HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-25, Page 2, in7N.Ittiittil. • I neighbors io • take compassion on• her
. „.• marenn, . • . • 1• ) - • /
1 lenelinesI• em see 4 lthat Mary Anne
- . .
.. •
The morning Nvind, in enfal sighs, • 1 %dm() heart 14. as large as hor iigUrP,
Ana pale the ghostly uthopl,ight lies . basely 'lestats the female faction an
L•owcoring round the darkened eaves ;,,
Along the earth . the maple leaves ., gees over to the enemy. Mrs. Ogilvie
Are rustling soft; lho stars f6oh clown is very yoong, still quite a girl, though
• 1,arom ()utile deedless, blao•blaek sky. site hos been mewled three years she
Afar tho gloomy monntains frown, JtElls we •• -- - . - ' ' •
-Iiiirerer the plain their sliwaewsitirf-'
slienrd bare to
The moon light, falling on their crest 4 It is diUnt tir iranir
But makes the shados below more den, go away,' she 1:137e./ im1 the tel" 'well
And sinking Iow adown the •west, • .., up ill her large gray eycs ; ‘. that is the
tiliehangs above the 'Wooded stem. , . worst 'a the service.•..See, hero is MS
photograph,' lifting a case from the table
. ,, . * . *
The stars are Lid ; the moon is golis4 • ;.. ; tied handing it to 111ary A.pe,
Thd breeze of night bss sunk to root ; ' I not llitIAS011ie-r
. - • •
And bright, tbe, rev tint.s:a aawii .. . . • ..fle is most undeniably se; if the like -
Fill all the slitt from arkst to. west.
The steeps boycott' the plain no more
-Frown darkly o'er the valos, below.;
1.3ut eliffs-thaV darkest Semblance horo
.6.ro lighted by the cheerOg glow, .
All seunds of wakin,,,c; life are: beard -
The cattielowing from Cho fiend,*. .
The cry of eve& forest Writ:- • • . .
. As gloom and night to. morning yield. ' .
bbss Speaks trile,"and wo.'both say so;
Mary Anne, with the. prianlege of he
sex and ng,. 'adding a, word -as to the
beanty. of the pair,. '''' ., .. , .
' 0, ,yea,! replies.Mas, ,Ogilvie withent
OW smallest onabarresSment; wt)..aro al.
ways called the 'handsome couple,"
, : I suppose. Samething. of tlir astonish-
-Pretty .Mrs: Ogilviei'
. ..
.. . .. thopt expoiseaitssif in uty eMinterratice,,:.
for slfe'sreills, and •nays t 4 1 ale afraid.
\ •
All the' wornim :are jealous of lier ,;. you think me. very lain ;• bilt I •eannot
there is no denliVithOut -that, The fi 0 b. help,. kitetying that I•mn good looking,
time she. appears in :church with crisP. tinY more t-11411 T .04n. hell? being e'wnr°
Mauve nanslint; floating abont her and, that my eyes ate gray, not,. black, and,
a dainty Mait's'e 'erection on her bead; q414t' rnY 1140-4S. Olden. , . It is r a gift
which presurnahlyshe calla a bonnet, I • from God; like my talent, o valuable (me
know at once hew it will be. ., , ..Anci of • OP I, think. it, 'ae4 1 own that I -'atl;`
dourse...the other sox -will range ahem- proud' of: ib for ' my dear. Frank's;sake,
selves on her,side• to A man ';' that is also-wh° admires it so 'Peel''-' ' . .-- ' •
beyond question:: '• 'As .she rises from - Yes,thiS,E4trs. Ogilvie's peculiarity;
her 'knees and takOs her hale lavender- as ve aftert'vffrers, discoyer--;-an int.enso
gloved bands , from her':fape :m14.10'010 aed quite open adiniration pf bor . own
about her: for • a moment with a 'sweet,, bthotY; •:', '.' • • '.• . ' . ..
shy glance; she ie . simply bewitching ; 2 -At 'fir.": °veil' elie',"ateeish9a. at
idiesyncrasY of berg lint, in a. little.
. and I doubt if 'Ley :Male creature: in our this
musty little church .pay e proper :otten...• while we all genie to 34°01 ''-t it'; 'there
bon to the respnitses ,for.teri.,:minites ikaotectiting original Cent' amusing akin t
afteitward.' A neW•face:.i,vik grciat rg,i,k it 4 and .in alt .other • way,s , sho. ia; so
- , . - e., ,. . .., • .•
ty. with us, and-' atich a now face Ono eharnlin3. '. '
might not see more than :once in a de- ' My wife, with whet#'811° igee‘Till )e'
Fade; so let Ilrhope We -ma'y h'o'fOrgivon- cotheS in tiniate, ll me me that .she itit Smsi
. .
. •As I gaze at the 'delicate-yr-6Pb be- sire values be r• beauty. nthro: for. herhus--.
' fore me, the 'coils of. golden hair, -. the. biin(1'8' 's'tit'e 111M1 her °*.n. • ' She Ovi-
vcoraplexion like tho inside of 'Ova; ehell, •dentiv atiorl's him 'sjivs •AlftrY A -fine '
the slender inilk.,White-throat: and the ' and .1to seenesto think so naticligater
long, dark eyelashes,...which dinop nio•. sweet leeks- ' • 8.'he eeye he fell in 1°F°
Aestly over the glorions,gray eyes, .sball with-lterat .firat'aighs,i, before . be „ever
•-'.: own that I steal 11..glance of disci.),;. Spoke toiler.' , • :. : .. .•
proval at Mary •Anne-7my llory Anne 73eit•MrS, Ogilvie has,,reany'..reore at!,
-..--4.119 partner • of my joys 'and aortows: tractions'. than ore to be found in hot
• for twenty year andtbe Mother .of My, face! • Sh,13 hi. e 314,44;113dlienie4 10041111,3t
six children'? ..• Mary: Anne's. figure • its a figsit.rate mnsiaieuvand a phlasant and
--aotheirhatHyverinowlyrhai hair ...tiii,,,itjd intelligen,r; ,eolupanibn, .and zaerbAbitn.
with gray, .and the. compleiion of her' 'e.11.she '14ql3 in 'Fit'!'66. loving disPOPitibrt,
gond-humored tithe is slightly rtibieund.. a trite heart :at the bore' of all her little.
