HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-18, Page 1- AND CENTRE HURON GENERAL ADVERTISER. VOL. 13, NO,Piti. TERMS -0140 Per Annum, Os aids -twee, \ • " " CLINTON, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, , 31714Y 18, 1878: tommo VVW i1#,t111k1Xtfl, • The subscriber offers that oonveniently situated lama and lot on Rodent:any street, tor sale. There are eight rooms in the house, with stable, driving eherli, hard and soft water, and some good fruit treee on Mt Ilace. Quarter tiOre lot. Cheap for cash. . 'RODERT FITZSIMONS. Clinton, July 181 1878, GROCER ES CHNINGHAME & AIKENHEAD Rave on hand as largo and welbselected a stock or GENERAL GR 9GER4E.S. As ever offered in C T . CASH CUSTOMERS Are particularly invited to INSPECT OUR STOCK, and compare prices bofore num/tasting elsewhere. .. We ore selling 3 lbs. ,tiood Tea, $1.00, end other goods In proportion.. • Crockery and Glassware a specialty, O11NINGII.A1111 & KIKENREAD. N.B.•:--A lino Bet of Braes Counter Scala for sale.• Clinton, july 18, 1878. FARM , • Farm wanted, to purchase, uniMproved, or yautiatia. improvements done. Send full particulars: .T, 13. P., Churchville. July 11, 1878. . . • , Peel County. OWER & REAPER FOR SALE. . • _ A secondhand CoMbined "lower and Reaper,nessly. new, for sale for half its value, Apply to ; W. 1V.: FARRAN. Clinton, Ione 27,1878. WANT A Dwelling Ilouse. with 7 or 8 rooms, and !conveni- ences. Possession, 1st of August. Apply to; ' O. W, RAILTON, Great Weetern Railway. . Clinton. July 10, 1878. , VALUABLE FAIN : jr SALE. The under.igned effete 1411400A licandful feint, son- taining Weems, 42 cleared and in a geed state of =RV' vation, Nover-failing spring creek running across the, centre; there is also a ap1andi4 veli, orchard, boildinge, on I he place. It is well situated, being let 25, 15th con. Goderich Towrodaip, and is only lutlf a mile irons the corporation of the Town ot Clinton, and hak a fine view of the entire torn. For further,partioulars apply to . WM. M, GORDON', • At Gordon & Finlaystn's Grocery Store. Clinton, July 11, 1878. • • , . • • TRECENT'OR • Applications, stating salary, for the petition- of Pre - center, in Willis Church, Clinton, Will beleceived, by. the madersigiaed, up to the let•'ef Angllatu to sing three Sabbaths, moznir g and evening, on : in the order of their application. • The auccessint ap- plicant will bo expected to lead the intiFte at the week- ' ly prayer mooking,Sabbath, school, and 071 thanksgiving days, in•additIon to tho ordinary Sabbath services. • j. TURSOIULL, •Seeretary. Clinton, July 10th, 1878. • 8.1: CHINCE'R..)( SALE $0.filfs Petlalisitcrst, $25.00 nEWA 1")j.The 12th ItiontreaP. . The above reward Will be Paid to any Porsoit -giving Av.1 Io party or parties who broketliemindifireof the Orange I 81 . smolt information as willicad to the conviction of the yraollon to lotin inlyrocemon; Hall,•at Semeaerhill,nn Saturday night, the stif-Jter, . • SAMUEL LOWISEY, Master. ; TEM "LEADERS., ARRESTS') AS ,1'me3r assonom NESRITTTDop.Maeter. I ,. Suranterhill, atey 0,1878. * • I "A. "'wilt' g' "A'Lia* ' SALE. .1 NOTES AND INCIDENTS OF TOE DAY IN Govaution'vomiNsiiir. THE MUSTER,. • vie Unde.rsigned offal; for Sale tlia south part of lotThe Orangemen began to muster in.'l• No, 12, Huron Hood, ,Gedorloh Township comitetln8 of their hall at seven o'clock - arrayed in 00 notes, more or lees. About 80 acres cloared,16 (some slashing, and boletus° timbered land. On the. promises their full regalia, seine a them\reeling. al a frame barn 20 x 45, sated 40 x 12, gooirYinlifganr. orange h„lio. Large iwilihers of:, ,..r.,,,03, chard and neve falilag spring. Will be sold on Fess h-' able tonne.. ,Apply personally or Uy lettor to •• evidentlysbostile to the Orangemen, cen- 2Q `I AM WI EuNoTLI,Cx EKA It; 1-, . ,D . gregfitecl in front of the Orange;.Hall, and occasionally threatened those wear - 0 T 10 E : (;)F ,DISSOLUPOPL frig the orangeand blue,. .Once or twice stones were bast ihrouelL the willilows Of the Hall. Several individnal cases of