The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-06, Page 7Su,i E 6, ,1B7S, THE: (Janos NEW sena 01' ¶ emeerunco. • The Grand Alvieion oi' the Sons of Tem- perance of Ontario re holding its annual session at Pert :ferry --Mr. A, Ninon, W, G. P., presiding. Mr. T. Webster, of Brantford„ gave in the annual report, which elicited the following results : -- Number of Divisions last year. t ..,•• ' ' . am Number of D visions note hn operation. Number admitted by invitation and by Pard 1,881 n Number rcinetatod; ....., •.,•.,••. . ". 878 Number withdrawn , . 2,197 Nusnberauspended ,. . .... ' • !,glib xp Number en/idled for violation ,.. ion of tho pledge .. 889 Number expelled fpr other causes • .814 Nnmbex of deaths 88 Number of violations of tho pledge ... • ..' . 007 Whole number al membcre . . , 12,102 Whole amount di receipts by aubordivates ,$9,04lit Number of pub!% temperance moctinga hold ,. 885 Nembor oftemperance tracts distributed ... ' 10,7111• - _-�-• 7.'40 C-a"tfie knYQNtnlO,l t.. The Liverpool Daily Post market report Says :--" About. 300 foiceign;b'epsts-•-Span- ish, Canadian and' Danish—were. altered. i The Canadianbaasts formed, a pro ip out feature in theshow, comprising heifers of the choicest duality and in prime condition, and holders had no difficulty in; Making the exec :tiona high :f ure.of 9J. per ib." 11/Ir. Williamson, who has paid great at, tention to the beast trade of Manchester, has now thoroughly established the reps. tation of our Cenadian'lierds, his cattle 1 being usually the best at that market. +`Mi. S. Price 'of Montreal,had 100 head e of very fine steers on board the Ontario, which were sold by his brother at the Liverpool market on Monday last: Three brought £40 los Od,+each, -twenty-twa' others ,, averaged £34 each and' one pair of steers bred and purchased at,Stanstead, Eastern Townships, brought the extraor- dinary price of $84. It willbe thus seen that the Province of Ontario duetnot en- tirely.inonopolizo the trade-in "lino ' cattle. Canadian farmers should&'carefully 'on der over those figures; the extra prices given were more on account of •the quality than heavy weight. , It muat'be • borne -,in' mind that it costs no more to raise a first- class beast like the above t ' ban i it does s one of.those animals which are said' with diffi- culty at three cents per lb., and the trans- atlantic freight is the same. - Canadian stock raisers havo,the ball at their feet;;' it t Will be entirely their own fault if shippers . !' of cattle have to purchase stock in • the l Western States. _ That the finest -cattle• itt the world world can bo raised in Canada, both in Ontario and Quebec, has now been fully demonstrated.' A market in Great Britain is now open for all they can raise if they will steadfast- ly persevere i1( improving their herds ,by using shorthorn bulls, which have been in- • troduced into Canada,at enormous expense by their enterprising neighbors.. i • '!tussis» Babies. ' Russian babies lead a mummy -like exist encs -until they are able to help themselves. They are always swaddled, and rolled up. tight in bandages, 'so that they may be • conveniently putaway without 'getting' ' 'themselves intojmisohief or danger. O'n entering one of their •huuees'an'entliusias �;, tic travell.er,thinks he has•eolne :upon `flame Pagan tribe, hawing their idols and pen ates, With' th'lieads well carved out and ' he rest of the body left in block...: He, looks curiously at one laid upon a shelf,: another hung to the wall on a peg,a third swung over one of the inain•beams of the' roof, and rocked by the mother,: who has the cord looped overher foot, " Why, that is a child !" cries the astonished tra- yeller, with a feeling similar to. that: ex- perienced on treading upon a•toad ,which was supposed to 'he a stone. ."Why, What else should it be 1" auswcrs• the mother. Having learned's`o Winch in so short It tithe, the inquisitive traveller wishes to' inform himself about the habits of the