HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-11, Page 4NOW ADVERTISEKENTS, Notices -J. A. Yuill, Hardware -a: Davis, Caution -s -W, Surnmer--T. Jackson. Leather -J., TWitehell, Farm watited-J,-BeP. $25 •Rewerd-S. Lowry.. Isotind notioe-A, 111lien, Canada Ptioitic,--F. Bratfie, Change -Asher, Oraib Co, Fatal for sale -W, L, Gene:lore •1V)use wanted -G. 117, llail ton. 'Chancery' stdo--11. Mifedertnott. Fly brick-Bet:Attie illedicine Co. Precentor seantfM-Tas. Tu: - - • ----•------- - • -- • - , . Coyies et to-aay's ;mem En.s. ,itny bo 116t nt WIL1 St 01'0 Of MMIJr14. 448. A. Yetn and eIt 3. A. Nes Albert strttt, Pri co 5 pouts 1,o), 044 • , OP- no a• portion of the Sultan's territory in 'Asia not ceded by the (Unitive Treaty or Peace, Greet Britein engages to joirt the Sultan in defetiD 1is.tr. ritory by tem) of arms. • The Sultan in return promises to ititreduce the neees- sary reforms to be Agreed on later, In erder to eneble Greet Britain to , make the necessary provision for executing her eng,agement, the Sultaii,consents to assign the Island of Cyprus •te her occu- pied and administered by Great Britain, who sigma to pay to the'Porte the pre- set t excess of the Island'a' revenue over -ite. expenditure- . -Finally-4 reatAbitain 4 i engageto ,evtteeete the Islend mid ter - I initiato. the coneention if Russitteeetorea 'i patient; Kers arid A.rdahatt of Turkey. The convention iS toi be ratifi d Within • .., ' ,•. .. This 1 i torally enetensthae .T 1 rkey has theen taken utulee the pret6t on of Farg• htrele and that if any further. movo is (1...k)1)71i1111041;city fr ' made aaii). gst the integrity of lie fermet v4.1,124.017 TaB ou-;,41:1,• ` .mylst. be Peel/rued:to' meet „ 17HURSDAY6 JUTX11, 1878. Twgiapript IN MONT1/2A1- For s.onie-months past• great fears haVe. •beett•e entertaiued that eerioue trotalle, if not bloodshed; WoUld he . tweed in IN.1 :tree I .011 2th : inst.,' enthe•occasion ,of the welking of the •Orangemen in procesSiot. on • that :day. Thg the •Oetiegentet -hevt, aright to .walk in procession- with their .regalia on • is. an undisputed fact, that if molested. they should he protected by. the. 'Whole strength of the Mimicipal authoribieS -is' • also an undisputed trete, but whether it was wise to pereiet in the •right, a question . •open • for discussien. The Catholics exercise their right to walk, and. have. done so without molestiou, but they do not appear wal- ing that the Orangeei.ene shall ekermse 'the saute eight, end it is this spirit of opposition that has loosed the feelings of the Orangemen,. • • •• • The Mayor of Monti -eel, My. Bettildiy, has issued' peoclartation..fothidding theprocession, which is mit of his piii:ver .. to prevent, The Cethieljee iri Montreal step but inatead of being - epplituded he deserves. severe ceusino) for instead of • .upholdieg law its he shotild de, he ie a.p-. •tanilAing to carry' t Act, and it Will, more than 'ever, eXtzepeetiit the Orangemen aid incite thern: to Walk, • let the censequerficee he.Whiet they' :rimy,. We are net. in sympathy..with the, • Orangemen • auk •mere than 'with the • Cathelies• in this. Matter; but I, VO tfrmnk • that now the Mayor has thus showii his • weakness mid epartieen feelings byrt-t- - tempting to go beyolid 'his •powers, we think we shouldebe inclined to walk at • allhazards; for there is no tolling what ieference they be drawit by obeying the illegal peoithimation of the Mayor. • The way mat-terse:10W stand, it is per- tain the Orangetion. will, walk in pre- cession,. and that