HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-11, Page 1• Vo, 13, NO. 2Y, , 1113134118-01,40 Per Annum, ilts advtanie, • AND CENTRE }LIMON GENERAL ADVERTISER CLINTON, 'ONTARIO, T,EIT.111,SD.A,Y, JULY 11, 1878. geW NtreViige140110. F A EM. W A TD • Fatm wanted, o purohaso, unimproved, or with littlo improvements done. Send lull particulate. J. P,, ChUrchrille. . July It 1878. Pool ColuitY, W.ANTED • A Dwelling Monet with 7 or 8 rooms and conveni emcee% Pooseselion, lin of Auguet. --APPV to W. RAILTON, • Great Western Railway, Clinton, July 10,1E178. • $25.00 R Es'W A 'R , • .' . . '4* The above reward will be paid to. 0 7U riving eueh inforinatioa tie will lead to the) etion of tho party or parties who broke the windolv tho °runne- l:tall, at Summorhill, on•Saturday night, the mu july. SAMUEL LOWREY, Mader. . • ABSOLOM NESBITT, Dep.14 ester. Sumner:hilt July 9, 1878. ' • scA.:UTICONT21TOTES STOLEN: ' • All persons aro hereby :cautioned against PurchliSlog any notea made by the following persone, in favor of WILLIAM NICHOL, CLINTON, tho raroolinving been dolma from hie room last wock -2 by jamas Eon% • liollett ; 1 by 0. bloody, Dullett" 1 by W. Wey_nmeth, Titillett; 1 by 11..Tewelek, Olititon ; 1.hy 11. Dinoloy„ . Clinton; 1 by T. Cooper, Clinton:: 1 by A, MeTer, Stanley ; and a mOrtgego against C. Flootly. • " • WU, .7I0110L. Clinton, Inly 11;1878. VALUA,13L1FARM; FOR SALE. The undertigned offers for eels a beftritiful I arm .cOtr taining 03 acre% 45 Cleared and in a good stato of cunt - venom Nover-failing spring erook rndning aoroes: the ventre; thom is aloe a splendid well, grobard, buildings; &c., on the place. •It le well ettueted; beinglatt5, 15th con. Godorieh ToWorhip, and is only half a mile from the corporation of the Town of _Clinton, and has A fine view of the entire town: Por further particulars oPplY to • ' tW51. Ciplt1),ON, • . At Gordon a Eifilfiyaha's Groeory:Stoto,. Clinton, Slily 11; 1878. • • r • pILc'r.NToit. T APplications, stating eslery, for the poaition of , center, in Willis Chtroh, Clinton will.litiieeelvcd; by ne the undersigned, up to Om oLugint. Applicante to,aing tliree Sabbath, inernit g anti:evening,. on trial, to the ordor of their appliention, The successful op.. blicaht will be expected to 1c1 therouric fit the weEk-, ly prayov ni.mtlim,Sabba.t1; achool, and on thankeglying days, in addition to tho ordinary Saidath.rervicea. „ clInten, JulY.I0th, 1218... • '' • :31; • . • , AOrtrtionntsig. - ssu CANADIA.N. PACIFIC RAILWAY TO CAPITALISTS N CONTRACTORS. • • . ' The Goverumetirof Canada will re0e0.0 proPosale for constructing and work;ng a line of Itailway extending .frara the Province of Ontario to the waters of tho Pa- cific, Ocean, the distance being about 2,1)00 0)1108. Idomorandiim of information for parties proposing to Tender will be forwarded on applioation fp underneath. Engineore' Itoporte, mope -of the country to be traVers• ad profiles of the aurveyed 11e,. specific:Plow: of pre- liminary works, . copies of the Act of the Parnament of Carrada under *thigh it is proposed tho Railway re to bo Constructed; desoriptione of the natural features of tbe.' country find ito agricultural and:nit:lora' resources, and other information, Maybe soon On application at this Department, or to tbo ziigineer:in•Cagief at the Cana- dian Govornmnt Offices, 81 Queen YieterM street, E. 0.,.L'ondon. .Sealed Tenders, /narked, "Tenlors Rail" way," will be received, addreeseCto the nudereigned, •until the let day of December next. sss-•-• OsIT,-.1sT.SDKrp:11.14•P; • : E. )31147./li, Scerotaky., • • . • ..Publie Works Dept., Ottawr.. Ottawa, May ite, less,. •• ' saisaloweissmo ,ateranevioneedna 0 E & REA PER FOR b'skl,E. . , A seeonadiandsquinifined Mower 'and Rea'ter, nearly new, foreale for half its value. °Apply; to' . W. IV, Clin ton ,:alana 27, 1870; , F 11.