HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-25, Page 8• 1.
LINri7()N NE >11" . la .; . BAsPuExut1rs,—Tint ft'ttit is' coming
n finite i5eely, and finds J) r'elrasers at
T' .' : .. } .the rate Of about eight cents per quart.
#'O L+'4'4Ti✓iEI'M:'. rear' •;c7te I.
t!tatec'v(!".°414"""'I nun ,
NcaxNt,.-- W.e notice that the _ 7' x
, _ __•.' Fire Committee of clue" Council .at e ad
zvlco ((garnet crjytVeniOxtfl/ t/et.to; 'ertising in the Crlotc for t, now or sqc-
r( the ',day, otcv'o ce and hand stettnt fIt'o'•aegine and a),iii'-
• 'To�uxx, circa ti ,� t .Ir J� } l e, 1 l
tonanet s, •
• Picxxo.- Tllo annual picnic of the
Episcopal Sabbath School, of this phaco;
was.helcl on Thursday:last, in t11e woods:
of Kr. 3 insford.' The Juvenile'Baxnl
•was in attendance. A. pleasant time
was spent, .
• • Pt:UO L. -Ori T11ursd:iyr evening ' e
double tie drivenby tt lady' and the
horses, a very lively little span,. eine
ine iced tlitncing,and prancing, tr hen the
driVer pluckily arose from her seat, and
braciri; herself; -drew fhb team •aluidst,
i.poi its haunches. ` '•
' Tenet:I oN SElli:lers.•,--Th 1 induction•.
of Bev. Mr. Stewart;inte. the (horse of
the Presbytet•iau o]n rctli, of this .town„.
will take place du \'V'odnesclaj. next,
cornnicooing at 1'1 o'clock, a.m. In the'.
evening a social will ;be. held in the.
-church, when several reverend• gentle-
men will address the meeting. -
SrlrAx i$6' of-t?i"e Orange demonstra-
tion at ,Seaforth, 'the correspondent of
the Mitehell:iiecorde> snys :—°E' A brass
band from Clinton; 'composed entirely
of boys, gave :tis the anisic• of the. day..
They certainly 1pilltyocl With 'a precision,
taste; and regard for time; often not ac'
•quirecl by n7uch older hetsds. We'say
success to Clinton junior• band. `. •
NAnttow 1f.sG4,rE.-0n T'uosday; even. -
tug the youngest` son of Mr, j. J1odgins
Met with an accident, -which, 'although
av4ld lse kept opetz'tkaati1 7 o'clock,
every evening, during. srtrn2ner.
4uc d Visa tr.O..
*ON Friday, as a tease was corning
down Albert street, a bolt' gave. way,
causing the tongue to drop, midi l orses.
to start on a run, the team:turned tied oil.: to
.the•sidewalk,. aid the •tongue ran wider;
/math it about three feet; bringing them
to a" dead stop; without in ury,
1 a
Hui:LEr Bit,izrci> A;e13ioULTt;li:ii. So-
ciEmx --At ti meeting of 'this society,
held on Saturday•1ast;, Mr, John Join.
son, of Stanley, Was elected a rlireetor
.in plaoe.of Me,. W 'J. Biggin'S, resigned;
. and Mr. Thos. Moon, etH ,l1et, in place
of 1W'., W. Colwell, Constance; 1'osiglaccl.
lie fall show will take plebe sometime•
Septentbor;•,'tho exact date net yet
being decided -on ; and it is intended to
hbld'tlio exhibition of live stock on the
Driving Prrk,.und have the. display of
indoor goods held` in the town hall, if
the same can bo obtitifled.
