The Clinton New Era, 1878-06-06, Page 6Per thecorning season we are introducing inany"new: and, valuable improvements, which will plane' sur •machines rut 'ts . el:meson of any' others inanufact,ured'•iq the Dominion. `1'1 a es •- pecially call the attention of threshers` to. our CLIMAX 'SEPARATOR, with the .i'etv'End Shake Shoe, Which, for smoothness' of running, capacity and perfeotion'of. cleaning, far aur. • passes anything yet Produced., It has been thoroughly tested; ; has proved a complete' success, and• is folly warranted.: R:=3A'D. TI3.mo mnomit 0'W TN G• T7E S.T=MON•=A.L RIVOCEFIELD, May 11,1,'878. . s 11'.is, with pleasure I testify to. the`superiorityof your NEW END SirAaxE CLIsmic SErnilATon. I thoroughly tested it Iasi season . nd ,cana'. hat et runs the smoothest and g y t y . lightest, ltits the largest capacity for 8eyar•ating ;and clearlirrg, ,avred does the best win.* of any machine I have yet seen. ,:It ie, quite,nuneoessary brace,the machine; Alintlrat isxequkrgd is to set it in place,Itheii it leady .for :work, and,it will run without' jar 02' noise ,.- I would.• not llav8;ilny other't tun the Nrw' L#; -v S TAKE -• • - . • JOIIN AIKEN'READ MANY OTHER IMPROVEMENTS, such as Iowering. the front. (or Cylinder)' end o machine, adding.a tightener pulley .to•Panning,Mill Belt, windlass for_raising.the. Straw Carriers, improved "Concave Adjuster," etc., havabeen made, which 'will add largely hsthe,:, worth of machine._ . ° ••• 0'011, FITT'S POWERS have been improved in .various. ways,' still further adding to their durability, conVenienee, and ease of running. `` ALL MACHINERY 18 IS llUN AND CAREFULLY TESTEDBEFORE.ILEAVING THEFACTORY.FACTO Y. • JV' solicit,•insnectlo1•.before purdhasingelseluhere. GLASGOW,:"'MACPHESSON $s `f✓®. C3 tA'zoN Aoluour O'UnAL Worixs, May,' 1978. • arae'.• • 6 AlmiQ,rjea'n News Items. In„ 17:20 •tbere were but seven news, papers in America. Grand Chief Arthur, of the Brother- hood of I,,000motive Engineers,; deniee the report of a ceasing general railroad strike. Thesteamshipp Russia, of the Cunard line, sailed from. Liverpool on `Wednes- day on its: ninety-ninth round trip be- tween thatt port and New York, u Mrs. John Provost,. a f Pery allnock township, N J., is charged with beating her nine-year-old'stepson and then roast- - in'g-hierhancle ancl•'-feetsover-•the-stove, While a serenade was` being given. a newly 'Wedded couple on Thursday night,. at,A.lno, Ind., the bride wtts'inatantly _..hilted by,a paper wad fired from a chug.• ket by a serenader. - An Italian living in New. Yolk has just been acoased of blinding by holding red-hot iron before their eyes, • This was a species of punishment used ' in middle ages, and called '0abttcinare." A Baltimore man. has been arrested for playing ghost by dancing around at night on tho top of houses in`ltis night- shirt, his "object being to depreciate. property in his neighbourhood so that Ire could buy it cheap. • Andy Compagnion, st desperate char- acter was taken from bed a:Owensville, on Wednesday; by six. masked Men, carried to the outskirts, and riddled with bullets. Coin.pngnion` had been suspect- ed of an attempt to rob Jas, • ., Robin son, a prominent: cattle dealer. Philip Game, an Arkansas Murderer, regular 1 r 'ur . after'' a was srcryuittt.d by a y. long trial, He found'that. he was not yet out of danger, fora mob seizedhim and hung' him to a tree; but after 'the departure of the .lynchers• he was .cut down and revived bya friend, lie started :'for a. hasty ight out ofthat neighborhood, but ason :oftlle Murdered. span overtook and killed him. number in addition to the 100,000 ne- pessary to complete the original contract. The farmers of some of the lower coun- ties of Illinois have begun. to cat wheat,. 