The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-20, Page 30 JUNI' 20, j,878.. HL7'MOROU•S. • Wigs, itt the lttngu:age of flowers, are Ile 1001{a. ,, An unpleasant sett of nri.tltmetic•--. Division among fitiuilies. The most unpopular -petty oiiicer in the army—Corporal punishment. An exchange newspaper says many a plant is ruined by too much soaking. So is evilly a man. A bachelor merchant's advice in se. looting a wife : ' Get hold �f a piece of goods that. will wash.' He sot hiji clown upon the steps -- that had been newly painted. --and when. he riz to travel hoalo•-;tll►it gal of ]tis• she fainted. To the:aanatlian -boy ;bolo is an'aw f'ul,:.xr maj:es:tic:dififerenaa an t�lin eigtat 'between the butt end of a ,fish• pole and a hoe handle. A •contemporary announces „..that ' pocket books are worn ' shorter 'this, • season,' to suit the very„ Short condition: of the indebted. • wish to be a friend to the friend less, a father to the fatherless, a widow to the widowless,'•said acglislnng speak-; er at a revival meetilio• ' • Some ones egarled to au Aberdonian,.. Ws a fine dray I ' I+"•a s firiaiu . faut wit the day 'l' ryas.: the civil . reply; ' ye wad pick a quarrel :wi.' a sten wa ' ' A Yankeegenius has invented an anchor which is.•tQ be carried in, a buggy and thrown out when the herse'.runs. away. It never fails to bring his. head' to the wind.- A.boy witlka patch on his knee can't next the o an errand' `t be hiredyto 0 on t house, butbe follows a band Waggon:all over town .and never. realize:;hitt he isn't - dressed inbroadcloth: .,• :1' When' a man nearly breaks.. hie rieek trying to get out of the svtay :of a lightning bug,' supposing it to be:the headlight of a l000motive,'it•is.iime fol him to sign the pledge.. • A young lady asks us:i'f"'l:i:-is-wicked:; to' flirt with gentlemen. We can't say --we never flirted with one ourselves, and we never heard of a ':gentleman': that indulged in the practice.., .England still has a ,laiv by.'which. . any one 'wlio refuses to .attend divine services on Sunday can ,be jailed for 'fif- teen. days.. The: law, however, is as tread as Most of tile' reaching, a No . man can, have any idea ' of • the cash value of an old tbree-legged stove, or a shaky bedstead until the came put, up at en auction and.: two women getto bidding against oaob other.: F4.ison his invented a fog horn at' can be beard ten,•iuiles; .but 'When It eorue§to alt„11�vetlirori, for getting hrs' hired girl. up in the morning,' 'La smiles sadly and falls to rnusing"on the infinite. .Lady •11L H. asked .somebo4,'for.a pretty pattern • for a:nightcap... .. •'� Well r I p€, 17 . : said tho person, ' what signifies the patteru of the nightcaps ° Oh, child,' said she, ' but you know in vaso of fire:' ' Pa, has l:tr, Jones' ey'.es got. fee# 3.'• Why, my boy?” Because I lrearc&: mamma say, to Mrs. Doolittle that at". the patty, the, other •ot't utn�;:> ] Lr, Jones! eyes. folio' ed her Ali over the roost,.' - A preacher spoke in a recent serincu of ' the sad funeral procession'' which followed Able to the grave. ' AIi irrov,- Brent woman in the audience remarked,. ' not such n largo processions -but' very' select. None but the first families.' ' Pa,' said a little boy, live yearsold,' I saw a lion and a lamb lyiaa ; side by' side in the • meadow this morning.' Tut, tut, James. Dori't . tell such stories,' said the 'father. .' T tell. xou I' did ;' persisted the bay ; ' but it w'iu a dande-lion.' t • Ma, is Mr. Brown respeettble ?' Certainly, my' child; why, rlo