G .h, don: Morns'f0rnler] * a: resi.i'1e1St'
months, and nineteen:•.da �s•'of age, h,iv v , ' , y``
3 d > of :j31`yili was•retnrniog;hoe* Frohn Bei
itis died in.great j eaeo, and. c'otnmitt.ecl grave, he met with a painful accident,.
her gentle soul to. the care :of a '1ovi ig He ivas Tiding• on liorsebael: liid carry.=
Saviour, and, gave mairked:evidence that ,ince: a.rnanaber'''of hay rakes... The poise
she •loged to reach't tat blessed: Home takiiia fright at .'the rakes be"c tine ase
which -Mitt .has -prepared for them that nnanagouble; alai iia Ihim to the re nd.
love T iixibotit niu�yeai asp, she x i collar boiae wnii • llrekoir, ;aiid '1>e
became' 'a; .nieniber•: of, the. Wesleyan
'antreh, by the keei'ous' •mea•ns of elle ,hL Pa fielth eorres >ondent of the , e
ReVs.ttItwl.e:land ICollam tad bec,uui y 1
devotedly' attaiehed to the Church its Posicor says, A rumor lain been: afloat.
faith and its it i os. - ;She waS anti areae' for "gene da4ys, which t6, ..W64.
ye .lpe-' :'
l d•a s S S liev;e, correct," that lli'. J'ohh Treys, .tbr"
alts, dutiful and • affeCtionato•to he,r_lpa-
' H O
C1. O'2'�IZ1TC : ••M RCT3.A. "'1'
EsTABLI$F1•k1.p .1854; ,
We ,will show on :Saturday,
For Fall, imported • direct: from' ,•Scotland, and
-which :comprise . the ,Newest .and " most' Stylish -
Goods ever -shown' in town.
R 0 i�V'A�,iTT. � OF� SUIT
was otherwise injured.by:,the'frll.
W e will also • open' out 6 "Gases o
merican and:.English
Being. first shipment of New Goods' for Fall "trade.
i.' 01ANY�t N, Aug. '.i; i',978:
1 been .arx.e. tcc•I itt•.
meriv of 13a field h, S. s .
rents . and 1 n
e • r-�a' inn . a o1 Doc
s ti t i
e i1
b P t
t .t,
1:lh .1n .to:.,.._•,____'.; .
' '•- lin ell
�,ar a and steps l
t it
�a'hena a er an. occasion presentee Itself. ' . 1
;, secure ]ns' e tzaclitiaai: He has ,been...
Her warn 'grasp, benign and true
e it 1 • l ' t 'i t - tl arrested for forgeries couiwitted before
h a er neSs• seemed the s ecm ` az>; -'' -'-'11
lcavizia hayfield.. ; It seems that whipAA
friendshipof the circles in which. slier'* ' ','
doing business. �ere; prior to his'dep ar :, • r
movedq while her frankness mid, virtue,
eeply .tune, he foi,ged'tlie naives of certain pec- ' '
avers; equally eorntuendable. We deeply 'sobs. to notes,'vii the strenrttli of which,' �• i f �' ny e
regret her loss in this circle, and am, ,. ° ° ' °
pathise ruueh with parents nail 'relatives amines the notes vele c.rscounted in the
ttlltis beret 'of'ii dar Dile. who, . i few
•months ago, . was. in the. strength of'life-
aned iuteliigence,'and'. so•:soon-departed.
.Ohl quickly tomer true S:lfe'of all,
For death is mightyhll (mound;
, On evory home iiia el haow a fall, .
On ovory Beer( h1& mark Le found
Oh ! claickoy Dome, for. grief anei'pp i
Can never eland 114 glorious reign.
-- C.o,r; .. .
The -Morris Braneh• fall show will l,o ,
•held at Blyth nn' the 10th arid llth•of
October: ...
M. Howard, :of Exeter,. was last Week
so badly bitten by a•clog as to eoziitpel
hint to take to his bed. • - • •
Mr. ZV..Hunter of 'East 'SVnwanosh,
unfortunattely cut oft' a 'anger of. his
i ight.liand air e5 aturday Hist, l�
Ala. A..Muir, Brussels, expired end-
daily on Sunday, (Tally 28. 'He was
b zel yrth Masonic, vire henaeS
y •.Tay-CO�h ri. n0 olie'Oi tl .
h e- oliletr#eai
dents of Grey, died :ort:. the .2 6th Snly,
abed 100 years and 4 months. •
Qum a commotion occurred in church
oft Sunday morning, caused by a young
than, named Grey, takings( fit just as.
the service vias about to .commence, 1)r.,
Rose, who happened to be close by, gave
hisaidand had hitn removed.
(3v Sunday 1.1St the Ree 3 Cl, Cris-
_well preached Miss E, Snellis f"itierar
sermon to a crowded house. • I1 is text
was "To die •1s gain." .
I1' is nigh time our township council
took - some active steps in regard .a
bridge, now down, on the roach leading
to the station, at present it is it very
dangerous hole. •
Ma, I341 has greatly improved his
hotel, by theli'ddition,•of a brick kitchen.
His facilities for abeam -Iodating the
public are now excellent, ,
IT is rumored that J.\\Benham par -
poses' starting business again in this
village, tizrangenrents being nearly com-
(We understand that Mr. Y'. F.
