The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-13, Page 7JUNE 18, .1875..
Gtenei a. News Items.
Bishop 14icCioskry, of Detroit,, bas
resigned his bishopric end left the min -
Three bunged and sixty Mormons
arrived. at Now Yot•k on Thursday from
Liverpool. -p
An attempt was made at Constanti—
nople on Monday to assassinate. Mah,
mond Denied Peskin, the ex -Minister of
English cheese varies from, seven to
1 twenty cents per pound in the London
market, and the inferior qualities are
greatly in the majority.
The Union Pacifiti Railway Conipany"
has purchased_gun-a..ta:arm-all-employes.
on the overland passenger trains.for
protection against robbers;
While the famine continues tit. de-
vastate the northern provinces of China;
great destruction of • life and property
has been caused in the south by heavy.
A German woman in Connersville,
Ind, recently gave birth to five fine begs.
The quintette are doing well,• but we
are not informed as .to the condition of
the father.
At Macon, O., one Caldwell was on
too intimate terms with his ,sister-in-
law. It becoming known, anal fearing
the exposure, he last week .• mur'd'ered
his wife, three children, and liistel,in-
la w.
Owing to the injuriesand shock .sus
tained. by Emperor Wi'lheluo,''iif Ger-
many, through his recent.. iattemp;ed
assassination, Crown .Prince Frederick
has been declared Regent' .of +the
pire. • 1,
Atrue story in two ohepters: Chap
• ieiI-1rC. lalton.e of jersey. City,
- had a habit of smoking a pipe in bed.
Chapter IL—The other -night she chang-
ed that habit for a shroud. Finis.
Seven hundred miners from boar
Charleston, West Va.,' lastweek, cap-
tured a steamer and went to •;Blacks=
burg and made the • miners there stop:
work. Tilly then took possession of a
• tr-iiin on the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail-.
way, and returned without paying their'
Before tin insurance Wren's COf''en
tion in Syracuse was read; It' paper in
which it was asserte;tl that purely ac
cliental fires are very bare, 'and •that
over one-half of all conflagrations:are,
the results of incendiarism.. This is a'
startling assertion,wliich; ' is oieb re-
peated. r.
The United States SSer'etary of wa.r,:
in real ion se to. Governor iIartranft's i e-
quest h.ti•. ordered the shipment z
ttia.ntit. bf aims"fcrrdistiib i" 7aii"to'tlio
Pennsylvania militia. Tberauthorities;
• of other- States ,are .corresponding with
the Governlnaiit c tering the same
subject. ' • •
Five,ieoes arrested at Bayou, Sara,
• La, for attempting to murder Dr. Archer
IIast Sunday were examined on Tuesday
at Raccouerce, and confessed they*,
longed to an organization *hoee object
was to kill the leading white'men in the
county. The prisoners were taken' Iron
-custody by force and hanged.
A plot is 'believed to exist in Ger-
many toassassinate the Imperial family,
Thirty-seven persons have been arrested.
for speaking disrespectfully of the Em-
peror Wilhelm; one, a printer,has-
been sentenced to four years' itnprison-
ment; and another•to two years; and a
half for expressing their regrets that
Nobeling's attempt failed,
American and Catiadian agricultural
implements at the Paris Exposition are
pronounced by•the French journals un-
rivalled in Europe. Oregon and Cali,
fornia wheat attracts great !attention,
also the mineral exhibit.from the Pacific
coast.' The number of articles sent for
exhibition from •this continent is double
that sent to Paris in 1867,: or to Vienna
in 1873.
Some of the steamers .which run to_
South America keep an ice -making mai,
chine on board, and provide alt the foe
that is required to preserve the perish-
able freight that -may le on 'board, b`e-
sides making all that can be used by
passengers and crew. This saves the,
room heretofore required for the storage
ofice, and besides•is cheaper, especially
when the crystal is as . searce es it . is
this year. •
Arizona furnishes a striking contrast
to the mind,tof the average Californian.