-M, F. 0 11 S ra : • • • IN tti OMER 1.0 II TOWNS 1111P. t Tho miller:ignite' offers for rale the Soirtltpnit of lot' Townahip consisting of 90acres, ixo or lose. About 30 acres cicafed, 15 octal BF(sjllng, and balance timbered land. On the premises haat frame bona 80 x 45, abed, 40 x12, good young or ehard and neve 'tailing spring. 'Millie sold on.reation. ehlo tCrele:.. 'Apply personally or by letter to . • 'TAME ENTIC4:1CAP, 25 . • • ' Tiorzinsvit.r.n - E',I( I OF b1SSOL1ITI0N: Notice is hereby given that thepartucrship heretolcre rnbelating botivecnthe undersignad,. cuhinet Makers, 1Jpholstorers, griacral Undertaken., at tho F•rowa (it Clinton, in the County of lItironl and Provinee, of .0o tart*, woe, on tlicTitionty-Dret day of junhiostant, distadyedkrintf mil consent. -.All debts owing to the 'stild,parthership am to be pold to tither of us, Me un- 8onnoietl,:at Clinton aforesaid, dna all claims against the.said 'forthwith) nit to liq Pr etinjed o either *Poi, the nntlersignod, by whom the eagle will.be settlet. • v. ' 'Datetlat the saidlowet'of Clinton, ilAs 25th da'y , . . af aTime, .6,4.),,k8.7o.••••.• • • .••••..-• • •• , . •, '1.1,111 ' " • :X.0,trif[4:•,`T The um,ersIgan.the Pound,leash Clintim, on • FlISIDAY, JULY I 2^tn, AT OAE SHOP • If not redeemed before that date, 1 light a'oan STEER,' about two years Also, Will be sold at tho rime, placc, on . ' • S PL N D ID FAR III FOR $A LE. • _ . . . . r•faimoraziy, July- 13111, at ,1 o'clock, sharp, if notredeemoti beforethat dato, 1 dark brown STE1291 2 years old, v/ith a bell oja, ,and two 1 yr, ohl. red nod white STEERS. . cii 1,ton, July 0. 1878. ••,,c, Enr,LEN, Pashakeeper, • CHANCEY!, If.SALE' Pflopty, * IN THE , • TOWNSHIP of GODERICII • Paranant to tlul Douce and:him' 'Order for- Sale, acede in a certain masa of tacALLINOIS OMANI and hearing date reapectiveli the Tenth' day ef °doter A.D., 1877, aild. the- Twenty-third:day of May. A.D., 1878, there will be sold •by. ITIMItY 51A0DERMOTT• , Emonito,Mtleter of this Court. At Ratten.buty's Hotel, •_ IN Islip MOWN OF CLINTON', At 111 lino • of_ illfrE/SI-E 0'.C4t9('K, ?mato • et:U.ST' RECEIVED, ox • • Lot, 25, coneekodon 5, Sanielich Township, cOnaisting of 80 acres, is offered for aide. 74 acres Cleared, and hi excellent working eider, le seeded. dawn With clover and. timothy; remainder hardwood, bosh. On the plactais a good young orchard, never -failing creek, pew frattuf. house, now frame barn 40100, w cellar. A good place for abdomen stand °nth° cornet. On the opposite e0r. nere, ere 0 store, post office,••Schooi house, toga, 'black- smith shop. a miles from the town of Clinton,. and'll from tho tewn of Goderich.' Particulars:on diminution to • ' 11:101)0T.IGALL,• . . . Porter's 11111 0..•• • Goderloh t,oinehip,:Juito 5, 1878. " ••. . . WUT.9RS' NOTICE TO ORMATORS EX i The &editors Of XAstss tesm, late of the. Towit Of Clinton, in the County otIfuron, Gentleman, deceased, : Who died on or about the thirty-first day of May, A.D., 1878, are bcceby.notified to send hy letter, postpaid, On or before tho first day of. September, .A.D., 1878, to ItIatcorau MoZtooanr„ or to AnCitInALD MATJIVSON, 1 130th. Of Clini on oforesaid,ExeCutors of the last Winona testament of the said late Jamas Los, theirehristlan names aud surnames, addresses and Seseriptions, lho i fulf.partieulars of their :clatins,Infiternent of their ac- t counts, and tthatifiture of the securities, (if any,) hold J. by thenr; and that immediately after the ma first day day °Oct tenth& nest, tbeassefs of tho beton: of the raid late James Loya will lto distributed .anion' the parties entitIod thereto, haying regard only to the claims of which notloo shall bs.ve been recolvcd; rind tho Exocit• toys wilt not to liable for tho assets Ati dista Hinted, Or any tart thereof, to any portion of whose claim notice Shall not have boon receivs4 at the -time at such dIstri- betion. This notice it glaten in pursuance of the 2 tattoo Chap, 107, ROY. Slats. Out., (Inc.04. . . . . . MALCOLM