HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-07-04, Page 1r.• •-••0 • s, AND CENTRE 111TRQN„ CTNtRAL ADVERTISER. VOL. 13, NO. 20. TERMS -1.5O Eer Annul's, in advance. • °LINTON, ONTARIO, TFIUR,SDAy, JULY 4, 1878. dmormsorrassemern...m....... gew g1.01141#0ontutgt. --,•••••• „ ' - • Strayed, from the Village of B13 th, alma. the 1,40 of June, a span of aged. 131111'W1 MARE'S. Any' yeraini giving information reepecting their whereabouts, , be suitably rewarded. JAMES' 511ZIE1, Blyth, aulg 4. 1878. • • • 11" HOUSE TO LET. • , The sandbar offers to rent that House and (punter acre lot situate on the corner of Gibbinge and Ontario streets, nearly opposite the PubliC.Seliool. The honk, Is story and one•litilf , has nine rooms, cellar, soft and bard water, and general cOnveniences: Ithnt moderate. . JOHN GIBBINOS. Clinton, July 4, 187. EXQPORS, NO.TICE, All persons having claims against the Estate Of the late Alms, ELIZA ALICE SMART, of Clinton, are reimeat- ed to send in their accounts to the undereigeed Execu- tors; and all persons indebted to saldEstate, art:thereby notified to pay the amount of snehinelobtednose to, the Exeoutors. Applications for tho ptrelnise or leaeo of town lots and for pasturage. will also bo received by Ole Undersigned. HORATIO PULE, RICHARD RANSFORD; EXeculhist., Clinton, July 2u0, FAR,111 FOR SALE. IN GODE111..en TOWNSIIIP. The undersigned offers for sale the south part of Rd. NO, 12, Huron Road, Geiderich Tetruship consisting of 90 urea, more or less. About 80 notes cleared, 15 acres slashing, and balance tiMberbd land. On the promises is at frame barn 20 x 45, shed. 40 x 12, good young or. chard' and neve failing spring. Will be sold on reason• able terms. Apply personally or by letter tO ' • JAMES ENTIagNAP' ,• 26 , EoaEsvias P.O.. EXECUTORS' NOTICETQ CREDITORS1 . . The creditors- Of. JAMES. twill, :late 'of the of Clinton, in the,County of Huron, Gent/man; accented,' who died oh or about the 014Y -first day a May, A.D.,, 1878, are hereby notified to send by letter, postpaid, on or before the 'first day of, Senteinber, A.D.: 1878; to IfeLcotat bfoTaacwili, or to AftenTaALD .14aTlinten, both of Clinton afore:Said, Executors of thellist Will and testathent of tho sahl. late James Line„fixeir eltristiais names and 81.1rIlames, addresses awl descriptfons, the full particulars of their claims, statement of their no.' counts, and tho,nature of the tieenrities, (ft any,).hold by them; and that inneediately after tkesaid Ora dily day of Ootober next, the assets of tlie eetat e of the said late Seines Loys will be distributed. aroong Um parties entitled thereto, having 'regard only to the 'elating of which notice shall have been received ; and the Execu- ters will not be liable for the assets so Wen Hinted, or , any part thereof, to any person of • whOei claim untie° shall not have been received at the time of such' distil - billion. This notice it; giVen'in mirsinince of theStatute MALCOLM lileTACIOAItT, •ARCIIIIIALD MATHESON, l'Exceutors. Doted at Clinton, ,his 8rd day 01'JUly,..1,D,, 18/8.. BOOT AND 'SHOE, STORE: .• W. TAYL Would take this means of thatildng his customers for the liberal patronageextended him while in business here, and would also 'inform them, that, having ma- ' chased the promises •• Lately occupied by Mr, Geo, On the onosite side of Allferb Street,to his old stand, be halt opened eatt therein a largo turd varied stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, Which he °Were at reasonable rated: Ile feelnfreanroa.that, from ltis itiereeked In:ellitiese, he is in afietter rosition than eVer to meet the .wanta Of all his' custemers,• Especial attention pail to Custom Work it call respectjUlly