HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-25, Page 4• 4 • aseasoeseeesee NEW ADVE1li1SEKENTS. 4 TUE CLINTON' NEW ERA: net.5re. tiie folly of punishing the Feeneli consumer by. petiventing•htm ft•out bary-' ing wheat wants. where it, ia..to 1)0 found best -and cheapest, beCause- Some' other nnttonisso blind as to set the' ex- maide: T1Lyhopoto convinee that na- tion of it inisteke..by' reinsitig to deal with it, quite putting out of sight the danger-44ot if reprisals nre once begrin each party- may he led very much far-. titer those it originally intended to go.." Summer, ---T: .Jackson: • S0eial,-0, Nevirjess_Mes, ,AT Taylor, Debentures, --1V, O. Searle. Good Goode. -0.• GUroY. Stanley Voters':tistsset W. Ploultett. Hullott \roters' L4st.s7j. Braithwaite Planing Mill.--51'eeartney, Thomp- son 41,. Scott, oaelos a tastiest; Nuiv EnA May 1.0.u1d, flz. tile n001: , StoN of Tam wiz J, A. lielleg• \ Albert Street, Price 5 °onto pOr oopy, (51vatot tw OFFICIAL P.'APEEt Or THuitsDAY, ;MIX 25, . • - otNirnE ittiKoN. The followl4iiiiragraph we copy from last week's Mitchell Advocate., and 'give Mir cotemporary etedit for ft nkness, .which •.its a virtue Very r 1 in Conservative jotirnals, at the game time •exptessing AM hope thatin • other matters as well, it:will not allow party prejudie1 to got the better of its •--' • j udgment. -artful° 'speaksfor itself followit.:-- . " We understand that kn. •nttemPt is being Made to get Mr, D. D. Campbell, .ex -Mayor 'of IsistoWel,. tlas ageept the ConseryatiOe nonfination. for Centre Huron in the House of Commons. s, While admitthig Mr. ,Cron p bell's fitness i'or 'the position, wn aft:mild sorry to see him accept -the • Aiop. • Thelkiding is ono of the •meat. pronounced Grit. strongholds Province, and Mr. CampbelllS too good a man to. be sacrificed by. being Put up as ft target in that or. any. ether putsttle constituency. Popnlarthough lie thinly is, if a local man apuld not carry the Conservative .banner to victory in Centre Huron, . Campbell . :or no other imported •candidate • 0011 lq: • Nito are not 'those who favor oppesition alaerely for oppositiOns there ts.iontb ehance-of sticcess, we pre- fer t� see Ridings let go by.default" • • • A roweozi,tait, ALmANAV. • we u hi • lin WINO. • Iii. tanother eoituun will be found On :At:aide, under the tibove option, from the Ligation Poe Press, which we espe- oially 'commend to the "notice ef Conservative renderS, .as that •paper claims to bon leading organ of that pat, tyrand in that Article it hilly setA forth HOMO of the ovils.that tow frOm pretee• than llie system is else Of Selfishness, ptincipie that win, sooner or later,: cause demoralizatioe in oymythiteg comes.•in.'ooetoop. witb. If ‘‘'.0 •youid escape atis .thdotbbrQvils. that, a .fttpresent attlitaing the Mated States, wo. mast• avoisl „mond:tang the teede follies Ott they itiwo"„: •Ati odvocate of froo trade; or revaine taviffrurces on .eyery Oneinterested a:thorough investi• • Surinam,. Mioiatorial papere have late - 1Y published the Ilansued revert �f the last daysprocoodings in parliament, • in witiela as outs readers will yeinember, some Conservative metaberS figueed very prominently. Tho .iveit, evidently con- sidering that•the official 'report is • Am - aging to that party, ondeavora to tone down the report by insieuatitig, that the re:porters, were tit n pared with, and alulbst anserts, that Mr. IN:feckenzie was, guilty o gaaa i es: it. Title IS 01 ill age , Mr, Maekenzie is not e man ,trti commit Koh a foolish act that would soo.n be. :fiseovs mod, The 4fairs imeasineas is matey ovidepo thot the report ia.too tette, than otherwise. , T &RIFF NOTES. -gotten of, thb'subjeets,' knowipg. full :well . :The Ohieago Tones .attributes the ins- . that the more it is understood the mere tress einung the Meting classesin the seelS: 