Bu4 she has been 5 goad.Wifo•te me,'entOvinCwot!41,,°i•iicgo;..nud often *ben x mil on'
-81,16 as very, goo to. 00)1:00.!
I. feet with a twinge of cornpunction, ' •
iny rounds I Meet her. coming. out Of
that I have no right to be Critical, es -1
. think of a shining spot on' the top Of my Some Cottage With an empty. basket in
head, and- of a littlo box 1 received from Iler: ha"; '''''lli..1'• vine full '';'11•Cri she en -
the. dentist onlY A 'month. ago; Carefully teredit... ,.' ,...:.• .. - • .•;. , . .
• Ili: a..•que*.t :little neighborhood , like
secured from .ebservation, . pelt as we
emerge' fronn chitteb 'I draw rays'elf.Up °nrs sn°11•'6 '4°thar?' n4P"°t fei:E. tt)•'1)
and try to leek' my hest , as we passi'the .6egnisitieni: Itn"i ever:v....Pr"? '1)4stens'..t.°
trawng natil,,e. icbo. Jack, orfrOTorti.„ eta, on her,...:_an.d 'many hre .tho:. dinners
six,' stumbles oyer '!:tha.:,traiii : which, :e110 •"°(lnet,lialties *WA?' .0•1;6•iniingiii'
ated in herliOnor: . To ,the formai she
.will not go r She does net wish to go.out
in the evening titilibiberitusbmurs ab-
sence---m.uch • to My Wiia's• 80tiSfatition,:
Who apProvee..of'wothen 'being' :.' keepers
at - borne'—id tis oury• :seldom . that
.site ean..b,o indtteeti. to grace one ef ;the
Croquet parties with her Presence.; .. •• •,
..But whersdhe does she. eclipses every.
T E N17 ().N" KW •
•strong and going ineo thus() O1OK tl4ULUCUt she can .think of to eonsule
lanest: is not good for you. 1 S1;i11coin"), her, and above all con wattling with:vitae
and see you on my way haek.' -vet tho will of God.
Which I cid:, 1 find there itelnuthin,f But lier ini0c-ry, after the firs`t shook, is
the matter witli her ; 1w is may a 1itt170 not so much for herself as for the pos••
languid. sible offeet the loas of Ler beady May'
6 Y0.1 101a Niter Sella tilti Ant l.!;1) 1111,0 mho: hush end, who is 'rw.naily
away ttk morrow lemming, 51ary Anne,' expected, ilia ship has been at sea, so
•I say .as 'soon as Iget in, Nis. Black we Italie been unable to wil.to to him ;
is v& ill) lieti:E-atn-afraill—I -cannot 'and only .on kis arrivol-le Plymouth
quite tell yet, bat I am afroid--she is Soinl Lie dicer of his poor yeang
ovine/ to have smallpox,. Of cour4 se Wife's.dluess anti disli.i.urement BQ.
OMR ba ye her Et:moved' at once, if 1iun fore her sickness'she batrbeen coonting
right; hut it may prove, not to be antho bottre, now she scow every day go,
isolated case, and it Will bon; well,to past with Et 'shudder, feeling that she.is
got the children out ot the, way. 'I brought twenty.fons hours nearer to
shall ,try and pm:Searle every QUOIh tho Cho (163ad%triali .A,t longth his vessels
village to be voceinated to-nateruw, • Urrive, and 1 receive a telegram teflin
Yon will be clever if yam manage tee when
we' Irrq' exillitb 16i/re1161 411(1°1,7in'
that, Says lily wife. I am afraid some gine,' me' to break; the
of the pee* are very prejudiced egoiest wifbe, She, receives it with a Rood of
it Yen know when the childrfm were .bitter teeirs and' sehs, orying out that
t °vaccinated three ydars agoo.on conld he would hate and loilthe. her, and that
net perSuade any ot tho villagers, to be she is abont to Joe ail the happinesv et
done nt the sante ' . • .. her life: lay Wife' WeepS ,With her, itud.
gives mo an oppOrtunity'orraisin,g tny
bat and apologizing for the boy's awk-
wardness; and I am rewarded with a.
Sweet smile and an tpward glance out
of the gray eyes which is ;Simply intoxi-
We must call on Mrs. Ogilvie tit
once,' I observe to •Mary Anne as We-
prdceed across the &ids on our home-
ward trio.
9n the folloWieg day We dispatch -the
chilaren. early to tlieir dun t'd, u.ns.ler the
cake cif arinld aervant, and as scion as 1'
liaVe seen them .off 1 go clown, to Mrs.
thick's; To .my consternation, find
Mil. Ogilvie just leaving the house,
4 I have Veen disobedient, you see,
she said gayly, 'but I pion -deed to lniug
Mrs, Blailk. soniethint,--rstrly this, morn
seerned" so ill yea 10rday
that I did not dite to disappoint,. her.
