HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-08, Page 4a • t• ,1,11•71",. ..—ereseiseeeeseres---e-eses. THE CLINTON NEW ,E13,A." Ati.(a'sr NEW A.DVE,11111$E5xENTs. ackSon. • Card -•--Livingston. ceed-4, Ottrtwright, -.Voters' liet•—j, A., Nelle. Exhibttion -J. •11,, Reuse to let—W. Sniart. 7;77-4-G. K. Wright • card of t1anles-.7j, Belmore. Property for sale-- A. jamiesen". C:7 ! OV!to: tu.dity's.NAW'Lit.t. may bo cum 001J1C Book I Vago Arossrs.,7*0, 4,S:urn aAil T. A. 411iortt)tr4911. 111015 taak LS 01(.10PY• • • 1 • ta oFFIEIAL PAPER or THE.COUNTY. THURSDAY, A.T.TG1JST 8, 1878. • tendet.'' Non the fine: running' oyes:- a prairie:instead of a wneded country, as was the ease, . . 2. That upon ":4-r, Fuller's declining the conteapt Mv. Dwight's: tender,- for • $56;250, whs.:incepted ; but he as de- clined, giving ;le kreason that ho had' omitted ioehie tender the itemeof 3. ing. • . Thet. ,the tender •of Waddell st, Smith, for $100,259, was the next *lowesthot the. Chief Engineer reproseented that in his opinion •they would rowdy° all their eeeeteles to• complete sectioreNee. 5, already awarded them. This view of the CUSS :WAS. 'coOuired in, and their tender's was acceedingly poised- o'er, Siebsequent events :proved thet correct- ness, of. he eouise. pnestiedeethe • firm having failed to: find the security to proe peed wieli.Section'No. 5. " • 4. Thet• the:tender of Sifton, and Flom intng, for $107,800, Wee then Accepted, 4 centraet enteyed into, And the work pie:needed with end completed. From tinsstatentent of 'facts- in con- nection with the matter hoW' cart it 'bo shbwri that Mr. 'Glass. 'bite been, re -Ward. • • • .1. • • ityroam4 new14 THE .t,!ow,tregy, :Were one enacqUattited with the erne state Of • affairs...to- belleVe that is written and speken•byt. Conservative's in the advecaay of the eoetei•med.,:" Nation-. al Policy," they would -look upon. Cana,' da as a place literellyr going to. the, dogs,'14and,wonder 'bow people: '09qld :be induced to •reutain. in..sitelt i ,coantry.. That the reeklese ktna u ruthfi :state- ments of' Sir John have had an injurious offeet:on Cenede,:. •out' side of its own deviate,' we do not 'doubts for a lie welt Stite:k to often passee fop truth," and we cannot see hote any layer of his country can suppose,: a ..1S 6,11 who. indulges .in 'statements se contraryto fact, and so derogeting • to thd country. That wo may net he charged with, pie.: repeesenting Sir John, we, make an exe trent from his speech at Toronto las't week, delivered on, the 'opening of the Nation -al Amphitheatre; which t.s•ee fol- lows :— • . .• • ' It is said, "-make thisa cheep notinirY to -live-in," Gentlemen, this will be. te Cheap cot -entry to live in when property becomes valueless,- when you• can. boyland 'for next to nothing, when. :man find's himself poorer every year in censequence of tbe:shritikage in the value of.his nro- ports-, • . • ' • e Now etheipteneisan. of Sir Jelin WO ••• to convey the -ideas -that- Otte•.' weer.. yeally the ease in Canesla, but 'Any.. opc with the leaSt grain of sense knOWS.thitt it is .not. Property p.Fi rule, than ever. before. p (tying. '0,!* • liko. years faming lands have increased in value from 25 to.30:per Cent, therefore the shrinkage in such 'doesn't. amentst, to much, neither doeS'ethe, sinielca'ge other properties,', male.% those, who gra. yet willing. to follow the Opposition 'leader in his nntriitliful •statereetie of Canadian prosperity; Must be: elessed :Among those who love perty• above. .0 country. , ,or that Mr. 