HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-08-01, Page 7.8 , THE CLINTON NEWETA. v.A t \'+UST 1, 1818 CLINTON NEW EEA.. TO P+Airtli , &9. - •For tlw 'co u'e- nience of those of opv $10st:I#tiler$ wico cannot conveniently got til' town during no thug, our office will be &Copt Open lkutil77. q'ctdcic, ever1/t►e'verti'n, (i!tca'C1I:U• svtrtti3ier. pod tnattem I [ltL I OTEUTION. Limns vole.E;,aaisn.- - M1Tess'tti. Spon - 0•, Ilearn, 1V00110y, Watson, tC Co., are now enengedirrlmrehttstrg Limbs -for the English market. They ealettlute: ort lsltippiug about, 1,000 by the 1st 'ot• September. Tho prices, paid range $2.75 to $3, ° Ni;w '•WmAT.-•T14 r. 'Tone B LflSiord was the first to bring'new wheat into this market, this season, he having cle- lived one hundred bushels to Mr, T. S•tanbury, on Saturday M t, it,95 cents per bushel, ' He has contrtteted to de- liver„ at the same figure, the product of,, 30 acres. • • As our Council have ft system -of 'fire, protection under contemplation; and are about faking stops to carry it out, so. far as the purchase of a steam fire engine and construction of several tanks are concerned, we think it would be' advis•;' able for ou 'citizens to unite i'nathe for-• mation of a fire zolilpany... *At 'present there ta no Organization -by -,,Which gines and their appurtenances can, be. systematically managed, _'or the ,means that we haV(1' at present can -be. meat - efficiently woikod•: "It (would,. there- fore, be well.for all lnteroiited .to take this matter into consideration and 'act. upon it, and to aid them in corning .to some conclusion in the matter we make, the following 'extract 'fr6t i the .Instar- arme Advocate :• - Pias ion ExrollT.-- \tr. 'Cochran) ; of tho' firm of Cochran 13t:os,, -London, t`as in town this week, engaged 'hi the pntr- ehase of hose, which the firm are",,Ship Thi`1ly'to Elifland. He has purchased about four hundr ell front 'the ' several iilieese factories in the county, i;t prices ranging from $3 to $3•.5:per'cw. .t • ToiaoNro gth oso ivlio passed the teem • natrictilation e � •amipation' of, the.'.Toroato University,we find tho•1'ollowing.gradoatea of Clin • tats itigli School Ai 'Y; Scott G: •:A. r5 mitt,, and .l1l s G. Moore, who took' honors in two departments, Mr. Scott taking ilonois. ifs all binncltos, being first in •ItlOtllOnlatiO$, FAT". • SOLO. -011 :S. atntday^ last.; tho farrn l'lr, John. KieWart1.r 'being' west - may count on ono fila per, almea half of lot 21,Bhyhcld Celt., % odoItol, for evely. one use,,,,., ..rinhabitants, . inhabitants township, 100.acres, Was soldliyauction and we may be. sure that these fires will ='•'" Clinton, llir.'Toney 'Steep, - of Go(le- -be most likely to occur, at Those seasons, ric11 tow>,Khiiy, being the. purchaser, The of the year when the cold and dryness; ..property was solo ltie37.: 3.0,C0 :Intl 5111): or the 11eat and dryness, will cause them jest : (0 to mo tgage''pf" something over to be most difficult to subdue'' ::when �;<1,500;Air: • Steep paying ,51,300 iu1- ''there will be most danger of their s'liread:' der. theca eondltttns,.''at which it,. is a ing, when the' water will fro ze too read ,cllt,ap' place,• ily or will be too scarce, and when men AcCLDr'r,fs,-Mr. S. (garter, engineer 'sir at the foundry •seepiis to be parti0ul'ttriy' ainf will be most quickly exhaustec labors ; we may count on their eon mencement at tilos° hours of t'lie.:night when men are most.utiroady, ,are least effective and most readily confnspd, con- •sequently item firemen are not so or- ganized equipptd, 11iid''cirilled ,as o be promptly at the steno of the fire, t. in concert under skilled leaders, who know how to preserve the lives of their men and yet to preserve property from fire and water; if