• But: ttni not:46;11g a transgress orders'
.agttiti-4,-.-for.Trithles sake,' she ;aids softly.
gave an filtertial groan. '1-feaVOrt
uranb. she may not have transvressed
17,11ent 01100. 100 often, And a °hasten
jute .the cottage, to find my worst feiers
confirnica. Black leaS senall-poX
a thorough I, il9Withitte‘91. t11-0tLU
taWS)1414,04,g94/91'11 ti1,0 recteitions of dige.tien.
and nutrition, awl by a oaratil
of taw lino proportios f woll.sehlebul .eocea,
•19:r. Bops ha providet our breakfast •tahleo
:with a delleatelyllayoredheVaragoNilli011.115q
save as many heavy deetoro's bills: it is 1.1).0
the judicious 'toe ot suchto:U(4s of diet Wm.
'a ,00nstitiition may lid gradually built Up un
111 ...t..reng eneugh..to realst erer3, tendenoy to
disease; Ifunarods ef -sabtle :maladies aro
iloatik; 'around no ready to attack Whereirer
there is a weak.notut. • We •Illay eROap0 atan.Y.
"afittal shaft .by -keeping 'ourselves well fortl.
• fled with pure b1oojnt 5 protiorly nearislt.
ed fraitut,"-eivir.I5ervire Soh' only
Paek ate labelled JAM1S Eves & Co.., li 0,
quO0OPIkttlio Oltoinioto Thriadnosillostrect,,
aly1 179). 1....)400.4.dillYi tiond011-.!.1 ••
• . . •
• A connnon or;. cidri Sh-on 11 flover be
trifled:with, .of tefl.when neglected it is couvert.,..
ilt.11.40: ser,ions•antl geper41ly,f4tal, intlinonary •
disonee.. The more . prudent,aware . a - this,.
proMptlY. Use .3.3ryan's..Ptilmenie •71,14.T.afers'I'.4 en-•
ratty° • Which . has sustained its riiputatiOn tor..
.orer twenty yearq,they:. are. alivays Fdicacions
and oxert indsk-hsitsfisiai Infitionsc-. on. all Os
.,ilvottObiall andpiiimenary organs.. • Sold by 'all'
-druggists and eOillitly .(10(1,191W •31',R199.- 2a eta:
• I am conseiona of a pliolting rione,it Lion , WooLv -Wooly hems aro not rid
111 elY throat as we take leave of her •1 oriatrheears,,.rathaong iettertietpxcnotatztl,ynottosbueohr(g)li.tneadielonarviettareitottel:
parts of the.,,ceuntrY, but wtreleffitt if .they
Cvdr We've as valuable. to their ownerS tip the one
axhibited by Barnum ; imagine them olvne'rs
would consider them inore..valtutble without the
ty001, for fins'rw.igle and wooly state of tho
inilicatos that the horse is pot in a lipaithy cone
ditien-Drobably hide -bound, or aft:ring from
some disease tviiieli-oeOnicoas thls unnatural ap.
...pearanco ; in Such easel; ----- arley's Condition
176w -dors and" Arabian, Heave Remedy'. it -will
purity tho blood, 'correct 'On; aliPearance,
ebstrnctiena.frora the lungs•and liver,
slid sive to the coat a sleek and sliining appear-
ance.• Remember the. name, and nee tbot tho
,signature. of Hurd & 00- is on • each 'Package;
Northrop 4, Lyman, Neit•castle, Oat', ProPric-
; arfi faLclituads. • Sold by all medicine dealers
quito ImmiStaltoably. ,
For • some b °Ors 1 • am op ,ti pied
.tnaking arrangein'ents for her •removal
:to the infirmary, and. in vaaeinittl4;•
.soeh roy.' poorer 'patients as I •• oho
frighten or eeercu into Allowing. te
•do s'O ;• atn:hit.48, tifterrieen' befOre..l'am
arbio.to.go ang leek fter Mrs. Ogilvie.
She seems .1.4111.1101' 314:09 ii§110(1 whonI
inform her What my errand is•-tlia„ii I•
'TAnt, to vaceinate her (for .of•cpurse
db not wish -to frighten her bytelliug
her about Mrs, 731ack .). Wit she sninnits,"
reactily:enotigh when Flay that I'•hieve
'hoard' of ei ease senall-pox
• boring Village '(whicli Ineve,) and 'r
think it ,v011.14,1,0 wi.86 0,eQ,,,tion6ryi
measure. • .
is ifer'Y good in you,'-' she
hoe pretty, graoions way, as she hares
her white arm... "I hasp never been
rat:Ciliated Sinop I 9,'11.§ a 'baby, so I sup.?
POS0 it will be deStt al 'le.'
besiral)16 i • l'slionld. think rib indoe/ !
And. send up 0 vedyer [ per•for•iii
the operation that I snsiiiot, late.
ant sp:•busi,f0.1. the ilex file
I sin unable to :go: down the'cottage.
•• Opp or two more ,cat.es of stnall7pox. in.
the village,,•and. 10111 itexious
tvorlipc.but Mary. Anne tolls mo Mrs..
Ogilvie heal lietfrd of Black's 1.0.
11.10V0i is :dreadfully reervoug about
heeiself. hope she will not nigh', ii
..11(0!;101f adds •
. If sho hadn't- centracti.d. it hoforo
vaocinated iirhi lc She is pretty
safe,' I reply ; but„ there, is jost the
)5000 ri le may taVe.
in her previously,' • •
Alenest peak mesaage comet;
from Mrs,. Ogilvierivho, wishes to .s0
Inc professionally,' My heart sinks as.
se,iZe hat'and.fedlOw.the'fliro;song or.;
.Ti'L'Y 7,878_
1•%11. A1111,1ToN, 01TH% - at. DAY time Iola
. / 01. Al..11',C law ,-- The Womb OVS (10 litex 0 ot
hru1 tLa i1jU(it,t11ItI 11.
(41nt. Doe. 214 1617.. '
f "„Itly;111',N,...Phynio,in,n r;ar;:voit,,,etc., poroncr
thittuty (4 'lieu's, 11k-11th:tax and (hlaa.--(:ornet 9 •
'Albert inol Alla Sr, sot', Viin Wu.
