HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-18, Page 7JULY 18, 1878.
.tis nieriettn News items..
Mr. l Becher surprised; his eong1egtt-
41011 lest Sunday Ielol•nieg „by_xnailing.
his BE mon from Illanliiicript. 0
In the Untied States there ate 640
females praotiuiug as (looters,' 420 as
dentisleTras"lavvyors an aelneaulleri;
A Conlieoticut woman was appointed
constable tho other day, and the first
thing she said was : < Now T shell cutch
a pian.' •--�- a
Clarkville, Allegheny eoiu ty, beasts, of
a fat girl sixteeu years ot'age that brings
down the -hay scales .at 472 pounds,
]ong meter avoirdupois,'
A newsboy has travelled all the way
from New York to.San Franoisco•on $8,
stealing his rides in. box Cara and on
brake -beams, and spending bis money
only for food. •
A Virginia woman refuses to not lay
a baldheaded plan, though he is a mil
lionaire. She' explains : , ' We'd have
a family fight some time, and he has no
hair to catch hold of.'
The weather last w,eok was ;intensely
warm at St. Louis, Mo., the luerianry
having ranged from 95 to 102 'in the.
shade. Thirty o_ r forty ettsee-ef sung
stroke were reported, eight oP-wdeicl
proved fatal.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe, of Atlautio;
lova, agreed to 'separate, but 'neithez'
would consent ,that the other should' re
tain their baby. They settled the ques,
tion by selling the infant to a neighbor
. for $50.
Mrs. J. E. Foster, of Clinton, Iowa,
a lady lawyer in Iowa (she and'lier hos-
band being partners in the lavy business)
leas been speaking in Minnessta• on be-
half of temperance and• oig;tnizing W.
C. T. U.'s. The press of that State and
of Iowa is tn.animons irz the statement
that for login, rhetoric and eloquence
Mrs. Foster has no superior among the.
temperance workers there,
- James Sherman, a resident of'Wash:-
ington, D. C., is tin unfortunate creature
with. a hunchback, a game leg...and a
feeble mind, and yet Miss 0arl le •,.L:
Grixom, a dashing girl of 21, and daugli-
ter of a retired United States naval
officer, has sued him for breach of pro:
mise to marry.. st should also be added
that the hunchback is the' heir to .a
quarter of a million dollar;.: '
The movement against • the use 'of
agricultural machinery is reaching such
proportions in Ohio and Indiana as -to
seriously alarm the farmers. Scorns of
reaping machines have already been
destroyed,-a1tLeve .day-larings-t p -.-
of fresh depredations. These outrages
are the result of aha, extreme distress
prevalent among the working classes'in
the United States.
Fe.w..sadder..stories-are--teld •t-hiirk-thtrt-
• a ,Philadelphia captain. lately related to
a iteporter. 'White on a -voyage ,from
his home to North Carolina he one night
lost •two, children, who. w re drowned.
A few days after his' eldest ebn had 145,
brains knocked out by a block. Hid
other son and wife then took typhoid
fever, and both cried before -Iris return.
The five bodies were laid side by side
in a burial ground neat. Philadelphia.
George Betts, a-clergy.man's.son aged
fourteen, and a frit nd set out at Lansing,
Mich., not long ago, to spend an 'after-
noon shooting at a mark with their
loaded revolvers. " Returning, home,
young Betts in a tragic manner,' cried::
' You villian, die ?' and snapped h'is
pistol at his•oompanion, who told him
not tore' s•.) again, as. soros•, ane might.
;et but t. Betts then held.t)la revolver
to his o n tNmple to show 11 was empty,
fired, and 01 dead:, -
A strange wontsin invited a lawyer
named Allen to her room in the Revere
House, Boston, -on. the 10th, to consult
ahoutacitl estate. He was induced to
remove his gnr•meuts, when the woman
locked them in a trunk and demanded
810,000 blackmail, on a threat of expo-
sure. Allen gave her check for $1,000.
