The Clinton New Era, 1878-08-01, Page 1VOL. 13, .O.
TER ”S--$1,50 Per Annum, in Inseenee,
vtitt cg4vtriigtutento, ,MONVgR 84 II EA,PER FOR iALV:i
A seeenddiand Combined Diuwer and Ileoper„ nearly •
First•elass BUTTERNUT eteullea On Lona. Apply to
0.11. 004`.fiblS,
Cabinet maker, &e., geeem Street.
Clinton, Aug.1, 1878. •
Trustees will reed on Satttriby eight, at eight
°Mock, in the Tomporanuo ILO all things ara now.
ready, the work eau go on immediately. A full fttteild
twee requosted. . J. tl..
Clinton, Aug. 1, 1878. • •
now, for sehtfor ball its value, Appty-to
Clinton, Juno g7, 1878. .
NP LQT_fix)1.3„.
•Tito eubscriber offers that ..conveniently eituated
horse and lot on Itattenbury street, for sele, • There
ere eight roams in the houso, with Stehle, driving. abed,
herd end soft water, and some good• fruit trees on the
pIttee, Querteratire Cheap for cash.•• , •
DODERT FiltD5I?1019$i
Clidton, July 18, 187,8:1- . '
. 4
The undersigned oduri for'sn e farm of 100 pores,
-being 1-61-21,-26d-eon:ThekersiirftlInirkt.S0-`7111"org
are 80 acro.. eloared and in good otate of oultivation,
being well under -drained; balanoo hardweed, Oatho
preunses aro ffist-olass buildinge, good orchard; plenty
of water, and alt conyenicuoes. The farm is ea miles
from Seaforth and from Clinlort. Partiiallara n11 aP"
plication at this Mlle°, or f tho proprietor. • .
ALEXANDltat CA11113ELL, Siaronyn P.P.
Tuckersmttb, Aug. 1,1818.
'Xho officers of the "Alethodidt Sabbath Sehool resit*
10 acknowledge the kindness and attention ct 11r, A.'.
STRAITON, G.T.R. agent, in making arrangements for ,
tho conveyance of thdfilibluttli„Sohool seholitrato Gude,.
rich, ho having taken great pains to promote their con-.
bolt and pleasure. They would also thank the general
public for their attendance on the oodatfon, sea co -�1e- •
ration in tusking it a ,
Clinton, July 29, 1878.. '
• •
To he Sold 16y Auction
• • •
Septepitbeir, 1S7E.
' That very valuable tied Ilf.shable proport y 1110 outeitre.
the southern boundary of the Town of Clintom'eousist-
ing pf tho sentlx•west pint of Lot 80, ist. Con., .8 taniev,
and -part -c! Lot's 48 and 45,,Itifyileld Con. Tewuship of •
Goderich, being about 70 itorem Tho will- he enr-
veyed into park hits of about five acres oath, mOst . of
then with a good water frentseo on the Dayfield.Iliver."
A plan cf the Erse y win be made, and Mar be WNW
pita lima to tLe stile. the thee bf which; and.
*111111-0 partionlars w ill be given In a future adVartige.
libunt Cloincesi 51141.
• July -51 , 1878.
• _
The under igned offers for sale a beautiful form con.
tichfing 831W, 45Tildirfed-tiTill-nrtr grfairstattrat'oultt,*
vetion, Never.failing spring ereek running rterost tho
eentro / there is also Asplendld oreherd,bullaingo:,
ac., on. the plaeo, 18 woll situ40., being 10185,151n
eon, Goslerieh Townthip, and hi only half a mile from
the,corporation ot the Town of Clinton, end has a, One
V.few Or, the entiro town. FOr'furt hex per tictaars epnly
to • •11/51. GOUDON,
At fi drclon &-FinlaySon's (tracery 8.tore.
Clinton, July 11, 1878, • •.•
p it•E c.F, N T.0.11 WANT
Applications, stating 50107, fig. the pdsition
cantor, in Willie eeerrie Clinton, will be /leaved, by
tho undersigned, np: to the lat, fAngust. Apnlicards
to eing-thiee Sabbaths, inolving•itnti evening, on trial,
in the order of their applicatien.' ' Bhp toecessful ap-
Plioant will he expected to lead the !nada et the Wetk-
ly prayer nreetingiSabbeth scheol, and on thanksgiving
days, in addition to the oislinaly Enbbathi mvicee.
• : TCIINDULL, ,Pecretary.
Clinton, July 10th, 1278. . 1, .