lal'g6/11.1111:!)e)11 will • • thex itt Mentrfial from other places,like Kingeton, that had intended to celebrate 4 the day at home, hatrezelintinishiel that intention and willenew go to -Mofitreal: That the pertee will be maintained we have no -doubt, ne Sir Selby Smith will °entitlnd the Militia, four bettalions of e whiehileve heed Ordered from the town- the, Military forces...Of Englanc _ l'This, we think, in the Oyes fifairope; Wilt be lotitked upon es a breaelrof kith With these .colititriee who are eber takingpeet intlit Congress., Fuld a sluirPerick;' but, ea- nothing amid he gained by re-:, ista net'fli-ey _Will have to eit bm it to it, and • Onto kind .of a peace settle:melee e matle:betWeere Turkey and Rfiesie. • •7iEw. ovo W0.10..n . P itoT.E04,10N. 'When the •Englieli farmers were threatened Witlethe repeal Of tho Corn taWsi rain, they believed, ared them intim fitee •• While the measure was in progress, end its ultimate benefloial ee- eults not yet frilly' developed, the Most glcomy forebodings infected the whole ageionllural commetnity. The days of cheap wheat bad cemee and, the farin had begun to lose • the days 'of. mum- , teaming prosperity had' not ce' ine tor had the re:gulling den:maul for etherfatm producee hy which he was. Ititgely to, 'gain. . • A• *Apt ef the peril:kb visiting a market 'town!' hear's a fernier say Of lids rent :' This,. isepai,c1 ; thank God; this is paid; but Where, or whim, or hoer I :shallpa' the rest, 1 know not; sold all to pay at tady Den not another hrtshel left.. ' 'What ia to, be done •at Mithaelturta 1 know. : not, Peel, ;they , toll meess, out of eieselleAyenfeh. Jeteoetielj „they ; %ere, %,tereekeeclieM.-1),„41„ I'M „hi in j'the toril.b p treat lifiChaelitiei. These' gloomy Anticipations were 42t:' fulfilled, The certainty,. of 'cheap food, the neinterrepted ;entry' of such' raw • material aa was unproducible-nt home, and the assistance giVen to foreign trade ihy the repeal of ;meal restrictiona, -gave an immense impetus to British mann- featuring operatious. Factoriee, • workshops, multiplied in all directions, -and the benefits of the, home niarket, thus stewed -to the British fiirmees were enormous, • Distant lands mink' Send. grain, and such feed As We .eperetions or transport would not injure ;• hut of • the more bulky articles, mid of those tho wealthier and -better paying alessee chiefly used; he had the monopoly still, and manylmore customers than before. Thus, es Mr.' 'Mackenziestated in his Toronto .speech, ' a meek Ailed:her-price is now got foratreost everything except the cereals; twice as much is now paid for a•horse'rents are nearirdeilliNdian hilltops° benefits have accrued' to 'the proprietors -land:and their tonante.' Time, What Was called Free Trade in Britain .opertied principally it givine cheap food, to the. 'workers :directly to •the encouragement of manufacturee. Manufactureprospered it consequence, and how the farmers prospered in censc. pence, all know.• ships, esides the local fame, and A and n• 44esi1i beeeen- hemh-frir oI which will assemble en Dominion. Square aint be used to protect the Obmgernen, There is 'not a resident iti Montreal but what ha§ 'been injut•ionsly affeeted by the Tier:eels. and riots hetWeet the Orangemen and Catholics that have tak- en place during the past-. few. months. Wherever lawlessimss is not checked and • stamped mit teede will deeline, as menu- --facturers and Men -of -business will slam - such a place, knowing that their pro - is not safe. - it is the interest, ia aS the duty, of all: to see and aid .in the triaintainance of law and order, end negleet so to do will, sooner or Ia,t_er,. he reflected baok in some shape not con- genial to the interest or feelings of the parties eorieertecl. 