HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-18, Page 2THE ()LINTON NEW E.
• VIE " M.D.
"Oh, the .wovkl s beautilul, bright and fairt"
And a merry laugh reng out en the air,
As the little ono tumbled the new mewl/ Itay,T
Ohashig the butterfilee, bright and gay ;
But the stin went (Iowa arid he dropped his
• head, ••
For the pretty thins in his baud lay deed,
"Oh, the world is beautifel, bright eral fair l"
And the maiden stook out her golden hair,
And she sweetly smiled, as the lily and rose
'Mid the shining tresses she deftly wove;
But the lover came not to laim his bride,.
Aid the thorns remained and the roses died,
Oh, the world is beautiful, bright and fair 1"
And the Yoneg mother softly breathed a
As the nestled her baby close to her breast,
And its murmuringe gently soothed to rest.;
But the Father had need of one angel mere,
• And he opened for it the heavenly door.
ss oh, the weal ieeseautifulf bright and fair!"
Sighed the aged one withinlyery bair,
"But over it all ie the serpent's traill-
With the merry laugh . comes the mournful
1 but tarry awhile till, the summons eeme
To join my bploved in our heavenly home."
entered. the carriage; and you have a
dozen in your pocket at this moment 1"
"Yeu're telling lies eried the youn
man. "What do 1 wept with raw
eggs? You'd bettor search me, and see
ether I've go t any eggs on me Or no."
"I will, then, sir;" seid Job, ".and I
call en tny fellow passengers to he my
witnesses. Ah! I thought so 1 Two
eggs. in, your vest packet. Here, Ma-
dam. What ! two more in the poekets
of your trousers 1 Take themcreaciam,
take then; and -,-bless me his coat
pocketir are full Of them ! Here, hand
titeln wirer -to the lady, Some one. • One
__.:two—three—six—ten—a dozen !"
"He ongbt to be ashatned of himself 1"
cried one of the passengers. - •
" It's perfectly dreadful V, exclaimed
anothee-e;-e 'women,
", I feel the cOld chills eli over Me
when 1 think of -it," uebbed the. old
Indy. '
"Put, bini •out," yelled a chorus,
" We don't, want thieves here 1" .
"I haven't taken 'a solitary egg," said
the Young man, evidently trembling,
64 /Ids here fellow ie the devii—that's
what hois. Well, find more, eggs . in
my pocket, will You 'I"
said M. Pennypacker, '" but in your
Ahlia L.1 thought, so V'
He snatched off the softhat anclinok-
ed into it with a stetye, 'end began
to take froth it Orse' egg after another•,
-while' the old lady'a astonishinent and
the indignation of elle other passenger*
grew groaterandlereater,
• Just .ab We Moment • the" whistl• ts
shrieked, and the train Slowly wine to.
eteridatill at Barkingtinte et- •
• "I ain't goin' to stand' this ,more
yelled Job Pennypecker's victitii. • "Let
rue -7 -go . ncl wrenclenve.htmse f froin
the amateur magician's greet), he rustle
ed from the cer, sprang to the ground,
And Was seen to clad irp the road ht
tremendous rate, only pausing •.ori the
Platform for ,a moment •te. pi* up his
bat, which his torffientorethrew mit Of
the window after him. -
• "it becomes My duty„ to explain,"
:said ,Thb Pennypecker, iuhbiiig bis
hands and looking cenceitedly, ithou•t
That S'etili0 lnan i5 as honest
as any, of us. ,I've •, only been :teasing'
bini a ',little,. :Irdn've ; ill -:•• heard ' of
Wicker, the Magician -1; see you
have;imd' of his famous egg.triek,
ladies and ,gentlemen, I'learned the,
iriek.of Mr. Whitaker while he was pere
forming in York, and 1 think you've seen
enough to learned it' tolerithry
Very tolerrilily, few' an aneatuere• e,
"Astonishing 1" dried one ." 4.00112
ishing F' °echoed the rest'of the pn'sseiv-
gem,. 'tut ?ab*: the gnarl, a large nian,
Slew: .ef'speeele 'and • sercastie Of
pub irehis Word aethe took:Job'g ticket.
"Well, I suspected senietiiingeOf the.
sort," •lier- said, "Bub I Wasn't sure,'
You seer that fellow. ;:yeu-taCklecl-is-a-
• weir known pickpocket,in 64Pa-
,ble of stealing. eggs or anything else,.
