HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-25, Page 1• . ;•).
13; NO. 29.
TERC2S-,51.312 role <Ammo, hi wilivonec,,
gat N1vnitoort00.
This's to notify, all persons having businesa. to tran-
sact with my husband, Bl.kr.,ornar fraUcia, tionl
do not want them coming •to 8y. house after- Wren
O'clock in ,tho evening, 0.0 00 peace of triy,house bus
beau disturbed:by persons cantos to transact business
after telt o'clock, which is 00 right. •
Clinton:July 27,878
• S aljtaai.
_ ,.„ . • '
A Boolel will be held in t he ,PIkill'gTER.IAN
CHURCH on tbo evening of -
• .•
WEDNESDAY„ ---J CLIC '31ST, .1878,
BuNsTRolul—IA. yohng man named
.Mielmel Pattersorn, living about a -mile
• A; •s000na-lland ColubtoodSioWeE 20a Reaper, neatly
new, for Sale Per. value, Apply to ..
• W, W.
*Clinton , June 27, 1878.. .
• ••• .
• -
The nutter .ignad offers for sale a beautiful farm. eon-
'taining 03 acres, 45 cleared and in a good slate of dulbi-
,ratiou. Never -tailing spring ereek running across•thei
.oentre; tlore hr also a splendid well, orchard, buildings,
on the place. le hi Well Bit00te1, beinglot 25, 101.1.1
.con, Ooderieli TowirhinfUnd is only half a mile from
the oorporation of the Town of Clinton, and has a line
Niew.of tho outire town. For further periienlers
to '•' WM, M. GORDON,
't At Gordon 4ritilnyson'A Greeery Store:
Ounton,,July 11, 1078. r. • •
(The occasion of the induation of nor, Mo, swears)
Tea served at 7i130 PAL, after .whiph 4d0r001368. bo '
delivered by several reverend eenneura, •
. ADMISSION, 25 cents, •
$6,090700 -:
11,4-YABLE IN felY.R.NPY YL !1S
. .
The Corporal fon of the T00.0 of Clinton offer:88,000'
worth of 'Fins Proteetion Deheetures for' solo. They
run Twenty. years, and boar &Veit per cont. Interest,
payable senn.annually. Offers for the samo Will bo re-' •
cowed, in Writing, by .
• A
W. O. SI14.711.E, l,7oor,•
Clinton. duly 21, 1878 .
McCr Iney,Thonisoli,E,Scott
Add u!antilacturow of Saar, .Doors,
Mouldinus, Lath and .61iiti
promptly -nttended,.0t, • • •
liave ou Intuit a very largo stork of DITTLIS11B1111,
and eniphiy i,one hitt Arst-class workmen.'Alt parties
wanting anything iu our line, will find it to their ad-
vetutage to givo .
Huron Stroot, El? Gnat him ltatior
pREcIE N T R. 'Sra:A. T E 1)
nesurotiosir, stattnii salary, for thition of Vro-
coutor, in Willis Chinch, Clinton, will be teccived, by
the undersigned, hip' to i he lot of August. Applicauts,
to sing three Sabbaths, Ironing and evening, an trial,
,in the order of their application. The suer( sutra 08
paean t will be espected to lead Iheinuelo at tbe wet le-
ly prayer maoting,Sabbath school, and ou thanksgiving
additien to tho Ordinary Sabbath too/Ices,
'2, TDENITULI., Secretniy.
• (Minton, July 100.1,1878. 81.
• •
F -A RM::IP 0 Tit t...19 L
The uni16: signed -offers- for.141 e the south part , cf lot.
No.12,1,faron Read,•Goderich Township 'candid ing of
90 titres, ictire.�r •About 80 acres eleared,15 acres
slushing, and balance timberal land. • On the premises
tea frame burn 20 45. shod 413,): 12, good young or.
chard,and neve tn1lin wing. Will bo soldon season.
able terros, • Apply plurally or by letter to • ' •
26 , •• Bo utrovrnr.n P,O.
