HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Clinton New Era, 1878-06-13, Page 2A niE MINTON NEW ERA. '• . arid 'soon after fell Mortelly -weunde4 et theehattle, of Oroie as tbe Enelish were carrying the dey. , - ' • Fleee's0ocea. . tineeraetneeenoomeoarisre 1 -"By a thorough knowledge of the, natural 14. via wht?h• govern the' cVerationa of 41E00101 • e etit.C4 . #1110.. . • steed, ner.turl he again permit hie fleet- footed. courser to drop behind. On, on they went, . thunderiog ep bill and clown, he glancing frequently at het •feie, glowing -face, but she never looked., to the tight or the left. It was . ba,:.4011),oewv..eaeter,y- _iauegdt.oheltelaya teb0:toshatties.ed:, .a. fuodi be 4 in at the. death." .treeta 1,r, All at once a nigh fence noomed up , before them ; there *as • n Are. barred .gafe across their path,. and it.,,was. lie- b°ilegint.:01°;06aii• b' aTekre;.ThanI.1.1°1: reins,hep, r tad:. , tO bitil StIrpriSeA he $SW •that .MiSB ' Lin" diSfarn did not intend. to atop; A chieer xolo4liatePhreinsr ontt'obtet.hengrourb83:. -Iwiptcra, .',1h.,.teiig0hntleyr changes tobenbservedeinehelve She•was going to leap. the gate; ; ,Determined not to be outdone even in. this, Trepan- , ion gallo.. put reek. lessly onheside her,-. Bat tliere.wah not • sufficient 'space for . both to leap the gate at , once, and the ,-. artist sWeevedt„to, one. side., 1 to attempt the more (Whale feat of going overthe• . .. .. renCe; . He. sillv the White horse .r.i8 in-. tO the air and land. Safely On the...Other 'side, 'Almost at the same inatant he felt his own, animal heave. upWa' rd be neath him -there was a Oraffh, a groan). a 'hOrse and rider fay in. a motion- lese hein..0 the greund.. ' .., , ' • • .. ' e----'-- ' f I will tell you my reason for be ing happy,' said. the artist, bteathletielye 1.It is because I love yen, A8900 1 Why do yon start I Havo. you not BUepeot- ed i Do you ' not. know that. e•on, ate • dearer ,, to me ' than nay Own• soul?. .....,...... l sv e 13117,107plataitie.ez:ets,ily,:bsre 0..hiotouoliars. prelyelti:elt.nv:ae. rfioah_raf isrnebnime•eyT re) as have breathed let° yeur ear One word of the paiiiiion that. evee..00neurningnilY life-. But I am.rieb, now, and can•offer you acohb,701Baey' 'tbWatilyl eytioulobvee. mitei'T': tiarl.ill.1 . Ire was holding both of her 'hands, and looking 'up into -her eyelet beeeech- .,u.1,,,,;g40:137"..4120.wer• ' ...earn. 0.,.,Lat ._10, ngth.' ,...,.. 4,11,.....u, Yobie-that • wes 'very: low aria .. gentle, yet full Of, passionete tendernessa- , • • 'Yes, Richard, I do,. love yon- Word.e cannot tell hew dearly ' ' .• " :•. •• A.s • soon ai „RiChard was Strong enough to travel, they • were „married and. went to England,' where Agnes 1,re,. came the mistress of Castle Trevanioa, . . • A yeat later :Squire Lindisfarn, n°t .re-. relishing so wide a. separation feel)). his .daughter, duiposed.:Of his A.inericart prce. PertY and. also retenned to his native land, wher,o he no.:'4P,,.end the , .inos,t110.01( his time listening to the innocent prat; •tle of his eraudson Laweence the 'r of Castle Trevanion.' :. . . . . ' Allitre FROM In. One Another, . •• Hari faith in one atletbote • *toilet Justice be your guide; Teen vap mir e be cheerful • . .. whatever maybettae, • •• I.Ot *Intl word8 81ono bo spoken, , To cheer °soh eorrowing heart; ' And. the clouds that how o'er them. • nue e vision venanert. .. . . . .... AIM tailh, Ill ono another, . , '4 When ye pledge.love'S holy vow; • Yt will not be always summer, ' • Nor be alwaye bright as now. And when a,go coinee stealing o'er ye. . • Ii-goneansdred lore ye sham - and hare faith in one another; . Ye shalinever %now despair. . • Nave faith in One ItIlethOr, ,. and respect a brother's name; - Av. careless word quite often leads ' To‘rnizi and to ohmic., • • Pelee friends May reign- a- seasen,,. -, ow. &Mit net that 'th-er will i inn have faith in ono another, 'and the right shall triumph still.. . . _. , . . . 7113 IONIA IN REMAND, In ,- , , ,, . vailedx:.134,:srlafaIr4bei4Ver°a:1014I8i0a0/ VittYce-repallreer. and netritions, and by a careful applicetien Vwfitthhea lictneleigpartoep4erataice. 1.44;e11-fiellaCted cOetlat, Mr, Eppg )10, provid'ed our' breakfast talee id 1,., ' . , .. . vo 0 .eyerage w ci may St stah:: ------. B. APPLETON,- ovrxex-- at PAX OM d 'IL"' Pit MUT lime -,.. The 1108n1}1 over, the 8:ortiozat Ounnanshame A Alicenhead--the Square OlintOn. oneenenee,etisee. 41 1 abnl ' ove:jui .1 luiiii :foe: I imrae;011f; 01:4..I°1-ia graduallytelielalati 1 stli, tue I)! gtthial.eata.vbiletgr'01.0WhleivieRa• 1 i' ranks of 01-18P0o0leibisty.,601-n.nde'• :, t voracious autobiographer records ttlauong enough to relied every tondencY to the. eueti•nee of a man who. r. educed' the. (Zeta.. s ed , a aro. SullndaYpeudoilrfy.B. onetuboptutrileivytroaeees5. :I:pullet: esmiroesr,vilyer. • - ••• , • , ••• . an. ections to a eal'llliat1011.