.F A. R 1\1 FOR .
The under/Bpi(' diem for. sale the south part er100
No. 12, IIttron Road; Godorieh Township coneisting Ot
90 aceesrmore 'grim, About BO acres elettrod,16nered.
slashing, and balance timbered land, On the 1/X.O,M1000.
is a frame barn 20 x 45, shod AO x 12; •dand Jmnil or•
chard. end,nove failing opsins. Will bo sold on rumen -
able tiring. Apply pereonally or by letter to
, 20 Ifoninsvirmu P.O.
E. teroreefies ste sore,
1 fennusheee, •
marxmouspaammamoa gems•ammenw
. ,
. . ' we bad three million dollars! worth of
'. In the. mire° .of a speech at London, 4. e1.
Wheat and Ileur to sell and expere ont of
ue. country—tho Product of our Own soil.
last week; -1‘11..-D. Glass referred at con- But in Act we did•sell and export 19,4000,
siderable lengtheto the 'subject of " Peoe :000 bushes,
ls the reasert being tlipt we hp;
teetion," ami. we .iitake the following ex- Ported 10,000;0004 This. great ettantite
tracts from his remarks es -es • . -',:• was brought in at ono end of the eountry,
Por twelve years we Ited , keel proeity.: a,
tilde with the Settee; • This-jet-wits tboughte • and atter:being -made let° fie& was taken
po.bened_6.nmy fir the oTottlitries -out at -the othersende-if we had preeent-
nntat'' edit' etiMinfinit Weeldnat'llevee ettieed
,e1 bee epee time the treaty teeetninated the the value of our 8,000;000 ooe farthing
great civil svar also 'game to an end—over
onethotteeincl millionselad been swallowed 'and Weidinen fromhonest livelihood;
Weida heft elearning an eprieed thousande 'of'
up Icy ow way, ..14,, and every thin . •
Our Indite:, on railways, our cabals,and
in the Dation .had to be taxed te mcee .00r ships would be cheated: outer the le -
the war demands, ' Our peoPle..vanted to gitimale eerniugs which oer. geographield
01).0 the teeety, and under ordinary (era poeition- entitle themto by . Adopting se-
cumstances the Americans Would have been nerrew-milideci, so shortreighted a policy,.
g1ed'eneng.11 to leave done this, Inet it was In the etune.yeet we . sold andeexported
out of their power:: They,pould no. moee $15,000,000: worth ot anneals and, , their
km. dOneeitatta: leeeo_ine learineilIethe ...prodimeeesetitthie,quairtitee. ethati4,00Qe
e Feet. of their .fiscal noliey than, one. 'of ee
.009 'Moved, in an out of' the couetry in the
you 'could swim, up Nifigeras ,Falle." • The eemeway as the .wheat and ebb. &Me
man wile went ed barley to intik-ohm, if he 1?itribg the seine them we eold and exnorte .
eettlasnot.get it at home had to pitechttee ed $23,000)000 worth Pt'. leather. We
it in a 'foreign countryeeneg.leeel. Or. Ce-. :sold • And exported 150;000 sheep to the
nada-and ay fifteen „cents .per bushel Anieriettess and bought of. thele eeven
@SY.- . .Of eoefeeo'he Pet YIP the •Iviea of n
.sheep.. This has heeused before re and'
beer to. meet the .new taxatioe. 'He never ,no* tised'as an ant illustration of the
theamethet men could lie Anna in. Cana- sanity offixing a tax or ' duty upon .iM-
deewho would in sound. earnest. say .that • ports.Now, doeyou think it would have
theywere vesting .. tho. duty • for lain. I been wiee to 'pet a tax on those seven sheep
3vill read what Sir John; eaid 'about it: .eeeeeeis no emintry-in.the world to -day
. ‘‘e...'Illtayt
s.liTduty.-1 construe when
.umee 'en e 'better position ,than Canada. '. No
classe of one people has asked for ptotee-
we do net groW the article,as in.:the :ease 001,1,. ' It is a' political cry, first directed
of tea." Sir John admits that • when .the to tneeneerefacturers ; but that dem soon
geode :ire not produced in tho country the sew the maul:feet danger and ettet euin -it
an'sueler.PaYe the duty. . As in the %case' 'Weitild bring .upon 'them, so 'thee tinned
, of elie tea from China, our. barley .15 DO
,preasieed in 'the United States. , They nee a •cold shoulder to the -self -constituted pa- '
triots. • Then it, WitS that -tee • .brillittet
all of their. own, hut this not being eneegleseafterthoegleteleomed-supoit the-Chieftan
of of the right quelity, they have to 001110 .thatpunters eueht to be protected, and
to.a: foreign ,market A ,purehese ..tinele pay that we meet have the " Netiotial Policy'.