1.,Tuited States to the fake poliey of Pres result teetioti ..'tlott :prevails altere., It says : tapts Our goods when inacle -cost : more. clearly will it be • seen that any tibia frees and principle -Will only disastrotisly to the coutitt.y that att to 'do it. EDITORIALNOTES. • Tim .4;aeoe, the Conservatiase caetoon • iThe. Coimervative member for North Grey in the. Local LegialatUre,.. . Ceeighton, who is also publisher. of the' : Owen Soend Times, hes tssued 'what he terms, " the. Peoples nattiest:MP which. contains, according to. his, allegatiob, "facts forttheelectiOns,".. As said facts consist ot the oft -repeated :Old- much-. • • . • paper, la dead,' 1 -Lard times and no field •vork in, killed it. Tun EXotet. 'Times says .";there's a manat Centralia who can mow and bind ten acres sifiety in aslay." Our eotem's knowledge ef fartnipg is limited. Bind hay" is good:. • . ' • *ere :eonsylvaniostbere are over 200 it•on,• furnaces, and out of this' inimber 140.6f them are standing idle, the work - bong meni.all discharged. Yet protec- tionists: says that the: States ai¼ priis- pering; . '11.nroiers fi•ote,Wellend eounty,. with renitence , to . the. canctidatrive of Minting, of -the' J./air, menet of -the moSt enCouraging character, and the probabilities:. are that. • lie . will he the " rejected of Welland," . r. • . •• • than anyone will pay foe theua ; there - foto, labor is • not employed het:liaise hi- ber cannot .prOduce es • much .as it de mands for consumption thereferd, :ca- pitel is unemployed, labor is unemploy- ed, poverty ' and - destitution among the non-iierioulteral laborers take the piece of di; oomfort, contentment, plenty, peace, and • prospeaty Which 1111• the homes .and bless the 'noes of the agricul- tural claea, who toil ell the hours thy can; And sell their. products 'for the best prico. the *mid wiLlgivof�r them." ' AT Grimsby .$2,50 is behig offend Or Men to work in. theharypat fieldand in the neighbinhood of 'Chatharns•froan $3 to Ssa.,50. This is oh:ant:as high as'. waves have evencot, for unakilled labor arid alfoold induco many' to: leave the towns and villages; for the harvest sea- . son, at least. garbled charges against t istry, the publisheris opOerently afraid, the intelligent *plaint° Whose hands the book maY kali, Will net believe'his •statements, andhe therefore backs them up by •Offei4ii01.00 -"te anyehe who could disprove the •stibstantial CorreetnesS of any statement .them. By, doing this he. doubtless thought. Ito could bluff ants, one wishing to enter into, disCossien with him, but he was mistaken, as he finds himself promptly. eonfrouted Via challenge from Mr IL J, Doyle, Presi- gent of the North theY Reform •-A06- elation, who writes to him a follewe "I hog to notify you that I accept yotir challenge,- and that the Secretary of the Reforte AsSeciation of €h'eywili wait upon you with bond for you, to • execute, binding you -to pity to me $100 for every separate- statement in your air' 'tn. be false :bk. • Ino. have no hesitation in stating to you that • • TIIE ROV151.011 f.the Voters' LiSts iri di &tent 'deeps clearly shoiva that, a con- siderable amount of St ,eooking" has been carried on by Conservatives for some time. 'In London, the Court gave the Reformers over facy-votes ;' in Monek, like number, and ether Counties "pamied out" siinilariv •NOW the omissions, which. needed: correction could never -have been : uniatentional, and, the infereime is that it was thought they would not be' missed. To keep even with the Conservatives, our Beform fliends require to "keep Alias weother The effeet "Itre'tectiOn" .tias on ' the farmers Qf tlie 'Milted States mayhe gathered from the fact thotwheat' sells in: Irene -IA at 75e' per bushel. While the:faireer pays "...promoted priceasfop his implements, :elothiog tind.housebold furnishings, he cannot etaplinand O high- er pace for the' produce:of his,farea'then the. tilling' figure int Etnype, 100 the goat eflasinsportation, wili nllow.' Title sitat pie feet should be sufficient to show Qa- nadian 'faisiiers the folly • of. expecting that the:pace ef theie surplos .preduots would be raised by a vraieotiyo policy. • ,. ..