RUNAWAY; •— on Monday afternoon
the team of Mt J61ii Daymeilt, ran
away while coming :up•the hill ori Al.
bort street, caused by,•tbe conning off of
ono of the ,traces,. allowiiig- tiro. tongue
to drop. After proceeding tl short:clis<
tance the:tongtie vas•snappnd'in.two,.
and the waggon swaying' froin, •side to
• side; induced John to jump) out: The
team fortunately cruet with.no obstrilc-
tion in their dash' thretigli town,' but
a tie post at I+isher's.'corner, separated
them from 'the waggon, .which had ro-.
eeivecl no further injery thee the break-.
fortunately unattended liy .any serious
eir•e:u-instariees, came very near remitting
in the child's death,. .'IIs was:playing
around the house, and °rite bottom .draw=
er,of a bureau liar*ina 'been drawn out;
in of the tongue and sbon''after the ho >iat down on. it,,�vlien~ the •woi'ght
lienees were stopped
i caked the bt•area•U,t0 oVer'tur» ori him.
PterisoN.4Ls.--1111•: Jno, Heelgnls and
-wife, of Clinton, accompanied, by
Detlor and Mrs, W. Stitt and daughter,
of Goderich, left yesterday morning ,for
. a trip down the St. Lawrence: Tliey in-
tend spending' e. conple,of weeks at,Ca-
couna and other watering' places.in, that.
Vicinity •Bee Mr; Grcea. end•wife; a
Bible Christiain Minister who `was. sta-
tioned here about fifteen years ago, but
is now superannuated„: !las taken upi.bis
residence in.,town., .,..Tho wife Qf 141;r.
Thos. Johns. of Stt'ittfoi•d,.is visiting'lrol
friends here....,.Mr. P. Steep,:who went
to- British, Columbia :a short time Sago,
_ - .returned to town .On Satiirday, ;•lie does
not give a •very flattering 'account o:f the
in•ospects• 111 t1 t deuutfy. -
A. SALT Teri tt%fi:ri; 'alTi. Jolilr.
Bamford has left with us sixteen heads
of Golden Drop wheat, :,which, •were
grown ori land after the following treat-.:
inent : Summer 'followed ; matured.
I Singular to say, not the eligbtest•injury
resulted. bo th; child or bureau,.
:' • May Extaixe..=We arelad. to notice.
that 1!rr. James Fair is puttingin' his
ill.a, seventy barge Corliss steam: engine,
with twp large boilers, made by; Messrs
(oldie and It sOnllough; of,Galt., These
engines'are considered the hest in the
'world, as .they give the gr'eatestamount
of porter' fore. the tleast constuuption,of
f1tel.gf any . ,engin(. :their 'rep tatioi)
tm.§ etude Wortkl=wide: by : the :splendid
and •in anunotlt one. .it•' the C,entellnial
('kntton.• Tile" steam is econouiisecl
by ,ometio cnt-ofl'+s, at certein Pointe
when•en'terilrn the oylitldor.'The work'
of • Patting in is expected to' occulty
about five we ks. Ono tbant' of.hoise,[i,
belonging to Mr. Fair, drew the:fradie.
' of. the engine nihil cylinder; which "*oir its.
five tons, 15' e1vt., froin the ;station to
his. mill. • • ."
Cxtors,•w-- from `hili sections. We hear
with nine loads of ashes find' one anal' a great rejoicings overtlte•abundent clops
half tons of salt to the acre A portion tlhat are being gathered,. seMcoly .any
of this ]and, twelve feat square,' was -
then coveredwith'salt a foot .(seep and
allowed'to remain .a short time before.
re plowing. Tho.tvllole We,s then plow-
ed and sowed. At the time of reaping
he gathered eight, of .the best Leads frons
that portion extra salted, Mid'eight :of
the.other, each of which • weighed is
follws : • 'The former, ,360 -;rains, the
latter, '270 grains, • n)aking •n. diflerenee
of 90 grains, or just ono quart.er.. It is
possible this difference *as made by the
freedom of weeds in that portion so
abundantly salted,. its 14ti: Bamford
found, by.'oxperinlotlt;• that salt ki'llocl
thistles buil not grass, As salt is now.,exceedingly cheap, would it• not be well
for our famine! to try experiments with,
BEIM' Lo Aes,—A very heavy rain ori
Saturday night cooled the atnlospliero
and inflicted. no injttt'y 1 on crops. Soule
substantial °' gravel has been placed on
Victoria, street. The repairers
ing machines no+v find plenty 'tri do,
uttering ,r' word contradictory, of this
idea°, The 'appearance of: most all the
•:reps was.good till a Week or so'. ago:;
in f et -the' fall wheat -promised..a.very
large crop, bat tyo' fear the yield will
not:be up to expectations: . Many fields
have.been affected ' by the rtrst,aiii,'con
sequently, the grain is•'shrunken.'
