HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-06-13, Page 44 .-%,4*****eameeserme.witemaavomar NEW A DVERT/SEIV1ENTS. 1.1" -True 4 go. • Best -Stinson- & 0o. Summer -T. Jackson. $00-1-1. Hallett & Co. • Dress goodeeej. G. Gilroy. Vanted--Mrs, J,Lr , Stray sheep" -W. Townsend. • Farm for sale -It. W. Adams. ,Rushing business -B., Crouch, Excursion -14,, & 13, RI R. .A.ection IVIatslermett. Salo of property--Orerar & Muir. Baytield voters'. .Rutledge, Furniture Warereerne.eBroa ot & 434)1011-ot to.ctityes.Now,isitA nary ire +Oleg Ms :Ow* ;Aura et agasavi5,4)1s, sad .t, A. nelles Albert Street,. 'Rase 5 soots por-oopy. , • (!litittait OFFICIAL PAPER, OF THE COUNTY% THURSDAY, JUNE 13; 1875, • THE CL'N'TON NEW ERA. h. tho inter* of hie fellow men, there- fore, let every cnie ponder eeriou4y the 'advice given by Mr, Mackenzie and at aecordingly. ItEolPitOUITx Pirggivry, It .9ppears thaf the, dedre for more' IibraI and unrestricted trade with Ca- nada ie irowing in the United States, As we find, that on Monday last it bill wale referred in Congress authorizing the apPointinent by the President ef three Cotandasiorears to outer with' th, eoOf GreatBritain eoneern. ing a.recipreeity-With the,.:Beitieh vinces in America, That reciprocity tiade wilt itgain ,be established -there is uot shadew .ef• deubt, for the same good yeasoos exist aoe, for its inaugoration as did exist ab the 'time of it's origniatiert, and soseon as prejudice, jealousy, and the fallacious ideas of pretectien pass awey,. whiCh they most undoubtedly will if Caneda refreius'froin cominiftriii any foolish • 107#0N. •• - The neminallion of. Mr.. Hoiton• for Centre Huron :is virtually his eleetiOn, for the riding is. So •thoreinghly Reform that a Conservative has no' ciaucewhtt- evei. Even the Consee•eativcs thetoselVeS recognize this fact, as they leive held ati conventions in the riclitg without 'lami- nating any one,' -as they were. aware it would be no use, except'. there was a division among the reformers, which •it i$ said, they initicipated, and adjourned their meetings accordingly.• • -- the time Mr. Horton has been in the House he has faithfully discharg- ed his -duties, and given every evidence of being a -Worthy representative 'of .Cen-: tre Huron, Which luta' been appreciated • by the electors by a. renewal of lheir confidence. It iS:hdpeti . that eyery ef- fort willbe put_forth to reture him by' a large mujority, if he ie not elected by acclamation. . SOME AlM/iu E. • In his recent Speech -at Lindsay, Hon. Mr. Mackenzie gave the" electors, some . advice avhich has a Ilirect".apppliCation to the Ilefortners. in this .tOn,stitneiley.' After r,eferrine- to the namlidates who • had just received. theIioilintatin-7-61;V. Reform Conventionin that.. Riding lm went on to Say " I-hopono Reformer- will remain at home because of any.feeling-lie May en- tertain for 'particular' reasons against -either of theie gentlemen: We end, in almost every county •that there are• eeine people who 'have little.. prej of -some -hind or ether againitiorne-gen= tleman, and they, stay' at.hoine.., :They. ought not to do this; itAs :never" defile la our opponents. it: iir:not right it should: be done: • Beniember that'you are not voting for this • particular man • in this particular cotinty altogether, 131# you are voting for the Maintenance of the principles' of the particular 'party tO which you. belong.. You aro Yeting for the principles oft'administration,, if they are worthy or your simport,-.Yott must be the judges of that." . . The charge leas frequently. been:Made by Conservative papers- that theta are divisions and. lack of atnenimity, among Reformers,. comparing very Unfavorably in this respect With-denseiwativea, It is true that there is trtcree,_41. _.ependency of thought among Reformers then,there IS among Conservrtives, for: ,the former generally mirk .ent. prob.