• : Appeals te personal cupidity are the Owing. earda in the Conservative hand but they ° nlY require • te. be' "Met With application of common sense in order expose -their fallacy, • When. at Paeltbil the:other day, Sir John Mutedenald mid Look at ale way the Yankeei.tax•yee harley •; why. ShoUldn't wo put adnty.o fifteen Conte a bushel upon:their belie contieg into Canasta „A'..,sbr,ewa to* :farmer the, audience shouted' oirt "Weald that 'raise the 'pace of•our bat loy fifteen cents a 1)l181191 Sir John knowing Well'amt the 'young farmer' dtrect thrust hid pricked the berle bubble poiephitely; changed' the subjed suit effeeted not to hear the :Question'. • .-The Chieatte rei,Putte, referving"to th extraordinary increase in failures in•th United States, -Betio : The depression tnor0 severely felt in protected" :cent • • - • A (1.111.0WII`Tr.1111L., The A:merit:art lamroni, better kotawn as. tramps, seem beim „increasing, both in numbers and audacity, One is hardly serprised that in the west they - should have . passed from: the Stage • of a common nuistinco which has become . - notorious, • to that or ll 1101i.ti051 SOChtl. faCtiOri '' hilt that a '.perty of armed reams,. -bandect gether in deli:mai of the lows, for pat: - poses of phindee :nal outrage,. shOuld be able to raise their heatta for a Moment in a Now.England State, spelt as .,•Mas- saelmsetts, wcaild bo a Sore test of creds ulity, wets, .the fact. not . well , authen- ticated So great has the evil :become, 'even .thore that e mob ofsarmed . ben- dits Was enabled on. Satnrdar. last . to seize a railway train loaded with ex- • curaionists, to stop it and set it going, while robbing' and :infra:ging tho pas- sengers . at will. Dict • sucha thing happen ' in' 'Canada, one ean imagines the. eepsations it, *mild, • produce, and tile speedy -rettiliutien that would fol- low. :Stich 0.feeling would be arotteed, *such a for exerted on the side of law and Orders. 115 would qiiiekly bring the .cdt.throats to submission, or send them totheir long' account, -We ,have seen. of • late one or . two . outcroppings': in. that WtY to the. p011tICal intrigue of the .this.countey of the spirit:abroad 'in the Ilnited, States. ' Small parties,: :well- . armed And “desperate, haVe attempted be. the Greed Tianils tit' Co bours• sand elsewhere, Im t.. met . with a reeeplon that -must have taught_ them that in Canada-:this'part of it rt 'leaat. --liberty is. 9f the law, and ...rist of brute feters • Batt- it 'is very- different among our, neighbors. • ' Having for their an :Ate th -tea werlii• awes tliont :o living; these: abandoned, ,beings sw000 down like locusts. titian defenceleas• COM - munitiei, and terrerize the citiens iuto coMplianOe.with their dein:Inds 'for.foocl,. and ifepportnnity offers, they do not hesitate to reb. • Thett:lettnge: about in shady ,plitces aromul faints: er fowns.• They flock • Mi. freight t'rains,.. take .poS2 ,TIT IX 25, '187 8. 00RRE1SP0N0E140/1, NATIONS,, Wo.wich, iati be distinctly understood that wo do not ' :told .oureolros O0OpOOSUAO fOr the oplulone ex. Pressed by -011r ”rrospondonts.• • E.ME PA .1?TIZ the.,F4ditor,of thee/Intel& Neu? Era. - But :.-Atyliehl le situated: nines -miles stauth•west .tif Clinton, and iS.one of the: most healthy - villagee ,the Dominion; but Unfortunately,. •son-to.of its citizens' is bigoted in: tho extreme, - ltnown fact that the two great parties,: Refinao and Conservative are' --sown.' broadcast throttishoet the whole Dominion ..and the bne .48 well As the other has a rigla't, if:there, is a right in itsteeivitity istul justiceat bands of -the other., Why 'should p.'