Perhaps you had better exarnine your.,
even pocketo. H&s very adroit, and if
you've goffwilbout losing any thing,
after being so close to that fellow you
• •
are a Magician. , . •
e With a pale face, Job :PennYpariker
beean to dive -first int oo One siocket and
the% intellie other. With 6 paler one
he :sat down, leaving them all turned
inside. but • and,•7empty: His ..bandker-
schief was gone, his eigar-ease, pocket
book, containing £130. Each.:of these
discoveries 'caused bini-a' new
Ile put hisfiliend to his threat to unfast-
en 'his cravat, for Job Pennypaekee Was
of an, apoplectic habit, and easily lost
his breath under the inflitenee of agita-
tion. Ake I a. diamond pin of 'velnd
had disappeared also. • So in re' moment
mere he diecevered, had etnethyst•
ring' which he elways were on his little
• The paesengers looked. grin% The
old woman With the batket looked quite
moral. " • • ••
Sob did not enjoy tho j6ke. • Reset
down -ab the next station and telegraph-
ed the robbery to' the proper quarters.
'But le has never recovered hiaLpropertk,
and the egg trick" has forever lost its
cbartn to him,
• When Whacker," the magician," last
visited our land, he found no greater ad-
MiTerthan frib---Pemyypaoker.
' Job himself had dabbled, in an ama-
teur manner, in legerdemain; had made
___many shillings disappear through talAes,
• and reappear at the cry, "Preto,
change'!" could make six balls fly about
• in the air with •the ease of an Indian
• juggler, and, even while bobbing about,
vanish, to' be fortiid in the pockets. of in-
nocent bYstandets. -
And Mr. Whacker's' mysterious per.
formences were viewed by hird with' the
sympathizing pleasure .of a brother,
The "egg trick,"-iiThieh was, in brief,'
a seemingly inexplicable power of tak-
ing eggs out of any thing,in any num
ber and under any eh-clan:stances, par-
ticulark charniedilim; ana, Seeking, au•
dienee with Mr; Whacker he persuaded
him to teach him the wonderful art,
and seen 'found himself capable of de-
lighting and ,astonishing his acquaint-
ances. ••
• Ile took eggs Out of his grandfather's
hat and his mother' S work-leasket, ac -
cued the postmaster of having' brought
him a dozen in a letter,andpreved it
on the spot. '
He calmed the servant girl to 'give
warning, by fishing eggs out of her
bandbox, frightened ignorant people;
and puzzled Smart ones to his heari's
content. • • . •
And once_or twice- he played the old
Meek trick of the magician upon some
market-wonian by buying eggs of her,
which he broke in her, presence, taking
from the shell not -a .yolls beta 'half,'
crown, and so setting her to smashing
her whole .stock, believing it to' be • the
production of the veritable • fairy lion
who laid the goiden.egge.
But even a wonder tried loses. its
charm When it has been played on one
a hundred times. • . , .
Therefore, that the' time and money
which he had spent on the acquisition
of the egg trick might nol.be wasted,
Mr. PennYpacker turned liis attention
to the public''and upon the occasion of
• a journey praetised upon guards, porters
and fellow -passengers to an astonishing
It was upon a certain:railroad that he
last caliie upon as teMptibg an oppor-
tunity as had e'er been offered, him.
Opposite him tOde an. elderly woman
with a imekee fiell lof provisions,, radish-
es, turnips, lettuce and new -laid eggs,
and near her sat a stupid -looking young
man, with bis mouth wide open, his
eyes almost shut, and. both hands plang-
ed into the pocketsea a coat several
sizes too large for hien.
Mr. Job Pennypipker chuckled.
be would play magician on .a.larger'scale
than ever before.
He would begin mildly, and then the
"plot" should "thicken'A as he went on.
.Accordingly he stooped, apparently
picked up an egg, from the floor, which
he handed to the old lady, with an
different "Here, ma'am, you'vadropped
this out of your basket."
"Thank yo, lam sure," said the wo-
man,. and setblea the -egg comfortably
amongst its fellows. "
• in a montent more, however,. i‘fr:
Pennypacker stooped again.
"1 mut say, madam," be said, alit
tie sharply, " that you are very careless
with such brittle things as eggs. Here
are three niore on the floor."
"1 ean't understand 1" cried the old
lady. "Why, there tnust he a hole in
the basket. Why; thank you. 1 Wen-
der they ittn't smashed." ••
But there was no hole in the basket,
and finallythe old lady cleoided that
there was accounting for them eggs
getting out," and throat them earefelly
under the letttice end radishes.
By this time the attention.of all the
other passengers was aroused, and now
was the moment for the hnal elYort.
"Phe most singular thing 1 ever
heard of," said Job. ".&b, ah! I un-
derstand it now. .Don't you feel asharn-
od of yourself, eir ?" and he frowned
and nodded at the stupid young man
with the hig'Coat, who scowled at him
ia MUM,
ashamed r I haveu't done nothin',"
cried the young inati indignaritlY.