The woman looked him in the room and
went to the bank, where the cheep was
aitspeeted... Her nrr.est followed and
the above facts wekirdeveloped ---•
Mr. Lanfear, a main engaged in
breeding camels in Texas, says of theii.
that it is of no more tt'ouble to raise
them Than it is to raise horses and. cat-
tle. The colts of the first three or four.
days requite close attention, but MIN'
that they take their Aeneas. with the
rest 'of the 'Herd. They feed on cactus
brush; b
and et.
n i 1 'eschewing all t•holasses
that horses and cattle eat if the favorite
cactus can be obtained. Mr. Lanfear
hays there is one camel in his herd that
hits travelled 150 guiles between' sun
old sun, and that almost any, well -
',relive cant(I can travel more that; 100
miles a dos.
If it vicerf!not that new generation
of buyers ate constantly coming up, it
world oft l'' bccccssary to caution the
public l.evr r to 1'uv land without hav-
ing seen it, 01 without pitying tn'Acle a
personal invesiigiation into the dream -
somas; attending they sale. The latest
fraud in the lino is one of the holdtiat
and most colnpk•to ever perpetrated.
A gang of villians have counterfeited
the ()rent Seal of the Shitn or calitn! nia,
and have sold land in every partpf the
State open titles mad& to order by theni-
selvr•a. At present the full extent of
the swindle has .ltot h >4,44 1. ut«i
is supposed that millions of the,. best
land in the ?;'tato are held tender invalid
titles. The victims number some thou-
sands, and Bottle of thein Will slider
groat. hardship. It is sllslieeted' that
•public oficiels high itl the service have
participated in the Plunder.
Startling thsolosnres of frauds by In-
diaira'gents conte front Dakota,. The
;;;Pati Commissioner having dropped
unexpeotodly inion the Agency,unearth.
ed,i1 series of frauds and jobberies, sand:
wholesale robberies paf the Indians, on
A scale hitherto unheard of, ' even hi
Indian agencies,' The robberies date
back to 1870, end aro the worleof a 1•e
pular ring, who bare built a, hotel with
the,ir.. stealing from. G'tovernnlent;, and
have lieen in ha'bit'of keeping the ectab-
lishmegt supplied with provisions from
tile'Qoverlineent warehouse, .
The._CineinnsLi Conirnerciccl,•of.
day,. had 'an article giving 'crop reports
Of Ohio, Maryland and Kentucky, which
show that'farmers are in the midst Or at
the close' of: a wht3at harvest pnprece•,
dented in:quantity arid quality of grain,
wKhieh,. with a .few exceptions;' is beim
gathered in good condition, The, acre-
age .was, largely in excess of previous
years, and this applies equally to other-
careals which promies more than nn•
averego- yeil'L - Corn ,-Iniekwal d. -•freta„
the low temperature of the sprigg;ander'
the warm and. refreshing'sliowers of the
past two weeks, .has, been growing . ra7.
eider and lt,oks prou31s1nb. Felllit$ Are
in loss abundance, ;hut the quaility- is
A very tiugular story, concerning",
di tmond'pin is related by a Troy paper.
In brief -ft is• this : H. 'AV. Cp,onors-is a
grocer'•at No; 822 River street,,,Troy.
Thirty -bight yettts ago he Was a clerk,.
in 11v1:.1au'ch,Chunk, Penn.", and, sweoping',
DLit the store in which he. \vas emiiloyed
ono •mooring,. ho discovered an' -Object
sparkling in the•diet, Upon. picking it
up ,be `,found 'it 'to be. ti diatmQnd •pi'n.
1Ie Wore •the pin• 28 years, a hen tie lost'
it.: • Ten years elapsed, •and Mr. Connors'
bad: ?;;most forgotten the circumstances
connected with, the .case. The other
morning, while .going:. up. Whipple
avenue, he saw : something shining,
tete dust. He stopped and picked it.up,'
and it proved to be the long lost dill matin
• .A powdermagaziue.on fir's;nay effuse`
a'lively sensation in •a small tawu,:.iiut
this. was s '-nothing to what the inhabi-'
tants of Pequlitlao, N. J., experienced.
some cloys 'ago, w•litn Ferdinand Marks,
the glycerine mixer, suddenly appeared
breathless in theirliiidst, and told them
the nitro-glycerine house .Wee on fit'e.
Nerbr in the memory of .the. oldest
lativittriotd" thi3'2tistande 'between, 't lio
village and alio si rround,ng hills. been
cleared;iz; the• same• space of tiwe by ,the
Same persons, andnever:; did men: get
their :faces to theearth. sooner or hold;
tltaoi laece:clpge•'than..-thirties tlifJ.ii�,
terval'`.before tho "'ei;plosion .occurred.
