HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-18, Page 5r- • Ju;x 1.8, 187. LZ1•T' C;10 1\1" AEC Srtowl.\ti AWES" NEW • Goolis, AEA) HAVE TI1E STOCK ,AtiA1N '1'tIbRiiyV(i1, ty acu'VEn. I Evr:ur DEcnu'tpfl',xx:von. Til" SUMMER, TRRADE, MODE NEW \'BRy onot0,1?; Yl.f1Nrs: MORE 14.p!W 13CIlTTONS, in 'all new kinds.. MORE NEW tUST1tES.. MORE NEW HATS, MORE NEW PLACE CASHMERES, MORE NEW BONNET'; MORE NEW COLORED .0ASIIME1llaS: M01iE NEW GLOVES, ' NEW MORE COTTOVS. gaup NEW HOSIERY'. MORE NEW LINENS, MORE NEW .PARASOLS`. Variety largo ; 'quality drat -rate i and all qualities .town to the cheapest, but„the good•. is always the beat eattu The )a tors and colors ss are choice and select, OUR PRICES, S + ARE .RIGHT. \Ii(UNDERSOLD •1.BlA . KNOY• IT. oarb ready to fact; any competition, • '-301:>•G2avS at. BLACK GRENAD1NEs. . WUIE Q1LENADINES. • IRON GR,ENAD1NES'.: COLORED GRENADINE'S. WHITE OZIJ'SLIN DRESS GOODS, In Cheeks and. Stripes ` : WHITE BRJLLIA.NTS. WHITE 1?K9a. -Our .Stook throughout -1s .targe, a't iractiye, and vent :exoallent value:,. INSPECTION .11J.SP.E0T1?U'LL '' S0LI01'J'EI7• 11O1)41NS & PAY:'S}.• i1Mauehesterr House. CLINTON, May 30; a SUMMER. 1878, Have still a fewBLACK SILK' 'AR O.LS, large size, at 50 cents A few LINEN COSTUMES. at coo: ANTLE(newest' e AS�IME1�� M � new st st ' les. A few C S, � Y � — at cost. of BL _A.C�GRENADINES'in it A large range Railway, Canvas,..Iron, Striped and °Knickers. A large range of WHITE .D, ESS 'MUSLINS: t s 5--"" ' )Q>tiJyiA��o�i.l-t aW'_SILnMner..i u ,L N lit l• a-'.. ..rti3 M N Leave your • order for' a'' HAJ:IIFAX or . BLUE SERGE SUIT,unlined,- $11.00,.lined lined13.00,witY our J,VIR. MOSES FISOHER, the Swell Cutter. U'inton, July 11; 187.8. FISHER, ORA IB :& . CO• NovitottG Ott :L,BArJLE.R • ELA,s�• it�t' �ePRuN L 0 9 \C1:ich are noir offered by T1\'.TU11EI.L 0 Parties in want of any Ifiud or desoriptiou of covering for the foot; should call on the. Under- 1fir t olr tom irisin �j u c whohag and varied soli:titbit', t of st cltlss stock, t a alar o n e rhe 1 sc t r Ta r. i; g1 51 EN'S BOS''ts. 1 'rIi LADIES, -t uI CliaLO1LEN':+ B()OTa SIIUlES. 3[.it'1'I4[L�i tCe � tie 9, t , , ileo, '1tltlilNliy,VAf 1' 1 .,, 'iA't'ClIELM, IIAIr.12.'4. S, S n.Y .N. p , tvbieh -'' he Will nt it `wail advance on cost.. • • First and second-class slimoloJ s,-froet .10 cools per hunch, ALL GOODS WARRANTED. • • VIC.:tORIA"BT;(itk SHOE. STORE JAMES. `tW1rTOHEt L. . • Clinton, ;Tilly 11, 1878., , CLINTON FURNITTTRE WAREROONI.i iii: f',1ltlsF-'I' ' llttl I IIi.<)GI -. . o. '7'Y AI. lt'I' 4 t: � , BROADFOOT & BOX., OP SE& oRTE,. ling leave to atato to tilt inliab• itants of Clinton and surround. fngcountrythatthoyhave start• oda branehbnsinoss in thin r tart a seely oconpied by EIarzrtis srtn0 an a r. ee , • TVa dwo td a r ,tt,t 1 1 solicit ih thriving', 1 o to eat nail • examine their stock, whish is • complete in every department, Ont Parlor & Bedroom Sets are second to none in thecotlntryfcr design and Ilnlah, Tlavttig every improvement to the lino of now raachluery, we nianntantnro Our own goods and oaq sail thorn at prides that will antonteh every One when compared With those formerly paid Lor Sarna goodsr CaNro:T, Ann) 13, t973. . woad T4 "e 1 to call s peclat nttrntinn to out - linitrtakin tsatnt, g aft arp .