The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-20, Page 22
JUNE- 20, 187", •
• Ctieatia ane the Empire. •
A .raintr ie T:cc0 oartAn1AN eters terse 4.
A 'London Times` editorial of . the
12th, discussing Earl .Dufterin's Spool'
+, at Montreal Gays ;
" Earl Dufferin's viceregal Career has
been singularly' brilliant. • throughout,
drawing to a close amid events of his;
toric importance, ' There is no manner
of doubt thatthe speech reflects the
feeling of the Canadian people, that the
enthusiasm with which filledhas
been let loose by a time wakening to na-
tional life, (o.this growth of healthy,,
' ellergetie patriatiain Earl.- Dufferin's
viceroyiJty has lnrgely • 'contributed.
Never-liefore, have-tl e -American colo-•
nies been ruled by a statesman who so
well knewhow tocallfo t the hestst.
ell �'t' Oft • O)) t n to
re he )e bya e
al s ]tin.
l e
1 1 p I
noble sentiments and lofty aspirations,
Earl Dufferia's task,.to develop a self-
reliant Bpirt becoming a young, nation
with loyaltyto its motherquutry, has
succeeded beyond all expectation. It ie
impossible to deny that ;.the Dominion
'his recentlygiven a signal proof of its
advance in national dignity and strength
while it has placed on record by deeds
and words its loyal devotion to the Em-
Rite of which it forms an' important
▪ jia]t. The review at 1Vlontreal repro,
ants forces which the most powerful
sovereigns`• might- besproudoommand,,
troops constituted. of the first offsprings
of Canadian -loyalty, •tll.e,fitat prints, of
Canadian patriotism. Their preshnco'
and ,theplar• uu'.m op, a enth tsi it.evoked
is evidence of the intensity with which'
Canadians cherish the ties' binding
them to the Mother •Country, The
danger of England being drawn into R
European war called otlt all their latent
regard for the Mother` Country. No
doubt' the disinterested.character of.the
offers of aid from the colonists ifnpreg-'
sed the Imperial .Government, and the
spirit which - prompted• them may.; rise'
to a still higher level under pressure.
The devotion displayed constitutes nv
$targa reserve of Imperial eriapower. This
solicitude for
the honor of England and S
tains the Imperia] policy, -and visibly
• . asserts the dignity'. and power _ of the
Empire. This uprising: -is oleo Moot
value hie pinctically,asseen ring the -safety
of theolo�'e lv —.lob
c sth.eurse es.
G eGable.
A Thrilling Tale.
A Richmond, Va., despatch says :
, Last night a plucky young widow, living
neat Tazewell Court' House, in this.
State, defeated two tramp ruffians after
,„a, fight which cost al'l'three their lives.
About ten o'clock two men went.etl'the:
• dose.'of Mrs: Becky
°Baldwitrand asked-
her to give them 'somesilver in .ex-
change for notes; offering : -"7 of the lat-
ter for SO of `the former. They Soon
left but returned after she retired, broke
open the door, andentered her bedroom.
She jumped from the bed and told then;
to leave the roam, but they refuse].
They demanded, ins.;pocket-book,and
threatened :violence if she -did not give
it. Shethen,went to- hoe .dress,: .deli
berately took her pocket -book froth it,
containing $21, toad threw it in the fire
•Ci°ne of the tramps stooped. to get it,
and she Snatched an axe and dealt flim
•-. a terrific •blow, -knocking him .,dotivn,
- quickly following with other , Trios
dashing bis banns out on the hearth=
stone. The second tramp then drew a
dirk knife and stabbed her twice in the
left+broast. ' She dealt him a fearful
blow with the axe, nearly, severing bis
right arm near the shoulder. The, miss
creant fled, leaving a trail '.of blood be-
hind. His dead' Body was. found this
morning two miles from`this place.. A.
young white man came by this. morning
and found Mra. Baldwin: dying. She
told her tele and ,died two hours. after-
w rd. The dead •bodies of , the tramps
were thrown into a hogpen, togreaf was
the _indignation of the Hepple :in the
vicinity. There worn no papers upon
them by which they could,be identified.