TAYLOIL Clinton, Juno 27, 1818. aseateesseer, rou *IfE NiwEu J_PST RECEIVE.1:11, , . STORE li OUSE.. TO . LET OR SELL, HOTAMESVIL. LEIB , , . Situate on the corner of Islam one Atari' Etreets ; Clio. ' IS. 4%.0 11 E 1) : .0 i innia . - : - A sfiered cancer t• . : :will- he. given in the ' Bible . Christian ton, Enquire at tree. lea eellee.' . Ilt L• W.:4 N T E I) i ., 4.good general servant, Apply' to , • . ' 'MRS. 111011il‘n Clintonsune 27,1878:„ • • 1. MOWER, (3„,; REAPER 'FOR SALE, . . • — ', . • A accond.houdCombined Mower andlletiper, neallY now, for sale for half Its value, Apply to • , W. W. PARIIAN, Clinton, Juni 27; 1878. VALUABLE PROPERTY FOR SALA • IN; BitTCLFiELD', • For sole, that very'dostrablo ,pioporiy, sitnate in the 'Village of Brimfield, „consisting 015 frame house, and one•quartak aore of laud, well•ferfced and 'planted With fruit trees.. For further particulars apply to the pro- ,, the pi (maw, er to Bruccileld P.O. ,JAMES MILI,E1L. Brucotiela June 27,1878. VOTIO E OF DISSOLUTION. Notice le hereby given that thepartuership beietofcre bel men as, the eueorseatta, so cabinet Makers, 'Upholsterers. and general Undertalers, eV the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron. and Province of Ontario, was, on the Twonly-hrst day of June instant, dissolved by munual consent. All &lap owing to the said partnership are to be paid to either of •us, the un• dorsigned, at Clinton aforesaid, and all eleims against the said partnizehip arc to by presetteil to either of us, the undersigned, by whom the amnia will be settled. Dated at the said town of Clinton,' this 271h day of Jane, A.D., 1878,• ' . . Witness, I D. DZ.:MENZIES. GEO. A. WATSON. F. WHTTING. , rjraO'THE..LADIES, The Impraied Switch,vitlt Patetit Loop et* • Saratoga Festener. uld;gig'g2 le „rtotulol.:)0. .,!-;t.d2.7s Irotif b . • inoe, OUT Ham, made tp. CouLs, Detun, Swir- onns, Fnizns, PuYys, &O., Made on short notice, at 'raneonable rates. Orders..hrmail.promptly attelided to . • • i; IIELIdtifiE, 0 X 13arber, Shop; , • • Huron Street, next .door 1, commercial flael. Clinton‘.Tune 27, 1878. • , SPLENDID FARM FOR SALE.. Lot 25, concession 5, Ooderioh Township, consisting 01 80 acres, is offered for sale, 74 acres cleared, and fu exeollent Working older, it; seeded -down, with eloyer and timothyl remainder hardwOod bush. On the 111000 i0 a good young orchard, never -failing creek, now frame honse, uew frame barn 40100, w,th cellar': A goodplace for a bukineos stand on the corner.' On the oppoSite Cor.. tons are a Clore, post office, school house, spa .13146k.•• sorth shep. '6 miles from tho Own of Clinton, and 7 Irm the town ofderich., pertieulare on application ••:-Amret;"-'•4419t5Pill.Iill 'P. Goderich townehip,:dnne 5,1878: S 0 WORK. , The andersigned had entered into tht manufttotitro of all kinds of Rustic W ,rk.; such: as. . • Garden Chairs • Nunnner Housea, Fl� er•Staiiids, dze.0 ' nt everydescription; mtioles of this, class kept 'on hand, or made -to older on tho Shortest notiee, and at Moe reasonable rates-7-7Itrhatru1so-en-handovhi‘h soll elitni, o few gcqd Garts and Wanznnannows. • Drders solieited, Can and see lpecimona of work at fesidenee, Sit OA, n short distance from Fair's M,11 WALTER COOE;.... clinttin, lune 6, 1878. . T 1.444.1%( D•E R S. WANTED'. Ei eetipei. caf Water stiankfeIr.. Tbe File and Water Committee of the Town of Clin. ton will reeeive wane for the conStruct ion of a num - bar of Water Tanks. ' I' ems and spoeitiontions can be iean at the 'Clerk,'s of - Dee, on or alto the lst,attly., . . Teaders will he•received rp to Cho FiFTEENTH DAY Of JULY., 10180 and to be addressed to the olniirman of the Piro and. Water Committee, and. marked "Tender fur Water Tanks,' ••• : The cannot t I ee ao not bitoi theint'eivoo to accept the lowest or any tender, , It. S1OTT. • • Cheirman Tad and.Watir Corninittee. • Melon, :nee £7,1878. * TEZILLEB1 ansi ret rim cLormES R. M. RACEY ° —01P ER ore•-• AND n la AL Pvv.A. 3E0 OA. UN N March 28,1878 Se ' -- WOOLLEN MILLS If Yol have Wool you wish to have Made tip, Or 10 trade for WOOLLEN 000pSo • 0IV4118 a trial. 