Lot ss, concescion 8, Godorich Township; consisting
02 80 tierce, Is' offered tor sale. 74 licres cloarode and in
excellent working order,ls seedeildown rith clover Ana
timothy; rilini4iode.r. hardwood bush. On thoolaeo is a,
(moil young orehmd, neveNsiling creek, new frame
.hoilse; noul frame barn.40x80, w thoenati . pie co
for a buein145 stand on tho corner. On the:opposite. ocoi
ners :lin a store:post DiEco, school house, and bleak.
srirth shop, 0 miles Iron Oki town of Clinton ana•7,
irem the town oftioderfeli, Partieulars'int application
• . • • .
• •• ifidfint AfeDOUGALL( .
' ••• ' Porter's lfill 0.
Cloderioh township, Juno 1878 • •
, •
• - 01_,I1•;Trrcim.a• • .. . . , • .,
• . .Notleo is herehy.giron•that emit leis p metofoto
th 4 :Id li • •
July in, 1878. • - - - 7 . ' „.' • • inibgaing, 1:0VMM 00, the' undersigned, us i'abinet
' ' ' ..' oii, ' ' Makers., *Cpholsterers. Anil general lindertaters, at tho
. — , . -••••••-.7. •-•----,-- - Town of Clitkton,.in tlie 'County of num% raid prof ne,1
T... i 'S •;I, • 1 .0 .... r. i.of Ootarin, waii,:On the Twenty,trat day of SunoinStant,
0 T .E' 11 S ' . ....., ...:-.. g • 1 Q.:. dissolved -by nauftnal conSent. -All debt S owing to tbo
. .•
tutid partnorahlp aro to ho paid to tither of us,• the tin- -
- •
. ! dersignedott Clinton aforesaid, and all claims against
,.. e.
• , tho said partnership orate be presented to either 01 115,
I the Undersigned, by whom the Berne will beeettied. '
i •Dated at the said Lawn of Clinton, this 282h day of
jutie, ,s,liosys.
Municipality of the Township of
Stanley, County of Huron,
Notice is „hereby given, that I' havetrairs•
!flitted or delivered to the pnsons.iinentioned in
6 • • 1-
—the-th ird f O.Utta..6q
Lists Act," the copies required hy Saitl•seetion
to Jia so transmitted or. delivered of the 114,
made pursuant to said Act, of,all persons ap-
pearing by the last revised Atisessinent Boll
the said Municipality to be entitled to vote in
the said Municipality at 3.?.1eethms for members
of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal.
"Elections ; and that said list was first posted up'
at tny office, at Varna, on, the • 24th •day Of
July, 1878, and reniains there for inspection.,
Electors are called -nrion to examine the said
list, and, if any omissions or any other' etTOrs
are found therein, to take immediate •proccrub•
inum to have the said errors corrected actording.
to. maw. - .
Dated, this eats day of July, 1878. .
wiLLIAm rmyNKET-.T, •
. Clerk of the said Municipality.
I 1), I
.,..........0 ... ........ ' E. WRITING. • • .
.----------. ...,.......---....
, ....-....,.-----.-._..„.
from here, was overcome by tile heat on
Friday, while working on tt,' farm, and
died almost immediately.
• Aim 13a0KEN,–„Op Monday last,
while a boy inimed Geo.; Dennis,. Aged
about 11, employed with Mr.' -Wm,
Caution, was taking a ltOree to •water,
bo by sense means fell off, breaking his
left arm above the wrist,, •
•,P0.111,Tt RIPS , 11111.11..4.4.
AeomENT.----On Saturday' last, Mr.
j. Gardner', of .Porter's Hill, met with
a painful accident. `J. Fox, a boy em-
ployed with him, wils engaged in load-.
ing *Manure, and just as lie, was pitching
forkful, Mr,: Gardner suddenly turned
around a corner and received a prong 'of
the fork in the eye, which was penetra-
ted deeply.- Medical assistance was cal-
led in, and', the wound dressed, bra it
will be sp-Me time:before thouse of the'
eye is recovered. •
CRUSIIRD.-On M6nday while
Jos':Giig, en the ..Paytield read, 'was
logging, he had' ts small bone111 liis • foot
broken and the member' badly. crushed,
WY a log rolling on •.