MeTAGGARZ, - • ARCIIIBALD MATIIESOff, .170111 01'): Doted at•Clinton, alio gia flay of duly, ,h,D., 1878, •Satorday, the 27111 qay of 4141,1818 The following latubtand nremiscs,in one If0rca1, being all and Singular thict ecrtain target or (tact 01 1104 and premises situate, lying a)Ial:elan hi tho ToiVnithip of Goderieh, In the Cotinty of 11n1o0,•'not18irtIng by ea. tir,o•nreinont, 100 acres bra oac, rood,: bo dm same more otie.ta, being composed of tho wintiistat of let 0111117131Virally-kn., in the Onnticsf,.on of o the said To mnship (J.0.6;11)116, , • This • tin arty 15 situate about , miles from flio Town of •Olaitan, ia readily aeccoldble thereto • by eass roads which said Town of Clinton dare a await:Intl:et for thst: Pale of proltico. . 70 acres of raid property tro elcared, and the tenfold. der is wall Mulford. with beech, 10188110 0041 hemlock,* The land eleatttLia.oLd light losofrfn 0 gond state of cultivation, On Oa said lot aro creeted 8.essa frame house and burn, Thom is aim an otehatd of two arm, wall stocked with fruit treas. ' • •• Titiate ithe iltil isindispntable. Tnatil8 sALP: , The purchaser most Vey down at the time 0( 81(0. a deposit of tan per eelit'of Ids •pnrchaeo menet, to tho' Vendor or his. Solicitor, and dint bottom witlan-ene month foto Court, to tho credit of this cause, witkant interest, upon paythent oirthlelt wino he Will -lie titled to a conveyance of said premises. The sold ,property will be sol11 stlbject to tt rotated bid, to be foonl by said tissue. . Tho property will be sold *51(f(417 10 It.tIorlfiadato tho Dominion Savings and investment aSnale1y. for t•-• 81,800, dm tams and cOinliLloint of which frill 1.10•10117 mado known kt tho sale, and Will OM bO sad snbjeetto a Iwo at 81011 per annum, which ostireft. ofttlfe lat day of Staab, A.11,4 1890, , In all other tosnocts the terms nall conditions of We will be the standing aottditions of the.Const of Chancery' Furtlibr portjeulats aim So has: tram Iltossieura Ont. • now, 13tcrow 11. itsfantutInstf kfessianrs 111.5tmo8100( Iforitnnts, and Aleasiettre CAttlakOu, ItOtT 4c 04110. no*, Vomit:iris 'ffolicitort and of Maeda Raster- • ' Tinted this Ifith day of Stale, 0.10(1878, . • ktACDERItOTT,Nkiatitat Giodericit • enstenox, noLt,& •• venacir ffolieitore. Sunsi;.nitm von TIM 'IsTr.1),v ERA. .OLOTTIO Fin M. RACE IMPOSTER .0 33.A.rea ImozsT,, AND • . A.rit 1-4W.A, 1.4.1, CLITNTON, klatch 28,1878, toloom..ar.mon.ommatatwOMMAMMIN. , • "ME Tik.aNsATLiaivigo 'Avg' sT01.3c. 1 • Tli..4100E, I• • , From Thoi Etiohe.. . 'The vast field 'eponed up for the farmerfi Of Canada by the establishment of the live - stock trade with England'has searcely.be,,.. gun to• lie realized, On the ono side of the Atlantic there is. (8 growing searcityofani-. mal food.; on the other there is a, growing• • capacity to supply the. want. Oa the one hand there are teeming Millions constant- ly encroaching withtheir•toWns and cities upon the land that ' once furnished- them with food; on the other is a great wave Of hunianity fiewing over a boundless land, and,subduing millions of acres. yearly to . the plough. .Not only . do transatlantic consumers of meat steadilyland rapidly in- crease ie minibers, tlicy inereaseat wealth even fester than an numbers; and this : crease of wealth brings With Ulla° will to, live moregenerously, 118 Well. as themcatis o f more perfectly gratifsing appetitek, • A Imedred years ago not 'one quintet .o the .Englfsli people could have been ealled habitual niftt-egiters. -.Now chc.wbole pee= 1)Ni-except some IWO. 1111111011S Of /Tried- threl laborers .still too poor to properly nourish 'themselves; indulge ifl, meat tit least oriole day'. . What is troe oi :Eng- land I's tstio to a less, but growing, .extent of the reinainder. 'of the ' United -Kingdom and of the Continent. The Sottish la- borer now witiits.1114.xneat, and. the Irish - 1111111 14no longerontea with potatoes en11. ini Lk • the Belgian the Erenchufan, the .Clermaii, as their prosperity lecreases, treat thernselVes an6re and more frequent-. 