the ,thety upon it, ep OA Clieci4len barley to prevent these 'sheep coltiThg inetted to
always is quoted in the /emetic:en market pretenteAmeelette •te li cat being , manu fa p;-,'
the amount elate duty higher' thee. Obittercel into flour by oar Canadian Miners.,
own.. /Ii!•but Sir Join! saye'. that 4is be- The carriage makers, the farmlniplenient-
causo our barley. is. better ..titan theirs. • makers, cabiliat Makers, the hoot and shoe,
' This is not -eerteet.:. Minnesota sends out • mirkers de not want it. , Twenty per cent.
as good -barley as anypredueedie Canada: iseveite'enough. feetheet. Why; during
Barley is eegultitel like all ,ealrer thiege; the year epee:ea-et:we had .menu endured
.by' eupply ail d-eleneetta. 'I f the A neeritana end 'soldatbeet $,10,000,000 Worth Of -boots;
-have hoe enough or 'of tile right quality of and these 'se/once tipple which -we really •
• their own they, etone to ue fOr this barance; „paid a premium of over a3,000,000. .-Th_e:
.andlaye tean-iffieltfte.upon it . just as fartnerieill have ' nothing to do with flas
much as we lute° to pay the day upon' the. effspring ,ef eelfielinesse they *ill decline
•tea faun Chien:- Sir John ie...rite •eecep.
tiienialy eibleepplitician, and , be tells the
etery Omit ellotiyaa4 of -berley with.
the.charining tact which bas led hint .sues. •
cesefully ;out of' ninety d.fight.. • .Ienectee if
a-ehrmee ha.e, two. .headred actee .of II:Ind,'
onein the States andthe other in Canada
:-•-bil each herdiees 1,000einfehe1e •of bar-
ley, andehe selle : each: ' of , these in •Xews
York for$1 per buehel, Mete pee' fifteen'
cent:slier' leueliel on the el:mediate 1%
. ' •-:13tler;. in hjfi. speech at Elerathrey, is that.'there
.will boa yield this ,yeee or Owe four lien -
duel and fifty:million bushels of.Wheae in.
the United Settee ,alone, end thet thee
cotintey' would 'Amid .one hendred and
fifty million:e'en the .Britisle market, - end .
that Canada • eekuld eend:' none' -We the
United States.... Where Sia John got this
inform fitiCtifroyi, is aprefound eeceet. I
have in veto ,esient•lmurs in. searching up
trade :returns i te,oeacreo-field.:i f there could'
be LU foundation for this wild :cleelerar•
tion. the ett failed -to find any .autberity
whatever Tor et, and haye ,coricleded that
it originated. in the brain of the great
Chieftain,. who, :with a laudable desire te
ley for 83 cents per bushel. .This Welted's:- .startle the listening warriors, thremea. few •
peeved:en another way.... g
—OPPOSe , the • hundred ,.millions in to give spice A lhe
were. to pot 100 per emit, inipoert duty on ;entertainment. .. The whole' export of
otheleaeley, they; weuld -then .get it for
nothing, if the .Chieltames story is to be 7
wheat from the States last year did 'Ade
exceed fifty million busheie; and this.yem ,
relied upon. • The steme with horees. and . there is very little 'more extent •of lend
other stoekrbeit if they &a:this they would . under crop:- Russia; which hits for the
not get pureproduce for nothing; and it is , last fifty 'years' supplied wheat. to Europe
etleybtfulif le ,wreelti. Makes. eq. Mreeenee andeesifte is'preseritte'withies&then half
'at tiTIVr-ue. We are not dependent tipon her fernier crest • And eta we are to have
double as ninth as was ever produced in
the World before f Clearly. the attenept
is made to frighten the ihrmer. This will.
fail. In the first place, they ere not made
of the • kind 'of stefr 'to be. frighten edeand
in'the se6o,nd place, they ere not so ignor-
ed as to . belieyo that there is the slight-
eA ground for it. lie any event. we Are
not dependent.upon tho growth of wheat.
'llelieve if the .exportatioti of wheat yprO.,
ItrelinittraWiRTiiireTirialll it WOUR
be greatly to the advantage of the farmers.