their appliances• are not such, andso kept as to enable, the men to fact promptly , and efficiently; then the moneed• ori Are c o= y l ex le c it l f l partments is mistaken cool -10111y, in that itis a mockery, ti deceit and' a snaro, which prevents more rude but :more prompt and -efficient measures .frons. be- ing taken for the preservation :of life and property. ...,t.:- • • SCIIOoL Pitu TEE ax,UorIti( . • • The regular .monthly meeting of the School Board was held on Monday even-. ing ; present the cllairipan and Messrs.:Holmes, Pay, Ritlout; Searle, Scott•an:d. Hine. . Tho minutes. of two previous meetings were read and adopted. The secretary laid before• tlae: board a number of applications for. the'situatien apparently by vacated by Miss Croley, .and, also re.- '�fbrted to the board, that; according to their instructions, he corresponded with Mr. Taylor, and succeeded ;in securing his services at the rate indicated. Moved by Mr. Holmes,' sec. •by Ml';' .Pay, that the secretary's -report ;be' adopted, .and the appointment of Mr, Taylor to the 2nd division be eonfirriied.• -Carried. - •-.- Moved by Mr. Ritlout•,. sec: by Mr. Holmes, that 'Miss- McOulloch's appli- cation be- acce . tett' mat that the.secre- tary •ear - p n s e tary be instructed to engage her for the terra. -Carried.'• . Moved by Mr. Il,idont, see.. by 'Mr. Scott, that the committee proceed with the repairing of the roof at- once, with galvanized iron. -Carried... Moved by Mr. Holmes, scc. by • Mr; Pay, that the following accounts' be paid;' J. A. Nelles, $8.27; J. A. Yuill, $8:40; Walter Cook, :4.25.-Gidiriod - • • The board then adjourned. • Una ' , . Short tiuto ago ho' 0 , 1' of 1118 feet i e1<y badly, .and • scarcely got better.,, when lt'e joiin hurt. Clue day last week't ran off and' strilcing' hint' face,- cut pretty bad, ' and bratising•'lirs' "no8e.. A• fon days, afterwards (1 pulley'' fell down'ori his Bead, Arid it \V104 a wondor he �t a.s not killed, he,• However, reeei ocl a iitinrbe of cuts and binlises,' Lis •1 OTAT0 13Ur.:•---A. person, 'who': has tried' it. giveS'the following -us t thorough protection against the Colorado bottle Sow salt broadcast to the 'ex- tent'of two bushels.,per-acre just before the leaves are springing. ' When hoeing the potatoes -Sprinkle salt between the 'ows. (not on -the pdttitocs).• .het thisbc lsioue in, dry wwither. • That tlie'reuiedy • i5. a geed one;is proved. by ..the fact' tliitt while the potatoes ' in: neighboring gar- dens arc covered with'bngs, theyilre'net. to bo found in Ids acre patch. ,, A V101ous.73avxzr. -01r Friday last. Mr. Jas Tetr•'sIey. •and his ..:elnpl9,yees ivent'cut toltis,`slaughter 1louse to kill a Iieif`ee that he had a short time before placed..in the ,enclostlr'e ' ;The animal, which 'W1spreyiously:quiet acid docile,. had a t carotid been maddened id ilio smell. of blood, and would. not permit any •ono•. to. approach; although every strategy was resortcd':to, and .14 its fury attenipted to reach 'those bent on its oltiitolrter, ' 'Fin diiig:notlnng . Could be' done, ."thee Services ..of 1411 N. Robson woro',ealled in, who,, by ti s'T;ilfidll'y placed g " ;lalfllet, 1no11 it, 1t down, unci its career ended, , Exounsiox. •.O>•t' The 20th inat. which is the civic holiday a both Goci,s� rich and Clinton, an exenvsion,y,^boat, to Port.Jltltoit will 'be gi�'�•b t:t} under the auspices of the Oddfellows. The fare frons Godeticl'1, , for the trip will bei :placed at' .about '75. cents, It is. intended; if possible, to:run a`teain fi•oni 'oclerieh to Metre in the morning, for the conveyance of.