.• - former or 'Conservative, under any conal:•' tieratiou, allow eir political • Woolliest to enter the deliberetion, of: Menicipal mat - lets, any in tancipality ? The thipg laa naffed fareet and the- eoonevr, polities is buried ie ttwe desire peace •harinen-y. the • and Jotter. Let each. Of •tho'se parties follow the divineinjeireltion, esteem others more than themselveit iind 11'- 1410o-1 maim , tts"pos. °slily, as it shouldswill the out, -It should be, the great and .only of every etery municipal mon to select tl best man it a ic very .1 munielyality to. be their. assessor, The assesaor is sworn to de his Auty, which duty is to value eVery person in that Municipality at What that property Could basold for if the party was in 1 All owners 1 so vent, ant -occupants only are to he, put o The folloWitig are 'the 1 ominations in ' the different '' constituent:40a f'or the ' This •list ahould be cot teat for inter& reference :- ' oosarserviozos. ittraeas Atoll. Ent:erne, Aitaington ,,,,, , • .... ,,,,,,,,, "7,...,4 McIterY, . lf ouse of Com totn,t,s,, :: . ,fiAlitorit,•.:4124.851.00,141,111:01teo., A.Igoma, ..... , , .........:.. ...... a. H. Campbell. AA utligoelnliel ...., ...Ilex., ...110n..D. 3fil le., .,...T, .1II awl$8**. , Brant (N. 310.... G. aeon -gee. . 45verota. • I3rant (8. 110 . , ..'1V, Paterson... ... A. Watts.•, - 31raeltville , ...Col. linen... , , 4,AV, Pitssinnuons„ llitor);::::04::::;...11:ii..,........AJI,t,e(3:::.110,4ihlia.csio.. 0,:le:i..,..:.,. ,.:.:1:11:..tFn...01.01.0.:,8t.op.r:.,::,.. Drneu (8.S.)... • , .11in., IO. Blake. ...A. S(aw-. ,... I), R. 14faeLounini..Dr. 13Argle, Sumborland T. M. Dulles". ...rron.Dr. Tupper. IMIAX... ..... Smith.........%; ..X. 0. Wadb. Dmulas,.....,.."...-1fon It Llilanpue,.;1'. S. Boss, Durham:RI-1W. , Lowis Roes , , . ,..,Col. Williams, ' Y. G. Burk, Illugrlbuft(13111:CSIVC)I.1?0. MeDungail....., .T.Arkoll, luin (W. R.). :, .,Otte0Y.., ... • :....1W.G. Mitnru, ' 1 Essex W. Metlrerm ' (2(171 ri ()id:Intl rem tier tiair ..., : ,i. ,. .. ,,..:,' . ..,,,, 1.1Ni a; toxil ;11.1.c 11..:1i.n: : '....1:...,t11.,...:ii)nt.:1:1111tblitritt:s.:It.ell' l' 'e I c. .t4,,t;eonit itS'..IC)31?P, WiF5fOrii.11 :::::::: 'nun' ' Grey'(N, It.)....,;.,Sanders„..„ . , ,.. -5, 0,'Lltue, , (hey (8. It.), .. , •Landerkin ..' ..... GOo ;aekoon, 4; . " ,, ,. . ..-n., 5, Sproule. Guly(tehgn ri10.1412., ,I...sMvoIsi.otes::. ..;.(;,.t.ii..„:.1;): ;.&,,: , ITirtIttaulariot118:.wil. . :0 ,' ...;1..1,31v1.:::'::..........................;:m"(1''''n.. ui$1,.:11':ift (:11e....upii''i.::,,..311(-7.813!11.g3i:A:OlZ II i:1‘1,11. :: ', : '.. r.: Tlit::°. -firl)111:1:1(21.e . iramuto.. , ..... , Ii.yrilii.121,r, Yon os, ...Ilitelide. Iptli r on (g. it.)....T '' - -eta r4.' . ; .11'P. 17:: li obr1.1'd a . ron , a. _ .• , ., .., ,..., .., orroiv • I,w0OOLg.1:`)';;:Ti, IiOrtn7::' ... .. • inontrii.q If the rwtlitahmt,lios tcque,, .. , .. ...... linalaide to tthe thitY) liini )e %out roavinsdioltrit,n a' .thiay.a.etcaocii.litt 1 e • ap peumit,4 com )1 550 :spi.:11,E411owoned:ion;bb by -their nath• by adjusting isi ould jostice in t 011 ao of. $400 milt, let ormer .or Conservatf May, in tl • ve, Last this village, there_were,a numbe • of appeals made by tr Dr. lIon R Oartw ,' .ht v .6 t. Ilte otavy;:is-icIponttial par', Im20.1,701,1:0,',,'''';':;:,':;t3Ismfase: NW7 11. ,i- en' 1'1' 6.: .: .... . r.: r.•111 IY. ...0Colu::::::°.: tiers ittoti the Cbourt. y hook Or b '. • k ' - n s ie Con ll'am.° ''' ' ) • Monts , ...ca• -1,7, telAss. • TITZ3I.e0darl;.imilAk * \ 'ere too gritty te give wanyt slxs,"airRol:SorK4i.,;,;.i, Iwo ' nag° 0„„)...2„).•••• . ves, y . moo , went heued to. outsgeneral the Reformers b latter T.,o.nork 11:4 • ",1). nenlbratth 91121,'7' A. Mfteakenr anmieson. ,, P. • •••• • 'Taggart- Looaa (s. . „ FredenbUrgn.