attacks Upon :Ora'ngenten are, how- -ever, reported. One man, while walk- ing along Chennoville-street, wearing an orange lilY in his button -hole, 'was at- tacked by half a; dozen roughs; •and se- verely wounded.'about the fiteek . He fled down to St.. jamea-Street covered with• blood: . Among tlejt Orangemen the greatest enthusiasm prevailed. On the Notice is hereby given that thepartnershipheretofore subsisting botwequ US, 'the undersigned, as Cabinet Makers, Upholsterers, and general Undertakers, at the TOWn, of (Minton, in the County of Huron, and Province. of Ontario, was, on theTwenty-thst ilaxof june instate; dissolved by mutnal. co tient. All debt!, owing to t e said partnership are to 1,8 paid to either of us, the tim. &reigned, at.Clinton af resold, and all °lianas against the said partnership aro to bo preeentbd to either Mlle, the undersigned, brirho the some will bosettled., ' Dated at the said town of Clinton, this 25th day of June, A.D., IRS. , - .. - „ • Whims, ' • t . • ' 1). R. MENZIES. OBO.' A. WATSON, I- • F. WHITIVG. SPLENDID' FARNI.':' -FOR • SALE- arriVal. of Grand Master Grant at, the , . • • ' • . Orange Ball at' 8.30 he was' lottill§ • • • ' • i . Lot 26, conceseion 6, Goderich,Township, consistingcheered by a• groin) of his beethren stir- , ,. .. Of 80 soros, is offered for sale:. 74 acres cleared.' and In roundingthe entrance. . excellent working order, is seeded down with cloverand timothy; remainder hardwood bush. On the place is a good young orchard, never -failing creek, now tisane, house,new frame barn 40x60, Wth cellar. L goodplace for a business staliclen the eorner. On the opposite e0r- Imre. are a, 'store, poet office, School 'house. and 'black- sralth shop:. 0 miles from the town of (Minton, and 7 ;from the town of tloderich: Particulare 011 application . • . • • snot= morione4tax, • ' • • :••, Porter's 11111 PAN Goderieh township, Juise 5,1378, •• • . • EXECUTORS' NOTIOg TO OREP1TORS The creditors of J'ASMS LEXe, late of the Town of Clinton, in. the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased, who died on or about the thirty-first day. allay, A.D., 1878, are hereby notilIeTto-lautd-by letter, postpaid, on �r before the first day.of Septerliber, 'A.D., 1878, to 1.1AtOoLsr 3103?.100.tnr; 01. 10 ARCIIIIJALD 3farri200u, both of Clinton afcirealsid, Executors of thobsst will and ' testament of the said late jamaes Ley, their christian imbue and ,surnames, addressee _and descriptions. the full pertiottlare of their •claints, 'statement of their Re- counts, and the nature of the securities, (if arty,' held by them; and that.immediately aftor the said Ara day day of September next, the assets of the estateaf thosoid lato.James Lori wil1bedistributed, among.the parties, entitled, thbrotm ing regard only to the claims of which notice 51,1111 have been received, ; and the Erect: - lore o liable for the assets. no distlibuted, or any part titbreof,.to an' 95150» Of whose' claim notice shall »�-Sa-vo been reoeivell at the -time -of such • bu,t3i5ii. This notice is given in pursuance of the Statute tn. 107, Rev. State, Ont., Sec. 84. ' MALCOM IlleTLOOART, ARORIBALD 3IATILESON, F-xocuov!.. • °teal at Clinton, this 8rd dayOf My, A.D.,1878. • CiNADIAN• P.A.CIFICl RAILWAY • TO CAPITALISTS & 00/111ACTORS: eds profiles of the surveyed line, specifications of pre- liminary worke, .copies01 tho Act of .the Parliament of Canada, under whieble is proposed the Railway is to be poillitructed, descriptions of the natural features Of the country audits agricultural aud mineral resourcoa, and other information, may be seen Ott application at title Department, or to the Engitteer•In-Chief at the Cana. dian 0oVernment Meta, 81 (Wen Victoria street, E. C., London. Sealed Tenders, marked, " Tenders for Pacific Rail- way," will be received, addressed to the undersigned, milli the ist day of December next. ' • 17.1111A111,1, Secretary. Publie Works Dept', Ottawa. _Ottawa, May 20., 1878. • - The Government of Canada will roceivb proposals tor sionstructing atul working a line of Railwayn. extondin, yaitiaio Farm ropot infortuation' for parties proposing to . a To der will be forwarded on application ae underneath.