HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-06-13, Page 5J la la, 1878; n THE CLINTON lsitiw ERA, ARE Snowlne ,701 along N1tsy GOODS, AFD 1IAVE TUE STOOK AGAIts TUUOBOV)tiUtOf 8011118.0 IN ItYltl Y DEPAST3f1t17T •kola um SUIVIMER TRADE; MORE NEW VERY MOWN PRINTS. MORE NEW IIUSTRES, MORE, NEW BLAC,I CASHMERES, MORE NEW COLORED 60Fr..k1J REs,. MORE NEW COTTONS; • MORE NEiW LIENS." 4 11ZO tE,NEW .RUTTON,S, In all Rew kinds. MORE NEW HATS. MORE N1 W Bora s. MORE NEW oL vss. , .. 117oBE NEW 13QSERY. MORE. NEW PARASOLS, a�alwa Bathe best value �s 1'beePatterns�and"eolorti are Cliptc . a i cheapest, t, bat the good 9• ge �-n ' y ti and eelent, • ottf.ZT RRwDs ARE RIGHT. ' WE WILL .NOT BIl UNDERSOLD AND KNOW IT, We are ready • .,tQ:.iaag ,Ally.` competition, BLACK GRENADINES. WIRE' GOENADI'NES. IRON GRENADINES/,' COLORED GRENADINES. WHITE i iUSLIN:.DRE4r$ GOODS, i Cheeks' and': Stripes. WHITE BRILLIANTS. WI•IITE • Our Stock throughout is .:largc�..,attractive, 'and ver excellent value, , INSPECTION 'IL•EBPE'OT.FISLIY SOLICITED,••,= ,.'.. ITODJT'NS & PAY'S,.Manchester .;Mouse, -MINTON, May 30, l$78. FISHER; AT THE• ,_ --, MONTR e T .N - INYITE-ATTENTION ,'1`O PFTi+:' CLINTON' FU. NITU E WA.REROON. ivo. " AL1111EUT BRIM 1$LOCtc. J3ROADFOO•T' & BOX, or $E,t.k'oRTf, Beg leave to state to the iamb. hunts cf Clinton and aurreuutl- Ingoountrythat they have start- od a branch bualnees in theptace 'lately ocotillo by Mnustws ft Nirmar ro, andwouldrespeottul• ly solicit the ppbiio to call and examine their•ateok, which ie complete in every department, Our Parlor & 11odroO u, Sete are second to none in the noun! ryfor • design and Auiah, haying every improvement in the line of now maehlnery, we manufacture our own geode and can sell them •at prices that will astonish every ono when compared with those formerly, paid .tor eamo goods. OZtNTON. Jgno 13, 1878, • ._ ,.....,...••',•.•moi. Wo ;rid call special ettantiop to ons Undotaling Deputed, Wbto4 it• second to none in the town, purchased a large andnow atoek )f tlodlns,0oskete Robes end Trimmings, of every desociption, and fatted upu now and elegant 1'TRna$E, wo aro prepared to do i)odertakiug at the lowest remunerative prices, Remembee the plg,ce-77 Albert Street, next door to Mr. R, M. Raecy'e hardware Store, iV,INc. PUS..IN.SS C.:..O.RUiQKS•H ii..NK Rereby. noes, the publio' that he is Selling, Off his entire ,stook of Boots and . Shoes at less than wholesale ,prices, Aril/3e idteuds Leaving .Clinton. The whole will be sold• at a sacrifice,. He also offers. THE BRICK STORE 11e now occupies, on 'Albert Street, for sale on reasonable terms. This is a rare chance for any one who wishes to•get 'a gooa busineas stand.. AU parties indebted to the subscriber, either by •:note or book aeconnt,':are requested to., pay the same before the 15.th of July, as unpaid accounts, after that • Hate, will 'he. placed in court,. CLItitroN; alae, 1878. . awe.