4 • .41 TIM IC AMMAN 401,11sTION. A. new move has been by England in • the Eastern tierestitifis by 'mitering into lreaty with Turkey of whic. h the fol- . Imeing are the features fiastipulets ed that if Betwixt, Kars, end,. Ahlaban are retained by 'Retake and it an at.. tempt is Made at. any future time to an. • Who wetild imagine that so much truth would .136 littered by tlie Ards but - atich is the fad, as we clip the above - from Monday's issue, The above fade • tu•e so well known that it ii no . use at- tempting to deny thorns but the in drawing its conelnsione; Wishes it to be tinderstood that similar Ter:Jolts would take place in this emintey by put -ming a vary opposite eourse, which no sensible' person will belibve. The Mait, ea well' as every other tolvoeate of protection, know e full well that ail the filets awl logic are 'against them, and unless they can deeeive people by throwing dust in their eyesatheir labor wil1 be in vain, and defeat Will meet, them at the polls. Itt the same article that we elip the above from, the Mai, says, "there is land snilicient in Canada to afford, hoines for all," That is also true, tuid we cen Offer them as good markets for the pro - duets of their labor as the eedrld afforde, and that without the imposition of brie cent forther of protection, and, we else promise that the utmost ecOnotny shall be.praetieed so that the least .pOsSible royerruvrtay be needed, and that teed° shall be made as free as the wartte. of the Conntry will permit. • f THE OLLTrox NEW ERA. VDITORIAL, NOTES. Is the Quebec Legislature, on Mune- day, Mr, bly had a, majority , of one, without the Speaker. Hox, Me...Tremor has forwarded MS .resignation to Ottawa, Ho is entitled • to credit for SO aping. e • Tay revenue of the Donliniou fur the eleven 'needle ending 31st Alaye,esees... • $21,433,410.82, And the expenditure • $20,270,004,45. Theo fignreAvor 'a surpltla for the financial year 1877-8, in- steacl of a: deficit as in the two pieyious _ ' • • A T Parkhill last, week) sy. seid the clerk of the Welillter 'e.'ae a, good Tory."' Perhaps thaVe the reaSee. -why . he sent down suele torrents of rein, Up- • • • ing to give them a good washireg, 115 they very much needed its after wallow- ing so long 111.0MT:1Am), end dealing_ in foui abuse. • • ose---•--- AT 14, ,IVAsoxto pienie at Weston, on Dominion Da,),'; Sir joint Macdonald ettid that ".thaeks to Providence; they. •NVOTO now in the, teeth year of Confeder- . • Olen a prosperiMeelieppYeaud eeutented pet:Pie, with hope, ia -the future ef the country." .Sir John, for the moment was not talking politics and. bb„ow truth. • .ErlaWriONiinthe�ontity of Menek have alweye been very obese, the °ea- sel-Valle:es heieg sevat a 1 remelt ma- , ..... jority. • Recent ievisiots of the voter's lists have ohanged.this,''. there being, At increase of 93 Heibein voteS, and in all probability these will oarry for Mr. Ed gar into the HOMO Of •Connuoile,„ • The eatue journals which defended, Me. Mowat's descent from the Bench, are now abusino, Mx. Tilley for re-enter- ing public hfe after his term of office has ' . • : They -are tieing' nothing. of the'lxind, but as: the Mall ehneed Mr. Mowat for taking Office in the. OntarioMitietry, it imagines it'ean condone its oilefice- by. falsely • charging Referral . peperewith abeeing' Yr.T31ey, The slendets of theedlicawofild not be werth.eimteedic ‘r17(itiM believe them- to be trne if they were net eentrAited. . 