HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-25, Page 8• 1. w LINri7()N NE >11" . la .; . BAsPuExut1rs,—Tint ft'ttit is' coming i n finite i5eely, and finds J) r'elrasers at T' .' : .. } .the rate Of about eight cents per quart. #'O L+'4'4Ti✓iEI'M:'. rear' •;c7te I. t!tatec'v(!".°414"""'I nun , NcaxNt,.-- W.e notice that the _ 7' x , _ __•.' Fire Committee of clue" Council .at e ad zvlco ((garnet crjytVeniOxtfl/ t/et.to; 'ertising in the Crlotc for t, now or sqc- r( the ',day, otcv'o ce and hand stettnt fIt'o'•aegine and a),iii'- • 'To�uxx, circa ti ,� t .Ir J� } l e, 1 l tonanet s, • • Picxxo.- Tllo annual picnic of the Episcopal Sabbath School, of this phaco; was.helcl on Thursday:last, in t11e woods: of Kr. 3 insford.' The Juvenile'Baxnl •was in attendance. A. pleasant time was spent, . • • • Pt:UO L. -Ori T11ursd:iyr evening ' e double tie drivenby tt lady' and the horses, a very lively little span,. eine ine iced tlitncing,and prancing, tr hen the driVer pluckily arose from her seat, and braciri; herself; -drew fhb team •aluidst, i.poi its haunches. ` '• ' Tenet:I oN SElli:lers.•,--Th 1 induction•. of Bev. Mr. Stewart;inte. the (horse of the Presbytet•iau o]n rctli, of this .town„. will take place du \'V'odnesclaj. next, cornnicooing at 1'1 o'clock, a.m. In the'. evening a social will ;be. held in the. -church, when several reverend• gentle- men will address the meeting. - SrlrAx i$6' of-t?i"e Orange demonstra- tion at ,Seaforth, 'the correspondent of the Mitehell:iiecorde> snys :—°E' A brass band from Clinton; 'composed entirely of boys, gave :tis the anisic• of the. day.. They certainly 1pilltyocl With 'a precision, taste; and regard for time; often not ac' •quirecl by n7uch older hetsds. We'say success to Clinton junior• band. `. • NAnttow 1f.sG4,rE.-0n T'uosday; even. - tug the youngest` son of Mr, j. J1odgins Met with an accident, -which, 'although av4ld lse kept opetz'tkaati1 7 o'clock, every evening, during. srtrn2ner. 4uc d Visa tr.O.. *ON Friday, as a tease was corning down Albert street, a bolt' gave. way, causing the tongue to drop, midi l orses. to start on a run, the team:turned tied oil.: to .the•sidewalk,. aid the •tongue ran wider; /math it about three feet; bringing them to a" dead stop; without in ury, 1 a Hui:LEr Bit,izrci> A;e13ioULTt;li:ii. So- ciEmx --At ti meeting of 'this society, held on Saturday•1ast;, Mr, John Join. son, of Stanley, Was elected a rlireetor .in plaoe.of Me,. W 'J. Biggin'S, resigned; . and Mr. Thos. Moon, etH ,l1et, in place of 1W'., W. Colwell, Constance; 1'osiglaccl. lie fall show will take plebe sometime• Septentbor;•,'tho exact date net yet being decided -on ; and it is intended to hbld'tlio exhibition of live stock on the Driving Prrk,.und have the. display of indoor goods held` in the town hall, if the same can bo obtitifled. RUNAWAY; •— on Monday afternoon the team of Mt J61ii Daymeilt, ran away while coming :up•the hill ori Al. bort street, caused by,•tbe conning off of ono of the ,traces,. allowiiig- tiro. tongue to drop. After proceeding tl short:clis< tance the:tongtie vas•snappnd'in.two,. and the waggon swaying' froin, •side to • side; induced John to jump) out: The team fortunately cruet with.no obstrilc- tion in their dash' thretigli