HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-06-13, Page 8THE °LINTON NEW YV E! A. CLINTON NEW E RA. 44,o(41 Vt4tter., " 71= FIRE BX.LAW. Voting on the by-law to raise $6,000, Tole the pi rchase of a steam engine and •construction of tanks, cook place here on Saturday. 'Up to the day of voting, but little interest wits manifested in the matter, audit was only on that day that canvassing by, tiose in ".favor' :of or :against the by-law took place. : Nunes begs . who have vthes: as tenants and leaseholders, as electors,.'went• to record them,.. unaware of the blot that only freeholders were entitled 'to f vote.. We ,understand that the sclle#ne proposed by those members of: tlee Fire end 'Water Committee, in 'favor •of the by-law, is to purchase a five engine, 1,000• feetr of nose, and construct 8 or 10 tanks, about' .900 feetapart, in different parts of the town, these to be utilized with the -several ponds in the neighborhood, so :that pro- tection will be granted those on the outskirts of the town as far as possible. At the close of the pool, the vote stoocl as follows :— FOR, AGAINST St.'Anchew's'Ward • 31 , ' St. James' Ward 10 21 St. -,John's Ward 4,. ' 16 St. George's Ward : -17 17 Tin G. 'I;, offer tickets to Gude- rich .and return, to-morro r., 14th inst,) (the day of the band tournament). at 'single fain, :b`o13 titul;,M ,-0nTuesdaiy morning Mr. and Mrs, Time. Sitepeon, and Miss. Turner, all of Varna, • left this; station for Ireland) going by way of the Allan Liner ', HARIrESTING INKAwsAS.-•4MI'. Janes Miller, formerly of this town, but now in Kansas, writes thaI they were cutting fall wheat there, and it was an "oxetallent , crops CALL SUSTAINED. --•A t a special ;meet - leg of Huion,:Presbytery, held in.G'ode-, rich, on Tuesday,' the call to Rev. Mr.. .Stewart from the °lititeo Congregation, was .sustained ;ONE USE >?'' eat BUr ete-e-:Ott Sattnday hat tenkegs of : better were shipped' to Blyth, fo'be used in oiling wool in the factory there, It is; almost needless to. say that itwas of s . quality `that' would not bring•"25 cents per lb. " CUEAr AS DI11T."—A. merchant in temp 'informs -us -that aa• few ' .days since he sold over five hundred pounds of but- ter to. a •Toronto dealer, at the hand-, some 'figure of five cents a pound, and was glad to get that: A ensue nAN in,, toevn '-offered some children a•eeut:a piece for caterpillars •1 t pecked off his trees. They quiekly,'se- G2 • 59 ` '- cured six hunclred,,evheti'be told 'them. Majority for :by-law. 3; A: special he would have to reduce the racr uwn meeting of the Council will be -'held on to hal.f•a cent, and they struck work. the 17th inst.,to take into considers: Moetne Loss---Wiiile attending Lon- don the by-law. don''i'aces•last week, Mr: John Mooney,. --=__.e _---- of tliis' place, was nnfortueete enough LARGE numbers of ,save logs are noev to loose $ 200. • He had occiision to use �' the money, and supposes that in repine coming into town, , . �� + LECTURE.—Mrs. Yoemaus will again -lecture on temperance; ie the Methedist Church, this evening. Musing , --The juvenile Band favored our townspeople with an .open air' treat on Saturday evening. . THE G. W. R. Cos now . give Sa.tnr- day excursions to 'Kincardine, at the low rate of $1 from alis station. • ON Sunday Memel~ James Turnbull and A. Aikenhead, of 'this; place, were, ordained as elders in .tlie Presbyterian. Church. • Tie attention of speculating capital- istsis directed to •the•ad'vertiserneots of two auction sales of:property,: shortly to take place in teens , • AN excursion to Niagara. Falls,. will givenover. L . - B on •i- beove,t ,A.