HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-04, Page 8•
Moat Vtittkr.0
'C.(i.irn f,OUBCll
Tho regular meeting of Coulicil was
field on Monday evening, ° Members all.
present. except Messrs. Menzies, ' For-
rester, Allison, Smart and Gibbings.
Minutes of last meeting read and ap-
Moved by Colin.. Chidley, see,'': by
Colin, Jaoksen, thin the appropriation
to the several wards for street lvorlc be,
supplemented •' by a grant' id .$100 for
this year, to he divided•proportionatoly.
between thpni, •acc0rcl'uig to ,their' assess-
._ ..
:cd wrapiti.=(tarried, - '
On motion the following . accounts
were ordered to be paid ' W. Goatley,
stories hannncrs, $4,75; Secordi ib Coz-
zens, lumber, ,$90,68 ; G, 1lentgen, work:
on streets, $111. 61 ; H, Cole, cedar• for
streets, $38,19 ; J. '•.A.. Nelles, . ealaryy,
registration, &c,, ,$83.68 ; J: A, Nelles,:
election account on by-law, $55.82' ; • P.
McLaren keeping tramps, $.1.75..
Moved 'by Coup, Jackson, see, by
Coon. Smith, that .$25 be granted' the
Juvenile Band; to assist' in .purchasing
instruments, end that they: be the pro.,
perty of the town.—Carried.,
A • communication, Olt 'reference to
School grant,' was ordered"to be handed
to the school board, and'one from R. II,.
Call, applying for situation of "engineer:.
tor steam lime -engine, ordered to • be
Phe Clonneif then. adjourned, •
BAND.—TIle Jtivenile.Band, ]est
day afternoon,• attended a•:school 1)icuic.
.at Porter's Hill,
FESTIVAL,—Tho festival at the resi-
dence of Mr. M. MoTiiggart, on-Friday-
n Fridayevening, was a pleasing Success.
HavneG:•-Fal'rnol's have comtnenced
cutting their clover and timothy. The
yield ()fettle former is good,. while the
Utter. is light.
STATISTICS.-HFotetlie half-year ending
June 30th, the following were reeorded
with the Registrar. here 't3ieths, 3.3;'
• sola 6riages, 14; cleat s,
TEMPERANCE PIG211c.--»-On . Wednes-:
day next the members ot''the United
Temperance: Order intend proce ming to'
Bayfield, where -they 1.wr11 hold their
annual picnic.. '
• Waren. TANIts=It will be seen by
advertisement that•.tho' Fite ,tS Water''
committee of towzi ;aro •calling for ten
ders for the construction of water tanks,
an accordance :with the recent by-law,
• Hr AT,---Thelatter ,past of lint Week,:.
and Strinday rind Monday, •of this, was
'e 3vaidilesl ex"p"eixenecc (Trull tylia;'
whole year:. .0n Sunday; particularly,;
the hent was' very oppressive,• the there
mometer standing at 92 in, the shade. •
-The property in
this place, known as'the Farmer''s'hotel,
• situate on Albert street, was put.up by
auction, oil Saturclay,tuid'knockecl down
to Mr: Thos. Cooper; •tr't .$1,500,;suliject
to a life annuity of $300 yearly. • -This'
is considered 'cheap.; spino time ago
.$5,000 •was offered for the premises.
• STOLEN noels. The mall Leys, (one
of the supposed' toll -gate robbers), who
was shot a few days since at Harmony,'
worked for Mr. John Steep of • this
town part of last winter. Shortly after
his discharge, the shop was broken into
and eight pair of b is stolen, a circuit
b Po s ,1
stance. that W. Steell ;only confided to
one or two,..11018on5 in, hopes thatby.
secrecy the thief would 1)e at the time:
• discovered. Now that it has. tinned
'out that Loy was connected with a
.. band of robbers, Mr.. Steep ntitui°"filly
concludes that he was the thief in this
instance. •
SLIc:IIMY ritOM IO, --On fila first of
July a young nlan.(111(1 woman, from a
neighboring township,' started from
home with the intention of proceeding
to a picnic r>1t Benmiller, but,: changing
their mind, they concluded to drive on
to•this place and get pnal'ried. ' Proceeds.
ing to the house of it friend in town, a
ruarriage.,certiticato and minister was
procured and -they were soon declared
man and wife,'tho beide, as soon its the
ceremony wan' over, turning round to
her husband, and exclaiming, "Now
whatwill'lliss , - think." They had
only known each ether two weeks lire-
viously, and were not yet :oast of their
teens. It is tea bo hoped that, .,the mar -
rine so hastily enterecl'upert tyill prove
all Hilt is ilnticipated.