town,' but a tie post at I+isher's.'corner, separated them from 'the waggon, .which had ro-. eeivecl no further injery thee the break-. fortunately unattended liy .any serious eir•e:u-instariees, came very near remitting in the child's death,. .'IIs was:playing around the house, and °rite bottom .draw= er,of a bureau liar*ina 'been drawn out; in of the tongue and sbon''after the ho >iat down on. it,,�vlien~ the •woi'ght lienees were stopped i caked the bt•area•U,t0 oVer'tur» ori him. 11 PterisoN.4Ls.--1111•: Jno, Heelgnls and -wife, of Clinton, accompanied, by Detlor and Mrs, W. Stitt and daughter, of Goderich, left yesterday morning ,for . a trip down the St. Lawrence: Tliey in- tend spending' e. conple,of weeks at,Ca- couna and other watering' places.in, that. Vicinity •Bee Mr; Grcea. end•wife; a Bible Christiain Minister who `was. sta- tioned here about fifteen years ago, but is now superannuated„: !las taken upi.bis residence in.,town., .,..Tho wife Qf 141;r. Thos. Johns. of Stt'ittfoi•d,.is visiting'lrol friends here....,.Mr. P. Steep,:who went to- British, Columbia :a short time Sago, _ - .returned to town .On Satiirday, ;•lie does not give a •very flattering 'account o:f the in•ospects• 111 t1 t deuutfy. - • A. SALT Teri tt%fi:ri; 'alTi. Jolilr. Bamford has left with us sixteen heads of Golden Drop wheat, :,which, •were grown ori land after the following treat-.: inent : Summer 'followed ; matured. I Singular to say, not the eligbtest•injury resulted. bo th; child or bureau,. :' • May Extaixe..=We arelad. to notice. that 1!rr. James Fair is puttingin' his ill.a, seventy barge Corliss steam: engine, with twp large boilers, made by; Messrs (oldie and It sOnllough; of,Galt., These engines'are considered the hest in the 'world, as .they give the gr'eatestamount of porter' fore. the tleast constuuption,of f1tel.gf any . ,engin(. :their 'rep tatioi) tm.§ etude Wortkl=wide: by : the :splendid and •in anunotlt one. .it•' the C,entellnial ('kntton.• Tile" steam is econouiisecl •u by ,ometio cnt-ofl'+s, at certein Pointe when•en'terilrn the oylitldor.'The work' of • Patting in is expected to' occulty about five we ks. Ono tbant' of.hoise,[i, belonging to Mr. Fair, drew the:fradie. ' of. the engine nihil cylinder; which "*oir its. five tons, 15' e1vt., froin the ;station to his. mill. • • ." Cxtors,•w-- from `hili sections. We hear with nine loads of ashes find' one anal' a great rejoicings overtlte•abundent clops half tons of salt to the acre A portion tlhat are being gathered,. seMcoly .any of this ]and, twelve feat square,' was - then coveredwith'salt a foot .(seep and allowed'to remain .a short time before. re plowing. Tho.tvllole We,s then plow- ed and sowed. At the time of reaping he gathered eight, of .the best Leads frons that portion extra salted, Mid'eight :of the.other, each of which • weighed is follws : • 'The former, ,360 -;rains, the latter, '270 grains, • n)aking •n. diflerenee of 90 grains, or just ono quart.er.. It is possible this difference *as made by the freedom of weeds in that portion so abundantly salted,. its 14ti: Bamford found, by.'oxperinlotlt;• that salt ki'llocl thistles buil not grass, As salt is now.,exceedingly cheap, would it• not be well for our famine! to try experiments