A former resident of .Sacramento, now
in Arizona, writes that . the ground
where he is located is hard and dry as
the top of a stove ; theimometer 95 de-
grees ; no green thing in .sight but
cactus plants of various sizes, and all
the game that .they ' have .to 'lhoot are
rattlesnakes, tarantulas, centipedes and
A colliery explosion took on,Thure-
day in Evans' .Colliery, at Haydock,
near St. Helens, in Lancashire. The
explosion shook tine earth for miles. ---
Tho first explorer descended the !shaft
five minutes after the explosion, and
othera followed. Ten men were rescued
alive,, and were sent to the surface; when
one died almost immediately, and the
other buffered much from after damp;
Two hundred and thirty-two men are
dead: , The explorers state they 'found
the bodies decapitated', reduced to shape-
less mmmses, and some of them blown to
pieces. The cantle of the explosion is
Candles made from, peat itre sold in
London. The Lancashire .cotton mill -owners
are believed to be deranging for the im-
portation of American labor to take
the place of the 'strikers.
Last evening, at a social party at Pbil-
t:delphia, the floor, gave way, and forty
ohlldren were precipitated• into tlferieel-
lar, Fortunately none were dangerous-
ly hurt. .
To Add to the troubles; caused by the
rising of Western United States Indiana,.
it is now stated that Spotted Tail's bands
are oh the eve of revolt; owing to the
neglect of the 'Government to remove
them this spring according' •to promise;-
•• OnSaturday2,000 people assembled
at Boston to witness the departure :of'.
Willie in a ud Walter And re ;,V f3 for HAW,
In the NailtiltiS,tbosruadles
t vase) th
Dross the ocean.. 'The
.craft is 10 feet 2'inchea long and G feet
4 beam..•
A Pittsburg - letter in the New 'Tart(
Tribune, strong : -Protectionist ' organ,,,
coutains the following ; ' The condition
of the workingman was never as bad as
now. ` Men who are ootnpetent to judge
estimate the number' out of employment
in. the anthracite at; felly one-third more.
than a Year ago.. The shipments ofcoal'
•last year for the entire region were 21,n
000,000 • tons ; this year they have
-beep only 15,000;00,0., Ont of the
'twelve iron hills and furnaces in Sclluyl
Bill Openty'only two,are• in operation,
and one of these is run on short tithe.
There are hundreds• of men who
-rents. . • Nearly all. the•storekeepers;have
been sold out at .sheriffs sales. Small
deposit` banks have failed. In theTal-
ley. of the. Oat awbssa,Schuylkill County,
it is said tbat_.a,lt thin formers exctap t one
have sold `out. t. Shorifis sales aid Made
up of. ilminers' houses . whish .held been
`tartly pahl•,for; at 1i',rroent term one
htinclred and. fifty were on the list.
The ' New.'. York 7tribune, in writing
Upon the subject of shipments of horses
to,England, specially mentions a pair of
Canadian carriage borses,-t'eof'ntly sent
Out ' by . the Anchor Line, Its says ---
s ti extimpie of the•iiiglt appreciation
foieitnerg biro of .American and :Cana-
(Hail 'lro se8, W>te'.rn.Aiio. jlecial mention:of
these two They *ore•ssicctetl lis Rro-
fo:`so Smith, of the Veterinary ,College
of Toronto, for a 'lir." D.un'lier, • of Scot..
land; and designed for his,'own'•private
flee iii that country. Canada can well
be proud when_slie .can prodtice_'horses•
with snob desirable qualities,that private
lird'NidilalsCross:.the . broadl Atlantic to
mal.;c%purchases for their oven use , It
swell th rt the nobiliity,,old; gentry of,
those;; European co.uutrtos ;l'rnvo found
ollt „tktst the:_�Zt�ttr�d:,;;Sta.tteor,:as weli„al�
Canada, Have • a hong their: unlimited
supply, of horses, animals just suitedsfor'
their several want's: •
BOILED -SEEDS—The U. S. Govern=
menti'has a department through which
Congressmen and Senators supply their
constituents with garden seeds: at the
public expense. The story is told' that
some; time ago: a cry :came up frcui the
rural districts for tomato seeds, and the
commissioner thendrawinghis pay and
earning the nation's gratitude, sent, to
Baltimore; for a supply. The • agent
waited on a commission merchant
the Monumental city, and madea con-:
tract for six bushels. They were to be
delivered in three days. .As soon as,
the department agent's back was turned,
one of the members of the commission.
firm: waited ors a large fruitand vegetable
plcke in Baltiniroea and 'contracted for
the seeds. They' were.shipped to the
departinent of agriculture; put' up in
packages,•:and carefully labeled with
their high:sounding botanical.' name.