1Vo will not be otitdone oithrr of work *1 414110. You are invited tO call and no ourroachinery, the work we aro doing, and oltr, prioos for 187E4 ' Oarding, and all kinds of Gas - tom Work done -as' " 09.61M4 MADE TO ORDEIt, • An a large atoek kept op:latently on band to oaehtenfto for 'tool. eonnettion with the above Ivitm prepared to do Carding,..-8phating, llreattng$ Coloring, Pulltaw, .Dressiny, (te, bn the eltortost.uotire, it the ' Myth Woollen Tiodects, rtal eiodn, ineetfe, Blanket's, Yarns, &e., to exchange for irool. or cheap tor cool. noolOtobor , the Pato, tight otvoyito add MM. • A. 0-0.vANEGMOND. tolf.40iquie 27i. isle. duel), Holm sville, teXt, when a number of pieces. will be tendered by the ehiss, wire ere finishing their second qua' rter, tinder the leader- ship or Prof. Salter, Rev, Mr.Thomasi B. 0-ministee, and Rev, Mr; Philp, are expected to be present, and deliver short addresses, Admission 25 cents, chil- dren half•price. • . • " -•••,..1.11-•-•••••-••••• VA1tNA. TEAC114118' Issamen.-The regular bi-nfenthly mepting of the Varea Teach- ers' Institnte Wati held in, the school house at Varna, on Stittirday, June .29. Mr, Thos. Higgies. read . a paper on : Object teaching," and, ifinstrated the subject by a practical lesson on leathey. Mr. George '13iih.d took a Fifth 13ook lesson, in the diseession . Of which the teachers present joined, Mr. Samuel Ferrie's subject, " Grammar to begin: ners,"' was handled in an able manner and well areceivedby these preeent.--- The meeting then adjourned te • meet op the 14th of September next.. t: 6017.1lO1tIcti Bainoe.---:-Thenew bridge being built on the Maitland cdh., is rapidly ap- proaching completion,. When •finisbeth the course of the' road at tbis point will be slightly changed by taking a straight line insteadof going around the hill. , -0 • • ,r4MCATIONAL:.7,—The f0110WhIg is the result of the Stine eiamination held in 8, S. No, 10, Goderich township :- Fouytli cltis, th4iiks attainable; Sarah Aunty, 414; Georc;te BeaCorn, 406; Lizzie' Middletot h 313; -George. 'Ander- son, 280.: Third clasS, moire attainable, 31:5 -Esther Sheppard; ' 282 '; 'A nnie Rathwell; 267; Maud Middleton, 267; Elma lleGeee6er, 248; Annie Pratt, 202; Rachel A (4re en, 194, Second elass,: marks aattainable, 200-Loas Anderson, 162. John Rathwell, 144; Lizzie Ellett, 1391 Frederick. Thompsou; 139 ; Alice A. Hanly, 1373' Willimn Falcoritii,, 136; Bella ,po9per,3 34,; 'Myer(' Pratt, 11217LI4oMas. EIT6117 85. Senior fir•st, marks •Ott,tineble,,140 -Louisa Cpeper,'130; Diary Retledge, 110 ;* Robert McVety, 117:.; Albert Townsend, 117; a Wesley .Beiconv 114; Robert Olaf, Robert • Eaglesoe, 107; Ern m a-Midd letog-1:05T-9eCtrge Stanley,•96i Wesley Green, 87; William 'Leven, 60; Samuel Rathwell, 34, ' ProNte.-ATevy successful wile herd in S. S. No. 1; Stanley, On 'July 1st, in 'Mr. Alexander Lime' grove.: The children gathered fit the Wheel house, and headelliby Mr, reancis Mac- kenzie whir , the bagpipes, marched to, the grove. After dinner was served, 1 the children thee ebritesttsl, for prizes in various athletic games and sports, such as running, jumping, vaulting, skipping! th. A match at base ball WaS played between the pupils of S. S, No. 10 -And those of No., 1, resulting in a„.victory for the former by 10 runs. The rest'of the Company occupied themselves in - wing ing, and lunch good feeling and enjoys went prevailed throughout. COUX•en. Mioneuxh.