HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-11, Page 2• To amass, Wmal sltrurct Y uii•(mown. 13y Gee. Stovall, Yarns.. Star of my life whoso beauteous l•ay Uih o er my path so brightly, shone To guide me ou life's rugged way. • When naught gave hope save thee alope, 'For thee iny museyouted, forth her lays, For thee my sweetest strains were sung, For thee I hoped for better days, For thee each noble feeling sprumr. Though forttibe'S-shades tiroutul. me threw. Their minify, cheerless, hopeless pall, Thy golden beatus forever true, Upheld and lead me safe throtigh But now no Ineie through sorrow's gloom ;NYill thy sweet yaks) my spirits cheer t Thy lovely form lies in the tomb, Tlry soul has gained its. proper sphere. For thee I deeply, sadly Mourn, _ Ver•thee my tears in silence flow, • 7o thee my. thoughts will over turn, , To thee timo I hope to go. ' Yest Iavy; hem hosidelhy grave I sit and weep, hat weep in vain; r • Tears eannet miw my loved one saYe ; • oaearth we ue'er shall moot again,. What / meet. no mere ean it be? • Or, is titi4 all a fearful dream ; Is this fresh mould tlry.grave I see ; -Aro th2ngs lane really what they secm.. • Ah yos, thy brother's 'name is hero; • • This .rnarble slab too'plainly tells. "fin or thy grave Isveera tear; by thy tomb my bosom swells. • Thou wert so mod, so fair, so Rau, So noble, generous, loving, kind, - All attributersI found in you . • Which Mark a. lof ty; stainless mind. But why 'thus weep, thou art net lost, • Thoulmst kit gone to that bright shore •'Whoro we, Mrthen 1 the tide have crossed, •• Shall Meet yes Meet arid part no more. from beneath bee uplifted band, "Iio shall wotit; he shall help me !" "Young maw!" she called out, The robin trilled, the brook made cool tam], tuella splashing 'Over the mossy stones that Mewed its bed, and no' adawer came book to Barbara. save the ‘flutter of the leaves iu the !met copse under the hilL , • "Yeting Man, 1 ay r she ealled oat again, this tithe with a certain acethatof the ituperious in her voice, • The reetim. bent figure under the oak tree straight. eded itself .up tit °nee, anilonade haste toward the stone. wall that separated Squire Dallas's a orotans front Dolmen Wylde's south.spasture hit\ "I beg your pardon," aid he,; hut you ealt '1', • • • , , : " Of course I called " said Barbara', oinkhii herself .h: " Dont within w. WI and s' 4 -Was; ..' straight and darkly', luindsorne Squire Pallas'nest/. 11thin • yeti think, yeung man, you 'might tcy-he at work 1" • •• . • At wOrk '?" repeated the Spanish, browed stranger: • " WO11, peill4sN, I aught:" .4f There's no perhapS' about 4,0 Said Barbara, • brusquely. " Of course you ough,t, • And slime yo e don't choose to • work for Tont', nuteter; you may as well be Working fer • ."My master 1.1,' " Squiie Dallas:of Course," said Bar- bara. • "Dear me, 'how stupid you are." "Auct• how; may I. venom to ask, did yen know Who I was T' he question,: ed, in an amused sort of war. • ' • "Oh, it didn'trequire any groat oxr ,ercise of brillianee for that," - responded Barbara, with •a little nod of the bead. " I know Squire„Pallas, has got anew bired man .and if loifrb net ' are you t . • That •is •the qeestian'," said the' stranger gravely.. "Bet we mostut stand talking here," iventasn Barbara, ha a businesslike sort •of way. "'Take the' basketand go • to •picking Strawberries jnat as fast as ever yen, elm, beAtuse we re.. to have company. otn: hotiN4i'm Barbera Wylde; you know, youtig. manand ; must get back with the berries for desert TAT'quiekly• as pcissible,". •• • •C All rieht7 ' said the Stranger • I'm • b tolerably quick at titiS sort . of thing,.I believe.' ; • • ',I hope you are; said, .Barbara•• -•ins 'tent on extricating a„ tiny rose -pricker from thepoint of her stained forefinger ••-•‘ and at other things •too. Because,• if -you're xot Siuir Dallas won't keep you.' , • • "'He won't'ell T Barbara shook 1er. head,- 'The last man 'sVent -away' -because he couldn't en - TIM OLIN i'ON jr :ERA. • are 'talking a great deal too much and working. a great deal 'too Uttle, Pet. 