Do you call it‘nothing, to rob this
excellent old lady of her eggs 2" cried
Job, with an air of virtuous diegust.
"You have dono nothing else sinoe yen
dfalueat)or WAS tit2OI(3fl fld11efI4l1t.
• A,I1 trikveller relates t..1et4n
fle:4. i0
tlit°"oettotth, ser411
O90 will be car.
lowing anecdote: I aid Meet ,itri
few extraordinary. men i. .Sydiley. 12kEroPress Floaelai(es ineame
There witS one, a mereluoit.rri000, who $250,000 a year, end the strangest
Made it':a-boast tl1n,tle aaallavar given thing of all is that she, surrounded by
away a s1il1in4 to Lis mo, „so ratTosi faseinaking Frenchmen is yo 6 a widow,
kuow, IA only departed from bis ex- The feet that Xing William has been
tretne selfisbuess on one occasion; and married tiftye,years speaks more Or his
the circumstances are worth. relating. wandenful powers of endairance than
One morning a poor Irishman stepped -the feet ,that he carries fifty 'bullets
into his counting-h.ouse, and looking the arennil tinder 14s cuticle,•
Very picture of ruisery, said : • ,Arnong the exquisite artieles on ex-
libition at Paris,Bet of silverware
lost a ,14g-'4110 014 PS I bacl—arta rade for Mrs. Mackey, an American
mistimes—, the governess, has,given d 1: :
01.) Y living 11) Paris, at cost of 050,-
nie a pound, and' sent me to you for an 0, bensisting of nearly a thousand.
other. She says you have enough oonld •
a e e
t� build a aty wid, and will be sure to .$ •
flie.LontrIon thief enters' 4 ievrollev's
At An• t old hard.tist refused ; u in Shtti•ovrion,, g• wpittillueracyavtaribrtehllea IstIk.ctiosvehiLngd:
Which Paddy threw himself on a stool,
and raised Such a piteous wail that the fwoiltalsioltitatne:couriovulyndfatsit.openbit.inugdiite, soontdhaftivitas
merchant, thinking he was mad oVer the
death of his pig, gaVe bian a pound to attitstoopielenr-Imedou4tlilescl.nloitedt.i jectuatbo t.othejei.bkaga
get quit of him. Next day the propile-
ter, of the defunet porker was passing ringwio will1°AFtofu' tooF it trilaorugter a a singlert i o,
the warehouse, and seeing his benefac-
tor at the door, touched his hat to him. Bound. If the shopman niiseee the
Well, did yell get drnnk with that treasnre, thus abstracted he-, will -run
...po.turirarburanothimipi.g. eee the:lien oaoftueir.sebitshecrotetthoeitn. ewritai firdroateesat-inrroottoPern• coo!
man gruffly. .
little thing wid sweet, twist in his fail. nrnbreUa will
Bought a pig,' yet' honer, .a daeliug
Oh ! may it please yet. honor, I've • • •
A Strange alfgratIon.
, --- • •
On Monday last'people along the line
of the. Canada Southern Railway 'were
rather eurprisect at the nature of the
lading of three westward bound cars,
three large cattle ego, measuring about
• thittk feet Icing, Were fitted up with
three (leeks and leaded with oats! Oats
stnall, cats large, white cats and black
cats, eats of every color and cats of no
color, were all there, conifortablly en-
1400nced in little compartinents into
which the vitriou6 decks were divided.
Saab a spiraling and spitting and cater.
wauling was never heard before, and
jarvis, Where the 'train lingered a
little while, tbe noise was terrific, and
the station people were glad when the
train inoved onward. The cause of this•
feline migration is said to be a large in-
crease of rats in the far west and a carve'.
sPondiiii„ri surplus of c eta ill the eese.
is to be hoped that each section will
he matually pleased. As in most in-
stances, •the cats travelled en, familia,
It is estimated that there were, kittens
and all, thousands,of the furry tribe on
the cars in question. The drrangereentS
Made for pusey's corafert were perfect,
tn every reapect, and reflect the highest
credit on all concerned:
a lady's 'Merl.' be'struck by -a bright thought, end will
• it's* to be hoped you'll tithe allphonlnoeg/fiiiiinrigngintotlhigehbtltahneadeestsiredwayo,binectit,d
eh etter care of Mtn than you. did. f the
waking merry over a joke which has so
other. What did he die of 1'
• Die of 1, Did, ye say die of, now ? neerly, es he says, .assnined a serioru;
killed him..!'