1h:e'en es- ' Aorry tolearn of. the deetth of Christopher Tyner' chief editer.• of the, Hamilton Tim.es,--who* died stuldenrk eit dettlay e . • evening' hast.' 'He ilftd been for Settee time in A feeble State of health, but•able to attend hie editorial elides up to, Sattueley, on Which day he was . compel- led besindisposition to leave. hie offiCe and go• home, from which timehe rapid- ly sunk: '_ Me. Tynerehad beet on the' editorial staff of the Tinzesforsome four- teen or fifteen years, exercising abilities of a very high _orderAnd the less to the Tinemeeillehe setter great. ,We hadethe pleasure of associating with Mee. Tyner a 'limber .of years age; midelweys.found. hitt Worthy of bi,gh esteem', The Times .has, within a very few yors, lost several by death who had, busittess ethufection° with it. Two successive proprietor% three ot four editoes, on 'of its managerar and its late tinning r. 1farris is .an invalid. • • --- -• ' The Ohio farmers are secretly organiz- ing for mutual proteetton'against,traanps:. Work has commenced ort the :Ameri- can road connecting with Alm Pembina Branch. •• . • " • Mr. 3. W, Cull, ef 1itcboJl, reture- ed a few days since:from It trip through the Western States. It6 states' that trade in Canada is in a flourishing eon- dition itt comparison to that in. the United Statee. In consequence of the shutting down of -a great number of fac- tories throughont the States, diamonds at mortire ont of employment; and aro roaming about the country hi idleness, a terror to those whose property is in danger of being taken by such hordes of termite. This gate of things is Without doubt the •result of the high proteetiVe tariff imposed on foreign goods. When the high tariff was first put on by the :United States Government the different brmiches of trade appeared to prosper, and the produce ef the factories was rushed into the home marketeitntil it glutted, arid trade stagnated. Goode could not be manufaetured lo the States and sowiri, a foreign market leaving a fair margin of Profit. The people, there- fore,•ire now reaping the benefit of protective duties, in boil% the &atones closed, bueinese tagnated, arida horde of hungry: lien ainping through the couttry. • Et1R.011 IT411aB., The reported diseovery of coal in Stephen turas out„as w.e anticipated, a Myth. . • . • J, T. Sutherland bits been re engaged to teaeli in S. S. No. 1, 'Camille at $500. • • • • While trying to jitinp on a- waggon last week, a son oriVir. Williemson, ,Wietvenosh, fell end broke his Mr, B. Alexander, of Godeeich town - drove lns tee re le holt ' home, a da eirm po ritilee it it day. • Mr, a. 1uvker ites leaSed the Queefes Hotel Brussels, from' J Strettoo, and will take possession me the 10th' hest, e,„ J., and A. Qampixell;. of Steplam, fel; cutting -.tanbark • on the Cenacht. Com- peny's.latik'were. fined $2etrel, $20 'wages' and $5.50 -e.ests.. : • Mr. R. Long has' sold his -farm of ,100 acresin the third on, of Stephen, iteer. Centralia, to AtItitiOn of USbornie for •tho &um of $8,000. • • A: tramp nettled Cain made au inde. cent assent -6 ohester, lest Week; for Which he 'was Cemmiti ed to jell for BO daye. Ari': M. Derrick, split for Mk ja.ines Elliott; Gederich township, 550 elm reile. from one tree,and left As Much, wood as erefilti have made the 6.00„• On. July 1St ,as the night express -was appoaphing1Jrnsse1s, . and while on the farm of Mr. J. Overate' the: train ran'. over tero litirses belongingto 'that gen- tlerrent, beth: . ,• • .: A valuable horse: bolo -iv -40g to Mr. Porter, near Perter's 1•471, got en the railway. tritok,• and a' 'passing trein out one of It* legs, oft • The' Anirnei was shot to put it out of pain. : OrriliondaY lase, as Mr,. j. Stewart,. 