+ ,wrrmna 'S;PLEDIDF+ ARM' FOR `; SALE; F , •G LANE', ' .AUCTIONEEAND APPRAISER, I R Lot 25, concession 5, Goderich Township, eonsiating ' • of 80 acres, is offered for sale. 74 acres cleared, aid in I OR 4'7IE; €OYTN'l'Y'OE A[II Rt/.111. oxoehnut working order, is seeded down with demand I ' timothy; remmiader hardwood boob: tin the place Is'a A'LSC> COiYTiVJ 2cwSxON' MERCFIA.NT good young oreltard, never -tailing cruel:, now frame .I es1t1eDOUrrAL'Sl in,O4'I , .1Vlitghrtrn.• hon, now frame barn 40x60, w thaeliar. A. good place e fora business stand on the °orner. •.on the'oppoeite cor. I - Hers aro a store; RosE'oScr, sabot house and black,t,ariaca Coffi an L a1CS' d f 'from the town of Goderieb, Par 'colors on application MST 0( LANDS TN"1iVRq$) Pq '$AL sr • Porter's•11111 P0• 11 andeteig,ued, • {Ols THIS W EK',5 JatEWALS) AT EXTRAORDINARY :LOW. . .PRICES. EW ER j'TS. 511 pet cent,. below regu'ar. p11c'e �"t T -'Moir 1 -a tie o tie n t � J CT a .. � Z60-11, /� r� �t e � � I E W� i �NA7 , r .L�l WHITE T 0 and Dwight Anchor,:,;(note the .arrival of second shipment of this last named celebrated Cotton; the best value in .the. {{ trade.) , GREY COTTONSin Goinwa11, Hochelag ;_ and '1Vlyst c River Brands,, -at mill -prices, • COTTON IN in 1: nnd�ts Hambleton, Rine_ >1J V i 111 J.lY r , TO SHIN GS I 1 nGoods.., . . le- • cli� :.hie rigan,) and S'omervrlle s Scotch Sp nc cl va e, ) ds' ' t 1 11. I2 mid. ... .our 00 a c '. BROWN I�O�LANDS See ,, c>, l � 1 Cee S. i-•-: F t - 1 Also, DUCKS, DEN,IM:S' •TOWELLINGS, Black LUSTRES i. Black GRENADINES, Black COBOITRGS, • Black' PARAMATTAS, ,Black CRAPE ' .CLOTHS. Splendid p • value. v dam' Note the' arrival ot• second shipment of our celebrated BLACK -CASHMERES,. for Mantles, f ' And would here :remind, our lady friend's of the fact that our ' MA111`I`L£ 1]hPNRTM," is ander the special management of our MISS PADDON, . tshioh'fae6:is in itself a -giiarant� of a perfect tit and satisfaction to' 'our customers:. : S R• E AROME bioDOUGATX, t� alio Cauailo company inay.be seen et the cake of G• oiierich township,'. Juuo 5, 1878; ' --- [i' IIAI1 , - l • Uhuion. rare 17; 1871,, BESTbusiness'you can .engage in. .15.to$10 per i day made by,any Worker of either sox, rn their own legalities. Particulars and samples worth•85 10 r[ C. E . fro. Improve your spare time at this •business• Ad- • dress S',T;N@eN Sc Co:,, Portland, Maine. •••...•••���... .Notice is hereby given that: all parties are OUSE AND LOT 'FOR-. SALE: i hereby forbid' given credit to any`palty,•.with. • Oct written or other authority, in .the'name of the undersigned. Thateligible' house and lot opposite the "' 1'4'OS COO1>, 1e t (coofls..of all: kinds .sere ilevet as .cheep as they lire to -day at WesleyiiiiChurch, BattenburyStreet, at'pie: ,Ge.derich townsbiN. May, 29,1.878' sent, occupied by Mn G1,ouna PAr Terms easy. Apply to .'[TORSI BUGGY, l O'Pt,SALE. THE GREAT BARGAIN' : STORE OF' . ..... GEORGE' E.. rA'h „L , , Or W. C, SEARLE. , . 1- p..., Clinton, May23,1078. _ The'stibscriber, having no farther use for Lam..'