•exeursionists, bring- ing them back after the .boats' return. As the steamer will leave Goderieli tit 7 a-m.,"it will give ample time to view the sights at both Sa1'nia'and Port Hu-' ..iron, and all wishing to enjoy a •pleasant trill on•'the lake should make. up their• --VOWS Al' r.AIif J1. The cows of tho village running at large' on our streets are becomingan intolerable ntti. sane. What with the'abotninable bell; and the fiendish bellow during the hours 'which should' be devoted to sloop, and the ugly; ha. bit many of the' bovines have `contracted of breaking and tearing t;p by the roots' vain. ableshadc-troes,-it is--high-'-tune something- , was done to cause the nuisance to abate. The corporation has gone to aonsfderablc trouble and expunge to improve the appear- ance of some of our principal streets by ttlant- ing shade trawl and many of our of .cus have spent time and moneyin beautif ' their properties; but efforts in• this have been much hiudeied ' by the cou r action of some of the i1l.rtisposed cows. Our sapient Councillors should see that a way to a better state of things is opened up.--13rtca- sels Post. We quite agree with the Post that the nuisances of animals' Tanning 'at large iii' towns, should be'abrtted. There is scat'cyly any u80 attempting to make gardens while cows Tiro• permitted to run free. Nobody in town should be compelled to •fence (mimais out, but those who own them should lie' compel, led to fence' them in. This principle' is being adopted by several» townships, and they are reaping great benefits from it. In hinny towns iii the Eastern States, fences aro being doiie,away with altogether, and persons thbro appear to take greater pains rin gardening than here. - C11EEsn.-'.. YeSter�da the Londesboro PAnil. Lo'acs,-In ami er co until will bo found an advertisement, of au intend - (1 auction. sale of that very valuable 1ireporty, jnat outside of the town limits, elonging to Geo. Fulton, Ertl: It will e divided into ptu•k lots of alma' its-4 acies- enoh, andit is so situated en the Bayfield River,that nearly every lot can pesaess'a frontage on that stream, Parties who ars,, desirous of possessing eligible bili ding sites contigurotls td the town, should avail themselves of this opportunity. 'WRY''FLA'rTuumo,-The comments passed upon the; gluten Juvenile Band by papers outside of town, are so: flatter- ing and frequent that eve begin to fear they will cause arl undue development of Souie'of the." bumps" in echo heads of the boys; but, as we suppose they cau still Stead the pxossut e, we give the fol- lowing free). this .week's Siuncdt r-• The Clinton Juni`ht' Band accompanied the MccursionEts (S. S.) a and supplied mune.It,rcflocts Honor on the youth of Olin, toe that they haves nobexcellent ydung 'musicians among thom,•„and .by.pet sever, ing we expect to,, c. this turn out one of the fiifiestlaai'tlsof thc`wPst.• Minds to do. so. PEnso tail. --Mr C. B. Robinson, of inti-essaz' xtl C -•i" esli ar an-Toironf e, gave sus a call hist week. . This: was leis • first visit' in this part•of the Dominion, 'and the expressedhitnsely well ploasod with At; reuiarkin r that " he thought -'the lines' had fallen to us in pleasant places.' " Mr,' WVhite, of the Exeter �'i�ltes, was in town 'last week. • Mr. Geo. Fulton, now a resident of Michigan, is on. a visit Isere. Rev, Mr, Dowers t' has been a )oi ted'as colleague of P.e tie la, n v', pl a. e 111r•. Davey; at Ditiitnn ailuon, for'thesnnt- mer: Mr. S. A. Yui11 will represent the Clinton Lodge at the Grand I.jodge of Ojldfellows, which meets in 'lorontwon the 14th inst. Mr. Jos. 1'.' Conway, of the Windsor Re/7'2)Se, (awl an' old Isikm ERA e inployee,) gave us a call on Tues- day f ie--contenrplatos going into the wholesale 'liquor business at Seaforth, with the Curry -brothers, 141r•. R. Irwin, whowas last weak" confined to his bed, is now able to be out and around. Mi'. W. Higgins, who'•went on a prospecting' tour to Manitoba sorno time. ago, has returned' to town, and sneaks quite flat; teriugly of that country. A. complinten- tttry suppor was given Messrs, limes Smith and S. Grigg, London,•on Tues- day evening, previous. 