The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-27, Page 3JI.J. `L , 1S7S,
HUi QRO17'S,
A hawl'iocal—r "tin nursery, •
The waren season'—Feltner.
°(lora' 4xphnngtt'--matting it into
whisky.. e- •
Bringing a matter to: light'• --
Throwing, it into the stove.
A young lady rebukingly'asks us
Which ie worsts, to lave tight or to get.
tight 4' We give it' up'--- we never
The man who said first that there was
1 fled to
such Word as fa l never t.
n06nc1 {_r ,Tie
put ;t number six boot en a number
nine •foot,. • .
Poor fellow ! ire died in poverty,' said
ra matt ofaa person lately deceesecl�.. ''That
isn't anything!' .exclaimed Ll ,seedy bye'
stander. ' Dying in poverty is notb
ing: it's living in poverty that pats. the
thumbscrews on a fellow.' •
As a young lady, who was l.00kingtin
her mirror, co/ntemplided'the reflection
of a mole on her cheek, she said '; ''Per-
haps a bird in the hand is worth two in
the bush, but a mole on the face is not
worth two in the ground.' •
One of Boston's most popular -preach-.'.
ers has led.:the.b'oys in a fire,•a'
Ex., .Thip is a new departure, in the
ministry. Heretofore the- preacher's
task has been to lead. the boys in a r. ace
from fire,
An.old Aberdeen' lairds' wife,
-when her sister, lairdesses Were enrich-.
ing the teatatile'conversation with broad;
descriptions of t[io many vices •of their•
severl spouses, said of her own, that he
'was jest a guid, weertempered, couthy,
(neat, innocent, deedlin, drucken• body
—wi' nay ill practices about him ava t'
A person in masouline habiliments,-
suspected of belonging to the other sex,
was discovered .recently 'in.. a very ingen=
ious and Solomouic way. While others
engaged the person in conversation, .a
gentleman, in holding a child, pretended
to let it fall, when a scream, -instead af'
an oath, told the story.
• ' The Dean of •Chichester was 'select:
preacher at Osfurd. the other day:; and
after the usual brilliant fashion. derlol-
fished the Darwinian. •theory • witb__an
apostrophe. ' Ye men of science,' said
Dr. Burgon, 'ye teen• of science,•' leave
me my ancestors in Paradise, and I do
not grudge you yours in the Zoological
Gardens.' . • • •
A. married man was recently. -urged
by an insurance agent to take otit : a
policy for the benefit of his' wife to the
amount of twelve or fifteen : thousand
dollars, and a long 'discu'asion ensiled,
wbich.waa ended by the btlalfand, Who•
.ck rI'E'!i d-f�'tM q
"�':iDlid:.roN`d d'tJiV"'WTt13"'ifiiEll'Ei"t11En fah
thousand dollars would be -a dangerous"
legacy to leave to, posterity.' : '
Well, Job:n,' said it minister to -one
of his hearers, •' 1 hope'you hold family
worship regularly.' 'Aye,• sir,' answer-'
ed John, 'in the time .0'•, year o't''!
In the time o'.year o't 7. What do you
mean ?' . ' Ye ken, sir, we -canna see in.
•-winter.'. But, John, you :should buy.
candles.' Aye, sir, -replied 'John,.
'' but, in that case, I'u, afraid the -east
'•might ofergang the profit,'
Two ladies,both of them a little dull
in the hearing, were in church•one day,.
when. the' minister had his text, :' Except
ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish;'
They listened patiently enough, but
when they got out the one. said to the
other, ' Keep me, Janet ! . castle yon
an awfu' text the minister .had the -day
Excep' we pay our rent, We're a' to
be puttin' out o' the parish !'
A lover who -.had ',gone West' •to
make a home' for his ' Birdie;' wrote
to her : ' I've, got' the -finest quarter sec
tion of land (160 mires) 'I ever put my
foot down on." Birdie wrote back :
Suppose you buy another quarter sec-
tion, John, so we can have iT lawn
around your. foot !' John ' made• a
homey' but'Iiirdie never - ate -the nl;is
tress of it.
You see, Judge,' said i 'vegith d
who was arraigned tug itvagrant, ' .i'Ln a
victim of misfortnnc;t beyond my con-
trol. First my parents diad, leaving
me ail- oephalr int t1Ir tender-age`uf-
twenty-nine years, and then my wife ite-
parted from this vale. of sorrow, and t
'was left at;solutely without any .means
of support.' '.Very well,' said tbe,judge
the county will support yep .•-it'; jail
---fo{• thirty days.' •
Gtreiit Bookkeeper.