creature; but his curiosity being somewhat damped by the extreme dirt of the little figure, he inquires of the parent when it is washed. eC 1Vaslied ?" shrieks the terrified -mother, " washed t --what, wash a child? You would hill it." • - 'IC'wo✓Suggestive Iticldeats. • The value of manufacturing and business ;is.one teat of the prosperity of the people.. On Wednesday last the Salisbury, Massa- ',•'clinsetts, cotton mills were put °u p at auc- tion for sale to 'the higheat••bidder. The, mills are described as being in such good repair that they might be startedat a day's notice without any additional cost for re. pairs. The water power good, 'with '3,000 sores of reservoir, controlling all the water from tide -water back fortenmiles, There are 188 tenement houses and 18' stores. included in the property,sord. Six years ago the company that controlled the, mills ;we're enjoying almost, fabulous prosperity. The actual cost of the property -to theeom pany who •held it when Compelled to eldest-- the losethe works was 81,200;000. On Wednesday the whole property was sold for 8160,000 --or at the rate of 14 cents on the :dollar' F,t-one of the -bast •miltb properties in the , tate of Massachusetts; A short time ago the mayor of, the . city 'New York, at a l'llecting of .the citi. ,ens of that city, after stating' generally hat ,. vacant shops, se storehou r t1 - s a , mu actories and houses night, , be_scen :..an very street in New Yolk," le added : ' This afternoon I had the curiosity to 'ount the stored on Broadway where/the rst story was to rent. On the five blocks letween Astor place and Houston street a .distance of a quarter of a mild—1 and the number was thirty-five, of which enty-four are vacant and the ,other Oren are to be vacated. Tho same tale told in other localities." The National Policy of tlic States alike presses the workingmen and the value manufacturing and business property* erte , Settlement of the West. ! Senator 'Modena, of Minnesota, made a `'y interesting speech on!Monday in favor xttending the charter of the Northern Ilio railroad ten years. The change of ''c pr"bposed in, the bill reduees the seven millions of acres,llanding that ' ret back into .Government hands, and om .le rod it, will e p connect the Atlntic Int pacific. by 626 miles' shorter route nl SanI'ranciFCO to Chicago. Eight a small party of travellers, : Sew • ndom among them, took a half. dian scout for a guide through try where now ono farm Covera ten: thousand acres, the wheat crops of. which yielded' last year more than twenty- two bushels an acre,- and the implements need in modern agriculture -24 breaking ploughs, 1.00 stubble ploughs, $7 harrows, 20 'broad -seeders, 26 harvesters, and 5 steam threshing machines. Another fflrin was of eight thousand acres, yielded, over 180,000 bushels of wheat, requiring ' 540 freight cars and one train of eighteen care' por day for a month to transport these pro- ducts to market. Still another farm of 2,- 600 acres yield 62,680 pushels of wheat.-=- These vast .crops show that inen must apply to mother earth for employment .and sup- port,This i8 the wheat garden of the world, and hero is morn for the poor of Europe, where fifty to sixty 'bushels of wheat per • acre is no uncommon yield,— The five •rnilliun. acres _already available were worth yi12,500,000, and, as much of the land has been sold during the, pact ninety, days 'as during • the previous sir th ismago months.. 73 alek, a ehor time me the h h nth ro` d of h' Sioux, is a u n t o n n u o S now a g , pity of twit thousand' souls; ' Where all. trade had been done by oxcarts for six, hundred miles, now :seven -steamers Con- vey ,13,747 on-vey13,747 routs of freight' and 0,579 pas.- seuaers eaeh. year; The railroad is a grand military enterprise from the population it draws; it prevents Indian wars, and the whistle of the engine is farbetter 'than the war whoop of the savage. ` The bill for ex.- tending the charter of this road passed the Senate, ,and the amendments were such as to prevent monopoly.