They were' duly distributed through
.members of Congress,:with the request
to thole receiving them to report upon
the merits of the seed:. 4 year 'went by.
Though planted and watered, those seeds
never...awoke. Curses, not loud, '.but
deep, reached the ears of the, official
agriculturist, and on enqniring into the
facts he scertaL...1 that the seeds were
and any other inflammatory
R$E0`I ATZSM ieeaae cured lu a few honra.
ryainelear sorotela, parri-
ago, akin irritation, ulcers from any catgse, and a httn•
died ether diseases aro caused by an acid lerment,
vrlalob produces inflammatory. action. I3runton's Ab-
sorbent will positively effect a cure in a. few hours, by
&sorbing the acid poison from the eyotem. Sold by
droggiete. 1't ice, bee. Advice In particular eases free.
W. x, i1nv•
L ndon, art. ,
Y y residents of Clinton and vicinity,• that, having
rebuilt bis premises on the old stand,
Victoria Street, Clinton,,
Ho haitpow on band a large cud eeleot stock of
oF. .:
;i► e s
or Sotcar.G inted. 4uticeatrttted, 1toot
and Herbal Juice, .lttti•JRlil.ogs.
Gratin s. t lllil .0 LITTLE O1iA,.IVT"
CATHAR'I'IC. or ititiitnnt In Petry.)
The novelty of modern Medical, Chemical, and
Eharinaoeuticai Science. No use of any longer
taking the largo, repulsive, and•.nauaeous ppills,
•co>?t wend of cheap, crude,, and bulky ingredtenta
when wow, by. a careful application Of chemical
science; extract ail the,cathartic and • other•medi
eine! protegees nom tiro moat rateable roots: and
i' herbs, and Cone ate them into a'minute Gran-
ule, scarcely larger titan a
ims aoosht
lttePurgative Pelletre seme na
concentrated form; a ch cat hewer
se is emtgdied in av othe largep4found
sale in dru -shops. prom their wonderful catbar-
tic power, in comparison' to their size, people who
have not tried them are os
to an that the
apt e n .
aro harsh or drastic in effect; but such 1s not at ap
the ease, the different Active medicinal principles Irn
of whish they are. composed being harmonized o7n let2Spring -importations., crud making • moditled, one by the others, N to produce I p g g stoc
a 'mese searchtttg and . thorAngG' sot
incl A,nterican Mal' Papers ` ,Borer, °Decoa'ation:s and TVini
;: o TT
tie by and kindly operating; catitalr.,
O Rcwnid 1s hereby chorea qt' the pro-
, prtotor of these 1cIIct1, to at:411enitst who, upon
S'noh ae Chola;. Tabloa,�ed-rent. Sets, Lounges, What
Note, se., olgo0d tnstorial, excellent workmanship and
finish, and which he will sell nt the lowest'remunorptive.
• rates.
.4./1T11 11U2QG J' erltntiy ATTLfVDE`D .7'Q
• ci�Yll x�r�
kieraeniber 'ho .Place- VICTORIA -T.
analysis will find in thein any calomel or of ,er
'forme of 'mercury, mineral poison, or injdrious
Being entirely vegetable, no.particttlar
caro is required while tieing them. • Thep opperate.
without tiiainri ince to the con,ttitucion, diet. or
Occupation. For Jaundice, Headache,
Constipation,•Impur, Mood, Pain in
1 the.Sltoultterti, Tightnestsof the Chest,
Dizzttfoss, Sour Eructations from. the
Stomach, Bad, taste in the mouth, 13i1
Ions attacks, Pait in region -of'7Cid
net's, .internal lever, Bfoatcd feelttig
about. Stomach, Jtiili of Blood. to
Head, I5,iggh-colored urine, Unsocia-•
blllty. Ower. Gibotu1- r ocehodings, take.