WeBlot' Old Mose" yesterday, ;and
noticed that there was a datk cloud
hovering over his despondent brow.
' What's tho matter, 'Uncle?' we ask-
He shook his head as if he had nods
ing left to live for, and said
I'se in a peck of trouble. De Lord
knows where dis •ileur is gwiue to end.
I'se' done gib it rip.'
What is the trouble atlotrt'?'
After several sights that seemed to
come up from the bottom of his boots,
,� ,
he explained that he was the (.crt,tary
of the local colored lodge of Free Ma-
sons ; that he writs the of the
!racks ; that lot keeping' the books he.
was pail by the lo:lge $10 a month;
that every htaturday nighty lifter the
lodge was over, 'he carried' the books
house and turned thorn overt the 'ole
'oeman, Aunt Dinah,', for safe•keepibg,
and she.stowed them fray in bet trunk,
along wid her'fishal flowers and fed,
tiers, and finely and . ich.' Fie also
atated• that he • 111141 torgotteu to 'Inep-
tiau to Aunt Dine!) that he was 1'eceiv
in; $10 a month for keeping the books,
and he had uniformly forgotten to turn
over to her tine aforesaid $10, but had
squandered the same for his, own per-
sonal expenses;; that some ultknown
demon had informed Dinah that Old
Mose was getting $10 for the keeping
the books; and consequently, ,when he
remarked the otter •evening that it was
time for hint to go to the lodge, and re-
quested. her to hand him out the books,
instead' of doing so she sat down on the
trunk and positively
, L n reflns(•d to turn
over the docuruents until, he paid over
the $10.' When be told, her the $10
were his'n for keeping the books, she
eplied ; ,
Who's been keepin' dam der books Z:
Hasn't I ben • keeping' ale books in the
trunk all de time ? Hell' ont dem
funds..what's centro' to me for keepin .de:
Hooks,'• '.
Whi t: did' you tell tier, '1iose 4'
•"1 : told her I wanted dem books to
icier) de minits in, gat eller didn't know
how to.keep de books, but she 'lowed:
sherwas gwine to show me site. koowed.
how tq: keep de hooks,: and, forth Cxod,
she is. lieepin' 'em. De lodge has 'pint -
ed at committee to inveatigate.;my:ae-
counts,••and dile she i:3 squatia''. on de'
trunk holdin''out her hate' for d010
I'se done t• pent. ' • Dosen't 'yer know
somebody who.wents $10'wuffof white-.
'washin done in advance.'
Tbe•best part of the foregoing is, .that.
it is based on• actualfact.
erbittlye Y'g eOtftt .
The name. of Jih,' the •heroine of the
nursery ballad, is a ;corruption'of Julia.:
c ' Little boy fit the opening of a propos
ed..spelling' match, : '' Let's start fair;.
grandmother., X'oai take Nebuchadnez-
zar .and'I'il take cat,'
' r `don't know as .1. can tell exactly
what Noah's folks lived on,' said a;: -.boy
to his teacher,' but..I guess they had
Ham. iu the ark every day' '
A, little boy_bein,; 'asked if be lied
reached- the bead of his clans, :said ' I'm.
wbere'the bead of the class used' to be,
but the teaseher bas turned the: cl{ass-
round:''. • ,
About the tithe a boy begins to think
his mother •doesn't know . enough :t0.
select his clothing for him is a danger-
ous period in his,hstor4 If .she tins.
NQtl p. .Rcu*ovalf
• Jr ] DD fEGOMBE,
Witch. and - Clock Maker,
aatW 141.41:i;„ 4c., ' ", •
wstaaraspcetfauy uunounce 10 hie ousto mere and the
publto Wnerally, thaht singeasseont'
thed Le lha vo disastrous Aro, he
Store lately 000upied by Messrs 8, Pallliser.&Oo„'
Whore he will keep ou hand a soled assortment Of
Clocks, Watohes, JawelrY. and Silverware of an kinds,,'
Which' he wi11 sett al reasonable rates, Repairing of
Crory description promptlyettended to,
• J. BIODI+EooiurL, ALSCAT , slnmtrT,
Olintnn, Jan, 2I',• 1878,
Patented liy P3111111 OItAN'X',. of Olinten;.'Out., for
the lromioioh of Canada, and has been gradually grow-
ing in favor, antit it has now been pronounced by• all
candidlu(1gts superior to anything of the kind ever in-
vontoti. •11 hurl takoiVsir. Ilea Provincial prizes in Cate.,
da, previous to Its Introduction into the Milted States,
and at the Centennial ENpnsition, held et Philedoiphia,
1870, it received the only t edal and commendatory fib.