• from the Province of Ontario to the waters of to rte ciao Oceanylhe distance being about 8,000 • Engineers' Repos ta, mane of the 0Ohntrir t�ibstiors IN THE TOWNSHIP of GODERICII • . , Pursuant to the Deerce aid Final Order tor Sall, made in a certain came of GALLINGEtt VS. COWAN,. end bearing date respectivelyThe Tenth day of October A,D., 1877, and the Twenty.third day of May. A,D., 18,8, there ivill bo sold by HENRY ITACORRITOTW, Esenire, Master of this Court, • At Rattenbury's 44ate1, • IN TIIE TOWN OF CLINTON, At the hour of TIVELVII O'CLOCK, noon). ' . • • [1, Salorday, the 27i clay.ofJe 878 • The follOwing lands and premises, in one'pai 1, being all and singular that certain parcel or tract of d and premiebe situate, lying and being in the Town p of Godorieb, in the county of litir613, containing b ad measurement 100 acres mid One toed, ho the•sisinO or less, being consPosed Of the wost.half bf lot 'nurnber Twenty-four, in the Hayfield ConeeSSion of tho said Township daoderich. This property is Situate abotit fit:o• mites from the Town of Clinton,i0 readily aecoasible thereto b/ Rood roads, which said Town Of�thttop offers a,goodmarket for the sale okrodece. 70 aCreti of said phiperti aro alentedinndthoromain- dor is wall timbered with beech, Maple and hemlock. - Tho land cleared is of a light learn, in 0. gos14 state of cottivatIon, (In the said lot are erected a good frame • house and barn. There is 0.100 01 en chard of twe acres, well stocked with frnit tress, . • l The Title to the land is indleptitable TERMS OF • SALE. • Tho purchaser must pay down at the time of sclora. deposit of ten per coot of his iontolinse money, to nit Vondor,or hi, Solititorr, and Oro Iminneo tvttlin ono month intoCottrt, lathe credit of this canse, without interest, upon payment Of which balance hb Will be an, titled to a conveyance of said prerniaml. ,Tho said property will bo Sold subject tO reserved . 1.1d, to be f1.,4 by said 11aster, Tho property will be !ola auletta to it Arortgago to the Dominion Savinge and Involginent Soo/dy. fey r1,500, the terms AM COadItiatla of which will be f011y made known at the sale, and WIR else be infid enh3eot to loose at 9160 per ahriard, ivhfeb expires Ors the 1St day of March, A.D., i880. Clin all other respects the terms end conditiona O&0 will be the standingeonditionsof the Ctuirt of Chancery. Further particulars can lto had YrOm 1tessients fikor. . now, Moran & Itannlorprtar, 11o(otoOro It.tr. tdoWsoti A 3r(Vp nu's, end Niodsionts Omit .40:411.5M &'MOM nou, Vendor's Solicitors, tete of UR, Ordd alitOlOt Datcd this 15th day Of Ante, WM. 1174(ItIERAR1111,,I1ita1er at Goiterfolu (JAW/FON, WIERON, • Vender's Solicitor& JU.ST'REGEIVED,. o ys..:.wttpT6E7,..rs RAPt..Y. - tirecerii: I) WAAR, JO LI N TO 111. Idtto0 28, 289. , DEA:ROEMER ARRESTED. " -Ab0,11 t nine, ct. tia., Mr. David 'Grant. and Mr, Y. Hamilton, the two mars'hals o11 horseback, partly•dressed 113 their re- galia, Ventured to make. their ,appeli-t- aneebefore the Orange •Hall,- when they were suddenly arrested by order. of the 1Vlayer. and the tiolgistrates assoCiated with lain.. Five other Oraogernen*ere taken into enstody at the same. finief The whole areir waS so. -quietly and dexterously' p'erforrned that no :distill.- baitee.vtits created, ,and they wfrit con- veyed to -the Pollee Station almost:1m- fere anybocly was, aware .of • the occur- i'eitce. . The Mayor.gaVO fitrther orders that, by virtue of his proclamation, all :Orangemen the:inement they ,alentored tO.enterg,e 'frciin their- Ball shall l. ar- ,rested. Tit ciaft &U yes ted were afterwards relearted on bail; ° . • INTERVIEW WITH THE 'MAYOR.. , . Mayor Bet:Mary, in cony-el-sell:its; tated Ile Was confident if the Orangemen ven- tured to forta. into proCession • very ser- iorts 'consequences. woadmane, arid his only Object was to' prevent bloodshed: With regard to theOvingeinen who