Dauit M• t it Mi a it Liar..,.
Never tell a man that be is a liar un-
less you are certainn 'that yen c
• him ; for, as a genera' rule, vhe you
say that'll means fight. I ha arrived.
at this conclusion tlirou sad e:peri-
once. I know that it not safe to give
'the lie to a muse 1 r Christian.. I died*
once. I am :'icy for it nowo; as I
never gri cd for anything tele
couisa . my life.
e were standing on the "eidewalle-
in front of the club, srdlen I made the.
statement, talking' •politics; and men'
who talk polities, and get angry, over it,
sire, to put it mildly, lunatics or else
want an office. This man made an as-
.scrtion, touching the fair fame of my
s_. candidate, which 1 believed- to be un-
true. --:,lt is .probable' that had, it been
ae'true AS it was false, I shooed have
taken the same course, because, you
understand, a man has ne sense who
talks politics anyhow, I drink I said
that before; but it is all the salmi. :1
want to make it strong, aiid get you to
Understand how 1 got ney ornamental
,EyI mildly suggested that a tnatx. ' liyl
would make such a stat to nt
u e a ads I,eir
was lost to 11 sense of aha and* a mea ....
zt Q�{j�p•
be guilty Of any base-crin e
tIiaa reed `th me on thatpoint-,
ace gp tK
As for himself l,'0• tiever made a state-
nlerit`except upon the most ample proof,
My • candidate was the Irteainest Man
liintilang.' :'.
I told him he lied. I'have been
kicked by a mule ; have fallen out of a
second story window on a hard 'pave-
inent; eaten green mein) 410n3; heard
Miss Blow read poetry for two Lotus
and a •half; skated ; bunted ; rode a.
sharp`backed horse of •ti►astang permit-
age,an adept in the act of "t hocking ;"
suffered grief of •vniious-kinds, and still
clung to life; but all thew are .feathers
in the 'balance as compared: with that
little word liar.
Immediately after saying it, I sat
down --not in the way people usually' sit
down. I sat on the rim of my right
ear, about'ten feet. from the spot. where
I had been'standingnvhen•I made use
of the expression pouted above: I am
not used to sitting In ;tfi "positib l: anal`
do not think it agr:ees'with cues'
1 Hata.
r heard of people Who '' got up
on their ear and walked Oft
wish I
knew how to do itand wealspro-
ropeeled myself away ficin that spot if
had possessed the happy faculty., I'
proceeded to bring myself to a perpen=
dicular, Fully intending to use the means
of locomotion "which nature had giver
Ine; but-when.I. came.. right side' up,.
something heavy ran Up against my
nose, and as I felt- rather tired, I sat
down on nay other. I like a change, .it
is so monotonous'doing the same thing
over and over again.
Somebod large friend away
end•.I.• qp
was uite Teased when • he was
aone.. I' have concluded to'look .twice
t. a man before I give hint the lie
,again. My eye is. in mourning, my
•nose swelled to the;size, of a citron with
the color of a brush rose,"and my ,store
clothes look as if they had been. run
thioiigh a patent .sausage machine. I..
would not have that" man's temper for,
anything -in -ale world. -= `Cincinnati
Beealcfa'st"Table. • *;
►• Ilamtin' FSlteictoiilir n 33orse.
A. minor. in :the Black Hills, wtitiug
to:a friend in this city:"tells of a her-
riblet reminder" of the fearful: snow
stormsof last winter,' and of t.,he ,paries
Of those who Were caught out and lost
their way on the., plains.. Ile says that
i•eoently,. while: he anal two..others were,
crossing• the country, -they came upoo;.
the skeleton of ahorse,within which'
was the skeleton, of . a man,• wvith .tile..