`SVlileb is second to none in the t 'n'Ilavi r h •c ow n u c nsednlAr o e gP g u andilatvntaekofColtius;Cngkets 1 Robes and Trimmings, of every description; and acted up a now And elegant rialtos, wo ure prepared to do ltndortaking at the itrarest remunerative prices. Remombor thaplace--77 Albert Strott,next deer to Mrs R. M. Pleat,', Itardvraro Storer• ' THE ULT iTO N NEW ERA..' MartitQua Itenns• The strawberry crop is very light in. jN anitoba this 8easou The first licensed distillery "in A131i- toba \vas ope.bed. on "Friday. 1Taltitoba boasts of having• a evens. tills year ahead of Ontario. An. effort is being made to raise's new infantry company in 'Winnipeg, The immigration 'of Canadians into 11tanitoba from Iowa is:settling in, ' Mr, Prettie arrived reel ntly in Win- nipeg with a nun bei ,of immigrants for the Little Saskutollowan' . •Petty pilfering is prevalent : on• Con tract 14; 0, F, R. Formerly tile)' line, was remarkttbly'elear of this clinic, \ %1_':„ ) . ) e til t 'Vtnnif>eg. _ 1vnr.us h}I(z i. c211......... slily first-class troupes • Imye any chance -of doing llnsitiess'iu Manitoba, The first religious services Were held in the new Canada, 1iletbodist Oburoh, Wellington, -Pitlestine'1Vlission, on Sun day, Ane 23rd. ' ;The new grist mill at. Fort:Frances has turned out its first .fitful, whitih'.is highly spoken of by' those who have tested,its gnality: Western 'exchanges state that Winni- peg will: in all probability:llave railway :connection' with tile,' outer world via Pembina ,by October. let uoxt. An applleation: hOs been .made :to.,the' Winnipeg City •Council to establish:. a fish market in. tho',eity and the lot cis of bruin' food will doubtless lie pleased i# arrangements can be made to' satlS'Y,c- t`'`1 -thisscheme. • 0.11 y, carry -out few days ego, zit' St, Fa.cois Xatier; near George Fisher's° residence; about sunset, the .linhtniti; struck and instantly:killed,. 1n .t leather tenti tb.e.: wife of George Desjarlais, It Half-breed; De4,jai'lina himself was ;very nearly kill ed, havivag itis leg burnt; .and receiving. 'o.' clreadfiq shock: •, At the time,. there ;ere only the two sitting in • the' tent. - The vtctirii received the shock in the head, as it appears 'by the Grain: senting out of the•e.trs. • . .• •• •. A (sermon 'calling 'himself- Unities :Ft nck, • who arrived in. Winnipeg u couple of.: months ago, Inas 'bc en- missing for;nearl'v two weeks, and:fears•'1i10 en 'tertained'that he May; have committed- suicide: his actions' shortly •prt>.Vions.. .to his disappearance were. very eccentric, and h a departed without leaT1 n; any word regaidinl his destinlltion. }Te. has been traded ' as ftsa. bo TCiclona1 ferry,. but beyond: that no trace of bit» has been clis:ct+.rered. A