Sexfirnoste,-On Fri -
last Mr, Geo'. hri,..2:1•3.,:savhe resided with
brother Robert-, ou the •Baso Line, a
sboit dis4floo from Clinton, died from
the effects of Fitno,Itoko ilt. had been
working its the fields (1,113 Uig the day,
and 1st eoen he cite his dinner ftS 1.181l al,
returning .ta'the field and • working all
the afternben. At tea time. he Started
for the house, but apparently not feel -
ng limn. frit down (ill 5. Fit$110,:Wile1 ( 1iis
brother Passrid him; , asking if
not corning to tea, hereplied " shortly."
Tea, was over and les ,still •sat there ;
Shoi:tkirfater he was found l ing cin the
ground; frothint'the mouth. Ansist-
since was at.-ence, .preetsred, end.. an „at-,
tempt maff&to .aciatinister. 100t91 (t5.
when after a -few . Is ea v y treathir es he
gasiedand died: alewas, burled. on
Morning, -Fite a -large -number.
attended•the"frinelal. HOwas alien t
\TOTE1tS' 1, T T - 1 7 .
• Municipality of •the- Township' of
Hullett, County of Huron,
Notice is hereby given, that 1 have tr"ins.
witted or delivered to persons mentioned in
tho-third• nitri fourth. Erotieas at-4"Mo voters'
Lists Act," the copies required by said section
to be so transmittal or delivered of the list,.
made pursuant to said Act, of all persons ap.
pooling ity;the last revised Assessment Roll of
the said Muniqptility to be entitled to vote in.
the said lquinehiality at Elections for mem-
bers of the Legislative 'Assembly rind at 111uni-
cfpal Elections; Anil 4t1t ,sild Ilat was firit
posted up at my office, at terelesbore, on, the
22nd day of July, 1878, atul remains there for.,
, •
Electors are called upon to exitinintrthe said •
(1/AN A ) TAN' P.A.CIFip 11 A ILWA.Y
The Government or Carnela win receive prinfosalS ter
cOnstructing• Ana work hp a lino of Railway extending
front tho Province of Ontario to the waters ottlio Th-
etas Ocean, the distance bang about 2,100 miles.. •
Menuirandiun of inforniat Ion for parties proposing to
Tc.tace nil) b 1orwti0le,1 on application as underneath.
Engineers' Retinas, mops of the country to Ile
el, 1)10111(11 profiles of the snrveyed lies, specifieations Of pre..
11n/only works, copies of tho Act of the Parliament of
t'antida tinder 'which ic'is proposed the Ilailway is to ho
constructed, descriptions of the natural features of the
tountry and its oettoulttsral and nun oral yesources, An&
other information' may bo 1800.0!,1800.0!,opplientiou at this
7)eportment, or tothe Engineer -ill -Chief at the Cana,
dian Govennuent OIllecif, 01 Queen.Vietorin, street, 11-
0. London.
Sealed Tenders, luttrkoA, "Tenders for Nellie Rail-
way," will be received, addressee( to the undersigned,
until the jet 41Y of December next.
• DILUTII, Scorstsry.
'Public Werke Dept., Ottawin
t/ttawa, May 20, 1818.
TE{ 7311:11,,VIASEER,
list, and, if any omissions or any ether errois
• WitINGERg.
are found therein, t�take immediate proceed. OL•MES
ings to have the said errors corrected according• O
to law.
bated this 22ad day of july, 1878. 1"
3 ANIE3 131tAItIMAI1I)1,
Clerk of the saidUunielpacity,
25•.00 REWARD.