port of the judges, over titldtty,sovou competitors,.' It le
now iutroduoad to tho agri ttlturi$tof the United States'
and Donde Ion of Canada, with the confident belief that.
it,ruust supersedeall other appliances of the kind. the
patentee has' tostirnonialy from hundreds of prominent
agriculturists in the province. It only requires to be
seen to be fully nppreoiated,.. The advantages claimed
for it aro, that it does its work quicker, bettor, and with
less attendant labor than any other fork. A. boy 12
years of age can handle it with the greatest ease. They
ainreSostensivecorPrtoer ly malpan. ufactured by Godorieh M4nufaotur-
1'or prises; and full particulars, ani.' apPpiicatiOns for
agendas, townehip:'ana countryriglrts, address t'
Or„Cencoltnvr3•ns, Dalt 00:, Pa., for United States.
• Clintou,''Aptik 25, 187S. • .
Z):s: Wrn.. Gx'aty'sr'i4pecific D'Ier kine
English 'Iteined.y
is especially re•
commended as an
nufalling cure for
Seminal Weak -
gess, epermatorr-
hea, Impotency,
and all diseases
Before. Taking : that follow as a
sosl- frakur
Abuso,ata Loea of DIetnquenoory, Unoftvorasailnsfasoitudeter,Pningin,
the Beak, Dimnoesof Vision, Premature Old Age,' and
many otherdisoaeoe that lead to Insanity or Consump-
tion, and a Premature Grave, all of which as a ruiners
firstcaused by deviating from: the path of nature and
overindulgence, The Spooif.o medicine is the result of
a lite study and many years of experience in treating
these special diseases. Pamphlet fret by mail.. The
' Specific Medicine is Bold by a11;.Druggists at $1 per pack+
age, or six packages for SO, :or.will be sent by mail on
•receiptol the idonay, by addressing WI& GRAS :k 00.,
Windsor, Ont. Sold In Clinton by Y. E.Oombo,andall
all druggist severy 'wnere,. •
1.L sincere thanks for the IiberaI'shnro of patronage
afforded him, and would' also intimate that he has, der -
trig the past winter,.laid in •e large 'stock of first-61ass
energy and muscle he can yet be saved, material, and is now proparodto makeand pat in, 'the
,Stranger' (at • a ,country depot)MOST. SUPERIORPUMPS,'
. What •o clock is it; boy 1 Boy- About•
twelve, sir.' Stranger --s Why, •�„ Of evory'desariptlon, on.the S1ronTEOT• l offals, and:
thou lit it WaS'Inofe Yld0y It4.e
never.; - on'":Sf,ost ransenn.tle to}fns
gets any morehere„ sir. 11 •always. rozniernlierplace'-nxt door
begins•. at one : aghin, and goes '• right Mathesou's' Blaeksmeith-'Shop,
round.', d•is'Irs vulaau,40N.
A. little urchin only 'theee years old,
while playing at some distance from the
lionise, was startled by a heavy clap. of
thunder, and ran as if for life till he
came to'tshed under which he quickly
dodged, find then, looking up defiantly,
.said: 'Thunder away now.= -Pm under
• shed 1' ”
` The other day, a teacher at a lady's
school, while putting a company of juv-
eniles' of the gentler sex• 'through •tlte
spelling, came to the word .' lad,'' of
which; .in. accordance with the modern
method, she asked the tligni6cation, � Caskets, ,bilins; Collie
Ql�ll� I lCl
.One'little puss, on the questionbeing,
put, 'with a•sidelong look, unblushingly
answered,'tor courtiu' wi','
Clinton, April 10, 187t.
A.LAnos STOCK, Or^"•
Hew did you come .to 'know her ?`
asked a mother, of leer little gitil,•• as. she
saw her bidding good-bye to a poorly-'
dressed child at the ahurcb. door. 'Why,
you see, titarnnla, she came into .our
Sunday school all •alone, land 111 Made a
place for her on my seat 1 and smiled)”
and she smiled, and .then we *me ac-
quainted,'was the pleasant answer.
