The Clinton New Era, 1878-08-01, Page 8Avqus1' 1, x878. Net iUnen of a Trip, - We heard a- funny story the other day, which is certainly Ni'orth telling iu print. During last winter:, a well-known gentlenfail in^ Stratford, now d'eoetised; received visits from a great number of friends, and among them a soli, of tiro Emeralcl Isle, and. an Orangeman to boot. • After some conversation the Stratford gentleman remarked that he hadn't seen his friend for it .long time,, where had be been 2 ' Oh, I've been across the _say.' ' And .did yon enjoy' your trip 4' ' Faix, you niay say that,, The day I got.on shore it was tlae devil's own row, and I took 'ti hand in, and bedad. I was clapped in, gaol for .six, months, and the. duly. 1 luaus let out 1. left for Canada, and that's • all: I saw of the ould co,unthry, good or bad.' A roar of laughter, followed elle story, our- ins which the Orap ne. 1iv'other'' took himself offin high dudgeon, muttering that he didn't gee 'what there• was to laugh at.--St'rcttford Beacon:.. A Girt who Would riot take a•Dnre. ' The Olean N. y. Reeortt tells this ▪ story : ' I will 'marry any girl in the. room that will have. me;' said . a half.' tipsy young fellow, '' I'll takeyou,' said a fresh, clear-eyed .young girl of seventeen. And in half an hone the two .were married and' being. Gofgratu- lated by their friends. This'actually' occurred only at few weeks ago. in the near vicinity of Franklinville;' n'thfa • county:.. Tho oeeaaion • wets ai• .country. dance ; the participants were a farmer's: .son and a farmer's daughter, teither of whom bad exchanged A.wWrrl tv.ftli eacb other .until_ the above scene :Occurred.' The young had been .• drinking tied thought be, would say sormathing.'slntirt; and astonish the girls with his audacity." The girl, liowever,.heard that.lie 'was n ' good fellow,' and being- moved by that. spirit which ' will not take a :dare if death conte,' took him et his word.: They are now living. with the young., fellow's parents and are studying each other's characters at their leisure, - Tossing for n wit's Dr. Dunlop, and his brothel thpiCap-. tain, old bachelors, lived together on their estate of Galbraith, near Goaerieh,• Ont., with a, r espeetable Sootcb ' beak,. as Vie doctor called her, •.for their house keener. Now, whetlihr. any'Soatidal bad been- raised, .or whether the doetor thought it would conduce to .,their greater. comfort if he or leis •brother were to slurry the housekeeper, •,..or whether he Ineaut it only,'fer a joke to teasel bis hrothir, does not aplpept.. this as it may,. the . doctor• proposed, in consegtienee, he said, of some,an- pleasant remarks, and their lonely situa- tion, for one of them to marry her. Now, Sandy,'you know 1 wauld al- most as soon hang myself as to Orli uty Lead in the matrimonial noose, yet I think it only fair to stand my elignco. So, what I propose is,' that each of tis shall toss up a copper three thine and, he who' has the: most heads shall.. be --free.' As this appeared to be a fait.proposi- tion, the ea.ptein at once consented to the arrangement, and they immediately proceeded to bring this friendly contest . for a wife to an Issue. • Tho c1 ctor would not have 'consentec ' to run, the risk of ioaing his 'liber':y;.'if. he bad not been sure of winning, for by some chance ho had become the possess° ofn half -penny or 01 1 enn3 with a head on either side, so when they Caine to.. teas,, tie might, her xlpeetcd, the poor, unoonsctotrs captain was duly elected for matrimonial honors, to the great glee of the roguish doctor, who, I make no doubt, cliuekle.d over his successful