-. ]ems for themselves, and 'consequeetly, there.are diversity of views ; while the latterei.dn t the views of their leaders without much questioning Thus it is that Reforiners sernainies reftise to sup- port men .who are MA of the same Opin- ions As -themselves upon ail :questions, although they are the nominee of .their party. We are glad to 'see this inde- pendent spirit, as ib. is evidence lliat ,questions..of public itopot•tenee are men, - tally discussed, weighed and estimated, and action. is taken upon TIMM generally according to their tetra merits. Aneelector is in a eimihie poeition to 'a councillor -or legislator, wile is elected for the purpose. of eityryiug-on the goek, ernnient of his munieipality or province. ..9.o all vestions that come Itafore hint .it is expected that he ill give his ver- dict, and to shirli a v� is it failure .of day, and ea.] ishoner le the coostitueney which he represents, whielt will tamat .certainly be hurled balk. upon him eo soon ae the OpOrtutlity oecttra. Every elector should feel that a vote is not his ..r -Own property, to be dealt. -with 4 he pleeses,. but a stiere.4 trust to be used aot' revive- and strengthen them, a treaty of, reciprocity will .be established between the two countries on a wider basis than the old reCiprocity treaty. All it •requires ia .ft 'fittfe patience, on. out part,to gite, the Americans e. few .calm nionfents to cliSCOver hew steat an injury they are doing themselves by"ex.7 elnding•foreign trede, like the barbarian and like the 'Japanese, a fliw years ago, but Who have become enlight- ened nud removed their. barriers. -4F-4 - snr,tx _ . The worn-out assertion of free tiers that Liverpool geverns our grein mar-. 'let and will centinue to' do so formed the of Ilk:argument from lbegin- ping to end: But. it is to .provent., • Liverpool 'contreling otil Market in ce- reals that protection is required, • The -trade and navigation return -3 shoW Olt we itopert large 'amount 'of. wheat eyery year, ' This ninst drive eXactlY the` sithe ,Muount frptil. the . Canadian -market which must cif necessity .thireket in Liverpool, and if .the GoV.ern- relent, place. a duty on that article.' io that the Canadian -farmer 'Will:have no competition in the Ileum market,. Liver- • peel cannot eontra the priee.ef 'wheat in Canada.-kxiter Times., • . . The'ileter Tines Of last week ,Oceo- ono arguments pet forth are so strong uteu ma term ,.copygnigo that but few, who have well weighed the subject, would imagine any Ot4Or.. end than its adoption. But there is thi OODS.Olation in the Matter -it will, mega likely', be brought up again at the next 'Tannery meeting, By that tie the publie will, by becoming more ao- quaieted with the sobjeet, be desirous that some provisibns shall be made for theee who are so unfortunate OS to need public charity ; emelt there are, and we think it will be found most ecenomieal, wise and inunerie to proeide a peblie home fer thein,- wireee, they .canebe as. ployed2if oeitable labor, and iiSttriried in the cheapest 'planner, contistent their .bealth purl reasonaLle ainOirat of oomfort:• • "In ett.atimM . After a lengthy debate upon the ad dress in reply. to the speech front the Lieut,-Gevernor, a vote was taken on Tuesday upon the following question:-- • Moved --in amendment to the .Addresa by 1VIr. Olinpleart, seo:"by Mr. Ohio( h, " That this House tegrets that the Govern. rnent has seen fit to accept and. continue