• enti : laid there is a Weak oint W • . wages on the every day Waits' of . his. a fatal.shaft by keeping llfe.. ie, • Was -..spoeri after, 'ma porzoefili?r.-lyisnooldnroInehl.; ' :1,11 b -eIrti:ito- 7:4114.1,143:0 f Ili x,1114!..1 0 1 1 lc- ne . " " S n 1 lie 0 'I t oro;,- Coroner fof ' Olinton • ,i, g o oth . soo ' olden:mend Oniso-Odrner of pe.lvweil18Adoy7filloultkiirlitio:tilluxut. ,..nsked utv 84. deafrmainit..tE_nrectlx,-ds,,e..rarce.,40. gauge er 0 marriage„ " u .she. was 'with ru Packets labelled -" JAMES "tilers& Co., Hot ellic1.417" . ' .". . ' . neteopethis Chemists, 49, Threadneedlestreet' • # Upon ray word .I •don't knew ; etre ahd 170;FlecadillYeinendome , , • .. • , - , • .. : . it'", eves father's QM,/ 'HonsEsi...e..,Wnoly- horser-are. 80 il'rann:olYusN'Gt-8:1;03., oitimu.nE or 10;1. 0210:0 • ‘-/* Veiversit3',1•Pb/ladalvfiuM0111 &0-, .100Mence - at 141,raConandenainoierIlk U.0reto. door...at/A of tno. Temperance . Ma L b o, n Londosboror Stine '14,187 : - I • * • '. . .1.1Se..iotily,__"1.1Q__,..b. et, ,upene _the.. ..W. not rare as many suppostyno sue • great curweiturs E • 11 b '4 • . '. - f neinkreaofYBaooshileTzte7asra.atec':;baatetgi!evueihs:m.:: Likhriteillare,rtteotiteheri.t• leuir,riiy.btu.olttvetinpelerdiQoowasii,:itlib.....tvebairee iv• op :A! , L .1 e wee ni,aue bete on, a TAU, STANBUIlE OliaDILLTE or ens nanicer; . vien9eor•r:orvitioniotootiotiiiiittelpeillesi eisisii:1,,,,egell„...,,,;,.telcoft •,, . °Lie ree, 1874. • . ' 0, !„ •• 81 . . . _ _ ,r_ . ,, , _ .. _ __ . , , ...7' "ill AT THE DEATH ". - . , . . . , • . ' ; 2 ele • • The Herr 9r eipette "Erevanferr• .+••••-,....... , . gli• tots ue..the elays of 4, ve wave., mote, wer.,o)0uLdf000r11. t. shrdi 00 rroluhgehmiorveolyenlyngitoitgarte.ewolifiettintelfie: • erohe;11..er •of Lo' rd Berriribroke-r, who indicatee that the hones is.not in a healthy con-- • ' - dition--Probabbe •h_ide-boUnd, or suffering from a race naked ' .': . . ' ep:derisse .. . throneh Hyde Pork. • aseynieli °mellow this unnatural ap. - - pearance; in such oases use Darley's 'Coiidition W....a;' '0 TA0nri3LE3C it •.• 01B001% PHYSIOVANS; KIR .A., ' i;:ens, Acoo.ueli rs, tt Oill ' Alb •• . opposite l'ine• ii Mille. 7 " ".,. ..o..:.., (1.°! ell. Tz6°`' • ' D. H. Dowerdir, M D. • • AN. Outset., Wt. n .. • ' ' • ' - Minton, xter 10,, 1877,, • . . ' . • ---- ' .. - •.•. " • 0 • . . OnAPTEk In.. • 'TOE 'FOX MINT.' • • - .00neinded.).• , .'. A etraege.orowd was - skidialed 'one morning on.the arounds of Lintlisfarn 3/3a4or. Theis were young men and old men„ young women.and women who were not 00 young„ end all were tricunt-• ea on-borsebeck, as if for ' a .journey.. --end There . was also, a -pack "of hounds,. . , • held hi subjection by their keepers, •and Squire Lindisfarn ' galleped bailee and, thither on ahig roan' barge, like an army' 1 general.nrashaing his troops; ••• Whet -did it portend'? , . - ' .. • . • .. • . It was' simply the openbig eeena of a _ grand fox -hunt The old 'squire had been planning the 'sport. since theelay on his first Meeting With Trevanien. • 'It shall be a .regular War Wickshire effaira, ' „ne said to tjist youorr man, , It• Itin. be conducted in . tine English . style, and will bring up •••old recollections. . Don't fail to lee on• hand,' •• : '. •• • , • • Arid .Teevanion lied ocit'faile'd: Bag- • • • '• • ill,' • tO • participate in. a •enert be lied once been he fend' ,of, he • we's now an the •eroWn;. Smiling.. quietly , to; hinifielf . .lee bright • e as he glanced:around ett faced lads . and' lasses, ...who knew. as much about English fox,linuts. as • Es- quitnaux.,knew about African a ar•danc- es; . Lu.w roneo wae there too and. hoax he .and- his frieiid Were nionoted on the, besthorses• his' 'Well ateeliel farm ef- forded; - ... : . . .• ' , ; '' ' , '. - .. •. ..,' ' Not 'only Trevaniou's .eyes, hut those of every young .M.an present, brie.h ten eil. .. :/ ... . perceptibly when 'AgneS.Lindisfarn op, .. . . peered' tvil the scene, sitting in the sed- with the ..ealeitniel grace of. en Arab- ian girl, while- .her little gloved.hands curbed the restive. steed that bore' her.' - • How ,.inexpressibly clArnaing . .sbe ... ... • s looked' this :m ornin a ' .a. faior, .pu rim .:31:04hit:P60ketiallee ,tbeeargift•24t never : ., ,- - -.- -, • • . 41 .,..+.5•:: ' seen in. living lineteniente:Searce ye,upoii7 the pictured eanvas, ,Stili lingering • - - . among the roles of girlhorid there was a sweet, . womanly- dignity enthroned upon ' the broad, *bite forehead, in the deep, steady, earnest eye; that .Was Only - elthaneed by her graceful ridine-habit. Observing.the expression of his °friend's eaie,- Lawrence • whispered to him': e, ., ..., My dear fellow, you mutt . try and win bor.' ''. ' ' - ' . , , . , TreVaniOn sighed.. ,..• 'Oh, Lawrence,. if 1 only dared !' . • • =Dared l' -echoed ..his companion....:e. ' - ' This is a free country, my boy.' . .