bad been arrested, he stated that the 'object was to make their bidit teat ease to 'settle once fin- ,the question. Of the Orange Association and procession. Her. expressed the -hope that tlie etEitement 'would quiet down, and said that it wai 'intended es soon as the. fear of, distur- bance was removed to libeiiite the in- carcereted Orangemen on bail. • THL.EORAM TO THE .PREMIER. . •• - The' following telegratu was Sent by County Gran& Master" Prant to - the Premier :— floe. Alexander Mackey:1e, Oanieci, :- We are snrseunded by. 10,000 ruffi- ans. Mayor will not clear the streets, Military of 110 uae. Reply iff once, D. GRANT. • The Premier replied to the.effect that he could not interfere, • MAD TO GET ANYTIIING TO EAT.• 13etween 12 itti4-1 o'clock several' dif, ferent persons attetnpted to bring -some lunch to the hall for the Orangemen, and were prevented from' passing the Police.'. One boy was catrying several 'loaves of bread, when he was pitched. Upon by some of the mob aticl the bread taker' from hint. A boy named • ,Tolut Knox was told by his brother, tt Young Briton,who was On guard at the hall door, te.go and get Borne lunch' for him, One Of the special Constables observed theun whispering to each other, and -suspect- . ing the boy's aCtioesovith officious zeal! arrested him. Upon beingtaken to the pollee station the boy was discharged. ALL DAY IN Tilt //ALL The threats to errest every one that appeared in the streets, kept the Orange- men in their hal all day, without ro- freslirriept of any kind; At about 0 o'clook protection was offered all who wished to go home. After consultation, the Orangemen accepted the protection of the regular police, a large number of eabs were ongaged, and 0110 by one took about: half a dozen Orangemen at a time from the hell. A8 eitoli cab made its way through the dense throng on' St;" James fitted Cheer after.ebeer rent tht3 air, seine being the cheers of sympathy, but others *hoso of triumph, either real Or imaginary. . A large proportion of the crowd, however, greeted them with Maga, yens and execrations, "in which it is painful to say ne small number of the special constadesjeined. Tit about, half an hour, all 'We -Orangemen hadbeen recnoVed front their hall, end safely ran the gauntlet of the nmeacing thousands 411-rorigh Whom they paseed. ' • ltIIIr.ITARY • --Scarcely - had the intenSified excite- ment which this oceurreece °aimed" be- °eine modified lbw) 4 fresh Circuinstance 'rose to renew it, The last cab earryin0.,0 asay,the Orangemen had art•iyed at about Victoria Scinflre 'When the ,great body of the military whiiik hacl. lion stationed on Dominion Square appeared cOnting down 13eaver Hall Bill on their way to the Camp. de Mars: The staff officers mounted rod-6in front, followed by a battery of artillery, a troop or cavary,, mud half a dozen „battalions 'of' infantry, most or the lasit, named With fixed bayenets. _The lineof military' stretched ireiriVercheliter.street through' Betiver Rinlegonde and St. James 'Streets; .01 the distance of the COUrt House. As -the troops, passed alorefthey• were heartily Cheered by the crOVids on the streets andin the win- dows of the building,s,'but a few rowdies ,could obt restrain theirfeelinga, mid actually °groaned tat the troops as they passed, : Otte. Man, slightly, More de- monstrative than the rest,made use of enriessionS like, "Alt, .3 ori 'sons Of and " Down, yeta.. monkey." On arriving on the C4up.1.14e ;111a.rs the different battalions marehed °fete their respective quatters for the night. METNG. TIOVIII% After the Orangemen had been driven home an ituniense crowd 'eat -out 0,000 Frenchmen and. Irishmen' assembled • in front of the Court, House, frein the great baleeny or' Which addresses were delivered in;Freach and Ettglish, atnsd an enthOsia01 anitiuntiitg 1111 0 ( frenzy. Mayor Berfeciry &St Spoke, declaring that all be desiresi was peace, and Pro- test'in'g against the presence of the tiny.. .They weie tus tunticesSary 'ext ponse,' its his p00 constables .were all tbaLwas.reqt-tired to preserve °the petted.' •Aki. Laberge spoke of their victory 018 It pvinid.ono, not of .one party over atitother ,bitt ts a' vietery'of corn -Mon sense• (Loud theca s.) J: Curran cengrattilated. them ou litiving vindieated•the charanter and honor:of the Alayor- of Montreal.. He wound up by asking for three cheere.for His Worship, which were eathesiasti- gaily given. • • . • : .Alullitarky. remarked, that they were lovers of , law anclaearder, and des- pised Orringeisin.