7.t',iglitthousand acres of the Grand Prairie, in Arkansas, Wave been soldto. a Canadian colony. The fact c'wme out in a trail in an Francisco the other day *that a woman had, carried. $20,400 in greenbacks in he bustle for nearly six months. A terrible cyclone, 9r wind storm, rags d over a portion of Missouri on Sat - 1, � urday, • destroying everything in its course, 15 persons were killed at once, -about-l?i.Q:,t;ei'ioeely.:wouhded, stock de- stroyed and houses, barns and bridges innumerable.. blown, to -splinters;* In 1808 AIL Willard found a turtle on. his farm hear Tdartford;; and put his initials and the data on the .shell. " He fund `him again iii 1802, half a mile West, and' added the new date: 'Last Saturday, he foulid hire again and mark, ed"him, • ` In the pooketeof"a ragged tramp re- cently taken up. in New Haven, Conn.,• were about half a peck of cigar (stumps and scraps of folded paper. On opening these scraps each was found to contain a sum of money. There were four five. pound Bank ofEnglatid notes; four gold sovereigns and $74.05 in money of the ,United Scutes—.almost $20,0 altogether. A -wet an who -has lived Jorsonie, time in Nevada, disguised as. a wan, , 'was . married to another womenlasttautuInn. The bride has just revealed the secret, sxplaiuiag._ her silence by saying that she did not know what course to pursue;.' she was ashamed. to acknowledge that• she;•had. been so 'imposed `upon, and shrank from 1 tub:flitting the truth. At Mansfield, O., on :Friday morning' a; mob of 2,000,' who had•congregated_to s:Ge what they could of the execution of, Webb, the colored murderer, made t rrlsh, overpowered the guards, sealed the jail fence and tore down the greater.part of the enclosure. The .sheri 'telegraphed the Governor, saying that finless he hung, Webb•publicly'the mob Would tear down the jail. The Governor re p1) hied, direct= ing him to carry out t'be sentence' of the raw, and, at`2:20, Webb was Banged. Twelve years ago. John • Taper ,and' his Son .murdered':incald,.bl jj•at St. .• ar Louis an old .lad . MaryBottom; who' yr ,.. •was'tiid principal ;witness a•.G ainst them, i a,lt►.w t:. .. ie' ee 1 of the :.plac took them, from•,ge,ol• and hanged: them tiso a rieotttli m ontree,butm 1 oldn P , ea down before the rope liad done,its workk. Ho was again arrested, bet made bis' escape, and was not re -captured,'. until the other day, when ho. was taken in the disguise of a labourer, and now 'awaits hie. trial. ' Last Thursday r, men boa rang -mos€ Territory, jui;t=after' tion. They entered _ car', proceeded to rob the. passengers, took a watch and one 'hundred:' dollars from . one passenger, fifty, dollars and tickets from another, and a gold watch and thirty-five dollars, from the sleeping car conductor. ' Someone pulled . the, '' boll cord, and the robbers *plied off. They fired three harmless shots at .the sleepers. A. largo force of armed men went in pursuit, The Union Pacific Railway Co. has offered' a reward of $1,000 for the robbers. • Travelling -is rather •dangerous' in some parts of Minnesota: A 111r Miner was recently, attacked by wolves while roturning'home. ' The fierce beasts sprang at his horses,. and when Mr.. Miner struk,mhe nearest one with. bis whip it meld a leap to..get to him, but struck against ,the . waggon -box, At this moment Mr, ¥T s,'dog brassily ,attacked this wolf, and was at oncer set rspon.:tby-the wool, 'pack and, killed and almost entirely 'devoured.. This gave Mr. Miner an opportunity to whip up bis horses' and make off, which be did at full gallop, calling oiit'lolidly for help. Cries attracted the attention of Mr