-grinning skull looking out et them from
between the ribs of the animal, like a
prisoner peering tliyoug i the bars of his.
cell. The two skeletons told the.' whole
story. . The man had 'killed his horst;,;
cut Min open, and' :crawled: inside of
him; thinking to.thns_ escape perishing
'of scold,>, but the flesh ers'tllc ': nriiinitl•
J.Teeol;eolicl,. and the man'Svas:as •_ntr ch as
prisoner as it"he`had' leen `shut in bye
Walls of:ii-on. The wolves and carrion
birds had. advised' the greater part of
the • flesh from both skeletons:. The
,miner Concludes his description by say-
ing : " It. was' a sight I shall never for-
get.. I can see it now whenever I close
my. eyes.''-l'ir•ginia City Euterprisc. •
A SVedifiug Stopped ars the Altar.
'Chore was a strange scene, at:Ciliciu
nett one day reeeutly.. A.respectsble
.olid int elligeut young lady was engaged:
to be..married,°and madethe discovery
that her eflianced was iu the habit of
drinking,and' told himwhat she had
learned. He proumisednever toilrink
again,. and she forgave him. , The Wed-
ding day .Was subsequently set, andall
went well• until the morning appointed
for the performalice of the ceremony..
During. the interval he made his usual
visits, end thottgli he drank at -times,
his betrothed }lever learners of his fttith-
lessnesrs nntil,it was nearly too 'hate to
punish him .for it.. They were .standing
side by side, and a moment mote 'twill
have found them man and •wife, s en
he turned toward her and his e 1 -tale
breath spoke of whiskey. Vhen the
minister propounded t • Usual question
to her, the reopens: vine faintly. "Not"
In surprise th nestion Was again ask-
ed, andtime : the response was_
clear decisive, "No," • She then'.
to : d to lier lover, accusedhint. of
r`nking, reminded hits of his promise
to her, and said a man who wan
break a promise so solemnly made could
not he relied upon, and she feared to
trust her future to Such a man. Ex-
postulations and entreaties were' all in.
vainnnil that little "Yes" still'. remains
unsaid,--sOiszeinnatt �"inze3
• 'Shocking .emelt'.•
A. fearful ease•.of cruelty comes front
New Jersey. • Mr.- .Tabu Provost mar-
ried a woman in Pequanuocktownship;
failing to ngl'ee lio left her, and she .then
vented her ;'age on his chilnren' by a
former =triage: She beat the eldest
with a poker. Ilia back and sides were
horribly bruised,11013s, were torn in his
fletll' by 'the ,jagged prong of it. When
he was almost insensible her cruelty
culminated in her attempt to roast the
boy's hands and feet. She built a fire
in the stove until flit' Ileac was most
intense. Than she held the boy over
the fire despite his struggles and screams
uncal Alis hands and face were horribly
stidehe:d. After this elle threw him on
fluor to writhern agony,and foster
over his s iflering.Finally
she left ltitil,..
and went Mit of the house, te[Ilno a no
person of thtl 'fitful condition of the lad.
Ile was found stili lying upon the floor
and moaniugwitli pails by thcloornnaster
of the town; The woman has fled, and
if fol<nd, it iq feared'the will be lynched.
• s
EJ 2s'Sti000tt.. • tliiATEI+'1TLAN7ltiozrontIh0.
--"bly a thorough t ubwlcdge ()Nilo natural
lawn which geveru the cperations of digestion
and nutrition, and by a careful application
of the tine properties ,f well -selected cocoa,
Mr. L+'ppa lia provided; our breakfast tables
with a delicately flavored beverage which may
save us many heavy doctors' bills. It is by
the judicious use of su h articles of diet that
a constitution may be gradually built up un-
til strong enough to resist every kndency to
disease. Ifundreds of subtle nfffladies are
floating around us ready to attaok wherever
there is tweak -point. We mayeseape many.
a fatal shaft by keeping ,ourselves well forti-
fied with. pure blood and a properly nourish.
ed frame," -civil Service Gazette.: -Sold eels
in Paolfets labelled -"-kers Errs •& Co,, If o-
meeopathip Chemists, 48, 'Threadneedlo:ltreot,
arid. 170, Piccadilly, London." -
-A common •Cough or. .cold Amu: :ct lieVer_bo.