'haps, if y.ott're very,sniart with the her. ries, I'll bring you one of Phillia's tarts,. and put it en the stone, fence to -night. Phillis does make the deliciousestStraw- berry tarts I' 'Dint wotdabo delightfel,', said the stranger, proMptly. • • , • Barbara gave 5 Serail:11'210g glitnee into the berry basket. • '1 begin'to think we've got althost enough; Said she, Not yet,' pleaded bee companion. . ri:ct1d3(1 Barbsra, -4 And main - Ina Will- be in a hurry, end 111.a:tide will epold dreadfully if I'm not therein time tQg'cl°bLiest'ebika:sk SilAt't Ithe .sleangcr, With a half smile 4. that yott're a sgeod deal like ,Ointlerella tbe stery books,' Barbara onside:1W the matter for a second' or titre,. • ' am,' sa,a, bo. 1 , never thought about it before ; buk 16 do be; lieve 1 on't u littlo like Cinderella,: • Bat, .dear rde, I there's no glast 'slipper for me, And as for you, ycung matt,' relapsing all at once into the sever..3 neater again, "'Ion had better, get back ito fast et pos- sible to ytotre work.; and don't. let &vire Dallas:catch yoa loitering again, if you've:any regard for your place.' The stranger stood with cloil'adcap and dated° of ehiVaironssatiention, • `But you'll not fore:et: the sieaw he t y tLut ;02713Siallitille.ynot if ondeleart get old • - Phillis's back turned long enotigh to • steal it out of the Milk -went,' said Bar, hare. • • •••And ()fissile trippecl, with rosy -stain- ed lip's, • golden hair floating recklessly in the wind, and slight elastic feet how - ng' down the butteroUps and, red .elover as she:went& ' ',Dear Me, chile,' said•l'hillis, as she carni3 into the kitChearrosy and breath-, leas with the baste she had made, 'What •e time yoit's ben !' Not halt an hour; cried' Barbara, flinging away her hat, and splashing her face , with cool water out of the bucket. • "'Iles he come, Phillis cOmpany 3;bring Mien, miss?' said Phillis, . 1No• he .ain't. An': Mise sette• •she's asseoldin'. 'Catise •you hin't • been to arrange de,reses • :far de big bokay id de middle. Olt do teble an' Miss•Maude she -done Leari'S'fi x her, hair te*suit her ; an'-dar's da misting Celan' now. •Itna,;111isaBarby, run 1' • There, Mani Ind, I toldyou so I' eabl, sLiss Maudd.Wyldo, the intellectual' member of the faMily. It bean inconvenient crewd'if Barbara comes to the table.' Pieldug Wild Strawberries 4c'More strewberries?" said ` Mrs„ •Wylde; with -s.'perplexed 'Contraption of her brows. •. • •, Yes," •said old Phillis; the :cook, 'I've suede' two short -.cakes an a an' dar ain't nigh ' enough left to al de big glass•dish for; tea."• , "Dear me I" said Mrs: Wylde, "what shall we do?.Lisette is dressing, and Mande never .could endure the. sun. BarIara"-t�a slender young girl who was .curlocl up in one of •the deep ,win- doW•seats, ipading-"you'll haveto go." Barbara Wyldo, roused heise1FbuLof an Arcadian dreads: .of Pickens'', Little isTerr,-and fixed a:pair of big brae esles on her mother's troubled- fee°. . . Go Where, mamma 1', • " Down to the south pasture let for •wild straWberria The ground is crim- son with them there, and-" • • • Barbara Wylde sciathbled clown Out • of her high- perab. • . ,".Martima," said she, "what •renui- sance all 'thisie I.. I dot* believe' Cap: • tain Ellwood Sovern isworth all tbie trouble: I don't beileVe faille love , with either Mande on Lisette, •And I think, preeeeved,gaosebe".rriles ere gate - • ,,iloid your tengue, child I" said Mrs. Wylde, sharply. "'Take the basket and go for the strawberries at,onee." "Bat it's so -hot, manarila , " Patf-on your. broact-hrio.ded Straw • • "And I haven't finished my novel," pleaded :Barbara, with 'her Mind revert- ing longinglY to Little NonsenseaidsMire IV:yhle • kr ton read tee many novels-, a deal,for a child of your 'age." • , •• • Ai a Barbara' disappeared, unwilling- ly enough, into the apple orchard, across whieh a sinuotio path, bordered • with buttercups and•recl clover, led direct to the velvet slopes of the "south PaSture," Where the •tipening fruit Of the wild :strawberries •shoeo , tiny rubies along the course ef a, little in dsical book, all fringed with reeds and alder.; and . • tall- sTo w in 0. Ferns. 