-4.1ounciI nfet on' June, 29th, at Varna. Members itil present. • Minutee of Iiistnieding read and approved. Moved by Mr. McKin- ley, dec. by Mr. Castle, that Mr. Mein - tyro be paid the stun 0f-$21.28.for.girt- Moyeil by Mr.. Castle, • pee, by Mr., A ikenhetul, that the Reeve givo an order to A. 0 Simmons, for.$8 for printing up 4, ,June 7. -Carried. Moved by Me Aikenhead, sec. by Mr. Douglas, that the sum of $10 be grant- ed te Georgo MeNairn's sideroad.-Car, vied,' 'Moved by Mr. Castle, sec. by Aikenbead,: that the Reeve get ft deed executed in fever! of Iosepli Col, well; for that part of the -original road allowance, opposite tho band in the road on lot 19,13' R. N., between Varna ithd the rive'ree-Carriect. Moved by Mr. McKinley, sec. by Mr. Aikenliead, that the 811111 of $10 be granted, to be sped on tho road, under the inspection of John Matrsori.--Caried. ',Moved by Mr. Castle, see -by Mr. Aikenheed, that the following parties be put on tho as. sessment roll, in Addition to those put on bofore, vis John Morrison, Robert Foster, W. S. roster, John Laridere, jr, Wm. Payne, Joseph Erwin, and John Watson. -="-Carried. Moved . by Mr. Castle, see. by Mr. Doggies, that the sari of $10 be spent in grading the west part of Banneeman's 'side road. - Parried. Moved by Mr. Code, tee. by Mr. •Aikenhead, that, tho assessment roll of the township of Stanleyras now amended, be passed by this Connell.- Camed. Courted then adjourned to meet on the second Saturday in August; at 2 o'clock, p.tn, • ° .1 E., 11(411,11EM..(11 SOO4 ' Itoublialaers. . I • IN:INGHAM. Film -I -The ban and centents belong- ing to end adjoining the residence of -114V:1"firliarrit1i,ifirs-clegteoyed -brfir on Friday afternoon, It is supposed they were set cin fire by children, No insurance. . ' I.O.O.F.-At the regular nieeting- of Maitland Lodge No: 110, 1;0.0.R, the following officers were elected for the ensuing term :-N.G., JeS.-FergusOn ; V:. 0.„ C. N. Griffin ; R.S., Ht Millard ; Treas., A lex. 'Millar .;"13.S., Wm: Kline; S. G. Coxireprosentative to Grand Lodge at Toronto. o BLY1,111.. Dornsfo*.Day,-.-The crowd Who ga there'd here to witness and participate in the sports On Menday, was greatly in excess . of what had been anticipated, Everything .paseed off' well. • • Qoansurnix.--In oar issne of JOBS 20t4i, we copied an item statingthat, an attachment had , been taken out. against Mr. R. Phillips,' druggiet,and that be had failed.' 'The Blyth Review of last week announced that -the gt ateroopt was. incorred; Id justice thereforeto Mi PhiI1ip, "o take the 6rat • 0111191 oinity of derrectiug the saine. LOAT,DESDORO.. PASIO1I 4T41 —Eev Mi CaSwell, who enceeeds Mr: Davy on this ch•cult, pretteithszl hi:s first s , ermon. S1.miley even- ing l • Emararermext.-The entertainment given here. on Monhiy eVening,.by the good temidars, was pretty well'attended. The tenditionof the different parts of the prOieranund•refieeted great redit en those talina part therein. • ' • • . Joepb L3on, who -went to England :a. short: time .itair, ter' the geed of his lieelth,.returnecilrome lest- week, but •we are soary • to soy • his heath ie net .ImprOved anyoe. speftk4 well of c_lantda,and thinks the• grain crops • look bettte- here. then:in Eu0E:Md. • . . . . •• VAYITV • - A ectiviniv Monday lost white,. thelnile, heats, running race, were being rode ?rt. Exeter' IVIr, Richard O'Leary, the Valley andrider cq.1C1r. S. Gerigg's herse; 'Warrior, received sovere injuries, On coming down the home stretch, War- rior and Galt Reporter collided, causing the :fernier to fail