One of. the Paris joternals relates
AVI - •
get ot vvicl e was so
40e8)811•005),A. in.arErt: 0 ogre aro
117 thorough uowledge of the natural
laws which govern the operations of digestion
and uutrition, arid by a eareful applicetion
of the line properties A well -selected cocoa,
Mr, Epps ha provided our breelifeet tables
with a delicately flavered beverage Whicli May
save us many heavy doetors' bine. It is by
tkie-Plaiciente,elaa-ef.alleheertieleti of diot that
a eonstitution iruiY be- graduatly built up un:
til Strong enough to resist every teudenuy to.
dieeese. ilundreds .of- eubtle maladies are
floating around us eeedy to attath wherever
there is a *oak point, We rilaY eseapo many
a fatal shaft by keeping •ourselves well forti-
fied with pare blood and a properly nourish-
ed frame."-Oivii Service Gazetteer -Sold only
in Paeliets labelled --es Jemes Errs St Co,, lf p,
mosopathic Chemists, 48, Threadneedlestreet,
an4d.i.1c7o0rniPn049:acdoluligYI: Loorn(cloollid."shon never be
trifled with, often when neeleceed it is convert-
ed into a Serious and g,enerally fatal pulmonary
disease. The mere prudent,. aware of this,
• promptly use Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers" a cu-
rative 'which has sustained its reputation for
over twenty years, they. are always efficacious
(Bat nrzt.1)a .ecxibueitraott..aap:nrim.ddo eptuih, riel,lieifia or iyado ri n8 flanuoeu c es :lnd allthe ail
country Aealers. Vrice lots.
• per box. .,
Woorir Honsas.-Wooly horses are not ,..so
rare RH many suripose, not suth great curiosities
either, there are meny :to be found in various
Parts of the country, but we doubt if they will
• ever prove' as valuable to their owners as the one
exhibited by Bain= ; we imagine their owners
would consider thein more valuable without the
wool, for this rough and wooly. state of tbo hair
inclieates that the herse is not in a healthy con -
clition -probably hide -bound, or suffering from
seine disease whicl ciccasions this unnatural ap-
pearance; such eases use Darley's Condition
Powders and Arabian Heave Remedy. it, will
purify the Vlood, correct the appearance, re-
move all obstructione from the lungs and river,
•ahdgive to the coat a sleek and shining appear-
ance. Remember the name, and see that the
signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package.
Northrop & Lyman, Newcastle, Ont., proprie-
ors for Canada. Sold by all medicine dealers
pretty episode which tool; place on tlie
,8Vito tallest Man ,id womall hi theWiirld* day of the inaugurater"ion, f theofItalian Com -
. - •
. The tidiest mania Capt. 1:17:Rateiij memb
the tallest woman his wife, formely Anna
Swale,. Capt. Bates was born in Hopkins
County,' Ky, his .parents being of ordi-
nary size: • He continued to • remain
with his parents, who were. farmers,
'tieing the ordinary labor:of a sin all
until atteinine his majority, at -which
time he conellided. te • see somethin f
the world, Proceeding to Cincinatti
and New "York, he was induced to pro..
ceod to Enrope for ptir8e 0f
bitiik.lf: In conjunction witle Miss,
'Anna Swarbisvhern he met there, they
travelled pVer Earring. ;They Were ma,e-..
ried at St: Martin's' Churche London;
'England, June 11, 1871. ..They: were,
by request; guests•of the QUEsin, and re-
ceived from her wejeety Watches and
jewels us souvenirs. : • • • ..
' Mrs., Uates; formerly Miss Anna
was hem in Colchester eouuty,
NOVA SOOtia ; is 19.years weighs
413 ptinude ; is 7 feet 11 inches inches high.
• . -Bates- feet...1.1-teeincleee,
weighs. 478 pounds, wears it No. 9 lint
a25 eollar,_aniLa.:45 boot._:Both arn
well formed, Well proporaened, gond
•lookingand'highly bultrirecl:.• ,
They are the largest enereand woman.
that live. In fact •there is no eat]) e n tic
• record of any human being ever having
attained the enerniens height of thesepeoPleee,They returned%to NeW 'Yorkfor exhibiiion in Fehrwary lastand
shortly make it 'tour of Canada.
. Clest136Biirriittiale.
. • .. •
lady iv Port .Jervis ---ea remarkable
town by the Way, for strange oceurr-
.ences—whOse house overrn uwith
..water-bngs, cockroaches .and bed-bus,
and the had tried . all, known lemedies
to rid the prensises of them, Wok the:
advice ofei book agent:as follows: She
procured a pound of brimstone, placed
it In an iron pot in the cellar, closed all
• the outer doors and windows, fired the
brimstone and. started en it week's.Visit
to .her friends: When she. returned
there was not it hug in the hoase, but
•there was; snch overpowering odor
of brimstone that it was upward of a
•week 'before the rooms Were fit to liVo
.in. • .The. fumes had Penetrated' every
nook ,and corner, even ,to the bureau
draweils'ind • wardrobes; • The YeTtlithle.
plants in the -conservatory were dead,
and .the foliage bleached as., white ae
snow e• the delicate -eartaiim and .1M-
holstery Were bleached and ruined. It
was an expensive way to kill hags, but
'seems to have been effectnal, and the
life Of the book agent who gave the
cipe is safest Mit of that lady's reach.—
Utica Medd, ,
English and roreign hems.