short tinio ago itlalcolti -.McLellan; an employee. ofMessis.13i'own'8 Rutit ford's planiltq„ftictor}:;'met with useriasis ' e t•• 'Which w' :. �tt;erd n , by , vhtch he all lose the iise OCone'hand,for some time T.he'uttfo,F -ulnare than was.ctnupelled to cease Work.. and 'arranged to ieave on 11ioirday's boat for: ;i • brief. trip to Ontario. •.n 'Saturday: evening. Messrs. Laidlaw and bicDortala, two: brother woi is ui;•u, m=•t hint •on this street Ana zl •lrtilf jolitut, manner handed frim `a package. Mr. McLellan was More than •surl,rist'il p.p- ole' opening, it to f'inrlthe hanrinonitl ti t , , amount, i i ' Tvhl h .`tire cut .n < e. f of, C ; .; . 3 C. the firm and a few friends lima ccintri- hilted 111.11 selttatalitial tcl,t•ii of their sympatbl* in his 'tnisfortnne. • The iMcntrelti Ilritizesa s t\ s : To the. :Two ]3ltake. Acts anent the carrying •of. arms ' 1liontreal owes i, 'great deal in- stelad cif the constant racket of rantl'oin. j)istel shots which prevailed” last year,. thing. aero enerully toilet, excepting. always ,the sit)g;rla a11(1 hearty: cheering of.the• soldiers in camp: At one 'time every younjstel',.T1ho was laid hold of' TTas sur;c .to -be loaded -down with ai nis,. while now it- is, a comparatively eEeep'- tiollrll tliiijg to find -arms on the person. The mighty • difference' in the general sense of security- produced by this ibis hard to estimate, ' `totttretli Cattle 7lnrlte( July 15. At this nutrl.et to day-tbere erescarce- ly100 tittle offered, het the demand was very .slaty foe anything notcood enough for Eurnphan rnsrketa. ,Sales ranged from rdto ,c. the 1' Iter figure being for extra fine -steers -for i+ltiptrtt nto five n• ' in very good request tit fie. to i 'e, per lb. IiLl:.Si,Iil.i ( ItIi.LI..-ti . Lir'ttLli It', r.I,4, Y., July 10.-,--150 dairy clsecec sold at a to 61c; b,r 0( c tnry sold at-8ci 8,000 at 77'e. .1%iitrket firmer, ttvt raging iC higllel'-tliai) last week. fiat-' ter at 14 to 10c. 1Y'Clc?.t, IN: Y,, Tttfy^ 10. ---`]'lie cheese market is active;. Twelve thou..iirndbo.cs• sold; 4,000 commissioned. The leading price -wad '8xo, and- four tthotisatnl loxes said at that figure. The average price 8c, and 771,c low, • STO•t1El10tiSE TO LET OR SELL , 6(teato on the venter of Iseau and 111017 Streets, Cliu� ton. ',Enquire at NEW ERA'4.Noo IIOR 1L 13UUGY, &c., FOR BALi1I The subscriber, having 'no. further use for thein, offers his Horse, Baggy, Outtet, Iter• noes and Buffalo Robe, for sale, .. Enquire at. the Post Office. • • ,p. PAIR:. Clinton, May 23, 1873, • EXECUTORS' NOTICE, h Et ofth late Mas. IELi2A Anion Snmmu'r against t o sate o _ r All persons Laving claims ag , of Clinton, aro requget ea to °alta utheir ateounla to,tltg nndorslgnod1lsopu; See the' Prunella Shoes fors • fl persons. int;obtod to sail Lstato, aro boraby.-... 1 , notified to•pay the niuota for each t r tinae or l to the of ,41.. t% Twitchell is 'selling Esggntortl.. 4pplicatiou0..-for the pt retinae or lgnsa tit. lYjj !. ;.