Thirty. years, ago the Genesee Valley pro.
dined fifty bushels tithe am; BOW they
sectreely raied enough for .their own use.
tut:yet, the farms are twice iis valuable
as theywereWhen-they dragged the heart
out of them by ectieing e succession of
crops of Wheet. They did: what we muse.
do, ' Turn our attentme to the rinsing of
stock, 'and grow green roots to fvd the
stook upon. Thecrop_ ofstook is much
more profitable andeyou ettel drae it ele
the farm; leaving the land 'richer and bet-
ter, while tho wheat exhausts the vitality
Of the solt ' Thanks to the energy put
eitompthese of our. Ottawa Government a
magnificent market is thrown open to the
deal with US Amur own terine: Our ere. stock of Canada, At the, present session
mils, the finest in the world; upon which of the British Parliament a bill was intro -
06,000,000 have been. expended, inttstnoe &teed called the, " Cattle' Diseaso Bill,"
be used won't , by CanAthAns. " Iti 1860 which excluded all foreign cattle feone
-the Americans adopted this so-called pro- •being imported Alive into 'the, United
tective policy, and between that time - and Kingdom, the:shied being to preyed the
1873 the, wages Of the workingmen went .importatieii of7diseased-stooki Ou,5 .Gpv..
up sixty per cent, if lie goe one. •dollar ornnient lost not .ii moment in bringing
per tiny in ,!all, he got ono dollar and sixty before the ineberial authorities the ,fresh
cents in '73. This teken atom would healthful, nature of our elle:tate end, our
show a gain to him; but look at the other stook,:and after some delay, got the Bill
side of the question. All eerie of .inore emended And an. exeeption. made In fav,ot
eliandise during the same period,went etp: of Caeada. So thatnow while ati Europe
ninety-two. per write so.that M. the end of is excluded froin the British markets; that
the: time lie had $1,00 with which to_pur. e
market is opento Canada, , If it could be
elirise-Vlq---worTriiViF-A.tEirky 1 reailyunderstookthere4s-apiniimofwealtl
nig him 32 cents poorer than lie.was thee-
eaY" . in: it (tit our farmers, Fate yeare ago,
. WM years before, during that tame, AS .1 ., our importation. Wit8 CP111PftrittiyelY 110t117
- have shown, Canada had really- tie pro- • ing, Now, AIontreel arid Quebee cannot
her population she made MOM permaned . •
inIPPI.Y. Vessels for 'the, trildee; last year
About 0,000 liead iicere gene,' this yearper-
whatever:. ' .But, in 'proportion to
Atlyaleement tin& her American neigh. : haps 80,000 1104 IviI1 be exported from
here. In the year ending 80th June, 18774. . Canada, Ireland exports one hundred
Million donate worth of stock Annually.
Lot 2.5, concession 5, Goderich Township; consisting
of 80 acres, is offered for eale. 74 acres 'cleared, aml itt
execuent working coder, ia Seeded down with clover end
timothY; renn,inocr hardwood bush... On the Place le a
THE ROYAL BALIWIS-a inore eertitin 14inte-
tly fur pant, in.a wider range of eases,.and atnore
-agreeable Aiodiehio than.any other now .offered
to the public ;:even thoogh we do sa.y.icirlt what
no other inannfaeturer will dare -AO,. sm.?: of his
preparation, iZ. :—It absolutely will not mire
everything from a corn On the toe t2 disleeatee
neck. 17t needs no highly exaggerated eufarig;
being one of the few_thingit whieh Sell on their
.own napritS..
It is a plirely 'vegetable produation,. and is perfectly safe.
for an Want of any ago, It is a perfeet speci5e for.
Dysentery. It cures Quinsy,.Theerated Sore Throra
Diphtheria, Nervous Headache, Neuralgia', Ticadoroux,
and Sciatica, Cholera, Cranme and Pains In the.storpech
and bowels, Inflammation, Wounde,,Brulsesi SPrains,
Burns, Scalds, FA•ost-bites, &c. Pelee, 25' teersty.