* I,ennox . Carling, • . lass McMillan. -uldieser (N, 11,),Sratehard Conghlin, Middlesex (W11)..G. Itegg..' ig tries than in them that followsfree trade principles. Under the, freo trade sys- tem, whichspermitil everything to find its .own level; what deal harm o ,soine does good to. others ; while under a sys- tem of in•ote,ction every :article that CAM eye open," ana °Von then they ceunot, be introduced erem abro,td is be..4.4:11 Y; ut ee t,y to. .of gh • taxed and living is perpetually cost I3 d° it. ___•,' ..._- , Hard tiines ate doubly hard: ,inider silo Snt joint Macdonald'e sPoothos on conditions. . It is because this is to the natioinai policy, Sfii,f3 Belford's Maga. palpable in a time of distress for an „ zins f,01! August, supply all that is want_ one to 'void seeing it who will not sh his eyes, that. a Serioue attetept has cd• to prove • that lie either does not last been made, althottgli net with it Conservativea, an.d the battle went on to the Court of Revision, and as might be expected,. Unfortunately so, that Court, One,alibut Was composed of rook Con- servativos,dyed•in the Wool When: the. oases were called am .ConServatiVet tappet - lout against:the Reformers carried in a hloelt :haus bolus, all his -appeals. The appellant on the Reform side cemmisSion- ed. the ..TewT•to attend to the complaints made by him, but two if:minters of that 0:Mit requested the Jew to it down or go 'out, as if they were:S:4)1mm or the Pope •Of R. omesitnd steamed their feet with ru- dignation,against the :Jew. And indeed the .Seav 'might as Well obey the nian-: date from those sweat personages for the cOmplaints Were left as they were, and the result is that the. complaint had to..be carried before tho goitnty Judge. It ap- pears to me that the •Goyernment will have a take the matter hi hand and have session ,of the' locomptive and • dictilte it rgo'llied,.by-havili4 Government OseS- sera, to put a step to the•wholdsale &AS - to the engineer how and Whei•e he shall • ,„sruptiensln mumeittalities, , i Shnepinpet- go, and, when he an .stotrt, o ent and iticapable ,the omit - 11•5011•11.7 ordOl' 1101....1)0fort) otaerio4 o cilasometimes employ in the -office Of as. town, Several' of the railroads ate be-' seSsor. The great and unpleasant Work ojneidg 'to resist the eperoaciiiiients of thrOwtoupen the-Su:lees, through these; tiebe vagaboods, but to do so effeetti-. oftpoOls', to saY thdloost, 10 •N'OrY onotoo,. ally. Will; require* an immense force but we cannot, submit, ea ne cede malls; Mow?: their • lines. .The Chicago anci ()ye will not xield finised. to ehvils.): :When the . , Ceprt of Reviston their extraet-• Rook Island Railwes• . • genetallY dmary labors, and passed the rolls in a .adOpted tbe pOfiey of eertying themA sebsequent meetiog, one of the•councillora few.daya age, they notified the tiuthori- in a fumbling manner, full of apieen tiesi of a certain. town in render Assist- against the Reformers,..got Op motion to mice in capturing a the effect that tlie rail is Most perfect, .and g, ptti e Sudge befy ordecd not to comto e themselves 011 an approaching train.'L-- fild to Saqsthose'nasty Itoformers. Tho result was no no assistance whatever P..a:r e attleast, is M information --the peep U see 1 con tte Is to cement the two portico want them left there, • Thof is said to to•unison, then ant lost in my jedg- she' the upiversal sentiment •throughout' bilt. • the country. If the railroad. ooinpan- •.. , • ,•. Art Onsoavita. • los attempt to -protect thetaselvas, • the D°7-gield)3111Y 23,4878 - cry at once gods pp that "they me -•••-•-• abusing the poor' workingmen ;" so the. ' The illennimii°g in 3innit‘illa•. Rook island has concluded it will: be Lke, all other settlers in the Province less 'trouble and exPense to haul them i of Manitoba, the Mennonites are promis:- oversthes.road ; and ..now,.