• If the Orangemen Of the West game to Montreal- to -morrow, the Irishmen of this city Would go op to Toronto- next Week and wipe all 'the Orangemen there into the Bay.(Im- inense elmering.) No num; Protestcuit or Clatholie, was worthy of his religion if be wotild insult audattack hiafellow- Men. lie wound Up an inflammatory speech by askiog for 'three cheers for. France, to wbieli there was it• •faint* re-. 'sponse, No cheers were asked et, given for England, and Meeting broke up iti.a d isorderly. •fashion. - .T1113 $1.!EolAl. CONSTABLES. 500 special Constables ' had been :sworn in by the Mayor, composed en- tirely of Catholics, and papers •apeak of theta as the 'herded lot, of police (I) ever seem- • They scrutinized .everyhody with marked . suspicion, *and on the slightest pretext Were delighted to ex.- °raisethe ittithmitY they had obtained for a day. The most extreme instance of the arbitrary conduct of.the speeitt1 constables was, when. they . resetted prisoner whom detective , Ching . Mars -had arrostect-in-the settille.- The--cletee- dye was badly lejured about the head. Ile afterwards declared that be could count out ono hundred gaol -birds athong the five hundred. 4,, It was it common; though bitter, expression in theMouths of many people that moblaw. prevailed in Montreal --that, as one man put it liberty had gone to sleep, . 'PRE MAYOR'S .CWIDI;(4. The Mayor's conduct has been' (via.. cized very freely by both sides., The opinion on the whole 'seems to be that he acted just as he intended trent the first, "witUt he single object of prevent- ing by every inettns the procession from taking plaue. The Orapgemen complain that Hid Worlihip allowed the mob to. assemble and remein all day, in open violation of his oWn proeltunation,. in order to in the .proce'ssioniats mia prevent them from walking. They also charge him with swearing "in the special constables, most of whom they claim to be the 'worst types orhumanity te be :found in the city, for the mere purpose of arresting thorn if they at tempted to march.The action of some of theee valiant peace -preservers in-elub- bing every defenceless Orange youth they- could grab, at least gives color to this opinion. It is well-known that the Mayor was frequently applied to during the day by loth ,magistratee,and citizens to disperse the mob, but Ite 'turned it deaf ear to all appeals in tla directioii. until after the Orangemen had surrendered at discretion, •• • WIIAT •ORANGEIIENT SAY. In -.. • . conv.ersation with the rauk and filo of the Orange .body We (IVIoritreal 8tar)learned that it is not their inten- thou to,fold, :their arras and submit to whet they consider haii .beenittiotber breach of faith towards thent • • TheY were led to believe; thersay, that pro- tection wouldbe given thein, and at the lest moment this was. net ttedorittic.. 'Their intention' is not to rest but to •fight the -battle over agein but under'. differ- eirt eircitinstances. tIpon.the nx.tcm- cesien they will net -Vag to ltbe author- ities but their -ewe brethren -from Onta- rio and elsewhete ,who . have . offered to come to their •assiatanae.. 'T.here is .itinongst, • Protestants evee those opposed to such dentorietre?-. tions, that, it would have been infinitely better for all concerned, as well ' as for the peaee of the eity hereafter, if the .processloa had taken place.. . • . :The banks, 'Ci..i.ITE sto' ousei and smite. of the ":inewance Companies and ether .institutions bad special Constables sworn in for the protection of their premises,. ' lied' the'Weather net 'been. so warm. 