.,.. � � R G ' L. ;; ': AGI, 0tliefri,.affershia Horse, BegatCutter,.Aar• • ',the Post Office. 777 7M « 777 777 777 777 777 OUR BARGAINS TELL 'AND PEOPLE TEFL AEEOUT THE BARGAINS. Foy the 'Month of Jane we have made a big itrehase Of v 1,, 1 1 7� ' cheap goods for cash AT.LESS a ll4.N FIFTY CENTS ON T):IE I)01414AR Of the original cost, The Goods inustbe' sold,' semi price must, 4i0 it. :ill • The bigparebuse of •Bargains comprises'in part GENERAL DRY GOODS, • CLOTHIN, MILLINERY • awl. MANTLES, ,PARASOLS, HATS and OAPS, BOOTS and SHOES; 'GAR 'ETS, Eta, Etc. . ; c _l l oSiii w��iist mato. � � � •' Oral✓ a• ,few Prices. READ TITAN, THEY S'E, ' TEE QOODS. t. French •Stiri e and Fa.nc Mullins cit final' rice '25 c. per d. P ,� r g � r 1. y naw 10 c: ler; . d: Silk Grenadines, former price, 5Q c, per d. 1 y � >? p y no* 10 c per yd, TJxtlon Grenadines, former pride; 20 c per yd,). now 5,0. per yd. :10 ii1 e Breached .'Towels for 50 c. • Fine: fast- colored new ' attern' 'Prints, 'IQ c.. per 2d. Fine Dress.. Linens and Lawns at -124• and 18 :c. per yd. Silk, and Wool Shaw'lss°i 2.75 each. .100Cashmere, Lace, •and Black, Sill. Mantles, at : from $i.50.:�', to '8 each. Hyde Park, Silk and Wool Shoulder. Shawls, $1,50 and .$2' each.: 20 Linen, .Hand- kercl iefs for $1.:. 1000 yards,cf Plain aucl ;Farcy 'Lustres, at r , an .15 cts..,. woi.th 2i c. per. yd.''. 100 Ladies Linen. Cos•.' turnes and 'Ulsters at front $1,50 to $4.50 each, 500 yards Remnants of Fancy Dress Goods, ranging-from:2. ° 12 yards ,:'iI length, at ..froin;,10 to 75, o. per yd,' We cannot tell yeti all in: a, bill like this, The.goods roust be seen, to'realize the •&et that positively no such value has ever been offered ':to.the people of this part of Canada -WE ASL :NOVO' S.60 WING 9611E T.A.O: rWr 4P. ]IrINE$T;; AND. iii / r . C[Dlil.'NdiP1 •STOCIt: '()Lf RI1tST-CI:A;S, 0O0OS :•'S'tV • 'F1AVE, ,EVEN;' SHOWN'. BUILDING LOT FOR SALLi; ness and Buffalo Robe, for sale: Enquire at ALBERT STREET. OPPOSITE THE • MARKET: T. 7',ATIL. t3LINI0R, luno, 478. • .` That' eligible ,_and will 'sitinated'lot en, the Clinton,,: May' 23, 1878. corner`c f:•Huron and North streets, -near the.. v i. '.: Great \}; I. esters . 1, "station, with, forty feet. STI.3;AYTED t A, frontage -tin ,fliiror street, .,Tit1e•,Indisput.' alrirr� { eitltnr tit •tl„a ofla pry From the farm of illi•: John. Elliott; near •.AIRS. MARY FIELD .IOUSL "alI tj tygredor old, two brindles, re, one 205, Eathttrst,etreet; Lond'oii, : white and red, end gild greyish steer. $5 will • Landoll.,•lvlav 1$,1878. ' be giy.en•to:any pexson.,who shall give infer. ..,.......1.__."....:.-,-,'ntition that will Lead to thole recovery, tA.RD1+'.iv PLANTS'N.()1V:READX: ,TOWS ELLIOTT'. ' 7f ,• • • (Uoderrub township, May 8, 1878. • r1,•• ,, •i;st,oseel of all bis early plants the; EA•'r nic,T ATL FOR. SA r p' • tion of 'the later varieties, tuclt is Tnntatnr - , • Cabbnger Canliffoivei';• Celery,I't-.1ipt'r, ivt ,,;,1_ r ' •. 