1-3 "Strawteeries, indeed!" said Barbara to herself': "It's dreadful to.. be the youngest of a family ot giiJa, and have to pick s:ra*berries for ont!s elder is. tem' beaux." . • ' And she pushed -66 yellowcurls out of her eyes, and went to work in lugu- brious 'Oarncet, popping 1,10 larabeot and sweetest of the berries into her little round rose -bud of a month,: staining -ice -1' dress as she knelt down to Seek the shy treastri•es ander tho clustering green leaved, •and caislasoning lior hinicla with the hate elm made. ' •• •-al-tevonaler-which-eflom Itellmarry?"-- Said*Darbarit to herself, as she paused a minute to listen to a robin which,perek- ed oti the boughs of a feathery elni be- yond the brook, :trilled out his barcar- olle of glad Malik. -"Lisette is: the. prettiest, of course, find ho can't kPow What a dreadful tetnper she's got, But • Maude is liferary, and has read all. the .new hooka, and cart talk so'well. Gentle- men like intellectual ladies; I wish"-, • with a sigh-" that atilwao intelleet." And our little' maid felt to wofk at the strawberries again for full five. mi. flutes, And than she shook her basket, • and peeped into its depths with eyed of • aur e deapair, • "Not halt full," said slio to immix "not a quarter full, Oh, dear me ! how I wish some one woold come to help mei And there is some one stretched prdVok- ingly iit the shade under 1Sqtfire Dallas's big oak by the . state wall, 'where the sweet inners grow. People have 'no businese to lio in the shade when other •people have to be working hard in the BUB 1 And I do believe it's Squire Dal. • las's new hired man, and he ought to be a work in the hay.field instead of lying there under this trees with • a book. AtuIP Barbela added, stirveying the distant Aineatzt witti reisolute blue eyes iig Spanish e7e% sliWay„' said he, until yon 1111SO pardoned ne.' ;IIoiis can 1 erepardiftryort, flashed: out Di-A.011;a. Yon have imposed upon me, you have practiced on ray ere)duli- ty.' • • 'Yon 'asked me to-helryon'-g sther strawberries-aud I helped you,' 4 You altowc,lmeto suppese•that yen -were Spire Dallas's hired man,' - 'I claimed no •identity, one Way or the Othot,' 'Amulet' Captain SeVern, 5 1 was- trying to find my way by it fitted, c1.1.t across thefields tei yotte father's, house, and sat down under the mak tree to rest.' And when yen called ine came, like a_trne knight of old. Now if 'you on convict me ef any serious of- fence in all this, I stand ready to abida the conseqnsuces.' Yon nevet', never,' will be • ahle to forgiie mit,'.sohbed Barbara, again tat- • tiring behind the mad of her bine sash., • Littln Barbara,' said • Captain :Seva erit, falling on hio knees, as if it wero • the most natural and conventional think in the world to do • ; Will you •forgive • 111Barbara' saY ' but. • Captain pevem insisted upon his Strawberry art. that evening, ;wording to agreement, and -they ate- ib together, he and Barbara,. like tlY.O• t101106144 -d• jell, out' on the -lawn, wnilp Maude yawnedbehind a book, and Lisette acid- ly,: wondered what on. eaith Captain Severn could find' to amuse him in the • chatter of a child like Barbara.' And when the red leaves of late Octo- ber choked .up the little green) beside' which they had gathered wild strawber ries, there Wag Wedding at the Wylde homestead, and the beide was not Mamie • tlhe intellectual, nor the lovely Lisette,' but little Barbara.: • • Dar's no acebuntin' for true*love Said old as •eht: e,otirod the wed- ding cake. • dare the spiire•s 'driving She, 'Oh,1 was so Serry was' nice. He neecl•to.,1end me • books:and thingS, OV'el'ilieleliCes and :1276.1igliCelistrict schoel'in the. Winters. '1 used often'tO • come here, aneitalk with him . over the Widly because, you 'see, it's lone- some up at the house if I :do bay° two Oottrn sisters. Llsetteis cross with me. if Iask to 'borrow any of her • books - she 'has it dreadful tensperi, has our Li-. • sette-7-a1d Maud e is Mnintelledtiial to trouble herself.abent a slip' of a girl like. me.. Grown sistersre• dreadful,' with a Solemn shake of the. head. : • 'AndI suppose you aro not . grew said Squire' Dallitss hired man, with a curious ,glearn oktmtmement aroUnd the _corners of his Mouth.. . ' No,' said•Barbara, tun only six - •teen, and I 'haven't got trains to thy dresses yet. But peThaps whoa • the (*his get Married itiA one of Ahem is OU re to marry this Oaptain Severn --014 take ectre,'yea're tipping all the berries out upon the 'grass!! Squire Dallan. won't