you ask that' question ?' ' Because .he wears. such poor- clothes.' ' You should not judge people by their elothes.;only silly people do that,'<.7`Cter _ ev Iy'body-'s- sillyy, airlih.tUey, rna2' At a Srhnday school recently the teacher was talking about idols„, when, to aseer-fair;---whether--the }lildren-•were- understanding what, he said, • he asked, Children, what is an idol ?' ' Being: lazy,' was the loud and quick' response of ono of the members of the class, SVIien little Thomas stoops to toy with berries, jam and jolly cake,'no art can soothe the chastened boy -no nos - trims ease bis' stomach ache. -iirl if the griping pains dafy the medicines. prescribed to foil, his parents will 'rlo' well to try the limpid, ligrlid•oaster A story is related of a •boy out West who, having read in n dime novel of a:, men who escaped from Indians by 'hell.•: ing otl a bluff two hundred feet high, attempted to imitate the feat 'in a Small way by jumping off it bluff forty feet. high. He is now able to get around on crutchesquite as311 y. A tear stood in Iter eye of blue', she said, •r Oh, what would Edwin do were Angelina fated to quit this happywor•ld and die 2' His quivering lips made quick reply,' I'll get: yen, love, opetintt- ecl.' On rosy lips a Out was seen, What wilt you do yottrselfy I Mean ?': Bright -eyes bis answer waited. When from his heart resistless carie the an - THE CLINTON IOW ESR Notice.,_ of L.LemovaI. J. BIDDLECOMBE, Watch and Clock Maker JB)M,4LER; Would' respectfully announce to bid sustonters and .t110. »'iWio gfnnemlly, that shoo the 1 e'aia,utrons i1ro, ho, has soured the Store ,lately 000ppiedby Messre a. Palliser 4 0o.t Where ho wilIkeep an handal select assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, and SiiverWare. of all kinds, which he will soli .at reakonable rates, repairing of; every dosoriptioupromptlyatten,leii to., T.. DIADLEOO5I17T5, Anamax &lass.. Olio WA, Jan.24, 1878, •d• • " O F_ re -081X0 MORTGAGES, NOTES;. • AND OTHER ' Good Securities Purchased. 'CO1NVE•YANCIN. •.•, w w,, gARRAN: • Clinton, i`iov 8,1874; . 47 -NEW ; TIME 'CARD.: ,. GRAND • TRUNK RAILWAY. U\ . &ND Ar1Eli- 1{'1014DAV; MAY Ifflif 1 assimgerTrains'wI11 leave,. Clinton station as follows ' ' 02*3 Exsx 1,Ylix"ess,le6 eh tiro d 7..7a i� '10 sin. G, m • 4 Goiyo v,'nsr..Er preee, 245 p. m, ;Mixed, 70 A.M.,'5.856 p,rn., 9.20 p• m• • Se,t.rday EXCURSION';' tickets To London, 4odoaiiaii rind Strattozd, good to ••return on Monday, at reduced rates. J. ittCESON, General Eiantgor. A. sTttALTON, Agent at Clinton. fdintQn,.liny25,1878.•• • WORTH- i(.lcwrNu; • *glint: Tel OET 0001) . ffBAP:-'BI1tJ,CIRIIE GOOD 'TEA for 80, 40, 50, 00, and 7i'cents 'per lb. O00D •SCGAII, 11 pounds for ono dollar. - G00D RAISINS, 18 pohnds for one dolllar.. - A itne assortment of ° China, Glass and Crockery, very chap Can Mut see stool before purchasing •etsewhore.,All hinds of Prodnee'takt,}i In; exchange for goods, itL I E011 074'9'rEItS constirntly on. band. ALllb'ING.73N1IE & AISE1; HEAD;, t hnto), Not 8,1877. x CASH s.' CREDIT. • the float its 'to it a NC ' h opinions - ,erroxi- . 