on his knees, throwing ,Mr. O'Leary, who sustained very seri- ous injuries, his head being severely cut, and thaseThrlir-F-ribt-liroken... ".t..)n ye - gaining his feet the:horse ,daelreff,down. the track, riderless; and coming in cell - tact with a young lad, :who: was stand- ing directly in his waY, knocked him' down, breaking his Collar bone. Ail* accounts Mr. O'Leary was ptogressing favoratly: ' IIITLLETT. ' A etntioserv„---:Mr. John Hincliley, of the 7th eori, of Hulfett, informs us that apear tree new bearing fruit in his orchard, is again in blossom. Caer IT BE rouxn.HA. certain farmer • in this township has an interestingfe- mily comprised of nine boys and no gale.' ,Nowlie wants to find a fareily equally as .hirge; comprised entirely' of the oppo, site sex. • ' Ass,iyrir Case. -On Stitueday last Messrs. ,T. Reeds; John Watt, and Jas. Flynn, were charged before -Messrit. Wilson, Drummond and Clegg, 01. of Myth, with assaulting Mr J. Mills, a farmer residing oir thti.14tircon., bf Hallett. The affair repot -lett to us is ' thaCoit Friday Mr. Mills was proeeerling homeward when Reed stopped him and assisted' by the others would nob allow him te proceed, and it 'was not until Mills' hired wont tO•his assistance, that they 'fleslited. Tlie magistrates fined Reed $5 and costs--in'all $13. SEAROILTIL THE FIRST. ---1)0111i11/011 Day iniSSed off very quietly in this towo. There being no amus'ement of any kind hero, otfr eitieens wont abroad for it. Meters, 1). INIeNaught and Geo. Casi- no; of this town, and Wm.,Scott McLeod, of MaItillop, returned last' Thursday feint Manitoba. They speak. hs high terms of the. proyinee, but will not settle there in the meantime. , COxonar.-Tlie band held tt prom. ertade cencert in. the skating ritik last Friday evening, There was a very small aiteridance. The band played several excellent ,selections; Mosso, Forbes, Douglass and Grant sang some songs, which Were well received by the audience. . Mr. M. P. Royce delivered O short address, eulogizing the memberfs of the band foe thole efforts in helping that inetitution Ay, and hoping that they would be appreciated by the towns - War. PIATXXEIT, Clerk, people. o GREY VATAT, .ACCIDENT,—A. promising son of Mr. John Harris, lfith con., Grey, .met his death on -the 29th,-,-- -He went out shooting, and it is suppoaed he was pulling the gun through the fence when it went off, the char,ge eniering his,body. He only lived five hours after. a . STE1'TI.E15... DROWNED,—,A sad drowning implant occurred at Grand Bemk, Lake Huron, on Monday, by Whieli a young- amen named CasSels, of Stephen, about .21 years Of age, lost his. life. It appears that he; along with others, were in bath- ing, and being unable, to swint got be- yond his depth *Mai:sank; 1 -Xis body was recovered about an leant and.a haff afterwards -too late t� save his life, 4 T4IMONITEMS! One case of typhoid fever in Seitferth. Mr. A. Ingram, IVIorrii,. has orchaed grass measuring wc fed. • • .. Mr..J:,Salter,Weavanosh, hos 'a 'field of barley nearly. 5 feet- high. • Eitcbing, f Exeter is off on it , trip to the Paris Exhihition. The wife. of .Mr. Wm. Mori.ison, of McKillop, died very suddenly' on the 25th of Tune. • , * ;Dr. 'McLellan, of Trenton*, who at One time taught school in BrUssele; is visit - log ohil friends•thre- • a • Mrs. Luker, of Exeter north while at •work in her garden, fehl against' a, large bax, breakiog one of het ribs. . Mr. D. -McKinnon, of Teckersinith, few"flaye ego sold to hrelers. 