'Mack.enSie hes squan- dered 064,100 of the nubile. moue); • , • NM? 0.000 AT ILLUSintATIQN. It appear's. difficult- for the ;Vail to upheld the. prineipli, of•preteetien, forit riirely ever takeftrillustretion in op - pert of its. theoeysbee whet that Mug- traaon•tells: swore stroegly . against i_es . . eygunient:thaie...for it; , Recently:it said "The fitrniee iti EriglandLeit may eeem para owl "to thetight1es4. people —ought. tnand now does encom•age free, it -epos, of. grain, pieeporley botaid•up'with.proeperity• of 't he ceitue try ;: and. as he Cannot: Peoditee as. muck grain as. Englandmieds it in foe his in tempt that grain .should' eorre in abun- dantly from abroad." . ••••,, • .Thts 'doesseem prodigiously peracioxi. If. the English farmer .eannot :pre - duce as netteh grain as England i•equires; what * is "the'' obviotesconsequenee.1. Stirely•it is that grain • will unduly ad - "al -Mein irriteeeless it isecheeked • by, .abundant -.-ImOoArttione- from. abroad. Before the abolition Of the Corn •ISeWs. the Price Of' bread , adtAnced to • . •• such a fignise ti dor people tepre•cone- • pelled•te 'live: on: theecor.i:sest kinds of food ; but the lend'Owners:and frtrinprs . . Were, for d slim time., getting ;rich :by the snfleringeof Others. • The same illastratteii. will apply to reenefactorees, • Their:interest' is, isou nd tip intim prospeeitYof -the country, and es:they are not .eble. to make evei:ything 'as cheap. antlegeed as it eine be made somewhere ase, it iS theie intei•est that such aetielee plineld come in abtindently. It in,selfetvicient that if Iess capitol And. labor would •lse expled in•the di- •ioct Predudeion of ti.r:v 'article thee le :in •dencand in the eeuntry, than eveuld, be . — expended in 'the. peoduCtion Of, ssotne , other ayticlesto. exchange for it, it° wOuld :be :direetly' proditced, The% reason the're . . ale manufticturers' of shoes, elotheS, liar. .1.tess, Waggeoe, forniture,•,&;e„ tCre„ Heat- tered ail over the dountey, is 'beet -test: It coattileee to pt•oduct and sepply then eetp the consumer,. -than, if they weire. etitt- enittetOred at Sr distance And the eon- s unier hid to fetch them... The detnand creates the Supply, which will always be the ease Wlien.petuyal ittWS-fogil not. in- tern -n:01 with.. ' The Moat:says; • • s e leis well known that, in Order to di•ive the Eltiglieli watches ,ottt' of the Cituadirm nuirkels the Waltham-. watch factory lets a certain limn in Toronto hese 'watches 10 per' emit lessthan the eanneensztieles are solei in the ate,ems. TheyeeeyeljtesiefOre, 27i per cent, and yet make :t profit. Suppose eve had it young wateli friettoi•e! herehow eolikl• ii .stand a piece of War like this?" • The above IS an illustration of the way•in which manitfeettiroes treat...their bonne etistoineees when they have seetired the home' inerket 14 a high. Witt Al- though therAlthain watch .IS made in the Statcs, it can be botight in Canada, ao. cording, to the Meta, cheaper than there; so that in reality the whore of the p6 polation Of. the United States must' pay ten Per,' cent.' more far Iliete watches than outsiders, *merely to support tkvb or thee manufac eSteblishments. e Is not 21, per dent. high enough tariff • foe watches 7. • If a: evatelr factory °odd not •thrive. with thal (meant of, pratec- tion, 01: leas, it not'wented • Washington, as Umpire, •Tlie eOtemie- sten sat. at Ottawe on Fiticlay hist and concluded their labors on. Sattirday, but it is most illtelythe feet that the matter bed been thoroughly looked. into . each of the commission before *they net; the". ctic ..fot; Ontario -wa,uzred by 'Hon, 'Mr, tiJ1 before 'he beeientis member Of 04 Dominion, Government, anti, the 1»ade seer. :strongly banked byes longearray of treaties and weer& beariug upon the teinly history of' Am. country, Mneeree .1Nlinyat. aud Hodgins:looked efter.the Interest of On, feria, and neerriteined that the:time wes- tern boundary was at least -as far west tis a lino draWn .nbethWited .1Voni the bead wnters. of the llisSissiPpi • 'river, and claimed the :Whole ' conntry its far, :we'ie as the Rocky Metinteins.