10 thea of the,depression n trade and eomtnerce, which has' visited Most. every ;conmercial comitiy.on the face of the globe during thepast_ four or five ):ears, aricl whirh seems to still exist in this Dominion of ours -a country notable tuilong the natio*: for her.' agricultural, lumbering, encl- innnno resotnces, .Ile' educational appliances. • .her very extensive, valuable, and coveted fish.. eras, o.ii,1 her1 Coal Oil, at ITATIT: AND nt.20 emits per• gallon. :Some claiw that' Citrava"ante ra•the (Anse of 'the evil ; others, over -production and too large importations, while others lay the whole blame on the present' government -but wo are of the opinion that the' loom credit system is one cause of .the present troii�10 in thie Canada of ours. Many are the schemes suggested for the remov- al of the so-called' hard tunes.; some advocate free trade, others say increase the Aerie, and .others thiiags too, ntunerotts to mention, while We are of :the opinion that to buy and se11 for cash will be the most sure and successful means of stamlrtng dltt, tldsllionster_er%sis, _ ';'ride 7lcing--- our cenriotion, we lire decided to SELL a 1Trt GOODS PoJfOAsI, al prices' that' tuitl, • astonish all, .as st:. hate Marked ticcni dawn fit a'VL'Rr8,3fAkit A DVA NOT• • -01V-COST FOR CAS 11. :LATEST WS ---^-o-.- -- CREAT .COMMOTION: CHEAP CASI GROCERY STORE OGT: Why it has become the hub of interest „so rapidly is accounted for from the fact that customers are realizing: the advantages of making their purchases • Where they eau get the benefit of close bargains iff• • TEAS, SUGARS, FRUITS, JELLIES, CANNED . GOODS And .ev r thi1a usually11y kept in a first-elass rocerY,S tore . S1 AL. AAVANLLOlCOST. Tho same advantage is offered in : °BOOKER X', : GLASSWARE, ' ETC.; • Hams,: Bacon, Oatmeal, Cornmeal,;Cracked Wheat, &cb, kept on hand ?AAilf. PRODITO1: take ii 'lit oxeitoeye ,tin. +foods, the smite as'eas)c: 14' Ali are:invited :to call and' inspect :stock and prices; aiid judge for themselves, o: REMEMBER. :THE' Pi,.ACE, Nears. Thompoo & Switzer's Ie NOIsV�Orthjj 5 Bllil(�lU '�ll$xt door to e �� 11 GORDON & FINLA'SON. CLINTON ,ri1'. ti Ia7a.0. TICE,• NOTICE1 NOTICE. X' i..lcei:l, roonstciutly c ti litutd a large a:i',rtweut o f. STOVES OF ALL KINDS, of the -Latest -Patterns, ov1,ieh we are se11iii for cash at prices that defy' .competition. We manufacture - 1'AREOP EVERY DESCRIPTION and are prepared to sell for cash at prices lower than the lowest.. Call grid gat anter for.!ilk ratio( Pails;..ttto, • Jeer ltsesis'rn t L. rto.a :f.o•r of Spats,. Shottle,•loxke, . iaZ:C•i, lfoef, Cbterii Pumps, tiails, Locks, ffrn /t- , Node, (Ills, riirnlgh, Windom Olas,t, Facts, a,ul all kinds of Il (iIT f)E11'.4 HARD W A PE. nal a largc aisortinent' «: a ricer constantly on Ira of LA331r3, ]3ntt.xars ,C'rr.tsro r sura t,'73ctelrras, CltrteNres, (Iron :s. Std, ,.Chita, •a large variety of Glint, 1' togs, AL we hanks at speciraltj•• of 1'.`aveta'laaat;'la?t, 1> iu ain4' Galvanized Iron iteenittr, Sheet Metal t'orniees, and all ' Wilda, of job fres';(.. • i E+r1)o not fall to call rand get our prices, iota ba convinced that we aro sellitt good.; at lower figures tlittrt lt,ave'ever been offered before in the cottiaty, 'Remember the place to Iiuy,roods cheap Cot cash; is at LI1t it A. I3 DUOS. Bitrtat )3t.oexe,. opo alto Itoss's ifotol,, ellbort Street, Clinton., HARLAND" BROS., N. 0 1' I (5 1: All overdue Notes and .Accounts not mottled at steer, 'twas almost the 'satne, r Fil get once, will be placed in court for eolleetion. myself remitted: Ctrntnn, Apra 4,Ws. • 't r.' ITIVEL .:. .p „p 0 0 r IA In g3 mcp. q • o '~ 02 to Hp �w b oma' CD E.td. nig V• Q • N . 71p F -i IP LR CD cp 1-d 14- iv' cf* Z fn . 1241-1 cr ° ''''9 . . F4,E -R "0 ° §18 cons.8?