in. office, tlaougli not supported by a majority of the Reno." ; • • Mr. Molleur'ir amendment to ;the amend-. Anent was as follows That the lionse entirely approves of the economical policy inaugurated by the Govern- ment, and hepes they wilt continua to..Mitit., int O executiOn, •• The vote was taken upon t su - amendment and resulted in a then:lefty o( one against the government, 31 for And 32 against, Mr. Priee, who voted' • for the Speaker, being in.tentionally ab- sent froge the Hense 'al the. time the Vote was taken. Yesterday Mr. Price etoted with the govertneent against Mr: Lorangeee amendment to the effect that the °van- ment, to continue in..office, should osup- ported by a majority.. The governinent was therefore Inc majority of one. VOL EASTERN /1111J.E,STION. The „oews from .Entope on 'Wedtme- day waShardly so :favorable as 4.6 hoe beeo for s?nie days past*, owing to the lliteatening att iturinassu mod by A.uetria, betiVeen whom and Russia. considerable ill -feeling la manifested: The nore_coM., pliance of Markey with the, demands of Russia in relation to the .surrender of the fortreeses is alse causing uneasiness, Which.ieineteased by the Unsettled state -ofeaffAiralat Constantionle Tjletil. the • - • r‘• . to the negetiationa will be move:or Tess • matter of surmise.. • , Tnn Chicago_ Tribitea, notielagi the • . argumente ,iiked in the protection out, • cry,..in Carman, 'says Anieriean ec perience is a 'warning to the Canadians pies Severid coltimus in diaCussing the. %bastion of proteptien,,,aod seytowing.. 'the speeches of Mr. GreenWay ite he. fellotted-ilf4.-Pefircergfrifteetitiir It is quite unneeessarr for ne to do marc than give ene extrita to; show the gilt; . and nonsensical .stuff tittered by the -editor of that sheet. The Above eX-' tract qtute )(vied ria- any •other Portion of'the . foiir <whittles and a half, it had upon this' subject; etellieh does not sarrinteirs:-Efither,:for-theintelligende :Or the • Writer or, tho. estimation lie-apubs upon the intellectiell capacity of • his readers., That 1.4verpool does control our unit.' kets,, as Well tia the markets a Far - rope, and „even the highly protected markets of the' United Statei,, and that there' is no possibility of preventing it, is a fact too patent to. need any argue matt of dental, and any,assertion fe the .contrary can Only. be .inarle by a fool or A knitrpt • "." +tsetse. • A LitilIENTABLE AFFAIR, Ona.ot the most .melancholr-onalla mentable aciidents that has °vet: occur- red in Goderich, happened en Wednes- day everiag last, when. Me, James F. Dicirpon, Of the SifPut!,.iiial Mt. 0arcy it law stedent, •wero drowned in, the lake by the tinferttinate eapeizirid'ef their boat. • Both were " oun and, gave, every indication °to lioneratly adorning the prefesaiena ofklieir eltoic4.1 particularly Wit's this the caste with re- ference to Mr. Dicksori; clisplityed unusual ability foe orm so young Be occupied Seyeettl prominent positions' in public matter% and vas held in, the highest esteem by. all Who knew- htta, and itt his untimely' death the people have lost a good and valinadneitizen. TO tile italic:led families we extenti our sincere symPathy that- bereavement, and al SO to thepartner „of Mr. Iiieltson, Who has .sustained a loss that" will be very deeply felt, TUEei001111.0tSE QUESTION: :By our County Column report it will be seen that the report., ef..the commit- tee upon the House of Refuge question has heirt.throwri mit for the present, by a -majority or ttvo votes, We have no &eat that many; after reading, the able and exheastive report of the•coramittee will regret tide result- tie the reeficaue Ono of the most hermoitions