AK bright little fellow of four year;,
whose correetnegs the f"atherqurstinnet1,.
asking; 'If Mary sliouid ti:i! ,you any.
thing that cps not exactly' sso, *Ant
would you. say 1' answered, 'I'd say site
P:'C4'., ETC.
Parties supplied with the above at shorteet•notice, and
AIsL, a goo&' HEARSE sullen,
Remerkit{er the Pl:ace-VIcITOaIA street
tU ORC:1: D.iEITr,,
thintet, Sept 0 1877
Scottish Commercial Tiro -Insurance Co.,,
o1.' (ll..i`S(.4OW. , '
Capital, rti•c.!,It11iioneiStirling.
g brotherldtk iI` . cdauU
thing thIt vas not so, oth rietu,',,,• 'w.. '1,o,
r •eitrrif ez at. tas:r'tRTO 1111A:�Orr
iiT. a-tl,�it l'......,--' 14fi,1='+•� t}Litil�,--litl�tFzl,� a•-1!t�y-
6 Well, sthplfotillg you sber111 sty some- Tread. Oleo ---7 :Toronto Strmot, .TORONTO
tbt.rg that was not exactly so ; "what AOSIl1i 0%''jlI111t ,toga,
them V ' I'd i1+iy I's mistaken.' . sone L.'Drtiitrc,req., ctratrmen, t'reett.•t. ,,Cntlatia
.Aftt'r the circus parade tITO small 1:1en,aC itac,Vim,.ny: ..
1 rotlr- S. PLAurrtz, of nryosr D[ctifOrrl ars Co..
itoys ,tyet on the street, et, One of them, witraAsi Ar, r uses n,mai., vies.vaesldaut lacuna
ins -face„ glowing' wltetritemcnt Said Bank of canals.
a h f r 14411,(,1(rl RUPI:1.1 tT.r,l:Y*i,
T31i, Johnny !did. yen see that fellow ; Itr,sIDINi hi,( RLi tI.'1 -, r,.lyvnk:Ncl: Rrx'IIAN:,
With MO snakes :mound Iris neck'? IN o Lepnsited vitt, Ibe (i rvernrrvntat'0ttt•va, for seen-
Ovoid frou jail fly, ..' ) el ween the r'ityo1 Cnuadirnl•rirt.,'T ail:r, •t°1,6'i".
T fs (',r,,iDnt.y it>uew Policies of Inettanct, tgainsf
man in the llotr t•1'' csee, u course `1 Igo ial: is,rmn;se 1, lire or lPolicie , on rotnn ce t mea•
1+1O EY TO LOAN...en Approved. 1'Ates,
ALSO, oN tueariGM E SZOlifal1Y:
A number of good FARMS FOR, SALE
ALSO, 'hQM E ,rourr4 pas,
4rpb to 0, A. II.1,it'1`r, Attorney, &c,
plhrtou, ,fuze 20, .1137it.
MILLINERY Establishment
A largo a+sortmeut' of Tio,ruk I;S, irrLOWERS,
S'ILES'and RIBBONS, in the newest shades,
. Also,, a large stock of 1' ELT and STRAW FIATS, of
the latest styles. CouSETs, etc.
Agent for Burxliicr:s P.veyatcNs of karmonts of all
deserlptiontl'; a largo stock kept 421 Land, '
Veit and Straw Hats cleaned. and altered
Oliaton,pet. 18, 1d77
meow* rez:owtr.!
.Good Securities. l*urehased,
•"' w W, it EUAN,
Miniton, Nov. 9, 1874, 47
.- �m -
Passenger Trains. will leave Clinton station ae.foilows
Gower Eait1—Erprese; 12 G0: p. m.. •Mised.•--7 se a.
moon m.;4.2u1'm...
CtSlatl�4'ESM Express, 2.4G p, u, Mined, 10 a.m.,
9.20 p. ni
'SeAurda EXCURSION tickets
To London, Goderieh and Stratford, good. to
• `return on Monday,, at reduced rates.
J. mcxsON, aenoral Mgna'ger:
A. STRAMON, Agent at Minton.
Olinton, may 28,,1878. •
G00D .TEA, for S0, 40, s0,:00, and -75 emits por'ii.;
( O0D SUGA11;11 ppounds•for one dollgr.•
GOOD,FtrWAYks, 1@ potizda for one Collar'.'