{,.: vM g 1 n e received b • tl etnl'tl \ tl also b I 10 wn to s a d fur a 4. a ) to t n g nasi r nos. per n at 45 cent - a11. e .. S II tl T O1TAi,'L' • C ' I 1 17xecutars. 1' RICHARD 1tANS1i•QiiI3, J Clinton, July 2nd, 1878 * '' RUSTIC WORK.. BOOT AND .SHOE• STOR1 , 1' • Ladies Prunella. Shoes. 45- cents per pair, at Jas. Twitehell's, Clinton. $UILDENG LOT FOR'SSALlla. - That eligible and well situated lot on the .corner of.Uuron and North streets, near the Great Western R. R. station, with forty feet' frontage. ou f1 Bron street. Title .uttiitput- able, Apply either at this office, or to MRS, MARY FIELDEI :1 0SE, ' 205, Daunt street, London;. Emden, l4av it), 1878., TAYLOR •o this means o thanking* ie. oustomor . Would ak r a th ° for k of•every description. Articles oPthis clttsskept pnhand; the liberui.patronaggpxtpndod trim While in business , hero, anti would also inform thorn, titat, having lair- or resile to order on Lhe 0lwrtc0t notice, and at mos • ehasod the premieos reasonable trace. •ilo has els° on hand,whirl h ho will 0011 cheap, a few gcod. C,uens nntl Wunetn lutoat's. Lately �1 }rpr1 ]�( I j . ' orders smidgen, call and see speeiurens of work at U( �el • OCC i lfl:tl •b ' 11! r Di C11idle i residence, Princess Street, a short distance. from r'ais'e �[t y [ � � k' • �� j l 11]1111 , ' 1I%AITLIt COOIC. street Clinton; Juno. 6, 18,8 On the oppualte side of Albert Street to.his old stand, ' ho has opened out therein - le.rgerand Varied stock of pious's AND LOT FOR SALE. Ll±l, • • The un,oreigned has entered into the manufacture oL , all kings of Rustle W,rk, such aft . " I tc 'Garden' flltni<rq, t'inntut4'r 13uu,cy, It P or Staudt*,'J'aulefi, •te,y . BOOTS ' •, ANL): SHOES•, :That e1i;,'ible house ftud lot Opposite the0 'Wesleyan(;hurch, ]tattenburyStroet,,tttpro• widen i,i1 vrQtrs itt t'ea9pnahlo -rates. ,.,' •by. Y'. Terms 'sent occupied t-.1�Ii(. ('rf40aG7a PAY: L iiia'. tie fools asaurodthat,.Ironl •tib{ inereaaed• facilitigs,:he e1ay. APply fo .. ', .. " . • r I3 L. ( • tr -1>A Y, 12 P is 1n.ahatter position than �ever to:meet. the :wants of .. �- r . , 1 '• Cit his customers. f>1' \\ f:,. SEA1it -.. Clinton,'1r'aye8,1''s78. • Especial atta,ttlou• )c(id to Cu3to;lt it'ol1. f 'O T. H .E: ''LADIES.. A. call: respectfully 'solicited. ' '1'helot1.1p'e•ed' witeli st•itli Patent 1,00p'01 b . . WSI: PAt.LOli . Saratoga 1 aotenei. C1lnkou, JuiW 27; 1878. Thc,trndgrsrgnetl iq pritl uea to do Leslie° I?t #r. .•.. Dress.ng' In tbe-ronst,LL+t9lnon$113o D.anilppr., Coai- • 22,01, Ctt'i' IIAX'n. &o , male I p 1 4 nrti, Dnt'in0 Stvrm- P. SALE, . anss, rairne; Pti•rs;:&a, tnalo•da 012011 notice, at•, • reasonably rates. orders by snail promptly,attended tp SEAL ESTATEFQ 1. Farm Lot 110.85 in the First Codocasien (Tinton.. Road) T uckorsniith, Contains 98 acres of drat class land, about two miles from Clinton, board fence in trout, good hardwood timber. May bo made a superior dairy farm. 9. west' Val! of Lot Eight, in the Eleventh .Concea 01011 of Tutuberry, Attyacros, good wheat land, sistti:es from Winglia,n and one mile irons the GIenannan $ta tion of the Toronto, Croy and Bruce Railway. A smelt clearance. on the., front, balance hardwood Matter: Would sell clump for cash, or° exthsnge for town proper= ty iu Clinton'... Apply to the wiles SamuelThrowers at, 1!'nir Mills,Clinton,orthe n ri • si •ued• Fair's Cto e r It r b • . 