- . The nCverd gives 011E1140 .a.lerge tract of country northward 'and westward—, the Weeterly•beeridary beipg tt meridion- ni line dyaWil. through the blest north- westerly angle of :the Lake of tin; Weeds fi•oin the ieteynatienal hoendery liAe ."to ,Epteltsk Whith ort1'5 jntO *the Winnipeg and.the northerly boundary' ,being the: •Englielie• and Albany rivers, tunitheSsoteth toast of james'e•hay: freed :the untuth Of Albany' river to the Point' ,where a line draivieduenceeth'femet Lake. •"rethiseaniinguee,would strike the said :Bay. Thie gives :to °Marie nearly the !vitae: Of EnewaYdin, territory (teating aestri)pf Piety- te few .initee: wide to, the ettetward.•,Of Manitoba), arid •inClucling. •'the Wholeof the ';'.aftiable xniiiing reginif* •of take Snperioe, . • Although Ontario :obtatns a Inrger 'areeethen it Was etippesed by some : she wessentitled to; we. see, :no .teeson for •any,greet degree of exultetiOn, M. On, tetio.inid nobebeen eaccertled soexteii- sive a territory •the' country:. would . hot have, -been turned oyee to forejenera :•"' it Wotild have, eeitl been a part!of the minion; 'and as We believe in locale goy - eminent; we aro not inclined teadvecate large territorial ones, , The cost .of gov erneeent, in keeptng. with adyirittagee, rather .inclines :to sinall ,,CommunitieS then large enee, eSpetially in Con -redeye; tienise • . • •Noli•ALL coNE MD , • .,, • . ANOTillift stiniv:DAL,PLPLODEp. We hove repeatedly said that it was scarcely any USQ ktockingsever the men. of straw in the• shape of ecandals aiid false charges made by Qppesition paperse for so soon aseene false bubble is exPlod- ed by the.breath of truth, another is on its reunds. The libtl is seen by: many that never see .its refullitien, and to fully clear up and explain e: flee elneeges requires time and a grease deal of and to understandthe explanation when enusele_sornetimee 4!(tfUiiitl&J1)flixJ,IJIIQ, and the hpplication of more thought than a great. many. Of the eomintenity are willing to bestew, „ • *Ouite" recently tho Ottawa Ciazen, the Toronto Mail, and thn-Londen Fro Fres q lave been laboring to manufacture a scandal againet: the Government • otte of the contract for 'Constructing Section 1 on the Cantidiart pacific Telegraph Line, let to MOS•ars. Sifton, Glass FlOrtitilitt for $107,950. OT Courkthe • main,objectof the jOurnals iiamcd is. to. damage the proepe.elit of 'Me. David Glass, the Liberal eitudidate in ilast Middlesex, but' they also hope • to make some capital against the government*: Mr. Glass Jets alreadyanswered the charge in so far as he iS personally Con- cerned, aud apart:from eneee no ''orte, has ventured te'question the correctness - of his explanation. The real facts in connection with this centred are : 1. That fifteen tendon were received, Mr. R. ruller's for $38,780 being the . lowest. Mr. Vuller'S tender as 'ac- cepted, upon the adeice of MY. Sand- ford Flemming.; *but he declined to en- ter into a contract, giving as a reason • *that he had based the atheunt of his , 110VMM1ags ors71,,s1tX0. For genie time the bonndary questien of Ontario has been' in dispute, end, therefore, eto havet.it settled a commis- sion was appointed, 'composed of Chief justice Harrison for Ontario, Sir Fran- eii (lineks for the Dominion., and $ir Edward l'hOraton, British Miniater itt -EPU011,1414 NOTS• 4.. Li434xtio Reform igen:Pal states that no definite time has yet been fixed' for the elections. ' The cause which 15 1)550(1 on lies per- sistently adhered to has a sandy . founda- tion indeed; —Mit. Is not this prottysevere thrust :at itself. „ • • Accounts:et to the protectionist doe - trine, one of the virine*a of that party is that 'it will prevent %totes, but the United, States, the most, highly .protect, - ed country in• the, World, seems to have fully:its share. The latesit. is that of -the Union. Iron. Works', Clevelende by. „which. 