THE OLI 1,41.1 NEW Eta.
DoeuNloN DAY.---T110:eleventh anni-
v(la'sary of the union of the provinces,,
was observed here as a holiday, (luring
will nothing of moment happened. '
TRUE 1Nl)EEil,-..-Alt oxohange hits.
thenail oti'tho hood, tis• follows : + It is
•funny thatwhen you ask a pet;so% •to
advertise, lie often de ;lines3 with the'
statement that "no body'll see it:" But
it you advertise some little caper of•his,
gratis,' he •gots indignant over the ter -
Minty that 1r every body'll see it," •
A Pnl Noa1RNA.—On Tuesday. last,
• While, the heavy rain 'storm were in pro-
gress, an unusnal phenomena was 43x•
periencod. In the north and 'western
'portion of the town, for about fifteen. 01.
twenty minutes, tllo rain fell Heavily,
while 'toddle south and east, scaree1y a
drop fell, .
• P1rEeasionsuie:-� Mr. C. Crawford,'
who has':boon connected, with the Pres-
, bytorian church of this place, for seine'
tinle,.in•the caliacity of preconter, has,
we understand, 'accepted a r;imilar. posi-
tion in conection with, a Guelph church;
and will. shortly retrieve thither
of proceeding with.. the ereetiou of an
Agricultural Hell, ern the grounds of the.
Driving Park, as was intended by the
Hallett `Branch Agriaultiu'al Society,:
.,we ,believe they', have leased, the old
Show 'Groun(L_ltrici buil ding •'for this
y e,ir, intending to niaake preparation .for
the, nos' building next .winter. ,
I?T•.RSONAtS. — Air;s, L. (4l'i g, 'of
Guelph, who has been visiting leer
frientls•htre:" has returned 11r5
Mr. Fowler intends having a short re-
lease from h.ty, for tries -benefit of his
health. During his absence Mr. Aradge,
of Exeter, a Victoria College Student,
will take Iris place,..lMr. Swi.nbank)
who went ottt to Manitoba 101110 time
S1.1190 to accept a 'iterative position, O11
the C. P. 11,.,: has l'ettrl•n Od to Clinton,
and purposes •t•einainin �llcre..Tn the
rePort t of the closing exercises of the
Young Ladies College, Brantford,
among those who graduated and took
irizes, we notice
tho nam0 of Plias Date
McTaggart, daughter- of, our townsman
-.W. C. Searle, Mayor, returned from
his eastern trip on Saturday....Mr. Gari-
longer, who has been on a visit to the
Black Hills for some weeks, returned to
town last week tare states that 'tunes
there are very good.
r ; Sal,tsir.--than Friday a very large
wedding party drove through'; town.
After getting. otiteicle' the corporation,
tis• iS frequently, the case, ;i 000ple::of the.
parties oommetice(1el they.
ceeded so well that when. near Alma -
one. ran into the other's rig, turning it
over into' the flitch,: and .dainaging' it
TIM 0a0i,$ rl'l1e -prospects fbr .the
• corning harvest are very good in almost.