good• deal was also 'beaten down by'the
storms, and this portion' Will bo nisch
shrunken. 'The spring wheat will not
be :an average -crop, as both the wevil En
and tli.e fry are in it, and the excessive''
hot, weather has brought it on too fast.
7'l e hay,-.. oats, barley' 'and peas will
be good crops; ;end 'the toot crops' tr
likely"tc> be fair,'•if it 'floe'snot eotee too'"
dry. •
r y. .".a,r ,. • . -.. .._ -, ,iy'.yfa''Y147tl/ACLfFIGi/iY:)GRAYfLgFEtNo
.xj1 AP.17,,; .1 �11;A'rCSi, ,ti'l'QR7; ' ;Mir 4.lf2 8/.:',,1/EXTti. 1
_. The aminal ra4i e. match under the
s .ct the klurotx 1''artnors and
Mechanics' •Association tool: place on.
Tuesday hist, on the farm of Mr. Wood-
ly,„a• short (lista ncesoutli of 13ruoofield,
The field was a fine and level 0110, and
the grain stood well up, offering every
opportinity to (lo good, work,. It Wafti.
intended to got a roughor fielk so that
the reaping, qualities of • the machines:
sh'oul(1 be more thoroughly tested, but
the proprietor of the one that was first
aerie,. *mild not lot leis grain remain
till°the' clay of tho match, The :reaping.
was well .done by mostall the Machines,,
and the only difference was in the ,way
in whish the sheaf was loft. • 'The 'nutn-
ber. 'of spectators cti the ground was
good, but not as largo as usual; likely
owing to-tbe urgency of -harvest opera=
tions at Fonts. • • •
The following •is the different points
made by the various'macllines, and the
prizes; together witli the \work of. the
Combined. Machines at the mowing
intitch t. '
TRU*" A101)12031*
-lain;a jtittialtt
to tri
5 ', m o
w !n` c• l li•• l ccnness of cut,
o'' o.o �• 'f= • ; • ri ace..•
A •
W11tt11,of ettt.
ren c:' Q. , N Lbs. DiaeglIt.
Points 7)riught:
W V - t o •Zvenlressof cut.
�;..::: 8 - a ' •Uoliver o@ai1en,!
;,. F4.• 3" .5, ..•'. width of crit. , .
• t -, rofilk oa .Draft:
zi .*4 Total
I Priro.
. .
:lIAsosie :(1A'r1xeaceti.•••--Tlio Free
Masons of Huron District, held a lodge
of instruction, in this place;' on Monday
and Tuesday, the 2nd and 23rd inst., •
which was presided of er;by the M. W.
the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge
of Canada, W. II. \Vesper', Esq., Matter
~• M
• se e
. ..* .. _ , o Dvechess of cat.
(;rrasshe) >ets•-�,ncl hies intoes�trre< itotw -in Uhnueo .-Cobotti r and•-S.w .- • �. _._.. � .� . �. _�
1 I cl ry, b, (#. Goopei,
added to the summer! pest. The pre- i Esq., D. D. G. M. of ITtiron District. d . a' If. Co'intelenee.
serving season has commenced, • A I The followinglodges were represented;
cherry tree in' the garden of . Mr.- Goderiah Lodge, No. 33, Godorich
Clinton- _ DerabilPt ,
Refines, that has -,al early genic -fruit Clinton • No— �3 f`kintcnt'y b ,
this year, has blossoined ngain. The
brick buildings bleserate e art 4lftF.
dlecombo, and .those•:of Mrs. Carson, are
being pushed only ud; j when completed.
will, the latter •especially, contribute
meet, to the itnprovenleut•'of the part of
the town they are built 'in, -Flax pull-
ing commenced on, Monday ; the crop.'is
one of tine best ever harvested; and we
aro pleased • to say . the market for this
productin the 'United States is.looking
up. • Owing to tbo,ltotit last week many
persons had to give tip. out-door`trmploy-
tnent. Nearly one Hundred kegs ofbut-
ter were shipped per .G.T,R.,onMorday.