'of the Commercial Hotel SetifOrthe' was aliening aginger •ale bottle, •the bottle burst and e piece Of the broken. glass sttack hint on••••the. hand, Inflicting painful woond of aech, peoportians, that it luta to be sewed. • ' • , • • On Tuesday, 25.t1 J-tme, some geed wOrkin the tore -ging line, wee perforated on: lot 12; conal, Pashorne, the farm of: Mr. W. Balkwill. • He; with the assiste emit- Of D: -11.ic1ittedsseT. Lenaport, T. Crowley and A. Powell, and . one ' teem ofhorses, legged six acresin 12 hours. O'n Friday last, sari of. Mr. 3. S. • and G. Anderson,. Seaford', two 'young bays; got possession of.' it.eitelI vial. of amnionia. Andersbnwitain the act of 'giving yeunrePerber it smell when -the • cerk flefoul, sCatteritg the..c,oritetts..in :theeyes., ,of, 'both the, boys; .,:ylity,fitive • Mrs liebineon;a•tat-liel resides on..lot. 5, core 17, Elute, heads etrerythine we have yet Seen in rhubarb; on Tuesday Mr. Loire brofight into..".our-bifiee Several ...Stalks' of rhttbarkgrOWO by her; some Of which from roet te tip .of leaf measure fully fiVe feet in) length', • The , clean stem tivera4-es about t Wo feet nine inches. Who oat, berit,this Poet• , The 'Court for revising Mid confirming the 'VetterS'.46 'of 1877 \ for' tlie to Wu - ship Of Stanley hai: been 'closed. • Tour Conservative votes have beenadded to the' liSt, and three.struck off. Twenty., three. Reform Netes htvvo been -ridded and none Struck off tints making a. gain of.22. litefeent Votes' ,. . . • One day last week„Mr. :Alex. Taylor, of Gocterich townshiP, was 111 tkoilerich, at Somerville's mill, with h grist.'He observed a runaway town coming in the direction of the 'mill,. while he- Was tin - loadings and he at onee jumped into hie veggon'• for the purpose of turning lifs temn out of the way nt the other, which was. coming direetly towards.hint speed ; bur& before be got his teatxt.tuim ed, the other Wai. rip to him, and j ufnped into his -waggon, striking Mr. 'Taylor with the pole, and Wining hiet_severely but .not Airo, 8:Carrick- of the 4tli Hey, wbehee brie of ;he largest apiaries in the county,' has developed 8 very. Pro. lifia stock °I boos, -.Ccommenci,ng with it swarm .of Black Italians. Which Wore taken iron the limb Of it tree seine throo years ago, he has Dow, as the r,Osult of care. and Ain't their management, no iesithan thirty-tWo hives. This eeason streitg hive eent etre swarm of hoes, .and in 15 daya the young Witten filled a hive with new combs and honey, and then ‘started out it new colony, Another performed a like feet in 17 days, afid 8hould they cotitineeto increase at the present rate during the coming year, Mr. Carrick will find thon to be great- er soffidd-Of"profit than the filen,' • On Friday lett Mr. A. rorbes, of the CominerciAI Iivery &Medi', lost a, vitt- able horse it, rather A peculiar way, 'Ale. Girdiesten, -Inland Revenue 'officOs drove the horse to Bayfierd. Having occasion to visit the brewery before en- teringthe. village, lie tied the horse to a tree with it rope halterearoutul hid neck. He bed not been goneover ten minutes until he retuertad to the horse; when, to his congertation, he, found the AltiOlAl lyitig dead. The halter; lied been tied pretty hig,li