& ., 1.'i day, 21st inst. . The fares are very low. See advertisement:' ,.STItA nerentss 11 is a ls' again first with his strawberries, having brought us a dish on Tuesd ee .for which we tender our thanks. MR. TRIOS. POTTER sent us, au Tuesday last, his annual` 'contribution of early green pelts. Now;if eotno one only sends'. ..les -some lamb, we can have ""lamb and per." MESSRS. Broadfaot & Box, :who spur - chased the furniture business of Messrs. Menzies i& Whiting, hoe now •a very superior stook on hand,; one ,which is a credit to any place. ItICoe, a eonrmeticittl traveller,. of Hamilton, who was accidentally drowned in the bey -there, on Fridley, was well-known in this town, having , been here on one of hili trips but a few ,lays since. • DErARTEv.—We are glad to say that those females, whom we have ptevions- ty mentioned, have left town. They - found the authorities of .this place: too energetic and 'exacting in. • the way of fines, for their eoinfort.: POTATOES. ---A fe V clays since • pota- toes were offered in town.at 15 cents • per bushel.. ' Last'w.eek there were none to birthed at . anyof the stores. foes. This week tlrel leave•been sold et 50 cents -a bushel: ChCy Uieeenet=likely--it► lr: main at this, as itis .sakithero,are plenty in the country. AovznENT.---Ory Monday last Geor e,. coin eritl`r: `nlcggarTnest painful •smolder -it While., acting as catcher, in a game of base ball, he went, to catch a " foul when the hall tl s• rtt(,k him square in tho moralel,. One of liis teeth w,as. knocked • out, -and several others loosened. • A • SIIILWAL1C.—A roue plank sidewalk in front of the Market Ground, just put down, is a great improvement one the old timbers. The walk to the Post Office is also being improved, A new sidewalk in front of the Brick Block would not make pedestrianism in that quarter any harder. - rye - themselves. MR, 11.01114 OAMPlbELL, harness ]maker, purposes: removing to Blyth. MIs. \VUT4li1NSON,. late of the West. Derbeen News, was in town dais. week, canyttssittg for the fiance, the • Conserve twe humorous paper. THE juvenile bund desires us to tew der their thanks tea those friends who so liberally assisted them with funds to. payfor their uniform, , • Sower. TsAc:lrEla's E.xeneeneIo+1.—• There bus been 32 .entries: far examine- tion from the Goderioh ]High, 'School, 24 from Clinton High School, and 15' other applications, _ S7NII$E .•,are iii€orrnetl,_ that there are smile farmers hereabouts, who' Lave grain in :their storehouses, but sooner than sell, are borrowing rnoneya, at 15 per cent interest. '• CIia1SE WEIGHER. --A novel and in- genious machine has been introduced by the Messrs. Palliser etz Co., for -the weighing and cutting of cheese at the :same tune. his so 'constructed "that, the exact':weigbt desired is cut from the whole;'os pati of- a cheese without waste. Call and see' it:.. . • ;voTICiS: >'a>,slilrrturre, •-•liessrs; Gorden &Finlay: ifosi , will "have is stook in a few days, Presh Gooseberries, Stltwberries, Pineapples, Cher. ,rigs; &o. Plcrtnixs.•-•We acknowledge with pleasure the receipt of some excellent pictures from the }bell -known art publishing tirm of George Stinson. & Co., Portland,' Baine; ". We have had considerable dealings with this Grin, and' always -found them to give en tire 'satisfaction being straightforward and upright. trebLETT.' in it,y.he u in an .outside instead of Pte Some lir. J. Cro'a err '.of IIullett, s put. I leas sold an c inside ticket; from which it °was feat � • ! p g d i hteciimonths old' Suffolk + boar,,,imiporte from England, to Mr:. 11I.: Amato a number of cattle that' wer'-Charlesivorth, of the legmondville' mills, slipped here •: on .Monday,' ;there w.ero at a good fagiire, five three year old steers, raised .and fed by Mr. Wnt.Wise, or Gederich Poittx.ER'S 1oivnsbip . ,Nati , averaged 'i 4.84 lbs. ,'' Cuitrosirr.'