keep yen it tVtlelt , you're as eluinsy as. that.' • ..Bat the hired man luckily' succeeded in righting the basket .befere its crimson eontents were irretrievably' lost, ' It's all right,' said he, ' see hew ra- pidly it is filYingup. But suppose this Captabv-I' fcrget what you slid' 'his. name Wif$ •' • 'You mustn't forget things, said Barham: • Squire'Dallas never Will be suited with that,- Re's a ver Y particle, lar old gontletnan. • I mention these Things, yetiliTib-w'-with itn air o an patronage---" because you seem like nice, respeetable' young man, and I should like you to keep the place.' • '.I tan much obliged to you,' said the stranger, hurriedly putting it strawberry into Ins. 111011t11. •• • NOW ytill itre eating the strawber- ries,' said BarbarS, .severely. 'Yen shouldn't do that,'. • • Ono or two is of no consequence,' • apologized Squire Dallas's hired man. Bat I was going to lifty, supposet this •comPany gentlemen jv • Captain Severn, his name is,' inter- • posed Barbara, ' , Yes -suppose that Captain Severn shouldn't fall in love with either of your grown, sisters'?" Then he'd be a very greattisappoint. itellV alba out Barbara, ' becabse Li. sotto is six-and:twenty, and geode says she'll cut her throat sooner than be an old maid.' • 'Ile might fall in love with yott,' sug- gested tho young man, regarding his pretty Companien with a sidelong glance from beneath' his long lashes. • • With rnei repeated Barbara. -a little girl that wears dresses Withont trains, and isn't out of her seeks yet! 1sTow 1 tell you what, 'young man, you 'rn Ora-ATE/1114$ COM G ity a thorough t•uowledge of the natural laws which govern the f Iterations of digestion trutrition, and ,hy,--A-earcful-upplitatinn, • of the line litelerDieli well,selected COCOA, Mr, Epps hu previded our breakfast tables with a clelie.ately flavored beverage which may save us mItny heavy doctors' bills. • It is by tholudieidua use of 0211alk.• 'gleam Ireen7ifirtSaiTiTriie gradually built up an- ti) qtrong enough to resist every tendency to 'disease. Ilundreds of subtle maladies are floatilig around us ready to attack wherever there is a weak. point. Wo may escape many a fetal Shaft by keeping' ourselves well forti- fied with pure blood and a proporly nouris1i. ed frame.' —Civil Rovvice GazetGe.-Sold only • in Packets labelled •-•" Xames Errs & Co.11io- nueopathic Oltemists, 48, '.threadneedlostrect, and 170, Piccadilly, London," ‘. Lei her wait,' said Lisette serenely. But I won't waft Stished !du Bat-- . • bare), 'her bine eyes glittering, with, in- A cetinnon ininOi• or cold siloii i never be trifled With, often whoa neglected it .is convert. ed int° a serious aut gonerally fatalpulmonary disease. The more prudent,. • aware of this; promptly -use Bryan's l''ulutinaniowaWyasflic"ft:itcnnt: JulYV, 1874, • ' votive which lias sustained Its rellutation for • over twenty years; they. are 01 and exert a most beneficial influence on all'the • D.°0-1,01176.eat.201sursed.3.' s'',x°Ailtil"st'n's8t"1" 'Bronchiol and pulmonary' organs, Sold by all. opposite /Itir's mins.. • , • • • aruggsa„ aria country 40(gors.; • '71i0c 2i (35,„ I), H. Dowsuiv,111.1). • ' Gipson, U. D.:. 1)61/1,.110°o.xt, hoses are mit SO rare its Many suiVose, not such great curiosities . either, there are many to 'bo found in• various • part's of the eountry, but wo. doubt. if they will ever prove 45 valimble to their °mugs as,the one exhibited by.Bartiunt ; we imagine' their mrnere would consider them more valuable without the wool, for this rough , and wooly:state iat'the hair :— indicates that the horse is not it- a healthy eon- dition--Trobably hide•hound, on suffering from smile diseti9e which occasions this ittina,tuyal ap- pearance; Main:Mums& use Doyley', Obimlition Powders ana Arabian Rowe. Remedy, it • purify...the. blood', 'correct the appearance, re - Move all obstructions from the luggsatud'liver, alicl giveto the coat ltaleels and similar,- appear- anee: Remember* the'name,. and seelhat the signature. of Hurd & Co.' is on each package, ,1•Tottlypop,th Iyninn, NoVeastle, On.,proprie, ors for Canada, -Sold hy oil inetlieine dealers. ATM( 11 ,cbtica1 • arbo. ABBLE'r0N-.,,.0•Eli1011,-ak pAY thee ;toil .g.,/ at tehe Booms eferthe Store el Cannividnimo 3 Ailieuhena—the Squnro, Mitten. Clintou,Deo 201877. ' I) 11. 