The above. Torii will Paid 155 0113' poi soil. giving
such at 'win lead to the row:teflon a the
party or parties who brae the windows of the Orange
Iran, 18 somociiiiii, on Saturtlity night, thd Oth Atty.
• saarrtgli nowanv, :Vaster..
• . ABSOLOSI 1'E51311T, Dep.Altister,
Snonnirhill, July 5,1878. 4
ITO I TS ,N1)' LOT 14.1.11 SALE,
The imbscrikr offers that conveniently sittutEed
house and let ou liattonbury street, for sale. Ihere
are eight rooms in tho bowie, With shads,. driving shed,
hard and soft water, Ana some good !role 1?CS 511 the
place, Quarter acre Iot. Cheap for cosh
11.011111IT .11T28/51014.8,
Clinton, July 18, 1878. -
P. G. LANE, Auctioneer awl Appraiser
Ar Hama ; 110219e and ..tancl Afgent,
Commisiioner, ConVeyafteer,tee.
13 • I IR, 0 1\T ,
Match 28,1818,
N T.0 N
4 rr..) , •
The.Bible Class. and teachers ofKnox
Church; .C,Ioderich, held a most sticcess;•
simile al tho Poijit Fuxin laStfiriday.
•Pio Reform Association .bais .secnred•
L 'number of -very cosinnedions rooms on
North street, for, club rooms and 'read-
ing.reoras. • They are now fitting them
rip and avill seen hos-named; ,
, A very...164;o. number assembled at
the laying of the eorner steno of the M.
E. 0/torches's the 18th inst., Suitable
saul impressive services. were held; and
donations ampantint; to very consider,
able aum • Wero received .itnring'the'claY...
' Messra. Jas, Watson and' H. Bolton,
k[15 -on the 2nd, for Esirope. Rev. Dr.
Fowler', of Clinton, is in town with, 'his
'Mr, W. R. Miller, HetutMass.,
ter °fun) Model &hoot, left, on Satur-
day to join some friends in :Toronto for
few weeks sinew( the 'bears" mid 'bass
in the back -woods.
Arv.r0E,.....—Orr Thursday even inglast
aa -a sou. of Mr. John Gilt -nom -was.
driving a land of bey into the stable,
his head came 1155. contact with the girth
above the door and received a Very se-
vere wound which' bled profissely. A
doctorwas called who dressed the
worind, Glitl the lad le now doing well,
"Itornmay.-For some tins& past' Mr,
John Avery; of the London Road,. has
kept a youtitat place, named Lane,
who acted itt the capacity. of it jockey.
The boy has evidently improved ids
spare moments in looking . through his
einployes.•'s house, for on Friday knit ,he
bagel himself to $90 of Mr. Avery's
money.and a ring, a watch belonging to
the hired man, and started out for psi'
tureti fresh. The robbery was not (lc
!covered, si„ntil -next day,-kv,hieli -of -eau
gave him sufficient tsmo ;to Inflicts good
Itis escape.
TIMOR 1.;XTAACTED,--01I Friday last,.
Drs. Stewart. and Ilurlbert, 'of Bruce -
field, assisted by eight other doctom,"ex-
tracted from the abdomen of BIrs. Ban-
nerman, of tile Saitble Line, near Bay-
field; a tumor which weighed about
twenty-five peutids. It had been grow-
ing for more than three years, and had
caused excrueiating suffering. The
operation took over two hours. Some
11013C8 W4310 entertained that eh° might
live and get well, but these hopes were
not fulfilled fli4 slie died on Tuesday
Morning, aged thirty-eight years. The
tumor was the largest, over taken out
of (my peratm iti: this section of the
• ORIL,TO.EFI/01.41D•
' $°.oligiss, Dgarn,,-----Qte Tuesday last,
an inquest was held at Bytieefield, on.
the body:of Wie, Illackadder,, wile was.
found dead, in' bed on Monday eelling.