At Wishaw, in Scotland, the colebra-•
tion of the Twelfth was attended With
so much diSorder that the military had -
to be called out: Some Any xersons
Were injured. in the nzeke that followed,
In the English House of Commons
on Thursday evening, Berke, Iiider
Se 'et ." 0 n ti t t
rei ). ct my, min u ct la he
Porihid expressed its willingnessolo
ititevinto a conVentiori With England
for the abolition of the Turith,h 81ave
A telegram front Sidney, New South
Wales July 11th, states that two tribes
of natives have risen against the Gov -
eminent on the island of Now Caledonia,
and massacred 1215 whites, including
woman and ehildree. They have also
captured two military stations.
Iloedel, charged with utteinptthg the
;life of the Einp4or of Germany, was
iienteneed to_he beheaded at Berlin ina
Wednesday.. I14p1eaded nbt guilty and
asserted Lis intention Wee suicide*
There Were thirki" wito eeees ag4in:414m,
'mission, a short while before the arrival'
of the Marehel's guests, :perceived. that
the flag fleeting. on 'the' faca-de, of his
Section carried rio crapain mourning re-
memliranee"of Icing Yictor Eintnantiel:
l'heraWn,a little time left' to repair the
neglect, 'and the Opratoissioner dreaded
the &mean) of the Duke So
Without, a niornent's.,hesitetion, he ed-
eiveseed a" lady wearingeelmig black veil,
explainedthe situatien, and begged her
,to relieve him from his anxiety: The
-lady ilornediately handed hirn her Veil;
and, when a few Minutes latet. the cor-
etegeliassed the tricolor flag of Italy
way draped with the Sombre sign of Mr-
' tional bereavernent.• ••'
'fasbionably-dressed Man went into.
Hunt & Baskell's large jewellery .•stere
ha Bond -street; London selected articles
woi.tli $4,000; and .tendered a tbonsent
'poerid note in payment. Mr: noske' 11
aecertained..thet titepote, wits. e forgery.
TaSt, as lie was. abont to sat:ninon. aSsist-
: anee a cab: waa driven rapidly up and
• t w . a. in iioliee uniform ku rriedly
tered, saying that the 'Man ' Was; an old
Offender �f whom they were seereli.
rectog the porter to place the jet..yel
levy it the' eah::ansl to, Came along* .with
them ad it witness., the inen in • uniform
• said that they would inforin the 'firm
When that* attendance worild he requir'
red 'to. press' the, charge. Tben. thAy
..firove off with:the prisoner, leaving the
jewellere • lend. in their Penises of the
iirofletency..,cif the'. police: Next
however their pciter, atally .beaten;
rettirned with •the informiition. that 'the
two : supposed police officers were 'thieves
in d • ,
. Joy among the Children !
. •. , ...—, , .. .
over 000 doctors in Canada.; 'The difficulty of
• Corereiem s SWEET CA.STOE. OIL..equally mirk',
able for • children and•adultit. • Endorsed. -by
administering nauseouti medicines, and the de-
, • • .
!Arability of having them pleasaut to the teeth;
• induced T. Copland to . undertake researches.
• which resulted in the discovery of a; Sweet Cas- •
. tor Oil, perfeetly palatable, of the same Strength
and medical tonalities as .the ordinary. Castor'
Oil ; and while ..eilually safe' and harmless, .yet
acting with more certaiuty, and producing; nei-
• ther nausea nor griping: Some childre.n Silk it
is honey; others call it syrup -they all say they
like it. One parent says—' says-" My 'ebildren drink
it lilee • watee ;' ' andther--" We had to hide, the
bottle or they would have finished it right off ;e
. anather'•••-" Mk little nirl has taken it. twice
'without any trouble, a . dcies-,net knoW what'
it is, thoug,h shdliates t ordinary CaStor.Oil,.
. and we never could get'l? r•to.takedt. Without a
• .604 ;" ,yet another' --".I wish ,you success of
. _Your SI:vnEr. °ASTOR. Ofro ,_•• it is a splendid thing
•-7-snre to take the place of all the 'cot/linen oil.”