with, it. • BEIM' Lo Aes,—A very heavy rain ori Saturday night cooled the atnlospliero and inflicted. no injttt'y 1 on crops. Soule substantial °' gravel has been placed on Victoria, street. The repairers 1of'inow' ing machines no+v find plenty 'tri do, uttering ,r' word contradictory, of this idea°, The 'appearance of: most all the •:reps was.good till a Week or so'. ago:; in f et -the' fall wheat -promised..a.very large crop, bat tyo' fear the yield will not:be up to expectations: . Many fields have.been affected ' by the rtrst,aiii,'con sequently, the grain is•'shrunken.' good• deal was also 'beaten down by'the e storms, and this portion' Will bo nisch shrunken. 'The spring wheat will not be :an average -crop, as both the wevil En and tli.e fry are in it, and the excessive'' hot, weather has brought it on too fast. 7'l e hay,-.. oats, barley' 'and peas will be good crops; ;end 'the toot crops' tr likely"tc> be fair,'•if it 'floe'snot eotee too'" dry. • TUECLINTON NY\ ERA, r y. .".a,r ,. • . -.. .._ -, ,iy'.yfa''Y147tl/ACLfFIGi/iY:)GRAYfLgFEtNo .xj1 AP.17,,; .1 �11;A'rCSi, ,ti'l'QR7; ' ;Mir 4.lf2 8/.:',,1/EXTti. 1 _. The aminal ra4i e. match under the s .ct the klurotx 1''artnors and a11511(ee Mechanics' •Association tool: place on. Tuesday hist, on the farm of Mr. Wood- ly,„a• short (lista ncesoutli of 13ruoofield, The field was a fine and level 0110, and the grain stood well up, offering every opportinity to (lo good, work,. It Wafti. intended to got a roughor fielk so that the reaping, qualities of • the machines: sh'oul(1 be more thoroughly tested, but the proprietor of the one that was first aerie,. *mild not lot leis grain remain till°the' clay of tho match, The :reaping. was well .done by mostall the Machines,, and the only difference was in the ,way in whish the sheaf was loft. • 'The 'nutn- ber. 'of spectators cti the ground was good, but not as largo as usual; likely owing to-tbe urgency of -harvest opera= tions at Fonts. • • • The following •is the different points made by the various'macllines, and the prizes; together witli the \work of. the Combined. Machines at the mowing intitch t. ' TRU*" A101)12031* 0 0' H -lain;a jtittialtt to tri 71 5 ', m o Ft w !n` c• l li•• l ccnness of cut, o'' o.o �• 'f= • ; • ri ace..• .o A • M.. L W11tt11,of ettt. ren c:' Q. , N Lbs. DiaeglIt. Points 7)riught: W V - t o •Zvenlressof cut. �;..::: 8 - a ' •Uoliver o@ai1en,! ;,. F4.• 3" .5, ..•'. width of crit. , . Draught • t -, rofilk oa .Draft: zi .*4 Total �r I Priro. . . 0 :lIAsosie :(1A'r1xeaceti.•••--Tlio Free Masons of Huron District, held a lodge of instruction, in this place;' on Monday and Tuesday, the 2nd and 23rd inst., • which was presided of er;by the M. W. the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada, W. II. \Vesper', Esq., Matter ~• M C . '6'a. • se e . ..* .. _ , o Dvechess of cat. (;rrasshe) >ets•-�,ncl hies intoes�trre< itotw -in Uhnueo .-Cobotti r and•-S.w .- • �. _._.. � .� . �. _� 1 I cl ry, b, (#. Goopei, added to the summer! pest. The pre- i Esq., D. D. G. M. of ITtiron District. d . a' If. Co'intelenee. serving season has commenced, • A I The followinglodges were represented; cherry tree in' the garden of . Mr.