. lets. In explapatiuli,t�f ,tile retuctihtlt-pQwor of
my Purgative i'ellete over Fe reat•n.'variety of •
6 Db it!!
l letco .9p1
pi t,n_-aur I urbatlge Pol .
Clinton, Morel. 8,1877 • . ,
diseases I wish to env thin their action,
x,'14 flE,. 4' ll upon tite r niton' etior.ioluyj in waiver,
sal,:Hot . a 'grand' or tissue escaping
thotr: sat anti V e .1 itipr ess. Ago.. done .not
1 impair the ptopurnee of `nose Poll efe, They aie
autar-conut n d in glaAS bottles,lesr their
- 1 tttLis it t ni • tt. i
v i bol firsts tt 1 mel t tutimlalretl.tor
any length • of tittle In env M11r1 rte,, so. that they
.are always 6c,:, anti trllablt this is not the.
cases With those• Mlle w hl. it ut par, up in cheap.
wooden of 111 1ebuir hose ..lieealtent,that far
�S all dt:oa e,, wuere ;I Laxative, Alterative,
��t. t�A �? giC9 8�t .' Or Part, ttIvc.:o •Imil1111 t tlie'se. ntriti Pellets '
, I3� . e4ivl: i7 dot n will gist tt: snii:I Stas 1 ul f i,'r•,1u,to.a.11_5T.he .
IOW tfit'n, ..
HRH woh
Sl?I19C(1110:lL SEC'S 'C(i ROr1 i It1 S' OLf,
ss friends and oliitorecrs, and ne reruns new toms RR
may:thinit at to favor hire' wltbtlteir patronage, tiros, bo
has re.bnilt his Illackstnikh.Sliop,.ncd • •
Which is now Id full oporalien; Prom lifelong oxppli••,
oneo Snit the facilities•11e possesses, 10 role competent
to Om satisfaction: to all Who rimy favor him with their
patronage. • -
1'ltcy aro` sold by all Irraggra3,,i at 1b •
ceurs a bottle "
r V. '-. , M. D., Pro-'',
1t1:.Flfi:\f.U. �i..Y',
v. z
11o;<sP 490,rzq aitc7 carica d p obbrr r�
— :F ' amnti a"tloil �io,-mos 87;nnalrl01lttti t
J`.�J B bt tT rT
sp O r.Ti.
Londosboro, Qat. 18.1877. ' •
Blyth Flouring Mills,
HE subscriber begs to tender his most
sincere -thanks:, to, his.,, numerous gusto
inert; in the surrounding townships, and the
public generally for their liberal patronage1
and would further notify'them that he bas•
lately added moat important improvements to
his mill,by putting to a' new engine, double
the poer heretofore used, and'"two run of
first-el,g'sib stone, with'a complete met of•mor-
chant bolts, and• in fact all the latest and Most
improved machinery, together with first-class
millers, he is prepared todo first-class work in
(xriets weighed in and oat. Parties from a
distance can have_their gists and chopping
home with them 'the same day. Good Flour.
and Mill Feed for sale at moderate prices.
The Subscriber would also inform ,the •pub-
lic that he has: a large stock of lumber of
different kinds and lengths : Pine from 10
to 20 ft.; Hemlock,:from,10. to 26.; Cherry,
Butternut,, White Ash,'inaple, Softand Rock
Elm, in lcngths to suit the public, which en-
ables him to fill all orders that he may be
favored•with on the shortest notice and most,
reasonable • terms. -
I•P. j{ELLY, Proprietor.
Blyth, A4.28,187(4. 'R
of Removal.
"from.tomatoes cooked. for canning pur- 't .o ti Ce
poses, and that the packer who sold them ,
had obtained -the -web -out -of "the boiling
contents of the cans, •. -
TIE DEBT OF El7ROPE.—Now that the
war cloud looms -,and lowers and threatt-
ens to burst and acts as war' clouds are
generally supposed to act, it becomes
tin .knowhow countries
'interes g to of
Europe stand as regards financial
matters. -France is the stricken har-
dened, having about.. i 4,G$7,000,000 to
pay, England ably seconds Prance with
$3,880,000,000. Russia has $ ,500,000.