A line & itottmont'01
China, Mass and Crockery, very cheap
Can and see stock before ptiroliaeing elsewhere. All
kinds of Prodnao taken d ezcltange for goods: .
FItJF!11i OYSTES +eogs>Lxntly on l.nnd.
pure,,.. .. ._ .. ,.
onantIttiitaiL"'.vc�astraxnxit "
Clinton -Nor 8 1877.: %=
" Man • i e the •opinions afioitt as to the cause
of the depression in trade and 'commerce, which
has, visited most every commercial country on
the faceml, the globe during the past four or.
five years, aril which seems to sti11•ezist la this.
])omni on of ours -a country notable among the.
nations 'for her gffint(1 ' ,
milling resources, her educational appliances,
her very extensivcyvaluable, and coveted fishy
eries, and her No. 1• Coal 011, it HAR•LANI)
J3ROS.' at 20 cents per gallon' ' • . • .
Some claini that' extravagance is the cause of
the evil ; others, over -production and too Urge
importations, while others lay the, whole blame
on the•pred'ent government --hut we -are of the
opinion that the long credit system is one cause
of the present trouble in this Canada of ours,
btany are the schemes suggested for the remov-
al of the so•called hard times; some advocate
free' .trade, others .sad' increase the tariff, and
others things too .numerous to.mention, while
we' are of the opinion that. to buy and sell for
cash will be the most sure and successful means
of stami,ing out this monster crisis. This being
• our conviction, we have decided to'•
9' Lr.O'UR GOODS iCASff,-atprices
that wilt astonish .all, aas. v ham, marked
thrift doer, cc' a 1t7'k SIIfA.T.L AD i'A11r'OE'
• • .1),y 00S r' FOR (WSW,
We keep constantly mi hand a 130140 as'it irtment
of .
of'tlte.t,atest I'attel•n,:, which s e are stellula for
cash at prices that defy enmpetitinn, 1Ve
word or sign frorn JOhnil't•, save and ex- 'ufaettrrtnrs, iar,rinttrilton:chnld ial:w,at.e+urelitiratoo,'.
etltt 11 OIOUd upail his brown ' �VPII Potrohriarebssurd trot", gad lassos Pottle,. dir(ctly by
tLo Poronto oCict. wi. b sat dtlay.
yet. FSet'.i. D with F' 1-
1 the.,ales i h the
lrlai ,r
jl t A111 rentivats taken hr fl:is entuthy ate 3 1 anted 1n
r t'ourrtiiar, rce rtlh,a
kots on,- didn't er "r New, and I •
flidrl'r,' said Jo tiny .tt Isis[, bursting J0.74:,;77 ,maDo r??r'
into •tears, '.9C had to stay "at home and 7
tent! our baby, but I kin lick the stunt' , C�l+.N'I' I ()l:. tfi INTOV" -t:aa, 'V`IC'•INIr1'Y'
r t iinteh„ruly 12, 1877.
out bf you !
Lost ROVe,i rounds. in..'r.11rea.Weeke n 13y reading and prnrtictng
,,,-•' . 'tial eadiirirnblts'truthe con-
on -..
AI!Mei Anti -Pat is tc genuine Ineilicitio. leak et r boot entitled
and will reduce Cot' tut fro • from two to Sit,'L`-1'Il'i✓issued,
C 1
1 )
ntb art
1?rtes o
n1 1, Sc m
Purely y
3 y
ter t r I t
week, 1. n e vegetable iib e r I
(' 1 t of ri .c. t
��� n t stn,
1 -, g�18 c cc
y 1<f8 r
and perfectly harmless, acting entirely on
treattofy K1ra otodVitality I'r mature Det:Tine,
the food inn the•stow eh, preventing the 1 CO,Otte and Physical Debility, and the eathoot'
fclrmation of fat. It 'e ttls3O a oslt!ve concomitant Lila and enfold miseriesthntrisuit
lhore3 em, affil contains mora that 50 n1giadlpro-
remedy for dyspepsia:mid r11e..Ianthsnhw: scrlpttom, sad
Csmeret tvortlrtitepricc af'
tbebook.. Thisnookwnit hittenbythonto'ates.
"loofa?, Blass., Fob. 11t1, T it,I, totsivearidproltablytheMotSkilfulpractitinner
Botanic ;titedieineCo.,Buffalo, Iv,"Y :.]rt.tmerio:tfoCvhdm"rnsnwtit,ledattnhlanQje}v.