Forttillately no, one was hurt, but 'thea
transformation wrought' in the' Bier
routidinge of the, nitro-glyoerine house.
exceeded considerably the . eloping tai
bleatix of the best'thctatres at Christmas
time,. :Tlie building ,was demolished ;
the rafters have never•sinco been heard
of,. and, a corn field: in the vicinity was
left 88,bnre as it floor, trees in the neigh-
boring woods . are twisted from -their.
roots, and in •smile places 'paths' were
swept;cleau: through then; for long' dis
trances by flying • missiles. There is
sotircely tl barn or building within a ra-
adials•of a half mile tht t is' not partly de
molishecl, That no one was• killed, ap
pctL'ra to be almost a miracle.'•
A S.ientilic DI xctisaton,
• -- •
You twgers, sere, dat de world 'is.
flat,. and stands oe1.a big _rock,' • said
Sainho,' '
'Now Iwant you to tell me what dat
rack sten' on ?' -
r I's' [wised at your ignorance `l'' re-
turned `Cato,' why it titan's on auurrer
big rock.!, . a
'Bet what does bole ,of .dont scan'
olr1' said tub()) eonfident'belied cor-
ne`•ed his opponent. . -
Why dere is rooks all de ' ay down,
replied Cato, after tl' moment of 'hesita-
Why colored friend, said •Saniho,
with tt pompous air. Tse sorry to •see
anent -04s. ob remuigated obscliiritfla,
n genTtnen of your eggsalted pertensions;
allow me who has experienced --superior:
opportnnities, to correct de Lery'deron-
eous 'depressionv,yoti has, a'fid inform
you dM dis serf is round and devol,Ves
on axles.'
Iticrl0 Vriit/1776e'n`tire- c ate do. feel'in'
clot pi'owps you to disthnid to els ;eta=
men de information dat, yen furnish on
de question dat wo is at present dobatiii,'
returned Cato, and wid all reference
to s'perior abilities, to which you take
nceaS10n to 1'neltide, • 1 trust disagree
wid you, on do -question, if de world wlrn
round ;Ind, turned on axles wouldn't de
axles -trees broke down and spill all da
people in do street?, Answer me eat,'
It. ie unnecessary to add that Sainbo
was utterly confounded by the over.
whehning argument', and forced to
idnoolc under' to the superioroiittcllect-
nal attaintl:\ents of his opponent.
Mrs, H. M.Drutumond, organist of
Knox Church, Winnipeg, was present.:
ed with a handsome silver tea service,
and, Mr. Soley Blanchard, leader of
the:Phvir-Butes prbsented With a silver
water -pitcher by the, e9ngregation
recently, r,.
• ,
RH UI � TIS anti any other lnaamtaotory
diacneoent0dinlilewhunts. •
l;rysipelas, ucro?aln, paixi. '
ago, 1410 irritation, ulcersfrcm nrZY cane', end a hen•
dad other diseases are (mused by an acid ?'rrnont,
wl;i011 pr0duecs inflammatory aeti0n. ,Brtrnten's Ab.
iorbent will positively effect a euroht a few hours by
absorbing t :0 aeld poison trim 11)0 o.stom. Holt{ by
druggists: Priem, Tae. Advice in partionl,ir casesfrte,
W. v,11Iit 1 tON„
Unities., Ont.
ilal,T �7CT.OIZ
roeidents of Clinton and vi0lnity, thnt,; 13tv13(5
rebuilt hie premises on the old atand,•
Victoria Street,,' Clinton,
Iro hae•now on hand n•largo. olid aeleet eidek of
ALL cxN3S or 717RN T:LR3,
.Su8J4 a atrajables,Iled•rooln.Sete, Lounges, What
Note, &c., of good mate)•iae, eieolTnu.t workman'sllirrand
'fi'nish end which he will sell at the lemma remunerative
REPAIRING! prom pfi4 A71TLIV D,L'!) 'Pp
()ATL' f'RII:(2,IC E)lo71.!"tr
Remember ,he Place VICTORIA -ST,,
Clinton, March 8,1877
!Tun St1/3Sea1wtn BGS TO NOTIFY: Iixs: ODD
Jl friends pnd'customers, andas many now onos ns
tatty think fit to favor hint with their patronage, that he
has re.bnilt•hls 131ackamith.Shop, and
IEAS 13EC0\1AI.I+1NCi!;D BU'S1'fiTESs
tvhiollis now in fall operation, 8 110113 1113 1ari;; experi.