stratagem.. Strange as it may' appear, they cap- tain honorably .fulfilled this singnlat?' engagement. I h'rvo understood that the lady filled err new station with great credit and propriety, and T have heard, at the death of the two bbrothersa inheriaed all the property. --•,Sir ieklantl's Tworty-Se2't61L exra 2pi riCneulf1 - ' Myths pre but Symbols of Truth. As the scholar sees in the vain lint beautiful mythologies of the ancients the embotlied expreesloT'r:'3 of tfic`titingry Ifo=. man soil, blindly groping' after• the Infr-. nite, so the physician sees in that popular myth of the sixteenth century the fonn- talrt of perpetual health and youth ---an' expression of the longings;of suffering fru- inanity for a remedy that should forever' prevent the incursion of disease. The wilds of Europe were ransacked foi" this wonderful fountain- and Potreo de• -•Leon sought -for it in the cypress swamp* and. tangled over -glades of our sunny Florida, Men have searched for it everywhere and, anywhere but where it really the human body itself. The blood is the real fountain of perpetual health and youth. When this source is corrupted, tlre.pyin- ful and sorrow -producing effects are ble in many shapes. Thoroughly cleanse the blood, which is the great fountain of life, and ;,rood digestion, a fair skin, buoy- ant spirits, vital strength, and soundhcss of constitution, will all return to its, b'or this purpose Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery and Purgative Pellets are pre- eminently the articles needed. 'l'hey aro warranted to cure tetter, salt rheum, scald head, St. Anthony's firer rose rash or ery- sipelas, ring -worms, pimples, blotches, spots, eruptions, pustules, boils, carbun-• cies, sore eyes, rough aloft, scurf, 'scrofu- lotus sores and swellirre's, fever sores, white swellings, tumors, olri sores or swellings,. affections of the skin, throat and bones,. and ulcers•ef the liver, stomach, kidneys,' • and lungs. • Things Worth lenowlail. Tin&dsll may bo scaled taucll easier by first dipping them into boiling water for about'•a minute, That fish may as • well be coaled, if desired, before; picking down in" salt, in that ease -do not scald them. ' Titr►t stilt fish are quickest and .best freshened by soaking in sour intik. That mills which is turned or changed maybe sweetened and rendered fit' for use again by stirring in a little soda, : That stilt will curdle new rnillt. hence, in: 'making mills porridge, gra- vies, dm., the salt should not be . added until the dishis prepared. ' That fresh meat, if beginning to sour, will a soeten if.elaced 'eat of doors in the cool an over night, That ole:'r' boiling water will- remove tea steins ani many fruit:sta ns, Patti- the atttr the waiter oyer the stain, and thn:s pre- vent it spreading over• the fubrie. . That ripe tomatoes.•will'''Nuiove int[ 'Mid other stfiinsfrom white cloth ; also from the hands. Thai a' tablosIeonful of turpentine, .boiled with:: your white astotlfrn will greatly aid the whitening process. That boiled. stitrcli is niueh .improved, by the addition of a little sperm or a. little stilt, or both, or a little ;gnat atidnc dissolved. • That beeswax and stilt i!nake .your Tasty flat irons asclean and -s nooth as glass: Tie lilinp of wax in au rag and keep , it for the lion ose. When the irons are hot, rub there fast with the 'wax. rag,_ead then seehe them with a paper or cloth'eprinkleti sv1t1 glut:'. That blue 'ointment and kerosene, mixerl-in equal • proportions and oppli'ed' `to bedsteads, is an tnlfailing bit; re,wedy, and that a coat .of whitewash -is ditto .;for' -tile walls of a