,000, Russia's debt has trebled within
the last twenty years, but her income
has not even doubled. Spain owes
82,0510,000,000, and . together with
Greece and Turkey cannot' pay the 'in-
terest due. Italy comes fifth with $2,
000,000,000. The debt of this -country
has been more than quadrupled within
the last seventeen years. • Austria is
next with a. burden of $1,771,000,000.
Prussia has $1,115,000,000. Turkey
stands about the eighth on the list, but,
until the present difficulty is settled, it
will be hard to tell just where it stands,-
or whether it will stand at all. The
range of debt'comes in the 'following
order t Portugal, Netherlands, Bavaria,
Belgium, Roumania,Wortetnburg,
Saxony, Greece, Sweden, Denmark,
Norway and Switzerland,the latter little
country having only $5,520,000'of debt
on her shoulders.
The GREATIILSWllg for.
as purely vegetable• and perfectly harmless. It acts
upon tate Mod in tits stomach, preventing its being,converted into fat. Taken fn accordance with r11. ..
rection, rt will reduce a. fat person hop two to Avek.
pounds per wee ,
"Copulate!, is not only a' diseadeitaelf; bat the
harbinger of others: + So vrrote Hippocrates two'
thousand years ago, and what was true then Is none
41m -less so to -day.
Sold bydrug Pts or sent, by'express, upon; re*
esipt of SIM. t uarter-dozen'byo0. address,
Q • Wolnetestora, Buffalo, Z
By Ph immense practice. esleinitt 1.! ; •., ••'
parted of year), having within that tune frt..,+•,
many thousand eases of those' disc:figure Iterill ,
Woman, I have been enabled to perfect i t :a
potent and agreeable medicine that Ort t t he '
dicntions presented by Mat close of , t iN .t.,• • st ..:.
positive ccr(sinty and exnctnebe,
To designate Oils natural dpectIlO .. nn".e,t•i. T
have -named 1c
Dr. Pierces Favorite Prescription
The:term, honorer,is but a, feeble ex proesion of
Jay high appreciation of its value, based Upon
my own ttet:ionnl observation. as a.'cioise ob-
Server, I.ii:tve, while witnessing ice positive, re-
sults in the fete special diacnsea lunident to the
separate- erg/whim of woman. singled •it out as
the clime' or crowning gent of my
:'lnedtca/ nareer. Li» it�Mor t2�s srltr ptrsittvc
Mae, and .eff'eetttal• remedy; for'this-blase of (HS -
Oases, and Ons that will ht. all belga anti, under all
eireumatahcoe; met 1Findly and in humanity with
the lair& which govern tate female systema, I am
Willing to,atake• my re Mallon- .as --n _ hygietan.-
Nay, ever. more, so confident ma 1 that 11 will trot .
dibappoint•tlle' host sanguine0 eetafinns-of n.'
single' invalid lady who t1ro•s Itfor any of the
ailment& for which I i•co�_fQin�h�nrud 11,•11utt 1 offer
and sell it tinder 1, POWITIV15 t;UA RAN.
y Elft: area bee t
tie inc iteett,•I tvlll, on .11'oturn of the hottle;..tvvo-
thirds bf the medicine ?laving beast taken neeerd-
ing to directions, rind the case beingone for Whirl
I reedrmend it, promptly refund the money paid
for it. lead I not the roost perfect: confidence in
TEE It he otichti effect is not eruerience i
Watch and Clock. Maker b Ntwo-thirds of the contents of the bot
�., 1
respectfully tionneo the
Would.roslreotf 1 y nn Woe to his ointment mars And
public gtneraily, thatmince the late dieaatrona fire, he
has secured the
Store lately occupied by Meters S. Palliser & Oo. i
Whore he will'keep on handl select assortment of.