once and•tbo facilities he ,po0scese0, ho•lee)s competent
to,gioo sa'tisfd'Grion to all whom ey;aver 1}1131 with their
i-- -- ono a15EAStts arrsE_ —''�
in•1ho ttonti'erful medicine to which the mulcted
ere above directed for retie!, the discoverer• be,
heves 130 111,13 con111 1031 in harmony more of Na,
t1)10'a sovereign. cored 80 t1'»pectiCs, which 00,1
Imo instilled,, into tete vegetable kmg(tom for heat -
leg, the seck,llsta were ever betO,•o combined in
eltejaealei'ne: -T'lie.et ullinee at tarn fitl:tr,1foThif ln''
the great variety of m off t 01)40140c- it (seas es, whish
•-it has. been roma! to compote, In rho 033`0.0)?
inlroltciritia, Sere re Clio wits, anti the earl g
stages of Co lisp ntptioit, It :has a..Utnlsh•ed'•tite
medical ;coney, an'1 0131131010 iloystsialta. pro.
•noalace It the greatest madly -Ill '1i-eovery of the
"We,•...\t; h11e 1t sit es the' severeg Coughs, it
• strengthens the .system . and • rur1fibs the.
bto<t'tl. IN ata
great and thornnrh 10ot 't -partly
ins properties t ies 13 I•rn 314 ;lie ttla :It 'l I M, from: the
worst sen 00111it t .t coin 1114 1i1ift< 11..1']311
tie,nr 1 3 cutin❑ 53erro 1 1)=1t a 1iTiior7i.
0101 11.1•.,1 (.et.t', 1111 Peau'ion, 0,1, 'line"
•V1500011.4.1,00'.11 art I a ...pop! e. tetitlttfunexl;ilii.
• li8he11, Leysipt.iaqi Sat It ;114'11.31': 1'`e Ver
Soreid; 1 i) i,r itoliglt. Sit in. 111 Mort, all
•tho 1 u1.•t u. r3 e t e s .w ? t 1. b,1•t 1,1 ,44. or,
bong 11(,•'<'t hs r1U•, 1,,Ne' Lill. and in.
•tegora'!u a ,li0nr
IttinlI ( ,nli.d1n13 1.'iilu ret 3.l;hivt sallow
.color r 1 e l ell, ,, 13 1 t o nl f ut0 00
.borlt rfrtttiu(nil:e!1r at, •' ,..4;1•.l.•-.• r I :lite in
month, !eternal lieu) nt,; l - tll't1,11111111t.
!]nabrr, lnit . 1,i '111001 1"1 +, n + 1•:''•1 .'. i1. •
regular 01,,,e.;to....,1. I 1.a _ n' 'ti'•' . 1• 0 IV('
suffering U.,,111 1`311 ;u+i Ill's i (e t' (t ti•n3.
. Iiess)1 In . many eases ,r t 1,1 t 0t I t, 1n-
only • pa f it t` -e u l ', fl ,. < •\ • r
. e k:Peeil b .1 r<•1,oly 101r ,11.'h
1 < j,:
�'141t I, 1hl< n Mo' ls,ll111 ( ,. t 1 1,
I3 it ,4'11'31 311'11003 0000..' e. , •
t 111!'0 n.11 e:11:1131.••
1! e GY'.D5 JG(3)STS AT, SI PE 1I 80171..
I:. '3 tri Tat(t:,' .71 1) 0.dr,
1,•., t .. tt'W;1.,11l •t ,11(nl F.�-...t I11.
Builder's Hardware—.saints .• Oils,and:
'everything nec'essary ° for .building or re-
ezirin o house barn, ' or th
d�vare .
use Purnithirig
bio ds
�, Lam7,J(s, BYuslitQs moo..