8. Lot 7`94 on Spenser Street, Clinton, with good two- ttory house, carpentershop,etabio,antlgarden. An ad- joining sir i 1' half -hut willbo sold. with t -if desired'. A an l 1rYs tho protnitiss to J. W. hep; or to the advortlser. '.. 4,' The large and' cunvenient. Brick 'Store, in the Al bortS treat Block, now oceupied by llr.3ao. Biddlegombo. 6. ,Lot 1299 on Fictoria Street, Clanton .ladjoiaipg the Queen's lintel) iwioth twostory frame house antt'gardon. 6. Lot '39 Iafnea Street '(Gordon Esti<te Sarvoy) with 8-roomod,cetta;e, good well and,garden,. ' Apply to Jas. Alexander en the.prdmisos;•or to the.tindersigned,' 7 fhe.l••rgo factory building .and lot. adjoining the Grand Ttuok Station formerly 'oeenpicd..by J. if. 13,31 - fry, with: tllgtrm and- boiler. Prot -aims well suited for • ,' = manutuctnrin i 1 111 les, pork•p eking, &e - •. • • • 8. Let (7i;'on' ietoria• .Street, (Cn),•.l0n survey) a choke lats.-11,w lar, between the Cr. T.'71,311ay and the Rivet , y well•folieetl, planted with trees, good' well, de. ,' .lT HALT' n• - r Iir,Llit/Rl 0 lC Barber Shop, . 7liunn Street nett doer t,, de,tmeroial• Rotel. ' Clinton, Tune 27 1875, '• OR :SALE , B ildi Lots.ts,. Valuable u n o s e that oil ibl situated The undersigned offersitus.° s I n ea al k Y ,:g r' three tote, ith n d valuable business Land on eiuw n s n1Pi g p building t ereon, situate on tho, cornu etYicturia and Huron o'trcete, and known as the • HOTELPROPERTY:. Ot.6 CLINTON �. It is now oce,rpied byy• lf'r. S. Davis as a hardware and lin ahgp. 1Vi11 Le sold on e•tsytei'ms of payment. Par- ticulars on application t•7 W. t7. $T,ARtiE: Clinton, :;tine 6,1878. • C'linton;.Jure 4,1879: S 1' 'A 1r . O ..O.LLEN 'w� M E. A T • 313 al 'a' c • EI A:'• 3t Desists to''thank 12is-notly easterners' ter the littoral Patronage bestowed nit bier and ac the tr role rum to intimate tothem and all Who i Le t0 tt'. r Blip with. ('their (mature, that he will at it t , 2 nt most to �i meet tholrrc,t,tittn, 00 I nint •,tis 1 ti misfit 812 >0 1, liJL'.l. L'.11I- . •call onhbm; .11ku.lgi;t,it0,11 •.lt''tilitt'001(il58ntl. , - AMA At I,.2n t7d'•i,;t ,alta. Shop old Olinton' Hotel Bunning, r ieteria. St: clintdn, ikley '98,1ts78. TQ � ®� `T 1•L LT-41;LE Pial.) t"Elt rs FOR SALE,. •. IN nits:t I's+i Fll,l1, If yon bevy Wool you a•i b,•tt . barn rondo: hp; or to": tra,je for �i�0OLLEN. GOOD 4 i Givens n-tri,ti. We will not be outdone either ingnat• ity of work of price. T •u Inc invited to ' cail. and lice I otir maehtuery�, the work we are doing, and oar prices Carding, and all kinds of dui - tom. work done as usual- 1100 sual. 1100D14 IIIAI)l ' Tb. 0IMO/t • And alar;{o + ork Lefrt eenatnntly an Laud to cxn)ian e for