3. II. COMBE Drugoist
MOLE A Cr' Ti it:LINTON: 2076
• Porsuent to tho Deere° and Final Order for Sale,
mado in thin mum end bearing dine respectively the
ts euty -fifth day of September, 1877, ano theetwouty-
second day of June, 1878, them will be sold with iho•ap-
probation of If iLLS o'neilese, Estioho, Masttr
.1 this Court at Hamilton, at the
Britigh Hotel, Market Sitttnye,
In the Town of Goderioh,
anty of Ithregi, by Oco. TUTIEMA17, Auctioneer,
At the hour of Ce o'elock in the aftcrti4M4
1,01 No. 19, In the 4t11 Conees.don of th5 Township of
Goicriels. containing 75 acres more or less, except 5
Waif off dfiffier thereof fithentS6 acres
of the whole lot aro clearodlirti lb a good stato Of ctiltl,
'tattoo and about 0 acres arb woodland, consisting
ohlefliof hard wood. Tho grad lands have a good board
tenth In front, And the balance thereolis well fenced
witb. rails. • There aro on said Iambi a LOG TICUSA,
' clap•boarded, about 18 x 27, two riimun BA1t148,
went to each other; about 54 x 20 and 45 80, There
aro alco two orchards and a never.failing streadn on
said lot. The soli is a darle sandy loam.
. .
gooa young orchard, never,failing .erook, now frame
imese, new tetuno barn 40x00, w th collar.. A good phieo
for a busIne7s stand outhe corner. On the opposite cor-
ners aro a stove, post oftlee, school, hehae, rina
oun', miles from tIto:tawn of. Clinton,•and 7.
from the town of Goilerich. Particulars on application
• • Porter's Bill 'Po.
Go.dorich toirniiiiy, June, 5, 2878.
Notice is hereby given that thepartrievaldp heretofore
subsisting between Us, the undersigned, • as Cabinet
Makers; Uphoistereri. ana general Undertakers, at ilia
Town of ClintOn, in the County'of-liuron, and Prorinee
of Ontario, Vast on the,Twonty-first day of June instant,
•dissolvod bynnithal consent. All debts owing to the
.Saiii.fidetnership aro be veld to either of us, tho un-
dersigned, at Clinton aforeaeld,.and all claims against
the said partneiship are t� ereseatee to either 'of us,
ilia unabraigucaiby whom the same will be settled.. ,
Daiod at the said town of Clinton, this -25W clay ,of
Jane. A.D., 1878. ' • '
' 'Witness, • t • •, • D. It, 511tiNZIES..
I) B E T 17.It 1'04: FOR SALE'.
. ,
$(1, 000.00 WORTIL
.rei /I 7; Thr TV tiV rEel R,sr.
workyroy r.e4us.
The Corporation of the TOwn of, Clinton offer 113,00P
worth of rim Protection 7.)ebebtilrett for ante. Thby
run TWOnty years, anti boar Soren per cent /nterestr
payableHemi.annually. 0100s for the seine will be re.
(mired, in Writing, by . ,
W. 0, StATILE, Brayer.
Clinton, :nig 21, 1878.
The lands will bo sold attbject to a 10aaateereor
soiree in January, 7870, anti also aubleetow8r1n1u
mortgage made by the said IdoNED itt the Dominion
Savings flank end Investment Satiety, tlio terms of
which said lease and mortgage wino mem fully Made
inown at the time of ado, and also euhjoet to areserecd
bid, which hatilden fixedly tho 14M:ter.
The pnreb gem et tho time of sale, will pay $10 anwar
for every 8100 of his manse tr.onry, to the Veneto/10
Solicitors, and the bslanro thercof,withinteroat, within
two months from Um day of Sale, ku other respects
and (xcept tia above, the oonelitiOns of Ale aro tho
standing conditions of sale ob tho Cobol of Chancery. •
Fin ther particulars may be obtaintiti from licagra,
3IACRELCAN, (1105014 & IIFLti Uninilton, Vendor's
Solicitors, and of the Auct'onder.
Dated at Damliton this 22nd day of ,Tuly,1478. Ingt A.11, 1)0W.A. J09
lif. OltEILLY, Master et lIansilisn,
MACKEL0AN, CWISOld & 11111,14
• --
_N- 0 T I 0 ,re ..*
This is to notify all tio;Setts having- bin/Int/se to tram.
stet with my htuffiand, eixecorec reverie, teasr
4. do nob want, than': coming tee yrty. hem° after saven
o'cleck in Ube evening, it the peace of my hedise has
boon disturbed bypersona eallingtietransB.briatnetis
after 1(41'4'0100k, which th not right,
Clirfton, July 25,1078. ' • ./ set
* •-• .
Marti% 28,1818.
1'. G. JAiVTl, .4uctione.ce and Appraieer
for !llama ; Rouse and Land ifilent,
0 onmieeioner, Conveyancer, &c.