10 their departure on a pleasure trip to Gi'at Britain; . the :latter gentleman is „011 old Clintonian; Mr. Wn1. Grigg, of Clinton, was present cheese factory shipped a oar lead of on the occasion, and ate0ompanies' them cheese from this station for Montreal. ' on the trip. • r. S000s Tlvr.---A eertliin ' farmer in this .00nitty•ewployed himself on a .re- cent•Sui1<lity• i11 putting his reaping. ma-' chine Nether, and, doubtless, flattorecl', Himself that be had Made 11 gaiii of 0130 day's' labor, et least, , Ho started to 'use' the Machine on'Monday Morning, and for awhile it. 'worked 'fit , rate,' ;llut, shortly, one thing after another. went Wrong -7. fii'et an iron on the ii3lce broke; t i0,r it con wheel tante off and',was .lost n for it tlrilo, 11"'n sevolal small putts got looso, clelrtyiltg.. he ol•. ;for gitito •a avhilc, and'•finally ` the seat bro>sr.. couipe1Iinghim to :send it to: town for .repairs,.. He is notlikely to put • it. to, gether again on Simclay,' although, lis may be judged from this, he is a loose Sabbaths firm. SUDDEN', DE, rll.-Tho following will 13o':read • with regret' by many- iu.tbis. neighborhood, the. deceased being Weil known here Tho Rev; ,:A1: Ilurlbtir.t, an. old. aiicl much ieSl-7A'ete •stilterannuatp •ed, minister of tho 0, Al: Church, died sudclonly o11:Friday afternoon tit Ids. 'residence in Al:iteb ll: hti lT•inOtut was.ov er 73 y ears of age, andthuing • a loi and faithful service' in the Chris-, tion Ministry usu illy enjoyed exoellet}t bealth: • • He oecupied' the; lanlpit'•,of'tlle: Rev..13., Christopher, wlio 4s iridisposeti,. ,niorningand evening last` Sabbath, unci . dttendeci'to his Accustotnedd duties clttr•- ing.tbe's-eek till witllitvtwo hours of his cletitli By Inc death ' .the Methodist: Cliarclr looses r• faithful ••workei and :.minister. Tia Iia ;resided iu , T;%tcltell 13. years, and leaves a : widow. •anti il' 'large 181011y to mourn 11ir 1nrs FXcxIC - T11e en_n cal .'� *hie of he to 1•t. t • lIsthoclist Sabbath School; of this town, �v,as held• at •Goderich, 'on Thursday last, T.tr the morning the. echolars rirc:t' at the the church, where they formed. in pro- cession tinclor `the: tlirectiou of_ their teachers,- .a11(1;headed by :the Juvenile l3 i:nd, and with ' appropriatoly-woi'clect" banners floating ,in , the breeze they marched to tlie. station • where n'train. was in waiting to car ty.": tllent ill),' After their ar►iv_al in Goderiolt,I they' proceed- ed .to the grounds of tho .Sorninerr .1•Fotel. 'Cos Where they spent the day.' In the afternoon it Started, to rain, which: was all that.. lessened "the day's enjoyment, a:ncl.they returned home in the: eVcnin : 'It ,is estimated- that there • }vel'g.•iicarly S 0 on the train about 450,taking eta in connection with the, school, and many persons .having availed themselves of the cheap fare to enjoy the breezes off l JY'•. Liiice Riven, • '•Ramo LOCALS,.=Stinefatltiuu,`a[O inat yet thi'eugll haying, while othors have. all their fall wheat in.. $2 a clay with boardnre asked by some httrvost hands, tut 'few of'tlieni get The rain last week dill' one good thing, at least; it compelled ulany•to• quit their work,. and make :their way to town' for : puicllases. More reaping and mowing, machines have this ;year been received. by . rail lioro. Than at any previous year. A former rtsident,••on'a visit 'to ,town last' week, remarked, "Why,. how' Clinton is growing," of equrse ,it is, • mowing steadily, onward . certain _pawn in. town offers to wager. $500 that