The extraordinary demand for this impro7-
men t of a -staple household medicine has living,. t
fraudulent imitations into the market,. hut the
public 'can, guard themselves against substitutes
(Which - unprincipled ' parties are attempting'. to
sell on the.reputation o'f this article) by seeing.
that the name CODLANNS •Swesr CAsTOto. OIL,
is on both wrapper and 'direction•label. .
_Plie_unclersigned, having, purchased Alessi's.
' T. Copland & Co's interest in the above prepa-
ratmn, are:now manufacturing it from. the ori
gin:14004A, . ' . :- . . .
.. „ , .. NO3.1.13-IllOP, & LYAIA11i. Tort:into.
• 7,,,&qogoz,iTZZA-7,,I=0,Ba..
• °!,;(ii•Pbb;•
11-Metlieine.derdevi.„- Price,.2t! Cents.. • . ..
• You .deserve to suffer, .and .if you lead a
miserable, unsatisfactory life in this"beett-
Will world,it is entirely your own. fault
and there;. ,only .ope excuse for rein --
your unreasorieble prejudice. andskepti-
eism; which has killed thousands. Person-
• al knowledge ancleouithon,neriee. reason-
ing will soon show yen that Green's Au-.
, gust Plowerwill cure yeti of Liver Cent -
plaint, or Dyspepsia, wi tl r, all .its miserable
effeCte,sseeheas era headache, -Palpitation
of the heart; sour stomach, habitual. CO3-
tivenem, dizziness of the heed, nervous
lo sp' its tlre Its sale •
prostration, .a , s now
reach every town oirthe. 'Western -Conti-.
nent_and not a -Druggist bat will toll you
of.. RS wondeeful mires. Yen can buy it
Sample Bottle for 10 coati. Three doses
will relieve you. •
, 'Smurfit
• —
• Investigators of natural fiCieliCe have
.deniolistrated beyond controversy, that
throughout the animal kingdorwthee"aur-
:vivid. of the fittest" is the only law that
vouchsafes thrift the perpetuity. Does
not the same principle govern the coin-
• inereW prosperity of man? An interior
cannot supersede a superior article. Illus-
trative of this:principle are the family me-
dicines of R. V. Pierce, M. D., of 13titfalo,
N. Y. By 'reason of superior merit, they
have outrivalecl all other medicines.. noir
sale in the 'United States alone -exceeds
,one million dollars -per annum, while the
•emonnt exported foots up to such gigantie
peopertions,end rest upeuenny other basis
than that of merit. •It is safe to say that
no medicine or combination of medicines
yet discovered equals or can compare with
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseovery,
for the cure of coughs, colds, and all put-
inonary and blood afthetlonp, If the
Vowela be constipated and 'Ever sluggish,
his Pleasant Purgative Pellets will give
prompt rel ief ;phi le hie PlivoritePrescrip.
tion will positively, pettedly, and permit.
alpntly, cure those weaknesses and !` drag-
ging -down" sensations peculiar to females,
In tee People's Common, Sense 11tedica1
Adviser, all illustrate(' work.of nearly one
thousand pages, the Doctor has fully dis-
cussed the principles that underlie health,
and sickness, • Price $1.50 pest -paid.
eii.danted to did and young, single and
married,. Address R. V. Pierce, Al. D.,
World's Dispensary and invalids' Hotel,
Dablo, N. Y.
Mitchell's Belladonna Improved India RubberTerout
• There never has beep a time when the -healing
ago neatly different diseases has beencaused
by Outward application as the present. • It isan
undisputed fact that_ over half -of the -entire po-
pulation .of the globe resort to. the use of. ordi-
nary plasters. . •
The priaMpal ingredients used in making
these ,PlaSters ' are • Gum Olibanuni-or better
knott4ca's the Frankincense of the Bible-al:lib;
• ber, and ;Burgundy Pitch; which; when scienti-
• fically compounded,.. is full of electricity, and
when combinecrwith the pure medicinal gums.,.
is found to be one of the greatestIteiling medin
.ums ever broughtliefore the human race. .
They are acknowleged by all who hal e used'
•theni to act quicker than:any other Plasters
-they 'ever dicier° tried,. and that ntic-of theSe
Plasters will do more real service than a hun-
dred of the -ordinary kind:. .All other 'Plasters
are slow of • action, arid require to be worn con-
tinually to effect a cure ; butwith these it is
tiroly different ; the instant one is applied the
patient will feel its 'effect. • .' •
They Possess all the-soothingo. Wartning,' sup-
portin,„/, and strengthening all other
Plasters. Many who have been. relieijed of
riousother pains in the XIDNEYS,'BREAST
or SIDE,and. believe .it is solely done lly the
electrical 'qualities ' Vat& the Porous Plasters
contain, and which is Unparted to the system,
thus restoring them to allealthy condition.