1. Minn Lot No, 34 fn: the 1!ir's Oonoeseiun arum First side in ariy.quantity, wholesale and retail, tress) Ti rteienith;containtU3t1ereaetiitrt•olnaalntd,. • • ,3h0ilttwo ri)les_fromalinton,boardfeneoin.front',good Alio, tt let of:Ct+Ctrilnr ltq;, fat" plot 'nn' haidw0cd timber., a:ay be made a superior diary farm; liana, T '1'tl'() to of 1 nbei t beat beta, r e Y Y b t , ,. subscribe'.lias:now. on hand it splendid collect• 1}'Llti• 2' west Yell of Lot �,,Itght in the'1Jieaenth,-(ioneca- sten "ur r fifty nbrosFoodty 1 3de'vroi.'s Next to,_lCcCartney & Thon,jisohte Planing Factory. front Wingbum and one mile from the Glenanban,SM- Clinton, r7nue'.G,187Q. •tion of the Toronto, Grey and Bruce llaiiway. A mall--,--Okeranee on- the 'front,. balance .hardwood timber. TO. . Would. sell cheap for sash, or exchange ?or town proper. NOPICE !'O', P 4RENTS... • • ty In Clinton. Apply to the r:wner, SamuelThrawor, at '. • 1 Fair's.41'1s, Clinton, or to the undersigned. . • • On account .Of the'continued increase of 8: Lot 124 on Spenctr. street, Clinton, with gloat two. 'Children' in the 'Junior Department; the ! Sioryhoueo carpenter shot, stable,andgarden. An: ad. trustees are obliged to notify parents, that t 1013.102 halt -lot will be s'.ld with it, if desired. Apply on they can norm n nodafe only one half of rho ' the premises, to J. W. Tao, or to the advertiser. division at a tine,say one half in the fere: ; Moon and one half in the afternoon, ' • W, 1i, III E, Secretary.. Clinton, May 16; '1878, RUSTIC W O..R KC, ilia undetsignod has entered into the msnufartore of ifirklildfrO'tlhr5tle W n'k; stick ns- . cinrttea,t Chatra liuimsner >flontaltta,11e s, e cg aablest' dca., •-El -th -~' _--aLl :t 'r1- at �.4036 S�7rY %r 4'� Stands, T (iE i�.. ...b„.mm».Y , vi eiery deset3pticii;' Ar'tic,ts or this'classkept on hand, Is particularly ' ettraetide. New Goods arriving daily. New deli ns ele cant in st 1 s, remade to ardor on the shortest no Ms, and at moa rensonahlo rates, het has else on. hand, whic� ha will P Y • LOW. IN PR1OE. y•. ; ' g • y e sell cheer, it low good Goan and Stuftar nen ta, Our O-r'ared . QL TfiI' C ,'` "i"radey U.N]D R dtTR : M, FIaCHFR,. . The e1 CtlitltttE'1t :f eG`17laiYxiOoxi Has sore 1• td at y lncreasetl this season as to oblige us to, pureliase more largely than ever before in MACE. • BROADS and DOESKINS, ENGLISH, FRENCH and . CANADIAN , ,WORSTEDS and. TWEEDS, to .supply the demands of out customers, and ALL' OUR WORK iS :GUARANTEED., HOUSE PU M HI G • 0090S. 08. • l8I'l.C'IAt1 P1tICES this week in Witt TAPESTRIES, KIDDERMINSTER, "'l'\VO and TERI% PLY WOOL,, UNION and HEW '' CARPETS,, TAC -i1^± ' 40r Z:r j,A 1C L'v t We aro showing the LARGEST ASSORTMENT Ob' LAOE CURTAINS, by set and yard, in' Clinton, AT EXTRAORDINARY PRICES. The designs tiro unequalled, and they shduid he ,seen by every One. ... . ro THE FAR'.... ER S we give the hi ltest rise for' BUTTER :and EGGS. ��pp � . 