'ly to:animal food. lb.& trite that this ssu, "dopey to increased Cflin1jti0flr has of late. received a temporary cheek frein the sem- inereinf,and. industrial' depression So \lisle,- l'y felt, and, .aii consequetice, 111018t, C8 peci ally Poor m ea t,', has falf en in • price. But, aulatry dOriuniaits out of •eflice net-, Withstanding,. it .may , safely be .p red ieted that Meat svi 1.1. not remain cheap very long. It is Cheap simply 'because -of 8111 deprek- sion and disti•ess existing in all ,maintlae- turing• centres: a the worh17`.. Such periods depreitsiOli are constantly .oectirring,, and as often 'possieg away.. The existing dis- tress. will presently disappear; And when it does the pi•ice of.• meat- will resume its 'upward ' teudencys 'But haPpily the ab-'. sorPtiVe power of.the British market, even: in a time..of depression', has pracliCally 110 limit-. A. fail of 1(8 5) or three Tenet! per pound On: "the price of Meat' would give SUCII 1721 itilpetial: 10 Co astIM p iori that the value would rise again •flflIflCllliitC1W ; and 'as the trade de.vialopi,•, the modes a Li 180- 4)ffli'lla3etra.1111.1"rnit: lioia •and :the ' tenSiuner ,10'....Eu rope; , that eversa coesiderably larger reduction sv.otild still leave Insipid profit. • s ' • • • . . . 'TIiefrecdom of the great British niarket is now assured,te as, --thanks to the energy ,ofour Government—during good behavior. The Cattle Diseases 'Bill haS paSed Its se- Cond. reading 18 the Comnions without any Material alteration, It leave4 British p�rts open to Canadian live cattle, and closed tb..aninials from' the sousitries, of 'Europe Which have hitherto supplied the Market. The greatness of the.. boon ex- tended to us by thafree entry.of our cattle cast easily:be • shown, Great Britain and Ireland ,together, possess sonie-33;003,000 • head .of horned stock, but as the needs. of the nation inerease this number decreases rapidly, more: than seven htindred .per. cent, having disappeared in the last fbur years. About one4ourtii• Of the cattle come luto market annually. The foreign: supply 64; live fileck.amontited hist year to 1;100,000 head,. including 7,66i) fixim' Ca- nada. Our exports . of live cattle grew from nothing to these figures. in three years. •This year the export of cattle by the steamers leaving l'ilontreal 17111 amount to one thousand bead during every week Of the navigation season. In addition to these, many shipments of Canadian eatti,e: 1118110 hell and will be made from Boston, the ISIontre al boats having had every avail- able inch of' their space pre -engaged: Most astonishing of all; so much has tfic demand for space exceeded the. supply that sei75ral cargoes .of five cattle will go forward in sailing vessels, the practicabi- lity of thus despatching them ltt1vingbecn proved by •the safe firrival at Liverpool in, .plendid• -Condition -of ran --tiMperlintiiltilr cargo .in one or •tlie clippers. The Present', defielcueg in means of transporta- tion cannot last long in times when avast bulk or unemployed' capital i6 100k int; for profitable in vtitineut. ,The trade ()foamy. leg beasts across: the Atlantic at $30 per 'bead is a:highly remunerative one, and is capable.of being made much more profit- able by the construetion of vessels specially for this traffic. The richness of the mine opened to us iri the British market troy be 80011 frOill the immense.extent of the Irish cattle .trade. Ireland sends to Vinland, on an average, one -million tight hundred thousand head of live stock every year. Now Ireland is less than one-foufth Of the size of Ontario,. and thongh her pastures are fabulously' rich and pereniallygrtfon, slie..has a %est- ly larger proportion than Ontario has of land not Suitecl for agricultural purposes.' If Ireland can send eighteen hundred.thou. sand 'cattle to nogiand in a