mad en- thusiastic) conventions that htiv,e taken place in this county for the nothiention of a Reform candidate took place- at Sea- fortle on Monday, for the Centre Rid- ing of Huron, Although the place of 'Meeting was rather fer.from Portions of theeriding there was a fell representa- tion of delegates, besides a large num- ber *of deeply interested electors, The delegates met at Carnnehaers hotel at eleven o'clock, and .after tralifiacting Iittle prelinunary inismess adjourned till one o'clock, and then met in the town which was will filled. ' •- --The following. are the -delegates-from the Several municipelitiee Gonunionz-Cozzeris, R, W. Melton- zie, 0. Seeger, S.1VIrdcomson, D.. -Gordon, Cameron, .Capt. Gibson, D. 0.• IVIcKay, Jas. Sheppard, A. H. Smith, 'Tani At- kins, S. E. Duneen, Jas. Saunders, Par- sons, Geo. Swenson. T, G, Morehouse, j. Wilkinson, M. 13wanson, J. Storey; 3. -11, 'Williams, 5, Sloan, 00L130RNE.-D. Cumingi, Jas. Link - later, John Mortis, John Glen, j, Sitn- ington, j. Stewart, D. McKinnon, Robt. Henderson, John Stewart, W. Robert. son, Ey. Norton, F. A. Robertson. Hora,Err.-Wna. Sthith, John War- wiek, Thos. Neilans, .Wio. Armstrong, Jelin Petrie, jolin j. Camp- bell, R. Wallace, Binh. Brown, Robt. Scott, Thos Moon, A; Woodrnitn, John Govier; Gabriel Sprung, John Morgan George Watt, James Buthetland, McDonald. • • , , • Tnennestiren:-.--W. Robb, S. LAndes- borough A -Elcoat ,Jas ' Dallas John Doig; B. Smillie, Jas. 1VIcEwing„ A. Arehibaldr Geo. Walker, David•Sproat, 'John 5preat, R. N. Brett. • SPIAIFOATIf.-W. BliTlentyne, CAA, ` D. Wilson,' M. Y.- McLean, 5.0. McCaughey, Wm, Gray, Wm.' Hill, Dr, Campbell, John Carnphell. -: McKinnor,-P. D. Cantelon, Jelt Horan P. Welsh R • Gordon T David - 'sere jas., Canipbell, Alex. Kerr John Goyenlock, Robt. Govenlock, W. Bell, • Alex. McMurchie,'Robt.'• McMillan; J. McDowell, A. Govenlock, :Wm. Grieve, : JOS. Craig, Wm, Pollerd, J:Maltmo. Gape -Thos. Straelmn, 3.. Me-, Coll; Wm.. -Harris, S. Ferguson' David Dobson John 'Creerar ,A 'Stewart J •Douglas; John. Wi Oliver, A. • McKay, Duncan 1VicIsTare, David Stew- art, Wm.' E1liott,7. M. Delia - . BauSsnes.--D. Scott, J. R. Smith; • D. McGillicuddy, ' ' • ' • BefOre; proceeding to. the business of 'nernination, a 'Reform association for the riding, wits organized; ;with.111r. Snell as 1?resident and MI, M. Y,. Me- . Lean 'Secretary:. ,; The' following p'arffe-g xi:ere then non& . _m0.41_4,1,12 iolAsiv1,4Lch mes. are .giveii; aza wey6 upon -Cr -17m inverse order to address tlie meeting, • which they all didbriefly resigning except Moseys. Leckie eand Horton H. Horton, John Leckie, J. MOMillaii, " p tO avoid . WIttne, we de not attempt tete-0(1(1one .•the aets ,Reforners found geilty ef c'errept practiCes at 'elections, we mist say, it looks a little inconsistent for.0on- SerVatiVeS to jeer lip Reformers for their • actions, When, among their own party, are meity who' have been oenvicted of sirnilar offendes, equally ae flagrant. . , Tci knowledge possessed by some Conservatives, tif the n'ffairs of' the colintry, is certainly great. A. certain • Goderich township man, talking politics -the other day, said;' " Be thought it was positively typing .for NaCkenzie to pay that fifteen million; of Alabama, claims to the. United. States." , . 