• A.101,4 tAlt,1SUP. f,;t:
ll11nsj:w.jrr, 11, 114 fINADUATE OP
0111 liar( reit,e, noutteali Nityntafinis §11111eunon4 • .
Acootteheur. iteskienee-11111NFer10.V.
January 4,1571.
31,11„.anisntwrs •S(lion'TO
universtt.),) shystaiss, sur,aton; .0a.k re..41,101100
it MS. MUISieg's, t/IrsO 4,loorq omb of 1110 Touoavagaa
10,11, howleslairo, ont. • . , .
Londosboro; Zone 14.181
I )11. STAND:UHT, 0,1t4D1Lcir0 OP TUN 3111D10/11,4
nristrhuent of Victoria linlvers14, 0.'otento;„for, •
na5ly of the .fleisAtfils,and. Disponaarlo, NOW xery,
COMA( r ter t ow -toy of ,flikdp, Out,
• '
ONvi,EY• GIBSON,' l'ilYtC.f•kNfil 1011
oivat,oiraN,,s4,110Atiolulltoo.liatirtii as. ofnee,.Atoort street -
011nt.on, Nay 10, 1577. ,
wonrauxterois-,, enrsie S1J.11(31.10N,
ACILIOUthutir Ljenutiii to pt. the Co ego of Phygiolaue
Cud riargeoas of Lower Canada, and i Lloonti.
half on hour before Mr, Ogiivie ost. 51,1 lush Coronor for to County, of form', tnnea and
reaNcoec,--Tlio huildlag formerly occupied by Mr,
pouted, and oray Go -1 to bless .and. sus- wo Ticeigtatct,,,,,Tzlio,Nitsr,cia.,
taill her. ' • •
\\Te. are stittitic rt1,11ter melancholy
umbel after dhiner,. talking, of the pour ifiiitt'IlttIT.0.0/19 titt-trs. '
()gtivie' is. ann.Otin cwt., anti I hatitkon, kg •
, .,...oti 580a 42101141ga 06urity, at moderato rites of
, • lutarbst. '11, Itsz,n. '. • ' .
1 F3110 *ill nob *see me,' he says i re pep._myeaiI au tam, Atigutet a th, 3sse. . , - , t-tf
ously, coming in 'Without any: f °limit
young liushruntl. •anti' 1,i1.0 Wlioti 7\1e. (Z-.•,
1‘,1-t}IiElf TO Lif.N11, LA.ItOD sitts.th stisrs, •
tile door te:nieet him... • ,
, •
greeting. • 1 She hits -shot herself. inte
601 tears that she la:too dreurlfal to look
upon, and' that I„shall cease to, love her 34.tatiLte-E 0.gosixos OEft4HIOATBS;-... •
/ 5.Crod, Valuator, and Lana. Agent. • 011,1 -1•73.600. :
her' ream iti'd 'trills to 'me w'tl I ste
, 1 • . .1 1. ty phine atroot, Whagnaua.
2; it$77. •
Jiey *Ike C7.331{Irc:la
COPIPLANWS'$NVEHT 1..:A§1.0.13, Orr, equally Stilt -
able for children raid adtilts, Entlonged
over 600 doctors in (Janada. The difficulty MJ
administering .niinseous medicines, and.thp de-
sirability of having them pleasant to- tlia taste,
included T. Copland to mudertalte researches
whitili resulted in the discovery of a Sweet (Jaw-.
ter.Oil, Perfectly palatable. of the seine strength
and nietlieal• qualities as the ordinary Oresteir
as ..soeia, ss I behold her, and that PIM , Apply at thu TQWII 11101, or vosidoaco of tho '
90Dicsibor, sear MO Louden, Huron &Dross() IlalbeaY
'punnet' face. And then the. strong. aa•itins 1301..?TT,
' • • •Isattor of 7..Iarriago Dieensosi -
than faliS into a chair. a sob.... •
' It is. not so bail as that,' bee/in.
4 :I tion't, how it ' he cries - ,)a.l.r.,wAY nob SE, '01ANTON, OriT. TBE ABOVE
I • I
most exquisite'ttitite, as if antiouri that
the setting should be worthy of the jewel -
beauty, Which site prizes po highly.:
:She ints been settled...at the cottage
rather more than; two years 60;1 is . he-
,ciinning to cbeintAit's. ;Weeks to- her hus-
band's return. '1Ve de not- minaber
them quite se eagerly, for Thep lie
conies he will _takeL bor_away frota_us,
and we -.shall miss Inv sorely. • It is
Bumbler again—a 1101, damp sunsiner.;
it has been a very sickly stmirner, and
my hands aro
r shall !Ave to getin partner°, My
dear,' I said to my wife I prepared to
g6 out: 0. tbia.igoes on I shall have
&lora to do' eau Inanagb. Tbere
is a nasty fever about whipli I don't like
the look of; and if we..,dor?t have a
Change , for the :better ' this truagy
weather, there'is sayipg•What if. may.
turn to.' -
lord to find out if she. is coirefertahle.
She is a lady -like perSoe,'„I continue,
diploniatically forebearing to allude to
the obvious betiuty'; 'and I claresay;
fay dear, you will find her an agreeable
neighbot.' ' - . ' ' •
' Lady -like 1' 'cries my wife, with ' a
Ting of indi„onation in • her voice. ' I
don't call it lady -like to COMO 4 a quiet
counb y church dressed as *if She tver
going to a flow-er-show. D.esidds, sho is
pointed. A color ; like that can't he
natural. DLit yos4 Men 'are ttll alike' --
always taken .:,:rilli•tt; little 'outside show
and glitto..1 . .
. .