Alecks, Watches, Jewelry, ani; Silverware' Mall kinds.
which he #n1 dell at readonaiite raiea. Repairing of
°Very descriptionpromptlyattonded to. t
Clinton, /an. 24, 1878,
sincere thanks for the liberal aline Of patronage
afrerded him, and world add intimate that he hat, dura'
Ins' the poet wlrltor,•laidln a Ja go atoek of Srat-glass
matoriel,,and ie now prepared to make eta put in, the
91 'evert tletoriptien, on the enoarrstr',Nolle*, end
on,tltbntoit resa0nebie terms." ;
its sitting, reartrttlierntrorit ns l sio-under-tlteee
donditions: but having witnessed its truly miraen-
Jotta aired in tlroa'Ands of eases, I fool livor,
✓ anted and perfectiy' sere in risking
. both my repot tette it and my mottey on
Itti merits.
The following are among ilia=o', distaeei 11,
a rich my Favorite Proscription has wort, -
co euros, as 11• by ntngie, And wick a dertainty
never before attained flit 'any medicine: I.en-
Corrhea, I'.xceasive Flowing, Painful Monthly
Periods Suppressions When from 'unnatural
causes,'1rregnlnritles,.Weiak Back, Prolnpsns, or
falling of the Uterus, Anteret'sion And Itetrnv,r•
Sion, Dearing Down.Seaeatione,• Internal 11ea1,
',Teraina Depression, • debility, Despondency,
Threatener: /Iiscnrriage Chronic Congettlon, In,
aammarion And Uleerati0h Ot the Uterus, Intpo-
teney,llarrenttoss,OrSterility, lenlale;Yea knees,
and very Many ether (throttlediscuseqa Incident to
worntatt not rnentionett hero 'WAR aacetlons of
this nature, my Favorite Preseriptioh `corks
caret ttto marvel' at tiro world. 7.'It1s
medtetno 1 do net extol Its a bore -alt., but it
admirably fulfills a singlotfetis of Intro
pose, being a rueSt perfect apetttac In aft chrnntr,
disease:I of the seXunl Aystent c1 %omitn :i•t will
not distippOint, Our .tv'i11 tt do Isu•tn, la Any tune
or condition.
-These Who ite,ire farther Information oft (lame
enbjet,tS i an obtain 11 11, 1'1131 1'Itt>t'1,W COM3toi
SEtiti: tlrtOICA1. AltVCARR :I hent of Over 900
page =crit. post pad, nn t•et t 1pt of 81.80. It
t_ esti. 1111. nteli it mese disa,it-e- t,e01111ar to
Female:.. and tin e• 1itunh t t urtdn :, ivP0 Jrire-
gard tl, the nr it t,a'nu•ut of thn , .rl0,5iens. ,
P. r nirti e`e: I'itr;ccrtr,'rttl t 1101.0 .
Ole .t1.1, tilt o-
Remethben the obsess -'-next poor to A.
M 01288003 BlacTramlth Shop.
Clinton,, April 19,1877.
P!ERG l lllr IL Pro 'it. •
I.t'rd14'X''!1 K.11:t .t;. I'� CLINTON, May 2, •18M
of English
dow Blinds, :the best.I have ever slaoion;
l � �� tendo ' of
I would ca l the attention.
_. . f t that: . stock in the above.gods has
the acmygoods - � ..
in Eng-,
>< c i t •
been bought direct t ons he
bg d �'g,
't. • s are all w
land and New .York.' • The Pat ern new,
and I can suit all copiers.
lit t � c t ppd • a Iii a �Ia�1i1�
t�A • ES Aa W LL,
r , Z' O .. -fir Q `. °�+ r$' o . .: '.
CLINT0 ,flay•2,'1848:....
Call . and see for .Yourselves.. Terms as usual.
COAL 'OIL, 15 cents per Gallon.
5 Gallon Can and 5 Gallons of Coal Oil for $1.25.
STOVE mPIPE, 10 cents per length,
ELBOWS 15 cents each
EAVN TROUGH, 8. per cents foot.
)IILX PANS . 6 for $1.00.
NAM$, $2.90 for 100 lbs.