- Goderiah Lodge, No. 33, Godorich Clinton- _ DerabilPt , Refines, that has -,al early genic -fruit Clinton • No— �3 f`kintcnt'y b , this year, has blossoined ngain. The brick buildings bleserate e art 4lftF. dlecombo, and .those•:of Mrs. Carson, are being pushed only ud; j when completed. will, the latter •especially, contribute meet, to the itnprovenleut•'of the part of the town they are built 'in, -Flax pull- ing commenced on, Monday ; the crop.'is one of tine best ever harvested; and we aro pleased • to say . the market for this productin the 'United States is.looking up. • Owing to tbo,ltotit last week many persons had to give tip. out-door`trmploy- tnent. Nearly one Hundred kegs ofbut- ter were shipped per .G.T,R.,onMorday. Splendid weather for harvesting:. •While playing around some lmnber'at' McCart- ney Eft Thomson's, a little daughter of Mr. W. Webb, accidentally reeeived a severe cut on the head, • ilir. Scott Itobinsore of Seaforth, purchased nearly 200 tubs of button in town this. week; at prices rari to .. roin to 11 cents per poirriel,.- ,Ke'ei cool l' writes at friend, - • Circumstances o,vor which„we -have no control prevent its from attC+p'tnlg the advice. Geo. Gillen was, on' Saturday, fined $1 and costs, by the Mayor, for being drunk anti disorderly, and on Tuesday J. Lockwood was fined the same,' 1' n � , Liglht, No. 03, TCineardit o;]4Maitland; No. 112; Goderich ' ; Lebanon Forest, No, 133, 'Exeter ; Friendly Brother's, No: 143, Iroquois ; Tecumseh, No, 141, Strafford; forest, No.,1 l2, Wroxeter; L'rittania, No. 170, Seaforth; Sturgeon, No. 197, Walkerton;.Zurich, No,22.1, Zurich; St. 'Johns, . hFc>'. 281, Brussels ; Wingharn, No 280, Winghitnt; 1;lytli, No. 303, Blyth ;. Morning, Star, No. 30), Smith's hill.' Tho Lodge 'was opened et noon, by D. D. G. M. Cooper, and adjourned to 2. ' P, M,, when the lst degree was exemplified by It, W., Bro. Mal1oWh, and ori fore- noon, the 3rd degree was exemplified by W. Bro.Small, of Kincardine, and. NV, Tiro: Robinson, of (liderieb, and. in' tlio afternoon the 211d degree was exem- plified by W. Bro. Robinson, Goderich, On Monday evening, the G t incl. ()More, the M. W. Gratin' Master, W. VT,' ''Wel- ler, Itr W. Bro. 3. G. Gower, T').1').: 0, M: and It. W.13ro. J. P. Waugh, 0. S. `ti arc en and Ex -Greed oftiCers, R. W., Ilea. 3.11.. Benson, and 11. W. I3ro. D. M. Malloch, `were entertained at' a most excellent supper, at the Cornwter- tial Rotel, which was served in a roost superior manner. A11 separated et' an cnrly"hour with the utmost pod feeling. tit „ . v o Dollvcryot.sheaf 0 yz 11 m , Lbs, draught. eN 0, Voints on Draft,. k u ' u . Total. - n a " Prize, S• 4 Judges—Messrs. John McMillan, of .lttillett; Jas: 11[aliafl'y, Port Albert; 3,.1Iollingshead, 1 The grasshopp s made his appear- ' T truce in Califori iafthe Sierra Val- ley 'they are reported as " destroying alt the"standing grain," and " when they. rise in the air they darken the sunlight, and in a few Minutes after .they ttliglrt err a field nothing is left except unsight. ry+ st:Lllrs�:... Tho_.dafr hien are so lisoonr' aged that many atte giving tip the-busi- ness."' he busi- ness."