11EVJs, ?Itynicine, Surgeon, etc., Wooer tor -4-OtartlitTeri1 rum iiRiT031181rillia-0111,47voraer Albert tool Mill Sirecto,Ulloton. August 0tb,1800. t,il • 8TEAVA1V1, 111. la., 0. 111., tiltALUATS Or 5' lvInttlIl University, :Montreal ; l'hytaciaa, 3rgnon and Accouclieur. • lieni.buice-Ainucerierm. January 1,1871.• • • :114 0 XoUNG, (ORAOtratE* TO1tONTO vaiversity,f rilysician, Burgeon, &a., riyidenco. at it Uenniug's, three 'leers gest 'of the ...l'emperanec 1.1t11,01,111.aeefirunteinoa h,erloirt014 .0nt:• 184 441-. CiItA.011•Air18 21I110, 111101041. .1-1 Department of.Victorlo. ViiiversRY, Toronto, for- • ," rperly of the Hespitais' arid Dispensaries, NOW 'York, cormier ror the Com; ty of kluron;1340.411,n, Out, • ' Gold • • . . •. , •• The' hrills Of geld in OM world steadily increases,. Omagh the- meant, is • but roughly approximated: Ten years ago -it was estimated at , about .R45;95.0,000,-, ' 0.00 in Nellie.' • It. twist: be greatly largo:: thoug,h,:welict4 no'fixed date for lapproXiMating"tbe ,artioant Biit it may be of interest to's:Os:whet the:bulk' the•anniller•surceten years ago. ould. beifitwere all nielted- 'and inn:together. Pere geld'is Mere than nineteen times' as .hoavy tiP•WaterSanda cnibie feot'ef: .water weighs' a- thousand 'ottisees' aveits, •:durtois. A cubic• foot, of gold Would Weigh, then, over.. nineteen thenSand 'onnees -avoirclupoie; • 'and evert , Suck puttee:of find gold iS worth (1:cording:to.- oui.1 •eoinago) : s.oneivinit • marc SisssirteefisrilethrrVilifistlifireiretsZteefftsts table, ,.•After ,aeranging the- rosee end feet, of,: ge 1 would hO gathering the i1d strawberries, More then er:thirtf'.of a millien dollars. I',tamrna, is it,:right ..to keep rne..in the. Ascabic :yard of 'solid ''gott.l.savo)ild.' haele kiteheir ell my days •' • worth t8e11ty,severistim44esstraseicsas •Mydear 1 my dear 7' reinonstisi tea that, or over nine million dollarsnoid 600 -Mts. Wylde; you 'ere forgetting y one, • dtlbic yards woad contaia •soneWhat , • . • . . .• mere than the .$5;950,000,000. .ot 'gold •. And 1 (so sowint to ssor•esptain the world fen years.ag& 'Those; 660- Bovor_O !" .tiifdtvd • Barbara; 17080;001y. cabin 'yards' wou41 be' contained:within' Pliciking demi tiie hig soh. Which retie:. to . nbou 6. fifteen feet ..61!* hev throat. •• • . ' • four feet.:wiile ind •fort t feetiOng • "What nokil-kM0 saul 1..itsetteA ( e- good stud pat..ot .1 stain. ,Of "'eyed .been ty "Rai t1te 1 ippling hair and moderate size:. 'But,' s;nyti sonie ones' the eomplekion of.rose and 'OnoW. • gold is so very analleable thateven if-deptain Severn ,tyOuld .ever:look_at this 1101ttli Intik Of it W•011.1iigild avci'the YOU' . ' • ,W11910. earth,' But • ,he -nither Mit I May look at kippeso 1' UM tea Ilia malleability ofgo1dor, more cried indignant Barbara, And I'm likely, tinderestilliated the Six*of the sixteen yearsold, and 'yOu've• no right cnrt1r. I thifO0 1,06;000 lerttififf Of the. tostreat mc, like a baby, . ' „. • thinneot gold foil to make an iimh in Children • children l• don't ,get to thickness, 01 about •fifteen, miilioas atitt quarrelling,' said Mrs. . Wylde. And • a third to make a foots or 40,000,000 to Bitebara ,clin sib just • here • behind the a yinaL A cubicyard'•.of• gold,. then tea-tr'en, and.' dare say we shall haVe eonld 'he beaten onto as to cover 46,s, plenty of room.' ,• • 000,000 'square .yards,..%ernewhats less• ' . There V said Barbara., with all lin- than 10,000 acres, for -there .arc„ 4,SI0 pliant „satimace at her oister, equai;ie yards' to the acre. • Then, :as. 'Iforrid little spoiled child! saki flip e .are 040 earsto tthllUtl1'o Maude.... •• . . • 'the whole 000 cubic yards ..:of •• gold Barbara. always gets her•toWit wait ' •could cm beatenout so as to Over' alTeut ect'intuentect Lisette.. • • • • . 10,000 apart: miles, that.: is, •0 tract ' !Hush Said BIro. Wylde, authorite,, '.Orily 100 Miles square, leSs than the wn ''Itere cornea your papa up the welle•With Captain Severn.' • Isisette Pooped 'front' •holiiiid the 'feta - of the fluted 1.