up.on the -tree, . atid the horse, endeteiering to get hitAreed flown to eat the geese., tnened the loop around ort neeki 'se Wet 'the knot was on the npper skte .thuw.bringing all tho peessure of the •haltee 'directly on the throat, and in his strug'gleili0 strangled, • • JuLY 11, .17: • • , ' • 41117 i0m11140 1 VAitiinnti AND DIEQuoixerit • ,atM.OVI4T101,1, • The annual mowing mateli iu connec- tion with the • abut) assomatma took place yesterday, at 13rucetield, eo tbo. farms of Messrs, Young and Swan. The .day was fill0 Ala there was. it large est - Omit% of spectators. The grass woe it good crop and en excellent, opportunity was arfortled fey itlt xhibitiOu of the working qualities of the several Ula. chines: The work, both of the combin- ed and single machines, was well done, and them would he the greatest difficulty in depicting which Was 'done 'best. Seve- ral of the machines that eentested were pureitatted by pieties thee went there -fa, that pitrpoSe; 'These tuatchee 'give a god opp-ortimity to the-agentS Ao make Stiles, end farmers would find it 'veey convenient to attend the match for the object of purchase, They can there make comparisons and witness the worki'ngs of the several machines end `select - accordingly.' The difference between -the virtues of tho respective machines are so slight that the judges \only Made eightem 'points -in -one -.1nrnitreci between :therm -- The following were the coinpeting ma: zhines, with their draft and width of cut :- . COMBINED. • Paragon, 21illbanielsia1ufacturi4 Co., ?0;) 911E uosr ruAarur. OALAIU11; ne- COTW-CITIE4 FAIRLY DEPe.)POLATkil), ' Shanghai Cin---"., Zolnloa %Iowa, . The: famine seeins now:to. be '•ateits worst, Th,e impoverished Country con. sits of the goatee part of the Previnee of Shansi, parts,of South-western Chili, 'Western Sher:lung, and the .Northern dietriete of Hoban, eOrtiptising an area variously estimated et front 70,000 to • 100,000 scleare miles. ' The . greatest• , diStress . is hi in the sonthem , half of: Shansi, including the provineiateapital, Ti Yuen, the population ef. which, un- less•eam comes at once-, hida faie to be come. obsontoy. extinct. In its . hor cillielletelik :As gteCtiaby aPrWittlee, foreign.eficl. native, .oflicial andinissien- . &ivy, it ..is .tho „di t•est ,ealatnity that this or anyconatr..sr has been Visited with, Tile sturdy Chinese . peasants ' do.: xtoV ;calmly fold their hands and die,. 11,ko. our poor: f1 ±110 the Mattresses,. lest year; they eat the dead, andoWlien .there -aro nene to thicathey kill the liv- ing: for the sante purpose, . Tide is'no -On:Mt&eitagpration --but-':Vfe -fatiiiii: State of things in it Clistriet not, 100 .odleir Vete .Sgafighei.• ' In, the „ekiti Geeetteof the lfith' of ..Marclis ,there ape Oars : it Memerial ' friern.. . Li . He nien, Giti-'keener a Honore and Yuan, SPeeial- Ifigla Com missioter: fel- Familia. Belief, .appealing. for 'State aseistance to the dis- tressed province. Vora it 'may be,ge- thered thegraits . to:NO.116h the fnmine- .stricke4 country is •redneed. • ' 1 there; •fore append', a trapeletion of it,, and I eDust'reulied eiy . catintey men as they yead, it that itierio -sepeatirenalepieture to nietie the teareofediotional et:timer:1h, ere,. but it *lei edeseription Of the stete of the provinee. bYits responeiblertilera in, the . language' of. it Blue•- hook:: . ... The &might. With; .which the pro- vince has:. been Visitoci for severe'. years , in succession bee .reeultett' in 'A' 'flunine. of an intensity andextent hitherto une