- Whenever ea magnificent crepe this year. A; largs freight train pulls out, there Will instant- er area than usual -18,000 acres -has • ly swarm ,out from lumber yards fifty to a hundred; robust; healthy,•`able•boili- beensownond au abundant harvest is almost- assured. In additicin to wheat; ed men, and bold the • train like pack' of NXOlves.. If it be nicht time, , . arid ?no cats are open, a coupling -pin will ;soon make a wreck ,of a ear:lock, and the car is filled. They' then help themselves to. whatet'er is in the • car they want, Tobacco•is theie first and the amount the' Rock Island hos to pay to shippers for tobacco stolen is no emallsttems_ Theaugensaresnotsagekings,_ work; but refttSo it wheit it is offered Irenv Ast-Des--Moinerlittely,"ft fennel' approached a party-of...fifty young fel- lows, who were lounging in 5. lumber yard, offering $1.50 per day and board for harvest hands. E:•4ry naafi refused, 'diluent topay Conservative intent - and the leader said lie left the State of gence, ;for however absurd the crudities Maine •three .years ago, arid had not be there are.thousarids of Conservatives deo° a days work since, he could live without work, and they welted for the ha the eountry who accept theinc"for the asstived it•tiths of political, economy, Moptreal Centre .. TS. Devlin . . ... W. E. O'Dgign. Mom% • • , . , 33, 1'1bb. Norfolk (N 10.)...oherlion ' w b . Norfolk (S. Northumbor land (10.11.) • SnoWball North limbo rland (13. B.) , - 11Iggar 'NorthumbreI fold .• • (0 ) Kerr T. Coekburn, • Ontario, (N. . , .. . . ... W. Gibbs. Ontario (S. „ W. Glonn, ,T; N. Gibbs. A, "Wright. Oxford (S. 11.)... .C1. Skinner. ..: .Glbson. Pdel . ' W. . . . ,W. lliettt. • Perth (N. IL) Figher ..... Perth (S. •M): llortiitrook. Poterboror(11. 11.).]?, Ruck, Burnham, Peterboro,(W.It.)_33ortront • • • .... • Gyo..Billard. DIeto .. .. . . Macdonald . Pontiac "'rhos, Murray.... renew:0. 'Prescott , -Ungar .. .. ....Urquhart, 'Pane.) EdwardDr. Platt jrus. Quedn'ie(N S) Forbeg Itonfrow (N, Findlay . . .1'. 'White, jr. Renfrew (S. It.). „Campbell..., Richmond. and, y• . • , • Wolfe ----Almer „Wart -ale, Rouville Wiesen Crain ....; X. O'Connor.. .• St./olnas(N13) OityDri Veber. St. 1ohn (N. 130' • ' • . • : comity .... .... „ . , . J. Matto:- . • S imam (S.11?:)....Flotehor ...:......Littlo. •. Sinnott (N. R.) II. If. Cook....-....TmIton McCarthy: • Stanstend , Iohnson ..... ' - ' Pultan, • , Sunbury.,..'„ .Burpee ...Armstrong, ' Toronto Centre..Maedonald:Hay. Toronto East . . . ; . . Samuel Platt, e. Toronto .7' 13. Robinson: Victmin (N. yietorin (0,10 1t)..1ns: IleLonnan..Clamoron. Victoria (0, S.R). John VOnnolly A. McQuade. Waterloo' (N. R.), 33owman z. Wnterloo .(5. R.). Young ..... •^ Welland ...... D.orsloy.. Dunking. Wellington (0.11).3, Orteg. Wellington (N,11),Tflginbatum*.Drew, . Wollingtori . .. ...„, .. . Wentworth N .. . ;Thos. Fltoek. Wentworth S.R).,Tos. ,1`. 141. Carpenter'. ' York. (O., MetcalfeBoultbeo. % rWallaoe. Nor. P. Mitchell. Ios, Mader. son:11 or sinister ends. " The crudities • Ti ' weigh the meaning of words, or is sin'. cosfa,titleo.s,iin:rilify and redu ply playing with the question'. for of the party. which has usurped the -title • ' . • • . per_ , the Ainericao tariff.' , /tame pubs the matter of "retalluitio otectiotists" • I have no doubt almost every statement of 'national' are toe transparently Absurd contained in it can be proven to bo sib vi3'ne.' TIffili'a fine coins stantially false. The whole thing in ply estimation is a tissuo of falsehoods and inisreprefientittiops, calculated de- liberately to deceive the public, discre- ditable alike to ,the author, and to the man who is tso ignorant,,tas to be influ- enced by it," It will now be in order for Me. Oreigh- ton