0f ridings, urging the co-operation of ell in 4rines' • h ta mace. Netwit s tog all the outcry about their being purehased Were needed, the fact 'is that they are want, ed in: the Northwest as.fAsts as they can be delivered. In concluding, be said he felt eonfident that everything that eould be done bed been done. by 'the present Government for the presperity of the country. • • At the tonclusion of the addreseee the election of the nominee took pima°, which. it had been decided by vote should be by ballot, • After counting the ballots it was found Mr.. Borten bad the majority; he, therefore, becanie the onaillinens °twice of the convention, The follow.ing reselution. was then put and carried unanimaesly, after whio'hIlielfieettna brOke " --- Moved by- 4cMillare-sec„ by Thos.: th" tii16 convention._ hoi'tilY the minutes of _last meetialeatera reskand apprOVeS Of the course pui..sned-lay tire passed. -Aii-eyrenii. tbe ininufea- tatif GoverilinentS of the Dominion and PrO- meeting was pointed out to the clerk, I6 ec. men of Ontario since their Accession t• ti office; and also endorse and approve of their policy aid have full eonfidence*in • ;the honesty, integrity and abilityof the gentlernen who lead the Reform party the Dominion and this Province and their colleagues, and the members of this convention pledge themselves to use every fair merinate'suatain in power those Governmenta; and, further, it would be in our opinion, a blessing to the people of any country to have their • affmrs managed by a man of. Mr, Mackenzie' sterling worth and Ability. JUNE 13, 1671:1,., . . 09DEItIVIIC TOWNSIOP• Ctoinion, M esa'reo.--Con n oil t at Helmets ville on 4av27, a a 0°00 ofrevi' aion meim, here all preeent, enc ti liaTillg eualifiedae Per - statute. Tho Coeri! was teed and the fol. john Eagleuen reduced $200. 'The BOOM meats of ditri.Lindeay, reduced $200. .01W: Murphy, $150. The asseSsinenta of john Deeves. $r., Peen Swift, Samuel Seegmiller, and, McDonald were placed on the roll as owners; Donald Vraser oe eccupant, and Xf. Garby as tenuaut. The following nemee were placed on thy roll as fargieffe lions sworn to be appeltagte as of the'rell age of twenty. ' ono yam's, -Rplfraim Alezaodev Eidelie John Doutthoe, Wm. Stirling, blur Jarvis, 'Wm, Wade, Je, Thontas Mason, T„. Jenkins, James P. Parke, pieced on the roll, Income -The eetire aseessment rollayasth.eu gone over, and showed the following paities • exempt from km§ for the present year -Jeseph'.Dradleye-Mareitret ig got, afeUitihon, Mrs. Rutherford, Thin finished the business of the Court of Revision. lowing appeals beard': 'lie asseseraent , of john cOrae, T. Strachan, S.'Slonn, C. Seeger, S. MalComson, D. D.- Wilson, M.Y. McLean; A. Bishop, T. Green- way, Dr. -Worthington,' Ill 'J.-, McColl •and-S.44,--Afeeatighey:' 1)111. Oranntewey spoke in et"' verrhap7 py, earn* and leatiefulleetraire- giving hrief. account of the prospects of the Re- fortn intereet in•Beath Huron, and then a petition experiencein the HOuse 'of Commons, highly eulogising the Pre - •Mier, and saying that if any matt ever deservedthe support.of the people Mr, . Mackenzie did,. as his whole energies. are devoted towards the management of the affairs of the. country' in a wise, economical mid enterprising rimanpay. He uttered a few words upon. proteetion,, • but slid that an his hearers looked upon. that mindiple the same way as he. wat tintieneSitary for him to en- , large upon it.. • Lfi0Kit belefly„ spoke of the re- form interest in the Centre and Noith 4• . •-•••- ailde,thilstiau foonterenee,' • :s boa thoid. their Annual Confer- ence t ell this year. • Arhong the bueine s transacted, was. the stationing of Min sters, and from 'the -proceedings .we extract the following in reference to Exgreat .J'. W,.13ateher. Itensall and Bethesda Rey: 5 J.. Allin; Centralia:, Bev. .W.7 Davis, Mitehell, Rey. J, J. Rice, Fell lettere Rev.. L P.. Rice, 'Usboene, Rev H. A. Netecorabe, 3. Gibson. . Clinton, get... It. Thermic and Rev. -J. Broai,- Colhoene, Rev.'T. Mason:- -Palmerston,-. Rev. T: teal. ' Wiartoir, Rev. G. Bodo. • ' • 'mantel* ponfereoi,e. Thevised list of appointments for -the GOderith and Stratford •DiUricts are as follows GODERICII DxsTeicr.