•all kinds of Orlin. •The fall wheat is'
just now att'.)te: rnost 'critical niement,~
fcir it is in great•danger of'being injured
if not ruined .b`y rust, besides the danger
of being beat down by the 'mine, as itis'
0nco nnrouly heavy. Thoharvosting. of
it.will bo somewhat. ditlicult,'iii' cense-'
queuce of its height, and Will require; a
large: staff of laborers to gatlier'it. '
h•7v7.ztisc..'Docs:.--=acetiozs 1, 2 and
3; of: bylaw No. 8,'dechires that all dogs
running: at large' shall have a -•.collar on
. with the name of the owner thereon.;
that during the months of July and
'Atigust they most be Ini,zzle1, arid thaat.
sail such -that .nre.11ot '((re liable to he
.destroyed, The Mayo has issued bills,
to the' above ellen; .and all those Wishing
to preserve' the liver' of their canines will
aecerclingly take winning:
'celtaln :i:iyiiil,tls"'froti�' 1t11i'hiltc A`�"9�' e
in the town taWri scenis to be, greatly
disregarded by owners of stook, and es
t coris.egnence the polindkeoper takes up
and impounds a good .many. 8.liiivaIs,.
muoh to the indignation of their owners.
Tf:t'ownspeople do not wish to be put to
the inconvenience of rodeelning animals
so • treated, they 'lave "only to comlily.
with the by-law and, prevent their stock
canning A Targe. • .
CALL Ac=Prun.---Rev, Tar, Stewart
has intimated his accepta}zee of tho call I
extended to Biro by the Presbyterians
of this place, .
PoTATotls.--On Toes(dray now potatoes
were. offered. in - town itt the modest
fignro of .$1,60 a bushel, Piucliasers
were very few.
TenteERANOE;-=The 'Executive, and.
those who have tire•cause at heart, are
requested to meet at Core's hall, on
Monday evening nexti at 8 o'clock,.
CRANI: or, TDIE.—On Monday a
new tune table 0(80)6 into force on the
L, TI• .& B. The following is the order
in. 'which' trains leave the Clinton' sta-
tion :—Going' north; Mixed; 9:45
mail, 4:25, pan., express,. 8:25• p.m.
Going so
uth ,-ma1], .8:01 mi led,
1;15p.n., express, 71.
ALalon'r A 11,1)11E.-74;9,11 Thit slay after'
noon' last the cbiltrifiir (`it Mr, E. pawn,
1n town, wore left'for ai bort time alone.
Either through 'mischief o1' accident,
one of thorn set Are to a paper window
curtain, and in a fed, minutes, other in-
flamable material contigioue thereto
was in a blaze; ' Some.of the neighbors,
discovering the fire, extinguished it,be-
fot:e mach damage was done.
.SoNs 01' TE3IPERANaE.-Qfii2era elect-
ed and duly installed, for Clinton 'Divi-
sion No, 38, for the current: quarter ly
the D. G. W. P. Mr. J. Howson
P., .Mr. W. Thornton; W. A;, Miss E.
.Reit',; A. It: 8. Miss Jessie Srnitlr ; F.
S., 111r•. `1' •Young ; Trees, itliss Fairha'll;
Chaplain, 'Hiss - Graham; Conductor'.,.
'Mr, W. King ; A. C., Miss- M. Smith ;
T. S., N. Fox; 0.• S.;.A.'Matheson ,•.•R,_
8., 11Ir. Bowland Note tithe of • 1'leet-
ing-every Wednesday evening et' 8
,S'POIL'S. 4J J) ,41,llCrSL'11f.IVPS.
ltol1SE aAcu,.
On;T'nesdity 'a race, for $10 a side was_
trotted on the•Driving Park, Exeter; be
t« cert 6: place's brown inarosnd T. l3is-
sett's gray.' ' Tite lirst. heat was wen by
t'he'biown, lint the next two•ljeats being
Won' by the gray, T. I3iseett:`(rarried off
the .stakes..
The Clippers' of Brussels Heat the
Wingliatu base ball club' on Saturday,•by
a score of 10 to•0, end ah innings to spare.'
A match is talked• of between the
Seafortltand. Winghllm. nierchtnnt8,; and
is..expectedto come offer Wingham,, in
a few Hays.
(Ili •:Satnrda.y: a game tis' s played he'=
y. a l 3 .