log:house. • That . kerosene will' so€ten, •boots or • shot+s which hal-e. been `bardelaed• by wa- ter, and mako•thefe as'lilieble as new. • :That kerosene will taake your tin tea- kettle es • bright as new: Saturate 'a woollen: rag ,and rub with .it. It will 1 also remove .stains • from and Clean V ar- .iiished £prnituree. • • :That cold fain Water and soap will re- move machine grease from any washable fabrics. k.ho:ICncwher JI'tisfftess When `Coll.iris' want lone to •dinner: Monday hp' found the house'tenantless, the eoolt•stove cold, tied there was''a lonesome iookleft fn the amriier'kitchen, Hurryil •through• to. tae back:. yard: ho saw his' n i1e':bl'aced against the fence, holding. to, tiie end of a. 'broken 010(11es- line to keep the newly -washed garments from the ground. " Yoti''te.•got:'here at last have'you V ex:oh:time& the wife rte she cauglrt sight of'Trim,''. " Yes, flit here -l-• whet's the:matter?".' he repeated. "Here I've been holding this broken line for over en hour.;—over a fell hour; sir!" she snapped. ." I was determined to die tight here before I'd let 'these Clothes dawn '1"" • . • ' . "Bbt,whydtdn't yeu•cull some ones" he innocently inquired: ." There's that now futruily next door the woii)in .world have come over til one tininute.'.'_. ,' tt Woman -next door;' out big •idiot, you! Hasn'tsheebeen peeking Armin!? and peeking -mound for two weeks:to see my . wash and t'ye thiirk I'd .give) heti a chance'td'come over here ,and see for herself whether tbe.sleove8 .of my nightgown were pieced down with un- bleached Cotton 1 You don't know aiiy- tili lg, sir, and. you make. tracks' for a piece of tope, girl" , • • r' W011, I swan 1" growled Collins es ho tiaelted '-•-;Detroit I'1'ee Nese.: • Mitt :Fat Chemically Lxnulined. The analytical chetnist; W. B. plain.,' of Iltfflllo, Tti Y,, recently analyzed Al- lan's 'Anti -Fat, and gave _the . following': I have subjected A111an s Anti -Fat to chemical analysis, examined the process of its manufacture, and can truly say that the ingredients of which it is composed `ate.erititely-Ve'gotable,-anti: eaniaot'but•net- favorably upon the system, and it is well calculated to attain the object for which it is intended. �V.33. I7Tt�SIE, Sold by druggists, • . Chemist. • Livnii, I8 KING. 'rho Liver "is the imperial organ of the whole lluinarn system, as it controls the lite, health .and happiness of man. lVkcui it is disturbed in its proper action, all kinds of tflm nt s are the 1 fir alresult. fl1 a di- gestion.offood,th.emovements ofthe heart and blood, the action of the brain and ner- vous system, are all immediately connected with the working of the Liver.. It 'leas been sueeessfally proved that Green's Au- gust Flower is unequalled in.euring all per.ons afflicted with Dyspepsia or Liver Complaint, and all tho numerous syntpI toms that result from art unhcalth Condi- trout of tlio'Liver and stomach, Sample bottles to try, 10 cents. Positively sold in l towns on the Western Continent. Threes dosed will prove that, it is -just wltttt you want, , The progress made in ocean steam' navigation is far more. surprising than. most people are aware.. Atntheresent day' fifteen times as iamb freight can be Carried across the Atlanticin ono - half the time, and at tike expenditure of less thein one and a half times as 1ntiCh filel,"as in 1510, This ]itis been shriven by a comparison' orate data of recorifed averages of the steamship I3ritatlnia in 1840,and of the 8teaulsttip 'Britannic in 1877. THE CLINTON NEW ERA RITEI IYZATISIV anti any outer inflam to i r, disease Doted itr a font llunrs,. Eryptppl,ta, syrotala, para+ ago, skin irritation, ttluproirern any causr,•und,8 bun" OW other .iliscases ora sinood by' an Rett 1•:rtnent, *Mph produces 1upu.m,natory notion. Mouton's Ab- sorbent will positively effect )r. cure in s few home, Ly Abet/thing t•:o split poison from the system, 8o11T• by draggists. 