• Preston, Olinton:41ebert Fowler, M. D. IlonnesyillisJoseplt Philp. Bap fieJd-Jumes Bi'oley, W. W. Caropuladeels1._, C boro-James' Caswell, Blythe--Qeerge' Clark. 'Belgrave-e-Andrew ;Edwards.. Wirrghet13ryees.. •LeticknOw.-e-. Iteberb Waddell, 3. Walker, super- ,:nuntiated‘lee-Aslifieldetalx.me (Luekricue.) Teeiwater-O, E., &abed, DimgarinooL---Robt. Davey, -R. Ben- ders. Xineardine A. J. •Fostrain. Hamilton,. Alfred E. StnitIL Jas.. reston--,Lehairtuan: Davey---. Finatielal Secretary. . • •-• • SThATVORD Draraterr.Stratford-J. • A. . R. Poe *Maitland. „Caristopherion•- mony-S: Tucker; • Fullartori-L-j; Fisher,. R. Treleaven. • Moncton. -:.W. I•iuntee.- 13-eusselse-Wrne Hayhurst; D. Rogers. • Wal6ort-Jolin G. ,Fallis. Seaferth--jas. Graham. $t. Maree-S. D, Ride, D. De XCirktpn-.--j. nem . Graritorie--Chas: Barltrop. Lucrin--A,. Russel, B. 13, • Kintore -R. 'Hall. New Ilataburg•-W, L. Hackett. Mill- bank --R. Phillips, Wellesley. -Wal - .ton Preston..- Dr: Virilliams--,Ohair- man, -J. Grabarn-Fifiancial Secretary. .* Rev. C. Leven .Mitcheli, goes to --tialmersten, end is Made Chairman of NVellington district. -G. Beggin, of' Sea - forth, to Mount Forest. Manly Bate son, of .Stratford, to St Thomas: G. A. Mitchell, of Wingliam, to Exeter. 3.W. Holmes, of Exeter; tO St, etith. correct ut the copying for thepress. should, ' have boon E. Sear. The following rte.‘ counts were passed -:---Oulvert, Base Line, $6; Edward, Slattery, repairing culvert, andone new one, $11; Peter MoRwan was heard re- specting the aasessinent of the International Salt Co. tIe stated at length that it was found impossible to compete successfully with .A.nierican salt, admitted free.of ditty, and the consequeniie was the works were' shut dOwn,• dritb-no. prospect of being opened, save On „a trifling experiment of his own, While the present state of things exiate he asks that tho buildings and machinery being exenipt from taxes .while being idle, • Ris request was granted, the land alone being 'taxed, say at :850 per acre. The following aceouuts were „ paid, via f -Charles McGregor, for .1.0adail $1,60 ; Robert l!TeIlvain, Cutting hill and ree. pairipg, culvert side line, 4114 collo- $5 Johnston, repairing oulvert,-.4th ben., $2.'50 ; John Johnston, three new culverts, Bayfield cen.;$12.50 ; Jacob Miller, repairing hill and digging ditch, $4.50; Morley 14 13trothers, • cedar and hemlock plank for culvert, $6; 11, Rutledge, repairing road, 46h tion,, $:; 'John Calboch, one new culvert, Haron Road, $8.40; john sloCiirtneye propping tip bridge,. 'Alaitland een„ 50o ; T. Churchill, -digging ditch and repairing three culverts on 16th ' con. St; NV.. Johnstor,,Six rods ditehing •on 1661; con.,.$1:25 ; Clerk serving 81 notices of appeals 'And raNeage; $9 ; James Burke, re-' • Rearing road,-lst con., $1,50; John Kirkpat. rick, repiaring culvert, 1s6 con., 50o,• George Canteloui digging ditch, 7th con., $4.50; A. Bay, Plan ,and specification of bridge, $8. The council adjourned to meet again, on tho • third Monday in Juno; . • -• J. PAiTex Clark BORN. . Poweet,.--.1ri Clinton, on the 3rd hist., the wife. of Air; john POWell, of a daughter.' Tuckersmate en. -the Otb, . • inst., the wife of Mr: Jaa.'Dmadfoot, of' a Olinfon,on the 7th inat., the Wile :of Fairiot- a- daughter. ' • STAtituxtu Goderich township; on the 10th inst., the wife of Mr. Edward Stanley:A! =• CknOwsicorn4ietgt.--hi atl°10:a'ntoaffi.ge.ae4rdtolaifulgtuhilgett.:Orloiel:eowliidiat°eftlinatter.e.157 Norr.