year, certain- ly the rick and fertilarrovinceof Ontario can send as inans•—or if she chooses .to. bend her energies to the task can easily enough double that amount. There is a mine of wealth in the trade evert at the present time low ruling price of five cents cr pound,.live weight; and at .:our pre. s ft low averagenveight per head of 1,200 to 1,400 pounds: The tattle which On- tario will send to tngland. this year will net our farmer's More than two millions of dollars; and when we have arriveilatsuch a pitch of perfection that evay 'five On- tario acres can be made to produ1cetts much meat for export as every Jrs1i ore does, .1 110L111E4 a sox, • Publisheits, our annual revenue Will stun. up tossixty or seventy inillions of dollitefromcattle alone... From sheep and pigs together18. large additieftalrevenneintght also be had; and tile' cleitiand for horses' at profitable prices is practically' limitless,- it we but breed. the right 'kinds. :We have inOnta,ffe more than 120,000 square miles of land. Twenty. in ill ion e of acres of' this are already .oCcuptedas farm lands', and 10,000,000 are actually improv- ed and under •eultivation. We hapat least 80,000 farms Of from fifty to a hun- dred acres each, 60,000 farms -of less than fifty acres; and 45.000 of more than Ono hundred acres. The ten millions of lin- provsed acres are capable Of carrying easily •2,000.,000 •of cattle,. 4,009,000 • of sheeP): •3,000,000'of swine, and 1,000,006 of horses. .The ten, million .acres'ofland on our Culti- vated farms now., in "woodland could bd. -made to, furnish vastsadditione to these. figUres ; and at thablicef that, ; there' are fifty millions of acres of unbroken' forest, almost cyerYore of it is admirably adapt- ed for. steck4aising: 1118 plain therefore that a magnificentprize is within thegrasp ef Canadian farmersis actually.pressing itself upon theins Py the ,sitle • of this boundless trailie of what account •Woulcl be that " protection,' to farmers" about which our Conservatfve friends talk so union and tell se little? •INThere also would be that dreadful "! bal- ance of trade" against us which OppesitiOn, °orators asseverateis a sure sign 880 are ge- big to the dogs?. . • ... • s .1t is -not se much that the opening ,hp of this trade. demonstrates tbia the tempe- ra ry closing of au •accustohted• market is incapable of perIllfuleiitly 0111)1)11 ng .tlie prosperity -of tbe producers of necessaries; it -isnot only that our neighbors, having in.it in omeet of spleen excluded ottr cattle fr0111 New Ypik markets,findthemselves confronted. arhl",foiteStalled in .a market' where their ',proteetiehiSt rielbing bat fibiticT iheinsel-Ves"; if is pot sO in uch that, anew,V.ehicle with whichto - Tay our Europeafl debts has been .provid,7 ed, nor that the •export s:f.ourlive stock will diveit bither British capital' and ...British.' trade,' -And. 101.1 • ad- . verlitSe the (9a1)abilities (11' 0111 'country te emitiractS 111 Ore1110(t . striking ,initn ;-- (11 illeSe ere but incideotal advantages. 'Thagtand•gnod stecrning is that tlio ener- gies of' our.farniers ivillbe 'directed into a new 'Channel, fit ,tho very nicks (if time; jt1St at the tisk mation. monfeli t when*Oite ts.ystent of grain -growing is fit i ling btit our :eftp.ital• isinilinpaited. We baite grown ,iyli. 014 4.110ill 1141. • :1110rirgo s?dar sive lose . we have been exporting the bleed and borms of the land, and nattue has already givenots it few peremplefy.hinfs that this - kind' of robbery must stop, She has sent. -tis• Midge and' rust, hiseetsplagues, and phigues of funguses, to warn us'pat .her bounty has feachedats 111114,-- r we are Wise, we shall mepd our Ways.Witheut fur - titer :delay; if we are not' wise 'we Shall tnend out ,Ivays all the same,but it may be after -disaster and.poverty 11.11Vg'CO1:111/01' led nsto. do it, • Thc.. isms is now opdried for the _cOrrea-: 'tie]) of thdteXhatisting fitimbig.trthe past: and .preseilt•gencrationS: .The chance is not so inuth offered- as thrust upon us. Nor is it likely if the.exportation were to 'continue that it 'iyotdcl be.,any longer profitable. The present aspect of European affairspromises a peace that will last fer a term of years. The nailer* will be free to attend to internal develop- ment ; and especially 1).11112,1.1We, 0110 111091) formidable competitor, be compelled to taise-and sell every rouble's worth ofivheat she canto piiy her war debts, . 