• The grasshoppers have occasion- ed no trouble in the Northwest, nor in the Mississippi 'Valley this season r pos- sibly the recollection of the vigorous. cradle against them on their, last visit' there, is restraining t4 vopo`atiort of their visit. Tie Breeellolcl .club paid Goderielt a visit .l1tat Saturday, and defeated the chili by nine wicket; Goderiola going to the bat, scorwl 21 in the first innings and 20 in the second ; I3rueofcld 30, And 17 for the loss oe'otie wicket.. 11A512 BLL. A baso ball match will take place to day, at Goderich, between the Athletes, of that " place, ".and the Dauntless, of Clinton, • A good game piny be.expept- ed, as' both clubs are even17 matched,, The team .leave on • the excursion- -train at 10' o'clock, • • A. match took place at Wingharn, last week,. between the . mst:chants, of that place, end the Seaforth, merchants, re - pelting in,a_viatory for Wingltiuii by 18 to 36, ; '' . a. The Dauntless base ball • club'intend. ehallonging. the Mutuals,' of London, for. a•game, on the 12th of August, for the. silver cup and •jn'niot' ellainpionship of Ontario, HURON ' ITEMS, . 1.4, •'Phos, Simpson and wife, of Stan- ley, arrived snfo in Ireland two weeks since. _ .. Mr, Konip, of Stephen, recontly' per- chcisod 160 acres of a :Mr. Berger,. for $1,200. , A child belonging to Mie. Panabalcer, miller, Ethel;had one of it arms severely scalded, by upsetting the teapot. • In every section we hoar of cantle dying from eating potato tops on which Pbiarisngreen :had been • sprinkled>to kill s: 'R. W. Walters .of- Colborne pulled Some heads of timothy on his farm, some Of 'the heads Of : Which. measured : OL inches long. , John Pratt, hotel . keeper, Stephen,, was Teat week lined •$20• and sista, for selling •'signer on Dominion, Day with-' of ,t a license. • r.. 'Are...Robert .Forsyth, of Wroxeter, .shipped 9,0.00 pouudsof .wool last week. It was exported. 'direct to tire 'United States from tllatt place:• +A t' .Goderich, 'Judge Squier inflicted a fine of $3t5on' a witness 'with iied''ailed to appear 'on e subposii', and for.'Whorn ea warrant was consequently.istht tl:•• Five Acres on the farm of 11,r. •John •.. r, Ilarri; � con. 16, Grey, were logged by •, 1llessrs.''P, Smith,: i% •Scott,; J. Duncan, and J; Itis lsirthu , in ,a day and a halt. •At ,E'ceter;:'4Lr: pine (Gillespie's team hauled a very 1teevy load of butter to tlio station Tho load ryas 02 tubs of i ',Otter, weigbii g ell an average„ 71, 1bS, cacli.` ..,,_...may'..._._. 1878; AIX D$78' ovo,-T••-•---- • THOS trAcjcscusi, 1878. OI.1OT J- 1LaILA.r -N7ST YTC'I:(H IA,. XiIiQCtK,: C.I.,INIFON, ONT. ES'1'4.BLI8]3ED 1854, 1 la M 1V1 1\T • In: the above line' of ` Goods , we are showing one :of the largest and finest stocks. west' 'of Toronto, `and from now till, the lst of. geptember, 'will,, cut; the ; ,rices, lower than ;e"•cie1' :soldbefore in - Town,. 11'lr..I?tike, of Exeter, carried twenty-: one pine boards ;on 'his shoulder Lor .about 250 yards. Tlio beards were dressed piYte, nieitssuring 125 feet; What is tire, use of dray, horses'? •. . (qtr Ihnrsday eveuing quitett number of the • citizens ••of Blyth gathered to do honor to Mie. Alex. Taylor Upon_ the occasion 'of. his leaving Btyth, to •travel far. ci:..wholesale ,clothing store in •,14T,git= trial. Mr. A. 13elfry,:of'Myth, is 'claiming compensation from the village council" for damage, done to .goods in his cella'. by being flooded from the street. .,The question- was brought up last meetiugof council, -'but Was' laid over 'f r eonsidern- tion ab next meeting: • Mr, A. Munro -of thin town brought to•our office the limb of an e:frly harvest, nipple tree, on which wereapples nearly nrtured,and'also blossoms on 'which fruit was evidently forming. ' '42r.