Mylne is charged with the authorship
of several items that have lately appear-
ed under this -heading. As he was not
the author, nor had any contiectiori
therewith:; thus itoni' 's° published. to
place this geatleman. right before the
public. ED, Nzw DRA.]
• art
Hist -nor "judge Tors; on t1io b
talon of Judge Lizars, presided at the
court held in Stratford on. Thursday.
Messrs. Wm.,, Sproat and . D. Camp-
bell, of Tnckei•smith, and Mr. R. Scott,
of McKillop; returned bonze from their
trip to Scotland, :on Tuesday' of last'
Ifi'assels School Beard have engaged
the following teachers t Miss A Smith;
of Brussels, at $325.; Miss•E, (laiitpben,
of Hullott, at the same salary; and Miss
E. Forsyth, of Wroxeter,:at $250, The
aniouht required for school purposes for
the present year is $2,200, of which
Brussels pays $1,074 ; Morris, $165 ;
and Grey, $61,..
About month since a shocking set
of cruelty was done to a cow, the pro -
'perky of Mr, George Robertson, lot 34,
con, 12, East Wawanosh. The animal
was brouglzt''lholne at that time with
about 11, inches out off the end of one
of her teats, it ovietelntly having been
done with a knife or some sharp instru-
ment.. On Thursday of hast week, She
WO again brought home mutilated,
This time another of her teats had been
split from the root to the tip, from the
effects of wjaich, overt if she recover, she
will be an Let€or loss to her owner, as
fair as .miliCipg is ooneernod..
Consolidated Bank, and 'it is the bank r:Ic off.,
authorities that have caused his: arrest:C2410 '' c °' '
Mr. P. ;lusher, Colborne, on the •2Otll
of 'A1ay. Hist, assisted. by Mr. C. Docld,.. 0000421 TO
:by 'gni artificial process. swarmed. a hive.
of bees "aril foto •four•weeks. after tookt ,
laoncy from'tliein each .wool:, taking ler' ,.
all that'.ti►ne twenty pounc]s;. besides,
hivingfoitr largo swarms from the orf .YV�i.T I C 1'�_
1 D A�
canal .hive. ,
.•�nLondon last week .a young, matt '
named Moue died. The deceased. Find 1
been a •schoelmaster;, he taught iii Mait-' ., - •
''landville tt6o or three years „ago. TIe They are selling out tiffs baalanoe•of this season's 1 t OWWERS at a deal legs than cost.
died while undergoing a surgioitl opora- nose in want of clieap.plaants will do a•e1I to call and see their Stock,
IiAYItiG"rt?ltuli;aSgii ONE, OF' •
tion to relieveliitn of a tumor'.' _ •
14:OTXC1 S. ,
I3trsivinsa Etat lixIN,-0lir attention
lis hccn, called.to a new article for the
r ' ladies, the invention of which. has Ther can supply those theta with their oaatona' With all kiwis:of temperance tlrink8•
,ase c f n o ve3 ,. I.
conferred an everlasting blessing upon,..
every lady. ii� e refer to. the Queen City •
1 � a
skirtit endela for t oitru laches
9 �
1 11 g •.
hero •
e- •
Tuft's ' Artie .._So41 i Water. Fo itains4
-skirts, Om _most deskable and beneficial
article ever invented garere "ef'oiW5-
linen, many of whole have 'suffered yentaof miserable health caused solely by carryThey
'Mg,the weight ofTL IItimher Of lto'atvy akirt; t- -
conmpletely dragging thein clown. Some-
thin . to support ladies' clothing is also-
lutely.ilecessary. hese suspenders are
reeommcnded by 'our leading physicians '
to all ladies and young girls, Every lady
should have then. They' are sold only
through lady agents, 'A splendid oppor
tunity is offered to soine reliable lady' can.,
vaasset of this county to secure the agency
of a pleasant and profitable business. '• For
terms andterritory write at onceto the
,Queen City . Suspender Company, 27a
Clark. Street, • Cincinnati, 0. , .
The Stockton (Cal. Tn ependditt'tells
abont the.boss grasshtbpper, as follotvsn
"The most monstrous grasshoppor wo
have ever seen is on e,chibitioh at' the
office of F. M. West, County • Treasurer,
It is preserved in 'alcohol, and was cap.
tured some time since near Copperopolis.'
It is nearly sit inches lung, and its trolly
is all inch and a quarter in depth, while
its head is as big as a tnarn'S thutiib.
The wings when spread must hatro mea-
sure' ten inches from tip ' to tip The:
legs are as large as a lead pencil at the
body, and about four or five inches long,'
The enormous body is:gllite translueetitr,
and its ribs o Cabo distinctly seen., .4.n
army of that :species. would Qat up a
quarter section of'wheatas slick as a
whistlo'in ahottt five inintttcs."
have Stest got tlhreiigh flonse Cleaning, and have fitted. u11'Ice Cream parlors, w
all can bo accomtnr,datad.
rTf�• 1. T rr ,,
i r th an y tltitr got from their store can be returnsd ir" not as re rosent
Tti.memba at y lj g , t lr 8d.
Clinton, May, 1878:
GRASSTliiac & 01.7NNINcmAMr4