11er ,wheat lands are •of enorinons extentand singular -fertility ; they, need but the introduction Of modern' facilities, with her proximity to thegreat markets, to 11111i:O.ROSSift ft most forniklable competitor With Canadian and American wheat,"' India, too, is advancing to the front 'of wheat -exporting Countries". mid promising a boundless supply as satin 'As means of transportation are supplied, Axi though that were not enough, there is wheat in millions of bushels in our North, weit waiting only fel:an-outlet ; and al- ready siefv.settlers are going in, at the rate of a thousaud a week.' -- • .The way thdn is clear for Ontario fain- Instestdsolsendieg tbe libe their• I land Away in bags, green crops consumed •on the Thrill intisfbe the order or the day,. and the nialuprodnet of thafarin innat be live stock that can walk off the hied leav- ing it improved instead of impoverished, and needing only the ipplication of those thosphatic rocks with which Providence has so bountifully endowed us to .perma.- nently. melanin • ifs capabilities. Thist. system fairly bcgun,.its good results 'will SOPil show themselves, and an era' of been the ert- il ' Gtinea aWlitui ',ss by bush111-08.111-08.large district Of well timbered land o s • Unwarde of forty,tonis ofartiwberries were shipPed.froni.Oalcville CDC day the fasTelNgmrit:hic 'co.min.unieation between Winnipeg and. Thunder Bay is exp.ected to be completed within sist weeks. • 11 is announced from St. John N. B. that Hon. E. B.: Chandler LegIslative Councillor, is to be appointed Governer. . . Orop,reparts froin nearly All sections of Neva Scotia indicate a more 11,bau. dent haryest ,than forsnany yea -re. pas,tz.,, Last Thursday evening a young, man named Daniel Coleman, a Merchant Of Dracebridge, wasdrew n ed _ whiles 1)18117 4,* ' White Alfred - "sffyiliD was out driv ing near Canriington, on. • Friday, the" axle of the bh,ggisbroke; throwing ,htr. out, breakingdfer', arm aisst 'fie:chit-- UT her skUll, froutt wfilch she died in a during prosperity for Our farmers Will ra- pidly set in, Canadiwi News Items. Counterfeit $1 Dominion bills are in circulation. Hon. Edward Blake left for rtightnd on Thursday. Privato advices front Quebec slate that a Coalition Government about to be formed. , There were shipped to Liverpool front •I'slontreal on. Thursday 900 sheep and •677 cattle. • An attempt"Was macle by a lunatic' on Friday to sheet Mr, Robert, Dominion paymaster at ViCtoritt; B. C. • • • An explosion of benzine occurred on 111onday in Silkiest London refinery,giv- hig Aso to all extensive fire,ancl entailing the 'destruction of SOCIO tNvelve thousand dollars''worth of property. few' hours; ••• , , The workmen in • WO .S110p8. of 'the Thom psOn f.V. Williams' Ma nit fac Suring Co.; .Strafords: aioas husk as bees... They are teyieg to get, out 700 machiheh 'in time for thehatvest:720.0more'than they built last yeay: • ' IT::Oii .Monday ..4ifternooli.. art old man named 'J 04. -Nairn; a farm er. �ftlio tOwn- Ship,of Ftillarten, in crciSSing the tail - way. track at, Stratford,: was: knocked over .by .a 'passing locomotive, and res eeiVed each Navies thatlii4 lifo is dos - paired of. '• • . • • firm expOited by Ehrepean stettnis C1$ :. from, Montreal laSt 110011 10,000 boxes ; cif 'cheese frem. Ci iiciiiui,ti, Chicago mut Wisconsin. -The. goods Were •Sliii)- ped by -the Grand Trunk, betterinduct inciatiS from all tlies;e: points Iieing.,offets ed.' by...the:Canadian; ..111.16 of. transit t liars •any Other. , . . • . • ,A election Address,. having 'the naine4f Mr. :Etlinund Hooper; the Conservative pandidate, :Printed the bottoms Was lately circiflitted in:Lean:Ix 'as a. pilffiticelSquils.