•irZsitt; ro says there fAossonrii ori :othrr perjs of rho tt c e :also- Si;/;t<4l. • .Mr. Thirteen Avery, who has been in failing•healtll'for some years. past, about three Weeks ago befits r°,uddelily zvorso' and died on Thursday • morning.. Mr. Avory was' ono of the first, settlers in the township of •Croy, • and was Well ktivtvn airil higifly':respected-. ,— _. A few evenings ago a baby wrapped, in to shawl was left at the door of -the residence of Mr. E,, Nichol, met chttttt of Winghtun. (totistablo A.iosley wits sent for, who pined" the child in caro of John Cute'ie,, wltero' it still remains-, No cluehas yet been obtained as to who- its mother isi:.11ut it is supposed the child was brought front-Brucefelcl, : • • Mr. Sinclair 'Tait, of Exeter; has in his posseasioii a'very ,ad'l>ioeo of work- niaiisliip), in thoahape of a small brown born goblet, made in the year 10L It was first::usod by his groat -grandmother in that year, on the oee1Sloli of her -wed- ding. ding. The same lady was, at the age of 103 year's, burnt at the stake with rainy others, because alio would: not give up her Bible and friss the anlage at the Virgiin Mary; The following officers were* installed into their respective offices, ter the cur - 'rent term, in We,itern Star Lodge, No. 146,' I. 0, 0, P., Brussels, on Jtrly> dth., J. t'; Wilsotr; N.G.; T. Fletcher, 'p'.(1.; A. Darman, E, S.; P. Scott, P. S.; T. ai, 4 Ott Lirivsiii;'11, RUT-NV Leadbeater, L,S.N.G.; W. I1artry, W.; 0, 'Wittgou, C.; A. Scotty Il. S...S.;' I1:. Boatnislt f,. S. S.;' 3. Iip )ett, 0.-0.; Skean, I.( ,,; r1'.1L,Smith; It Leadbeater; L.S.V:G.; T. Macaulay, 'C.; W. Graham, P.; 1. S. Seott, represent- ittive to the Grand Lodge.. Pipe . Worsted Sant apt *eta Tweed Canadian Tw ei . Suits,', a ,Ngine Serge. • 1.....;. 01.INT9N, ,inly"5,1878, ; 0.00m'` i7.®Vo' 12.00.. 10.00. ,.?:;A.orct aoiv cam! ,, . VICS .T U'i'T TL Jr.0 E• V Ex) .A.T GRASSCKCIJf4NINGIIAME'S • They Are soiling out flip Lno tti�dadem less than. -cost , Tose In -want of cheap }slants will do well to call anti see theie stook,., HAVXi1( 1't71OHASP1) ONE 01 AriaWater' 1 hop sari supply those favoringsham {1%tli their attaturnfi h its MI kinds et tem drAnec drinks • 10 ` M . � RE A--- ��,�ATt,. !h �C They! !cave jest gat through HIouse interring, arid have fitted up 100 (lroasi parlors, where all snit he accommodated.• ' I(7P t*l11:r4 Y'I DELlVE1tl D. TO ,AN'g 'L'ltJt riOWN. a • 4 'FRESH LOT OF SLS' A N.N +:.m D GOODS JUST 1132.(9.IVE Also, TIi14T 01A)iDa nr. m1111.07 ALL MN -111..i0BASONi. TIIE (1111J BRA..ERE) VANITY F .TR . TOBACCO • 'FINE ' f i$Att'1 ANO }2T;TAtL. 13Y t Ac�Itl�c�l; ole. B�rrl�. 1 l:irst. Orc�•.xlts, Nv"ii0111.5� .: (3VF'R=(i T1�:SII[ 1 U LD1°fi"pL+*12tF ; i'it US 01 . -. PIP1')S, WVHI0F1 TtlEY Asti; SELLING A'1' C'0S1', .t',,.5.•_ RA:member that anything got from their steeeeti be returned, if net as represented. Olintoir, May, 1878. • ,, ,GB,ASSICK & CtfNl`IilYt'li'l1AMR.:,,.