,tween".the Bayfield and 'Enrich base ball
Rlilli, .• Tile score being. 57 runs fon' I3ii -
fteld:anil' 8''for' their oppoile)'ttl3
. _
A match ��vax, playedin Ioidesbc
and. Independents, of Lon-
d'osboro; resul.tiug in a victory for the
Londesbor•o team by 12rims;' with an
innings to share.' Score, Independents;
39, Silver Stara 27, Umpire, T. Stan-
ley, scorers, P. Marsh and W. 1?. Mylne.'
•Tho'first match of'the 808.8011 took
place on \Vodnesdtiy',last;'between the
'Dauntless, of this place and the Stars of
Lond n, resulting at tho -Chase .of the
gone, 26 to 0 i fiver o£ the home nine..
This being' the first, match played by the
Dauntless, and against one of the Strong -
,est trines in London,.spea1cs well foe the
playing of ern, boys, 81)d'%9 would not
be surprisedto see them bring the _silver
cup Herd before the sea8on'is out. The
Stern arrived by
aha morning train fi
London, and• were net at the
station by
the Clinton Juvenile Band and the mem,-
100)-hers of the elrib,•when they were escorted
to the grounds, and, coritmeneed play at
16,30"o'clock. ,From "the staid; tiltthe
finish it was a,0ne sided affair, the visi-
tors beiug Very weak at the bat,. and i►►►»
able to bit the pitching of 13. 'Horton,
who worked fee anise was worth, • The
fielding of the London boys were Very
(1)uob .admired, *wildly their throwing
and catching... Quito a large crowd was
in attendance, wl1o.manifestod a great in-
terest in the game. Tho Juvenile Band,
was on the grottncl, and played 'several
-Pieces in. a splendid manner.' the next
match will probably be with the Ma -
strode of London; who aro now•tite junior
chatmpions of Ontario, and we Imp, the
boys will come tacit sticcesaful. The fol-
lowitrg.i;s the full Score
• , I) 4u\ •i't 7 ss 01? CLTN7.'oN.
0 1( 11 1111
nrdayrlast the
e centract'.for the carrvtrig•
of -the Mails north' and sot►tlr' 01 titin•
place by stage expired,, and in • futon
they will be carried by rail. hie an
eingtiiar coiuci(lenco' that the coaltract
expired- exactly twenty years from the
last' brought lit here.here.flute the mollis were -first t
by rail, it being that time since the G.
T. II(then 13uffatlo ancla.41se Huron)
-commenced their-.cairr•iage. . The . mail.
clerks ,who, en that•occasiorr, delivered
the 'mails - from., tha.:triuu, are Estill at
their post of duty, being Mews. 'Mat-
thews and Kirby,, and our present post=
10(0(1er, l'Ir,. Thos. Fair, was the one to
receive there, and continued to caiyryb
them between the. station' and the post
office hero, up to 'hast Saturday, the 29th
of June, when.his contract expired, and
they ' will iii • future be carried by '\[r.
- VEor•:'rAuLt s.-• \Ve thfs week httVO
'Jeer' favored•Witdi (8'n`:curlier of -side -fiat
speci►uens of garden . • vegetables and
eat 1y 'potatoes.--•-Ottr-friend-il)'. J:-Eew=-
Inas, for the p(tst ctaven years, has:been
011 ]rand with early' pcbartoes; •up to alit
time of Confecdei ration it was on the
gloii us,:'2th, and after'that it -was rya.
I)or Wort Day. Now he line severed
Tide lhts •e'u• thee' wasSinn.
ceneti ) s. c a
p o. y
Cbk, Jos. Ewing and Jos: Allinson; all
with vary .good potatoes,. considering
tlitlt thiy were cut , down with frost the
early pati of last mouth, (Mr, Alliasort
,says his were twice). 'They' are all wets
tri pi` honer in their' efforts to outstri I rn
11ortt;cu tire, but Stint is it little ahead
thirrtyear..: T11ey leave ourthanks for'
all the, vege tides they se)111. Mr. Al-
•liasoin has for s, le the followingl-'triei,ies
of. peas ee-C eepei ,Early 'Wh,i e, (liar
tee's First Crete' Meleeen's Little Jim,
Superlative, two kinds' "of Skinless
Sweet Pod, and the Bluekoyed Marrow•
fat. Mr. Ewing hos some of tires'
kinds and a�very fine kind called Tlence's'
Early Conqueror, ' Vegetables of meet
every kind can be got from their gar -
.dens. illi'. John . Copeland, with some
other vegetables, brought us a young,pats
snip ,yesterday that must certainly have
designed to have. become the champion
parsnip attire shows this'all,'if its ca-
reer had not so soon been cut short. rt
Was only about half an inch in diameter,.