• • • ' Ye s • 'hat the richest in the • land , Would be glad to lay. their forinnes. at her feet, while'. - , . . , . ' Stonl Is . it peseihle Yon can •be- lieve her So base? IIer'fiik'not'a nature. to be influenced bYmereenary conside,ra- tions.' . •' • - .. . , . ' ' • .- .. .1 know it, Lawrence e•but can .'l be so base as to take a mean advantage of much a, netture a No 1 ...She .will never hear a. word of love frona me till.I can giye.her a home that will not be an . in , sUlt to her monde and when that time comes, it will be too. late'. te think .of winning her.' • • . . • • • . ' ". • e At this point the cariv,ersation ' was . - . interr.uptred7ia.:...iii another moment .' at cavalcade' -mils in modem, :shapitrig its.conree'toWeAtithe., skit ...Where the A, animal it was Patef,Wai suspeeted to be Mare' ' . , .v .-:••••• - "--- '......ieei.:- • • About an hour••after the start the ex- eitement began, A. large, beautifill fox broke coverAndseampered away through the•thieket and jungle, and across „the greenielde, hi a frantic eillarteto- save • Ins precious. life. • The deep; baying of the -hounds eelmed across the sunny - ,hille arid down. through the dark woods, no they sped forward, in . a tnmultuoos drove on the flying heels- of their un- fortunate 'victim, and the hunters, giv- ,ing theit horses free rein; diashed madly On behind'. ,It .was •a• wild andreekless title; and estery 'horse was urged to its utmost speed, for the matter now to be . deeided; 'a -who should be 'in a the death.' . . • • . . .. • - . RichardeTrevamon wasan the lead at. the beginning of the °hate, but in a mo- inent.a powerful milk -white steed dash, . : od bY hini,•Carrying a WOMitu in the Saddle. . The .woittan was Agnes Lindis, fern,' He remembered . having heard the olci 0 e ' 'bbf - • quire say, ens ,e,ore starting, that Agnes would lead theChase on tent 110t110 1 and elle-Seemed to be verifyibg lig atItertt0fli '.13lItTrevanien Was aware that his ciWn holterhed fete etiperiors in point: ot speed, and the vegolved to let hilt little opact, groW between, him and tie lady, - Cointaressing , his teeth, and Illillig hie• eithital forward by avei7 method cf. tbe experienced. horseman, he gradually receYered hie loat '•gronnd -... - ,A , , ....".. witty retort as told of Mr Hare, and Arabian Heave Remedy:- it 'will- 'fbo�d ' ' ' h - WilO mei Major .13ereton,. a . noted. pun y the oo , correct t a appearance, • ' • . .• • . • • . moYc'all obstrultions from the lunge andliver, gambler at Bath.. • •--,-•' • • - • ahd give to the cdat a sleek and ihinrng apPear- e, H • A 'A 'kr...! . fl • r'r • ^ ' • Ow.„110 you uo, minor ? said .mare. .aece. Remember the name, and eee that the . n Iii, it t Ix' signature -of 0 y we, r. , re erri0; 0. , Hurd .te Co. 'is ort .eriela Pao.kagy, "Northrop fe• -Lyman, Newcastle,- ' . ,.... • nue woRT.EINeTON,-4. P-ELYSIPIAN, $17BOAON. • -1-0 • A a e co ioli op r , Licentiate of the College of P43Fsfelans ' aud Surgeons orLower :Canada, and Provinydal Lieentt: ato and Coronor . for te:.counte of Iforoa . Ogles and residence .*--The "building formerly occupied by bit, ' frewoo', Thom street, . . . *Ountfiii, Jan. 10,181 ,Iga.:ee(Atioemtniti.Ist4hiatitr.'d ilv:till zrou:, gambling successes) 'Phut I've met with 'a 1 ( f. • .w ., ••ors fer caeeda. Sold bye)" ineeiciee deetere ortunejila"tel(y-lIn,:e lest Mrs. ,,A, cemuton cough or cold , shoe 4.4mr.be B • e • • .' ,' • , • -. • trifled with, when neglected it is minvert- . ed into a smeoue,a.nd geeerally• fatal pplmonery asked Hare . isi:eliRti. gaits Pit it'itis' .. .',. .. ,.., .. . . e . , . dpirspemaspetliufoh:•.=%,ppruudiraenotn,ip-acta,:hoi,:t 914E7 TO.LEsp,.ivFLA00E 011' suAT4.1 smi,g0,, . CHAPTElt IV.. : • . • • .•- ' 'VIM ' , . eniminiser. • -- • • . . , . ............. . - e rative which has- suataieed its .reeatation for . 'Want .noosiitinese Intempermucc.. over twenty Years,. they', are, iteways efficacious :be goost mortgage• security -lit models e rates o: aotel'u, A' AIT' 18 q - • ' • ugust Jth,, 0 . ... • 7 -ti ' • •• SBOILV,T oarr, • . . • . . „, •• , Many days 'came and 'went after that memorable .foXelitint before Richard Tr'e• - •• Vanion again Opened his on the world _in the fall:possesion. of his,senses. ,Wheriliti-atzt,-. it Was to find lihnSelf • he . oue of the most %elegant ohambers' of • • , ,. iiriclisfarn Miillori ' With Agnes. .and. the .villege doctor bending :over • him, fIlla Mr. and Mts.. LftwrpnCO 's,i.±Aii3g. nour.•,-, They teld him' that he bad been ill. a . . . . .1.ong time that,' the' ethiousaion. (nett- . . Started by •A's fan had brought on tenni .fever,, 'and -that' his, life 'bad been dee , . 'RI:mired 'Of several times..e.Bat lie,. ,reaS .Out of danger new, they :.assured biro . ,. ilve' Itacl peesedlb.e cris'is :Safely, . a lid, 'hie reeevery Nental. he 'rapid . unless sbrne . , • . unfolseen accident produced- a '..relanse. .8(1.-iiire Iindisfard had 'insisted Oonb•lf!