• '•
.to pay continuelly: higher '1.2eleeaefor every
then they liney reqtare upon thee' ineee._
chance that eeemetime there'''May .r
short crop,•not etiottgle for Our home maelse.
_et,,Whee they cosild eqUeeee an extra .pene
out; ofe the . deititetioe, around •'thertie
•Bat yen .sayethere ha 1)000 depressien 'in
trade in Canada: • Trite,. theee . has been,
easel so •there.has. beee the world over. A
startling statementmade by • the quettan
he thereby looses .eti,e0.:. I have, carefully
studied thee story; with no feeling .of ill-,
will,-buteieseerneet &etre to comprehend
its meaning, and I am able to prove it to
be wholly. wanting lu Mori es: lithe 1,,000
bushels of barley.raisea in the States are.
sold there for. 85 tentsper bushel', and
that quantity• is euflicient to supply their
market they will not. come to Canada few
etnyrbitt if not sufficient they .si,ilI come
end will have to pay the 85 cents which
Lite simply and ;demand tikes it A as Well
118 15 eents:duty, that is, theyewill have to.
pay, $r per.buehel•for their Canadian bar-
ley, Whereas, they got the American bar -
Why should Ontario, Abe times as large,
net do as much? We will do it. .I &me
ly believe that the time will 'come when
the exportation of our -own cattle, sheep,
and horses .will reach two hundred mil -
hops, or three time as much as our pre.
sent exportof all kinds. 10 11 word,
til -
low Me to say, 'devote yourselves to one
kind of good grade cattle found roost lam.
dnetWo- for beet feehiessmilyegiefideliotees;
It costs as mueh to•feed apoor creature
ae a good one. :Only have good Ones and
.you have'a,readY market encl, a fele price,
b•Te mae settingQut an a jotlrney can
rum yiedentty for o. nide without feeling.
the folly of such undue exertion, and
knowingthat if he had Walkedmoderate-
ly, at the end of the day lie woeld liaVe
got over more Milos with much greater
(eve o1iixnself. So. it 16 witit 10.11 00.011-
*ppm:Lill:gra.- Ifa premiuni be gisen
tietlie. maker of ploughs of eight: dollars
efeevery plough nfaap, besides the ordi-
nary peofit, the market willhe Oersted::
cd,. and' the price would- full.. " 'There
Would be twe-Ploughs';for every' one re-
quired,and some •market would , have to
bei- get :for theme e'Ven at any. Sacrifice.
This is what has beenclotie. in the:States
since 1861, 'resulting in disastrous conse-
quences to the whole peo.Ple.. At.the
sent here the 'plough -maker has a protec-
tion - of' four ekalitrs; on 'CVOtY plough..
There are those who think that we :eight
to peer eight *Bari el do not think, so,
Ale; ,beettuse, no doubt, iievould produce
'disastrous teeultae as ie has- slope in the
States; and second; because it ib in therm,
tete Of class legislation to whicleI am ens
titelyopposed: . tfa sugar refiner in this
cpuntryis seeprotheted that the whole peo-
1).141:-hareeteepeLyeerine. cent a patilid, more
tbr .sugar than if hewere noteeprothetea,
on one hundred million pounds, .Whielies
lees than We noie 'import, the would clear
oue million dollere at the end' of the year.
" .16.147T104 • .
Deuxis.,-(in'Tueeday 'constable MC-
G titre and MeCohael.adeerepenied:a.taid-
dle-aged Man to :the • lookup fobing
&link ana.disordeely admixed the steeee.
Feyea.-4Messrs. A ray Taylor and
---Poter7Eldetieh4sve4hael4phoid'for, rtho
former,itt improving, and. the 'Atter. eet$
,had it but a few days. • ' • •
le role Meerier6ne.Mrs.' Btiey 'left here
on the30th 2July foe :Manitoba, where
elie.inteeds to teed herinfeband al Win-
nipeg. e • •.• • :' • • ,
#5tOnlOifil Cif
, • Theitezer .trOetz .Pecenc.4A•iiirgely
attended: meetieg bola on the 26th
Stay, at.Sturdfe Orange trail, leh con.