-Istais enrtains,IkIandeli n' to the'.1renetian blinds of the baywin. dow, and.Barbara' climb4d with sixteens yetir-Old agility into it ehair to peep over her iils.ter's.shoulder, • •. Oh,'good geaciotts'l! cried she, drop- ping trent Los terial•Perch willestartling stub'estriesa, • ' '.What is it r said Mande. . ..." Squire Matins's hind .IIflhi 1, gasped Barbera. . • What 1' said Lisette. . don't' mind about the• ;first table,' said. Barbara,turning piuk and whites like 0, York,and-Loneaster rote; _fi'd rather eat:in the kitchen with Phillis,' Ancl away he darted liko scared young doe, before any one could stop her. as, 00 any I' said Barbara indiPant- •• • • Clinton, Arairle, 1877. RHYSICIAN, SUlt(41011, -11-/ MetAlehOlir, Ili0(intlth ii of the College cif Plrystelaiiii ti and tirfNons of Lower Canada, andl!rovinciai Licenti, ate said coroner for the County of IIitron, Waco and residencee-The building' formerly oceanic -a by hlr. Huron street. Clinton, Jan. 3.0; 1871. Jo:or Atilt° 11 g t II e Orrld tot; I , COleini.ANIN SWEET (JAM:OW.0M equally Salt' able for -children and adults. EndorsocI by over GOO doctors in 'C'anada. The ditliculty.of edministering nauseous' medicines, and the de- sirability of haying them pleasant to the.taste,., induced- . T. Copland to . undertake researches which rosulted in the thicovery of it Sweet Cas- tor 011, perfectly palatableof the same strength and medical' qualities as the. Ordinary Castor .011.; and while equally safe and harmless, yet . •1 . tAboet111,1griai‘114steharn, !foie' geteirptianT.tY'SoartIlle lelialilreolingsaylleiii is honey ; Others call it syrup -they all say they likelt. Onepa-rent:says-4.-1113;4311i1drott drink it like'. water•;":anOther-`5 We had to hide .the "bottle or they would, have finished itright 'off another ,," lify little girl' has thken it twice without, any trouble, alit'. (lees net, -knely wInit it is, thongh she hoteS tho ordinary. Castor 0.11,, and we never could get her to: take it without a fight';''. Yet another ---`` I' wish yon: success at your SwtsT CAsToR 04 ; it is a siileinlid thing --snre to.take the place ef'all the comuion oil..? ' , The etraorcliaayy demand .for this iinprove- ment ot 'a. staple household medicine hoe brought • fraMinlent iniitations into the markt, but, the • pnblic can guardthemselvesmgainst substittitos (which -unprincipled Partiesare•attempting to :sell on the reputation of 'this article) by seeing that the .nanie 0OPLAD'S .8WOET QAS'ren .,011., is on lioth.wrapper and direction Jabal. ' Tho undersig•ned,; having: purchased. 'Messrs. ration, , aye noW man attic:Wring:At froni...tli., ori, grri,n• Oftioii:elzde •' at.. Oe's,tiiitereet' in the :above ;wept- • : - . W011711.1101' &...T.Xig.i..1.isf, Toronto: . AS:li'for C`oismx-rfs 'Swims' 0Asron-On,: • .01i: - 'Serve -the name. ' 1)0 not ho dooilin, IT,- 7altriiefifOill`ktdrettltr.4.41,i'elf:!-21T-E6 ly. She had dried utitil her eyelashee woe' all glittering and her cheeks stained with tears, to say nothing of the °rum, pled etat e of her sash ribbon and white muslin dives, and now she sat modelled under the fihaddow of the groat flower., ing ahnond bush, as if she would fain retreat utterly out of the world. of sight and hearing. •, Captain. Severn stood immovable he? tore her, with fOldtA Arms aria (loret knew him, or btoause we do. 041ianeva-m ,arbs, Ditt;011706Luitriftt3(,%).n.11B)SaII.A.ALLr8,:t.7218II Al°Nc,11P:a0U3nLe'llril iaiersst. ; •• Clinten, August Otbilge9, ' 7.4; l'offAni.,E$ V: 14.50V1VCIAL LAN!! ,:spa- • Valcator, and.Leed Agent. 0111 •pima° street, Wingham. • Am.;. 2, 1871.• Eci *UM OVE,TIVIC er the sithserther, neer thh Lennon, °Huron & Tireco'llnibrey • Bhition. •" • JABLO KOTT, • • Diener -a Marriage Lioonses • abrrell,•AprIlr7th., 1870. • ;• 1-)AILIVAY 110135E, dLEN'.1 014T. ABOVE . --Lk house in situated e'en.) to the station). coal is Bier- eut;h13' venerated throughout, and now:affords good a C- corentodation fort,he travelling public.. Large stabling ' and good host.fern in attendance. Cho,leost liquors in the bar. Tires. L.A'se,.Propriator. • , Envtius PHYSIC/Ail gen IN • tlemau, having Wed in vett every advatised rem- ody. has eiscovered a simple means Of milker°. Ire will be happy to forward the nartieulars to any stiderer„, n receipt ors stamped and ellreeted euvelone. - Address r. T; sinysix,145., Lisburn' goose, Lendon,leglancl; . . • • <- - IS 0.