—N. Y. Witness. give ,to tem in L attn. • • It is an oft -spoken whim of the cynics —and possiblysomething more=that the..4octors give their prescriptions in Latin to as to afford their 'ignorant l fa- tients.tlle beneiit of a littleimagination. Bolus pantifcus 'sounds 'a good- deal more important' than • " bread. pill." Some years ago, in a Rhode' Island Le- gislature, a member :moved' to translate all Latin. statnteg,' so that the common people 'Could understand them,:- -A, Mr... Updike took the ground that it was no advantage to have the • people under, stead the laws, 'He said• they were not afraid of anything they 'understand ,• that it was the Latin wordsthey were afraid of, and proceeded to illustrate his position as folloays. "•Mr.,'Speaker,: there }pas' a man in Kingstown 2a,bout. twenty years ago who was .:a perfect: nuisance, and nobody knew how to get+ rid of him. One day •.he "was ' hoeing corn, and he saw the,;, sheriff corning frill 'a paper and asked ; him' :'what it Was. Now if ho had told him it Was a writ, what;'would' he have cared i But, ho'told bins .that : it WAS a' capias situs faciendum,, and the mean .dropped his hoe and ran, and has.not been .beard .of since." 1(a: Botiedcttf, the' Sword Swallower. ':,,2iis•SiOgizl7 i"eata in the; 1• l'estminsfer, • ' . 1(Uttriurll,� :London A servant brings a table ort 'to • the tttago, aiiil:upon'it he places a; box" eon- •tainin; the variottsswovie to. be flint., lowed. He 'tlienretires and brings: from behind the scenes a. musket. :Upon its summit• is placed a .forrnitlable looking bayonet; All being, ready; Mr,: Bene- detti appears with a very 'bright sword in. his hand. Akiving.at'the front of the 'Stage,, lie drives the, point of tIle sword•into: the. floor' anc':the force of the inPaction of •the swl�ord,'into the. wood causes it to sway' backward and forward..' 'Mr, Benedettii then goes to his box and ;produces, a'i sword made .of non -lustrous foetal, '• "Holding' it in the air; in his two bands;}} be opens his month and simply' 'thrust's it downhis throat in the sante inantier a cavalry soldier would' replace thel''"sword in the sheath. This is feat Not 1. Mr. Benedetti next talfes ilp six: or eight of these swords; and having pttt them one behinde'the other, he opens his month again, ,and, presto, down woes the lot into rat is sidled by the children -the ":re. ane." These''swords being well dew into his throat, be then plucks: then eut,otte by on ntl throws them on' to the stage, where they fall with a' clash that indicates to the cora- fllonest obserder' that they really are metal. This done the .teats a little,, and then comes' the musket . and bayonet, N He -lifts up the mnskot anci„holds ib with 'bayonet downward above his head, and , then slightly steadying the weapon, he. ` J. 'allows the bayonet tp •gently glide down his throat. Just at the moment when it seems 'flotibtfui:' whether he.,,.is not, going to, swallow musket• and all, it suddenly stops,•snd then the bayonet is• hidden all but the thepart near where it'. joins on.toWthe _.musket itself. -Milb. this is not enough ; he leans forward, and holding theba oust horizontally h A tween his _teeth, turns round and round swinging the fnliskat. He concludes the performance bps very marvellous feat. He goes directly to the sword. that is still vibrating in the bpa.rds of the stage and pulps it out with a jerk. Ono cannot• imagine what he •1s going t as appears i to' do with 1it a ears ye to the o 1 that the sword, from hilt to point, is longer than the man's body. lie then proeeeds'to the middle of the stage; back goes his head, and down his throat goes the sword, Severs) eminent me- dical men,among, whore 'is Mr. Prank Buckland, fact - c , 1, the UC , VOUb11 to 1118,that sword 'swallowed measures'thirty inches in length and onoan d a half across. 