What time' hie death took place could
not •lio• clistOinined,. but, it „twist liajo
been several bons's, betel 0 lie was fonsal,
Re lie was iplitta cold and igid. 'A post,
rnortem 0Xareina1.ion Was made, and the
:verdict of the jury waft 314815 1)0 etune to,
his death by heart and l'at'ig disease,. so
celeratedby excessive drinking, Ho.
was a highly educated' and" intolli''aont
man, and had 'enjo1'e4,,the. benefits of
extensive travel and...was well read, He:
.was•si4y4our yeas* 'of age, • .
:s!;t14,0101.1.1PIEILa ,
, One end of the Inidge-at Rexborettgh
is ooMpletely Jataken dawn, •peking it
,inspassahle, The County. Clouneil woul2l.
do well to look to the twitter in time, ,
.• .
The united S. Schools of Seaforth
teil(I having it grand union excinsion to.
Icincardine on the .seventli of August,
Which Will be the eiVic holiday. . •
A -korai -lade, concert was given in the„
Skating Rink last Monday evening, 'flir
the benefit of the • band. The attend
ance was very sawn; Whieli itt runch to
be regretted. Tip preen ainme was ex;
contest and well carried out:
On Wednes,lay last a ,valnable. horse
belonging to Blr. .0. .D. Wilson, of this
euecumbed to -the effeets of the
'heat. • 'Air. Wilson's hirAt Man had tho
animal 'out gathering eggs, .and when
near the village . of „Drayton, in the,
County, of Wellington, :it enddetily drop.
P ea w • detta . •
• On Tuesday last, while.bathing in, the
river at .I1oxb,o1'engli„ a young. Mao
slanted Cox, of tbis'tolvn.,'eaints near be-
ing drowtiOd. He' had got ..boyond itis
depth, but Was rescued; by his.,,eompan,
lone,: Move frightened their Vet:. The
:ereinngiullowing anotheryohth, named
Booth, living tit Harpushey, .also got
in et pOsition at the same place's,
liekept calling foe belp, and the by -
stateless thought that he waS only
and itwas sons 6 tinio befoye
he. waS. taken out„ ,very much' bfehanstedr
A rotS•waY itechient occnired to: Messra.-
WilsOn and ..G.irigeSon,. of this town.,
It anpeas that: whin near the ,bresiery
in that Villagepand while 'hinting the
horse;. Mr. Glialleson s track the animal
with awhip, censing it to suddenly
spring forward,' The buggy was then
'upset, and both gentlemen throWn :Ont.
Mr. Wilson got 0;thing1ed in the •lines,
and was dragged a considerable distance,
the liorSe was -stopped it • was
forms( that Mr. W iajuriesi were,
• very serions, lie has since :been eon,:
fined to blida •
What Might have been a fatal .accia
dent bad not things almost Mysteriously
turned osa otherwise, happened in town
slica:t tittle nali. 135 seeina that a
piing un -in nanied Peter Carty was P01-
131 a Wagon 'with:Young Mr. MoMusy,.
wrie dreve, whilst, driving along •slow-
Iy the wagon wised! went •OVOr 81111111
State • ,i'W;4/8 ,stlilizieo't • to, throw
Carty out, tyllo, in falling, broke his
,collar bone/ The borseal taking fright
ran away; MI:Mooney still keeping bola
of °lionise. Thoy ran until. stopped at
Eginondvilte. Had the tongue come
lint, young Mooney says he could not
ha:Ye escaped-, RS they ran most ;furiously.