Gentlemen , •The lady. alluded to .fist fit ,,i,1 ?u,only,NatlnnnlMedln; AAssoci:uion.
+, • 1 w'ttK. the. ve IInest
'• ' OUrP truly,sent rant aro all And
. Ler it at owe. a. Atl,Tr, ry
Smith, Loclittle sit Snlith,
Wholesale Druggists.
Why it has become ther•h,ub of interest' so rapidly is :accounted for from the,,
fact that Custoijieis are realizing. the advantages` of making -.their purohaseri
where they can get' the benefit of close, bargains, in •
S., G.A,� , • I� �...� LiL S,
• Axid•everyth,ing• usually kept in. a; first-class. Grocery ,Store,. AT 'A 'SMALL
A.DVANUE' ON COST. The • sante advantage is, offered in - '
s,•'8 o tme l at ai' Cracked Wheat,
etc.,•ke .,t- •
Nam, ac n, Oa a , Corn, e , Crac � Wh .a ,on. hand: •
FARM .PRODUCE.'te1' n, eiii,c1nje for ' coils tine. •sapte a,s .cash,.,•,
A:11 are invited ' to call and• ins )ect"stook and prices, and +"ud e for-'
u I orswortIy Bulz��g; llogt dO! .to ..MCS&'I Tl1Ompson & S ItZOFs .
CLINTON, Way •0;.-18118;:.
Tif�WAR of EVERY GESGliurilO�l;
;Mull are t,reparetl to sell for cash at I,ric•es.Lstver•
than tl,e lowest.
11 Gilt ; y� pride foe 1 ak Valid, r,ai"c Vic,1.
r 'r t r
Jew:: tlii,tr:I,rrt.
,ti�inrl,•.., ;iliorw-7•t', 1''or/-e, Rrtk•oxr Klan,., f'i'IMsyi'
1'usnj rsn,, ('ilr, r prl,'tay Cfl,rprn,v, l'arir•l s,
Fir Thigh, friar', ,n {�'Irr,4e. Puffin. tr tr; flit ;a,'.' cy'
• EU/ f,1i1 lt'y'' II .1k1) iC,tf
We 'keep ur,u:,t r tiv rrtt is utt v 1, t t a snrtntett
of LAOIi•S, I11C.ntit Ca. ('II NI,ELTrr t 7It'Ir1F:Rs,
f'itt:tsut1•fls, (Tr:olll'+ &e. it t,, . ltr e vaatnty
of 1 rlr 1'tt,Ct i. •
'.V0 aria tio,11 t.ipertat ty ir•S i•.atg•a�ti�ttliklrA,
grin] owl (d„ 1't•n'.jxtd. Iron ;MoilIlift;,
Sheer ;Metal a ur•niees, eint'plt
mints 01 ,lob work. •
4,teiro not foil to call ftettt reit t,i(r pri((•r(, SILI't1,e
convitu•t+d 'Lint We err' .euliur -0,3 ,10 at, Idtver
•,x bait here , r rrt�tt , i't•p, 1, ]nth
fr ttrc. tir.x I f it r l f f (c1 f f ro
• watt tv,
Itetnvinl,cl' the gleet• to Katy' 3i'o,ltt I heap for
ca!th,44 at'II.y,Tti,A �Clh 1'1,OS.' tterse
oppn:rrte llol<3'st 1totel, Albert 4treet, Clinton,
b if.mphlet, illttstrtt,( r rY.
seven pounds in tllree.rveelty, by the use a3rr,cl I.nurarit q .-1 r ref. g N Cr',t"- t,' 71.
of Allan's Mini -fat. vet of ttrt ntr lreaut3'. 6
t Allovertluc ,rte,!anvil.%,c,r,uttstint settled at
0 r S tuAr, once nviU he ,insert in court ter afflict t{fin. l!.aSJ
'd 33ll liV'.r �:o. ,, 1
itil"i LTD,tI.rx•t3 it p�p�q'/Y f��yr
311h4;5'•r B.,ston,:,Sass T ■ s W it Match, Ayrll 4,18t8>
. +�P3Ort . T [i Es to
Butler cud Is
., W E S 1 .
till OR S31110 .38 Cash, �a
H 6 GH 00.
Slat I'3,0, 1 ai eb; 7, 187 .