14ir. Benedetti has ' been swallowing swords for fourteen years ; the stomach is eonsegineritly nccustomefl ,to the re cept on, I -Te is a singularly prepossess- ing roan, 'tiind his manners• tiro polished. Poxes are not found in t1'le torrid zone, RII1UM 1 try�nllg' and any atktar !q[lsingoalnQry 1 ,t{1T U iRlll ll►1'�” IXJJfrii disease aurali i1( a law hours .; ,, ,. Erys1p61as scrofula nerd. • ago, stein irritation, ulcers froth any cause, and d hu Bred ether diseases' aro cawed by an aoitl ferment, which produces lattammatory action, •itruntoi'e Ab• sorbent will positively affect a ours in a few hours, by •. aboorbiug, tile acid paten from the system.. &old by druggists. Erloe, ¢9a. Advica in particular eases free. W. Y, B11d7NV'ON, itondon, Ont. 'I CABINET WARE, FURWITURE &c ' �tr xE Wont)) TO THE oilt)) RESPECTFULLY INt raaidonta of Oiinton and vieIni y, that, a , itavin, g rebuilt his premigee on the old stand, . Victoria .Street, Clinton, No nova on. 'hand a largo.orid select stock of • a A L'• L KINDS OP P TT RN I T U R E,• 'Such as Ohair8, Tables,Bo8•00010 Sete, L.onngee, What Nota, &o•, 01 good material, excellent workmanehip:and finish, and which he will sell at the lowest remunerative , • rates.. REIM!iiINO Promptly ATT IVD.N7.» TO ealtm• C73AIRs RESER ED AS GOOD AS NTOIV <U'rf 1,RIC1E, 01?7.7LX' P ce-- v1OTORin-err: Remember ,he 1& Clinton;lldarch 8,1877 P H'O:.N i X UARRIAbI ytjg LON'DESSORO■ • 0 .' 1nil SUBSCRIBEDDEOB'1t) NOTIFX HIS OLD A friends end'cuetorgers, and as many new /Mot eae nifty Willi at to favor him withthelr.patronage, that he has re -built lila Flaoket•aith,Shop, and .• ?.m•-•e•=sr ,v av - . . _ • INVALI•DS' The `vey'llu a number of invalid. e� lg wpo' 1any, riot Bulrush ttom, every quarter of(bre (Tnited states and Canada that they may consult' Dl. t,V.. came, anima/• wtdci celebrated Faculty' of S1peelaliets in: Medlclno and Surgery associated with ICim rendered it necessary, that thereunder of 1111$ 141011 utlott should grand d' mal scale t n n n sow o a c provide 1 place o a n 1 .d tt lo r a to a 1 p'e rta p ' It and comfort; P'1 lel ,rte - l lmf"T t. o i _ Is#mmore n njpllette In Es i(9 appointment!, I than any lar 180 o the ii in the worm, The sIra lug' Is i dented In ono of the mosfhealnlfui and dirirable portions ,of the VItyY ofitttrnlo, and commmid sit Qne view of Lake beingagate, !ver, and tiro uat(r0ttdtdln8 country, being eltuated'in the midst of an extensive system of beautiful pants. Tho Hotel Is Illrnlshod with a patent safetyy'pastenger elevator to convey patients to and from .the different Boers; Is provided with•all kinds of approved baths, and has oleo connected with it a well-appointed gymnasium and bowling alley to afros propper 1(1511(8 of exercise. CRRONIC DISEASES of all forms, whether requtr in medical, surgical, or•nlechenical, treatment, come within the provinco of'our several specialties.• DISEASES OF WOMEN, --Especially are theSael11- les of tbls 11 Tao of a supperior order as regards the remedial means 1111(1 appllanees for the euro of all those chronlo'ail8cuses 1)c(11,1101 to tbm8105.. T'ho employment, In moderation, of tonle, chetnlcal, e1cctro-nlerinp 1, cud other npprovad the i1( to In tunny cases un invaluable auxlilta)y to the remedial means to which we resort in such cases. Dry rtle:ion to the nuance' enertah ehampaoing, Swedtelt: move tnents,-tmd 1lg�)t ctdlatlfelnsoxerehies, to enliven and, equalize the eircutatlon.of the blood in the system •relieve., congested parte, improve , digestion, and strengthen the insoles, produce important beneficial • results 1111 an cases to whieli.these means are. applica- • ble. No experimenting 18 resorted. to in the treat - meat The most approved medicines are carefully employed, 411:1(1 the ptdictous regulation of the diet, to suit the condition of the'patient, the thorough yen. .tilatlon of the sleepingapartment, the cheerjng 111- •fluence of music, aocta'dntercourse,.innooent games for atonement, and all those agencies which tend to aroble the mind of the patient,fiom_despondency,: and thus promote recovery, are