Splendid weather for harvesting:. •While
playing around some lmnber'at' McCart-
ney Eft Thomson's, a little daughter of
Mr. W. Webb, accidentally reeeived a
severe cut on the head, • ilir. Scott
Itobinsore of Seaforth, purchased nearly
200 tubs of button in town this. week;
at prices rari to .. roin to 11 cents per
poirriel,.- ,Ke'ei cool l' writes at friend,
- • Circumstances o,vor which„we -have no
control prevent its from attC+p'tnlg the
advice. Geo. Gillen was, on' Saturday,
fined $1 and costs, by the Mayor, for
being drunk anti disorderly, and on
Tuesday J. Lockwood was fined the
n � ,
Liglht, No. 03, TCineardit o;]4Maitland;
No. 112; Goderich ' ; Lebanon Forest,
No, 133, 'Exeter ; Friendly Brother's,
No: 143, Iroquois ; Tecumseh, No, 141,
Strafford; forest, No.,1 l2, Wroxeter;
L'rittania, No. 170, Seaforth; Sturgeon,
No. 197, Walkerton;.Zurich, No,22.1,
Zurich; St. 'Johns, . hFc>'. 281, Brussels ;
Wingharn, No 280, Winghitnt; 1;lytli,
No. 303, Blyth ;. Morning, Star, No.
30), Smith's hill.' Tho Lodge 'was
opened et noon, by D. D. G. M. Cooper,
and adjourned to 2. ' P, M,, when the
lst degree was exemplified by It, W.,
Bro. Mal1oWh, and ori fore-
noon, the 3rd degree was exemplified
by W. Bro.Small, of Kincardine, and.
NV, Tiro: Robinson, of (liderieb, and. in'
tlio afternoon the 211d degree was exem-
plified by W. Bro. Robinson, Goderich,
On Monday evening, the G t incl. ()More,
the M. W. Gratin' Master, W. VT,' ''Wel-
ler, Itr W. Bro. 3. G. Gower, T').1').: 0,
M: and It. W.13ro. J. P. Waugh, 0.
S. `ti arc en and Ex -Greed oftiCers, R.
W., Ilea. 3.11.. Benson, and 11. W. I3ro.
D. M. Malloch, `were entertained at' a
most excellent supper, at the Cornwter-
tial Rotel, which was served in a roost
superior manner. A11 separated et' an
cnrly"hour with the utmost pod feeling.
„ . v o Dollvcryot.sheaf
0 yz 11 m , Lbs, draught.
eN 0, Voints on Draft,.
k u ' u . Total. - n
a " Prize,
S• 4
Judges—Messrs. John McMillan, of
.lttillett; Jas: 11[aliafl'y, Port Albert;
3,.1Iollingshead, 1
The grasshopp s made his appear-
' T
truce in Califori iafthe Sierra Val-
ley 'they are reported as " destroying
alt the"standing grain," and " when they.
rise in the air they darken the sunlight,
and in a few Minutes after .they ttliglrt
err a field nothing is left except unsight.
ry+ st:Lllrs�:... Tho_.dafr hien are so lisoonr'
aged that many atte giving tip the-busi-
he busi-
ness."• The grasshoppers have occasion-
ed no trouble in the Northwest, nor in
the Mississippi 'Valley this season r pos-
sibly the recollection of the vigorous.
cradle against them on their, last visit'
there, is restraining t4 vopo`atiort of their
Tie Breeellolcl .club paid Goderielt a
visit .l1tat Saturday, and defeated the
chili by nine wicket; Goderiola going to
the bat, scorwl 21 in the first innings
and 20 in the second ; I3rueofcld 30,
And 17 for the loss oe'otie wicket..