to " ptit up or shut up,", and we fancy he will have the prudence to save hie $100 arid take the latter coarse., • A C 416 HNCIE. Wo notice, in. the Mail of yesterday, a challenge with a great flourish of .esc- elamations, froth. Mr, Earrow to Dr, Sloau to meet him at any central place in the riding, who says that if itocannot prove that every circular which the Dr. • his issued. contains ratn•o or less false- hoode, the last one no less than twenty, • ha will resign. ' There is not the slight- est deubt hot what Di". Sloan willhe , „ „ • hand; tieing gtaa-ot the opporatnity„ and "will give Mr. gerrow 'every Chanel:a `to prove what lte boasts of being capable of doing. lis is •how_thesissadnass.Sagartir 'itg remarks._ The Peview stands ,ado frOm any political party, and its hi oats, etc., three hundnd and fifty bush- els of flax seed have been sown -the first time lay theme people. It was sown for the seed only, which is' to be shipped to the Engliah market, as an expert- rnent. There are already sixteen thresh• ing machines in the reserves, and an, other one -a steam thresher--wae pur- chased the other day from Mr.. 'Celli, • ofthis: ei tyssby-111 vell•es obi &Iss-foresco rrts_ patty of Mennonites, who, tient:ties:I, will find it a profitable ventnre. A. 'flouring windmill wart recently erected at- Steinhaehrstuatt•-,-Clearspeing settlem'ent, and esteem saw mill wes put up in pt•oximitysthereto, . The two mills have ben eimnected, arid •the power of the saw mill will, in the future, be utilized in the grist min, when the wind fails to blow aufliciently strong. . • The Mennonites have recently :com- pleted ono :treat %omit -having con- stisieted a robed through tho $t. Norbett "warn, eight miles in length,to "their owo reserve. .The total length of tho road is sixteen miles, and through the swamp it is .irri.cled four feet high, and broad euotigi; for two teamseto pas:: easi- ly. Tho read is solidly built, with tim- ber and brush foundation, and 380 teato and 500' men were engaged for six days on it -their only remuneration being the securing or e good oittlet market --Winnipeg Feet Pre8.9. N'ear tihecoe, Ont., yesterday, james Smith murdered his father, brutally beet two sistera, `then committed suicide, - Trouble, money matters. ' reputation is due as much to this fact as to its groat literary ability and the emis nonce of its contributors. Speaking of „the "retaliatory" policy -some time Agto *posed in Nance (and now the ,ett am plank of the Conservative platform in Canada) -the Review sap :---"As re- reads these WIIICIL adopt- prohibitory tatCS of dutiea the Government advises retaliation. T1iis.i 13. most unwise wad rninOu8, bat it flows naafi:ally fi•ont the doctrine thAt the object of the foreign trades to stimulrito exports. If the interest of the consumer is noth- ing in comparison with that of the pro - decor, of' ceuree proteetion is right; but 00 nny other theory' the folly of a war of tariff:I iS apparent. Because the American people tire foolish enough to make Lyons silks artially dear to themselves, the Prench•Government pro- poso to levy ono and sixpence on Ame- rican goods, when '4 woold charge only a shilling on sin goods coining from Germany. The r stilt can only be to impoverish both trance and the"United States while benefiting eCeiset nations, They (the husineSsiTrion*b• • P031 sortie time past an item has been going around to tho effect that when the •Pacifie•Scandal revelations were made, it was intimated to Sir 301111 by the authorities in polver in. England that lie need not present himself to be „s sworn tn as a Councillor, and was not,. therefore, entitled to uso the ini• Ws IC. C. B. On the authority of Sir • • John the Afeitthe other day stated that such intimation ilea never been made, and the 6.16.8 of the next day repeated them statement. This the