2,000 men are thrown out of ems ployment. ' . • - • A eatalesecexenseer of the Stratford Becton watea as follows ;-, The Mitchell A dvocatd of last week says that Mr, Farrow thee—Conservative candi- date for North Huron, is ,the most apriglit and honorable manin the riding. Indeed t ,During the last eletion, when he was. op- posed by Mr, Leckie, he sent • it iettes to Mr. Mackenzie stating that if he was net opposed be would vote with . The letter' was made public at the times and Mr. Farrow was, compelled to swallow it •hotas balm. Is there anything. -upright or:honorable abont that"? •lf there . we fail to-eletect it. Mr. Farrow's chanees at the ii0Xt election are elim.indeed. • TEII talk abent proteCtion making. a c0untry,71r0spet0us is :all "stuffy'. Wegee the:itt-17-nited States • used.. tn; be; con- . • , . . sidered sornethinghigher than in ain't:: 'do., hilt are .they en now. 1 :• Lieten'What: nieehanie 'seys in a lettereto • the- Now Sr. Oat.. • To rit! • "I knew plenty of men go ingyou lid and Asking bosses for work, saying; ", Give 'Me work .and. fix. your 9wn price" Th'ese 01 01) woUld be 'glad tework fox: Wit 'cley.: Andall"ofthem• are skifled incelianics—, men who have serVed'their time and: de- voted yeare ofeeetient toil to 'acquire :the requisite skill m their .businees," •• " • • , . . • . • . TPA:seed; sot -heti -me „ago,: .eiedertoele.it ctuSade"in the Western States. againat the use of 'agricaltural • machinery, itiul„ several. Of thein were detected the • net of firing oy destroy:hie,' reaping. or Other field'emehines, The alleged rea- ..son•for this. dastardly. C.Sidi2LC-5, 1Viitl.t1146 tbooxtcitsive Of. machinery-. yonder- . . ed it•imeossible for thent to -obtaiii.work. hoireyee's•thetninennitinietaleabld ,demand forejaern laborers to • helpliar; vest the crop *ill, :the State's; mid while residents senseighbor- . . . . • • •ing. toWns are giving Apsistance itt the fieldS, .the .tramp :fails to • respond. north-weatern • contemporary * s.uggeets• thetir pemelty in the shape of enforced labor should be attached by the Sbatete. vagrancy; that the fraternity:should; in fact, be 6011)6116d .:to. work. Were,.it not. fOr '.the. very great' progress made .Of late years in field. machinery -huridreds of'. bushels -Of grain would 'he deptryed for lack of emanate. gather it. .• • • '.,SPEAkiNG' of Centre Huron, • the Lis- towell Standard, (Conservative) hee the ' • "We 'Would advise.our friend's in Ocritre Thiron to select their Strehgek local man and make a bold stand against incompe- tence,' and extravagance, and 'not on any accoant allow the Riding to go hydefault. Conservatives of Centro Huron, takeout - age ; and -the vietory maybe yours, even though the' odds Jiro at present against yen," . •• • • • • '.11t iS (luite •evident the editor .of the ,S'tioidard doesn't know imythingwhet- ever ribout this Rtding, Or he would never (testi/no:such, t_bensve-aireee Wskt the strongest mint in the whole Ceases.- serVative citinp :would ltob stand the ghost of rechance.",orbeing ereettii,' ;MT the fact that 1.1.6 10011 Jinni bas yot been found: willing to accept the. nomination, although it has, been tendered qiiitield , number, is evidence tlyat there Poo pos- sibility of a Conservative being success- ful in it. Were every Ridtng iu the Dominioit as sure Of returning. a Re- former as this one, -the party .would not need to Put forth any exertion teo seenre cootinitation of the lease: of power. •, • ie•encoureking to :P.:pd, one 'Conser- vative paper, •et least, that hag- the in- dependence. to refuse to accept the' elonal policy" of itd petty, and to give expression' to itsvieves st� that:effect. The PrestOtt. Plaindeoler, the Censer- vaiivn •oegan in Smith Grenville; can - chides' an able article on , Protection with the following word • "Though the iorests of thepeople orodueers must eve • be at variance,: those Of each claee .heinge. posed . to those of • cot:Tether, yet viewed in their capacity :of Consumerse there amidst all, this di- versity, n tinixersal harmony... 