trifled with, often when neglected it is colivert-
etl fate••a•serious.ands genorallylataLpiihn9;tiar
-disease. The ruoro prudent, aware of tha9,
promptly use Bryan's Pulmonis Wafers" a `cu•
cativo which has sustained is reputation for
over twenty
years,they. Sreal always
and exert most eneial influence
on all the
.Bronchial and pulmonary organs, Sold by all
druggists and 'country dealers "rice '2.5 ccs.
per ox,
Woonx HaasEs,--Wooly horses are ;not so
• rate as many suppose,: net such great euriosities
either,' there are many., to be found in varlet
parts of the countryy, but we doubt if they will
ever prove as valuable to their owners as the one
exhibited by .Bareinti ; we imagine their owners
would consider them more valuable without the
wool,,fpr this rough andwooly; state of. the hair
indicator that the horse is not in a, healthy con-
dition-probabiy bide -bound, or suffering from
some disease, which occluions this unnatural ap-
pearance ;
p-pearance; • in•snoh cases use Darley's Condition
-Powders and Arabian Heave Reuredy, it will
purify tete blood; 'correct the appearance, re-
trieve all obstructions from the lungs and liver,
afiel.give .to glee °pat a sleek and shining appear-
ance. Remember the name, and see that'the
signature of • I{nrii & Co, is) -on each package.
Northrop .e. Lyman, Newcastle,, Ont., proprie-'
„ors for Canada. Sold by all .medicine dealers
1' E Ci(rti3 Y•1YE-SALVE An infallible reined?) for 'an diseases ,of: the
eye (acetate or chronic), granulation,'oof. tl,c
lilts} ulceration of the lachrymal glaiatle,
• An, and tceakncss of the '. vision from any
Otte rrrtni,
rr'l11i, Art*LTi.roi. - ()Tele° - et °DAX time and
L at NIGILT time- The Rooms over the Store of
CuQlfnnntoinghnrr.l)tuoao.t20Ai,> iignaro,Clinton,
Tei REEVE, Physioinn, Burgeon, to, Coroner tor
L:l county of Limon. itesidencoand Ofllpn-Corner of
Mort and 14fiil Streets, Clinton.
Augt,s$ 9th,lat 9. t-tf'
BTnwvn'is , nl, d)„ a,ti„ 0118 MITE or
Ineoill University, 9lontreal; Physietan,Surgeon anil
aceouchenr. Residenee-•-Benesrrnam,,
January4,1871. 21S
OYOUNG, nr.n.,. (GRADUATE OF 'T01101,1TO
. 'ilnivorsity,) Phyeioran, Burgeon, io,, rosidenee
at ivir.Itiunntng's, three doors east of the Temperance
Hail, Londeeboro, Out. '•
Londetboro,`Zene 14,1es .
nu, a:et NB -UM, tADt)ATIII OP, THE Df1.r)iCAL • ,
1l Department et Vittoita llniversiSy, Toronto, for• t3,a Irospitala.Ailll;)?lsp ngaries INew'YorkI
_ _t Ont.
Cornnor.fortho County of Hnron;l3,iri+Ii:Lp, Ont,
July 23 • 31
r la74.
D0 SznY � G B ON • raistgIAN.s
• onoxs Aooouch urs Oilloo, Albert Btrent
D, HnossrEY M. H.A. 11-° rns w> AI: D, opposite Fasnbile.
pluton, May 10, 1877. • .
o I . x' Y I A URGE o z.ati s n' 'stool • o En. it h
R. w 11Th Nq_olr, �� B cl.N, s oN, .Coat �lt:Gil2 .Sgar:xaj .I'�?2�, r. � on. , and 7nctk reg k. f; �. s..
1 Aceonehour, Licentiate of the College of Physicians 2 .,
and Surgeons of Lower Canada, and Proviuoial Lioonti • • . •
•s' � s a
Amelivlira a G Pu exs Borcta Uecorc��on, alt Wi�t-
THE AMERICAN EyE S.(I,viz i9 presented to tho
public with:. the.assurance,of it efficiency as a
curative of most diseases of the, eye, acute or
chronic inflammation, whether induced by sero.