=Nlr. 0. Newton of the 6th The.. were said- to be the finest beel at con., has a yang ping with two tails. tie of their age shipped feoin this station:-- r TALL Rya--Mr.,..J. Cox, Sen:; "of 'the' 5th con. ebas a field of"rye on ltis farm Erazotrr;se:-- Nunraber's of horses in avertei er eight. feet in lieieht,. ' ectee PL'otTGineo Beee -MieA:O1iietiolueof • this e.icmt1v have lately been :ifii. with ain ailt rSllee neeec.b eliar the 4th con., has'thonghtful neighbors who y•vetee3' cneday-last . weeklou>hed 20 acres 'for surgeons, ." epizootic,',' Tile • aeiiinals owl it irriler 'to :assist'liiu thr�iu 'h his ,$fitted first e'chibit a w tut "of appetite, 'spring work.' ` `v iclr is ,followed by. ti gathering in the.: L o Bltolcee.-A little son of, 1'V, in throat, from which nater, matter is ex- ling of the 4th .cin,., was '° the of, 'day, polled. So far• none have died from it riding on a load of neannre'frotn which he. The cause of the disease is attributed to I fell and one of the.whecls passed over and foul air,' 'broke one of his legs pi. Stanbury of Bayfieldy1 ed andthe little .sufferer was called ti DEUArerefi. - - A.' young nein utuoed is oing' as well as could; be ' expected un- d'eh11 pArapbell,'earnpnter;•,'bolo,,.hasiLr'- der he, cirournbt�ancea Supmaai sided fiefs for some Brno p•rst,'suddenly f • 'r' 4 •'..S.� it'ici1ILLOPr�',' •'. left' town the `cltTier" it ay. , He far`gof several things befoi'ro leaving, forgot to , AccIDENT5--On Friday eveuin'g ono of pay his board, tailor send shoemaker, be- the many accidents which usually takes sides'several others, but he did not for- place at barn -raisings occurred on the fartn_ r. of 11Ir. Ed. Devereaux, Me',ICillop, bee fret to overdraw hie salary to the' . of near] . 60.: Business oleo ,are 1111- Tuielr a; man named Jelin Fortune, of Y $ Tuokersinith, had his Ican_ldreadfully' wise to ;trust so tiffany und so 'much .as mangled. He was engaged witis,,.others in they do. : raising the top•platq of the barn, and as he -_--- __.,leas holding eneed o -m fit near iheortice;. TIthes --People stere seem to take ait was suddenly pushed'. in, catching his deep interest in the•adorntnent of thele hand acid crushing it as above described. property by shade trees, ::and. we 'know Me'dical aid being summoned, the hand of few towns iti Canada—indeed we was attended to:and he is new in a fair way know of none- Where so many trees are of recovery, although some months will to be found•. along :'the :: streets. ., No elapse before he will be able to use IL . At doubt this '.isla-Rielly due to the Coun- the sante time Messrs. Yoh's McFadden and it ell of past ears affording protection to to clew Cleary also Crone near fern crushed. 1 years, ., � n)"todeath�bytimbersf�llingoffthe-building. trees planted by townspeople. Almost evarystreet in town can boast.. of crena WR,OxETEIL trees. Maples prodorninate. , TE311 .RANCE, — East -heron District GARDENINU'this year has had marry Temple No. 8, met here on the tith inst. J. J. Treleaven in the chair. drsawbacks. First the weather was so Mr. Minutes wet that little work could be done, then inlinediately" after so warm that the ground1penntne.diko--stone;, and ut- most. re' aired a . beetle and wedge to permit of the introduction of 'seed; then after .afew plants had come up, frost canis and nipped the tops off,, then an- othetedry spell, followed by a wet one: Notwithstanding all these disadvantages, Some very 1.espectablo gardens hare bcen de. _ Gr Nxoet Hier St ook. .Ib •.i -s well known that the Clinton High Seliool takes rank- among the first in the Pro, vino, and that its ptiI)i1 i are' continually taking -honors inthe different ,colleges and universitiets of the Dolninioe. On locating over the class3S list of the Toron- to Oro-to U'nverstiy, for 1878, we again see that ex -pupils of the Clinton High School have succeeded in obtaining fourteen honors, nide in the first class taut fib e•in 'the second, ease it seliolar- ship and silver Medal. We think this is