'All desire ah -abundance of eommoditiee, oren other words that everythipg 'shall be Cheap, Thistis'of ell things What *the:protection-. ists especially abhors. He desires:high: .Prices, or in other words that conunodities shell be seareet, Ho :Wishesto establish scarcity while the general interest require ithendance.. • For him to thrive, the coin- nitteity must suffer, He een accomplish his object only by prOducing this scarcity. Either he produces it or he does not -pen- • produce it, if he does, then, he is injuring the people; if :he does not, :then his ef- forts- are abortive: The Protective scheme is, 'therefore, either injurious or useless, . "Protection-. cannot •in . any' tense bo styled a 'national' pplicy. Its lienefite being'Ihnited to classes, it denationalizes industry and confines' it within the bounds o.tbe narrowcst s ection al le m It .creates. no wealth and simply' brings' about a•fidge listrilrittieneoftlie-ftuitgeof- industry -see -A. natioeal' policy eonsists in leaving things in their natural •condition and allowing the laws of trade to replete without • in- terruption the affkiii a1iumni:11a ia ail the varied phases of it ceaseless ttetivity,v To be able to retteon as logically And forcibly an the.above extract shoWs that the editor of the Paindealo eate and does, proves that, he has thoroughly die- , sected the •Sithject,, and • knows whereof he affirms, but prcitectionists ere entirely ignorant • of tho .question; .not.. 1i:eying stadied it, and agsert that the principle of:protection is right just beniuSe they think eo. ,this way of arriving at coneinsions everybody, nth say that they Axerigid, no matter how absurd their ideas maybe, aid,, therefore, it is of n� use investigating, for truth, according to their assertione, is indely personal ap Prehension. of any abatittet idea, whethei capable of proof or not is of no 'Cello- (pence.UTI TCense *dives were lit eestacies T over the defeat of Hon. Afro Laurier in Drummond and A.rehabaska. Tho elec- tion orMr. Bourbectu, his opponent, hats , 0 been annulled by the eourts for bribery Ond corruption, * Coqaadian News Iteni$, , Mr, Rich. Mills, townehin of40.9.11sty,. etatesthat a- felv days ago ite.save .4 fielder rye AU that :dietriet which, stood over eight feet high, - Notwithstanding the result of the boat moo .on Wedensday„ Roes' backers aro in. 'no weer discouraged, antlAiropose lomat:dr hsm-ence more ageinst ITanlan next year. AM M. CheisionhOrSon; of Mitcliefl•• has been confined to 14 by a severe ill,- nese,for the past two weeks; and it ie. fears ed ho will have to - give up •the workeof the minietry, et least for some time" travelling • party • from-• Woreester, 1.1111Ss.i passed' through Montreal. Tho car evas.like a hotel in Ate .appointments.. Its-eecepants living on board and being. brought' from orto •station to ;Mother :le they dealie: This,is a riew ,,departure in trM-clIing. ''4'' . . John, eon of Mr, Samuel Fisher; a Hungerford, in eight hours cut three acres and it halfof' wheat with a cradle, making 1,3821 erge 'sit eaves of Wheat. These were all 'emend by. hie finher, and _the whole field of wheat *Was standing in shack at sundown. Big work. . , 'Another large party of Merneonites have started West for Manitoba, by the Col- lingwodd lino of stearperes. They state that now the Easterirwar is over,'a steady tide of emigration will eet in from South, ern Russia as the iNfennonites there can now sell their farms to advantage. At Leelieyille on Thursday. afternoon, doring it thunder storm,- it