'ten :& :Sharp it. for years' el& colt .for $180. • . •• • • ' tst Monday, a son of Mr. J. Latti-: iner of Seaforth, broke his leg The .child at the time was playing among some lumber. • . • 'I:Ire Seafoi th Oouncil resolVed to snb- . mit a by-law to the ratepayers, for purphse of raising $6,000 to erect' a.neW Oti TIMAday Ile. J. 13ennett1',:ef the Brussels planing mill "bilt three fingers onhis right ..liand badly by corning in eantect with. a buze, sew. , Mr. •0. Fitz, savtiye,r. iii"Mr. J. Thethr. •son'S 'Sit, mill, near' Kinburn,..sawed, on June 2fith., 4,500.feet of pine him - bet in an Lour and fifteen minutes.: .„ Ort Monday last Mr. L, Hardy, Reeve. -of",Exe'rer,, purchased a wagon from a , litwyer for onedollar and fiftycents, and presented ;the vehicle tfl kho oorporation. • The.Stratferd .Editors•are.,at it now. Tlic.y ere 'actrially accusing one another of being,poor. Truthful scribes ! Don't accuse xis. We eve quite willing to own gr. -Brussels 1.'o8t. • Artl of Morris; wag presented, afew days since %by. his sisteren-in Mrs, I. Parker,.'Of Brussels, with a loge cabhi,quilt of herown make, Which can. tains b,440' pieceS. . •• On 'Thursday morning the ashery and large barn adjoining,' fit' GOderieb, a, the property of Mr. Hazelton, of Beitutford, was consumed by fire, The fire is sup- posed to be theavork of an iricendiary. . • Mr, Robert Beattie, of • McKilltip, lostn fine horse on t1ie,26th,.. ult. Dar- ing the niglirit ran ageinst a plough, the handle. tif which penetrated the chest, killing the 'arrived almosbinstantly, •tOnis da3tlest week, ai Mr, 0,4".1.v res. ter, Stephan, was logeg_in the bush, one of his horses.siepped on it stick, and the end fleW up, penetrating the animal's bewele about eighteen inces.: The horse had to' be shot. , Mr. W. 0, Surith, track insPedor,' Brussels, lid •been made the recipient of it handsome silver tea and coffee sot • and a:beautiful French clock" under a &as shitde;. The presetit NSIJI from the M'en.under hie employ. ' • Mr.a.5. McMahon, of the lard Con, Hay; planted a patch of core about a month ago, find imagine -his censterha. tion ort ,going one day last week, to site it, to And only ono solititry blade; the crows having taken hp all the rest of, the eeed. M•1•0•11•11110111,11•1012111, ettriadian News .ittems'... • There were 20 •deuthe frOni ienallrot ' in Montreal leet .week. . ' , , ' • --ClOtiii1teyfeiventklellai,.... billeeT•nratle'llf- . thick, grei ', paier„ ore .' in ctrcelittion -e eantraitted for. trial at .thir Court of • ; in Quebca.' ' , Ont • • Ten of re :Quebec rioters have been . Queen's Bench.' ' . . It .ti generally' understood 'Oita -.the ' • general elections will tik ke•place in Sept, or.: early in Oetober. - ' • ' . • • . . The temperance people' of Carleton -and . Russel, propose "snbeatting the Teniper, ' ance Act in thee° counties:: Petitions coataining 3,000 signatures, . Arneetz,,,iiniagv,6fo.tre.otilltel.),treesp:notl(tfalttltriew Dplue.iislorlilt meeting of You Caonnty Council. . 'A.. antilf :married •,- man eloped lest : ThuredaY night:With 0. 111./liii-PG1 "*Fonicit from Rochestereille. • It is supposed • they have:gOne to :Ogdensburg, ' • Diptherifi•Juis, been very -fatal at . • Welsfercl, 137B., in the last three weelt-. il, McDonald lost two sans and it daugh- ter, and Wm.. MCBeth. four sone.. , The Colinty 'Orange Lodge a TerontO a haVaSs• rescinded :their former resolution ' deterrnieing ato go to 1VIontreal du the 12th prox., 'and have ' decided t� , hold the nsual celebration.in Toronto instead. , Farmers hist•week commenced cutting.... a thaie °foyer in serne, parts of Efisex. a The fall a wheat la beginning' to tern of a .. •yellOwialt hue, itin.i, it is. expected. that the •crop Will :he'fin exceptionally hea'v'y 'List' Thal•sdaY',:iii,glit :a : nutaber. of periipirlets,vicilentiv attabkinir 0 riingeiSin, and-Prdtestantienn were found to. have': been plaped itithe'arateury .oftlre 66th • Battelion et Montieal. - : . • ', . -The Coroner a' jury, in 'trio Hagetsville tragedy ' hove.. branght .ifi 'a t1eircliet..to... the effeet ...that 60yert • came to his ' death froni,:a- Wo•attl. infliated .by Alfred '1 'Herod Withiuterit to ,•do 'grievous bodily. ..;,..... inj tity-. '• ' '' ' .