not neglected. • . NEnVOUS DISEASES,—Earnlys e, Epilepsy (Fits), Chorea (St. Vitus's Lance), anti other. nervous affec- done, receive the attention of an expert in ••tate e e • dolt' by which the greatest shill is attained and the most happy results secured. LU11D DISEASES. -This divistonof the practico in the luvalids' Rotel le very ably wunnged by n B�en-.' Homan• of• mature judgment Incl sttitl, Bronctlial. Throat, and Lung Diseases me very larg(,ely Meted in this department, and with results'whlflt have' been highly graillyingto bout lt1 Boit inn rind patients. • EYE AND RAIL -Special anCntk.n is given to the delicate' operations on the 001 Ind els,. 1 distin- guished oculist :nud um1rl81 hrIng underengogemeut. to conduct this branch 'or the prIlettee Invallde uniting In 'the c 1cy. rtnrl rte1trtut, 10 eon= salt 00 should nom°directlto the flora 1t 18 easily twee/Melo b carriage,.omnibus, or street cars. Mtn- Lau's Omnibus Agens, on alt incoming trains, can be relied upon to deliver passenger.! and baggage with security and.dlspatoh. 9 rAddrossll: V• Plttnett, bL 1.)`�i')rld's I}ispen- maty tad Invalids' hotel, Buffalo, rt• Y,^'• HAS RECOMM.ENOED :BUSINESS • .which is now in full operation,'. From his long expoti- eine and the !acuities he posoosses, h feels competent to give satisfaction to all who may favor Hint with their 0 _ � is es •Wa o11s Gutters-� Sion its Card g ,_�.,, �_ I � • A. SPECIALTY.: - 110rse-S7coeiizy .arid tcll`kxnds of Jobbtn Promptly atiendod to, al �onkondtjlo tutee ,7'O'E N $n=ti:TX i 117 ON Tiondccbor'o, Oct./.11,,.18 • Blyth : Flouring1lld: rlHE subscriber begs to tender his most sincere thanks to his nutperouti 'casto- lners in :'the surrounding toWnahips and the, public generally; for their. liberal patronage, and would; further notify thorn that he has lately lidded most important improvements to his mill. by„pntting in a new engine, double the power heretofore used; and twa•run of first-class stone, with a complete set of num. 'chant bolts, and in fact all the latest and most. ilniproved machinery, together with first-class millers, he is prepared todo first-class work in GRISTINCa, C EIOPPINGF, &,`C Cristo weighed in and out. Parties from it distance:' can have their grists. and chopping home' with thein,the'same day;: Geed Flour and Mill Feed for sale at moderate prices.' LUMBER. LUMBER. The Subscriber would also inform•the pub- lie that he. has a large stock of lumbar, of, different kinds and lengths : I,'ine. from' 10 • to 20 ft.; Hemlock, from 10 to 20,; Cherry, Butternut, White Ash, maple, Soft and Reek Elm, in lengths to suit the public, which en- ables him to fill all orders that he mayy be favorcid with on the shortest noticeand most reasonable -terms. P. EE>•,LY, P.ropriotor. tllytii, Aug: 98,1878'. L. -t • RECEIVED THIS MAY, EX STEAVISI4T!' PO'I�YI�IESI>lN, ales: English wall Paper Ooo rnpl ting SpprungI nortato s ell rla7czn/ stock of' En la sl • and Amer cca7a Wall s anPapers, Botdere Uecoratton d •TV'2n- . 1 1 clowds l2'n,the best I -have ever s ozn•. 8.1 s ]k v • Tho GREAT: fSEiIIE$ft for COORPtIXA NC 34s .9LLAN'S.�.41NTI-FAT to purely vegetable and Perfectly harmless. Stacts ttpon the food in the stomach, preventing Its tieing converted into fat. ` Taken in accordance with di% rection, It will reduce a fat person from two to five pounds per weeks r• -"Corpulence ie not only a disease !Well, but the, ; harbluger of others.', So wrote, Hippocrates two. .. thousand years ago, and. what was true then 1s none . tb0 less 60 to -day. Sold by druggists; or, sent, ti expreos, upon ra-. • Calpt of 51.89, quarter -dozen Stet). `Address; BOTANIC., MEDICINE CO.ra • -Proprietors, Buffalo, N. -rt o t i e.e:'of ;1i em.o va l' BIDDLECO.MBE VVotc h and_ Clock Maker, imwtr.r .,tit, &c':;. t his onsto r and he cold respectfully annotinoo 0 roe o t w r p y. pubic generally, that ainethe la elisreptita Aro, bo ro 'has 'seonred'the , • Store lately occupied by Messrs B. Palliser'4 Co., Whore bo will keep on hand a select assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jowoiry, and Silverware of all kinds, Which, ho will sell at roaaonable rates. Repairing of every doO s rri dorepr o tlo teadedto . 