pretty goo, for one exatnination, and. speaks well for the school at which they received their training, the teachers who instructed thein, and for the pupils SPORTS di..Y.1 44M(JS: 'MONIS. • Loader this heading eye shall, ;rout time to time, give reports 0f any games that aro of local interest,.. and reports of cricket, baso ball, or rifle matches, ones,, drauclzte, &e., that have or aro about to owns on, duly authenticated, era solicitor from any. part .of the county) CISweerr, On Monday last.the first cricket match o"f -the season took place at Mitchell,be- tween the club of that"place pod the lin- ton club, resulting in a splendid victory for ings. theand home,Forestrainterb, yyan90 rafteunsr, Mplayiitchelln_ga winning the toss, Fowler and McEwen were sent to the bat, facing the bowling of Har-. d� steady game • McEwen summed to Har- din re for 6 rens, making two singles, and a sp lee did drrve for 4, Howson, Johnston, and Harland.followed next,.und all three 1Weke'lso•wiled -by HHardin"ge;1io' delivers a very deceiving ball, Forester and. Rens- ford were left by Forester, and Wade, -after" making a good stand, was also bowled by the same bowler. ' Fowler, who played a splendid game, cairied'his bat through for 15 runs the innings olo"sing for a total .of 42. For the Mitchell side the players were retired in one two three order, nouebeing able to stand against the splendid bowling. 'of Harland andn1To wson, who were never batter• trim. ,Seven men' were put out for a score of 10 runs, and the innings clos- ed for 26, Awty's 11 being the only double figures. In the second innings for the home club some big batting was done, Fowler played a good.gaule for 10 runs,. and. Was: caught: at point. Howson, who seemed to .leteall his 'powers, loosellespado, a splendid score of 30, h is drivefor bei gg a tre nn- dons hit. 1Iarland's score of 31 ((not out,) was alsoggot bysoe terrible hard battin nearly every ball being driven out for two and three, the innings closing for 98 runs.: The Alitehell.club lied now 115 runs to beat, but again they were unable to bit the bowling; of Howson and Ransford, who' changed with Harland, and the side were retired for 24runs, being exactly 90bchind'. The. Club are to be congratulated -en -their - victory, this •bRing the third tilne'tbey• sieve defeated that club. Below will be' found the complete seem.: CLINTON, AT.,.F.liorwEIlteTr cinnobio,NuitBe,.•.r .-• 1 c. dnKr zcooleir SNt dingo5b1N(iaI:x,a t•- 10 6 b. Hardiuge. 1 .T. Towson b. rrai - • (Doge.•1 b, Ilardtnge , ,... 30 T. Johnson b. liar dingo .. . :. 0 •.r. Cnli'b. Forester1.. 8 '1 Fiurlautl bIia, clings ., 0' not out, D: Forester b Forth o., Cantel n 1, Ila, ter c , •diose . .. 0 W.Ronsrord ». -roe- ... 0 b. I:cardibge .. - 3 B. �. wacle'b.1 �''oros� . for 'b ran out ' , . .4 P. b. Forester..0 0. HartliuFo b I ori i- for ..... - 0 Dennis run out.. 0 • c. Cautelou b.' Fetus U378 Julnrn 1:3, 1878. msnirmmirsimsmierrmitrmsn H 187.8 "rH m RCHA • T C?,�O INCx �', VI �TORJA. ',t LOOK, CLIW FON - NT. ESTA8L1SHED:..1854. I'ILObI .NOW ,GILL THE LTII OF. 7ULX W1:OT'I1;R TEE CHL+ AP-' EST CLOTHING, EVER SOLD IN TOWN, ASS WE ARL 130UND. TO CLEAR OITT. ,OUR STOCK. Fine:_ Worsted Suits :at -' $21.00: worth • $26 00.. 'Scotch Tweed Suits at $16.60 :mirth$ Canadian Tweed Suits at �;1 4.40 worth $17 . 0 �. Halifax p: ,�v;rsed Suits" at : � �$,1.5.00 worth $18.00: 4.0 . worth � 0. ' 1O.00X fat : �� - � Blue Serge -Suits W. Jacicson •beITiu- dlui;o • 4i 0..Forester 0 Byes a..... G t i.. Wider, the :abovecornpnising.•the. newest and most faahiciraible (roods Dods in, the' market. DI I TCFELL . 1^ o• u h JiSr4�N1Niaer a. - ll 3NN1N4i. '.. ..v. Cull e.'Dennisec' Johnson ' . RaiA- • b.'lKowson •1 lord 2 ; ' 'or'pater bb' Hoge r . • ,., 5 ,1',„•„, ' i ` Y... e son 0 c,.30hngonirll'o�sou 3 1+, Syn, , a 1ialltiticl sere: b. Irgwsou , .3• b. Ilowsou. ? 