young MSS nathed Peeray, abrickenaker, wa. sheltering, some bricks. from -tie rain, when he was etruck by lightuipg end instantly killed, • He had been married about a year, and had Net returned from burying. his child. . , 'A Shocking caSe Of, par ntal depravity. :hasnome to light at F. T ionutee Nathan RPM, a- colored Men, lea leg' been de - tented by his Wife in the act ofincest with h 14 yeer old dangliter, who Stated that: -.the' intimiter.b.SS existed during the .'hist three years.. He tliicateneet to kill her If. ehe told. : - ' '' . • •" The firemen's. celebration itt Woodstock on Thineday; 'was attended by immense crowds. from all parts . p f Western Ontario. The rain, somewhat interfered with, the afteenoon's enjoyment, end tlineirith plays • ed havoc' with two or three' of the.tris unwindarches, but otherwise the celebra-- Mon t'119 a suecees. • •' ' . ' ' The Orangemen of Montreal 'are coining to Toronto on the lOth inst,, to join in celebrating the opening of' the gittes of Derry on the 121b. A. farmer named Anguki AreDonaw, liv- ing near Kingsv.ille while helping it tweigh- bor.threshing on Tuesday, tell suddenly .dead. Supposed Cause—Heart disease: Joseph,Niebol, an employe at Dilessrs.-• John I isher & Sona paper Mill Dundee, , d whilst adjusting. a btealitlyioidriamirliln,eyanoin -11Io n d ay weeamien t 11sltY:ll* -;irsl‘las18 i1EastriIan A.ieieoaal l)Love cradled seycti acreS of oats in six hours, The* fiela, was- rough and the crop heavy, twisted and. -c()Anhet.7.fb:Itri;i11:1,11fiendci j. A nclielrs%t bhoolitiari nine acres Of spring wheat The week:was performed" before witneseee last Saturday, 3rd hist, There were 203 ediocks or stooks.eaph shock :containing twelve elietivee. • An old, man naM 'log at . Ottawa, • on Wednesday lait lost m hiself tlin vicinity of Itichmo ed AleX, wee not found until Saturday, Ile wee then in such it bad condition that he Wa,s utterly helpless. He died seven houni after being takeinehorneeee- • Shipments of live stockr * rom eMentroal' m" to Great Britain during the present week,. ,are, by ship St, Patrick, for Glasgow, 46 cattle; by ship Glenfinart for Glasgow, 40 „nettle; by 'steamship Waldeneian, for Gine- gow, 206 cattle ;;by steamship Texas, for Liverpool, 203 cattle and 1,500 sheep, The' Moravian of the Allan line, on her way over from Liverpool, taught ,fire on the thirdday Ont. A thorough panic ex'iSted •among the Passengers.•• The . first. officer, Mr, Thompson, acted with inuch coolness, however, and by the use of*hose destruction was averted. The fire Dated in woollen good's on board. SAYS .11, Toronto . papen-.4 number of gentlemen proininently interested in tile promotion of the cattle expert trade,. Will :int.et representatives: • from the seVeral, .connties.of the Province, during the. prd- sent month., with a viewof oneerting Measures favorable to the growt i. et' stock raisingehtterstehich consult:Olin tlie Gov- erment Will be asked to :yid t1l. several niunieiptdities of the•Province to ,proeure good hrgeding cattle, .for- the putposo of improyieg the various -classes. - . ee, • • ' • •—'••-•-..*SH, The Edinburgh Scotsman's: London cot. - respondent saysit is reported that Lord Dufferin will probably be requested to go to Asia Miner as British Commissioner. The Loncloti Daily Arews says the :Mar - Attie of Lorne.will riot leave for Canada till after, the Dominion elections, and that lie will probably arrive here in Noveirther. In the event of' Lord Dufferin's departure before that time, the Commander of the fames will act qs Administrator. American live cattle are arriving -in London in great numbers, One thou. sand reached there on one day, and the London Graphic ay that some of them were so mountainous that they might be made fit subjects of d,econt itinerant shoWe Mk. Y. A. Scott, late of Stratford, tvti front' Centarl City.tinthe Blank Hills 411. triet).under dateeTuly 13, as follows :—" I inn supeeintendent of re mill at $200 per month z I- have' done sorne 'prospecting but'did not tome aernss .anything that was. good, although .1 ani setisfied that.:thera • are many valuable mines yet remaining.' • uudiscOvered. • The 'Dlack Hills country is but insits infaney and it will take 50 year to :fully develop • its resources. There is ooe mine beetelearing.