3 $ p Linton, May 23, 1870. . , , If:IS1�lEhty G'RMB Orders soiletted. OA and ace'speetreet if work at residenceeP, mesas•its,.et,.n- alwrt:dfstaaee,Irotn.14rts.. 1,ti 11 'Clinton,, dune 6;1878. f�R SAJ E.. • 4. The largo. and convenient Back Store, to -the Ala Bert 8treet111oek, now occupied by air. las• Biddleeombe. . 5. tot 29jon'Victoria Street, Clinton.tadjoiuino the Queen's Sots)) with tiro -story /rude house and garden. v 6. Latin :awes Street (Gordon Llsttte Survoy)'witlt 8 -roomed cottage, good well arta garden. Apply ti Jas, Alexander on the premises, or to the undersigned. • 7• file largo factory building; and lot. adjoining the Orb Ltak Station, formerly occupied by 3. 11. Itel- fry, etn;lno and bolter. Pternho,0 well .ettltsd for mannfaotiringpltrFoaee, cork -packing, &c. 8. tau., on't ictoria `Samoa, (Gor1nn:,anttse 4 a.e.h.nicn building iot, between the G. T: laailway and the River ; ' wo11-fenced, Wanted with trees, soon ar11, &o, .. • C-k Clinton, tae i• Wig; b 11'4)11ICS.. F HE N VELT �}� .a a s.oF The `q C OIr.� :;1111o; .1111141, . • A l'.r,;/eet Sanslinfl!e Efate Storm Protector•, aclapte(i all claceea oji Vehicles. They are light end convenient .They can be removed Their are just the thing Yor wing. oats on farm waC nb to iiFi >' They ' , • dd ` gond. They are just tho thing for aowing-mnchinos,., fro, no seat of . e he, Can lie attached nn . e hghtnin rod andpedtiun y ore last the g g,tgaggons. The tubed in000minute. nay are adjaarable.toany itugltt - thiagtor ale and beerwaggons..Thsyarejustthethin backw : s or forwird•'• T!( latfold good petc0ti ft for mover' we6gons• •TheYarooboap,within the reach trent korai us trent rays of the Imo,' They'donotstrain'' et all. They give cor-olasa ateiielen f They: aro ngnnntnetgre from flrat•olas9 materiel end tally warren - Or rack the seat. Zhu will withstand anywind storm..ted, Theron trimmed with side curtains.. ',.They are They aro attache t (o extreme outaido of peat. They sup. ' manufactured different widths to :suit different width ply a long needed went. They are superior to the vet cents. The following sizes are made; viz; 4 ft.1 11148 • bide umbrella. iii comfort, beauty, strength and utility. ft. 'for wide gauge waggons; 3 ft. 9 in., 3 11.3 i0., 8 ft. 4 They work ori skis of a ratchet -no spring, eetehes,'&c. iu ,,3 81., for ordinary farm :express and democrat. wag - to get Dad repair. Theyareoritarnentalaswof Ae lase- gone and Open buggies. They-ehould Measure id width, fol, • They are adapted to seats of alI liassesot Vehicles' 1 to 8 incites more than width of sent across the to¢, They are fist aha thing for light open buggies. They' outside measurement. Tbeywitl spring 8 t0 4 indent to are Pitt the thing for etpreas and democrat waggons.. salt width of -seat. • PRICE, ,813 .EAC11... • Sole. Agent, 'J. Q. MILLER, Harness Maker. Clinton,' ;tune 3, 1878. R • Velucable .Building 'Lots. ' cr The undersigned c,itera for Sale (hot. eligibly 01011044i 1 �" and valuable business stand, ecn:privitrt;three tots, with bunging therocn, situate on the cornier of 'Victoria and _ Boron directs, and known as the". - • • CLC CLINTOR: HOTEL, PROPERTY. - JAMES CLARK. TE IS now cccapted by :tilt, S. Davis as a hardware and tin Shop, Will be poll on easy feints of 1,a3 meat. Par• Reuters 00 application to • , ss C. S11ATLLI„ Clinton, duue 6,1878. Bolt hands, Nuts, CARRIAGE5,' WAGGONS, .BUOOrOig, ITO., upon, the 0!,nrtoat n ,(i.