-In Tnokeramith, on May 28;..the wife Nott, of a daughter: • -M.Vrt.osiv.1-6-araignoern,Soarlia.scQnitMity 20 the, wife • keltfojtifilatia.W4the,wtf • of earer, a son. • • ADAMs.-- Irf un May.28, the Wife -• of Mr. It Adams of a daughter. . ,RY,11.1%-411 MoRillop, On May 80, the wif4 of " M. P. Ryan, ot a daughter.; ' Myth; • on the lith'-inst., the, • Wife of .W. J.. Harivaril;barriSter, of a Aataiarsuenhot.:rt;.---Iit 'East WSW.O1105h, DO 'th :30th nit., wife of Mr. T. Armstrong, of • o - .eourse we thought se too; since 'Ene- t1P mejoritY of 1,000 for the I, ` • land. paid the same elaim. nomines. of this convention: Spoke of - AtanitOba Items .' -Mr. Muekenzie ill high terms of peaise, • charactetizingliitirus oritrof----the-most Ten 'CoftWfvative papersi make nttieh honed and truthful Of men,. and closing ittloathout "_the steel rails' purchase Of With a prom.ise to work heartily for Mr. Mackenzie, but when figures are whomever shottld he the nominee of the (1,6'614 his puraase cannofhe compared _• . • Mn. tiotrrox said it Was Very grab.- Sh' J°1•Inis' Maiqicen2in fyiper to be reeeived with eitch hearty ,$54:66 per ton for rage, while Sir John •entil'usitistri he wasisthers paid $85.53. Now if, ,sit is charged, after having, to the bed of' his the former paid too high, what 'Inlet, be served them in roliament for, the past • • eliallepge for a two-mile' apin on the riveris4oade tte-laltliettehtente-by-- 0 McKeoan. It is estimated that about 32,000 bast -101S of wheat have been exported' froireiWinni- e this aeason, An. o man in is 85t year arrive ti Manitoba the -other day, 60 "grow up with the eotintry?I't,as he puts . File traders are arriving in Winnipeg from the west. A couple of weeks ego nee °Iierived with 26 cars laden with vibes. The steamer Minnesota on her last trip from Montreal took a cargo of 1,328 bush-, els of wheat for 1Vleeare, Ogilvie, of Mon- treal. • A large lieuery is in operation across the who advocated tt.revenue tariff,' but he Assimboine, neat Port Osb said of the hitter1 It is true they 'hive Come dOvvia considerAbly since, but who could foresee that 1- It was at that time • flu:eight the price Was exceedingly low and a good time ici purchase.. That they Were bought long before they were • needed is contr ad laed by Mr. Mackenzie, 58 they were not all delivered till long after the purchase, rind it requited. con- siderable titne to place them stdiere they were vetented, A RIOT AT QUEBEC, Yesterday, (Walressclity) large num- bee' s or the Fitrikiiig laborers at Quebec, made reticle on stares and other places, Seizing whatever they could lay hinds on, he military 'was called out and fired. on tire rioters killing and. wpund- ing aeveral, Bank's and Warless Places Were eloited, ad for a time the etty was In the hatule of the melt. five yetis, and 16 was. equally gratifyine• to • int to witness the good feeling =in- fested towards the-Governtnent. He ,said he could only supporta government was not surprised at the niaSS of the Op- 0.wens, tlie proprietor, has thruerenleallildrngee. in Which no less than four hu.nclred egg- posite patty being carried away with producers caekle ovrnr. thole oily aohieve- the illesoey prospects promised, by pre- „,,,,,„t. tection, as evett roam° of those that were ---T-t-e-o. collie dogs were imported direct present were at one time it little inclined from Scotland to Mr. Geikie, of Winnipeg, to simport the principle. Ile strengly a short time Sinee 11 f that hO:vietilifazi :ttlit.014515worl 113:.: g ti i Mak , '0 ,. - that ptetectioo, as it was taxing arc, Set e.