wool, nt denneotiun tvltii the shove I nut propa103 • to rho �'IL1'f1(l XPLIIUi111, if. �rulur'ilt�%t r'zllll;Yly, Cloth l)i't'sxd'IIy, (Cc.,. - • On the. sholt•st tothee, at the, rwac'le 1'011Clottrs Haase'°; Blanket., rents, &c., r • •n r for a•h 11 tuber for 1 r rt r erne to exchange a wno o ellen 1 flip irtnev,t3±lttaiposltn ltcliy s Griot T111I. yentorth ;tan 21, .1879 • For sale, this very ,toelntble i,t 1 'r( c, .it,Iate in the Village ofIirucoaoil, cor,Fi'ti,,l.1n. Laine hi,nllc, and ona•grratttrmit or bold, willfr•nee1 un1 •Ilan led with .firolttrees. 1711 further port ills PA apply to thn',pro. prih o on the t foal r:', • rt', lirneelkeld P.O. - • T,1�T1.S srtrxi It; - lrrndetle l'I, Tnnc 27,1178. • 'KILLS all the FLIES in•a room la TWO HOURS, 'ioc. worth will kill' more flies than $ro. worth• of sly pager, No dirt; no trouble. Sold by Dave :.vas v Botaftic Mie dile u halo N. Y ci eCo Co.,Y /, ONE OF THE NOVELTIES S OF THE ACBE. rs Yrs — -- CIONrli_'Rill fINIE 4' 1 t(Gr-c4.S'- ll - • •_Olt - - __• The iljtta!i A x anti 18, 1878. , ,il pmtf`erf .e' hd ride, trurl ,'(or in Prot('t$oe, arlir'Wei To fill rlrr•vsr.o of l rrldt fe.o, 'rite, a to Ii'1111 And ConttOb t:t 11,..y,:111 Da rtauavtd 2 They are hist Uro thing tor Spring meta on fatal tvag- ue fronr 2121)1) r -t t. our tht,•, 'Il:•g'.ln berttedLe-.lo n.blt0' 1i htn)r ilial a?t i1 a ti r 200,t tho 1,(101 Tir tr t 2302 a Duet the blotted to enc minute. III'y aro )Apr:,t:ri i' to auynngle 1 11.hr•t for or- nacli.orrwat.0 >1 . They a -wield the thing Wheat, full, reel, boar,, $0 00 A 0 05 %\sheat fall, wlrito, - 0 08 a 1 00 Spring, , - - -• 0 80 a 0 fi5 Piro, - - '- 0 88 a 0 00 • 020 a O'l10 • 085 a 045 • _ 0G8'a 001 • 4 50 a 5 '00 -•0 5 a ) 0 t0. 0 . 450 a 5 00 • 5 50' a 0, 60 0'10 a 0 11 0 00 a 0 10 �00 a 8 00 4 50 a 0 00 -▪ . 060 a 100 ✓ 8 60 a 4 00 - - 1 0200 a 2 25 .' 02[., Oats, Barley, Peas, Fleur,' Potatoes, Pork, Beef,'.. - Butter, Eggs, ggr Hay, , Ilidos, . Sheepskins Clover 'timothy 'Wool book-Wardeorforward . They effordesgwdprn(ettiort "rorna,rei-'ttaart•n). Th. ;• are ahe.tl 2ithinthe reach ,.t 111. They ONO annul, r,to snti0Ctelf•dr They etre.. from s tornt as 1"1"1.1114 01012 Win • '1 ll ey ,16 lint s,reln t buittifl of urod from *11i,t-vias° materia' nnrl fully warrau. or reek thenen.' ri.yw,illtvithatnndartyiv:n,lsl,rur. ted', .112;rap•utrimme•l.with able.enrtaine, They aro Theynreatteihott0ox'r�•mo.ent-(1titt0r;tt. They ro:uir.fdciurrd different Ai MA t0: salt .11 tier,nt width ply a Ion( needed Stant. They are superior to the se. seed,. Thafnll'.wingslArs are mut,,rizl 4ft. 6'ie.,g• Melo umbr(Ito. In ronrf.,rt, henna, atrrn'rth and ttll'ity, rt. .to.lsogq,%Itcg ars; ,1 (71011,9 in., I1 (1. ,8 ft.4 They Work rut cots of sr ratole:t--Ito, spring,. n steins, ate. f )n far ni, 3 ft., for Nun, On 11 on a.na dcnlar.rnt Wag - to get outof repair. They ato.,rnateentoI as wnit,nait.lo. stens andn ,en 'mov s. •'1.'11ty should nt. asnro in width • fel.:Theynteadnand tosteak ,.fell classes ofv'liir•.les t 1 La' ;