3. BIfDLLICOMl1I7, Atnnrtr SvaEET button, Jan. 24, 1818. . CLIN•TOx PUMP FACTORY. (ilILI4 S YBSC13IBEIt XYE8111.ES Te ItETt111N Jr. sincere thanks for the liberal there of patronage afforded him and would Mao in fmato that hopae �ry Ing the past winter, laid in ii, largo stook of ts olastl• material, end hi now prepared to mike and plat itl, rho Mo i SUPERIOR PUMPS, Ot Itor description, on the troaT 4 � p t), e � Ea'r NOTICb', hili oa the meet yeasenablo tonte. !remember tiro place —next door to A. th ' 81 p r a 107 1: n vAli m5 • CORES DISEASESci 1HR0111R1CW,LIVER &• R AU • ti wonderful Medicine to p al'c ed In the nkt )n i e t the Ikea t nee abuts ilheptcll 1o' relief, the discoverer be•; hetes he hag comhduc,ll in harmon!, more: of Na. •lure's sore; Olga ettrativo:'pr0pc,'ti.es, 141de11 God: line instilled inl0Al:o vegetable kingdottt fol: heal - Mg htt t re O'er bel tng ha sit.., i 1 1(,o a et )re canibincll 11( One t ietlici'ne.. The evident'•e of this fact Is found lr, the great variety tilt most obstinate meow;ea'ty h lot ii, lino been roma' to conryl101. In the mire or 8trottehitis, Severe Coughs, and the early. 8E41;04 of ()Open ran tion It luta astonished the medical faculty, ,anti eminent physicians pro- nounce it the grenlest medical tdi1eovery. of the age, SVIdle it cures the.'.sevedest toughs, it ateengllmertl: the system Anti purifies the biooil, JW its great and Ullmann!! bi'aort..p,irtly Ing properties', It mires nit Jilt t)torp, 'from Vie' worst :scrofula ton ttanftno'd itiuteb frills. Y , 1 •• 1 plc, or ,r1( utt. ,i ran •i ti li ens tiff tdrrt, Poisons, n, ends their etTenitt Pre arndieef•ted, and Viggorony benllh'awl't1 dhlll01 constitution eolith. 1is1181 ' 1•)ttpot t:a, Snit-t'ltenttt, Fowl' Sorra•, -m(tI f• or ars.►.,rich Shitty in short, nil the uuu + r,•ti r' !lift sass a lure,! ht' bud blood :hrr aotulnc,ed u)' this pnmtot'hil, purifying, tot In. Vig• ratit(f! medicine: • If cm, foil (lull (r0w1+s' d.'Lilitated, hate rnitott• color of '`!tin, nr yellot,'i.•b 1' '.,1 n 0,113 nfi :two or 1 1' batt • h•c•'tt p1( to 1(h t n t ✓✓, bait : t�t3t n' , t' l tc to t tatc i body, h.:rr:,ad tre tt nr "hit rat+r n r~d WW1. bei 111t5hf1, t. n, y"1 pt+ (1n;1 giU"11l" Tof erre-h(. ie. repose i,rl,•.,rs ,ttni ,t„r a.e ,r„a Q,i. 01,1)1 ;es st18Ci (p g 1 'err, IRt('(1131 IA '8.1'1°- 11 •` Ittii(tit �.' .. Iteeett 1 lY) umnt ease! t l t t r Y t,tti•' plltioI_1” , tit putt of tope aci nlli Ct v r 're:ranee, E^I'1 rxlItO't t,tr .:i a (7 t,0 ,.. VIP! a t r l.,' , .err ( 4,1 r t, If' cave, t,*r1( cant .1;,114,4 r;, ..•1." :CASTS 1.1 Si =ytii' SO r• Itch esofi s aekereith Shop', .'V. tie? 1'(11'1•:, rA?uES L'ERCttJSOIf, r : - 1 1.1 ). •'-'1111 11Jinton, Agit 12, 1877. call the attention I � would tt tenti o of ' Housekee ars • to the fact that my stock in the abovegoods-has .. � direct.from�.Factoriesin ' been 'bought the En 1w, Nevi `Yor . _ Th ` Patterns i land and N 1� a are all. ne and '.can suit . ...c • e. 1 n all comers. , -t f E a e cut o Ji<st reGel�e� ,far � � p.. H � 0 CARPET PRICES`' TO .SUIT THE TIMES; -JAMES A. YUlLIL u . C' IT7.I 0INT 0C0K' •.EXPRESS" AND TELEG1tAPlI OFFICE. CLINTON, May 2, 1878.' i HAS NOW RECEIVED HIS CAREFULLY SELECTED . STOCK OF �. . AND' A:S. HE HAS. i3017GIIT AT BOTTOM TIGUR,ES r`OR CASH1 HES '. • • IS PB PARED TO WYE ' HIS' CUSTOMER'S., - THE. ADVANTAGE OP. 1T. 'see l aw Call for • Yourselves. Terms --as--usual, . fl11.8 AND1•NT•S� GLASS' S O. "V TI W A iVi r� Gallon. RE I � CO° � 0 �°15 centse .GallonCan. and 5 Gallons.of Coal Oil for -31.25. 81.25. STOVE PIPE: 10 cents per len h. ' ELBOWS, 15 'c",a�nts, e o HAVE TRO1 GH� 8 cents perfoot. �A �.. �, �6for' 8 1.oU ILII PANS, •,0 100 NAILS, 82.E for lbs. i:IRST CLASS TIIIISMfTHS: ALWAYS fS TO HAND, CT,INTOXV, Max12, 1878. •