but had pierced the earth to the depth
of oVer two foot.
73. Ifortan r)....{." . TM ' r•'-' '.. 4 4 i1
1t'tal�aY r f 4 2 2 0 1 a
1/Insley as .. •,• 2 4 3 e 3 3
lteTnq);artSral1).,0 4 • 1 1 1.
A. ('etrrlub'e '2 4 n 10 !' Y'
"Elliott et 4 2 1• 2' t, it
t o,Its i1. • 3 2' 8 0 0 0
W, Cardn0 2111.1 it. •:3 2 ' ,2 0 2 1
t.: Horton 1st i)I 5 4 • 18•
-' 21 • 20 1.1 27 • 14 14
(y n raft n'C) t""8
T•aat t0 ., :. 2 2: 1 3. 1 2
Iwnddell • 1 2 2 1 1 (1'
McDonald 1st 8' ' 1 1 10 , 1 2
Currie 3rd 1) . .,,, 4 1 , 1 8) 2 2'
Kirit latrlek • 4 1 • 0 0 :01
1'roltlecoet 3 1 (I 1 1 1
Cowan,: ... ,4 n 0• 2 0 4
rtoorololut 1 0 2 .• 1
0. Trr.Ulecoeir 4 0 0 1 1 1
27 '0 8 21 8 14•
Tannings.. 1 2 •1 4 80 7 8 0
Dauntless )3 1 1 7 0 1 'l 'r 1-20
stars s I .0 0 0 1 4 0 0— 0
Unwire—WArmstrong. Scorers—W. D. Glass,
London;: Wm. Jackson. Clinton'. Struck Out --
Stars 6; Dauntless 2. 'Three Mise Ilia\ A: Card•
n04 13. itorton, Mine rail• -.ti, Canino. 'nine of
game --ti bolt r6. •
The „first cricket . match this season.
between the Clinton and I3rucefeld clubs
took place on the Agrialtltural Grounds,
on Satnrday, and proved to he the most
interesting game played yet. Clinton
as metal losing the toss, wero ee)tt' to the
hat, htit the 'fir'st rem ()nen did not make
a very good stand, H. Uonuis'e scgre oi'I
12 being the only double figures (luring
the fust innings, which begot by steady
and cllreful batting, 'the innings °losing
for a total, of 52: For the Brimfield
side: 11, Cameron's 12 were the o11ly .
(rouble figures, the side being retired for ne.,0
43 rnos, the home team being nine 4
ahead on the first innings; In the sec-
and innings J. Lanham led tho score,
making • 18 when he .was caught by
longstop; Fowler. 9: and Howson,. awl
Knox. 4 apiece, the infringe closing for
GG. The visitors had now 76 to beat,
And sticoeeded in getting 54 for fol►mine►l •
milking things look pretty blue for .the
Bone team, but Ransford. and" Rowson
sentthe balls in for all they were worth,,
and When the ninth wicket fell Bence-
. '
field had seven runs to make. The last
mail now faoetl the howlers, • and: 'the
JULY 4, 1878.
first ball was'sent for four z'uns, making
thingsleek, suro'for the visitors, but the
next ball was knocked vii and Howson
h11nt, to it.tllns closing the best contest-
ontested match seen on the Clinton grounds,
The ground beiog being liaid 8.11(1 thy made it
"laird workfor the bowlers. ' The field-
ing of both clubs was splendid through -
cut, Blow Will bp' found the' complete:
score .:•---
281) rNYIatGN,
It. 1)tnn1ycU1T INMes .