-' in e'ilie , young in an • to . hie own ' 11 o tiee, AA' his rfisplutiOn ' being eandtioned, by the :doctor, on 'the. ground that .. the 'piece ' efforded einierior benefits' fer his. patient • Levertnee bad • raised but . te feehle Opposition. to the,. movemeat. .:, ,,,,, . • I, Orme the artiSt's., deliriiini,. Agnes lad been his roost•eoestent and entirine. . nureeecorning and going in'. that' eft:1107 . .. ..... . . . . womanly 'way pevOlIllairt0:1Vfer,.and leave ing.nethiue undone that was. *neeessary to. tile pa tient'eae,Mnfer t. - , :And _now ;that b e ..tras,--pps to eed- to :cob edited:an eee,,'.' field: ';`,,'N'jbl A' .., • - ,,,,",,,...•' '.•• .".., ir,,,,,-....5. ,.,,co.,-;,:r.t. a- , : ill .a•fiti V w AY to recover, sue.. neeoecl. the ureent advice of. her 'father- and the thet'etor to allow herself mbre,tiliae, ler' Dut-deor exeroise,. : • .. . .. : •,, , - . . , • . One neorning, about • 'a week . after the beginning �f Teeyanien's'eMitailes- eenee, Agnes .returned to the house alter a sharp gallop across'. the country -on her 'te White 'horee. and, ei•e favori. . f _.d ) bfo• remOvingher habit, entered:the *library. to look fei.e. certein.book• which she premised to /earl. to her patient, While .ehe•-striod ` there in front of , the well 'filled. ehelyee„ looking , over • .volume after volnme, her fletber's old. butler: came into the.' room ' in ' a .raysterious. . • . . Sort of a Way, and stood leaning ' •on ! . . the table. . ' '.• • . . ' ' . , . . " Miss A.enet" he said, ' in a .subdited .0 , voice, •' do you bloat. the young gentle- •another Man upstairs it of noble- bloody'. , . •. She glanced up .from her -book in surprise,. • . • . • • .- 'You refer to 'Mr. Treyanion l', • ' Yes.' Ile is Noel- Trevailion's bet .phew, and.theheir to. Castle • Pre - Vanibn,' ... • . . . : . . . 1 How know you this, Itainley.l' -1 ' "Yen remember the paper your fa.- ,thei received from. London doring the .gentlemlarrilelirinin l'. ' - •• • . ,. 'Phe one containing the advertise- mentr ' ' . •-• • • '• - ., . e • 'Zee, •Miss „Aaesnes.' • ' •:' 4 '1 remeinber,lhelidvertiseinent was inierted by certain attorneee, atid atate ed that Iliebard'Tievanion would learn ,sOreethling to his 'advantage ' hy leak- irig. his whereabouts known.". • . . .• . ' Peeefeely, • Without, apprishf,g any one bu t'•neyself,. your rather *rote ' to 'these law.yers, informing them that • the objeet. of their seateh Wail. it guest in his . . . . .'• house, and lying at death's door„.. In. answer, they stated that.NoelTreyaniOn .. . . - - had tecently died, bequeathing 1 s n g ii 0 - .. tireeestate. to his nephew,' • 1 Hag my fether..impatted this netts to 1VIr, ' Trevanione as •yet.1' • . -11re did sothis. morning! ' ' Agnes laid down her hook, and -left the library. • . • . • . Half an hour later. she entered" Tre- Vanion's ehamber and found him alone, but there Was an expression of infinite joy in his noble countenance as he • turned it toward, her, • - • 'Miee tindistarn, I. am happy 1' he exolaimed, , '1 suppose you know about • • f h 11 . .- it; your at • er to c me a 1 t -is morn, him. ' My rich Uncle, who disinherited Ma becaugeor chose to adopt the pro- fession of an. artist, relented before he died; • Ana 'carried out' his original in- tention • or bequeathing his hOille arid fortune to me, .t tim. to. longer' fet- tered by poverty e I sin. the Mager' of Castle Trevanion! • 'I am happy to, oongtetulatiinti on your good fottune,' said the venlig linly, , Seasaaon41 storlds'i.orteerniag •those olio- have griod.thei,.. luck...412on. die prospect of „ilea ih 'dwell:Pt toll& the •inreterate. gambler. -• • .„ • But perbapsthe-incist sold -harrowing ' 'ci- scene:that - ever' took place ot ii•gainine table. transpired at 4 pulslie, house 'ire . . . , Port an prinae e.onie yeers ege, Several • persons•Avere,Weiting.abOtit the :moth. for the gitthe v to .d()Iii-nteliee• '... Aolo°4 •tho orlawd • of . loiterers. was . a 'Capfaio „St EvorY, a 11.0tRalaMeateri. deadly. di : 0115b and, well •knOw'n man Of &obit-, •• - • . .. .. .Some • one .spoice. op; "'Who% play 4" ."I will plaY,' said the.. Captain , of.: a .grench,' frigate, lob.. had in st "arrived .. in the 'harbors .ajid, seizieg . a ••dieelaex, threw to win Or 1350 Alle 0.,17401.1•Dt Of a sinall sum- of. :belie y that. their lollipop. the tith10. j•-te 4. is ignerant of the Stake to he Playe4; . • , v . • . • ., ., v. , i , . ' .1 Moneicur. Cum Maud ant yOu h Ivo / . . t won," said .Cap tain .8 t.. Eve.ry,• pushing toward. him several piles of gold„e .. - . -, 'Astern -fried at . the sight ef eo inueb. weal the.,the Captein.arew back,. &vine; " Gentlethen, I should be Wanting, • not 4 " • 1 •ni only 'comtnon aloneatan but even in geed • Manners,: were I 40. appro.priate tho, eums,. the winnii.ig 'of whiehl never canected in - the least ..degeee; for .1 thought . 1 Nies. playing. ..fer • the teliliege . ,.. ao,t es , ly„ing eon- the' ••• table: • . I. Cannot 4 lfe-refe re,.. tak e, tife• eiroemous`st in n's MY --",...., •-•; wq. , , - . )1, :.,,..,•,.:,v,. ., , •,• .. •..,..,, ....,,,,,.