fulous origin or.Otlierwise, weakness or defect
of vision, diminisbeel'tone of the optic nerve,
or a' diseased state of the tissues Constituting
that organ. Also, for all, persons whose voca-
tion requires an incessant action. •of the eyes,'
the salve will act as a charm in'restorin4 a ani.
form healthy action, where weakness, pain, and
misery may have long threatened a fatal ter-
mination. It is -the most simple, and ef-
fectual:remedy% ever discovered: Lha materials
of whicli it is made are pure, perfect, and costly,.
tri 1 n ed•with elaborate caro and cactnesa .
co n d t
safe in tits application, being . used Cxtern.islly;
of course,. avoiding the pain and danger
which. necessarily • attends'thi..introduction of
dnustie minerals and eye -washes. dtiscironm
and OLD CIiRo1`sie SORES,. Of serofuloue. otiglli,
or resulting from 'whatever cause, yeild to the
Ant.nro.s e EYE-SALvn, IT IS USED SUC-
CESSFULLY FOR FBAs: Its soothing ef=
feat is immediate, and a permanent mire requires
-Tint iCiew applications.. The ,liroprittors of
•"f pa:.T- l.'svl•rrr's AMERICAN Ei E -S AI•v ' whin'
"snaking"ueav end improved niac1)iilery for utak
'ing a ?,tare perfect box for tele f ve.SAi.p•i:,'
"eft anted'tho 7' ' Cr-EINIAltf, o�e the-eri.Vei so*saa.tra
correspond with :the Cid on tire'Wiapper, (iii'
ciders, Advertisements; eto, We: call attention
to this, as it inig]it •otherwise be regarded ,:Lc
counterfeiting. '. •
' • I'ETTIT at' BAB•KER,' .
Proprietors, Freedoms N. V.
NO1.7'Iilt0P & I�l12L,N; ,•
'l'orontn, Agents for unmade,
;try among. pie (hsltlrenl
t,ari:tA^.ii s S1vzE•i Q..tsra t t)r1 equally quit-:
'able 'fur children and adults, ::Endorsed • by
over COO doctors in Canada • The difficulty of
administerin nauseous medicines, and. the de-
sirability.I'f haying•them ,;l�leassiint to the taste,
induced T. Copland to undertake to,
wench resulted in the discovery of a Sheet Cas-
tor •0il,.perfectly p•palatable; of thes:rine strength
and medical qualities as• the-nrdinary - Castor
011; and while equally safe and harjnlcss, yet
tiding with more certainty; anal Producing. n •
then nausr;a mor griping, .. Some children it
is bonny ;; others•calt it syrup''= -they al y they'
like it. One parent says" Iffy ch}1 ren drink
'it like water;" another--""1Ve ti:d to hide the
bottle or they would have fi d it right off ;"
another --"My little gi tas taken it twice
o y trouble, r does not know what
without any tr° 1 c 'i ltt�)
it is, though she 1 es the ordinar •-Castor Oil,
and we nevem hi get her tatakeit. withoirt r
another --"I wish you. 'success of
your S r,T CASTOR OIL.; it is a: ser;ousts thing.
s to take the place of all the common oil."
Ice extraordinary delntind for: this improve-
ment of a staple household medicine has brought
fraudulent invitations into the market, but the.
public can guard themselves against si;bstittites
(which unprincipled parties are attempting to
Sell on the reputation` of this article) by seeing
that the name Corr iNn's SWEET OAyrcn 0tc;,'
is on both Wrapper :and direction label.
The undersigned, having purchased M'essr.s.
T. Copland k Co'si interest in the Shorn prep r-
ration, are now inauufactnring it from the ori-
ginal -recipe,• •
NOTIVIt'P0P. &'I,YMAN, 'lbrontn.