- including•
COO; Wols, Cifttors . S18ig1is
ilia kt ed all, hang$ fr ,4)1,:b ilrr
• , Promptly ea/Meted—le; at reasnuatle rat's.,
..t T rJt BRT eT�UN
Londesboro, Oet, 18. 1877.
Blyth: Flour° n ,• Mills.
C 1Hk: subscriber, begs to tender his Most
sincere thanks to his numerous custo;
mors irk: the surrounding townshipsand the
public generally •fel. •their :llberat patrcinage,
and would- further notify them`that he has
lately added most importantimprovements to
his milt '.by• putting in a now engine, double
the power heretofore used, • and two. run of
first•cless stone, with acotuplete set of mer:
chant bolts, and in fact all the latest and most
improved inaghinery, togetiferwith first-class
millers, he is prepared todotirst clasaworlcin:
txrists weighed in and out. Partios•, from' a
distance catn• have their gists and chopping
home with thein the salvo Clay. Bond Flour
and Mill F.eecl for sale at moderate prices.
L1I1 .B -''ER•- ..Jam.tU B E' �3.
• The Subscriber would a1so'inform the pub-
lic that lie has a fargostick of lutnber of
different kindsand lengths : Pine front 10
to 20 ft.; hemlock, from 10' to 20.; Cherry,
Butternut, White Ash, maple, Softand Rock
Elm, in' lengths to suit the public, which en•
Ales hiin-to All all 'orders that he may be
Ifavored with on the shottestnotice and most
riiasonable.terms. •
Ifuutr, Proprietor.
Blyth, Aug. 213,1870;
Oanada Company Lands.
b8' TN VEt)N 1017 3At,n 31Y
A t10 Canada Company may lie seen at the ulnae Of
..n. _iLiT.'£.
Clinton, Jan. 17,-1871. -
([111E' SllnsdntnEll OEGS LLAvn TO BT 1•TE
..)Lt.. to tho public that he keeps 10)10tantly on hand
aUrge andsuperior class .0f 1 -
Coffin Trimmings and :Robes,
'With' it splendid =IEAItME, i"f.tn-Corrxas always
on hand. Pertfoa can be sapplted in one boor, at
any thee, at
ri`E rT VE. R OE' NT LESS'
Than can be procured et any other place.
A fail stock of FURNITUi,
Always on hand.
x1308, Sxitl'VENSON
Clinton, airy:?' I.O,.1877;:r
C'l'03 ` secrx 17E1 m@Tc.m.
Is purely vegetable :and perfectly harmless. 'It sets'
upotr tile rood in the stomach, prevent;ng•its being
converted into fat, Taken 1)3 accordance with in.
Teething, it will rcdeoe a Sat person from two to lave
.pounds per week' -•
°'Corpulence 1s not only.aodleense itself, but the
1larbinger of others.":. How oto Hippocrates two
tbousnne years. 559, and what Wa9.truo then isnone'
the less 0o to.daY. o
801(1bq drug tats or 'sent, by express, upon re-
lliptof.11.60. tygivarler-dezem51.00., Address,
• .1r.02'i 'ietors,,,.Vujpalo,. N Y
if' 11 41,a
114plimint: and Tools of all
GLINT01r; ,Tiny 1I,. 1878.I'
_- - .+f , ..:•. -. . I r i
Business Men, Men, a others, desn ink any de=
scription of Plain or Ornamental
The very large number of Invalid people who (dally
visit Ruaalo,•from cvcry•quarter or the L'nitr11 States
and Canada,that they may consult lir.1t.v. PIERCE,
and 3110 i it+i' eelebrated Eacalty of 8peclaliste 1n
Mof11c1nt: and Surgery assoeiatcd with 11u(murSurlcredseal',
1tuCceasaty tlttttt111ltrtttll0roftl asInstitutidOtrsonshould
�1rovIck' to )Tte0 on a grand' and Comb
;for their entertainment and comfort.