• •. i 7, ,•cwn In light. , ,.. - ' -•• • • , • : ••• - ' . ' • - ' " 'Sir," said .0Ontain St. EverY v " yca• . .. . - . :. Must ' take it,. for if You had lost yoke .iv.outd. haye been obliged. to pay the.seine awn." e . .. . • - • ;.• .• . ' ...e....', .•': '• l' You .are• iil.istaltrO.elffi eircif Yon think so. •,I do not, eonceive. my: honor • en: .dangered in reference to paying a debt of.hOnor which 1 never contracted, • 99 i ' in r.efusing . to accePt of so large"; sum which I never eicp'ect.ed to Win!' .. ' . ,. „"IVIOnsieur le Cemniandantaishrieked Captain St Every, raising his voiee to the 'highest 'pitob, "if you had lost you • should have paid. :I:wouht iiire Made you do so." . • ' : • ' • • ' • ' •• This was fire to gunpowder •lute 'd- d , , , . ., n e ' P ' ' g .. . . to . revoke -a .challen e, and it acorn-. Plished its pnrpose.: "Sir" said C t -• . , ap am • St -.Every, "I. don't wish t take ' - - .9 -. any advantage of you, 'Which my • aelrerOW-AillIngs ledged ability in, the .Use of the evienel- and pistol gives me, sotoffer•you terms f'eqeality." . ,• ' • . ' • - , - , . "•Bring•a pistollere at,onoe,qoad• it,- sind the chance of theedice shall deter-- „. mine ,whieh shali.blow•theother's brains. out.' • ' ' ' . . . ... e ..• - • ' •• 'Agreed,' Said the nothing ..daunted frigate commandant. • . ..:.,; . -.A•ehock•ofliorror ran throligh the veins' of the assembled -crowd 9L.• the 'barbarity,ior the blood-curdling:affair.. Some shrank front- tbe _room.others'• . , . more hardened -in sightirof betrer crowd- etl /tear •the gailaing.table„ Perfectly ciig- nizant 'of the desperate charactee of St . Every, -and inviardli lauding 'the 'brav- ery ef the unknown. • • • . . ' - - . 4 . Etta 'party. 'examined the . *tel.. The navel cajitein first. threW' the fetid dice. . . . . • Ile threw eleveri:i • - • ' . , ... .• • - ." A good thrbw," said Et. Every, hold- ing fOr a moment his 'Own 7." the chances . areenovr in your favor; but Helen •f 1. . , i 1, *turns out,. as it appears to me, it will, that fortune favors you and. not roe I , • viish neither Men/ nor pity, as I should think either a coward who would spare the other. ' ' ' - . . ' "'W.. *I . oiir in:vet:linen • n., needy t remens attancee to beck ine neither now nor lit- any. time," replied the commandant. • •SteEvery took the heit.and threw flf. teen: , , • The lionipany•Ivere paralyzed -with horror. , • Moneleur le cominondant 0.11•Ofie 0 . . , ... ' our e e OJ1gS to me, Mr, said *t.• Every, thtewing down the, dice on ..flie table. ' '." • ' •.. . . . " Fire, sir," skid, the , coinniandant, pliteing his hand' on his 'hoot 44 An -60' e-"" honest nian is never aft id toe- St. EYery's balleseattered 'the Vraine Alia blood of theunlucky comma/watt over the elotheri and persona of tha by standere, and his liteless body tell to:the saloan.floor.* . LI L to_ .-.... ..T.,,....4,..i 8 ..- 'IA, d. TA ...ILA. .. and exert A. meat beneficlat rdeence on all tlie- .,.. What. Constant:Ca interriperance ie a • Bronchia,' and pulmonary otwans. Sold. by All qaestion ripan 'Wnieh Judge" Robinson, druggists araTeallitrY ..(104111•a• "'ice' ...9,154te, of the CommorvPlecis.- and the United Ter•')9xe • . • • e .. . • Stit T'f. I .• 't . ' . .• e........_,........,....__ . ., - • a tie. e nsurance Company cannot • , • . • • • • • ,-.1. • - . . ' • ' • ) ' • UrfAnifts P. mILES,,e11011.NOIAL. LAND 811.R. 1.11Y011,,171111.10tOri arta Lit0 Agent. Offlae :•,-Jase, Owe stint, Wingbain, . , - • . .:.; ... . evineeme,aue.ense7.. • ., .... . ,. ,a. actree . T. - - ' • ' • - • . f • • raierries IS rE.s.Ax.v.E. • •.• ee e . ne instireacc conapauy•ve use . . ...... • •,, -,•-- • - • . • , Aa • tillcalible renie.dy fpr ali diseCiseS of the to = tl t f ' ' ' . . , pfi. 30 amour) o au 'Dwane° p01103 , , -• , on the -ground: that the...person. ineared, eye ktiecuie or ehrwile), grontaatioa of. the haT•represeatetribieiself es of temperate• ".:••4elast, :la( 11 fiell'aiiie.a a° le.tie°sfa oif1;111.rot7ii oniti'roilili(11.1'ci taii. . ',. 411llIACIViiffMNSiffil "AiiD CifIlerIPICATIlli. , I, sc4PPly at the) Town Hull, or at tho iesidenes•sf tus t Is riber, near the London., Iluron: At Bruce Itailwoy ' station.: ' . • ..... YAAIIIS SCOTT,. _. - °II. ..1#64*Arril 271.li; , 1870. ir..asi' er :il 24111.411g9 14°"se8. . . 'Te-Air,Way..eto.tren..,•onrieozz' balittS; • whe'retis his .habits- of interriper-....' • 'earJes'se.... • . .... ' '. ' - •fi `A t.'',ytILS',1(,vE , i 8 presepted.t0 the -anee were 'eLieh as• to 'inn- pa.•in his heeithe ,,,enn A;t81,1[0Ii.l • •• • • • - - ' • The line which duldroetopernee Nolo. nsuinic witli the oeseremee of its eteeiency 48 a immoral° • • - 1 1•' t • eneenve of mot ilf8e0008 of the 4°,. 40-11to-lir . e le a .8 rat owy 011e o many .e.hrome inflammation whether indneedby,scro- •poreone , 1 .s.- - .