Last Friday, aboat noon, our. citizens
wan- stfdden arolisatrhy lietitifsb -1.1fe7
fire alarm sounded. Dates foUndthat
Mr. A NI', Dunlop's (town Constable)
residence was on••fire. The:fireeeaught,
from a stove pipe in theback kitchen
find WilS COD MuniCated: to boards of the
roof, Fortunately it Was noticed in time
by seine person cooking near by, and the
alarni.given. Both fire companies were
promptly on the ground, and the engine
WW1 soon playing on tlas flames; As the
fire ,114.1 mit gained much beniway iti
'was soon got under conttol and speedily
extilfeuished.., 'Assistance was also
Ufforcred,by a kite pump, • The amount
of damage done to the building he
about $100, widen iS fully covered .by
,As Meeting was the town Hall
last Felder °venue( for the purpose 'of
theenssing1116-ativiSabyity of passing
the by-law granting- a bonus to the High
School.. -There were about 75 ratepay-
era present, The Reeve, 1). .1.).•
Esq., °copied 'the chair, Dr,'Tomo°,
Ateasrs McCaughey and 1Cidd (trustees)
delivered speeches in favor of the estab.
lishmont of a High School in the town,
and strongly urging upon the ratepayers
to pass the Wend questions
were put an(1 satisfactorily anewered by
the trastees, when the Reeve put the
questiont6 00 meeting as to tho advis-
ability of establishing a high schooI„and
it was carried unanimously. 'Voting on
the by-law took pitsee oft Monday,: it'
being earned by a majoritY about 70,
There were about •190 vOteepolled.
, 1/(OliM 11.'4 tt.! SON,
PLY'riEL 0, Pattismi. formerly mauttgor of
• The Methodist parsonage is approach:,
ing eompletion, will be 'finished in about"
rtioisttles,and will 'be an, Ornament,: to •
Tlie Concert' on the 1 2th thouels not
very largely- attem owas, good, pr
Id ' 6
nounood the• beat ever held • in Blyth;
Majoi Thempson,. Miss': Preston, Miss
111e1lieli and Miss Barnes, rendered very -
valuable assistance -to the . choir,and
mere final mot the eXpeetationslef thoso
• present, •
A game. of' Ishse at
Blyth, on Saturday,hetween the Han-,
lens, of Blyth„ and Independents of Lon.,
desboro, ending in a . victory for • the
former, by 27 nins, [The balance of
the renort is taken up with a long ac-
count of the 2511r1 -t07,10 diSgraCeftil con..
dnct : of a 13resSels elub that was presents
N.6 good is'..liket,y to result frosts its
publication besides this; 'the writer fails
;to add his mune to thealrtielo:-.Etarou
'Ngw Ega.].
• pahadian. News Itenis..
The Quebee Legislaturowas prorogued
on Saturday..
Mr. Cavell, Inland Revenise InsPepi:
ariseized anillicit still m Galrossy on
Saturday,. •.
The appointmentOf Ho°.•11:11-Clitsn
ler as Lieut. -Gavel -nor of• ,New Bruns,
wick is gazette4.
Mr. T: Lamb of the ToWnship of' tlu
has on -his barnyard a rare& avis
the shape ofas,chicken with Our legs,
two in, the usual place and two growing
out Of the back.
;Mrs. hicAlpine -Was- run oVei. oa ,Sat-
tirday, by.a, G.T. train: noir Acton, and
her head (aft COmpletely off. A bottle
of whiSkey,found beside' her, explaies
the cause Of the accident,' .
Last Aida-F.441st the '.too of J.; N. ,
Lepum, thy goods merchant Centreville,
was broken into, -UM safe blown, open,
and the contents, consisting of/$1,,a00
'worth of notes, a $500 cheqte on Alm
Merchants' Bank at. Napanee and about
2.90 easilf. copied aavay.
' A •ic- Heathen: Chineo," of . 15. pugilistic:
turn of mind, on &tardily last; in "To-
ronto, I:aides:took tpithrash three youths
with a stick. II& w-alquickly undeceiv-
ed as fa his fighting powers, and was
in return badly thl'aebed by one of the
lads, and had to beat, a rapid retreat.'
The ,S'upreirie Orange Grand Ledge
• havodecided on their course in reference
raise $10,000 to push speedy legal pro;
'bending's to all issue, and Will essociate'
M. 0. Cameron or Mr. 'Bethune; with.
their Montreal conneel, to direct them,
OnFriday night a barn, heliniginglo
Mr. W. F. Smith, Jot 13, on..3, Ade-
laide, was turned, it is' supposed, 'py ti
tramp. A new reapine‘ machine, fan.
niTtg Mill, and other implements. that
NV 01'0 111 the building at the time were,
• destroyed. There was an insurance of
.$50.0 on tho barn 'and contents. ^.