or b Adams.. 12 Briggs li At1a1►ls,.. 0
4.: Knox e-Aiarl(s";y:
(amoron 0 Baird. 1) Adonis.... •r
J. 1towson 1) Baird: a earner,.11 na1141.- '4
J. 7larlaud' U 13aiir(l . 0 1
T, X'owier b Oaruelou
a Bair(' 0 ) Bair'' 0
.I3. J..wado L 13alyd 5 • Cinn.or031 It 13 tird. , '0
J, 1.eesllatn 0 Coiner,
Ou 11 ll acrd 0 •13ti�gs; ,ir..1,:11aird 19
A. D[eOwcn lbw b .
A(1 atta Z e:• ISaird.1) Adams._ 1
71'• Bainsf(n•cl113ait`ll 1 .not.out ... . 3
la.Jphnston cAda►as
b I3aitvt "3 L Adams • .. ,. °2
W. Jain{son not out n 0 Steoart7Y ,1dauta'.. ' (1
I3ytrs 9 8
Teg INes 1 c
'rides 4 '11•
52 •
Rf,IC sPil.f.b.
1ST 1Nx1Ncs. 2No iresr108. •
Il, Brarits a Johnson"
b •TIarlltnd • 0 e and 1) I.ausford.,. 14
IT. Cameron be Rano, •
• rent. .... 22..1, 'Towson 7
It. 310Grc or".lbw la : •
Until and ....... ,.., 0 7(08.oit., . 1 1
G. Baird e 1(ansford
1) Iiownon:.: .9 0?Towson 1) 110wsOn 14
Drips, jt. U Hoyt
son., 0'.: 1) Itansrord „ • 4'
B. Adams c, Ranslot cl •
1) Jbolvson,.. 1, 1) 13n1isforel Y:r
11', • .Itatttenlary.:.' •
.1oln,6(nt li Dowse)) 1 3 Johanson l) IIow te,n ;0
1).13aild rwi out 2' a Kuox,1 Howaora ,•
11 I31'i s, Sr', lbw U c
_Ifia)nsti)rel , 0 Howson 1) Ifatrtae l 4
Dr. Stewart 1).7'ow
son. '2''run .gilt ,. 0j
W. biclutoslt mot mit it h Ilartlaiul a,,,
Byes 1 ) 0
Eyes 1 ' 1 '
\vides .... 3 4
443 73 '
Irtaticalty for (linton, 2:ruus,
narlNig 'rams Of
()vers. anaidene bowling, )octets
IIOWBou 28.13..
11sirlaaltl 9.,." • . 28 2•
Tisu)FYurdrat,. 3. 21., •1
• \Ye' take the following from loot
•week'sG cla rieh• Star -both 'were., Iyer
sollx well 1(irou.n; i'n t11i1 neighborhoods
11x, 11: SVIIPcrLY.-.(1n Thittsdav,
J11i1020th, Mr. Baptiste Whitely ono of
the'Oldests ref,ldt'nts of Ooelerielr town -
skip 1)asserl away, and. with him one of
tIir1:'links which tronfieeted' the ines,eat
vitt the. .-very •earliest.his tory of .this
tow.n.a;nd county. Ile was born int'he:
comity :of' lc'crrrfauaglr, Ireland, in 180E,"
and came, to Canada in 1831. He re
11111,uerl two years i'ii Little York—now'
Toronto-truc1 Hien settled on the fa rrii;
Gtli eou'., Goderich.township, wide!) lie
ownedlip.to. the t'ime.'bf his deaith.---
W1ul(r in Ira 1 old hc. ic earn(, a member
)r1t e VV lett i' � first
Of .the Orange lrady: l he
mane .to • Oodoriole township 11e took up)
the fuilil, hitt, as Arany of the oariy•set••
tiers did, Ire divided his time in work -
lig on. lnis•lantl and working at his trade
in' what was tllen•tb0• nctc101112 .Of what
is now .the town.- of . Gederich. At the•
ripe old -ego of 7:' years lie pa:'sed away,'
vespeeted by all who , had known hail
(hieing all alto tnttny-3;enrs h►: had lived
here,: The funeral was very.Jargely. a .t-
tended; showing that his -upright chat -
rioter was fully appreciated.