$100,000 per month. *Laborers obtein 4,50 per day and noNteady work at that. Steady work in Canada at 75o a day is better than $2.50 here when the.rolative cost of living is takenlnto 'Consideration.. '1 know -frilly 500 1)100 .who have. spent menthe ,in •the Hills, proepecting for the 1)recio6 'Metal and who 'have returned home penniless and disgiiSted, •• In brief, this country. af- fords good opportunities to the capitalist or speculator \vial a little capitol, but ites no place for.a poor man. There are en- ough of the latter here not. • Thie is the -truth and I do not want any of. my peer friends to be deceived by thellighly-,color- •ed stories that are eiren,lating through the press. There are lots of good men. here; without money or grub, and they:eu vie the day that fed thein en this (to them) very black country." . • 'The severest storm T.oronto,has everk- perienced, set in about 8 o'clock on Sunday afternoon and lasted till after ' 6.. A ter- •rible fall of hail, took place, numbers' of the storm descending, as:large as: hen's eggs measuring five inthee, in circumfor. we,. and weighing over an ounce. It lasted for fifteen Or twentF minutes, stones its large as marbles comin); down in clouds and completely 'covering . the grow Nearly every skylight in the city w s entirely demolished, photographic stiu nes comi eeineforetheeheavicatealeare—e, ' the - I OA Monday avery painful aeCident 00: - .carred to: it yeti ng ehiki. aged abont onEl. year and .six meths, the ' daughter of • •• Henry Mathews, Jr., Of the.Internetional Hotel. •• The mother was busily engaged pouring tea when the child reached ttp• to the tableAnd opeet a cupful of boiling. tea over its:face and .arniSi and scalding the child Ina fearful- Manner. , • A dastetelly and cruel aetwas perpetrat- ed .ore Thuredaynsorning • at . Some party•or parties, supposed by meny to be One "of the leading men of the place, • Paris green and salt as bait fot cattle * Whieli had destroyed eonie three or four. Shade ;Jose -171m trap: restated:. in the . • (leather three. animals, and -others Were badly affected, The.iess bille On parties unabietohearit. At the Bible Oise ineetiee in .Shaftes- • bury 1-Ia14, Tomato, • on Saturday, Rev. Dr Potts took for his -subject the great dra,tight of fishes, Before. closing • the ineetine'-'e • • ;Inca the .audiance,. that: • he wonld ni Pleast, to answer -any ques- tion tiler Might ly is to ask.. A person, in the,gathering asked i hat Peter did the fish • after th.ev . Were ,canght.' Thle Pesti,* the Rev. Dr. Wag obilgeel; to. Say: h 'could not enswee.. •The, peeson then asket . 'f he tlxonght Peter's' wife her mother., o14 them:. aiedienee seemed •• • • greatly aninee but -of course the question Ivarunanswerec , • • • .. ,. • . • QnStuid0 afternoen ..t-jierSe Was dis- covered floating in .01e abont half a, mile west of the v et .York. Upon inspection'a buggy andliar, liess were •found attached to the hbree. Deecriptionds follows : Marc, cream co - ler, black legs:arid black •mane and, tail, - with nigh hind white foot; buggyhas pa- • tent hubs, With piano bex painted black •• . and hiewn,with a, 'leather' clash;:rail'ol! sent and dash Silver-plated; harness becele, • en; the bitis phitetbyellow; the • shoe ea the nigh. 10 ndfoot has the 'nate of 5. • Graves stamped on it. to a ea. wils found in the buggy it