Mai/ again .eontradicted, stating that ". Sir Sohn would soon proceed to England to be sworn in, bub he Would do so AS rirst Minister of Camida," If lie does not go mail beetnno First Minister ttgain , he is not liltely to 'reeeive the honor for -first freight train, when all piled on it and went, Simultaneously with this they are threntening farm labor. saving machinery with destraction, And hi not- e. few oases their threats have beeti co- •iled. out.. Western correspondent, writing on tlilise gaols.; remarks :-"This• ia Conummism pure 8.11(1 simple. The people Play as well prepare to meet it at 01100, the labor (01013111011 has nothing td"tio with it, for these vagabonds will not work so long as they can ride' over t» country ft•eo, and• beg and steal whet, they want, withcatt work. ' To ar- • rest and put them' in jail is 110 hardship; it only gives them board and shelter -a • eertainty for oin uncertainty; They would fill every jail and prison in the West in six months." • •. "'What to do with the trampal" has therefore become a national gitestion of groat significance in the United States, whieh 13 so ter left practically miens swereds-Londoe. /*me Press.. . • anxious for facilities of trade on condi- .1tIr, 11.1eLeall3 of Gederiell, has a good while yet. •111041 of obtainh reciproeitY. They do gone, to England with a, lot pf otattle. • • The heated wave wen a temperance agent in St. Louis. On its becoming known that two-thirds of those who died or heat ht that city used alepholic op liquom gales of beer feroff twenty per cent, and theft of Strong thinks fifty per ee.nt, puma/leaver thus discourses on complis mentary notices: • " Popular' , opinion: seetns to have settled down to tho fact :• that 'space in 5,,nolvttper is.of be valties, and coneequently the general pfrblic hal no idea of recognizing the •uso. of' euolt space• with any compeniations We . have hitherto mole, no charge: far no- tices of tea. meetings, picnics, festittals„. re -unions' concerts, ete: The avowed intention of 'these 'affairs is to make :• anoney,_yet.in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred we have not received a cent for -a• space which hesitinatte advertisers con- sider it a•favor lb secure. .eVen at high prices, Not even ,e0mplihaentary ticket is fortheoming; and ,newspaper • mats is looked upon as a " deadhead " gets free admission to lin entertain - inept to whose sueceRS he has etintribut• ed by a free-nitt 'desta heahs d, 'orea=, notice to ten times the amount of tbe rice_ of admission. Thus the newtr, pa -Pins God' fie implied by -the` 'or eetien of; churehes, endowment of Sunday schools, _purchase of the musical. untellinety of the worship Of heaveni titan tiny • other class of the public, and yet these • people wonder that he is leaa and . hongry of look and wears a threadbare cant, when his sheet has the: benefit (I) 411eir patrorlage, as witnessed by the u ' nmerous dead head 'notices' they ton - tribute tb his valuable columns.' - With all reverence we submit a para.: phrase of the injunctioa of On,recog- nizat ed least, theoretioolly the great example of Ina followet sf 'Render unto Cresar the things' that are Ctesar'e, and tint° the printer the thinge that are ,the printer'st. 3(Comittetar.Neilson, CloW.R., died on his train, •frotalleart disease, en Satur- day. A. despatch of yesterday, from Wil- kesbarre, Bays tile loading manufae• tutors believe that aeommunistie strike, with pillage • of all banks, rich men'•s residences, etes.is to be made in August by the miners, railroad men and work- men in MatinfActories. The: strike was really intended for the 15th of Stine, 'to begin in Pennsylvanie, but the mcenpis action of the government led them to postpone it till tkug. 15, -Bishop 00- Ha.ra, of Williesbarte,sharm the anxiety t" relative tb: tho throatetted trodle,