Gederich, • To wnshie, to mako Aerange7
Merits fot 'Farthers! 'Irarvest Home
Picnic, for the Township .be held in,
some eentraLlocelity, .A:coansaitteeewai
appointed; composed of menthelfreen
eyery isectioe of the beventhip.. ,Xe was
agieed to, hold another meeting in the.
eanie place on Seteeday the 10th beet.,
et 8 p. to make final arrengementss
and ,a 'Yeti large aitendanee of those in-
leeeeteil &geed, s
., �rLL4ETT*
LEgyaiOteret.oPesteet.---,-On the 24th
eInly two young 'inen named 0: Beatty
and d. Morrow, Wore .chaged by Me.A.
jr., of thel3th eon.; With'leaving
his eMpleyniente TheY Were -tried !le-
fisre • Jas. Braithwaite; ..Esq. e J.P., who
fIncd eaeheef, tliP11) $.10 Ittl&PQ.StS,-;in Rik
over $1r eimb, Il44Teiiii-Iliefliad'
agreed to work for Mr. Watt for tt cer-
tain tinte, but being .offered better wages
'elsewhere, tliey at °nee left him: More
to mcike'aii. example' of the men than
anythingelee, Mr. Weft infortnas
tion 'against, thein, with 'the • foregoing'
result. The trial eeeated onsiderable
interest, Many, being nicae-r "the impres-
4sionethat-alaboreestould...leave-his.: -ear-
' ployor ittany tittes'but the 'eenviction of
the prisoners disabusedtheir Minds.
This ode siieniltrbe a Warning to others,
as the'practieelef leaving employment,
when . agreements Loire ,beeti' mado to
Work, are by no means uncemaraen...
verbal agreement is just as binding as a
written one, in this respect. -
their market; wee hove tho whole world
open to us. If they choose to .teet them-
selves to meet their war debt, it is me mat-
ter testis, and does not cost us one cent. For
the ten years prior te the abrogation of
the treaty, when we had no duty to pay,.
we got an average of $77,50 for horses sold
out of this country; for the Oh following
years we got an 'average of $94.03. For
wheat for the former ten years we got an-
seevereere sktl.,18.,..and.fer...the-latter$1.24
But' it is said, we should have Canada for
the Canadians. True, we should lieve
thise-and if we are ever to attstin to die-
thietien among the nations of the earth
we must have something -more for the Ca-
nadiane.. I ean_rernember when this
liglttful state -of affairs did exist here, BA.
fore our eyes were opened; before Reci-
procity Treaty, we bad Canada for the Oa-
nadians. Than it; wits that beautitul white
fall wheat sold for fifty cents t bushel ;
when potatoes and oats weroliaivired round
all day before ten omits a bushel could be
got for them; when it took two bushels to
buy a yard or cotton,'Yes, Canada for
the Canadians. We must eat up all our
wheat; barley, ith, and horses, too, nieless
we can get some country tool enough, to
▪ bainkvollan. News
i3atsou & Currier'S saw mill, 04tawae
was burnt on Tuesday, loss 8159,000.
The first shipment of new pegobese
feom Ileamsville WAS 1119.(10on Monday
morning. The crop ie ligit 1. . •
Mr. 0- Wok ef leogan,, Ims eleessie,,
raisea thie yeateon las farm, whith
tneeSured 5 feet 5, ineliee in lefigth., ee• •
A. roe metable f riner tined 0 IsTielis
ols of the towalap.�flefarkhaine eom-
mit ted snieide on .T11 tereatly night Ins •
cutting his throat.: -
...e; •
A farmer iivieg in 'the ueighleirhoed s
of Burgessive W:18 'fately fined $30 Tor
'teetering his milk. Ms wife was lined
$20 for talshig the top off the milk;
Me. G... 0. Vordyee, ,eehbol meter,
sootien No. 2, Pilkington, Ape -in-law of
H. Roberts, Esq., Reeve. of Pilkingtoe, . •
died suddenly, on 'Steturdteye. ,
The pnblishers of Montreal Press
nee about to take level proeteedings to
compel Mayor B,ectud:ry te give a:list of .
Itis 12th of July specie] ootstebles.
' The.M ilk Inspectoe of .1klontrea1made
,raid upon the; milk -vericlors on Satinet '
day, withit View to haying.. thelemilk,
analyzed. SeVeted iteed to -empty the::
:milk in the steeet, ' , •
'Mefisrs: Plewes Ss Peeremillere,
Pod a carload of new flour from London
last Thursday. The grain was grown
on the feem of Lewis, Westminster.
:Who can heat this '••r
rtom the Siglial,)
TAXES,—The rate of assessment' for
this yews:is to be redneed frorn 1 corita
to iletents on the dollar.
1-1ANit CRUSIIED0-31r; Irurley
while coupling cars at the” depot the_
other day got his right had badly
. •
:On -Monday, a yoneg womatteworkine
•Goebere keittiteg feeteree.