Mit. DLTLOR.—It is with' proforend
regret that we find it to be crus .dray
-to chronicle tli(i'death of_.Sr 'X:'.';; Detior,
which 00081(re1 on Saunclay worming
The• tleeeaisedger)Horn:air- had-lat+ea-t;a a:
for several nlontlis and badboon e great
sufl'ero ,.but he bore Ilia: aillietion.'with
great patience and .(Jlit'isti;in fortitude.
He eves. born in the county of Lennox,
t and c u n lY
1 r •tI 1 )G 'ti cl dl i t o
Tentnay.lp 1, f3 a
early part, of iris lifti he was engi3gerl in
milling, tiirnber:big and g('nc ral"'lnetcan-
Lilo business, In 1851 1i0 reuiovetl to
(xo(lerieli, and hutting been 1)rospelotls,
811x1 by his cstiivable personal qualities
having secured the respect of all his fel-
low townsmen, ho was elected to tho
`"luniorabla dioAitiOrOf-1llanyorthree•timee.
IIo also served for several years in the
County and Town colrrlclla„and.0n the
Board of High 'School Trustee.. He
was a descendant of the Pala.tinee, and
hieraandfather and father, rarther than.
take u) erten against the British forces
left the State of Vermont and came to
Canada, pn'oferring (110 hardships of a,
settlers life tot that time, than to be
disloyal to the Crown. From his youth
lie. WAS. connected with the Methodist'
ehroh, and Up tO t11e, last took a very
t warn interest in, its welfare; as 1><e
' had beenAn aotive worker in. all the
Movements in its prosperity far dilly
(ats.D1e, YLs residen
t1 Ge
'fell lit,, sectttrd the respa+ct of n4Y.t5o
citizen8, as teas' shovns• by the •large
number of 'lessons• who ate() t)e
funeral. . t A,,,
.• A
El .
t evv :IAi:iien amd ` h, er, € o1lartcl”
('.1'V 0a.1e,
INT W' 33race"4,
1CT>t>lcle.lr��loi l;Lil>t:; : i>< _ 3a,1bri; arra, Lisle
U• re. : d•.. 31CZlc`l �' clbi ZE'.
1iLT:;'.'.lil✓1NU THE LATEST 'T S
.0014 . S "
SIVC;$ AM) 0421001
They are selling out the balance of this season's. I L01VI':TtS :tea great deal less .titan post.;.
Those 813 148.138 ef'cheap plants.will do well to eall:arl(,sae their stook.
ITAVJ: ifix punotiASII) ONE 0I'',
Mits. Artie Soda . Water • Fomitainsa
They carr snppi} thole farming thein with their.en'alttrm, with all kin is of temperance 'drinks
•'l1Cy leave treatof throu,rlt.'ton4e ('(litho' enacteheve littr'(1 till Le ('rear( .parfOra, 11'18088.._-
tr � �
• • 8 8)11 (1a31 ba ae.:ornnl'sd.tteat. •
101•;: ("11,1:'' f Ii7:btt`lsll]'.0 rt) A.\Y PitIt7' Ula ' rtr., S'OWN'.
. F1 ta- @r At: 1 II S 11 ' e ASDL
. •
0 0
1*AG ''AGE 0 MILK. 11N1 C.IGARS'VX- 0L'CrS,Ct1i AND. Rl+"�TA1L. '! X � It
:t » tOVElt 0.X111 I1C;NDP.13D D;JFFEI1ENP. ST'YLT S, Glc' °z
r' . I15E5y W11IC.I Ci.1T"lY. Alt?, SI3LTLTNCI AT COST•, -alk •
ltenlenmllur that aanytning got froni their stole eat] be returned, ii not ria represented,
Gunton, ''tat+, .1878.
G1tASSTCI 8t Orbs NINf11iIAT1: ,.•