• 'But my dear,' 1 remonstrate,
haps.she did not knol/ how' very court"
trifiea and bucolic our ab'ngregalion is.
I really do think it will be Verrian-
neighborly if we don't call. ' It. mnst be
very dull for her to know no one.' I
ignore the iernitik;obont'the paint, but
i n -my -h ear t-I-give-th e- ass° rti on -an -em• --1--f •I:am-gled-alltlie•boy,s-a,ro-ai-schocil,'.
Mrs,. Ogilvie has rented 5, small dot- will let the girls accept their atint's invi-
phatic contradiction, ' . .observed Mary. Anne, ' and I think I
-00 which I own in the west country 1 tation and go to her for a month,'
village in Which I atn the ptincipal doc. 1 'It would be a very good plan, apel 1
. tor. . Shit is the. wife --of a naval- officer -QOM be glad -if -you -would go, too.' •..
who ig away in our li'lyingSqoadron, little change.wetild.do you good.'
13314 ims_settled.iiistur sleepy little ham. 'And pray who is to look after you 1'
let to live Tile* au. ring his absence, aslcs•r4 wife, reproachfully,. ' W.Ito is
All lier references have hcen quite uril 10 804) that you take your meals proper-
.exceptioncible, andondeed, she iselight. ly, ain't clohl• rush. ofrto se o yogr pa.
ly known to our Squire, as i also her.. tienta, leavingyour dinner untasted. op
absent hitsblind, 1j. splendid fellow. bo the table 2' . ''
is,' Mr. Dillon 'tells mo ; c stands alit illentally, I confessed that I should
feet in his stockings, and is les.Dandsoine probably be poorly off tvi thent tny Mary
ai Apollo i indeed 1 dou't believe that Anne ; but 11 is a bad plan to eneourage
for good looks you could find sueh 011- vanity in one's Wife, so I say, 1 01), I
otbe •_con le in Fird n1 ' should (10.tiYerx_ well. by myself' i'• . 1.tnd
• The following day Mary A13110, WWII- With a parting npil betake nty,self to my
• but little persuasion, agrees to aecotn. daily.duty. • . .
pany me to the cottage to call. on Mrs, in UM village I meet "Airs: Ogilvie,
Ogilvie:1 The addl.:, 'IS opened by a at basket in hand. : :She' doesn'tlook well,
•mai&servant. • She is at home, and Sr and I say So. ,
, are. Issued into the drawing -room, whieh 'You have no business , out in the
we almOst fail to recognise, ,so chartged heat of the day,' I tell her. ',What
is it. . 'will Yottr'hiisband arty, If be does nob
Presently Mrs. Ogilvie 001110J in, look. find you looking your best Witell 110
ing, if possible, even lovelier than she comes back 2'
did the day before. She is in a siMPlo A. shade conies over her face. 'Alt !
white dress, With hero and, there a knot to would not be pleased,' she says; ra-
o e ribbon about it ; and she hag a flier gravely; ' he always likes to-see.me
bit of hie also in her golden hair, Iter 'look my best and pi:attest.' .
manner it As charming asher looksond 'Well, then, as your doctor, I Innst
as she thanks my wife with pleasant, forlayour doing. any Mere cottage visit -
cordial words for Laing th'e first pf her ingjust at present, ,Iroti aro nob look-
• ' •
27t1i;4676. •
• .
houso 10 situated 0,0So to tho statiou, au4 is thnr•
‘•iihe 'iteed not doubt; tny lovo'
• •onaty renovated .thinughottt, anti now affords good ac,
poor' dail.ing .will always be the sa.me to
comnio,latIon. for the travelling puhlie. l,argo' stabile g
and good la/atlas in attendance. cieateogt. netang
ma -whoilee. she •has.lost it•er beenty,, oy the ip,o, Tiipo. Lase., Proprietor. • ' ' , .10
001: ' . , 0.11.,; and.whilo •equally safe and harmlos;, yet - , .
acting .trith inure certainty, and .Producing nei.. 1.44.7 .111110nVar.,;15..h.x•a%2 .rIllil 71 0,s; ,iLii.gi.23;...f.,d7.,,,t6-.,./,‘, gen
WI . . • - . ..
, )(Too pen 1 OX Lend' My 1111/id t0 1/ I 01 . ther isamge'a nor griping, "Soine•children sa* 't
..„,1 'oily lies diseevorai a aimpre menus of selVouro. H
iinCt SITT1117. his heartily ; and I Ithow My ta.lioney ; otherg call it syrup• -..they all say:ibex will bo happy Co 'forward tleaphagualaourivotioois,,oli.3 .sAaaffaerreal3reo,
'Veifi; lias. great difficulty like it. One :parent Says-"...?ety children drink 1 u receipt 01.0 otanlinal an
ho,self from enveloping hitn, in .her me.
in. restr'l.illiqi it like water ;" another -4' We had to iiide the• 0%X. bo stat En., Liaburn licaso,,Lteadon, England:
bottle or they would have .finillied it right o11" '
thee!, limns and
, •: , , ., ,; , i -, .: .. e.' mto..,. ". wyanoi'tuo.:,htrhoueeWrit•a-a-•t"sIi;yt.atTpt
r3lo„7. e.0lhbiotl. tuel'n-e cahngodilr.dldO..moieaessd
inetnoiantkeelkn,nsoitw {p. • t•w
l •Yk',,'a,h,,lji‘.,,T,s
o:sp.rt,sI.:ig.A14pi44,V„i`1t,I4s88'147:"rii.,.1.•1O•F•NLsII' ,FeH1m;1,)P,'..a.,7.