11A512 BLL.
A baso ball match will take place to
day, at Goderich, between the Athletes,
of that " place, ".and the Dauntless, of
Clinton, • A good game piny be.expept-
ed, as' both clubs are even17 matched,,
The team .leave on • the excursion- -train
at 10' o'clock, • •
A. match took place at Wingharn, last
week,. between the . mst:chants, of that
place, end the Seaforth, merchants, re -
pelting in,a_viatory for Wingltiuii by
18 to 36, ; '' . a.
The Dauntless base ball • club'intend.
ehallonging. the Mutuals,' of London, for.
a•game, on the 12th of August, for the.
silver cup and •jn'niot' ellainpionship of
1.4, •'Phos, Simpson and wife, of Stan-
ley, arrived snfo in Ireland two weeks
since. _ ..
Mr, Konip, of Stephen, recontly' per-
chcisod 160 acres of a :Mr. Berger,. for
$1,200. ,
A child belonging to Mie. Panabalcer,
miller, Ethel;had one of it arms severely
scalded, by upsetting the teapot. •
In every section we hoar of cantle
dying from eating potato tops on which
Pbiarisngreen :had been • sprinkled>to kill
'R. W. Walters .of- Colborne pulled
Some heads of timothy on his farm, some
Of 'the heads Of : Which. measured : OL
inches long. ,
John Pratt, hotel . keeper, Stephen,,
was Teat week lined •$20• and sista, for
selling •'signer on Dominion, Day with-'
of ,t a license. • r..
'Are...Robert .Forsyth, of Wroxeter,
.shipped 9,0.00 pouudsof .wool last week.
It was exported. 'direct to tire 'United
States from tllatt place:•
+A t' .Goderich, 'Judge Squier inflicted a
fine of $3t5on' a witness 'with iied''ailed
to appear 'on e subposii', and for.'Whorn
ea warrant was consequently.istht tl:••
Five Acres on the farm of 11,r. •John •.. r,
Ilarri; � con. 16, Grey, were logged by •,
1llessrs.''P, Smith,: i% •Scott,; J. Duncan,
and J; Itis lsirthu , in ,a day and a halt.
•At ,E'ceter;:'4Lr: pine (Gillespie's team
hauled a very 1teevy load of butter to
tlio station Tho load ryas 02 tubs of
',Otter, weigbii g ell an average„ 71, 1bS,
AIX D$78'
THOS trAcjcscusi,
OI.1OT J- 1LaILA.r
ES'1'4.BLI8]3ED 1854, 1
la M 1V1 1\T
In: the above line' of ` Goods , we are showing one
:of the largest and finest stocks. west' 'of Toronto,
`and from now till, the lst of. geptember, 'will,, cut;
the ; ,rices, lower than ;e"•cie1' :soldbefore in - Town,.
11'lr..I?tike, of Exeter, carried twenty-:
one pine boards ;on 'his shoulder Lor
.about 250 yards. Tlio beards were
dressed piYte, nieitssuring 125 feet; What
is tire, use of dray, horses'? •.
. (qtr Ihnrsday eveuing quitett number
of the • citizens ••of Blyth gathered to do
honor to Mie. Alex. Taylor Upon_ the
occasion 'of. his leaving Btyth, to •travel
far. ci:..wholesale ,clothing store in •,14T,git=
Mr. A. 13elfry,:of'Myth, is 'claiming
compensation from the village council"
for damage, done to .goods in his cella'.
by being flooded from the street. .,The
question- was brought up last meetiugof
council, -'but Was' laid over 'f r eonsidern-
tion ab next meeting: •
Mr, A. Munro -of thin town brought
to•our office the limb of an e:frly harvest,
nipple tree, on which wereapples nearly
nrtured,and'also blossoms on 'which
fruit was evidently forming. ' '42r.•irZsitt;
ro says there fAossonrii ori :othrr perjs
of rho tt c e :also- Si;/;t<4l. •
.Mr. Thirteen Avery, who has been in
failing•healtll'for some years. past, about
three Weeks ago befits r°,uddelily zvorso'
and died on Thursday • morning.. Mr.