1'rie�l,ZeOc, .ldlice to particular. (fascia the. W L a)itlf N'roi , • f Lontoo, Ont. • CABINET WART fU NITURE•&c •i 14. GEO. . ATTOULD It'ESP11CT 'VLLY INTIMATE TO •TnE 1 V residents of (flint ant viciuft3•, that,,•haviug rebuilt bis premises on the eta about,.' Vctoria Leet, Clinton, 139hasai),1ve1i.1?9n51a ntacnitflt,Glegtstest.tlf_..... ATfOF Ft7R11.XTU E, $uph as Chairs, Tables, Iled•rooin Sols, Lounges, \vliat; , ,4. n,. nfu.,n1 .anterial. oxeellont woriunanahip and IIA S R OC4I. 1:ENCla17 1313'STNE'SS Which ie now to full•operntion, '-Prole Ilia long,expecf= enconntl the facilities he pesspasew, he feefs eottpetcnt•: to give sati,:titctign to all who inay,faver hila with their patronage: ' Carrtiaffos; Waffolls;' Clatters Sleighs. , t)PI:CI:ti1.'LY: 710rse=tSlcoedug (incl: «11110(19 of •Jelibbin j Promptly 11ttenttcdta at; lecs.:m id'.ltifes. • ti. tondcsb.,ro, Out: la. 1877 - Myth Flouring r Ifhl subscriber .begs .to tender his most. E'sirtecre:thanks to his numerous caste - mots iii tho surrounding'.towllships and the public generally fpr their, liberal patronage, slid ,would further notify them that he leas' lately adtled'inost importltntimprovements to his mill by, putting ill a "new engine, double •tlstrTower 1leretoforeused, and two ru11 of Iiret•elase stone; with a complete sot of mer chant l olts,.and in fact all the latest and most imprevod mechiueryl• toge`1ier'with first-class Turners, he is preparedto clo.liis class work in .G't•RISTING; 0 a OP ING, &c. Urists weighed in and out. • .Partied from a: clistance can have their grists'and chopping home with,thom thtr•saine day. -' flood Fleur and. Mill reed. for sale at moderate prices:. Tlie Subscriber would also inform the purr lie that he has a large Stock of lnniher of different bind§ and lengths :.' Pine from 10 to 20 ft.; hemlock, from 10' to 2c,.; c)lle v,. BBiltternut, White Ash, maple, Soft awl Reek Elm, in lengths tosuit the public which en- ables him'to fill alt orders that he may be favored:with on the shortest notice and roost reasonable terms, Myth, Aiig.20, line. P. KELLY, Proprietor. Canada Comps Lands,. LIBT OF 'LANDS 1N ItIIlto;v 701) SALE Det' XX the CanatTatrompiinyuf8ty`lrapr0nat t1i7`trit}om°al- it, nntlsfsignotl. • 11ALE: drintoxt,Jan.17,1871, UXDE1ITAKINLi1 warn' SinuSOMIIER'EEGS trAvn TO STATE .1, to theublic that ha kepr a constantly large and superiorclassof Y on hand COF.F TS CASKETS, f �,txn� -••% . Coffin Trirnrnin a and Robes) ) With a splendidriEAItS1;. Piniw'Corrrrrs always on hand, Parcae can be sappl1ed la one hour, at any time, at TEN Erb CJENT LESS Than eat be prophet at any'other' place. A full stook o£,ITIINITURE. Always on hand. , Ts10s,: STEVEN✓ 011. C)1nton,1fay Byrn tmmensa prltatlre. extend f t(.r••„. Period el years, having within Plat nine 1rt.• many thousand 001808 of those,ttaenSe perull..r Kenton, .1have been enabled, to posh t t 1 in potent and fgreeab.fe nut'itetne that Meets um etclftleita Presented by that clas3 of Iu-•tin P4 ,):o- c posttfve certainty anti exae•ttle•'s, TO designate this eseural specific compound. 