• '. t ' . ' ... ' • f aloes' origin: or othe'rce,•-•we'akiiess or. CleNet. that , one. Toe Atioye, • -IA lkOUSO is 'eitttatod OM to tile atatiOfi,nod lc thor- . ee,11,g):.reeiinlql. tillrerettgvirsni;cana 11,1w Affords good. oc• .. ri'444i gf;',,`T'Vo':ii"ori in a16-neagZu ei. i .14%1 stabliip , th 1, .. T • T.' *. •r, .; ' . ° °° ' qu° n 0 ,111, . goe. .....AINE, ...r.,Or..0t.al, . .. . ; ' ....., • . ' • . , a II ( le 18 . -110 8 lir pr Lei iii; . • ()kat., kern.' dee nwang , f, • • t • .. • -• is • - ..0 In . emperan CO be v eet,b.V. be framed , .. ., 'Inv -things must. be taken into coneelortition.. net - a Man in 1 • Is: t. f • 1 ' 1 ,y. r ilo - a pru. 0 v,,, i is cey ,It d , - • - t. t • • ..-.1 1. f . f h, 03 cfMno ,e cOp•irc Ore( 0 • is . of. vinien, diininislied toile of the Olaf& ;lien* ar a difieasca Ante e 016 ' tissues. constititting ,. .0r au persong 01,00..v09.1., that organ , alsor 'non requires- cia incessaut action of the leYE•0, the stave wilt eat as ri'eliarni in.restorino• a mil-. f . inn ,lielAth ii v., .1. ,‘ he ,e h. . • e.. .i. °. - • . Y. . c ll :I , v I- wea--11w,t14n, t911 • unserY May have long threatened :It atal ter-, ..Azi Ellvots Jain .pilysIo tr OpLrfaTx -s, s • .1.11 *Man, having tried in v'fier4 eve'renevertirea dr:. . • say, ism .418-envercd a settee means. et sat -cure.: Ne .• iverho happy to faward the bartienlars Witty suffeieri. f n receipt ef a stamped find direeted envelqa, Adaiees • J. T..Sorni,t, Yeq., Lisburn House, London, Reefand.. ' • • . "." . . . 18 ' • .... „• • . , . • • ' ..- • PrO0 intemp'elien,°,,e'ine .00° :awn...may • dunk ' - d •-e; ' '• . • • ' • • : a i , , ...„ . , . - an .... • "rive,: upon, Iv am, . *peal kb]. ills innen.neme' 111, a •'.1 ' ' .ie- • 1 . • ' ' ' ' wee c. - eit ler •can a . . • le„ese• acacias.. bo: tgkep, 11's wholly 6'. -- (E.-,,,,_. -elesive as to his temperance, or tn.oetn.. Orairx.. . It; *.divor:043 euit.1,0na -going. . on an 13ostere the• -.defendant neenca what the plaintiff called. intoxiciftiendle •as. being fti Jo ly enniiareted"-- Something ..,.• added' to the natnral. flow tit' ' .S.P1r10/ that 'Something .prodeaed • by inteeieate le, • . -ell. , •t 4010411011-' It iii AO Most simple,' 804, and ef- " Ritual remicify•ever disco 1 9`h *** f ; I vent.. ...„0--Ja.eraes twe, ,.1 •t, - . g • 1 , gip i ,fe a .- 'I ti. ' 0 • .1.ei.,t. . I tire, pm c. , am :cos y, corenotusden with.elaboratercare and exaetness, safe in its . aiplieation bar, -used evternall , , 1 .f PPI10' , .1., n • ',. • , , LY P corti.k..ai ,ef ing.,,the pain and clanger. \'ll •Lin rieeesecuity attend-. the., retre_ductuip,•of .aVrit?:ala Minerals aria eye-washoe. ..13 1,'N (Wean and Om) Cuitoxre Soma, of serofulfius•origie se voteetine-from •N. bate •er au e; yeild tfi th ' (Ar.ceitie ibN -1f.,M.S.‘tVirti; )it Tss u'sED' woe- ems. siein,Y. FORPILES. • As seethil'ig,.e.f.. feet ia iminqliale; and a permatient'eurereqipies but a for "•"iiplilications '. The proprietor's .0i "Dit', J.. Far`ereeAueniceer EtacSaixr,fl.'while " in -thing heir onaiuniroved -machinery for mak- • _ . j• C. treINTOSII, 145,,FIELD,. -‘... iSsliEn iTli' • • Manivel.icenses under the rinitAct, CominiSsion. . er re tens, 'Affidavits in the' Qtteen's Botch ror corm ' • cos ri a . e Is , , ..• ..c, .0 F° 1 -4';' '4°. e,?;;O'Iittuing'd°n'P,' 81;(1. -ft; . • maces, Londu, (,ontraets, I ills,•,Deeds; and.i\fortgages.• , 1.00.6ff migil, •,nohideitce:-.-ommito r.0118ek's irotei.. ,. . • • . wetly new:team •ON REAL VO'.1,"..5,13:; . ' • -"Ova! bli-Sept:14.. 1878. ... • .• • • . . • , • • • - -- -!--,--,-; • -•!• --- •-•.-! --,------ , • • •• 3/ t'r irovisoy ..et ve•A•rso-v, -.• ' .‘ • '. . rtas,n,IST'llS., ifl'..• .:. ' .1 . .(1,..tili"N' AND • "Pt:I"Cg; • . eeestes. A.••wersoe' •• - .• - s liaA ' • v . ounton . . , ' ! • „,•,• • • 4 R ereene -,' . - • .,....- • • • -.• . • . arAaaaa, ar m 'i ..,,- ..-ni. i.'..: 4. 0.11, : G°"rieh! • ' •-- r'v-.19-11?ll "•-• 41 s'.'""" "..Q17 4Pr•id.47.• • ,iie t t 0 . pot.... Is . etIS Cirn WeS ' o 'ViSt if...10re box -for the lilye•S,,tr,vn :have .liftssoN .8i• . bar.reenes.. about ah pee- -oi in eg a Aytyi, f)A t 1-, '••a•s' to.'• 'in.10.k i 'anti - ..i. ' i''''. II. ''.' ' ' . . , , , • °Pi , le ,, ,. CPU t , not , (pat '60.1- *wad . ' in tC4idilti6ris Aliiiill'IC Ia.' .head. He aCknowiedgii ...beinl... frO., .neently "jolly," but scouts with inaig. Going . nation. tile idea of drunkennees, '- to ahwother extreme there is. no hick of. in" perfeet. ,1,1,6,1,,,b • 1, ,.' ..C1, 41,10, Y. ,.4.i0F.' 11:14t. 1,1,1t.,:nii.,9,18„i0Nceri.87,;..n.10., 'p>rfoVOqa wiee tee tAtton-the le rapper, Gir, t•Ov.go-;ii;',A2Fillt.Vmhrgt111Iti."n!Zeiebt.°‘rise. sll..-ogil'iardefotrtir.nollo. ,e(inaterfeitine• " . , . „ . . . . • ''. ..Er'ETTIT 40. BARICE R ' ''' . ' , • .. • FrOprietors, Frcedonia, N. y. . Drowiwitop sr; Lymxii; ,. . i,... ., ' : • :. Agents for Canada,' -.FA, :spats. .'s•rata4t::!a4-rret414„7,-$aceit.,.e.elgett.eerit bongnt IIENSALL, /WIN .Qommissione; • . .ktinSON, Au''' mittin&LifeIneuia'n'pe:nd,f4en' eisa.COnflOo . 