Poi•tor will obtain n majority of 350 votris over Greenway ; that's more Money than we can. can -put up 3. knock off the 5 and then. we will consider. the matter: Fair's trill] is now shut down, as they are talc ing out the old and'putting in the new engine, The quarterly services of the Me- thodist church will.bo held on the 11th hist., when Rov. gr, Preston of Godo - rich, will officiate; We aro informed that 10ale.business mein here are snub- bing ilIolltreal,eonrnlorc al travellers ou. acoount of the late troubles there. The 'meeting of the .Huron Live Stock As- s00iation, to cou3idei' the advisability of a MI sale, will be hold to -morrow, Fri (lay,afternoon, at Sohn W. Ross's hotel. 13itsiuess in town hits been .Se aewliat quiet this week, owing to f:tuners being Vary busy at home. Smokes, .glass did not•aid- tolteh in • seting the. eclipse 'ort, Monday. Mr. Thos. Cooper has cut '8 $00ena enols of hay Rona a piec0 of ground in' town. ' He has elip a ,grab apple tree on his place covered 'With blossoms, while • it is yot bearing fruit. Some of the Sons of Ternpex•a11co picnic- ed' at 'Point Farm,' Godorich,,on Tues- day ;: some of the cluu;hters also. .. • '•l'IinASIIINtt is being briskly ,1>tisltecl forward, ancl.'we lour% tinct fall wheat is turning out about 30 to 35 bushels to •4' the acre.. - S>;It:i:o.-•-D:lr, Jones, -of Mitchell 1tohell sla},t, 1878. pod a 'itnmbel' ofsheep fount this Mcrae • for Montreal yestortley: Prices ranged front $5 to $0 eaoli, T .i.rai•s is no change in the market re-, ports, as scarcely anything, is being brought in, Potatoes are in demand at from 75 cents to a dollar a„ bushel, • -dim IOLIPe1X.--Ziz accordance with a petition, the Mayor has ' appointed Tuesday, the -20th inst,, a civic holiday, ,ittvi.11 therefore bo observed es slid, by the oessation'of all general business. , THIRD Cats., -Mr.; Jos. Allison has gathered .his secolid.'erop o, Baas this season and has re•sown' tem which have .already sprouted. He tell,t us. his_ vegetableswere.. never 'thug than .they are' this Season.... ,A6t114 . insuriince agent writes us that 110 has been 012 1)18 knees There certainly ,is ;;,yet^some. Atapo for such agent's, .-Signal. �..' Doubtless, pouringinto the .Li.tr of 80nae"bed.tidden• make', the benefits of «melting prov11ion ter. his•fan.ily.,, &c; If otherwise, first instance on record. PORTS ANI) i1 MUb".FME2V9'S.' 1'a •1CROSS1L. ...Tile Iuron. Lacrosse Clu b of G oleral , hive accepted'a'cllallengo 3iotnthe •IVa- terloos, of Waterloo, to 17e played 'at Ciode- riclt,•on the•8th of August. . A• Match, between the' Oodei•ich And Listotvell. clubs .took'place, last Week, at Kincardine, resulting in a victory for the (ioderieh team,, by three straight games. The playingo'fSrnith and.Crief.tva-i nivel) '.'idinf red,. ''11.tSE '13.tLL,: • •- 1'h.e Dauntless, Baso ball club took ad-: vantage :of the excursion to aeclerich on Thursday last to play with the Athletes, of that 1>l ice;''bti,t on aceount o'f the rain; only three, innings were.played,'the ieore standing 0.to 1 in favor of the• bauntleis, who,. no doubt; world hate :had another- victory to record had not the rain pr'event ed. A. return match Will be played here in abouttwa weeks, • CIaIC ET The'Clinton crieket club still' follows up i their sirec03s by defeating the Kincardine club,,on. Tuesday last, by 82 runs. • •.'i'he visiters.arrived by the morning ,train, and wickets ,were' pitched at 1Q'o'e1oS1k, Clip= ton 1.w usual losing the.toss and.being sent. to: the .brit: . ei very poor stand : was made by'the irct five m3 tt, their:wickets falling for 14 ras, mid the innings closing m...44,- W:Viidle'aj s 10 'beingthe pay double score. For the ICincdrine sicle the wickets fell rapidly, their score•only being 