• ,,A .Wife appeared et a, Leetion7-Police...: clour.p.,ou_Wpdlios.dey, ttleasettiga lee_Alter,:„.„ , Arat time under .the;riew-• Ad to- testify • :.,• •,'' ' eh...behalf: of her husband. • 'The 'case . . wits one•of coinideri •esSault, • • . ' '::' .11 • . Father'Chiniquy Itas rec,elead.an Oiler a from the"..0eangeinen of Auatralier to de- • , liver tl. course' of tiOttires Xliere:' in :their ihterests, Which he litts*,accepteil, and, leaves.. fou tiais.destiiiaation . on Alontlay . next. ' . • ' • :Front tho number of.responsee recetv- • ed ' by 'the local a secretary, . Bre,- It' ' 'Wright,.Who is itteaneing for. the.. cele ' briation of the 12th fitly, it is thought • there will benefit:1y 20,000 Orivivtinen, inaLondon on that day, •-: • • ' "The Wineipeg a .City•••Council held a . . special' secret Meeting after ;.the .arrival. of the. circus now playing there and pas- sed a by-law taxing. it twenty-five dol- lars per day, .. This -sharp, practice is., itniversally cOndeaned." • ; . a . . • 'Dining , 'Wednesday and Thursdity,.. last, there Were shipped to.. Montreel by the Canadian px.press ON, fr•orn • the: West alone, 1,033 crates of strawkerytes, eoritaining 57,7"8.2quarti. These were disposed of et• from .6o .to 9.0 per quart " ---.-.- wholeeele, . ..i.a.„ . . . At an adjeurntid• , mectiag of the Onirreemen of Alontreal, .bc:14 • hiSt±_:.. Thursday, it was finally deeidetl to cele.. br,ItO the corn Ong Twel ftif 'er'Sfily :by • • 'walking to churchia a•body on that 'and -to extend at invitation. to Preteet,........ :ants and Orangemen ' throughout, the 13 -Minion 'to fie present. • „ On Saturday last Mr. Francis Oliver brought us (says the Brussels ro,st) in a sa!reple of wheat svhich had been caught by the frost and blighted. The stalk is rendered completely worthless tho headnob not niattning teeny extent, 111fr. Oliver says there is considerable tit this spedes of blight in his neighborhood. •. On the evening of the 24th trit,, rt daughter of Mr. Angus Kennedy of the Oth con, „of Tnekeisnsith, met with 'a very severe accident_ by falling on the sharp edge of a seythe, which cut her leg beneath the knee into the bone, making a frightful -wound, *MA bled .proftifiely, A young man nailed Sage, aged 18 yowl, of Vilestown, was looking at ' revolver, when it young lady present asked to site it. Getting. possession of it, she playftilly.pointed it at his breast, •• • telling.hint to look 'out, ait she wonld shoot him,. Alinest at the same Mb- ment thopistol was discharged, the Intl - let erttering the left iting Sage is still alive. ,- , Laborers on the Water Works treeches on 001herne street. London, laiddown their implements and went on strike. beeitt1S0 a'cidorecl 'man named„_, Lewis had been set to work with the , 0 0 eane.. They Were remonStratect with to no purpose. They !said they would work with no"nigger" and drink out of the same pail. The 'upshot was the poor fellow had to quit), at least for the time being. . , Apprehensions' are entertained. of a, disturbance in Montreal on the occasion of the Irish Catholic picnic on the llth prox‘:, to- which 18;000 Irish CatholieS front the ,tstios aro said to have been invited. At present there appears to be no tangible ground for the fears ex- preSseci, as itis denied' that any gulf invitations has% been iSsued, and no Publie announcement of the Wide has yet lieetvan(tde.