. Thsy aro very softand pliable, still verse ail-
hesive ; and iesure cure for WEAK rachc •
VAtsrs TIIE.g
IDE AND IlltBAST.'; and
are invaluable to: those who have a COLD 6f
long standing, and often prevents CONSIJATP-
TION. Some even tell as they helitrve they
were.entirely Cured by the MO af theni of a long -
seated C.onsumption.
_ Prepared by CE0110-E lktITCHELL,,
Lowell MAW• '
1. 4914 by a11Druggists,
. •
, P.ZE-111,1*IrE•S4,14.1ViE.
An iadallible remedy for all discases of the
•eye (acute .or chrodie), granulation, of the
ulceration, of' (hs lachryinat glands,
ani. tocakmnim of ths vision :from any
Tat At •
Enic.‘14 Erg•S,itv.K. is presented to the
publie With the assurance of its efficiency tie a
Curative of most diseases of the eye, acute or
chronic inflarnmatinn, Vidiether induced by scro-
fulous origin ot otherwise, weakness er defect
of' vision, diminished tone of thepptic nerve',
or a, diseased. state of the. tissues constituting
that organ. Also: for all persons whose voea.
tion requires an incesiaat action, of the eyes;
the Salve will act tis u charin in restoringa,tini-
form healthy action, Where weakness, pain, and
tnisery May have long threatened, it fatal ter-
initiation, It is the inost simple, safe, and ef,
factual remedy ever discovered. The materials
of which it is blade are Mire, perfect, and costly,
eonmeunded with elaborate card and exactness',
safe itt ill applieation, being used externally'.
ani, Of course, avolding the pain and clanger
which necessarily attends the introduction of
caustic minerals and eye -washes. 11(NoWort11
and Oen Orntoeue Souris; of •scrofulotte qtigin, •
or resultiree from..'Whatever cause, yeild to the
Ausareas1:1-ria8Abvs. Ill' IS LTS111)
CESSIPULTAr EC It PILE'S. Its soothing et
foot is imineiliate, and a permanent cure rIijtlire
Init. a few implications, The TwopriLlors
"Da, ,I, l'Errre AMERICAN' iii.,YE.SALVD," While
making new and improved machinery foe mak.
ing, a more perfect box for the PerreSeeve, have
thenged the Tiving Armes ou the cover so 'as to
cotrespond ;vith theTut on the Wrapper, t
culara, Advertisement's, etc, We, call ettention A
to this, as it might otherwise he regarded es a
Procictors Frectionia, -
Julx 18, 1878.
Atitr4 arbs
rvt. APPLETON, - 01eVI0E time and
af,111GliT clem- The Domes ver tho Store of '•,•
cuuninehame kAikenhecal,4tbe scpuire,Clinteu.
ciinton. Dee.'20, 1077. .
P11. 11110V111, Physloian, Surgeon, eio., Coroner fox
County of Buren. 'Reside:we and Onto -Corner o'
Albert and AIM 8 nu to, Clinton.
August 9th, 1869, biff •
Jr AMES STEWAliT, 51. D., 0. altAKIWT4 OF
McOill 1.1itt vorsity, 11 o n ; Surgeon and
Acioeuc1Mur. Itasiclonce-Imeonmsrm, •
January 4,,1871. - • , •
University,) Physiehip, Saracen, Se., widener,
Mr, Mannino's, three doers east „o4 the Tomperaneo
T.ondesboro, Ont,
Londoeboro, Arne 14,18) ••
• •
• Departreent of Vitoria UnharsI4, Toronto, for-
merly of the Hospitals and Dispensaries, New York,
Coroner forth() County' of Dump•, Porrnit,u, Out.
• July 22, 1874.• • '
05085, • Accouchours, Oilioe, Albert $treet
opposite, Fain Mills. 9
11, IL DowsPur, 111.D. A.‘11. (4113dON, 31, D
Cilaton, May 10, 10771 • • .
Jyt,weaTniNorroli, PH 18ICIAN, SURGEON, •
Aegoneheur, Licentiate of 1i 00110g0 Of P466%1101,
• and Surgeons of Lower Ctinatift, and Provincial Monti.'
ate and Coroner for the County et Baron, Unice and
reeidence,—The building formerii•cnampied by Mr:
Thwaltes, kturon street,.
canton, Ian. 10, 1871.
• • —.