• ,. It 15it. se; hard that Mr. Ififfpop' lits 01111)00(1 Mt. 'action . • at* cumenV.for uttering 18 forge& thi ]u name. ••. • • . • ;Mr..., -T. sT.sveull 1st, con Binbrook :In -tailed the good fortune to Italie a Snore than. Usually proliffp crop Of .bees this enflame!. • Frei-ft-one:hive the other clay he had no fewer than fear swaiins with- in twenty-four hours, and on the follow- ing day,' from the sante hivo,.a couple of swarms", making ,six .0Wa1ms in. 'thirty,- sik houi.S. , . ..• • • s , . A 'Victoria.; despatch says • diet the evidence before tho Royal 00111111iSSiOn 'has'cliiielased an aetonilihing, state. of ear- ruptien, at Eootenay.. • Votes were . bought. openly at the polls American eitizena cross into' Kootenay,' take Some Sort•of path Wore the . Magistrate, and control the election. sICOOteriay is situa- ted on the southern boundarY line,and has 4r)eogiatered voters,'who retitrn*tivo meirtherS, onestivelfth of the' . 'Whale re- presentation in Parliament. • " Mrs. Elizabeth Lloyd, keeper of an hotel was arrested at London, on Thurs. conitnitted for trial Ott a charge pf stealing a note of hand. for -$800, ‘inadet by heisin favor of Carling ik Co; The nostejswas pi•eigniel by tbe :British North-Asueriett Bank. Messenger, ;for collection, Whensthe Woman asked to be filleived to takeit up -stairs for a foiv minutes. Being:allowedtd do- go, he ioinained 171111.811 *hour. Wrlien.retorn, luso, sh0,. was asked by the messenger Wlitit7slio intended to de aboutthasnote. She affected surpriao said, "'Mat not V' diselaiming all knowledge oftbe ieste, fiCtillnilitt11100 with the man. He' persisting, she dross° hint from the house with a club., , She 'tires afterwards arrested:for larceny of tho note :upon the above information, the mag,isteate refus- ing to accept bail: • . s• • Ames Wright, the toll roBber anti burglar, pai•tnertif Ley, who was shot by: Sergeant Ortt1VfOrd, WAS up f.ot• ex- amination et Londotti on Friday. While the Court was comparatively unprotect - cd, only Detective Phair being in charge, :Wright made a daring dash for liberty, suddenly leaping over the bats of the Plutir ran after hinx, shouting to the street passengers to knock him down, but one Mut all; seeing the.. deg: perate-looking inan hatless and shoeless .(he having tenured these Impediments), with' staring eyes, nehmi face, and 'stand- ing liair,-runiting as if for life, kept. shy, of him, and het thus ran over half amile uninoleated. Arnid a great hubbub, he Stopped and lifted a stone to defend him- self,' oft Wellington street. lie was in- tercepted by a constable, knocked and by another policemen's aSsistance, secured:and broughtback to 1116 station. Ile gave as 11,. reason for trying to escape, that he thought the detectives Meant to pt him sent to Ore Poniteribiarx for life, - • 11 • • !the English-see:living sqeatteis in, the • township of Taches in Manitoba, • which was set asidefor the purposes of' French Canadian repatriation, are reeist- ing the settlement of French Canadian 1111111 -ng liisra:173.C. Ward, 'Of' 101 10, OP.11. 5, Orford, cut Iiis wheat and hail it in " Shock on tho. 1st july. •My. Wm. Ir.. wins lot 13, 1 st con. 1.V'estminster, com- meneed cutting his hey on • juine ,13, •and finished 32 acres on July 1st, all of wIdelt is already stacked and housed, except four tiscres,, ' Mt, John Rolliien, itobe1I, experi," enced a moat narrow escape from instant' death ..on. Friday: He, with another . 