Ask for ColoLAit'n'x SwEST CANTOR Olt, Ob-
serve the name. Do not be deceived, Sold by
1medieine dealers., Pricey 85 cents,
fight;" ye
ales English WLIi1 Pap
ate and Coranor'for the County of Huron. Qaroo and
building formerly occupied by lttr.
Thwail;os, Hnrou street,
' Clinton, Jan. IU, 3871,•
` istellatip o'f
on good niort age' security,: at Moderate rhtos of
Interest. -H •Hca . • .
•Clinton,August 9th 1869. — =fi-tf
serole Valuukoi and Laud Agent. Office
phine street.,
Wingilanl; Aub+. 2,41877- ,
1j,1LL Apply et the Towr. IIall,'or at the reeiaouoo'o_the
subscriber, near t]re, London, Huron &. lentos Railway'
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Clinton, April 27th,, t87a: • . •
4L house is Situated oiosc:to the station, and is thor-
oughly renovated throughout, and now affords good aup
commpdation forr the, travelling nubile. Large stabling
and good hostlere'in attendance. Choicest •liquors in
the. bar: Tues Ltun,:Pioprlet'or. 10
Lit Homan, having tried in vain every advertised rum-
•0(1Y,has distovor64a simple means of self -onto. Ifo
w h malodors to•an •`sufferer :
wi]ibohaIPytofpllnidtq] ,.
reacipt of a..stainped'and direetodenvelope.•. Address'
J. T. Saweam, Esq., Lisburn, Musa, London, Rutland.
J0 3f iNi'0S11 BSaIFIELD, -,ISSUER.:OF
.•lttarriage Licenses under the now Aet, Contmissieue
or for taking Afreli vats in the Queen's Bench,
-for Com.
tics of Huron and Druce: Conn laneSn done, euoh as
Ioaeds, Bonds, Contracts, ,iTs, Deeds, one hort agoe.
Foessmall. , Residence -opposite Polock's Hotel..
PfONEY An{ INCI•:i) dK IilAL
3layfreld, Sopt.14,3875.•
Clocks • W tche's Jeweller �8ec
▪ OViI':L•ER
: Desiree 'to return Cja '1QN; \iby r, 1S 73.
htasincere tlianks
to his, numerous'
friends and ensto-
• mers,feitSotiber :
✓ R_•ats17areetimaini u..
a se-tba
, f.iiel,aaze'
ing onbusiness in-
bya strict etteu-
tion to bns]noea;
and using eery
effort to meet the
wonbrofhis ma
friends, toe
• up to r t, .their
pa nage.
fie would also take this opeartunity o' ating that ue
- has. taken his son into partnership : •d that the bust-
i,c,eivi11lits conducted in tutu: + oder the style of 8,
PriIVLEII .t SON. ;rho ar ill koop.on hand,
Watches, ,Olock: owellory, Speotaoles,
•` • And all other Scholes In their/lee
All 'Rinds et 'tes Repaired and Mounted.
Relit} 1g, Weaning, &e."done on Short •natiee,'iin a'.
:wer ` • unlike Manner, and on.reasonable 'terms.
x1r.a;irr:. STlititT . NORTH 01' Tito :tf: Itatir..
Clinton, Dos: 0;1177
..doav Blinds, the best I'` /lave euer' 81102072.
call the attention' of Housekee ers
I would al to _ p
the tact thatfact stock in the ab
oae g
s ha�
to • ._
• �
the r
F �cto res n,
been ou ht direct.from
land and Newfork
The P
are �.all new,
and I can suit all : comers.
a gt•F2V0al,:nna�t1
t�of m
• H
1•44T- tie l*ir
EXPRESS ANL) II;1Tr1.ILAl'1 oiPFic;n1.
INSURANCE afl Rural :A ellt8.
stesNOTE:I'01' 33AiI P DTSUCIC TTI:D.. •-1
even. Risser am:owe:IIs tees sarirecsr#',Y.