'the "lay Might have been mistaken for Patrick's der, so large was the num- ber Of 1111311;ap.a wornee wbo were decked in green: • . • ' • . Several accidents :are reported froin. the. use of fire -arms. It is Said that it Mau •named •handling'..a revolver in the Recorder's•IIotr1, Shot hiroSelf through ',the forehead and fell '4P4AdninOstritiiiiiikleYit'iiin, whulc.driViitg: ;long Craig, street, Was attacked by it desperate niob.. • Ile'tatt into it grocery stere; and 'Was Chased, caught, and so badly that it, is deribttul if lie ean possibly re - Cover. His eyes are althost •ouged.crat 133r. his rti, •assat 101 (4. , •A large number ur outsideuesygpapers liad representatives. there. Among the, Anieriaait'luipet'S. reill'eSOntell *et e' the .Nety. York Lient/4, '::1 fretia 'end 1'es4tlie. ;Boston ....Tenr441, the elikago YVnie.g 7'rOf4ilej•itii4.03e. Votnmercial. : 1%Ta1ly have been counting the cost of Friday's 'proceedings. to the city, The lossof business alone, it. snicl,will foot More than a quarter of a milison, whilst the expenses of the -military, police'*and .ether -eharges, • will exeeed $20„00.0 to the .Civic Exchequer. • • . . There can be.ne doubt that tlio busi- ness inen• of. Montreal are thoroughly disheartened'. 'They sea that business busreceived a great check by the dis- pley, of such religions .feeling; and will not 'recover' fin. some time. As they say, " The Most Of the parties whe haye "taken part in this :uproar are irrespon, sible. theycan peck , up their trunks and letve the City, and. tfould.iteVer be missed, While we; have to sufferthe: lose, of business, par the expense -a -rid ititi *11 the • 13tiainess,-wita all but entirely, sui- '1ended. in the 'city.'The shops and 'I:Outhouses' were tint -finally, open'but literally' nothing was done. • • Not single transaction' took place either on the QOM: or Stock ,Exchange, &Vera mercbarita state(1 that the ques'tion had now passed . beyond the bounds of Orangeism, and had assumed a position of far greater import. They regard the •prosent condition of affairs as not only detRotentel to the interests or: tho but its.piacing briaidess•transactions in a )1:opal-tons state. . • At the time when tile-elf0fiert104i Wi18 at its highest pitch on. the Place D'Artnes 'tinincident occurred which mightliave resulted in the slaughter of matik of the mob*, An Orangeman had been assaulted by rioters' and the mon in the ranks Of the 51thIt.eginient, be - emits exasperated at " the.' cowardice shown: by the mob in attacking defence- lesS boys. One catnpany were got ready foraction,. but 'desisted at once when called on by their- officers. The major- ity Of the outside Volunteers Were: tinder the impression; that they . were brought in to proteet the procession, and. were rather disappointodthat-they were not •alloweclto do so.. . The trOops manifested .great uneasi- nessin then' forced: inactivity, that many of them could not restrain the ex- presSion Of it desire to let the 111016 Sde' the points or their bayonete, • An ol-1 lady, 'Si ho is no dottbb the type of many others, jeeringly remarked to Berne Or the infantry who were loun0ering about the stepsof a Store on Victoria square, "You raight as well havestopped et heel° to -day toe all the good you have done." Another lady walked boldly down Beaver Hill•with an Orange lily in her bonnet; and .when passing some of the volunteers, the Officer itt Obit. gland 000ld not.restrain. his men, wile cheered her enthusiastically. . • CanailliArt News Jtems A young man named Ceskenetto had both his lege taken et/ by -the Daw on Monday while attempting to, get on the, train wbile in motion at Chatham, The first neW,barley was sold On the Trentetrmarket on the 60. The qua- lity was very ,fine, .and the,. yield enor- mous. This is the earliest sale of °new b Arley on record. , Leo Lessard„. % years of age, who waa, • a soldier under•Napoleon lst, wtis mar- -ried-at Montreal, on Wednesday, to a lady 50 years of age.