hetted of, - As at.ititmn-adv41100 iilto, winter the tunther of those iti need of relief.increased daily, imbil at last they could be counted: .by . nAliene., •The lower clesses'•.was-the. first t� be affeetede- Mid may. soon Aisolipained or••dispersede iti seareli of sebsistence elsewhere. .' Now. theefarny#10 beeeattacked ' the well4e-do land_seti 0 ' wealthy; : • who fitd . them -7 selves' reduced to greater ntliery as each. day. goes by; tind they in their turn,. exe .dying off or fellciWing -those .who have migrated elseWhere. In the earlier:pie: OM of distress -the ,liVingled iipen the bodies of the dead ; .next, the itrongde- veered the' weak; 'arici-noy, the 'general destruction him arrived ,ot such a' climax that men 'devour these Of . their - own ,,,„ ..........,,..„.....„,._..........„..............___ _.. „......._. .,ttesti -anct4modemeeetlieteeerseconteletSeites 'record of severy terrible and distress- ipg . ,:ii .state of things,„ and 'if Prompt Measures Of relief be erg instituted the .Whole region. meat become.depopulated., tent .senreek- a supply *are 'entirely ex.7 ' haustecl; the graharieseato empty,- And the' Treasueydrained dry; while ' the. 'few wealthy' people.in the proVinces. have helped with ' centrilmtions . an.d • Loia;10.14.. s-.it,ill etlinti.reeif:,ee. 'tea naAre.i. I). Oir71:•:.. .'. hie .dretitlful.'pieture is., fully'liorte •ion f by the letters -received in Sharigliai fro u. tho missionaries in -Shansi. ' .• • •' •' . •In the. Prefecture in Which the mini-. tal Of Shang,. Is Situated the .population lunt diminished from .over.:1,000,000,to 1100,000; and the Chinesc; newspapers here' give: the ntitnber . of ; people who have died of: starvation, or. Met the' aw- ful fate. jog recorded- atoyer.5;009,000. 'Bola Robbery. -Thomas Buckley,- treasurer • of tha •hosiery mills at Albin, r. Y., drew $3,- 000 front a bankon Monday morning, *ending to pay off -the operatives at the mill for the 'mouth Of lute. He entered a street car about ten o'olock, Two men Also. got °teed different pointe. A tiverY hack follovied the ear; , When the antskirte of' the city were reached oee sof the mon ihruit.t." his arm under -Buckley's chin, forcing his head Ixtelc. oVOr the seat and preventiog any initcry. Another 'meaty, abstracted the• paekage of money froin Buckleys pocket. There were fourteen passengers on the ear, but the robbery was too, sudden and adroit for ieterfeeenee before the meo had jumped froth the car and. .into the carriage, which was close behind, Buckley drew le revolver atd fired sev- eral shots at the thieves, but failed to stop them. One of them shot back without effect. After driving furiously fo4 some distance the robbers abitudoned the coachedivided the money, and clio appeared in different,direetions through the woede, The mirriage was stolen front the railway dept tut hour. before the theft. e The ladies of the higher clase in Spahr are fast eeasing to attend the buil fights. On the day before Queen. Mercedes died, 11,000 inquiries as to her heelth were made at the palace, by - letter or telegram or it person. Kingston has begun the manufactore of Metallic life-boats'which is a now lee &nary amongst us, bat ought to have been begunt before, considering how great an extent of water routes we have, and hoW large a passenger traffic covers the lakes and rivers. Messrs. McKelvey dt birch have the honor of being the poineer lookers there. lbs., 4 it, 5?; in. Iron Harvester; Teompeoe "Si Stratford, 205 lbs., 4 ft. 5 in, ' • Osborne Nn, 0, Osborne Manufactui ing A.uhurn, N. Y., 214 lbs,; 4 It. 8.in. • Iron Clad, BIliott, London 215 lbs 4 ft. 20 A. 1 Sndard, Nihon Bros, ingsrsoll, 200 its,, 4 ft, 2L: in. • Cishorne No. 5, Osborne Manufact g Attbern,S. 11.'61086.11)s.'4h. 2 New Model, B. Boll, St. George, . 