ADVAS'I'A(3E8 OFFE1tED.—Tho Invalids' hotel
is noire. complete In its n , ohltments' lean any shoi-
1r10111i11ttltIb)1J1teliValOx1t! 5•b(+ h(101)111e r(tllcatca
Ll 0)313 of t at Most hc:dtllful and doslrable portions of
the Cit)' of P,tlirttlo, and commands a One 'Om ofLako•
1lrie, Niagara. River, and the sttrroulntill,l5, country,
hdlg SnuRMd 111 the 011(183 of An� extttnsl,ve 13)111 �'m.
of'Le:ifil ItHI jil�ik�':`Tho'iit)L!I 347Yll''13Tdtt(:il'ttnll.tt
pntmrt sant paascngar elovator .ie 00138@y patients
to and (roto the diair•ont floors3 la provided WIt11 (d1
kinds of approved batrls,'nnd has also connected with
ft a well-appointed gynunaslutn end bowling alley 10
Afford propel• 3fleatta of
1exercise.`CII IIUvICDISEASES Olen
medical.,s3 Icai ormeet-ounceI treatment, eomo
within tint province of Out several specie hies.
hie the ;eche
nes of this Marren** of a superior order Ito regards
the remedial meting (01(1 appliances. ler tho cure of
all those chronic diseases peculiar to females. Tihe,
elnploy311etit, in moderation, of trade, chemical.
electro-therutal,•and other approved 1)atl39, to 111
many eases an lnvelltabie anxll(lr, to the remedial
means 30 which we resort 113 Gn eh 0.1300. Cry (31011033
to the surface, general shampooing, Swedish move-
ments, and light eait3ate111a exercises, to enliven 1313d
equalize the clrcniation of the blood. In the system
relieve congested parts, improve digestion, and
strengthen the tnu9cics, produe0 important beneficial
results in all 0040110 u•hlelrthese lneans are appt1lloa,
bleu -fro experimenting 14 rosettes to in talo tient-
rant. The. most approved medicines are carefully
employed; and the judiclotts regulation of the diet,
to stet the contrition 0( 3136 patient 111e thorough y,u
Chalon of the sleeping apartment,. the cheering 1l1 .
fluence of Inhale, uncial illterc0nl'se, 1nneeent games
for amusement, and all th000agc 111051vhlell tend to
crease 111e mind or the ntlent from des nhd 11C +
and thus promote recovery, are neit ncgllectt(1. a 3,
NEIIYCIIS DISEASED.--PaOntl see. Epilepsy (Fite),
Chorea 101. Vltus'0 Dance), and other nervone nffec.
3)0na, receive the attention Of nit mat In this one,
Malty, by,ahieh the retooledtslcill is attained and tete.
1109t 1ta1)11y re2ne3g scoured.
IANto orscasE8.-'.Tees tl,i•ision of 113e prncttct fn
the Invalids' lintel is vert, ally menay;ed by a Rtsn+'
t1Cm383 or mature pergn cut• end 5.gia. 1lronclllai
Throat, and Lung1)ls 1 (•s are t r ry rLevgely mated
in this dopartrnenr,.nn l 511111 re, lilt vatfeh 11480 ban
mow gratifying 0)3,13 1.4 k 1 t Lod1 af3Cnt4.
EYE. AND EAlt.—Shuttle aticidIi31 °h given. to 11)0
deliCatc op<rat1011, r 1 33 < 1'P( 1.1 1.1 + 113, a (1191)11-
3!,Ss11et1 ocuttsr 1,0.3 3r r).0 3., ht meter • tigl(gentcnt
to Conduct this br ah h 31 Ito. pram i
Invalids arriving 113 the alit'tont di Arum to sen.
8tlrtne ellen 1ti t t n o.: as •rh to -11w lkdr 1. 13 1409011y
401315slbie by 0arr1 c: * t' viten s.,rs arr e.: 43.111•. 3rri,-
r.Ea's Omnfhna .matt., nn all ineon(ll.g'trains,, eon
be relied upon to ll('he r Dete(.n3Y.1 and baggage'
With 00011rlry (111,1 d1hlafolt.
6^ ,quos' R.V. i'1r1330R, 71 I) tit 01•itrs Deepen'
entry and.Invali'1;8' 1tO1r1, Itn111110, N. Y.
or the Fall Trade, Will find that the facilities
of the
Are unsurpassed by any other. The latest
styles of Type, pe, Borders, Ornaments. &c., in use.
Prices 26 per cont below th
ose of many other
offices. Work done equal to that of city .printers.
Cali and see samples and get estimates. Orders
by Mail promptly: and carefully attended to.
R. TTIOLMES & SON Pro rietor, i1'