/on/aniee• re)repented.Cali mid :ce Tor toi5a:s..o r m_ s;awPir.i.elite,t Mee, Life had Accident eart,nrr i -
.11 A.S. NOW it l.(,b;Iv ED 1IIS •. t.;t1"Ls:'Ul.T,1 .SE fsEaTEI) ST .Grp. OF
TFT1 1)VAN'CA(1 OP77'.. o ' .
AntiiTs Yon crit,CArlt Lits Aosl aiNeE Courixr,
Capital and F c hit •? 7 F0.0o0
Animiut of Assurance 16,412,097
Weekly 1ateonsee.., 13,000
Mitoherl'c Belladonna Improved India Rubber Porous
There never has been a time when the healing
of so many different diseases Iraq been tensed
by otttwiard application as the present. Xt is an
tindiapated fact that over half of the entire po-
pulation of the globe resort to the use of drdi=
nary plasters.
'llte principal ingicdients used in snaking
these Plasters are arum Olibanum- cr better
known as the frankincense of the Eible--•,ltub-
ber, and,I3urgundy Pitch; which when scienti-
fiscally compounded, in full of electricity,and
when coinbined with the Imre medicinal gums,:
is found to be one of the greatest' f healing medi-
ants ever brought before the hinnari race.
They are acknowlcged by all who hat a used
them to Set quicker than anyaother Plasters
they ever before tried, and that one of these
Plasters will do more reap service than a hun-
dred of the ordinary kind. All other Plasters
Are slow of action, and rodliure te' be worn con-
tinually to effect a cure ; but with these it in en-
tirely different ' the instant one is applied. the
patient will feel its effect.
They possess all the soothing, warming,. sup-
porting and strengthening qualitirsdf all other
Plasters. Many who Bane lien relieved of
RHEUMATISM, TfOnotot Eux, and va-
rious other pains in the KIDNEYS BF.EAS')
or BICE, and believe it is .solely :done by the
electrical qualities which the Porous Plasters
contain, anth which is imparted to the system,
thug raste)ring theta t) healthy condition.
They aro ver soft�a111 liable still very
hesive.; and a sure mire for WEAK 13AGKS .
are invaluable to those Who have a COLD of
long standing, and often preventn CONSUMP-
TION, Some even tell us they believe they
were entirelycuredby the:msc of thein of along.
seated Consumption,
Prepared by ..Gl1011.CtI 1s :t'IT'I(,XIE3'tT.,
x,cve�r, lraco ,
said by all Druggists.
I'Satcs lower than arty other C,:}ol,;rny in this conntr
. PASSENOtn Ati1.NOS.'Von
the uunard and Imran Lino of Steamers, :rho ololeet
and }Host relfabie.lines mooing £bc Atlantic. xiekets
issued et lowest rateq, from and to Clinton, to and from
• -
oF1"'ICR Olt IItr120i -ST. C'T,rLSrI'OAN
w'it$IL"MA.N, "p1-1,()t
Ciisjtou,April 24,.1878,
.TT) 4T ItIlUCE t C 7lI)1
*A ninon; i,rof of...--..
Chslcots, • CO(Cins} Coffin 'ITr mmings, Ito1► s•,
ETC., ItTes
Parties ulted Vint the abevoat slimiest netted, and
: Y LOWEST ants,.
• atthavrrt 1a
1�0t a . i.
00� HEARrr E s� Maar
"Remember the leletee-' totoRL& street
A , Gi,t)ittrr.1)T1.1iI
Clinton, stet C,.1877.
COAL OIL,1per 5 cents.Gallon.
1.5 Gallon Can and. 5 Gallons of Coal Oil for $1.25.
PIPE,10 cents per ,len- tl
STOVE �` .
WS 15 cents. each.
EAVE TROUGH, 8 cents .' per. foot,
MILK PANS, 6 for $1.00.., •
NAILS *2.90 for 100 lbs:
t ]l,INTO'NT. Mttiy 2', .1878.