„ or teem berore the animate! ° d b 0 f" one the remaining five per cent. Ile said "zerY licin" in the '4' ' IA "11 half 4 05 per cent of the population to benefit t A Manitoba deenatch sap, :-Over 10O, that at the first session after the coo- Eann „Ler,. w„, v„,,„0.,4„,4 Ak the ww,„,„„„, tract for the steel rails, Dr, Tupper Bald land----- . e- - ----: - ----that he believed the purchese waismiditaititee/ e0gol°aeffitr eel: otdaakmer inn -utp on the first of June, in the interest of the country, boa ,connutteiciation between would,' therefore, vote to indemnify the Biterson and.,Wilimpeg Will shortly b ilGootv.telririi,msoetante.fai-othilatttdpueriaelipsaescle:thIstt any tahliehed. Siatieties Of the wh 1 c' cis* vinee show three time, as many°aeorePriros. were recorded during the same period 1 a idea •bf it job was thought of in the mat- year have been taken up between'tlle eras rat ter by the Conservatives, and then only of Iteittary and the end'of ay. The first town site has been laid on the tit ItatelittWan. tt if, Willed Rapid City°, 845' • because they conld find nothing hater out or widoh to rstrinufacfure n, grieV* • . MARRIED. Dtivii-.3'AinissoN.-At. the resitle'nee of the • - bride's father, Ifullett, (astir Londesboro,) , ' on the 56h inst., by the Pier:Mr. Loughead, Mr. G. Duff, of Cookstown, South Sinmoe, to Margeret, secend. daughter Mr. A. jatiiiesoti; ' DIED. • lvforyarr.-4n Varna, on the 12th inst., Alfred. . W. Moffatt, aged 2 years,' months and 27. TAytou.-In Wwanosii, on the Gth inat,„ Mr; R., Taylor,. late of Hallett, • • ' • • enleierreiN Si A I tMETS ' Zane 1.3, 1878." ' The price • for almost alt'kinds of farm pro. • duce continues low, and there 1"firrar4 no pre. spect for some time to come, at least, of Arise. • garroting is going on in thc-Selitliflaid West, f • and the reports are that there will be a very large -yield of wheat The amount of last lear's wheat still lo the hands of farmers and dealers is large, this fact, toeether With the prospects of-thmpvesant,-havvestmtherefereenelaidestAll hopes of high prices ruling, under any Omura- ' stances, war or no Avalz. Peas still mantle firm ... ond are the only grant that command a good,1.:•-- price, If the corn erep in the West is , fair • average ohe this year lt. will be Wisdom in our farmers to their lto s alive and thew peon " • leg I- I tter opo 'haii been leSS sowii, hut the purchasing Power of the- consumers of this gram the yeartelhereforn we mast not look for a- great oitaretes,emcwitat better thati IAA year, as there demand. As tour is maw cheaper oatmeal will hare tO fall, conetementiy. otte oatmeal millers are net HO rea(IY to pay the top price for united. States Is much less titan hi former . , In dairy produce there Is nor, nor can, we pro: .14180 any Improvemetit ilio relloetePlie4 Of • butter and chneso t110 Milted States 1100 greatly declined in consequeuce of the stoppage •of manufaistories• ani lowering of wages. Our merchants 11.1,V0 ail "moo sufferers by tito break • lit the butter market. The eilly course Mina,. 800 by the fltrtilet8 IS to WOO rory good &bele that will keep, and then hold on to it till the fan In hopea of a eithuge in the prospects. • Whicht we have so:ne reason to expect Wool is -very Ioao, With no present prospeete or arise as me factories are gambol.: line in dm States, Wheat, ftU4;r&itii0 95 a 1 oo. • Wheat, fall, wbite, - 1 00 a • 1 03 Spring, 0 80 •a 0 85 0 00 a 0 9.e. a 05(i a 031 006 a 04.5 0 58 a 0 el • 50 e 5, 00 60 a 000 • 4 06. a 600 •• 5 .50 ,0 50 0 10' a 011 0.00 a 0 10 * 0 00 10 00 . Aides, 4 50 a 0 00 Sheepskin if 0 60 1 00 0 50 a, 4.00 • - 1 80 a 0 20. 020 a 02 • life, - • Oats, Barley, l'eas, Flour, Potatoes, Pork, - •• - Beef, - I3utter, etle; • Clover 'Timothy Wool