•0, opt at the moat ren3onable Etet., rite. ilaapllaser0 in announeingto the tnhabitauts of Blyth and vicinity that ho has op(r,od oat in the Carriage. malting into res, and is now prepared (0 .tilt alt orders; for Fx4he1' 8)ovn; , Gl tttt n, • Are euppjyiieg, tax ert0lt'i' avower, • . 'Bolt Enda and Nuts for BridgescHca t'rom Melt downwards, ;and any length tequitail, Their Bolt r'uttcr performs the, work in the bait mono et. • rtsgstt si DOWNtr, 1 Ciintbn.May'Mi, ISlit.. • rates. •Slone hitt 11* 1.0losa. workmenetnployed, and (Ito Veil beet material oast:• nlr:.OAittING attended to promptly and aiiisiaet0t'lii. '11011811 8ilol1t1 t3 a sige;al(y • Atmel for Fleur 's Agip cultiu°i l Iiiiileiments, Otte of the teat manufactories in Canada. Coif and see eataple 0 00 Reapers "kfterera, tsctc l Orii)s, ii0.so hakes, •• Pi0nglut. Err., yc•., hole s.urc1asinyf o'sewheto. Mme' Alio►l■ (l 4.VEON gTAtEL.'F4 fik Opro 4(t the Dominion x'elegrapb Oftloe, Blyth, 'flava 21),11178, • , til i O fiHI1�1;,G ►XKE LSAT CER. • IOOTS& SHO'Es since 14 ening oat;in this line the patronage bestowed on the underhigned has been such to %tarta trt art increase intho amount of stook kept on hand; He ltas,' therefore, added' a large assortment of all kinds of Boots find Shoes, comprising 1LI,�iEa.,. f031''r), 3'OLtPiIS,. LADIRSSr and tAIRL• DItEN'ti MOOTS, SiHOES. a 81...1[t'i'EitSr ase Atao, TItitNi((, Ve1.1,ISEi4. ATt tiE>Gel, 11A1tOIESS, tRe,,, iA e., %thiels lie will sell nt a small ndvanee on cost. Azrr3 •.tlOr►rl.t 1\'r\IlnM TE11. V/CTORIA' BLOCK .SHOE STORE. , JA1111E 'TW 11OHELL, .('lint,'«, May 113, &78. MEAT. l . x , rZie TMON ,. 111 71!elf*: 1: M Desires to thank hilt roans ouatert+eri for the liberal patronage bo,±tewed en h'(nt, and nt (he same *1300 to animate 10 loom, suit alt take like t0 tarot him• with. there onaf mu, that ho 'rift at 011 timet ,le hit utmost to inert their ra,Iul:emont.it r'nrmete Vtialitiogroeat abeppld call nn Pita. 001Alt .1 at'kininlc.wcrkeptt'rtutballno p differn'es.rent acnttormin4 @hop -old Olinton knot lIluilding, :Veto its a, Clirtton, wtay Of 1878. V CATERS' LTST$ CCOTTR Notice is hereby given, .that a' tort will be held, ptfreuant to "The Vetere'.t,ists Finality Act,•" by His Honor the a'bdge of the County court of out County of, Huron, at the crown ileal, o,n the 17% DAY Op' JUNE, 103 ' at 10 o'clock, a. no., to hear and determine the weal complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Olin. ton' for 1877, All persons having business at the , Court are required to 'attend at the sea time and place., A> r11tL11Rs, m% of th141u nieipaliLy. \\, l„gaite(t tat Ci.inton,Clethis tt the May,1818a >„