.tt. S..1
-"E„i.t,io°!B.,iroa 11111111 20301 to StratagOIU, 1 it 28 thOW1 Shl1fs thler1iir(it''0llAu, tat1atboexsloneaCoun
say ' I 11 go downo the cottageat and 200 nevereo111(;oti,evti4tak!ltvbioxta 14ofijl:n34lta,:1,..oOn3Tlnga.9J9lat
,, .fight ."yet(01011101'—" - W1811 5011 supcess of Leaic, ZItirda, Canirta; iill70l'anI10gagC:onceand you follow' me in tea mnitoO RT:cl.kTon (/fLit 13 a pendid thing l'ocagroannei‘1:neeLU11 osite POlIOoliqUotol
With r137
-wife. Iwill try and coax,,,y, to,tniotbeplaceof011 he-commonoi. 144.0"A'
Titi'S•OgilVdto0640011.110(speak _ 111eextro0rdr114rydemand-foe-thsimr0ve:
fianaulant imitations 'Mai- 1-)m•th-cif biluT11(3 111w8dN'. knati("';;;;;'
• ow Lift.) lostuitgeo aur..1 004e: Al Commloston
Mrs,' 0.gif,:i6. at first refilso8wta.ra.esm mene•oura
1 .rt, n • o. .1wohielf uniirinacpiPPleda. .npartiesi,arne ntteM.pt1ing t
$• 1
a,Re alo t.:1 colopsuls,"ropa7..
sell ae reputation of his artice) by 81(419,1 tolea1,,ftutlali140dsof11014speak to me "nit I onup.toter 34 -- that the name Comkxn's Svnur CAST01- 011'1714i811,,11.xoer,tieelIalea.0oioe_41110
i to ettd lfltwred dc'Ad4 InNALL•iiiilie eittv.stardtlietnsebies '
Substitut0S A Insurance tA,o.third cher m. .1.1a 'or ir, r
royWife'S deVoti 00 tO her till (1,1:0„ On- ' ' ! Sonmissimwr.g1.11.0.,,ei.or
• The underawned, havitv, purchased _Messrs 3tuil •
. „ uoprant • tereso nt t ./ove prepa- , • 18 .
tr'eat...huri f Or her sake; • to c(-4010 down ration, aro how mantiftieturing 'it Oont tho ori.1 ' o• •- ' •
',.. 4'11/hercri-Franit' t' the as°1(s. ' ' ginial'ePlit!''. * . . ' " - . ' '' ;...... ''----;7-71.1.,111;11.8'1%. Itfi, ⪙ .
to mo., . • , ' .
,• 4. I: left, ltim fa. homo with . Mai; y sul,,:cyhoitnt::13.2i::::::goiloirriinr11::(:):.0):01.0t;'vfe):1...7:11::::jorlri,':-.:N11:01:11.41r';:*:710:11.10tiyi:, ill ...4 r 7 . , m.: 3 e 0:I...4t,IT-21:1::::::::::) '1.14:11::::0' tu::vAlt:ly C. Si::: . .. , .. ..
A floc,' i .,,,, ply; f,o)ii.l.c: tintii,1 s 11, wosf D v all nuslichie &talon: -Price, 25 cents. • . ..: , enp.noil: ..t.,. VAT g 0 , '. *. --,1 E;, ..• -..%1:;04:3l:r.liic7. i .. ..
Or being a diplomatist at the: boar t,,cif
. castes., .•• • . ' v. lf.,lyfes,vez0.7,, .. ,,
Ask for Cosi,smi's SWEll'4 CASTOR 011 '01)- t
Sr. Teterenfrtlt, 'aiiAthe'tipotiS',...:the..rincie • • , .: •:, 'Plaster, '1 . .
Taro' n't-p...er has telifi-a'time-wheit tlierfiealine ! • • ' • -.. . .ir, . • • '
ja.1111;,10 (110i;307.4.'t 1(.1'01111° :31 tuella e. f.,4.81tat.i.,:i ..4 .21..'ecil;):1i:, to.' bfy•ti,-.0,-,,,-tistv.sair-r-,%!iiitilreneattliztieessil,irsesserixeitsftetul ' :00N Sr)L.1.1)ATED E. ,,i.:?T_Icoy...,C.,?.A.NADA,. • "
hot,for. her conduct, with oacintried angel': andisoated filet that over hair of tho eatire po: ,
I, on 'the toOltout for it. hoar ,the latch 1' 4.1"he-iprtinielp' al ingrod'ients used in -Maknag
. , '
of ;filo garden gate plied': ; hut' she, ah. these Plasters are Qum Olibanum -6r. better 1
sorbed in her sorr-oweaoes not notice it. known.as-the Franldncense of the Bible -hub- '
bor. and liurgundy pitch; Which, -when stientb 1 - i .
. A. 1.3- E NCY.
I look Up And See Priirili 04Ivie's eyes scans compounded, is full of olectrieity, and (..,I, IN T 0 N .E. ' '
She listens with oyes blinded by tears pulation of the globe resort to the 14.40 01 ordi-
(.1A,INVAL; 414,000,000. .
4t.a upon ranee' Must be an awful slibelt;
.. .
to: him ;Atilt he .heass it bravely i' and . i
a moment he hue . sprung forWhri ,-
clasped her, in his ,iirms, and the . poor,
iicaPte,d few ,is hidden on hisiend-tind
loving heart. ' ' •' ' :' - . .
and with too ,good. ressOn! T.iind '114!.-1,. 'Ilion Mat;y'Anitit'and I tint edgently
.suirering 'from tile' first ' symptoms of ' away,. 1111 (1 fr1l1V0 .111 tit' 10 teach hc-r that pati .11t will feel iti effect, • . ... .
is.founelto,lie one of the greatest healing nnedi-s
1.1lil8 ever braUght beIfore the human race, . - 1 .