0• A. Mitchell b, liar-' • A, b.' Rau@Toga lf: S.Harding° run out. 1 b. Howson...-. '� .• u, e: gleam) b. Rowson 0' b. Elmsford3, 1K. W. Keeler c. Jo n- sou'b.; Harlitnd.... 0 b. Howson W. Awty run out... 11• c Johnsen 0. I-Iowaon j 0. Cumming e. How- sbfll} b, Harland... 1' stumped Harland..; 2 r, Iluu;;herty's. Hat. lana 2 b. Howson. 0 W. Camelot) not -tint .•0- •,rot out:... - ..y Byes 1 3 Leg Byes . 2 mixes . i 2G ' •. 24 Umpires -G. Knox for Clinton.; scorers -It, I)rnsley,:Cllnton; 15. H. Sarvls, Mitchell.. • nOwt,12 0• avers. maideva, runs of %Oukets. Luwling . Crowson 18.... 10 18 (1 Harland , 10 ,.:14 2 nensford,.,.,.: s • ,••,,4 .,...0• 2 • ,LACROSSE. Astnatch haft been arranged for the 18th inst., at Goderich, between the Hurons end 'Waterloo clubs: • IIOAT of last meeting read and approved.,. Com-:. A•befit race is to come oft at Brussels,mittees were appointed on credential ,. ju- venile• work, temples and political- action.. Mr. Dan. Moran and J. D. Smith were ape pointed lodge reporters. Committee ori' u- venile work recommend pledge cards be dis- tributed throughout the,sabbath and day schools of the district; committee on po- litical. %melon olitical•%melon recommend all temperance. supporters to be ready to assist in support- ing theT eranee Act of 1878 et the polls g emua when called upon so to do, and to use every MEDICAL.—We are glad to notice that Mr. D, H. Dowsley, M.D., partner of Dr. Gibson of this town, has ' taken - his diploma at the lath examination at the Royal College of Surgeons,•London, England. Unfortunately the London Timm, in chronicling this fact/ gives :Blinton, Canada West, the honor of his residence. A Fzuw IN His % AooON.--•Last week a furniture dealer of Scafotete while driving through this town, was aston- ished to find a respectable fire in his waggon box, 'and his coat tail burning. neeas put out without much damage being done. .It seems stere was, tome loose tow in his waggon, and after Tight - nig his cigar a coal had either fallen therefrom or he had dropped the match' • PERSONAL. --We understand that Rev. R. T. Gourtice of the Bible Christian Church, who 'bas been stationed lure for three years past, is to be removed to Lindsay. Since he has been here the Bible Christian body have beeoino more nunierolrs and succeeded better under his management, than under any of .hos predecessors, which is to some extent, at least, due to his untiring zeal and persevor ante: Not only dog the members of his owit cougrogation regret his de- partnre, but Ills many personal friends equally so;• and we tart assure the people of Lindsay` that they are sneering the services of one of whom they need not be ashamed, and whose stentorian lungs will be employed iri the promotion of everything drat is for mau'S best in - ori it, and the wind fanned it toe flame. terests. 9 legitil eeete uscaltw t utp_nor,;1;;i =tire.: by-law: when iphmitted to the ratepayers for their approval. An open lodge was held in the evening, Mr. Hogg presided, Rev. Mr. Brown and D. Moran addressed the meeting, and seveiatt mcrnbera %ok fart lb dialogues, songs, recitations, and music, GODEJUC1)•I. Froth. the Si •'nal. g 1 • Willie playing iufront of a fire on S. turclay, u little son of Mr. J. l:Iortoh, caught his clothes and was so badly burned that he died from the injuries. SUnREN DEATH. — On Tuesday after- noon, an old Tran named Thomas Pttyne,. who had been complaining of feeling un- well, dropped dead while being taken to tlie.lock-up FIni;.:-Tho residence of Al. John W. Pharis, situated on the outskirts of the town, was burned to the ground on Satur- day 'afternoon. Cause .of fire naknown. Loss partially covered by insurance. .. . COUNTY Counx.