• 111eIN'110SII; nIVVVIELD, issusit Marriage Licenses under the new Act, Omen -deafen., . er tor Wait Aithlaritein the Queen's I.;ench, for couti. ' ties of Hut= nnit:13tneo: -; Conveyancing done, Such an Leases, Donde, Contracts, 4ills,-„Dceds, andldortgagee, INA/ Small. ReSielonee-opposite Pollock's lIetei. • ' • atorny ,cnvtiscim nar.yrz. , 13aylleidniept.,14, 1875. • . • saN1,1rfOSiiX, Aeceinitente: Anetieneet6 • 4--.1•L Fire and Idle Insurance and Cenoial Commission •:Agents. insutaneo two -third 'cheaper than ordinaty not, and first-class Ste cleandallutuniCoMpanies repre- sented, 'Money. to 'loan, and* till kinds et 'property • 'maga alai sold. -.Voierate onuses. 011The-Kiso Sr • a'oim:•arAsoa., . • ..• • .' . •; .rosinar111,1)SON, Continissioner and ihenei 'of ' ;: -. Cenveotreer, Ain.rring.c Licences. - • ' • if: •18 • • • • .;tg 4 143) xi S Oil' ac VirAl'S ON, • ' • • • C r • . . A ci c46%-,,i1clipSIT021. • iiic47.°":'64-' P"145,1frietliprii:.;.„::':-..."'"' , .. ' eitsi'll";o‘nsill'AISIST1)ItileSittE4'21.".1eir,' i.'. • • • - ., . . piaster . . .,. ' ' . , a , N' ry-NrolsOloson. will br in canton every Fit°1a4;,r'l.ch:- .• Mitchell's Belladonna imptov'cd loiliii Robber•Poroad • There never lias been's: time when the healing of se inany'Llifferent diseagen'has been caused by outward applicationas the present. It is an • undispnted•faut thitover half of the entire 1)01. inflation' of the globe. resort to' the use of ordi- nary. plasters. . : rl'he principal'ingredienti; aLsed In making I We, Vraiticinctinse of,the 13ihie:--Itub-; • .. .1. ' -... .these.Piasters. are pulp Olibanumt.-or known os better 1 • . 'be, anti Burgundy litch.; whit;h, W1107). ic...ie0i- 1 f+ T 7r IN -- ''. . T 0 1\i' A G E NOY ficidiy • emnpounded, is. (till of electricity, and. ki L.14 , . 1 unifi firer brought betbre the liuniawrae".0,. '• .• I. ' ' when.cm obined with the pure Medicinal, gutn,4, . ,, . • ,.• . , • • , '. • • o foteta to be one'of the greatest hes ling•meill. • • .. ' . • •. • • • ----. ;•, • Theyane acktrowleged by alinb; hat e used I l trot sst trom Pont to Pyre per cent allow'ed. them to net (picker Omit AMY other Plasters • ' Idi Deposits. ' •they:over before• tried, and that one of these Plasters will do 'more real 8 erviect thair,a' huit-• al,. LOTTON,.•Agerit. . tired hf the ordinary. 'kind. All other Plasters - Clint en,, Api'.11,--1870. • ' . • -, 1-y are :do* of action, •and t•equire to' be worn coil- - . - - '••-, -- .-- L. •,--- - : - ---------- ---.--- t•-- tinuallY to effect a cure ; but .tiwith the:4,4f: is MIrely different ; the ite4Autt lute is :LIVIA the CI cicke, .Virgehei, JeWelleiy, cte . , vaieut .-Will (...I 1). effect, ' •' i'['hey 1ms:suss nil the learthing warming, dttp-' 000IsTS01,4I DATE. BA.Nk OF 'CANADA uAmm, $4,000,000. • porting and strengthening qttalltie,of all other S FOWLER •',- ..... EilltaTUATL,IiM, TIQI)OLOIM'CiX, and ye- 1 Plasters'. lany who Ilitve... been relieved of Debirsi to retort electrical, qualities .which the Porous Plasters contain, ruid whicir is iinparted to the.system, or SIDE, and. believe itiii solely done hy the ' , ,,,....sikym. • ".: 12,...„6.t 4) -...... , mers,tortleolbey. his singer e thank 'to lila nointrou ` 'ago tbath ehas re • friends and caste,. aleharcelpetron. ' rious other poins'iii the 1CIDNEYS, BIlEAST l'•^' ei a Ault liii:S) Oath r.,storing them to a healthy emulition. ceiveclichikeatrk . - Thly are vory soft and plialtle.'still very au. CaN1013, 9. blinton,andhopos • ing onbustnes'ain . ' heSiVe ' itild ti. sure cure 'for 'WEAK' BACKS, 'PAIA IN DIP. AIDE' AND .111tEAST . -nod by a. strPt attn.- are Invalitable.to the who oshave a (10.1.T) of Visa to business, wad ludas. every Ion.; standing, toilefton preyettn CONSIJMI•i. , eilort to meet the • , TIO.N. Soule even tell lis they believe they Vere entirely elven by mouse of them of a long- , friends, to contin:- wants aids many ..., „ scmted Comm miition. no to retain their '. :Prepared by CV:011(41r E. 'NfirrctiEf.T.. . patronage. 