.1.)lasters will do more real . service. than a ham. ' .•
•them to act quicker than any other 1'1t4. -I . • • ' on Dopesitii.
they ever before 1110 (1, and that one of these I -. 1
V.11e3r are acknowleged by alt ivIto, ha% 0 used i. 1(1101051 from Vein; toAFLIvIe,Opverotii::11Aaglel:tt..71 '
prod of the ordinary kind. All other 11' 1418 . Clinton, Apill, 1876. ' ' 1.3i .
are sloiv of action, and' require.to be worn con:, . . • • ._.:_........... • . - • ' 4
till11 ally to.elfect a cure ;.bitt-with the,e.;'• I'l" c'''' liVlockci. 1,Vatches Jewellery, ece
tirely different .' 04o- blatant one.is applied the , ' $ l• .
Stuali-pox and in t‘rventy-four bolt rs awre tiro --t)liu,f,s,ulosC v11111410, .os 1)0§Sekla all tlie ttriotlting Warming, stip:
wt., .dccicreci-.„ itedf elpiiroo,tily nna b, h , „ . -1 . h. „ Alerting awl strengthening enal'itieveif altothor ,
. ig or worth, t ion ,toS' were eatitY Pr Plasters. Alarisr who' have been relieved of '
bfbreateno to .14, a bad ease. . • • I by to fell • •T• . , . ,. . 311/Eum,vrtilsf, TIG,Dotojturrx, or a va. .
. Oi' ottu..
, • . . .
.h•.u.t i.n vonSqust.o.--*y'.- • r.•a 1co„, .• ' i' ' 0 , L - .;t • • roirnw•ts1
ee .i,It,
elYJ,•.S' d, oBneRbEy'.
.te DAolosel0,1151ccornea into ROM° inoney]caw,s cf,•a1quaa.ts 91iga 111 I.N Da.o
and when she dthcoverd (ho lt, gives the nAvy.arid )nroIsgepa sman esttito eiYl a)e,'(a.1 W 1211 xi intax'sil1.sy ts•
wayto a 1)1.1101 of despair that is,painful tbj" ,. tll thus 1.341.411(1'! 1110101 to a405ylieUni41ol.kerp theTatureof lier,illqess fronher, sfe1wec10 nOt 1ose 11 a 11.
°inotrneilioti10OdnwtielttlIeyii,111:t areery-oatandphabr
to '011130068.tness. I
:shall bo tnarlied ; I reside. slqrs., t5811lois iS 110 longer. bosive'. and a mitre cure for 'WRAF< .13•A(JE18,
shall b° Ilkle°1•18 1' slie voting; and IntS • a fan)ity 'of /ads and PAIN''S.IN TiijiLitas A:g1) 13 III•1.1.81.' and
13 bit terly.,f 't 'Poor ' Frank—he will hate 1 • . • 1., h 1. h , .1 , 1 f are- invaluable:to those wholmyo a COL'D of -
11,4;608 f114.0040 er 5.110 10 ierit tom 1 o Oils; gkleiling, mot often prevents CON,I.rAtP.,
ine i'l . • ' ' , . ,
• their mother's 'losPlinoqS.. tut one of TION.. 'Setae even 'toll 118 they believe tbey -
In Nein I try'to• comfort her, to, can- the -first I bings she teaches. them '13 11.4)13 were en tirely.eurtal'hy tlic use a them of Along.. .
,.,,.ilicc hoe that in not one ont of a help- to aob a fictitious value .1... ,1 ,., , i . 'seated Consturiptnal. i • -, . ,,_•,,,rx, . .
on i , et, s to Prepared- by ('1 1)101 1,.." • E. 1311 t .,1 !,T,r,, . • .. pattonage. ,.
dred casea.does the diseaso' leave d.read- no r.eds taw take, thIsnpsortutily 04910110g that
. . • ' sere s, • tou.g 1 o nit e o .. mino, an ,,,f 'ai, .. asH ; • • , . • leo, taken his Nen ihtro lout Jers'aip, mid that the bug- '
' * .' I 11 Itto'fb f • 'd t-, -11 AI ' -- • •
ed traCes . behind it ; she refases to be- do'd took it from 0(0'. 0.144. NO. ono 'Otter I . 174,11a bY all Druggiste, . .,.
' ID 0' Vit I:, •
• . flociros to retart
hiaWncere thank
to his rtinnerov-
friends dud otist0.
111110,1e1 tholihor
al sharoof 01.1.031,
ing blItlinGt•O 011
ny strPt, atten-
tion to litvitass,
Fuld using ovory ,
effort, to moot the •
1711110 OfIliS 111.3013
Visods, to contlit-
tie ta retain. their
114 8,4 will be conducted in 110111.*e innler the strla 431 5,
FeifiloTet1 . Art trt'o-Oti-• a -ho id too , so -smut s. arm ttni Saes 01111414d
reasoned With' or indood te.kuptv much
of..Ar•own. state. She is an orphan
and has no near relatives, for whoni wo
um-sondr,sopnvy Anne. installs herself
in the sick -room US head miss(); and its
I see, her bending lovingly over the
pea, 'disfigured face, and ministering
• wit h tender luttods to the Itselesti wahts
• of the invalid, •my wife i My eye8
exceodMg1y; so does ate, slut.
1)1 good deed east it glory around
the most homely 00untenanco.
• For. 'bomb time Mrs. Ogilvie's life iv
in great danger ; bat her youth and'good
constitution ,prevail against* the grim
destroyer, and at longth am abb. to
prOnotince all peril past..