86, James' 13 -being the .double score. Clinton, ,on their second inilbigs,:'managed 'by, some 'very good, playing to.run UT) 90, Johnson's .28 being:got by some splendid batting; be- sides making the behtbat off the day for 4runs ; Lashtm, by hard bat.tiN; rau up 27, not^ort'nbeing t a d."T:uen 5 8 the only' scores worthy of mention. ICincar dinejutd now 407 to beat, but the splendid -bowling of llotvson and 13arland.keptthe score down .to 25, the first lve'men being Put out for 3 runs, Siinpson's 14, not out, being the only :core. The visitors are a very gentlemanly. lot of < lays, and a s lilendic.-n . ry vas enjoyed, (ho day being, al that ,.rtlircy.d. A returs)•niatch 70 will l r t r:; 11. t3 e ! - 1s'r [ii fN0Yr " °"2SS1TfiNNtSC " '1'. Towler b Barber.. 2 11 .Tames., .. • 2 II,I3onnisb do 2 b Simpson• -2 A: AICKeown.b Siitip• • son r 'o Tables b Snupmoil •s' S. Howson 11 Simpson 0 11 James .....• ..,. 2 J. Lnslnon a Iiurdeel b Barber • , a not out.....,, 27 4T.JohtirsomlrSttnpsOn•3- lbwb`t3trnpr30n J. Harland 1r Barber a 0 and b Barbel ;s G. Knox b Barber.. 4 e Barber b Simpson 1 B: J. wade run Dirt .11 b Simpson,r. :. o tV, Xaaais1010 c and 1r 8hnpson.o6•u.. 0 i, Simpson 0 33 Vomiterstet 11ut:. 0 a Madden ll Slmlrs0a.11 Eyes Ls , 11 .Lt 3i' byes - • (3 a tyitl0s,,. ,.... 2...........................6 ' Ii fNC,A 1ST INNthos. J raekbaur la IXOw-, w oJames c Tubtlson o' b Itatrt;l Ord 13 J. Iiibbert 0 Wade is Iaausrortl ti:i 0 .T:`S1ulpsenIns1oit b 1IOwsori .7 J. Replay b I ansr'ord 1 It.,lliclia%'run out... 1. tv Xturtlon b' PAM- - ford . 4 11.MaddenIt Bane -r8 J. Ssveeue.y e Ilarlond b Howse.) (f A. Barber not out6 IT3for1 tpbril It Bons- 1 Lrog� buns, o Wince . t. 00 1tnxll;. • 2N0 TNagsos: •b Harland 0 e Rtutsl'ord b a: O. r, IlatlaniX.:... s� bot out - " 14 b 11.1 want) ,.., .0 it Ilallriutt.. �. 2 b b It Howson,.,.. 0 c l�:Orcatcr b I70Wsiit 0 11llrtrlaad 0 ° .., 1 20. 26 ,tdWrx\ r). rtua or over*, tnr5T Bowling. wickets. Rowson .. 2e •10.., 27,...,. 4. IrtitInd Iaansf0rd , 12... 0 2t ...4 UaWInss, II, catnerorr, Crunch)) ; Capt. Bark- er, XCincardina. seorers.,Wwnl. Jnolrson, Clin= Olintri, M 118011;1.8f. ScotrgttII, I;±incardine. Time of same. --0 T S .-Jr. A..0. F. S 0.N • 18`78. %jOTHLNG- M 'vOI3.A2 rT .' VT TQ flLO J CL IC, O O T. W CD ES3.'ABT.;IST ED 1854. INT In the.: above line:' of Goods . we 'are . showing one of the largest' and finest .stocks west' of Toronto, and from, nowtill the 1st:_: of September, will cut the prices lower than ever, sold before 'in Town...'. Fin Wo 'rte d Snits dot - A ➢.O . Scotch 'ftveed''' Suits 17.00a Canadian Weed Snits. a r .',2 W �a � S e Slae�$s �,t 10. 0:14I ''Tvly; July 25,1878.. • SESSZS' ST .' + . q , oo J tom. lett4IS AVV.4,1**. fi004r' ,.,.-.. 0 JUt r rzotErvED 11T HSSICK &-TCIJ CH-AME'S pliey are selling out the balance of this season's' FLOWERS at groat, deal less than cost. • Those fu want'of ehoap plants will do well to call, and see their stools. ' I1A.NI T P1TRO t .S%i) O SE Olr' Tuft's Artie . S as lata fountains, • They can supply 1110se favoriog thews with their oustom, with' all kinds' of temperance drinks Tile- have just of through I•Iorlse Cleaning, and hrlvi fitted 'u Tce Createparlors,where, - 9. 7 g g g, p all on be accommodated., • £1IEA I -b -Et ltitii4 l:'kt}.'hi',Y-PAIIT O W1'&WN.. A FRESH'LOT OF •DAMNED GOODS r , JUST RECEIVED. .Alir11011 WO CO ICI1014 1 - 000 TRU; .. D I .SE MON, ALL EMI N s MoNt TIE CELEBRATED VANITYFAIR TO tkOOO. T BY i'AGI` AOB OR BIYLl . p`INfl 01GAUt.S WHOLESALE AND I1,ETAIL, • ' ✓" `3' 0VBR ON1I 11UN'DItED DxrrERENT ST 'LES. OP . .PIPES, WIltOS T:TI•EY ABM SELLING AT COSI', Remember that anything got from .their store can be returnedi if not as represented. 7, 1878. G1tASS C1!C'do CUNNINCi•t•1AME.