Mr. -Webster, of Thornhill, 'while as-
sisting in, the harvest field was struck
by lightning, his boot being entirety -
torn from, his foot, Tho horse he was
driving was amok behind the ear and
instantly killed. There were, no indica-
tions of a storm -one flash and a few
drops of rain and all was over. There
-is no hopes 6f Mr. Webster's recovery.
----- dad -named „Mori ho -went -out. to .
pick strawberries a few ,days since, near
the weeds in one of the, rear settlements
of Rirnouski, had a narrow escape from
aluge hea-r, which suddenly presented
itself on his path and slushed upon him.
The poor child, however, escaped with a
severe fright, by making 'good WM of his
legs on the homeward
Mr, jainston, ot Amelittaburg, lasts
(withered this season 8 000 quarts; of
'evti'll•itersseyeeries from an aero and a half ef
These he sold on an average
of ninevents aquart. The proceeds of
Unit titre and -a half Wore therefor°
$729. But helms 3.;aspberries end other,
fruit growing on the same land, mach
will probably bring the proceeds ti
nearly et,0O0;
.'• An Artomesia farmer dlove a cow b
the Durham fair, and havine' Sold her,
partook' rather freolY Of something
" mild," and was taken in a farmer'
wagon to lfitbin e, mile or two of Isis
own place, and, got out to walk the bal-
ance of the road on foots, bub, imagining
that,be had arrived at his own domicile,
ho undressed and went to bed, having a
fine pasture Oeld •for a costa, and the
blito Starry havens for a covoring, He
began 156 feel the chillAIA-tilitand 115.
a muddled atato gotehp arid starter -kir
home, arriving there" aboutg daylight
with just bis shirt on. Some of his eons.
went badk to leek for the psissing
clothes', and found theta labout mile
Seem hia residence, and the proceede of
the cow all light in his pocket...
.the .41104.1, bed Isis nese Itroken 111 two-.
.places, at' Toronta, .00 :Tuesday, while
playing olio -het. . • • .
Ninety tni'sn have 'been discliarged•-•
frosis' the Grand Trunk' taiipay work!
Shops at. Mon treali for .a bs en tin g: e
$01es durrng the. , rodent. troubles.
e astrIttotfogirdant afflo
was defeated On $atnrday last, tho
Township. of Brant :by a timjcirity -of 17.
Robent O'Neil', a Tanner, .5yfisi15es from"; .
W11111,,F;trintling it) barn dui:-
ing the ...;thunder storm, ,On -111 0 rsclayi,
wass 215311018 dead and alkalte 'buildings
•burned to tgro
he sseVd-.?: 14,010141g.
• . .
• .Abent mion 011Thu; Way., a Violent..
thunder. Storni • pissed qver Aylmer. .
'During 'its '‚.i 5. yeitegrean named;
'Van Sickle; lYing under a ;hock of 'wheat'015. 'I'158fl(lotlt ,
Olype's \vitt.; fii pix.,,k by •
A. daughter of .(1r. Sherman, aged
thirteen yeas s, 35 5,', tir()IV nod In Gull
River, near Mint°, On.Fi.itlay, while en- -.
treavoring to save het,: twos her, who. had
geee beyend his depth, .and who siaS
With 'difficulty rescned.
'`.Pheie has ,been eonsides Able pultwg
in the paper S' lately , about tall whettt;
rye, oats; .large p611150es 'etc„ bat Mil-.
erten has a Csniadien 4.tistle that will
ise bard to beat.. It tileiJsiireS) 0 feet a•
Lt e strong, heallthi
thiatie; geowing, on the aislewalli
82153. 115.8 the township •
'Mr. "i(rennor makes this. fellowing pre-,
cliction,:-The cold. tern of • Otls Joly
Will-.. probably °canbetween tile- 2035h •
and ..tatb„ and .,1 still,. loolc. Tor frost, '.