soldering iron With handle bileneff, also' seine bread. It is -supposed. that whoever eine in cherge of the horse • gedy (accented in Deck- .. drill's Opera Hall, St. John; on Satnrday. • - The California minstrels, have been per - terming therc,. during the weekV`Lew Davis, sang and dapne man, being athongst , the company. just before the perform- ance was, to con -faience, Davis was in the dressing-ronni • with :Atkinson, another membet or the company. Ile borrowed Atkinsmi'i pip,c, then obtained tobacee . frorn,the property man, and next got 'the ' loft fof Atkinson!s pocket knife.' Turn- . „ his back, he suddenly eat threat am ear to ear'and fell on his face arid hands on the, floor. The spectacle ieres • kented by the dyieg man as the blood flowed in streams from the gash in his throat was sickening. Davis expired in fteen.minntesovithout-uttcring foroid;--- -- The money was returned to the andienee who lout gathered and the lights tented slow .sieeese-eAs 4Y2 genera destruction. Couservatorie. and gardens in all directions ruined,. th . stones phtying havoc with plan s aud 'sliel.tbs, 'The ehmelmeeatiffered severely St, Mielutel'S Cathedral, thesMettopoliten Church, Reformed Episcopal (Aura, Grace Church, St, Stephen's, St: Paul's, and nearly every other had all their north- erly windows riddled; some oft.•those' destroyedhaving been illuminated end: „ „ QA veiy eostly, 'Home:Hee tan bo•formed of •—•'" • • 4 the Manner in which the .glass came to. SCOTZ11 -4tne -27th ult., the grief' from.the fact•that the Do La Salle f „wife of Mr, W. P. Scott, de sone* • Institute littd a hundred and eieventeen 7iI00.1).--tri Stanley., on July 20,- the. wife large panes destroyed, and Adams' kiln- of Nr, ilood, of a son. dry, eituated itt the corner of Queen and Ieelssoel,--In-Settlfirth, jut tl Church, Streets,. had (Inc hundred and *wife of if. Benson, of eight. Many a building. had every win- ' • - (low entirely shattered. St, Mary's blittrole MapseIn•Settforth, on july 20,1he • ig 011N. . . A, Steirsoer.—In Clinton on the titli .inst. 1 . the wife of Mr..R.. Simpson,o fa daygnter, krentreox.—In Beet liraWanosii on . tho ' 27th wife of ".'Sfr:V. Atchiesone '4n1 4'0/14 etruck by lightning the fluid entering wiro Ar. Alerdea11) of a :f5011. • ' by the belfry passing through the front,. MoEsv1.—In MeEillop, on July 29, the roafrth itel 1;11 ugisier4Wrig titilriceltialTnntritannede lee.‘111ficert°.•:11.1rOIrl'ciel‘lciedErsImviitlit,ceinaticil:'tilsgthitnesri,, doors, which were locked and bolted. A. the wife of Mr. 3. Barber, of atlaughter. man, standing by was stunned, but speedily, m A RR1ED Cathedral clock was also strtiek, and sliat-. .111ExA,nEY—Oitits.x.n.v.--At the rCsidente tered to pieces. The rain WW1 terrific, (ILO° bride's father, on July 20, by Rev. coming down in-terreats for nearly three T. G. Thomson, ':‘,.1r, T. S. Menareye to home, Many cellars and basements were: Isabella, second daughter Of Mr, bine s lerge quantitities of geotivdesttoyed. The ' Chesney, of Tuckeremith. flooded to the depth of three feet, an d recovered, The northerly dialofSt. James ' • DIED4 earth caved irt itt matlY Places,. and sewers resurtelet.—in Clintoe; on • the 5th inst.,- „ became stopped up, and in sive instanees Mabel Linwood, intent daughter of W, burst, catesin,g iminense &image" to the W. Fara ,n aged 9 Months, 13 days, surrouriding houses, On Stanley and DATes...-11 Triekeremith, on the 2nd• inst.' other street, whore the buildings' are of a the infant ton of Mr. NV, Dale, aged 3 poor description and below the surface of • mentIrs and 17 flaye, • • J the ground, the inhabitants were nearly ItIcrAneeetele.—In • Stanley, Jon :Lay ' drowned out, and chairs and tables and Uhristinit tliga, daughter of .Mr, SVnt. beds might be seen afloat. McFarlane, aged 4 years and 11 Months'.