1.8111,11, waS engaged in aniking a.. well; which ltasi reached a depth offorty feet.. HiS comrade wee at the bottom ofthe' well, and :Mr. RolliSon. was At the top hailing up the (141; latter isSed Jus footing; and 110 88 18111 °gip -anted- to: 7 • the -bottom of the • well, • luit alt,hOugh severely hurt, .strango to'say he escaped with his life.. • • About t‘Vo. o'cir.)ek en:Thursday after- tioat .three men entered tbe Receiver 'General's. office; c.ro•Couto street, Toronto, mut engaged the teller in conVersation. A confederate then :slipped inie • the vault, whioli iras open. and stole three packages • of 1110n6y, containing in' all q12 GOO 717 1 L,10,000 in Sk2 Mlls - • 000 in $1 bills that had never been. is- sued, .and $600 in 't1 (n Tim gang cs: eaped. 1.110 was 'the only bank officer in the roma at the tithe, the messenger, Who nsually sits near th11. vault baying gone, to (limier. On • Thursday,.\1 llhnu Ali 117(107, of 'rhorold; InspectOr cm 11)8 .77011' Wel- 1811(1 Canal, shot his wife; evidently -with the intent to 1;111. Thoy were basing a.' little quarrel, When :Alexander raisecl • revolver to her head and. fired, She, ' with wonderful coolness, ' lifted lief .two • ' arins.and 'receive 1 the buliet in. the • . second, httving'. 1111 SE threngllone., : The family, exchuline,.. Alexander,are. considered very tespectable... Mrs. Alex- • ander .18 ndt; ;very badly, hint, but the , consequenees: might have' been, fatal. 'On PridaylaSt Mr, D.- On in iningS; IV S. ' asliSted.b.V"Mr.W Money S S • Mitchell,,perfOrmed a• severe opera den 017 '8 young horse, belonging to a. Murray, of Kink:ova. The animal had% been kept'in a stable with a; veiy 1018 ceiling, against which 'frequently.- strnek the top of 'his' head, producing in time a. poll evil that to all 'appearances would have shen•teried liis life hatthe not• , been placed in the hands Dis • Cum= mingS. " During the operation, although" frequently' advised by the. bystanders . to . shoot the. beast, the . docks* perseVered and has been rewarded for ilia skill in - 'seeing the horse taken •liaine in, a fair:: way. to Complete. reeeyery. An •attempt, was. -Lunde a b on,Wednesday, to shoot Mis'E, 11, Goff• . , President of •the 'Montreal, Portland,. • - and flostoit flailwuy. Alicia.. 11.30 • Mri...Goff..retired to .her 'Mom, and he . went into the library, lit. his lamp, and 'having drawn down:. the ,winclow. Flat down at his -table to write. • .11e seas • only just seated. WfieliThalteard the re, port of a pistol end the whiz of it bullet, which, damn throngh the win- • dow inld'Iodged in the wall close beside him. Ho rose front his ohair,, ancl aslae did so another shot 55 ts, tncJ1 rase bullet pasaingAcrossthe spats) he had ocauPied • when sitting itt tho table... He then called to Mrs. Goff to lint out her lights led shots might-balleed-sitslie . piciouS eireitinstaime in connection with'. this Idraly 113 . that. Mt...Goff bad 18vela, , abld watch -dog which had been thlsSiltg for two days previous.' Seine •of Mr; Goff's potiltry also have . mysteriously died,. lie caused their oropi to be opened, • and what ha believes to be poison. 1,vag,07 found in them. : Two Scotehmen, shrewd fellows Ar- rived in Palmetston on Thursday last, strapped. And this is how the)? raised the wind t Calling on do principal grocer, they prevailed on him to give them 'four small samples of his cheapest teas,. Thus equipped, they proceeded * to businos ' systematically, with tia. sample boxbs, order books and pencil in ear, each taking different routes, and calling principally on Scotch families, Arany orders were taken during the day, in quantities varying' from ono to ten pounds. l'he article in every,instanco Wee sold at front 50 to 75 peecent more than could be dot from the stor or who supplied it to these men. glib -tongued Scotchmen omitte . 0,:.:, tion who supplied them, and Ifilf.inis- lie Bice to he gulled, they sup*pOsed thii goods to bo far cheaper than if IsOttglit, itt a legitimate way. The nion left baiin ,-- the Sallie night, not strapped by about. -- $1 0 'each, and before the trick was cgs - covered by the nneulapse, -victims. , s .