'.Asigest will he terrib/y hot and . SUltry
.aap, to abont the' 1 5tli
gulluly colt1,..'fall-like. Weitthee'W111
'Ill, With higii.ir.incluod 405....y911035e10,
.TI10 SO118611 Ill 115.. genera -I lSOJIOIV1�5. (.01
respends With that of. 1876.. '
: .AS a -Cow,' with a Taff, pnichasell from
the Market, : . 'bein,. driven along
Front' street, .Toronto, off Fritley stftor-'
110011, two dogs F35 ,led her ealf,, and'ea
'the mother turning' suddenly 't..) defend '
it • she.' slipeel. end broke one of diei.
hind legs:- ..T.we....fin•nerS 'vvercs, celled; -
but conld do .nothing, to • relieve • the.,ani-.
mid; which. wesdrtsgged to tlieside. of'. •
the road and lath out (If pain hy cutting
• its ,throat.
On. AIonday 5. )(pang t:Iii111 belprigin,g
to 111'r, "John Flaherty, who lives on the
7th 0011 of Nissouri, lost its life by 1 ill
ing into s. tub . par Li t11 1.3511'. of 'water.
he teethes, -bad ems tvashi,,taint,
the day,' mid bad left garde of the 10(18, 7
in the 'nth to bo nsed for other purposes.
-While BIM MIS' 15. 4:15.0r35 distanco Off. .
ingests child Was plaYing ereend and:.
moot listely splashing in thowa ter,' anti
on retnrning.,she found her 'Child lifeless
isi the :tub_ • •
While Island ,Evans, of Lien ti
was (hggli!lis -well as, the lath' can. of
1.1.idtlnlph, after plisse, ,•ehrough: is hard
*Clay, he struck st soft black anuok aboist '
24 feet slowtsi .simihte, toilea semi •in
ewamps.; end rerned out several
of roots of trees between flos-e'oe four •
inches531 leng it, end eltont batten inch
thicluieSs. . lie says they eculdn't •
have worked down, from. tlis, 9irtrface as• •
the well Was beir,g dug. , .
As illustrating the effects in Montreal
or tho.coursd of t vents en the 12th; it
is said that, fl'010 hOLUtI concerted move-
d e fair
'less mon 0( 31) city, not ouly Catho-
lies., but soveral Proleat ants, have, with-
in,' the -past few days, received notice
from the West cancelling orders, ,and
abating their determination to ,withdrasir
thoir,patreatige from the city in future. ,
A. traveller for a Roman Catholic house
returned and talented to his fires that
he egad do no business, being 'snubbed:
'svberevee he werit. IIe went as far as
Trenton, end 'the feeling Was Such that
be conoluded there was no use of wast-
ing his time and ins'ensployers money. •
.04.11 r
.81rSINESS Peilt atTention
has been ealled to a new article for the
use of ladies, the invention of whieh has
'conferred an -everlasting blessing upon
%very lady. We refer to the QUeen. City
skirt suspenders for supporting 'Niles'
skirts, the, most 'desirable and benefielal
artiele over inveinted for the relief of wo-
men, many of whom have.suffered years
of miserable health caused solely by carry, „
sing the weight ofe, slumber ofheavy skirts,
completely dragging theist down, Some-
thing to siipport ladies' clothing is abso-
lutely 'seem -sat ' .111sese suspenders areo
recommended by our leading physicians
to alnadies and young girls.. Every lady
should, have them. They are sold only
through lady agents. A splendid oppor-
tunity is offered te'sonse reliable lady can-
vasser of this countyto secure the 'agency
of a 1)1011283515 841(1 profitable business, For
terms and territory write at once to the ,.
Queen City Suspoiidor Company, 278
Clark Street, Cincinnati, �.
• . •