Josel'in and -family,• ahp came tt the rosette, and the wolves were driven off. But for the' fortunate interference - .of - the dog the result might have been much more serious. ` The Providence; Rhode Island, Tool Company gave some information a day or two since „that goea to show that Thrice crushed to earth Will rise again. The original centred . of the company with the Turkish Government. was .1bi' the manufacture of 000,000 stand of arms, and 500,000 were made and dei livered. But payment for these was delayed, and before the cotnpany would begin to manufacture the remaining 100,000, they demanded a deposit su& eient to cover their cost. This deposit the Turkish Government was unable to make, in .consequence of the extraordi-' nary war expenses it was called- upon to meet, and so, four months ago, the corn• pany suspended further work on the con- tract, Withih the past two week satis- factory arrangements' have been made with the Turkish agent, .and work has been resumed. . The Turks have lost 100,000 riffles in the recent wary and a Supplementary contract 'will probably be made for the manufacture of that. gists in America.. ' ight four masked ger train in Utah it left•'Perce3' St a_ Middle -sleeping THE :CLINTON N.A;i. yY' ERA, 0 NI E Ti I FOFt. THE TRAVELING PBLIC As the time has now arrived..when a great many, in both town and country, will be on the move, some f'•nin necessary (muses and others seekingpleaauro, and'as all such must ltava'sonii:thing in the, shape of a TRUNK OR SATCHEL, 'the with Itis HARNESS bisinese, . :. subscriber would Worn; intt,,nding• travellers that he has on hand,. in Connection A' A.II,0.1 ASSORTMENT OF T U EE-- —: &i D , C2 ., Y1IIG Wi WILL SELL VERY.0HEA1' FOR CASH. JOIiN CAMPBELL itiron' Street. Clinton, 11lity, 8; 1.878, • NEW TIME. CARD. (+11 it ND miff UN lc. R ,i'LWA.Y.' Orr 'AND AFTER' MONDAY; MAT 2,7,in, Paseonger I,j 1se wai leave Clinton (station as follows Gore EAa'r. Exprc,N,.).9 50 p, m. 3Iixed.,7 27 n. m.,10 a m., 4,25 p. m:• GOING.Wast'—l:xpreFe, 2.45 p, M. , Mixed, 10 5.85 p.m.. 0.201, m. • 'Saturday EXCURSION tickets To London, Go0orich an4.•Stratford, good to return un letwas, reduced rates,' T. HICKSON, General Manager: A:• srti:kJTQN, agent at Clinton._ Clinton, May 28, 1878. • '• John Ross of Casnovia, Michigan,'llad at ailing wife. it :was oerten) .thatahe . . eould not recover, and he thought . that he might as well look round for her sno- ,ctissor. . He '.chose the daughter of a neighbor, .and so informed -las wife, who told him that he Would not stay long •in . the' way.. That night she drowned herself. A. mob tarred. and fathered Mr•. Ross. Speaking of funeral rites and memo- . nice, .a .Cincinnati.genti'eman' mentions• a a very curious' case. " He writes Some years ago, at a funeral of a friend, I was seated in 'a carriage with .a person who ;in face carried All the habiliments of woe: I .was not aware he was acquainted •with, the'deceaiEd. 1 'became inquisitive. Says I; Are you a relation it' He promptly answered 'iNo."•. "A fiend "• i' No, ;1 kiwi noftlie man•" .In 'Yankee fashion:I said, !Why attend his funeral and look so sjd: " `said; '" In .fact I am troubled villi: "'d s" a sift ' Y P P •..;My doctor advised 4164: lido,' ' .1 _oral _•,too; poor 10'hire a carriage; and therefore" This free.to• funerals." .practfee .not very different from that of the de-, cayed:Bostoniau who was seen for sever, ral years at every funeral, .in Alm old' times, when it'was customary' to., set forth cold refreshments oh these ooca- efforts.; This old fellow, battened up to'. .the -ebin, without a shred of linen .in sight, wofiticl sidle up to the table•in the back -room,: fill a glass witit