4esereece tive•tlera olleapeertirep:oranniry. . ae..781071eSpx:070Fryt nInl, 801a. Moderate ulihrgos., Offace-KrNO 01C • • • •• '141•AliON " ' . ' - ' ,TOSPrIT lilltSoN Und 1=6;4. • . ' 'Convey -slicer.'" • gorriago Licenses. • . • ' ' - ,18. in telligent • tens who in"Sist.. that e ....•••Toronto, . • •-••.' , . • , ., „ . - • . • . • . . CoNsoLtDATED BANIt CAN.ADA '• per man who drinks • intoxicating T ' g iquors habitually., ie. even :very small quanti-.• ties, IS ' intemperate; many persons . are known'. to. look with herior-p o'• upon use 'of brandy arid.*inein cases of sick. • '. - . . . , . .. • . . • . . . nese, presumamy regarding it aa intem • - • d th ' • ''. 11 -. ' '--'' perance, an . ere IS one we authen- ciliated :case of an English . clergyman ref' ' t - . ' - ..And r, erring . o let a member Of his' family a. . , • . . le rather- than give brandy as a •Itist • •Th ' •' '' • . ' ' resort: e question. is an i • ' nteiesting ' one ad an • almost hopelesslyunsettled • ' • . . 1 ' b • • ' • - .• • point to ay efore a ury.-N.Y.- Poet • • 3 • . . • - ' '• ' • ' . • , A • Joy aniong. the cl.rik.ren z ' • • • • ' • ----. ' .• Coeteelan'a SWEET .CASTOE OIL equ'any,suit -Able -for children • and adults , ' -E.n.d?reed. • by -.over 600.cloctors in Canada. The chfficulty of admi.nistering eaneeouspcites; and the de- inrability of having them pleasant to the taste, indueed T. otneand to,..undeitake .researches •th d;• 8 tC ' whichresulted .in e discovery of•a• wee as- . • tor Oil; perfeCtly palatable, of the same strength medical,qualities as 'the ordinary •Castor Oil - and • •whrle equally safe •and harmless yet ., - , - . - . ' ... "t'irs with morc.ceitainty, and producin,g net-, ther nausea nee griping, Smne Children say it, • is honey;_ others call it byrup-they All say they like it. 'One atent sayri-•• My children drink •t•rh t - NI' • ' th r --"W . e ac • o i e e bottle Or they would have finished it right eff ;" • OF . , ..... • ' .0APITAL; • .$4 000 000. '• -. ...: .' • - . ' ,-.„ ' • .. , .. . ... -.• .1 I., 1 N TON A GE NOY. ' . G - , . . ; . • • • • _ ' J fr • . interest from Four to Five.per cent .alloweti c ..• .. : • . • , '. . ' • . . - on Deposits. - • . -• „ • • . . • : M. LO , ell, gent 110 -A , Clinton April• 1876 - 1-y • ' . . ,. . ' . . • . , . ., , . . : , ., . ,... . • ... Y' '''''"----' on Marring .. .e* --f' My little . girrhas taken it twice without any trouble, And does "riot kno* what it isrthoegia etre hates the Oil .0100kfil, Watches., Sewellery, 80 . .. .. , . - - Simi Matvi Marry for love, .'tii.'out a cen t . in their pocket. or a drop of pedigree.- This' . looks desperate, • but ; it is the etrength'of the game ; Sat - ' b me, . ne marry . e- -ay. -1m ordinary.Caetor . . , and we never could get Iter,,to takeIt without a .fight- • ' ' - ;" yet another -"I wish you succeits of .your Sweet Oastoa Om Ot is a splendid thing -terra to take the place of ail the ccettieon oil." dinar demand for this int rove The erctraor y _ . . p - ynent et a staple household medione has brought -....-..-. . .. .• . .. •. ; S•,.. .F 0 W L.E,R.,„....-...... - .. . Lesires lo return his sineerethines ' • sa_iikid,;„.6). to his numerolis- friends and ode. for Maltese- ' 'cense tbey think that min will be scarce next year,..and live .to woedee .,how the crop holds out Sn • .. ,. , . rn many to geti rid of themselves, Mid discoVer that thee game as one that two -could I P a9 at and neither Of them, win. Sant mar- ty the atiteed time to get even,afta ana 1 ' briirgit th - ' th ' b 1...a. gem .1 . vier-, e meee they PU down (lifeless they take- ' - 8 ' up. uniemare ry•teir ..be.• happy and, not -findin . ib, g ' a •11 the h - won ere where a - e openness goes to fratidident imitations into the market, but the.' P ublie ean guards themielves-against substitutes If 1 - ' ' 1 1 rt' ' i ' • w lc 1, unprincip et pa iee are et empting,to son on the reputation of fins article) .by seeing -that the name Cort,AED's Sw.ser CASson OM, is• on both wirepper and direction label, ' The undersigned, having. piircliased Messrs • T. C0011014 .1e•Co's• interest it the above prepa;• vidiou, ate novirmanufactpring it from. the -0117 ' ginalrecipe. •- :. • . • -. . • - • NoweilitOlnet tYllAne,'„,,Zoronfo.,- Ask .‘. for COPLAND% •Sw.rder CA• esvi,. ;..pbv'-.1v serve. the name. Do ridt• he •depeived. ' geld .by s ' • all inedicine'defactit, . Price, 25 cent.. . 9 .mors, al share of patron- ED • age that he has re. saiveavseneearry. w see, e ,, lag oxIbtteinees In , wi w .-../..... " Olinton,andhopes • te, - . .,i'l 1!)1, •\,. by gl, arid atten. el 4., \\ ,tfon to' baldness, . ., i -, r ' and nsing every • ' - eet the .")t P1 eff;tioitaf di mil.ny .• . ,., ,, • ,..k.,.. --' • ." -moues, to oontin..• , • 'f.'1'"'',.•' no to retain their , .. _ . . ' yatronage. - -:- : • Ho wotdd alic;,like this opportnnIty of Mating that he ' has taken hieson Ian partnership and that the brad. nose will be conducted in f titurwill o ander thone style 01 84 'T um marry,t ey•cen t e when it dies. ' S • h • ' t 11 • • • • ' • ' - why„ and live, they don't knew how .