110 woold ah,o take tido epportnnitY of slating that J1.6 hm.talion his von lino zutrinership, and that, the_ bust. agss V11114 conducted it futures tinder .tho .stylo of fl, eoi,Vran ksalsr. Tito drat ivilt.l.cce on hand s tent of Aretanont, and a little more then"! Lowell, Aram ":arinT:viii:oe. ult.. \,:,;• Ft; teetilroteocowtyne,--- _.. t,...1.1,c.1001 ii,,i....e, tytt (.1,esie)rniii,)coicl., •. i/fiii, (uHt;:pia.i.i:oi. 7"--;;;te' Ifirti:4;ol'Iiiihilr::'" f"9'' ih : a fifth of either NewYork or'Pentind. I ''.41],llis All inmssista. • %Jot al i 6s4 il Vii•es A SAVE. • • A l'ic-cdtek Trrevehri • 1 An aqtatfiljti; eHite,la for airdisi•;14,4 01 Ike • • I'd (11?"11' 6 . .I . : ) . z ' Pt.1191'711,:i ig.ti/ (Mg inigor`wi jariejayicles in that pl•aea. was dot ' T . * . on bor _at.t.ttlee a4o,, • a lady lewinhgo . i'll.';'"A;"t'ulitic:::::'.,r}44 fl. 11:• :,Iiii f. fit l'11"7'4' • sittulitialit ,I•lpieanpsoryitaitttf,!, oeirtillat lievirniilleil(i6fillify:6:11(:ilit.i::nai-'160.se'llitiCI17aarintfl°hieot.X11:; • ?ce.1,),Iittillil:(4)':)tritiii?c::::111;tlif;:l:ai'x'ttir.1111(Wg,t, tc,‘;itilt:.141.ti'v,,!el'ile,41;:i:iftf4iiti.::11.1‘tit:13.1c(litii:.terleill;bi;..t,:till-Itet:r1itot'0°1; • reri,s 0 so to her ago, the than ) lr throu elt a (11(' .org,,i woi,:_ts ‘1114 ,c()'nfl? ,av III li il ii: s'11:1141,11:1;%.1rd:elpetuCi'rreurTiller114111:ti: Intiln0:11 thie':' , anii,i0fILF4 applieation, being n'..itellietel•x •"" ' a • dot tor, ilioant .1),1:.,!v1.: Alm,. ilia, ttili4vtii.systies cotiAltutine„...,• exarah ined (1);°" se"t 111°1' rat I p onouncsal ill° a 1u:cement acal,1,11,1%i,lafe'vs“c3s. the satL,31:villi'rif47 ..I opinion tliatl' f°°t 0,.tetuns.atiert• • porn het:duly 0 c't 1:)111011131111 h I rest6rtlirli4ttielltt,(3.(111.tICIliCi tor - was pyteilinaervi-iociiillili8utigyoentrio,aeordgibilo.:toti%;:inth]si:hiiiiottd.sioixSouiel'eacrisos xi, roil ctiFluivittotirti.10.:n i.,lri:,i..i:111,,,,Itiguott:,ltii,ei‘larlictli,y,:fieg` Jet al tor - f• ot,'.gUohtitsvnb. u. ,, :Alin 'ilt firti°1:11:1°r:tieweii:fasc:::::: ,.A8):Va.: iell,Cel :81:: ItliCt:C17:1;:lf Ntl; ,%e1:1'1:1:yal,,,.‘velfil:titijitin)1111s:t:itsottes;t1;f:"e' 41.)1:e°41;e'll'trf;ft'ri"Ir'iratil,ltInt Itilfein't(tge:1111(1::irtg:litoeY:''gsl! conversation. for ' ' perferatie;17 lisliaphpYorY• c.kavra8,1 beift. "'sic aont:d7tthel:nt 1,..,7:Itiiiti):J.1.1,;(nt,m,atelit:fal.;;;.iiitiiiiivtilfte:evetfriva;thteisstii silotiTitd:-:1,10. palled WM het! right leg, a rail° is - '`D 41.1 1:31. 113)T'si --41:ssnteax•Rtgl`Sar-vs,"while new and improved ractehiusiatsferomaki WbOri. tfh,o remaitider ot the rieerl,Itt ove _..._ 11. :_., __trv,t le estloug, ,610-nt,c ".• . : a,„ein until a few weeks ago, illkbirliTi.r.:VOlt PIT:ES,1811r8" SIM - 0 wpfr , Inf,i, f 1 riedmte,itml tt perm Artr. 11111. aopritters e.. the ktiee. After findinet at reetifietlace 1.631<i"g . 0 ...,,, .• intl. a That's Pe_rfect be.,st fee the l'IYM.SALVP, have in OAS svornan's bodysfertsventym 14 sa. ee changed the Takes aisles on the cover so al tfs correspond with -the Oat on the Wraeper, cir- years, the needle was not rusted a I I Ito nizh °Wars, AdvertisementA,call attention somewhat disebtored." , to this, as it might otherwise be 'regarded as A:A:firm -is ustudy-r‘efused, oredit for ' • IIMPIT & nAnatlt. tomit felting. -One or title reasons -either bee'auttO We Proprietors. Freedonia,11. 'Z N'Oft.T.EntOP & TXMAli, Toronto, Agents for Othnelta. • Clinton, Aptlt 241,1810. • Watches, °leaks, Jewellery, Spectaeles, • • - Ana ain'.-tEe-i kr. elicit fine Alt of NOG'S Repaired and IV:Counted. • 14 iltn, clewring, &s., .tone1i short notice, in' 'eurfinisnlll.e romans # mut on reasonable terms, .i.‘1,13111re MEI";1.‘Ziritr1l liio.11111 M.1,11B111`: • 011iticit..3).•c. 84517. . ytEipiAN... BROS •B.1,9 INSURANCE: 41-: Tollorai Amts, itIMS N1 011 Mori,TOMI LT 8 Pn, Mellag..1.(1VIA 130t1011.1%,' , VLA.NOTI,N. OF It.,1,ND DISCOUNTED, 7e _ .e, LEO IV Eli '41c Dr, PoN 11%. riest.elet.,? Phi", Lite awl .,terbleirl Inv:m.11o, CoutpanPs Acirsrs t en rue G.uitnt tarn ssrfasSri. cofiroti, ' Capi nt raid Fuii ....... S34750.000 Amount, of AOsstorance, ... . 10,412,907 Woeltly ItiC01111, 13,000 "IrittiAltnrerthatimty miter"milimy 1 nth coot* AGElloY 1101 (became:diem /11111111 Litld Of steamers. t he oldest maraud reliable Ilaes crossing the Atlantic, tickets., issurd at lowest rates, frodi mid to ClInton, to andfrom OreaShtitals,. .017PIZY ffoa 11171WAIr.S.P.6141Y2tak ' vviSIONIAN 131totA,