sherry,,: and rolling q. t4. Whites of Ms eyes would. murmur, "Sad loss we have met with, gentleiilen 't' gnlli his drink, and, with a deep sigh, take tip his shabby 1raC' .and' go tttvay. , Ben -Taylor., a colored man living in this .046, hag •lately returned from. Washington, whither he has been to .se etre a patent for a'steam engine, which he Ike invented, and, which, if thejudg Went of many exDer-iencedand.scientifio nieli•to whom be has shown his model is correct; is calculated to entirely. •revolu- tionlze the present application of steam. Tho engine is rotary, having the steam, applied at thecircumference of a wheel, giving thus treble the force of ordinary engines, with no diminishing of ,power at the•.various stages of the .revolution of the wheei, ' This. invention dispenses with all the machinery except the one wheel, which .• answers at once the• pur- pose of cylinder and driving wheel, and two« steam boxes through which .the steam is applied. It is •.estimated that engines on this plan can • be manufactur- ed at onefourtb, °elope, the, cost of those noiv in use, .and: their simplicity "an& the possibility of : making them of ex treinely light weight will extend the Use. of steam engines beyond the present'.. limit. Ben Taylor, fhe. inventor, is .a sort of mechanical genius, having before manifested an insight into mechanics of' no ordinary degree. His invention, if nothing fails; --and the. probabilities are in his favor,—will rank him among the first inventors of„the day.—•Rosedale,• Ago, Jor tinea. A Remarkable Result, It makes no difference how many physipians, or how much medicine you have tried, it is" now an established fact that German Syrup • is the • only remedy which has givencomplete eat- isfaction in severe eases of. Lung Di• ceases, It is true there are yet thou• sands of persons who are :predisposed tf► Throat and Lung' Affections, Con- sumption, • Hei>yorrbages, Asthma, Se - Vero Colds settled on ' the Breast, Pneumonia,' Whooping Cough, &O., who .have no 'knowledge sof . Bosciiee'a German Syrup. To • such we • would say' that 50,000 dozen were sold last year without 0110 complaint,°' Con- sumptives try just ono battle,° Rego -- lar size 75 cents: Sold by all Drug. AtTIoN, Each P1ug of the Myrtle le• • Navy, Tobacco IS STAMPED 3E3 - IN GILT LETTERS. '• i None, other I's G"renuine Hamilton, biai'oh 21,1878. AGENCY OP '• ° :Cut7EEN . ' ISOLATE RI Sl‹,. Aso :STANDARD,'_ �.EC'QiVIA.NIE S INSITRA C �-'. Tasks .ofcall d ri' io `taken at the lowest rotes. ; oso i>ti u 3 , t. CJ. ]tiT10I17`r''`. 1 Qlinton,Fo1.?, 878.. ... t ,. • SXe �1TLal NJ�,' y/., •• MORTGAGES,; tl O h$, AND syrimt fxotacl ,.,tr t .r Buri ies' P'urehaaed. CONY '4i:i A•. G.I.NG, Y . , . ,. • - -w rV..'VA111:AR: - r . , :. .. " . « (10030 .TEA for 80, 90; 50, 80, and 75 collie 'per llf. ". GOOD SUGAR, 11 pounds for ono dollar. ' • MRS. REESLEY'S'. MILLINERY. Establishment . A targe.' assortment of 1'EttT„HERS, FLOWERS, SILKS and RI1iB0N8, in tho nowost•eltadee. •• A1so,,a large stook of FELT, ant ST1i&W 1iA` K of. the latest styles.. CORSETS, .Co, Agont for DVTTatcx's PATTwnas of garmerltlr of 81] descriptions ; a large stock kept on hand.' Felt and Straw Hats cleaned and altered Clinton, Oct. 18,.1877. MONEY .10-0. LOAN, • ON EASY RMS, Can Uy whiok the prinTEcipal an lief 'r©pald 1n 'part pr 'ail at alai 'time (hiring .the term of "man. A P1'LY :7•o W. canton, Mareh.1878 1J132' Scoo ttish•:CommerciaI Fire Insurance Co., OF GLASGOW. Capital, Two 1$111ioll►g S 'iplin Assets, ... -' 1,�O0O,Oe¢:. PILOVINOE OF'ONT,Aaio BRANCH. Head ;Office - 7 Toronto Street, TORONTO BOAIRD OFDIRECTORS Join L:' DLAneis, Esq., Chairman, Presiddnt Canada Landed