- Aemost everebody gets niatried, - d 'i Ain •1 in a good jolee., Sum marry in baste, and then sit down and think it earefully - - q • think' '1 1 • f • . Over,. -urn it eare.u.ly over ust, and then Hit; down and marry: ;Both ' ' '. ' . se •s te a Milan ..elladonn Improved India Rubber Porous ' . • • • ' enietta Y.' ' .' • • " '.' ' t .- "'" -jj''"' • • There never Itea -been a time* °tithe I l'n ••• - -lea ia at 20 .manydifferent niseaseg hats been -cause • „,„ bYdirtwata op cation as the, pr sent, It '" ' ii ' • e "distill ted:fact that, over half cif the entire po- pulatiou of thegloba resort to the use of ord., nary plasters.. . - . -------- •-• • ' • FOWLER & SON. hy Arm keep hand . . . •.•.•... •.! . "..'' ..• ' " . ' ' ' wombs; faeces, :Jewellery, Speetaeles, -.. . ' ' • • -.Ana ell•other artielois, in their ilne ' • • • ' v ' ' • Alt teed f Pi R "i• d d M t d • I a I) • lin anal a an- "" ' , • ..• Repairing, cleaning, Ao., &Mean alert mince, in a 'workmanlike manner, anti on reasonable tormli. 7 ' • . AeneuX STrteir„ NORTH QV PIE 1(TABSET; .. if inton, Dep. 618t7i: . . . • .....-- • AY ••••.!• • ways are right if they hit the Mark,- . , , . . matry coque es. Thi..... is z e Sum tt •it 1 k buying a poen' farm, Leerily mortgaged d . ,i.• ..t_ ,._ . • . f _. ' • an wotsing tue esaance oi yOUr uayS to clear .off the mortgages. But after all married life is fully es certain es the dry goods busiitess. , Itno nun ken • - • - ' ' swear exactly where he will fetch up when be touches ' ealieo. ' Ittio nian •kan tell Just what calico has. made up its 'mind to do .next Celle° don't know heeedee • ears, goods of an kinds iz the ehildov eircninstanins. • The man who statids on he bank ehivering, and 'due.' sent'is a t. ''k Oh kol 1 tha • son ,.19 more pt 9 e ,. c n the man . who pitches his bead hid into the river. If ennybo3y oaks, you t 1.1111 led (if needs be ) tell why you go ri , . f .' him yoa don't recollekt. . . ' ' • 4 '''' • " ' . The principal .iugredients used in making these Piasters are Gum Olibanutn -or. better ne • -,.own,as the Frankincense of the Bible -Rub- la. er, and Burgundy Pitch; which, whet scienti- &ally compounded, is full .of electricity, and • • • - • • • when combined. with the pure medicinal gums, 18 forted to.be one of the- greeted healing ntedi- ems.ever brought before theltuman race.- 0.They are tackemeleged by all who hale used r): t6 ac,quiticee •than any other Ilastere t e •• :ever before triedi, *nd that' Ono Of these ,Fleatere: win do more reel aervice.than a him, dred of the ordinary kind, Alt other Plasters are slow of action; and require to be *ern con- tinually to effect &cure; but with these it is en,- tireiy different.; .the instant One x8 applied the patient welted its effect, They possess all the soothing, Warmtng, sup- rerting and strengtheuing qualitiesof all other 'r fasters Man who have been relieved of Emu MATIS I, TIODOLOBETIX, and va- -How other pains in the EIDNEYB„,BREAST or SIDE„ and believe it is solely done. by the oh h ' °6••' Wean 4110,11 let W i ..h 0 Porous Plastere contain, Mid whielt Is imparted to the system , thus festering them to * healthy 'condition, - They are. very soft mid pliable, Still very Ad- •. . .. . ISEMAN. • . . • ' • • 13 110KtRS. • . ' . INS1JRANCK 311 .G ' . ,. - ' .. '-' . lee moNEY isENT 'OR MORTGAGE AT. 81 , • .11•1(1wiGAGEs Bott.ditT. . ..;,....., --• . lg. • - --vei....NOTE8, OF' aecip D/SCOONTtDaTee xtvrEtterEST ALLOWED OS DEE'OSITO: „ 'fed Pirsktass Fire, Life and :elect( . • Contpanim reprrtented. • ' • vtgemum inn' ii.s811RANCE A°°14"4 r" , '. 4 • ' .. • ' • itemise' and Fund .• .. ,... Ili ' . • . - ''''' Amount of Atinuratiee Weekly income, • ... other Coneeiny iir •thie • . . • , • ., Agoilts . . PEE OENT. ...,6 • ' i Instir .nee: ' 'a - CoinP.1V1". ' 3,T50.000 • " 9 10412, IVY 13,000 ' eisioitry. . . , - • • The sea holds' ',000,000,000,000 . , tons or egh, . should go gea. be driea • up, there would be a deposit of halt Oyer entire bottom to the depth of 450 feet. Ittlie salt Were taken.and spread on the'were ver it to i‘ depth of 000 land, it tatild eo• tAta• hesive .; and& sure 'cure for,WE.A.V. BACKS, PAINS IN THE SIDE AND BREAST; and arc invaluable to those Who have a COLD iff beg goading, and often. preVenta CONSTIMP.,, , Some even lt us. they believe they TIONte entirely cured by theuSO 0f 01ofalong- 'seated gonsumption, '` . ' . Prepared, by• OFOlteit. F. MITOIXELI, Lowell, Maas es.,1 .1 4... AI r4aa,.......41,41. Eicies.lowertiem our • ' peA8EtP2it1t /WEEDY YOU • ' ' v ' the Cecina and rinntat tin0 Of Steamers. 'rho oldest ,na mbst reuabu 'hies stosstss the stlattio, ' Thetas , wised st loweet tstee, from and toelinten, tO Millirem Crept *. Hain. • OPPICE oit 11ITRON•Sr. atriVTOY , , .. •• ......- ., '.14 13 - . Ws m1V1-4101( K., a ,erif-x..... ...11 04 Ileffi_ •ttJl 110was 1 . Act 8 • y • • YI ;, .