1 harDr.Pierce's Favorite. Prescrijatioi The te▪ rm, however, is but a tepbie expresalon of my high apprepiatioo:Of.its value; based upon"' my ownpersonal observation. M a close ob. •server; I love, while witnessing• its, positive re- sults in the fewspecial diseases incident •t0 the Separate organism of woman, singled it out as the climax or crowning gout of my medical career. t)u its merits, malt positive, • safe; and eneetnttt 1.Omctty for • this ,class of dis- eases, and one that will. at -all times' and touter alt elfet mstaeces, act 'kindly ami Inharmony with the laws wheel eeeern the female system, I am trilling to stake my reputation as a phg8ician, ' Nay, even more,.soconfidenttulLt ltwftLnot. 111sappoint the most eanguino eapcetatlons-•ef'•a - singa invalid lady Who they. it for any or .the ailments for whiell.I ree tumepnd ft, that I Dear and sell it under A r4 r 'I VTC .GUs11{AlV. TEP. If a beneficial sliest fa not experienced. by the time two-thirds of the Contents of the bot- _.atc.Are. 'used, 1 will, on return .of the bottle, two. thirds of the medicine having been taken accord- ing to directions, and the ease being one for which 1 recommend it, promptly. retuntl the money paid *for it. Ilad I not the most perfect op:ma a:a.i0 its virtues, I could het 0110r it as 1 dol nder these conditions, •but hltvinxtvttdessed its trtlIymiracn--" loos cures in illoltsands of eases,/ fee,I war- ranted alta pot'fRatio in risking both 111�y repututiop surd my rtioney.011 its mortis. eetly-,', ' Tito .following .are an10n51 those; d180ast a• 14, which iny•li'awori10tI'•rescriptton him 15111(0;• ed cures, as if by lltag10,. Mal with 'a certainty never" crone attained by any medicine,':, •I.On- : corvhma, Excessive Flowing, Painful Ilontlil,' I'eliotls, Suppressions when• from unnatural 0an001, 1rrognlariLles, Weak' Back, l'rolamels, ar fallen • of the Uterus, Anteversion and lietrover• sten, BTcaring Down Sensatfons,'I11101•naT 150:,! Nervons' Depression, Debility, Despondency, • ThreatenoP 1lisearin,ttre, Chronic CQongostionr,ln-. fammntio'n and :D10017 tion of the Ut.01 tts,.lnipo t0no), ,aimennosS, Stet tiny tVe,d:dess, and,uty1nun,yotherofc.hlnntctilre1SOa140810 ifOttletilnl!i' Woman not nientieneti here. In all affections' of this nature, my' 1''hvntite Prescription \vrn•,.a: euro, --lilo' niarrol of the wort i Phis amdeinI t1,1V1 llilllll9 t,oax,, 1i5uo1uego hof P11)- ose, bets » naoxst poh feet spetLlc nt all ch1Onle oft the sesu tl, systefn of WOlIO tn,. 11 yrl)l not disal p lull, ant^ ay illi ft do hovel'. in any state' or t,ontifttun, ThoSse Who do -ire tm ther inform atioh An 1h06o. 611 bl eels 094 Obtdllt•tt411 L'1{1: 1 hO •151:'4 t,a)LItaa • Srti , 1Isout y1.,Ap Licit, t book of over 900. ptgt. +Cut post-paid, en P8teiilt•of $1 80.• '1L ttt tl' ,iliamtei1 •+f those 'tliae'*04-: l tecltlllar to lens tit ...Hili Lyth nturh. valliablo navies. in re- gard eg rd to hu ts:w•t,ju lnt.n11,1 alas°':tirOetions.. • FA 1"051ZT1 Pit 3t'SCit1Il"i')ON 503.(03. Ui ,1 ail, lsite.tIGASTS,' 471,, PIERCE; 11Ll,1.Prop'i,. 1; Uz' teAT t7; 1'. • '1 u 1. - iyitS Zl • � . �•' —•,PGS � S . �1�1L� . Uil p . d r � e d r � w� e 'everything necessary0Y buZZG 22 ' dr re - 'airing house, barn Or 'outhouse. ers el s, Wrenches, ;.'crews; . •' Wash- -quse •• Furnishing '7' ilieludin' • Stoves). • Tiia .ware .L nz s . Br2ts/Les, c 'c 1;; ..137S. litillomiat: gad. Tools of au ids -•--=3'haGratEriT.PMe tllie-for-- 0C)7EILX211:71.11MIC (OM. , ALL.AY'S ANTI -.FAT • Is lmrelyvclfetal1e and perfectly 1larlub'ss It arts upon the food 111 the stomach, preventing 115 heing converted into rat. Taken In mmorda ee 1511h til rectIons,11wln reduce A fat person 1'renrt(Vo.tonye pounds per, ,reek. Corpulence 18 net only a (Mee (0itself, blit the hprhing er of others." 1100 wrote: trimmer:tuns .taro -thousand years ago, and 'what wastrue then Is none •the less;