CreditCbmpany. ' ' JOAN S. PLAyFAnt, Esq., of Bryce, McMarrich & Co.; .:WILLIAM ALSXA;4DE11, Esq., Vito -President Federal Bank of'Canade, • INSPECTOR-RORER7i MoLEAN.' RESIDENT SECRETARY - LAWRENCE 'BUCHAN, Deposited with the -Government at Ottawa, for Seim. Pity of -Canadian Pclicy holders, 3100,000. ' !chis. Company. issues, Policies of Insurance agaidst loos• or damage 'by'fire or lightning, on,iiereantile, man- ufacturing, farm and•houeehold risks, at current rages. Policies aro' issued from and Ios`see settled .directly by the Toronto office, withodt. delay. •.• • All Premiumms taken in countrT aro Canadian securisies.'. • •' • • .AGENT' FOR CLINTON AND 'VI.Onirrri Clinton, July 1,:1877. .• :. W011111 ..KN I C W.IIERE:'TO GET GOOD CIIJMP GRtCJiES Clinton; Nov. 01874 47 GOOD"RAISINS,.1$ ponndefer ono,enol•. RANT'S' . EXCELSIOR` RAY FORK A dn'e aisertrnent at • ' RIVALS THE WOULD. 1• . • Patented by PETER GRANT, of Clinton, Qpt., for tbo Dominion o1 Canada,'anjl has boon gradually grow- ing In favor, until it has now been pronounced by all. candid Judges snporlor to anything of the kind ever in- vented': It has oaken six flat Provincial Prime in Cala- da, previous to its introduction into the United States, and at the Centennial Exposition, • held at Philadelphia, 1878, it received the only medal, and commendatory re• port bt, the ltu1ges, over thirty-seven competitors. It is now introduced to the agrieniturist of the 'United Status and Dominion of Canada, with the confident belief' that it must supersede all other appliances of the ]4ad. The patentee has testimonials from hundreds of prominent agriculturists in the province. It Only moires to be • seen to be fully appreciated. The advantages claimed' for it aro, that it does its workquicker, better, andwith lase attendant labor. than any other fork.' A boy. 12 yeasts of age can handle it with the greatest ease. They ars extensively manpfactarred by Gotderich Slannfactur, ing Co. Price, $12, , - For prises and tun particulars, and applications for agencies, township and eonntry rights, manse PETER (MART, CLINTON; ONT. Or, OoNconnvxLL).,.Ding, 00.; Pe., for linked states. Clinton, April 22r1878. • MONE - CO LOAN, -4. 7 On approved Farm or Town property; for any .term from one to twenty years, or repayable at such perfods, eith...er itr,:inetalnlentsor otherwisezes. may. .bo agreed • upon: • The Interest, on payment of any nett of the principal; et pace come on each amount. , p ' If it ie,arraitged to pay the interest' hali•yearlf, not to advance, the rate, per annum, for thspresent, will be 8 por'cent. On loans for a fixed Corm of years, 8> per cent, if interest is made payable yearly, not in adaanee, OlnAnGES MODERATE.: 1Cpregaiesand Municipal debentures purchased 'Igor (dither parlietilare apply to , C', A. 11A1.LTP, Attorneyat-Law. Cllntou.'ti7itiy 12,1877.. Clung, Glass and Crockery, "very •cheap Call and gee stock bolore purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of Prodhea taken lit exchange for goods. F.ItE$JL GICSTEl1S con*tantly on, hand. CUNINGFIAIIIE it =REREAD, Clinton, Nov. 8,1877. - D:Efl 1' K1I Gi • 164116,.# iL C` 01/741k. 104%0 Ian SUIISORIBEH BEGS LEAVE TO STATE 1. to the public that ho keeps conatantl ori hand a largo an8 superior dm of . • �' COF'INSrSTSE T CA S TS, g and Robes, Coin Trimmin s with a eplendf.t 13EANSE, PLAIti dorPXNs. always on.liand. Parties can be supplied in one hour, at anytime, at TEN PEE (DENT LESS Than tan bo procured at any Other piece, A- full stook' of FURNITURE Always enbawl. , ° THOS. STEVENSON. Clinton, May10,1877, vee moi. Y.))r. `Vrrt,. Gra y°1.4 i' peciflc 7.VXediellie 13y reading and practicing • KNOW the ineetirilable trutics