`The County Court and. General Session of the Peace for the County of Huron, opened on Tuesday, before Judge Squier. Tho Grand Jurors not bu- ing•in full force the court 'ryas adjourned till yesterday. There are three criminal canes to be laid tefore the graud jury, There are fifteen civil casts and three tip- peals to be jdispoeed of. Full particulars next week. BAND TOURNAMENT. -.The toureement which will^ take place here on Friday, will be the largest of the kind ever held this side of Toronto, The following bands have enterer], 7th leattalion) Lendoo'i.' 8th Battalion, Brantford ; Berlin, St. Marys, Mitchel,,, Soaforth, `Ieincardtrso, and 111 diaus ofSaugceu. the Indians of Saugeen have consented to retnain over and anmee the audience with a genuine ever dafrce in the course of the evening. on the 1st •of July, between S. .T. -McRae and John Chanter, on•the Maitland. • etonst niecES.' The Iat•of.Tuly will be duly celebrated in Brussels. Horse racing will be the cen- tre attraction. • BASE ]TALL. base ball tournament takes- lase::at ribas b p Wroxeter,.on the let of'July,'when i 50• will be given iii prizes. The best clubs in tire couutyare-`expcetecl to'-be°present:� Arrangements are being' ' made for a match between the "Dauntless" of this place, and the Beavers of London, on the 1st of July, for the silver cup •cud the 'uliior championship -of -Ontario. A base ball match ,was .played in leg- nrondvilie,. last Saturday, between Eg- ' rest meRed ill and Forrest Homes, of moody e I 11 .Tuckers With. gyrase ba School House, t clubs. The game resulted in favor of the latter by a.score of 23 to 15, • ' • PotrnoAL NOTES, Mr. P. W. Glenn, of Oshawa, on Friday, received the unanimous Reform nomina- tion for the representation of South Onta- rio in the House of Commons. (7ol Cubitt lids received the Conserve. tivo nomination 'for West Durham, for the House of Commons. This is the same person who fired to prominently in the '( Big Push libel suit." • the South Brant Reform Convention. held' at Brantford, have unanimously re- nominated Mr. W. Paterson for the House of Contemns, and Eton. A. S. Hardy for the Local Legislature. - Mr. W. C. Little was nominated for South Sinicoo, in the Conservative inter. est, but the temperance men of that party, not liking his nomination, have selected Mr.' Geo. Aachen as their candidate, so there will be two :Consorvatteesin the field, At A' meeting of the South Bruce Reform Convention, held at Riveredale on Satur- day, it, was decided to ren Mr. Blake as the Ministerial candidate in the House' of Commons and. a delegation was appointed to wait upon tile honorable gentleman at Toronto and urge him to accept the nomi- nation, [lir. Blake bee since agreed'to ac• sept the nr,tnination.l Tickets issued; 71S:I14'1(T.T, lvttirk3'• ,1.&7ta:••: THOS. rTAORSOlare o Manitoba for$18.00.. zissmisin v X$ Q* S, copotatirove, 1 wisps Allsr0 10•14°11.26, 1 .1r,;UST 'u7s1 La"1'V E D ,A.T They are soiling out the balance of this season's FLOWEft8 at a great dean less than cost; v Those in want of cheap plants will do well to call and see their stock, . 11417ING PlettC}TASI:D ONE 01? Tuft's Art a :Buda Water IF0un taikls• 11ez„„cari r+pkitosq,fitrnrin me•itic theair• rl•rlivitU all kindsof temperance drinks_,_ u• TC333 C''✓ 357i. .14. i03114 They hove just got trrrongh ]rouse Cleaning, and have fitted till' Icer CC'reani parlor$, 'Where all can be aceotutnodated-•• - It,l'. t.Ttl,d1C UI,GTYfIt1fU T3 ANY PART flk Irk,TOWN; • A FRESH LOT OF. CANNED GOOD; JUST RECEIVED.. Alio non MAUI OF INFERIOgiltY. PI . QF M L EMS tit SEW, • 00'0. -- a THE l FAIR TO BAOOo. • T _p B'1< PAGLCAGi1 OR BUL1. , ]~`INE CIGARS W1I0LESA,LE, AND RETAIL. 4 •• OVER ONE IltIN MUlfl DIL`PE1 1i P' "STYLES OP `AA.. 00* PIPES • WHICH TIiE1' AItE SELLING AT COST. {, Nem.omber that any.._tingtot from their store wet be returned, it ot ns rept; Med. Clintr n, May, 1878 - (f1t:ASSICK aC CUNNING/TAME.