1101 oNEY TO LENA LA110E Olt SMALL sums,
JAL ou good mortgage Security, at moderate rates of
Intermit. 11Arm, " • •
Clinton, Auigust Oth,1806. 7-tt
• yuron,"Vainator, and Land Agent, citA f—jese,
phine street, Wiagliam. • . •
WIngham, Aug. 2, 1577. '
subscriber,' near the Loudon, Iiiwoh.k Bruce nailwor
Station. • . JAMES' SCOTT! •
• ' . • issuer of marriage Liosintes
Clinton, April 27th, 1876. .•
house la situated o)ese to the station, and is Dior -
°uglily renovated throughout, and now affords geed a e-
co'rnmodation for tho travenica public. Large stabling
and good hoetiers in attendance. • Choicest liquors in- •
the bar, Tiros, LASS, Proprietor. 19
;1.0 EirVOns AND rnitsztia, ,nx.nrurr.-.A. gen
I. tleman, haling tried' in vain twely advertised rem-
edy, /ins disoovered a simple radans of self•cure. Ile
wilt ho happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer,
on receipt of a stamped mad directed onyelope, Address
J. T. 'SEWELL Ekil notion, London, England.
• - • • ..
J0. itioINTOSn, 'US:FIELD, — IS8111111, 01'
*• Marriage Liuenses under tlie new Act, Comnifssioni
es fot taking Affidavits in tho Queen's Bench, for Conti -
ties of Huron and Bruce. Coliveyttimingpine, itch. as
Leases, Baas, Contracts, • ;ills, Deeds," and Mortgages. ,
Dego small. Baffidence--opposite Pollock's 'noted.
• itotisr ADVAIVILID Os moat IISTATF,
• Bayaeld, Sept.•14, 1870, •
, •
.3111-kirand IketSuClian COT:du &Itsiiite8;altueentillesgirot
Agents. °Insurance two•third elieeper than ordinary ..•
mist, and iloct•elass Steckand'XittualCompanies repre- • '
aerated. Money to loan, -and all kinds of property
bougnt ahtl sold, 1roder!tte dharoes. '.0610e—ICING ST
Ca.°orei"in'illtiVrtN.or' aod isdifer.01. •3°.
iirsinsge Licenses. . 18
• At,tieiceissreoN.•
.• .vLiv:r
• io
x, 6e,
Iro*AND OoDIten.
ocei.oci A• WATPS, • a. xar,r
• citaisa. w, Ievapee
Aip.iransiesea win be lacCUnterl every Friany.
. .
, • CAPIT‘L,
.,:-e5.-e,st front Four to Five per cent allowed •
• en Deposits,. ,•
• , ,
M. LOUGH; Agent.
• ;Clinton, April, -1870. , 1-y
Clocks, Watches, Sovipllery, &o
Det.ires to returr
I/ is sincere thank
to his nalnbros
friends and custo-
. riters,for the liher
elshare of pation•
agethathehas re
ing onhusinessin
Clintomand hopes
831 11. shit t atten-
tion Co business,
and nsing every
effort to meet the
wants °Ibis many
friends, to contin.
tte to retalitheir
Ile would to tako this 'importunity pf stating. that 116 ..
IMO taken hie son into partnership, and that tho hnsl-
• noss will he dominated in metre under the style of, S.
gonna a SON. .Tlie Arid will keep on hand
liratehes, °looks, Jewellery, Spectacles,
Addalt other artieles in; their. lip*
All kinds ef.Pipes Repaired and-MI/Wed!
Repairing, cleaning, &s,&Aiken abort notlechin•it
workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms.
.A Leiter STatitr, Ronztt oP TEE inASEET,
Clinton. Dee. 0, 1817. ' •
BnoRERs, •
INSURANCE ailil Cone'ral fouls,
'..f011.Ti4A(11•16" BOUGHT, •
ree_NOTHe oF if e•N'ti DISCOlf"1/4I'.CED eee
firrsittitter Z1,011131 410X 11111.04011C
Pir•Nkiltax Fire, •Lye end ,letbleut a‘rl Pone?.
Onnim !Wee. roprem
S.GasTA Ini:CA:s.tol Lira A rairmsia UNISV.•
Cap 11111 flit 1F wield . ... t, 3•'750.0 00
1111011114t 100412,91)7
• ily 1.• 4.1t1 13 ,0 0 0
Rates lowth
er an any other Contpany itethleco nifty.
• DASSEN(1131, AtIENCE5011
ho Canard and finnan tine of Steamers. Tho oidebt
most rellaide lines. crossing the +Wattle. Titkot,t.
soiled .at Rarest rates', from runt to Oltnton, to andfrocti
teat %intim
MITT/II& IiAltlthlit, 07,71C1i liti.ROY.ST. CLIX1'621";
NOtertrittii) ateig • WIKEIVIAN 111-t()t•+.
"norento, Agents'for Canada: • Minton, April 9411075;
• • e