Avory was' ono of the first, settlers in
the township of •Croy, • and was Well
ktivtvn airil higifly':respected-. ,— _.
A few evenings ago a baby wrapped,
in to shawl was left at the door of -the
residence of Mr. E,, Nichol, met chttttt
of Winghtun. (totistablo A.iosley wits
sent for, who pined" the child in caro of
John Cute'ie,, wltero' it still remains-,
No cluehas yet been obtained as to who-
its mother isi:.11ut it is supposed the child
was brought front-Brucefelcl, : • •
Mr. Sinclair 'Tait, of Exeter; has in
his posseasioii a'very ,ad'l>ioeo of work-
niaiisliip), in thoahape of a small brown
born goblet, made in the year 10L It
was first::usod by his groat -grandmother
in that year, on the oee1Sloli of her -wed-
ding. The same lady was, at the age of
103 year's, burnt at the stake with
rainy others, because alio would: not
give up her Bible and friss the anlage at
the Virgiin Mary;
The following officers were* installed
into their respective offices, ter the cur -
'rent term, in We,itern Star Lodge, No.
146,' I. 0, 0, P., Brussels, on Jtrly> dth.,
J. t'; Wilsotr; N.G.; T. Fletcher, 'p'.(1.;
A. Darman, E, S.; P. Scott, P. S.; T.
ai, 4 Ott Lirivsiii;'11, RUT-NV
Leadbeater, L,S.N.G.; W. I1artry, W.;
0, 'Wittgou, C.; A. Scotty Il. S...S.;' I1:.
Boatnislt f,. S. S.;' 3. Iip )ett, 0.-0.;
Skean, I.( ,,; r1'.1L,Smith; It
Leadbeater; L.S.V:G.; T. Macaulay, 'C.;
W. Graham, P.; 1. S. Seott, represent-
ittive to the Grand Lodge..
Pipe . Worsted Sant apt
*eta Tweed
Canadian Tw ei . Suits,', a
,Ngine Serge.
• 1.....;.
01.INT9N, ,inly"5,1878, ;
,.?:;A.orct aoiv
cam! ,, .
.T U'i'T TL Jr.0 E• V Ex) .A.T
They Are soiling out flip Lno tti�dadem less than. -cost
Tose In
-want of cheap }slants will do well to call anti see theie stook,.,
HAVXi1( 1't71OHASP1) ONE 01
1 hop sari supply those favoringsham {1%tli their attaturnfi h its MI kinds et tem drAnec drinks
10 ` M . � RE A---
��,�ATt,. !h �C
They! !cave jest gat through HIouse interring, arid have fitted up 100 (lroasi parlors, where
all snit he accommodated.•
I(7P t*l11:r4 Y'I DELlVE1tl D. TO ,AN'g 'L'ltJt riOWN.
JUST 1132.(9.IVE
Also, TIi14T 01A)iDa nr. m1111.07 ALL MN -111..i0BASONi.
• 'FINE ' f i$Att'1 ANO }2T;TAtL.
13Y t Ac�Itl�c�l; ole. B�rrl�. 1 l:irst. Orc�•.xlts, Nv"ii0111.5�
.: (3VF'R=(i T1�:SII[ 1 U LD1°fi"pL+*12tF ; i'it US 01 . -.
PIP1')S, WVHI0F1 TtlEY Asti; SELLING A'1' C'0S1', .t',,.5.•_
RA:member that anything got from their steeeeti be returned, if net as represented.
Olintoir, May, 1878.
• ,, ,GB,ASSICK & CtfNl`IilYt'li'l1AMR.:,,.