-16J - '! . ti r-+ t.,LTJppm k t'i �; m,s.:t.N'7>: porl . n t N0 0 2t-3 low P i m Ocr �dp Da ."1 G, • hiporiallf and Vitali lmppoyciliollis -;Por I� GI,AS G 7 ,Afpp, 4 P 1 � C.J �SO.R ,� � �: C MANcrAcTuirnes OLIM'`AX ' 'CidRESHING MACH1NESQ • vyD3R.t.1O ' RBESHINE--T2A<lf3I�TESi L'ITT'ri I5II1"KOVEli I1O1 SE OW,ERS,'.';1G1LIgTJ7:TUItAY. STE'ADI�iQlitUlhb: I''or the'ooming season we. are introducing tnanynew and valuable itsP roirements, *hick Wilt place our maebines'rt? i','' ADYANcn of 8ny others; manufacturod'fn the Dominion. We es-, racially call the attention of threehers to our CILIMAX-SEPARRATOR, With - the Nees End Trail a Shoe, which; for smoothness of running, eapaoity' and perfection of Cleaning, far sur- passes anything yet produced. It liar been .thoroughly tested, liiis proved'a.opmplete. ., success, and -is fully :w .rrantod, k ;AD 'TI -3 i QLLOWT]NTG _ T3atresrx a» May '11,, 1.8:78. It is with` pleasure• -I ,testify to tbo superiority,',of your Ni w;E:xv- Sili4n Ctf ii:c SI:rARATOn. I thoroughly'teated it last season,. and, can say that it i`lens the -smoothest, ani lightest, has Ms largest capacity for separating and, cleaning,- and goes tree best work df any ' machine I have yet seen Itis quite unnecessary to brace the inechine. All that is required is to el ittu,place,,when it':is'ready 'ready for and it will rnu;without jar'or Tlois5 L:wQuhl. not hate suis other'thefi .tfte. Niru C,LI6MX,' a•-. --- o__ . ;p 7Oi5 11tENli Fe\h, AlAN'1-OTii:l0.t IMPROVEIIIT.+•.NTS; such as lowering the front -(or Cylinder) end' o machine, adding a tightener` pulley' to Fanning Mill Belt, 'windlassfor r,•tising.the Sire* - Citrriers, ;lupi•ova,d,."•:Conoave40p-tater" etc., 1i'r o been mule; which will add largely to the worth of machine.- 0151 VITT'S POWERS 11av'e1•reenlnt'proved in various ways,' still ;further. adding to•. thrix durability, vonvortteucerand ease of tanning. ALL MACHINERY 18 ION AND OAREruaLt-TESTED BEFORE: LEAVING, THE FACTORY lf.• dollrit.inspertion of o»r machines -before ptcrchosi» rl ebiettherc., GLASGOW MACPHERSON- 84. CM tIANT'o 4 Afklift t r;'r't.'itAl. *{.{ oijlts, Mak, 1878, 1878, . .' • • EI -CH F(JU'LN: ----AND---.. a.n u. fa o urii g C orizpan , Bows. s. diffuse and Brill Machinea y of LLtet. t Stye ._ Middlings Purifiers, ' of improved... Rinds. AGRICITLIC.U11.A.L. STOVES of various kinds,. Brass and Yron, Castings. /7 1./;.4"). :1'%tfiMPT'.G3 -..:1111:1 VD;T.".:l1..:TCI: b'OR'SALI 4:lil':Ai'—Second-Buser .Engines and :Boilers of 16, 2O and 30 Horse Power , also,. Sttw t Machine; Shingle and heading Machine, and Heading. Jointer uric .Masugi, , Goiifl cit, vet) 1, 1871. il¢ TlifflISflN:& WILL1AMSMA11111FACTURhIV_ F STRA.TF0RD, 1I1ORl't:)1•iATE1) '1814, Successors to Tho►neon& Wiiliarne, or Mitchell, CASH Y E [ •..rieu1tura1 Engine T'orks DIRECTORS : ItrI REit'I''l'l{t)MS(1N'y i'ar•:emer'r; �� A. Il. •SV1LLTAi1'IS, Vten-Puts,.; .ttLEN. GRANT', r+rtC•. 1 amin.:.f l,ruT)1 OIt.D, AV, MOWA'1, L COIRCORAN,W. MARSHALL, liggs sgm6. as lash, rA.NII E AC'r;i?ItE1tS or • • 1.1101100011 harvesters, Single Reapers, glowers and. Combined . Machines-. Broadcast Seecters4 Seed D "11s, Uorse Powers, Sailing Machines, Grain crushers, straw, Gutters, plows, GanikPlone, &c., HUGH ..._ p. p� Builders' of Steam..Ex giTles and Boilers, all sixes":' HUGH WALLACE ° 4+e,/.'l' WAT1i111, WIIBRIA AND ALli BINDS OF 1'IiILL IvIA6EIN7:IVr, r mrrrerfoa ri for (Grist and Salt Mills colnpkte. Ah)o for' Water Works for cities, tOtotts and r,llicc(lea, se the golly Oseitin. 12- Chem 'Factory Machinery a Specialty, AddireSi, '11ttiallit40N & Wif,l,IA MS, Manufacturing' Coaf Stratloral, Ont„ Feb, 0, 187�. y • . iIONI�ESB0,1�.0, Nlarrill 7, 1878,