.getslier logebrokee jlist above.elei ankle
by jumping front the roof of 8., 1)11114illig
StOhlellpfu‘Setiroe;:fCes,t... igb; ip..e.,o7ehi.onsw4h.
Intellig,enee las been 'robe:it:cc]: Ot-
tawa that the eudges of pencils at the.
Paris.ExpositiOn hisee :twee/led the -gold
Medal fo repen c fls eres at ;Fib :tit do rn pe4tors,
to the' Dominion of Plumbago
n Vet in has heel an. eXs
vieinitY of Ottawa re-
collent effect oil the crop, aneelnie great-- --
ly imProved paeett rage. Tile fall wheet,„'
sytielf is new" being harvested ie that .
district, protrase$ :to 3'4;14:lee:di, 4. „ • •
• :An:exciting ohm!) aftee mad dog
occurred at London on ThersdaY
beg. 0 aniteal belonged to Mie Jobe
'Reid, hotel keeper, titil heel 'bitton a
it child. 'It was •coreered itt theerystal
'Ball and despatehed ,bya constable. .
. Some time 'ago le man named Morris' ,
broughe an action ageinsb the Montreal
'corporation for $450 end won; it. eeasi
appealed and lie again won. lres
tently apoleed to his: le*yeiss for the
atitoinee,, aid they handed him $50 and
l&te itetount for $400. • •
There was a big demonstration oue at ;
Wakefield, in 0 ttaweeliereety, on„Settle-
day.nighte Mayer Beatidryeiwas burn-
ed. effigy and the ashes .tifterwaids
theowninto the Getieeart Riveri• the, .•
eed of tariecia being considered too sa-
'alma for therentable of sucli. as lie.
A threo year ,oh(infighter. of 'John
Moraetre •ex -Reeve of A delaideee was
buriikto death in her eranafather!s-barne •
on Sunday afternoon, . The scone was
nipst heartrending, . the hewn bailie in
view. of her fathee's house. The faller
and mother (Jolla onlylocokcta :Ind see
her perish, ; the flatnee wore , so fierce
that no help could. be given. -
A young man mimed John ICingsbo- •
rough, eon of WM. Kingsborough,of
-Seneca, got.entangledin the tumbling '
rod of it threshing machine on Tuesday. se -
Iris log was torn .elear og. belew 'the
knee,' rendeeing immediate' amputation.
neeessitry. The shock to the System,
Wall_reo great that hm died-in_a-_few mi
tutes after the operation.: '
sad aceident °courted in Ellie°
tewnship on the labh July. Mt, M,
Murray was cutting down a Rohl of hay
with it Mower; and a little son , of his,
aged About four years, hid in the gr:Lss '
front his lather. Being Unnoeicede the
horses eet `driven forward,„ when the '
ineever canto in eontad with, the, poor
little fellow and ont oft one °this bands,
Mr:Murray, stricken
on soeinie, the mistake ho had made.
' Martin Casselman, of C asseltaaN. mar
IATinchestet, Ont. earce to Montreal, on.
Feiday, and visited Jas. Slioater c'e Co,
lumber tnevoliantde receiving from them
be settlement of -an ao6oant it cheque for
$2,561. This he cashed at.
bank, having ih done tip in tWO packagos
of $1,400 and $1,161. Ire 'then pro-
ceeded to the Exchange‘bank, and paid
notele had there out of the smaller
_paolts_ge,garld_ing at. aesmallereedoekeeen.
tiliKlobby to doutit his change. While
thus engaged a stranger asked his opin-
ion es to the genuinese of a"bank bill.
After ho left Casselinan' counted his'
change and then felt for the- Atgeet
paeket• dOntaining (1,400 *Mel). had,
'however, disappeared. ,
LATE Sratx9 WimAT.—A .great deal
of this cereal will net pay for eetting
ftral- titre -airings- '-We-haveshottid of soya-
rAT'farniers in this vieinity mato are go-
ing to mit it' for feed,
Leetog Tien:elem.—We have a sped.
men head of thnotby from the farm of
Mr. Tlios, Iritrris, of Aslifield, measur-
ing 11.1 ieeles. This4 is the largest we
lifiNd seen, •
vn shOali
for the sea -side. .ne will be abseut four
weeks. The Catholics have in eentem-
plation.the erection, here a a inagnift.
cent ehurell at an early date, to cost
$25,000. The Various gatirch
„ are advameing tape ly to comp e mon.