eon- • tallied in the best metinsal book ever isued, entitled GREAT TnglishTHE Remedy h io especially re• commended as an unfailing euro for Seminal Weak- ness, Spentiatorr- hest, Impotency, R+: A " 'and all dieoases • Before Takia .. hat follow as a After Taking, o sequence of Self Abnao,AB boss ofitl•'emory,UniversalLaseitnde,Pain in the Eabk, Dimaoea of Vision, Premature 014 Ago, and many other diseases that lead to Insanity' er Consump- tion, and a Premature Greve, all of which an a rale are' first canoed by deviating from the path of nature -and over•indulgonoe, Tho Speckle. Medicine is the rden] tnf e life studyy and many years of experience in treating those hpooial dfspasea. Pamphlet free 51:l ail, The Specigqo Median.) in sold by 111 Drngg�iitlte at Elliot Pack- age, a e Orbit aeka eifor' S et will be•seat b maii,an g, g g >$ i Iteoefptof the money',by, addressing WM, G1tAY•at CO.,. Windsor, Ont., Sold in °Hatoa by 3. 11.'Oombo,and ail a1Idrnggintaererywnore, Mau .1.' 3; SELF.PI5ESERVATION THYSELFAiceonlyQ1. sentbrmail on .reoelpt' of price. 7t tents ofExh&uated Vitality Premature Decline, Nervous and phyeleal Debility* and the endlcs8 tr,nconritant ids tad 'untold mlaorle1 that result t'nerefrorn, and contains there than 5obrlginal i.re- tcr]pptions, anyq one of which is worth ilio price of Ile -book, Thl8bookVMSwritten bytitemostex. tensiVemid probably the roost akilfelpreetitlout't nr America, to whom was awarded a gold and, Jew. rood medal bytlheNatianaiiiiodicnlAsaodiMion. A. I'ninphict,, illuntrefed with tho very !roost 416 titrcl•lsttgravinga truer- .r.1 of art non boaaty-- 1116i acct S'htlt/ to nil•. Semi (.r it at ante. A dress i tl:titt)R'Y. htl';171C1ti: . , AI rNti'f1'r11Tls, itp. 13 IIa1+ F liiv,hti'•, 1)eeton,llXaea• ��YS�� JUNE 878. IN THREE COLORS, 'AT GILRors, G 0 t cos es, ;AS " ro • TEE.4.:vm TOO M.4.14- '. s • s. RS NAVY .BLUE "MYRTLE 'GREEN SEAL BROW :;AT Clinton,:' June 6,' 1878:,. C.tiI.i:: ROY'.S,: • I�p�c`�11t .�lld V�EIl��IO � �p1jI�0V0111C��S, P0� �$�� A GLS a .OW, MSI CPP IERSON 6' CO.,. blAIMPACTURER$ OF bLIM AX 1NGMACHINES: • YII RATOR•. THFLESHIN(d• MACHINES•,.. I'ITT'S IMPROVED: HORSE POWERS, AGIt, UULTVJUL i3TEA➢i" iiNGINES... • INDIEM0011111 IMMIX ():DERiOH EpimDftY Manufacturing Company, , Gi-o i.:Tur i1i , b ''N T. Mien, gines. and Mill Machinery of Latest Styles. Middlings pur'ifier's, of Improved. Kinds .• . AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, 'STOVES of various kinds. Brass and Iron Castings REpAIE$ PR()mPT,d Y ' A.2'Z'EklinziTGs . , - P!O SALE CHEAP --Second-hand Engines and Boilers. of 10, 20 and 30 gorse Power i ale°, 'Stave: Machine, Shingle and Heading 1Vlaehine,•and Heading . ": Jointer.and Plainer; Gonfalon, Feb.' 1, 1;87,7. ' Tilil TIIO1ISOI It WiLLIA1VI S MA%VMC2IIING CO. CP S TRATFORD).. INCORPORATED ' 1874, Successors.to trhomson & Williams, or:Mitchell, - N. �1..n. s.a•4, Agricultura , 'DIRE' TOItSS ItOB]+]RT TI•IOMSON Parsinnsr A. R. WY LLIAMS, 'Yyu:ma'ars. ; ALEX. GRANT, Sect -Teens.; J. '°DTi ORD," W. MOWAT,; J. CORCORAN, 1V..11IARSRALTr, . b w. v✓n r offer. ..u•n.w.+.r✓. J11 ,., /.,w • MAN'TIPAOT'UR1tRS O]' Johnston harvesters, Single Reapers, Mowers and Combine , Machines, Broadoast Seeders, 'Sed Drills, $ors..e Powers, Sawing . ' Machines, Grain (crushers, straw Gutters, Plows,' Gang Plows, &e., Stearn, Engines and Boilers all sizes' • Builders of Stec g " 'NATER Widal LS AND ALTs KINDS OF' MILT; NA.C$INE1t t. Contractors for Oriel and Sala fittlia evmptde, lso for Wafer Works for cities, towns and ,. tiilkWes, bre aid.II'oiiy System. arta" Meese 7adory Machinery 4 Specialty. A l ill8Sr•TROMoO1i t WILLIA s MAIlU1A011111 BC CO., OT.RAT1ORP „ cob, 9;.I$7Gi •