'But 1 all my heves, 'all
care, all tuy poor skill have been in
Vain; and the beauty which' we have
all admirefloorttiruch, and which bas
heeh so precious to Otir pool' jiationt is n
thing of the, pasf. Site is marked...10
slightly it is true ; •hitt 'ale pure cont.
plexion is thick and muddy,: the once
bright. eyos a 1.`",-1 heavy and dull, and the
golden hair is thin and 1118600E8s. We
keep it from her as,lono rye can, but
she soon discovers it in oar sorrowful
looks; and her horror, her tt,geny, al-
most threaten, to unseat lier reason,
wifc i.8 With hor night and day4
watching her like a mother, using evbry
tears her rer,ree the loss of --her-lwerrairo--4------ vie r•.4,4,1/1-.,--
'for through that •she tells my
wife, "1 learued to know the true value
of Friink's, heart,'
. .
,-She simply worships her husband,
and is in all i.espeots a happy woman.
Indeed, seeing, tlto sweet' smiles Which
adorn 'her face' and the hiving. light
whiali dwells in'hor eyes, I am 001n0-:
times tempted' to .call ber n5'. of' Yore--
Pretty:Airs, Ogilvie. • . .
• 'The Livc.‘r is the imperial on.,Yan the
whole li•timan system/as it controls the 11117,
health and happiness.of man. When lt•ts
• disturbed hi its•proper action, all kinds of
• ailteents era.thool aural .1.'081.111:,, ai-
gestion offer -a -1,0[e it to vcinpri ts of the 11 (larC
and blooil,, the action of tho brain and 1100-,
.V0114 systinny arc all ininied lately Coll fleeted
with the working of the Li:Ver. , It has
bean Successfully proved that Clreen's Au-
' gust Flower is unequalled in Curing all
Persons afflicted with DyopepAla or Liver
Co:Nil-6114 -and all the nuincrims span
toms that, result from 'iiii-tniliNatitY-Caruii-''
tion of the tiver aniksstomach. Sample
, bottles to try, 10 rents. Positively/mid in
' all towns on the 'Western Continent. Three
,doses.will,prove that It is lust What. you.
' Want, •
tn:tallildi, remply foe a II. (11—twased the,
• eye ((toottfr oltequIP), priliiittation of the
' Jacob Shiltner, a travelling clerg3,ntan,
• has been arrested At Wheeling,. W. VI,
charged with committing" an *lamella
assault on 0 girl six years old.
aleeralioit .(.1( the lachrymal
'111414 1001-4*ttaki1451.4. 1.10ion j'eam.
vt: tilu"%' ith 1:1e nssutittlet;. of t.dileieney as a
Tun Amnamtx ..Erk.S..t 1.0k 114 441411031110011 to the
emotive of. link diseases of the eye, ricrac or.
chronic intlannostion, whether loaners1 by seri).
fuhats origin or otlierwim., ealtuess or defect
i1imipi7he(1 tone of the optic nerve,
or,a disetwetl stato t,f tho' thiatiev coriatitating
that (agate, Also, for all p004011.4 whose von.
•tion riiirtheg 1111 ineesount _action of the oyes,
the sitiv, will net 114 a (Awn 121x1stor11l3 0111411-
form healthy action, Whore 5901) 11(914, pain, and
miSery may. 1111V3' long threatened .a.fatat tor.
minatilin; It is ;Ay mold simpte, stfo, And of.,
• foci:ant remedy ever discovered. 'rho materials
of witiolt ismado two Pure, perfect, and wetly,
-n9ut131>t0314.e414401.el41,0p40o to care 01111 ex:is:them,
sate in its application, IOOIL1 uselLexternally,
tut 1, of emtroo, al:Militiit the pain and danger
whielt neeerNatity attend.r the barodttetion of
eftlIstie minerals and eye -washes. illsomcoun
and Or.n (InaoNle Soatm, of scrofulous ought,
or re.miting from whatever cause, yeild td the
,tll431lTC59 E•rit.S.ttve. TT LS AltikTli.litY0-.
OESSIMLIN l'alt P1113i4. Mr soothing ef-
fc1i inninidiatc, Mil ft permanent etIre tegnires
but' ft 'few- applications. 'rho proprietors of
making new and improved thaehinery for malt.
ing 11 more perfect box.for the I'ivn.SA",vs, haVe
herwise ' regarded as
changed the P144430P144430 DitAnK on the cover se as*to
correspond. wit!! the Cut on tho_Vrappor,
enlarn, Advertisedients, etc, 1,Ve call attention
to this, 11.4 itinight ot
Toronto, Agents for Canaria,
okeS, Olool Jewellery, opeetaeles,
. • ,,101, rai .010r reticles 0) 410)3
sit kinds of Pid43 Repaid and Mounted.
cloanIng, 50., 84)9 (411 Omit motfee',, in
worhottnilimmarittor,1111<lea misorothletcrlas, •0.
Ammer Krecitsr, N'ulert 'or 11123 Xi11iC21T,': •
nco. 0,1811-
INSURANCE j.Vtlle11 Agents
L1r Oil .414011,111S0E, 42' $
e.7g6TE4 tr.NY ittscatiNTgI).
ft:•411tt EAT LOW Val ON Dili
Mesi.etti.•,t 7/1".re, a41,1 .11,444,0
r•omprei .,q
A:fi1l:x:4 v:15 Ton C'ALLSOA Lass ,a,,,,,,atatas: 04120459.
Cala-it/it ... 1 .. 33,750.000 ,
Afolillottnt Assurarve ' 10,41;1.99/ 1,
Weettll y . . .... . . 43,000
tti!t:,8 tsv, r than any ethos Company la title comity.
riSStIkkiltiCAGEIlolt ron
dm Canard nua Inman Mc of Stoametn, 1� otadd
1e13R1,1,, Men ifvosing the Atlantic, Trickotit
imam 101(841 rotor., tran mvt to =mot, id anafrottf
Groat Britain.
0 k-P10./e on, 1111BOY.81t. CLITTOZ'
" 1314.014
April 11,1878.