- 'The bridegroom Says his father lived to be 122 awl' his greindfather 180, • ' Mrs'. )lartin, of Ancaster, lost pocket bookcontaining over $400 in . Hamilton, wbich was found and retern- ed to her by a poet, woman° , when the loser demurred against eiving the finder 'anything for her troubl6e. Mt...Collins, farmer, near St. Georgi. had three "vatiable horses poisoned by Paris -green, on Saturday. • The Pelson. was. mixed with flour for killing potato bugs, and left:standipg in a pad. The - horSes.,eat.it,.:and all, three-clied-froni the effects. . On Saturday afternoon a Young Briton named Kelly was seriously ..elipt• • near Napanee by 'a Catholie. named White, while the latter was riding' in it• cart driven by Kelly,. White; is still , at laree, though the ,uountry has been Scortreta by the peopleofNapalms' and • - Millpcnrit. •'' ' ' . A Canadian furniture • manuffteturer at .1he Paris Exhibition is. Said to :have ,. displaked a lot of Windsol chairs' and, flickers in his section, ' and they were constantly filled With visitors admiring. the Dominien show w4ile' they restecl. Tbe manufacturer haS already sold evety one of them to Eurepeati pnrchasers. A number of- liquor detectives trout, • 'Brantford ere reported to havebeep.; at- lacketl,While one fkisittess visit to the 'Village Of Scotland on ° Saturday. when' the.Lieense Inspector drew his revolver antl.fired, tl3ta1I grazing theleg of a tavern -keeper. of Moun Pleasant. • this is the aceOuntof the' affair as givenat presont ; .1mt. , further tlettils may be. looked for Is: the,Cte1e is beinetried at •-. - Brantford. ' • .Every one has read about WO in SO be- ing fond.of the 'feline tribe; but few,' we ' thtnk, have heard of a man who was in , love with cats, yet there 'eXists a gen, tleman '-the thriving town of St. Tkonnts, who is passionately devoted to , no less than thirty membere of ,ttlie tube They are all well taken careilinil de- cerated 'with ""ribbone, etc. Some favor- ite Oneta are -said to ISO dressed on ocea- sions and .seeta.rather to,like it, .• 3. Kennedy, it native Of .the township. „ of West, G.williambury, arrived at To-. ionto Hospital'. on Thursday; the thumb of his right hand having, beea cite -Wed to a iitapy moss, aild the little finger 'of the left hand bit in halves- by it ileighbor named A. Brown. Both, Kennedy and his tosailant wore engaged in• farming and occupied the some- shanty. The quarrel whieb led to the reVolting 'acts* of cannihalient arose. oat of a:dispute • as to the stetdint.e, of a number of shirts, avbich Brown alleges Kennedy' charged. Mtn with appropriating. ' 1-A short tiine ago buyers purchased. three head of cattle from att East Ox- ford'fariner for $138, -and gave hire. his .choice to weigh them at Drumbe and take 4e per less 100 lbs. shrinkage:. The'party,deliveyed, the cattle int the day agreed tlpon, but fetched a bag of pea chop along In Ids buggy and fed them along the road to sit& an extent that at their journey's end, they were so dangeronsly bloated that their lives 'wore saved only by dint of hard Work. They had to be dosed with tar and tur- pentine,_ which in time 'afforded thent somexelief, fliongh_they, could not be abritdotr.ec.1 to. eat tor gate- 3vhile there- . • About ltalf-past tivelVe on Friday ' morning,the villagers at Mount Bridges, ewere startled by the cries of "murder" , coming from the Great Western Depot, Nearly all rushed to the seem), when it was found Mr. George, .station -master, was'nearly killed by a person Who sub- sequently gave his name as McInnes, and stated that he was from Glencoe. It appears that whim Me. George's. back , was,turned McInnes rushed upon him with a fourteen -foot seautling four by four, striking 11Ir. Gleorge on the head, saying he would kill him, and inflicting a very severe cut. Ile then jumped • upon Mr. 'George and pounded him very severely, tlien seizing a, crow -bar lie started for the town, where he encoun. toted the villagers. After a desperate tight Iie tvas securely bound and put on board M. 6- Express and sant to Lon- don. The doctors have hopes of Mr, •.e9 Ocorgq's recovery, .