4 ft. 2 • . . larb3/N-6. 1, Harris,' Son !.C.: Co., Brantford, 170 Ilia., 4 f t., 5 in. Wrenght Iron Mower, Thompson ct. Wil. , liatts,'Stratford, 183.& lbs., 4 ft, 2 in. . • Iron Clad,' L. I).H -Sawyer,. amilton, 175' lbs., 4 ft. 51.; in.. ' - Toronto Mower, Toronto Mower company 205.1bs., 4 ft, 11 in. - ' The_ following were the Single machitma .taking -prizes ; 1st Icirby• ; 2n4 Osborne ; Ord 'Iron glad. ' ' Thejudges were .11:lessee S. Smilie, Hollingshead; J. McMillan. jas. Mai- • • 'The reaping inateh hitonfieetionwith this Society will eonie off it4 about two weeks. . 4. great business is growing up in Chloage of diasieating eggs, Ter .tna.rket. Hitherto the'drying.of eggs hes been a, •irenblesome.and costly, proeess, but now maoliinetk has 'been cent.riVeCT by. which • ,.0Y,11.11,V;.,thoAf9.04, egg8- Ori.„1?-P..i1P111.t 'n elay rind -Preserved" 'efin- • of• time.. The egg, es dried, is 'describe .ed As being a "•rich golden -colored gm-, nulatien," Whicli can hi.34iniide as _geed as new at any.-atinie- by simply add-• • ing to it 'Water or milk. Here is a hint for thoso. who export theusancIref doz- ens of eggs from Canada to .New "tork annually, The British market is open. • to us, vith he „duties to ,he paid, and with:far higher than-Arnericart prices to he realized, .The-Froneh, dispose of 200,- • 000;600. eggs to Britein yeerly at pricee • Which wOuld ineke• the. moutha of otie •poultrymeli- . water. 'An nttemPt' should he untae to gain a share itt this ptefi bible trade. !taantreal Cattle Mantel. July 8, This market. to -day was dull for Tay - thing below! choice, fat cattle, which were in fair .detnand, itt 12e to 51e. 'The bulk of purphaset forlocal Ilse sold .at de to die, and were slow sale at tlitse figural , Hogs sold at front 4,Ic te 'go • hve weight, MARRIED: . jAVK5ON-CAMiTO1sO.-4'0A A1145 1s1 hist, et the reside.= of tho bride's father, by the " Rev. Mr, Cainoron, 11. T. Jackson, mar. P chant, Hamill, to Jane, eldest daughter of prawfotd, taik,;:poltetsmith. 'Motituu-Youxo.-InTlIyth by the llov: A. 11,toticLitorb, o.T"hr.of,(oi C. jllblooxPnlem.e, Miss-Botsy v awrrzte-Powsw.,-At the residence of .the • •-.bride's brother, Clinionon the -1st itists,Aty tho Bev. Mr. Droloy, Mr, Jas. Switzer, • Gederich tewnship, to Susannah Powell., Mrsarevseesr..-LAt the residence of the bride's father, on the 1st inst., by tho Bev., A, Stealth, 1), 1),,. rector of St. john'a. • church, Mt. T. W. Mingay, Manager of the Time*, Wingliate, to Maryi:, eldest daught- • er of 111r. Wm. 11. Dustan,Bowmaevills, • CAvAll..-4.11, Galt, on tho 451i inst., at tho residence of hor son.in-/mv, John .1Ity,- Esq. , Margaret, toilet ot the late <Tames • Cavan, Strauraer, S igi�pthiro Scotland, and mother of lk,Ir; 'Pour Cavan, bf this town, agod 72 years, armosemevilararearamomviimsimr- ctINToN 31Anttinr8. July 11,,1878. Whoat, fall, red, ltilflmsh, $0 90 ;a 0 05' Wheat, Ode white, - 08 a I 00 Spring, ••• .0 80 a 0 85 Fite, s 088 a 000 4 029 a 0130 • 085 a 045 058 a 001 • • 50 a 500 • - 050 is 080 450 a 500 . 550 a 050 Butter, . • * • 0 10 a 0 11 Bggs, . 4 4 0 09 a '0 10 Heir, 1300 a 10 00 •• • 450'al600 Sheepskins 0 60 4 1 00. Clover. *-' % 8 50 a 400 Timothy at 1 60 a 2 05 'Wool * 0 22 a 0 24 ()IAA< Barley, Peas, Flour, Potatoes, Pork, Beef;